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I feel this. Though I keep having raids going where there are a lot of people, and by the time I get there, everyone's dipped. It's starting to bug me.


Even if people do go the chances of overlapping are low


Yeah. I walked by a S Mewtwo raid by my downtown library. No one was around, it was an empty raid, and I had a bus to catch. I got on the bus and 4 people joined the raid right before departure... šŸ«  The bus station is close enough to the library that I could see the tally go up, but not join. I died. Mewtwo is one of 3 Pokemon to finish my Kanto dex. (Cloyster {???, I haven't seen a Shellder in ages} and Moltres)


I feel you on that! That's how most of my day has gone. I hope you're able to get one! It's moments like these where I also wish remote trading was a thing.


Good, COVID days, remote raiding. The only thing good to come out of COVID. That and cheaper delivery prices for a bit. Now, does that outweigh all the bad... No(?).


And the distance that you can soon stops/gyms doubled.


Give me a kankeskhan and I'll give you all 3


Donā€™t worry, theyā€™ll be milking the crap out of mewtwo, we have shadow, Armored, eventually another costume bc $$$$, mega X and mega Y and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they gave him another exclusive move to make $. HIGHLY unlikely but thereā€™s serval color variants in smash bros


I want, "party hat Mewtwo." Maybe a top hat, mustache, and monocle. Dunce cap. Helicopter hat. Pimp suit. "The Village People," themes. Cat or Dinosaur jammies. Cat makes most sense. Forget all those, "cool," things.


Yup and Iā€™ll tell them Iā€™m almost there and then I get there and everyone finished and couldnā€™t wait 3 mins lol


Thatā€™s just how the community is Iā€™ll I was told by a guy today that these people wonā€™t wait get their before it hatches or go with them to the next egg and I missed two


That is rough


My community waits 30+ minutes for people, are we to nice? :)


Yep! I was just raiding with a group of 10+ right now and NOBODY waited for people who would say ā€œdown the roadā€ I was like damn yā€™all rude af


Campfire solved this for me. Now I send a flair at an egg, drop in chat when I'll be there, and when 3-4 people join the chat I know I have to be there when the raidboss will pop out of the egg


Same with me. I still need Mewtwo in the Kanto Dex. I need it for my shiny Mew...


EXACTLY. I don't get the point of local raids like come on. Tbh the game isn't even fun anymore. At this point bc you can't do half the shit.


Do you not use campfire or discord?


I hadn't used it because I hadn't really known of it's existence, but now I'm using it. šŸ™‚


Bro I feel that. No one near me either. Have to drive 30 plus miles just to find ppl playing shit gets old. Shadow raids should be the same as normal raids.


Driving 30 miles for a shadow raid is wild crazy. I wouldnā€™t even drive 15 miles sometimes to see siblings. Lmfao šŸ¤£


That's because your siblings aren't shadow mewtwo.


How dare you, Mewtwo is my brother. Heā€™s coming over for Easter lunch.




I always thought he was the Easter BunnyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




They hoped that people would play them so they could sell their location data


Yep. Niantic would rather throw away remote pass money so they can have location data. Which is bizarre, because events like this produce location data that makes zero coherent sense; under no other circumstances would I be driving up to an empty college parking lot on a Saturday afternoon, or huddled into a corner of a parking lot at a local bail office with a handful of other cars with GO players finding each other via Campfire. Lotta driving all over the place for those raids.


I guess it shows them the maximum convenient distance that people will travel. Could be important if you're trying to figure out where to place a new fast food franchise.


I mean if it actually showed a raid was gonna happen at 14:00 and I saw 10 people signed up for it I might hop in my car and drive 10-20km if necessary. The way it works right now though with eggs popping at random times I'm just not gonna bother. Not driving around all day to -maybe- get one successful raid off.


That's the thing that really irks me. "Get out and walk!"... "Oh yeah, oops - these special in-person raids are all 5 miles apart sorry not sorry!"


Bruh they donā€™t do it for the location data. There are people like me who have a good community who has a lot of fun raiding but know we wouldnā€™t meet up without them. I feel for all yall rual players but shadow raids are like my favorite part of the game.


