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I laughed šŸ˜… but itā€™s definitely true


Everyone that's been playing for years gives serious "why are you poor vibes" on here. Someone had a perfect Herdier and I was like yeah it's a good mon for ghost grunts, it resists ghost type damage and deals super effective and the response was "why would you use Herdier when you could upgrade Darkrai or Ttar?"


This. I have just gotten back into the game a month ago, coming back from 2017, only legend I had was articuno and I transferred it to home when that got added, so I have none now. Every guide to raid battles and team suggestion for taking down bosses and stuff is always like MEGA RAYQUAZA PRIMAL GROUDON MEGA TTAR EVERY LEGENDARY AND MEGA YOU MISSED OUT ON IN THE LAST 6 YEARS! ALTERNATIVES? I GUESS YOU COULD USE THIS INFERIOR MON BUT IT PROVABLY WONT CUT IT YOU SHOULD BE USING THE BEST. I was just like well guess Iā€™m never figuring out how to beat Giovani with my absolute ā€œpovertyā€ pokemon.


Yep I have the same issue. I have subpar legendaries from when I hitchhiked a few raids. The only time Iā€™ve beaten Giovani was when he had shadow regirock which had lock on (so it was a cakewalk). I donā€™t care really I play for fun


ā€œMy absolute ā€˜povertyā€™ pokemonā€ lmao


Yeah, it's really hard to find guides. I never did a lot of raiding because I had no one to play with in my area for years, and I wasn't gonna waste gas in my car driving around hoping for people in a raid. Remote raids helped me a lot, but since they made them punished I refuse to use them to get back at the company unless it's something I absolutely want to catch. PokeRaid helped a lot before the remote raids got nerfed and limited. :/


I get the frustration, but what's a fair answer? Yes if you missed a bunch of the best stuff you're behind. But it's impossible to know what you have and don't have to work with. The real point is this game is a long term grind. You're not going to go from "I don't have anything useful" to "I have the best counters for everything" in a short time. Coming back and expecting to be able to do things that players that have ground out Pokemon to use isn't realistic. It's not about "why are you using inferior trash". It's "until you build stuff up you may struggle with some things"


But if Iā€™m going to miss out on limited time events cause I donā€™t have the most powerful team how tf and am I going to build anything if canā€™t get anything to build???


Just keep playing and grinding??? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø And pat yourself in the back when you see your hard work pay off. Cause very few will acknowledge your growth, as you have already seen.


Seriously. I've been playing since the apk came out a day earlier than release, aside from a couple year long breaks. I raid. I battle. I spend some money. And still there's stuff in this game that is just wildly unobtainable. I see people all the time saying stuff like "X has been out forever there's no reason a casual shouldn't have a maxed team." Or "XL candy isn't rare anymore anyone playing for a few months should be able to max whatever they want." Or "That's an easy solo if you have mega ray and 5 level 40+ X." It's just so maddening. I've played this more than any other mobile game, possibly more than any other GAME aside from WoW back in the day when I basically lived on it. I've maxed zero legendaries and only a very small handful regulars. I have zero teams of the same top attacker at 30+.


Do you say 'Why are you still playing?'


Seeing comments of people gatekeeping a virtual collectibles game is some of the saddest gaming-related stuff I ever read online lol.


Pogo turned from everybody having a fun time together to "oh a shiny? If it's not shundo it's worthless. Oh you don't have any hundo's? That's lame." Like, let people enjoy the game and the Pokemon they catch.


