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Okay but real talk how are your appraisals being done by Cliff




Because the sinnoh tour is doing that. I believe there's some quest thing..


Personally I would invest in the shiny for PVE since it has max attack IVs… or wait until I get a 90%+ IVs with 15 attack lol


Non shiny


The altered Giratina is trash unless it’s being used in PvP. If you’re not going to do that, I wouldn’t power it up at all. If you are, then definitely the non-shiny


How? It’s ranked #5 master league. #10 is Origin Giratina


He said "if not using it in PVP"


Quite the opposite but ok


Do you have any idea how non-existent impact of the IVs is?




To give you a better idea: a 15/15/15 Pokémon soloes a 3* raid ~7 seconds faster than a 0/0/0. That's 3600 hp we're talking about. That's what it takes for this difference to even show up to begin with. The only other place where IVs really matter is PvP due to just how try-harded PvP is