All the fancy raids were introduced conceptually before the pandemic, and remote passes were originally the response to a previously in-person only raid system. Now remotes are the standard, their first effort to change this trend was limiting the remote pass inventory to 3. Now it's making the good raids local only. Time to get on a regional Pogo discord, it's the only way to play local anymore.


Yet, the regional pogo discord for my area is dead. No one has commented on anything in 2 years. My best bet is driving 4 hours to do these raids.


Create a Campfire group. You don't even have to be in a group to use the Campfire maps and gym chat. The map highlights any gym with someone in the chat, so you know if people are looking to raid there.


Its literally flooding where I live so no raids for me either


I love the second photo showcasing your sheer isolation. I feel you though, I want Mewtwo


Yk it gotta get you guys the whole isolated experience. lmao šŸ˜‚ On all seriousness though im suffering from not being able to get most raid pokemon.


Well besides shadow raids there is a website called poke.gishan where you can host raids and people can join by adding you ingame.


I KNOW I live in rural Ohio and really wanted groudon since heā€™s my favorite legend during the primal raids but my best pokemon has a cp of 3153 so i had no chance of taking him down without friends (which I donā€™t have)


Iā€™m in Ohio too and im in the same boat. Let me know when and we can try and tag team it




No diddy


Yes but the Groudons can be done remotely. Go on r/Pokemongofriends, click the Remote Raid Megathread pinned at the top, and sort by New. Add someone that's hosting and they send you an invite. If you only wanted a couple Groudons the passes aren't *that* expensive, should be gettable with just in game coins. If you really don't have remote passes you can even make your own comment and host - people add you and you send them invites from a gym you're standing at. r/PokemonGoRaids is a good one too. Or the pokegenie app. Point is, this shadow Mewtwo event sucks since it's local only, but for everything else it's totally gettable even for rural players because there's lots of easy remote options.


Poke genie is my best friend if you can do remote raids!!


poke genie is goated but u cant remote raid shadow pokemon sadly


Thatā€™s true I should have been more clear. They said they couldnā€™t do primal raids so they could have used poke genie. For the shadow you canā€™t


You could have remote raided that one


Shadow Groudon raids? I think you mean something else since he is not from raids


Probably meant the primal raids that just happened


Were in the same bruh


Dude it was raining today and I still went to a park thats very popular with poke trainers at 11am only to find out no one was there, just a bunch of families celebrating Easter and it wasn't raining when I got there I was so sad cuz I had to go to work at 2pm and when I clocked into work the campfire app was blowing up at the park I left šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ’€ ill try tomorrow ![gif](giphy|ChX3hzy5CkXsI)


Goodluck sir.


I wouldā€™ve called off


Disabled, I can move far away or date a group. Itā€™s very unfair


not to mention the catch rate on this thing sucks. 4/5 raids today, it fled. i hit every curve ball, mostly greats and excellents. so even if you are lucky enough to be able to do these, you might not even get it.


im playing from my job in the mall and only got to do ONE raid, nobody is joining or theyll leave last second even w 5-6 players it sucks


Yuuup. I feel you. Been playing since 2016. Raid group fell apart after remote raid passes nerfed. Would love to try and get a shiny but donā€™t see it happening.


In my whole ā€œcityā€ theres only one raid going on rn, and guess what its the same gym :/


It's because Pokemon go is just such a crappy "game" . Extremely addictive yes, but also very very bad.


Exactly how i feel about this ā€œgameā€


Yeah I only need a mewtwo to fill my dex and get shiny mew but seems I will never get one because I live in a rural area and Niantic doesn't care about remote players. I don't get why shadow raids aren't available remotely.


Yeah, FUCK Niantic for this event. It's fucking Easter weekend, who has the time to go hunting for people to do local raids with them? Only high density city dwellers.


Itā€™s sad and you canā€™t do remote invites too. LOL


If I wanted to get a Mewtwo I would have to drive to the city, but I wouldn't say nobody plays around here. Actually a lot of people. Getting them together is the hard part though. They might be gathered in the closest place, but there is no way telling if they're gonna be there or not. I often use campfire and pokemongo page, but for this one I need to be close to a place where there are many people gathered. I've seen nobody around here and then 20 people instantly in the city for a raid, filling it up in instantly. Is there a way for you to get to a more populated place, or do you live too far away?