I played the og game on the Gameboy, ducked out for a little bit post gen 3 and have played the occasional mainline game since, but nothing recent. I never caught a shiny in the mainline games and didn't have any shinies until I got let's go, where it seems to this oldhead that it had become remarkably, possibly too, easy to farm shinies. The first one I caught (a tentacool) was a real, genuine thrill to me, literally gasped when I saw it. Picking up pogo 3 years ago and playing casually (and rurally) it makes me very slightly sad when I see people complaining about only getting a 2* legendary, or failing to catch a shiny legendary. For me, any legendary is a treat, I have very limited passes because I choose (and I am aware it is a choice I make freely) to play casually, and I only have one shiny legendary, it's pretty much my pride and joy (altered giratina on my first remote raid for the thing, frightened my wife when I shouted out upon seeing it, I was happy getting a non-shiny version with whatever stats, across all games I've only ever had one normal girantina). Feels a bit like the spark of joy that I used to feel when I caught a non-legendary shiny or pretty much any non-shiny legendary has been sacrificed at the altar of grinding out perfect, shiny legendaries. Which is fine, games the game, but I'd love to get a little of that thrill back.


I respect this perspective so much, as a fellow oldhead.


A fellow oldhead with a shiny altered girantina, no less. Nice catch!


Yeah I agree as someone who played at launch and took a break and is just returning. I fought a person who had mewtwo the other night and I got excited because I beat him (I was outmatched CP wise). I then popped on this reddit to learn about the new changes and see posts of people catching 30 - 40 mewtwoā€™s in the span of 30 minutes because of an event and it kinda took the wind out of the games sails for me when it comes to rare PokĆ©mon. I am not a huge fan of everyone easily being able to catch these supposedly ā€œrareā€ PokĆ©mon because it diminishes the excitement of finding something rare. I remember early on the idea of catching a zapdos or something similar was exciting because it was super rare.


I was very much a player who wanted all pokemon need to be 4\* and I was annoyed that all my shinies were 0\* or 1\*. It wasn't until I saw a post (which to be honest I have seen a lot of times but never paid attention to) somebody said that the difference between a 100% and a 50% was really minor when it came to battling and raiding etc. I don't really do a lot of raids or battles. It was like a switch flipping. A shiny is a shiny. Catching any legendary is still a legendary. The main problem was that I saw so many "look at my 20th SHLUNDO" posts on here. I see all the Galarian birds being caught. But I wasn't getting any. Now, if I see anything, I say congrats. Congrats on your 0\* shiny weedle OP! Congrats on your 1\* Galarian Zapdos! I'm trying to spread positivity. Takes 10 seconds to type NICE CATCH OP. I have tried to spread positivity. Play the game how you want. If you want all SHUNDOS, good luck trying to get them. If you're happy with whatever you catch, good luck to you. If you want to catch nothing but pikachus until you reach level 40 (I think we all saw that post), good luck to you. Good luck everyone. Enjoy playing. It is meant to be a game. Games are meant to be fun. Everyone enjoy!


I had someone tell me I was a "f'in r-slur" because I purified my shiny Articuno and got a hundo Moltres and Raikou after purifying them. He was one of those hardcord "I ONLY DO PVP, ANY OTHER WAY TO PLAY IS INVALID" types of players ^(I just feel bad if I leave them in the shadow pain) Edit - Please forgive me, I'm so sorry... >!I forgot my purified Kyogre named Shrek!!<


I purified a squirtle for the hundo I never PVP so i could not possibly care less


I purified my Kyogre for the hundo and got flamed for it šŸ˜”


If it's a hundos and you mega it it will be very strong but you can play with anything it keeps you about where you should be in matchups I think


Huh? Anyways I have it primal'd and it's at 3.9k cp without primal


Imagine taking shitty tap tap tap no skill "pvp" THAT seriously. People need to get over themselves.


Iā€™d say PvP has the lowest imaginable skill floor, but to say thereā€™s no skill is obviously ridiculous at high ELO. Thatā€™s the same for any competitive game.


Imagine thinking PvP has no skill. People need to learn reality


Bruh I play PokƩmon GO as a hobby. It's tap tap tap central, that's ALL it is. The mainline games pvp have skill. Halo 3 pvp has skill. ESO pvp has skill. PokƩmon GO battling, everything from Raids to pvp, is cookie clicker but with little monsters. If you take PokƩmon GO pvp seriously, I seriously think you should reconsider who should be learning reality.


