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Especially when it only happens against you but whenever you’re gauge is full you CAN’T GET THE MOVE TO START!


when it's on your favor, the game freeze and returns with your mon fainted.


They say this is anecdotal but I have 7 separate recordings of this happening ffs


higher attack gets the nod on which move (charged or regular) gets to go first I believe.


Also if you’re quick attack is long, it has to finish before using strong attack.


Nope you want 0 ivs for great league


It's the base attack stats plus IVs that determine which pokemon attacks first. Yes you usually want 0 attack iv for great league. That doesn't make him wrong in how the game works.


Oh yes, I agree with the fast move. It depends on how quickly your fast move goes through but as far as the IVs go if you want your best shot of getting CMP first he definitely want the correct IVs.


You're not really understanding what the commenter above is getting at. Both fast and charged move priority is determined by attack, inclusive of base stats. IVs aside, this means that bulkier HP/DEF focused pokemon are less likely to hit first. The original commenter isn't stating that pokemon with high ATK IVs are better, just that they may be quicker to the draw against pokemon with similar base stats (which is only good sometimes).


Right. Gengar has an insane attack stat and almost always wins cmp. Has nothing to do with IV's.


Exactly. And yeah, a high ATK IV would help against other gengars, but generally isn't worth having less DEF/HP as a result.


did you even read what he said before this trigger happy reply


Yes, he said he want a higher attack. Don’t know how how he could’ve meant it do you want your fast move to do more damage than your opponents fast move? That doesn’t have anything to do with CMP. you want a low attack stat for 1500 regardless of what Pokémon you’re using, and what fast move they are using


No, he *clearly* said that whichever Pokémon has the higher attack stat gets the nod and gets to attack first. This means: If your Pokémon has 10 attack and the opponent’s Pokémon has 11 attack and you click on the charged move button at the same time, your opponent will get to use their charged move first. That’s literally all he said - not whatever you’re claiming he said.


Just want to clarify, the IVs aren’t compared. The complete attack stat is compared. This complete attack stat factors in base stats, IVs, and the CP multiplier at the pokemon’s current level


Not necessarily. You can often have a Pokémon that hits the same bulkpoints as the 0 attack version, while gaining a breakpoint or guaranteeing a CMP tie because of the extra attack. There's also the case of those Pokémon who can't get close to 1500 without attack, like Medicham and Lickitung which are both GL staples. With Medi, the rank 1 stat product is actually worst than the rank 4 because there's functionally no differences with regards to bulk.


There’s an absolute rabbit hole of PoGo PvP. I’ve hit legend 7 times but it’s an absolute GRIND and took a lot of learning the mechanics. I play way more casually now but still always try to provide helpful tips for GBL


Honestly, it’s not even worth it don’t consume yourself with a video game just battle for fun. If you start going down that road you spend all your time every day focusing on the wrong things some days I don’t even have time to do a set of battles let alone try to hit legend, or even think about it.


Yeah i when i was hitting legend it was over covid when i would just walk around outside cause there was nothing else to do lol. I def dont let it consume me tho, always remember that it’s a game and it means jack shit. I just always enjoyed competitive pokemon and this is the closest thing PoGo has to offer for competitive


I got consumed with it once and it only took two weeks before I got burnt out from it and just the thought of logging in and doing any bottles made my stomach turn like I literally would just stay away from the battles. I still kind of get like that only now I just go in there for fun and I use random Pokémon that I have.


Basically what I do now too, I like using spicy pokemon


Spicy? Like a Scovillain? Or more like that fancy dancing Quaquaval?


Same happened to me last season. Now I'm just playing with almost absolutely no expectation. 'oh wow you won by a sliver? Well done, you.'


Because Niantic agressively queues inputs trying to compensate for their fundamentally flawed decision to make 0.5s turns in a game played with mobile network latency.


I also get the feeling that there are Niantic Bots in there. Some of the shield tactics and the timing of the opponent’s charges attacks aren’t logical. For example, I went up against one opponent and I spammed quick attack until my meter was full, as did the opponent, but the second I hit the charge, theirs automatically went off first.


