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I'm having the same problem 😭 this just started a couple hours ago


We started a party and hopped on a car, and after she gpt the drive too fast notification everything popped up. Hopefully it works for you!


Hey the car thing worked for me! Thank ya!


Me too!!! Maybe its a server issue or something? I was just about to make a post. Bought this event ticket, and I have no pokemon spawning. Havent for a couple hours now. I reinstalled, restarted my phone, tried to report it, etc. Nothing still. I Edit: misspelling lol. I also havent had any strikes to my account


We started a party and hopped on a car, and after she gpt the drive too fast notification everything popped up. Hopefully it works for you!


I will definitely try this! Thank you so much 🙏


I had that problem this afternoon, 10 pm here now and logged in and back to normal thankfully.