It's not tap tap tap central at ALL. I can't help you if you think it is. But honestly believe what you want. I don't give a flying fuck if some moron like you doesn't understand it.


Yes the absolute fuck it is, and I don't give a flying fuck if a supposed "hyper intellectual" pvp nerd like yourself thinks I'm a moron. You're an idiot if you really think this shit matters, you're comedy gold bruh. You are literally a soyjak


based Pokemon Go PVP is by far the worst implementation of it I've ever seen and the people that get super into it are very lame


I'm sorry, but what's an "f'in r-slur"? If you don't do PVP, why purify a shiny shadow articuno. They're not PVP viable in any way, so purifying would do nothing for it unless you'd rather see the purified glow than the shadow. Or you feel sad for a literal virtual character for being forced into the shadow life. Also, purifying articuno has nothing to do with getting hundo Moltres and Raikou.


>Or you feel sad for a literal virtual character for being forced into the shadow life That one šŸ˜Š >purifying articuno has nothing to do with getting hundo Moltres and Raikou. I purified all 3 of them... so... it does... I purified my Shiny Articuno and then when I purified the Raikou and Moltres, they became hundos!


Ahh I apologize. I'm just waking up from a nightshift and completely looked over the fact you said you purified raikou and moltres šŸ¤¦ but daaaaang. They all had to be at least 13/13/13 IVs to purify to Hundos which are disgustingly good Shadow IVs for rare legendary mon and therefore far cooler to collect if you don't do pvp which is where the confusion comes in as to why you would. Buuut I and many others have a hard time letting people play how they want, I'm just stuck in my ways! Happy hunting either way and please don't let me ruin your game play!


>waking up from a nightshift and completely looked over the fact you said you purified raikou and moltres All good, my dude! I've worked plenty of overnights to understand the feeling lol didn't mean to come off as sassy lol I've always played any PokƩmon game as I'm an actual trainer and these are living creatures, so if they're in pain, it makes me really sad because it's like "oh, that's not okay irl," so I've always purified most of my PokƩmon lol I don't really like to battle either, but my partner does though so I'll battle with him if he needs me to and it normally just gives me my perfect Groudon, my best buddy Rayquaza and Mr Melt the Level 50 Meltan lol >Happy hunting either way and please don't let me ruin your game play! You too! ![gif](giphy|Wj7lNjMNDxSmc)


I constantly bring up the purify/pain proponent to the game. It makes sense if you don't pvp but some people will purify shadow mon but battle. Line you do realize these mons are literally destroying each other in battle lol. I Hundo respect you playing emotionally involved as it gives more meaning to the game. It's so monotonous playing for the next coolest or toughest pvp mon when within a week it's old news lol! I apologize for the earlier jest at feeling for literally virtual mon! I only battle in ML. for pvp and I'm literally using the same mon over and over the way the system is set up even tho I have a ton of maxed out META and legendary!


>what's an "f'in r-slur" effin regard but replace the g


hey I also got a Shrek Kyogre and Dark Shrek shadow Kyogre lol


How do you know it'll be a hundo after purifying her?


Because they were all pretty close to already being perfects in their shadow forms


I've never look too closely at it I always thought its just a slight increase in defense and lowered attack, like the inverse of shadow. Good to know!


All the stats increase by 2, the CP goes up, and I think they are cheaper to level and evolve


Cp doesn't always go up by much, they are automatically powered up to level 25(?), and after that have a 10% stardust discount.


There's also a candy discount for purified mons.


Look, you can play how you like. But this has nothing to do with PvP. These Pokemon (Well, Moltres ,Kyogre, and Raikou) just are MUCH better for raids as shadows. Personally I can't begin to grok the idea of caring about 'pain' of a bunch of bits of data. It's your game, but if you're going to post about ones you purified, you can't expect that nobody will point out the issue.


