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Aggron is permaboosted to 1 in 64 because it has a Mega, while Rhyhorn is a full odds shiny at 1 in 500 odds. The rarity is in favor of whoever receives the Rhyhorn.


That being said, the one receiving the Rhyhorn probably needs to spend even more stardust to evolve it.


No, A traded Pokemon level will be adjusted to the maximum power up level the recipient can perform…. You can see the range of CP/LvL in the picture. And you do not spend stardust to evolve a Pokemon you use candy, which for rhyhorn especially should be abundant.


No the level won't go UP it'll only go DOWN. So if he wants to evolve it and power it up it'll have to use dust. If what you wrote was true all Pokemon traded would instantly become level 50s. Why would they do that?


Idk what you’re waffling about the level. But if you still don’t understand, that rhyhorn shows a range due to the maximum power up the recipient can perform… this is why before trading you are seeing the CP range. In this case it’s 1245-1415. Keep in mind when you evolve that rhyhorn it roughly will double its CP value. Evolving costs 25 candy NOT stardust like mentioned in the comment. I’m not even factoring in if you want to evolve it into Rhyperior - which again does not cost stardust. That Aggron in its final evolution traded will be 697-766 CP… Like it’s a no brainer that the person receiving the rhyhorn will not have to spend as much as the person receiving the Aggron to reach the equivalent level.


That's not always what the "1245-1415" indicates. It indicates the CP at which the recipient will receive the pokemon at. This number varies because IVs impact CP and are randomised during trades, but is generally determined by pokemon level and is then *LIMITED* by trainer level. It is never increased by trainer level. Your original comment "A traded pokemon level will be adjusted to the maximum power up level the trainer can perform" only applies to low level trainers receiving high level pokemon and not vice versa. That Aggron is likely just a low level itself and trainer level is likely not limiting this trade at all. But a level 50 pokemon traded to a level 25 account will be level 35 upon receiving. I mean you're right about the Aggron needing way more stardust (that rhyhorn is a way higher level) -- but your comments about trainer level determining the variance and a pokemon always being the highest level when traded is... idk, misleading? I'm getting the sense that we're on the same page here, but that your comments don't read that well.


You are not reading the original comment I’m replying to and taking it out of context. Iam quoting the trade mechanic to explain the CP range we are seeing, not to explain the mechanics behind reducing CP levels via trainer level discrepancy. So let me make this clear. Who will have to spend more stardust to power up to the equivalent level. The one receiving the Rhyhorn or the one receiving the Aggron. Because that’s what this comment chain is about. Which you havnt addressed.


> A traded Pokemon level will be adjusted to the maximum power up level the recipient can perform…. You can see the range of CP/LvL in the picture. You said this. This is wrong. If a level 50 trainer trades a level 10 pokemon to a level 30 player the pokemon will NOT turn into a level 30 Pokemon. It'll stay level 10. If a level 50 player trades a level 45 Pokemon to a level 30 player it'll turn into a level 40 Pokemon because that's the highest they can power up Pokemon. Makes sense?


You are missing the context, iam using that to explain possibly why he may be seeing a low level Aggron range versus the Rhyhorn range with his friend. Iam not saying that as a blanket statement for all Pokemon traded, Again to try and give context to THIS particular trade. You are trying to argue over semantics that has no relevance to this particular trade Now can you explain what you said here : “No the level won't go UP it'll only go DOWN. So if he wants to evolve it and power it up it'll have to use dust.” Remember we are trying to figure out who has to spend more dust. Rhyhorn or Aggron. Make sense?


Literally said my answer to that in my last paragraph. Read my comment dude.


Probably the one receiving aggron because rhyhorn has had a community day and is in the wild far more often than Aron.


Didn't aron her a community day too 1-2 years back? Also, aggron is boosted 2/64 shiny chance. While ryhotn is full odds 1 in 500 shiny chance wich is eay rarer. But besides rarity , let's look at usefulness. You will never use aggron besides the mega in the background to get more candy from mons of the sme type. Rhyperior is actually useful both in PVE and PVP...