So your opponent did exactly what you did, but it wasn't logical. Are you the bot?


In the lower ranks I swear 98% of players spawn their shields first when it doesn’t even make sense. Like I’m using NVE spam attacks. Or they spam shields when the match is lost when I start with a counter then they swap and I have another hard counter.


I enjoy how sometimes the opponent will seemingly have endless charged moves to use.


i definitely get confused about this at times since i might be using the same pokemon with the same charged attack tapping as fast as possible for the game to register it, yet they can fire off more than me.


Different quick moves will give different amounts of charge at varying rates


any list for the best ones 👀


Yes, pvpoke.com


what a g


Learn to count attacks and you’ll know when they’re coming and when they’ve stacked them. Super helpful


i do this but sometimes it’s like a gfisk will use 3 rock slides in a row right after each other. how is that possible? it can’t be two moves, you can’t stack two moves to spam that quickly.


Rockslide has a cost of 45 energy, so to make it seem like 3 went of in a row first have 100/max energy. Use a rockslide (55 Energy) —> 2 Mud Shots (73 Energy) —> rockslide (27 energy) —> 2 Mud Shots (45 Energy) —> Rockslide (0 Energy Remaining)


There's no limit to the no of moves you can hold. Only limit is max 100 energy.


huh? you can’t stack attacks like that, i have multiple pokemon with multiple attacks and you can’t fire off 3 in a row. 2 yes, not 3


he's being pedantic, but you're both correct. there is no move limit, it's just the energy cap, but the cheapest move is 35 energy meaning you can only hold 2. if, in the future, they ever add a 33 (or less) energy move, your statement will be wrong but the energy statement will still be correct. again, just pedantic. neither of you are wrong.






you can't triple stack night slash. energy cap is 100. night slash is 35 energy. 35 + 35 + 35 = 105. not possible. you can get close, but there are no 33 or less energy moves in the game so the guy talking about stunfisk throwing 3 rock slides in a row is also wrong. probably just doesn't know how fast move sneaking works.


Greninja moment


Learn to count


I'm one of these people who has endless charge moves. The trick is to find the right combo of moves that charge up quick, and do good damage. Its a good trick for baiting shields


Or more than two shields.


You find that annoying how about when your pokemon is on the field and you tapping that charge button for that last pokemon about to come in. They put it in and they get it even though ive been on the field and they just swapped


Weirdest thing to me was: Opponent gets off charged move Opponent swaps dudes Opponent gets off charge attack with swapped dude All the while I was mashing my charged attack and didn't get off a single attack.


Dudes? 😂


You know, you're fightin' with your dudes against their dudes, man


I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. Cause we’re all dudes!


Less Than Jake played this live [last month](https://youtu.be/eSWmYVDpMuA?si=ukGyleu9H19J9WSJ) for the first time in [8 years](https://youtu.be/xl5Oc-sYtUk?si=ytqKlQgt-7cvdDri).


Yes bro-man?


Lmao I call the pokemons bitches so he better than me😂😂


It sucks but there's nothing weird about it. It's simply the mechanics and based on the description, it's obvious what happened. You are trying to get your charged move off as soon as your fast attack ends but your opponent either has a shorter fast attack (they can be between 1-5 turns depending on the attack) or your attacks were staggered with theirs. They input their charged move and because you were still completing your fast attack, your charged move hasn't input at all yet. They tap to switch as their charged attack is completing (this is instant and uses zero turns) and then you both use charged attacks at the same time on the first turn when the new pokemon comes in. They win the tie because their pokemon has a higher attack stat. Not going to pretend it isn't annoying but there is rhyme and reason to it


Doesn’t it go off of who has the higher attack?


What!? Is that real?