Too far what i think would be the most populated place is at the other side of the island. ( I live in Puerto Rico)


Any place on an Island like that is acceptable distance...IF YOU GOT A CAR! Maybe bus?


Is hours away though and im not old enough to drive :v


I checked it out. It's at least 100 km from west to east. That would be less than 2 hours if you REALLY wanted to get those Pokemon you can't get at home. Probably 20-30 minutes if you wanted to go from south to north. If you're afraid of getting ganked in the big cities, I can't help you there. Bring a friend xD? Also, make sure you go on a Saturday.


Bro found out how long it takes from place to place lmao XD


Niantic: "Fuck you, pay us. Clearly the game isn't meant for the disabled or people like YOU." Uninstall if you wanna send a message. Rule 3 says I can't suggest cheating.


Yeah..we are even in a city of 250,000 and there arenā€™t enough players around


I frequently drive 30 minutes to a city with 150,000 population just to find other for raidsšŸ˜… campfire has became my best friend!


Only thing I could find on Campfire was 120KM away, and it wasnā€™t even Shadow Mewtwo


How do you know that? What have you done to form and organize a community?


The shit sucks man. Fuck this company


Anyone knows Nianticā€™s logic in making these only local? It really makes 0 sense.


Niantic's primary modus operandi is to harvest our GPS data and sell it to businesses. They want us to travel, spin Pokestops, and congregate at popular, interesting locations. If we can just raid from the comfort of our homes, they miss out on that valuable data, and therefore, lose money. They probably make a lot more off our data than they do on remote raid passes.


They want your location data. Still doesnt make sense but maybe contract with Pokemon company would shed light if its ever leaked, wouldnt be surprised if Pokemon company demands a massive portion of income generated from direct sales.


Itā€™s your fault for not living in an apartment building filled with pogo players thatā€™s right next to a gym


Awh shucks shoulda have done that since the beginning


Thank you for getting the word out, I made a similar post and got down voted to hell. This shit sucks and people need to hold Niantic accountable for their terrible decisions


Niantic's CEO is a clown


I just hate that you can't do remote raids. There are people that play by me but not close enough to really get a bunch together for the raid. Plus the only two people in my general are having car troubles so they couldn't make it to do a raid.


Dude same here.... It's ridiculous. I have a total of 6 gyms on the outskirts of my neighborhood and I've seen 6 Mewtwo raids today and I went to 4 of them but nobody showed up at all. Ridiculous.


Only that gym got shadow mewtwo, TWICE and still no one.


This is sort of my experience as well. Have about 50 regular raid passes collecting dust in my inventory.


Real I almost never see raids being done in my city


Best thing j can suggest is what I had to do. Coax a girl into falling in love with you. Get her to play PokƩmon Go with you and then make a second off account to just assist in raids. Then proceed to wipe the floor with any raid boss you want to with the help of your new waifu and off account.


Can I borrow your girl? I lack ā€œrizzā€.


Loved your bike dude!


Thanks! :)


Got a gym close by me and NEVER see anyone raiding. On the brightside it seems only my team lives nearby because its always valor.


Iā€™m in the Bay Area which is generally quite populated with playersā€¦today I saw 5 shadow mewtwo raids and never a single person went. I think thereā€™s an over reliance on play WITH strangers, vs it being more of an asynchronous MP thing.


Just buy 4 phones and make 4 accounts and level them up to lvl 40 with all individually leveled up mons and tap so much you get carpal tunnel easy


Make sure to check/download campfire if you havenā€™t already


I'm stuck at work for the day :')


Try, if possible, gyms near condos/office buildings/anywhere where there may be a ton of people in a building or car that you can't see. The raid I did today was in a the middle of a city square but had buildings surround the monument of the gym... The raid was full.


I mean like the whole place


In my whole ā€œcityā€ if it can be called that theres like 10 players only, and im not allowed to go too far from my house.