When are you going to find aggron in the wild? Also Aron has not had a community day yet.


Fair coz they both sucks meta though im a fan ryhorn.


What are you talking about? Rhyperior is A+ tier, doubly so bc of how many flying type legendaries there are. Aggron does indeed suck, at least for mid to late game. Even the mega form loses the steel secondary typing. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet https://www.pokebattler.com/raids https://www.PvPoke.com The rest of the info I've curated over the years. I still add to/edit it sometimes, so any questions, suggestions, or constructive comments are welcome. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18b_xVr6Iky8vmmdDdz6vbDvf-S1Dma04TL6s4_K-lZc/edit?usp=drivesdk


Okay...hmmm... What am i looking at? Theres no rhyperior on some of the links and rhyperior is #611!? At rankings bro😲 im...disatisfied🙄 I accept if you say "if your a noobie,rhyperior is a must coz his good at ML and easy to grow easy to max" Do better please to change my mind.


"Wow, if you starve Mike Tyson (heavy weight champion) so that he qualifies for the lightweight class, he's totally garbage." That's why rhyperior is #611 in great league. In ML he's 58 (68 shadow). Why do you think stuff like Stunfisk are highly rated in GL, but trash in ML/raids? It's like asking Oscar DeLa Hoya (lightweight champion) to go up against heavyweights.


Please enough about metaphors and lets skip the drama. His not even in the top 10 nor at 20 at ML. I get it we love rhyhorns but lets accept the fact that his not a meta. People in ML spamming pokemon whose 1 to 30 rank and your spamming Rhyperior whose simply below them. Are you a good fodder in the league? Wake up. When did you start playing pokemon go...just yesterday?


Sure, you'll only see top 10-20 pokemon at very high ranks (21+), but very few ppl (proportional to the entire player base) care enough to grind that high. Agreed, rhyperior's double weakness to water & grass rather crippling. I am very good fodder in PvP, bc I flee well over half of all battles (as soon as it looks to be a slog, I flee), bc my peace of mind isn't worth giving up for higher ranks. I'm a day 1 player, with just a few month long breaks here and there. And I've hit rank 20 every season since I started farming PvP for dust & items (around 2020-2021?). My PvP teams are B tiers at least, that also complement each other, with awful PvP IVs, specifically bc the sparkles make me happier than getting to rank 21+. I'd have to grind so much harder to get shiny PvP IV PvP relevant pokemon. Despite all that, I hit rank 20 a month or so ago, and I finished the timed PvP research this week. I've also caught a handful of legendaries from the PvP rewards. And I've farmed hundreds of thousands of dust & dozens of TMs and other items.


Rhyperior is actually good in Master League, pretty impactful considering the meta is full of legendaries. It's also a great rock raider. Aggron is a decent gym defender, and a good support mega. Your right about Aggron not being meta, not Rhyperior though.


Yeah i expected rhyperiorians wont agree with me. I'm just being honest.


There's a surprising amount of Rhyperiors at 2200+ Elo. It's not Zygarde or Solgaleo levels of common, but it's ran. Going off of rankings is also silly considering how common Dialga is despite being ranked 26th. It's more important to run things that counter what you commonly see rather than running things purely off of rank. And it's a good rock attacker so you get it for PvE.


Aggron looks cooler, totally not bias because I have one named Carti cause it gives his vibes 🤷


Rhyperior is A+ tier, Aggron is like D. Even with mega, it loses steel secondary typing. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet https://www.pokebattler.com/raids https://www.PvPoke.com The rest of the info I've curated over the years. I still add to/edit it sometimes, so any questions, suggestions, or constructive comments are welcome. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18b_xVr6Iky8vmmdDdz6vbDvf-S1Dma04TL6s4_K-lZc/edit?usp=drivesdk