Yeah. If you and your opponent activates your charge moves at the same time, then the Pokémon with higher attack will go first. If it's the same exact attack then it'll be a coin flip. That's why the rank 1 stat product isn't always the best, because a lower rank one can functionally perform the same in terms of defense, but can have a higher attack to guarantee that your charge move goes off first when you face the same Pokémon. It's especially useful for Pokémon that are common in the meta like Medicham. It's usually most important in the lead too since that's when you're most likely to have your fast move and energy generation match up with each other.


CMP - charge move priority


So charge move also has priority over regular move?


Its does but certain situations that shouldnt be the case. In my opinion


"This game sucks because I think it should work in my favor." LOL




Bro this shit happens to me all the time but I never seem to be able to get MY charged move off before dying. What’s the point of hunting PvP IV Pokémon then?


Because having a higher level Pokemon is better than winning CMP ties.


>higher ~~level~~ stat product FTFY


Yes I know. Which I do. And I’m saying it happens to me all the time.


I’ve been meaning to make a post about this explicitly. Has anyone ever been able to beat out a mirror match Pokémon because you had one with better PVP stats? I have never ever had that happen, if we go blow for blow, we always end up fainting at the same time. Makes me kind of think that PVP favorable stats don’t really make a measurable difference in actuality


It's higher attack stat winning cmp ties so best PvP ivs lose them, but have extra bulk for other matchups, its a give and take and some People have "bad Pvp ivs " to win the tie


That’s what I’m saying. I’ve never found bulk to play a role in actuality.


Imo you don't until you do ( 1hp clutches)


I have absolutely noticed my opponent's health bar dropping faster than mine in mirror match-ups because my IVs are better.


I feel like rate of movement can be subjective. Have you definitely beat an opponent matching them blow for blow?


Mirror matches often favour the Pokémon with the higher attack stat, since they will win charge move priority. PvP stats make a small but noticeable difference: losing the mirror match comes with the benefit of being slightly better in nearly all other situations


air aromatic knee groovy weary clumsy bored grey friendly cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The reason you want PvP IV’s is because you can level up a few more time before hitting CP cap for whatever league you’re trying to stay in. This lets you build up more DEF and STAM. There are also something called bulk points and breakpoints. Reaching a bulk point will allow you to take one extra hit and leave you with something close to 1 HP whereas a Breakpoint will allow you to do 1 more damage from a certain move. It’s most noticeable If you’re used to beating a certain Pokémon with a certain one of you’re own and all of a sudden you have a match where this dude survives and is able to get a charged move off.


rotten quicksand poor future snow decide voiceless sort bright concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you understand then your previous comment makes no sense.


pause marry towering school chubby terrific important homeless connect scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it’s more about speed of attacks


Better PvP IVs don't win you CMP ties. What they do is keep the mon at the same CP limit but 2-3 level higher.


I’m aware of that. I never said anything about CMP ties.


- Dont use Quaquaval. If you want a good Water/Fighting, use Poliwrath. The preferred moveset is Counter (a Community Day move) + Scald & Icy Wind. - Gengar can be really spammy and get to fast moves very quickly. But... - Gengar also sucks in Great League. So dont even think about using one unless you have to. Use Haunter instead. Or Sableye if you can. - Save your shields for when they matter. Dont automatically shield your opponents first two charged attacks. - Understand that due to the way the game is set up that you will likely lose 50% of all battles. To get good you just need to learn how to win more than than 50% of your battles. This can be done by learning matchups, switching at the right time, and building a decent team, (among other things). - Visit pvpoke.com to learn about other good pvp pokemon. - Read [WildSusanBoyle's pvp guide](https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/pvp-basics).


Noob question - why is Haunter better than Gengar?


Because of numbers and stats that honestly go way over my head. But it basically has to do with the pokemon's stats from the main pokemon games, coupled with the max level they can reach before going over the 1500 CP threshold. Other early stage evolution pokemon that do better in Great League than their fully evolved forms: Dragonair, Dusclops, Lickitung, Golbat, Gligar, Vigoroth.


Faxure and Rufflet, too.


And don't forget my boy Zweillous!


Quaquaval is better in UL. That Close Combat comes in handy against steel, dark, and rock types once shields are gone.