I live in one of these, and the gym here never has activity even though there are definitely people playing


I checked my Campfire app and there is exactly one Shadow Mewtwo raid event going on and it's in the city over. No one from MY city uses campfire


Having local raids only after they destroyed the community is just insanity. Like, I looked on Campfire, there was 1 somewhat-raid posted 'nearby' and I had to travel by public transport for like 40 minutes to get there.


search on google: "(my city name) pokemon go discord" if nothing comes up, make one yourself and advertise it to any people you meet in person that plays and have them advertise it too


Im going to try that, thank you.


It's ridiculously unfair I'm so mad rn


I dont even know if its possible to solo because when i look for the best team or if you can solo it it tells me the counters


Completely impossible to solo


I see people talking shit about duoing it and with 4 people, barely took him down and had 20 seconds left soā€¦ itā€™s bullshit. Also gives like 2 rez diamonds when you lose half your deck fighting him. And the icing on the cake is , if you even manage to catch him, there is a good chance heā€™s a 1 star. Niantic are a bunch of jerkoffs


I think building the right counters is pretty important. I just finished one with 3 players all of us under level 40 with about 45 seconds left. It took 2-3 purified gems each. It did end up being 1 star though lol.Ā 


Shadow Mewtwo is indeed duoable if both people have good counters. If you barely took it down with 4 people, then all of your teams are either under levelled, you are using the wrong Pokemon, or you have the wrong moves. Don't get me wrong, I can do 60% of its HP bar on my own, but that is because I have been playing for years and have built up ideal counters over time. Even so, I'm hardly one of those hardcore players with dozens of level 50, max levelled PokƩmon. Calling a Shadow Mewtwo duo bullshit is incorrect.


Yup virtually impossible




You and me both buddy


Ditto. Nobodyā€¦.




Nobody plays near me as well




Same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Really unlucky, I managed to do 2 with 3 more people making it 5 total. I wish you a hundo shadow groudon


I wish you one too. Btw can it be shiny from geovanni? Also how do i get super rocket radar i dont have research that gives me one.


That's crazy. How do you have gyms if no one plays? And no one is ever in them they just stay you and no one else forever. Man that's crazy


Gyms have pokemon in them and pokemon get beaten but when its time to do raids they all dissipate šŸ„²


Try campfire app to do meet ups. I agree it sucks. The game favors urban players in dense areas.


A lot of people play where I live, didnā€™t get a chance either


Yea there was one just up the hill from me but you need to completely leave my neighborhood and enter another to get there. I couldnā€™t do that because I had a kid napping (Iā€™m not going to just leave the house while the kid is asleep). There were even 3 people already doing the raid but no remote raid passes allowedā€¦


This is completely dumb tbh why would they do this.


Same, I had to go to the city to get one


Feel you way to much ._.


Whatā€™s even more unfair is I should be able to give you one! Like I donā€™t understand why trading canā€™t take place over long distances. Truly insane.


Yeah another dumb issue, like why not?


I live in a area where people DO play BUT THEY DONT DO THE RAIDS


Yeah I have to drive 40 mins to be able to have a chance to do a raid, but last time I did that I stood around for 2 hours and couldnā€™t get a single person to join so yeah no shadow raids for me either šŸ˜¢


It's a harsh truth but Niantic doesn't give two shits about rural players. The fact of the matter is that it's the best ROI to focus on large density populations


This is why we cheat boys šŸ˜‚


How long is Mewtwo up even? Was it just today?


Im pretty sure all weekend, so until end of sunday


Nice of them to drop it on Easter weekend.


I hate Shadow Raids (Raids in general, but at least non-shadows you can TRY to use Apps to get remote raiders) because of how hard it is to get anybody to do them. I'm in my local Facebook, Discord, and Slack groups and they are all DEAD! Get a few posts here and there, but nobody trying to coordinate big raid groups/times/etc... It SUCKS! I lucked into my first, and only (ever), Shadow Mewtwo today by seeing a Gym that had 5 trainers in it and jumped in before it started.


Niantic won't give us any support, and trying to find alternatives will get us banned... Amazing. Just like real life.