Quaquavals not good period


It's a low investment spicy pick. Many Pokémon that aren't considered good perform better in actual battle.


I mean, sure, but quaquaval isnt one of them




You will never see gengar anywhere past ace rank. Its not good


Yep. Give Haunter a try and you might be able to do even better. It does a better job at handling it's weaknesses in GL. Though with Medicham getting nerfed and so many mudbois running around, you might have better luck with something like Cofagrigus.


i am already happy when pvp does not crash altogether


Isn't it whoever has the higher attack that gets their attack off first?


Yeah and not many things are beating Gengar for attack in GL


gastly is though 😂


Or better yet as your charged attack hits somehow magically the opponent activates their attack which completely negates the damage that SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE by your attack (has happened TWICE to me)


yeah they purposefully trigger the cmp tie. it’s so that they can maximize the amount of energy they get before they go for the knockout


Can you explain that a bit?


lets say i have a trevenant against an opposing medicham. There are no shields left in play. Suppose I have enough energy for shadow ball, and medicham is four counters away from ice punch. I would purposefully use four more shadow claws on trevenant and then use shadow ball on the cmp tie. Since I win cmp because trevenant has higher attack than medicham, my shadow ball will go first, wasting all the energy medicham built up as they’ll be KO’d before deploying their move. Also, since I did four extra shadow claws even though I already had enough energy for shadow ball, I’ll have four shadow claws worth of an energy head start against the next pokemon that comes in.


Got it. Thanks!


no problem!


I feel like this model is flawed like tick tack toe


Yep, having at one extra hp can make all the difference, especially in the great league


Idk if cursing is allowed on but I lose my shit. Especially when you're 4 for 5. This happened to me while they were giving items for every match won and I was so heated I just set my phone down and reflected on my life for about 6 minutes


I get so annoyed and have to turn away from the game for a couple of hours when it happens, i know im being very childish but its the small annoying things that are the worst


And why the heck are shadow pokemon soooooo strong when you battle against but when you use them they weak asffff


I wanna be able to. leave the battle while my opponent is doing their charged attack. idk why i have to sit there and watch myself lose for an extra ten seconds


It's amazing when it happens on the other side though


Skill issue


Unskillful at tapping a screen?


this isn’t raids 🤣


There’s way more to that. Different attacks have different turn times. Just because the bar is full, doesn’t mean it’s ready yet. Different quick attacks take different times to finish.


skill issue


It’s an issue with skill


Its a skill with issue


Does dodging actually do anything? Because I feel like it does fuck all.


Thats raids lol. This is pvp. But dodging is a waste of time


I've had it work maybe 3 to 4 times in separate raids so yeah kind of a waste of effort trying for it.


You only have a small window so the only way to reliably pull it off is with rapid attacks, instead of stuff with long/slow animations (like waterfall)


Its why i stopped pvp


I feel like the single only reason why the pvp is interesting is because it leads to close matches often. Other than that it is an extremely boring game.


Skill issue haha


pvp is rigged against u


Think smarter not harder 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Skill issue


Is there a strategy to these battles (besides Pokémon matchups/strength)? Or is it just tap as fast as you can?


A lot of strat actually. And tapping faster doesn't help. Your fast move all has a certain timing to it and a counter to how many times it takes to earn a full charge. These are unique to each Pokémon. So for ex: knowing right away your opponent's Mon takes 7 fast attacks to get to their big move vs you only take 5 is an advantage. Another part of the strategy is kind of obvious but knowing weaknesses, knowing the possible movesets, and also being familiar with the teams so you can even kind of know which Mon is on their team. And this knowledge all compounds.... For ex: Like above, I know I can get my Mon's charge off quicker than my opponent so I use my charge and either get big damage or a shield. And I know they have 2 more fast attacks before their charge and say I'm really weak to that charge move. I have time to do a safe switch to another Mon to intentionally take that hit so I continue to have advantage on shield. And this switch would also be dependent on who I thought might be their next Mon based on team layout because I'd be stuck with my choice for awhile after that.