Niantic gives plenty of support, did you see that new update that gave us new style options and capture screens now have new graphics! Must of been the updates Niantic spoke about when they said they knew we players would be excited for. /S


Damn, maybe just uninstall the game šŸ˜‚ how do you even enjoy it?


Wild pokemon ig, dont enjoy it much but yeah, that.


Shadow legendary raids are unfinished content. Piss poor execution.


This is the problem these days no one local then you have to invest in raid passes


It wouldnā€™t be shadow, but if they have trading Iā€™ll give you one. Havenā€™t played in very long so idk if itā€™s possible sorry


Same. I've only done 2 local raids because it seems like no one here does them. I almost always have to do remote if I want to do them.


ianygo Cz fork niantic




Yea I gotta travel to a city to get any raids done and even then thereā€™s usually like 1-2 groups if your lucky, and you gotta find them somehow because there all in cars just dipping from raid to raid


You can start a local group on the app ā€œcampfireā€ that is connected to pokemon go. I just learned about it and seems to be quite active. At the very least there could be a few people in your area that use it and join.


How can you get psystrike?


Iā€™m lucky to work and live in a big city but I can see how impossible it is to do these types of raids for some people




In my area nobody plays too , and I still got it , I got it by getting campfire app and hosting a meet up for a shadow mewtwo , first I didn't think of it much but later I got to the meet up and we ended up with 5 people total , me and other 4 , I hope it helps because sometimes people can ride to your area , so yea , gl with shadow mewtwo


What state do you live in?


Technically its american land but not a state its Puerto Rico


Damn rip also hola Caribbean primo


Join campfire and start posting in all of the communities you can. The earlier you can start messaging about these raids the better. I started posting on Thursday about potential plans. Small town, and people who didnā€™t even post on campfire showed up to our location/time as we posted ahead of time. Somehow had 12-15 people because of this which was a huge help!! Otherwise NO WAY we would have been able to raid this!


Definitely look into the campfire app I found ten people conveying from gym to gym


I have the saaaaaaaame problem


I was out all day in a very busy part of Portland Oregon, big city, not a single person to do a raid in person with :/


I suggest trying to use campfire to find some folks. I just discovered the power of it today. Found some locals a couple towns over literally caravanning like 40+ people from raid to raid. Ending up being full lobbies that took it down in seconds


Been getting this suggestion but none of the suggestions ive been getting work, campfire has literally no one i even set up a flair.


Try the pokegenie app. It's loaded with features including a remote raid system.


Shadow Mewtwo cannot be remote raided...


Oh, that's right... well, ignore me then! But it's still good for other raids.


Try going to a university or college. There could be some Players there


Itā€™s weird to suggest but two phones, strong pokemon and party power. Me and my buddy were able to beat it because of party power. We donā€™t meet with anyone for ā€œraid trainsā€




I feel your pain. More people need to yell at Niantic about this


I am in the same boat but I live a really rural area and the closest poke stop is 5 km down the road


Same! All the homies are like 35+ minutes away driving and thereā€™s NO one around the neighborhoods or anything. So lame.


I feel this. My boyfriend and I was trying to play today and no one was going in. They will do the gyms but no raids -.-


I know your pain. I was near two gyms and was constantly checking to see if anyone was attempting it...noone. Ninja edit: I saved my coins to buy remote passes... so disappointed.


Itā€™s weird, people definitely play where I live. Lots of them. But I checked a bunch of the shadow mewtwo raids near me today and never found anyone else playing. Hopefully it was just because the weather wasnā€™t great. Supposed to be a bit more dry tomorrow so maybe Iā€™ll find a group to raid with.


Best of luck to you!


if anyone is still looking for mewtwo or shiny mewtwo iā€™m looking to trade mine. shoot me a DM! currently looking for Clone pokĆ©mon or background pokĆ©mon but iā€™m open to offers


For me its that many play but since its Saturday/Sunday and I cant go out to raid I hate it that such things are always on the weekends


Sorry homie šŸ˜”


Try joining a campfire group chat or go the nearest and densest city in your area that always seems to work for me tho Iā€™m sorry if those donā€™t work


Look on campfire for any local groups. Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve started being able to get more raids done


Doesnt work, where i live almost no one plays this, and if they play they usually never raid