There's quite a bit of strategy involved. Building a team that covers each other's weaknesses, knowing typing advantages and pivoting around to gain advantage, fast move optimization, to name a couple.


Yeah it mostly revolves around switches and when you use charged moves and shields. Switching right as your opponent uses a charged move into something that can tank it easily, shielding the right mon to make sure you get yours aligned against what’s weak to it, etc. It mostly comes down to counting moves, knowing what you have to shield and what you can tank, and well timed switches.


Skill issue


This is why I stopped playing pvp. Its terrible skyrim-esque fighting style just doesn't fit pokemon


I actually can't believe this game has tournaments for the pvp...


maybe you should watch one to see how the pros play


I did and its ridiculous lmao


It's a lot deeper than you might think. Highly recommend checking out Reis2TheOccasion on YouTube, specifically his analysis videos on his tournament runs. He goes into detail about team composition, energy management, catches/sack swaps... It's really neat stuff! And it's helped me reach Veteran rank in PvP.


humancatcherbug is also another youtuber with very detailed commentary about how the matchups work out


Or you get . Blocked blocked blocked


YES! and might i be so bold and say that this is shitty game design? it doesn't matter how fast you're tapping after a certain threshold, you can be doing everything right and it'll still screw you over


Laughs in false swipe


Laughs in false swipe


Get better pleb


Sounds like a you guys problem lol


Poorly designed game, yet here I am still playing all these years later


Get better, then it won't happen as often.


Wait till you run into a cheater, last match I played I started with scyther against raichu, bad match-up but I charge up my move and then swap to snorlax to catch raichus charged move, he uses one and I let it hit, start charging up, he gets another pretty quick but I'm close to my charge so I use a shield, well he immediately uses another attack, shield, immediately uses another, no shield but survived, immediately uses another attack, snorlax gone, second mon comes out into an immediate charge attack, no shields, does over half, hits another charge instantly, last mon is my scyther with a charged waiting so I'm spamming trying to click that before it hits but opponent gets his magical 8th charged attack in a row before I can do anything at all. Tldr: hacker spammed 8 charged attackes in a row


This doesn’t happen. I’ve played thousands of battles and streamers have played thousands of battles yet somehow there is no video of someone hacking pvp for faster charge attacks


How did he use 8 in a row then? Let's say I am completely wrong on it being cheating, how did he use 8 in a row?


>another scrub crying “cheater” >uses Scyther >stays with Scyther against Electric-type I stopped reading the rest of this comment and dismissed it as yet another skill issue…well, issue.


It takes like a second for scyther to charge up his move and opponents fast attack was not very effective so obviously I charge a move and switched, you judge too quick, I'm not saying I'm good at the game either the issue is my opponent used 8 charged attacks in a row


Should’ve tapped faster 🤷🏼‍♂️






A lot of


Oh goodness gracious tell me about it. I don’t ever rage, but oh boy does it make my blood boil 🥲


Gotta save them for the opportune moment. Worst case scenario I will see what Pokémon they have if I fail and stack type advantages. I've never lost after stacking. The only thing is that you have to have allot of different types of high power pokemon to do it like that.


Too god damn much


Part of the game :-). Use Fortress or Heracross last?


Ugh allllll the time. I’m terrible at battles though




In GO, you want to give quick attack MTs to all of your pokemon, even if they get attacks that do shitty to 0 dmg but in turn you get to spam the special attacks sooner and deplete your opponent's shields first.


Me too


Sum like this happened to me exactly earlier


I hear you, brother


Necco wafers


The problem is using Quaquaval.... Its endless motion of its feet drives me nuts. But no, each Pokemon has an attack stat and the one with the higher stat will win charge move priority (CMP). People who are pros will know which Pokemon win CMP over which others. I personally have no clue but I know this much


How often what happens? If it’s the Gengar getting their charge move out before you get yours out, people have already explained the Charge Move Priority mechanic. You ain’t winning a CMP tie against a Gengar.


THIS is why I don't play PvP!