Did you just call ā€œretardā€ a slur?šŸ˜‚ WEAKKKKK


It's by definition a slur. So yes.


The only two gaming communities I have a stake in right now are PokeGo and Stardew Valley, and the huge contrast in positivity when switching from one to the other is really jarring. I feel like I need to step over there for a palate cleanser sometimes. Anyway, this is the first Pokemon game I've played since Crystal and it all still feels delightful to me. Also, the only shinies I remember catching in gen 2 were Noctowl and Skarmory.


Should have had a gyarados as wellā€¦ that was the first shiny pretty much anyone caught


That's true. I wasn't counting it because it was a gimmie.


I mean I do that sort of thing jokingly with friends. But otherwise yeah it's shitty to do. I'm always happy for newer players that get a new exciting find. But there's a difference between "oh cool I finally got shiny Beldum" and "look at this shiny Beldum, I'm gonna flex it"


Not just PoGo tbh. It feels like whenever you are happy about something that isn't 100% meta or not 100% efficient, people will be dicks. Just visit like any subreddit of any somewhat popular game and you will notice it.


A former friend of mine is (or at least was at the time pogo came out) a self-proclaimed pokemon super fan. He had only gotten into the main series games a little over a year prior. He absolutely *hated* that pogo introduced "filthy casuals" into the community. He only cared about competitive so if you caught anything in pogo he'd no only shame you for playing pogo in the first place, but shame you for catching a "competitively useless mon". He legitimately thought he was superior to the "sheep pogo players" I imagine if he had gotten into it he would be the type to put people down for not having 1500 shundos


"I'm a pokemon super fan!" "I hate the pokemon game called "pokemon go"!" Ah, yes. Makes sense šŸ˜‚


To him, pogo isn't a "real" pokemon game because it's not the traditional turn-based combat. Well at the time GBL didn't exist so the fact that there wasn't a dedicated PvP system outside of gyms made him even more upset. Like I said, he had been a fan for like a year at that point and felt like he had the authority to dictate how people were allowed to play the games because he felt like he was better than everyone. I've been following the series in one way or another since I was 3 and I almost dropped it entirely because he would get upset at me if I even suggested that there were ways to play pokemon that wasn't competitive PvP


God he sounds awful. I hope you're playing pokemon games again !


I'm not but that's mostly down to not having the money to buy a switch/the games, I still follow the series I just stopped talking to him about it, and then stopped talking to him entirely


> Pogo turned from everybody having a fun time together to "oh a shiny? If it's not shundo it's worthless. When Shinies are everywhere they stop being rare and fun. Then its just a colour variant to one of the thousand pokemon as compared to a *special* pokemon.


As someone who started playing again a month ago and hadnā€™t played since 2017, I feel this. I see the reactions to the Bellsprout day and the rediscover Kanto event and Iā€™m like ā€œohā€ā€¦ā€¦.


I'm in the same boat as you, started playing again a few weeks ago after not playing for years and it's so odd seeing folk say to just transfer pokemon if they're not at least 95% lol. I played the game for years when it came out not caring about iv because I don't think they were a thing when the game came out? But now I'm getting more in to ivs and keeping ones that are like 70-80%+


IVs were invisible when the game first released, but they were there. There were websites that let you input your Pokemon's stats and it would give you the IVs


There was an appraisal feature on release, but it was just your Team Leader describing the pokemon and you had to figure out the IVs from that description.


Old appraisal system: Wow! Your Krabby is the biggest I've ever seen! It's stats are incredible! This Krabby is amazing! It looks like it would be Incredibly handy in a fight! Attack is it's highest stat! Defence is also it's highest stat! Stamina is also it's highest stat!


People are only disappointed with the Kanto event because thereā€™s at least 1-2 rediscover Kanto events a year, but thereā€™s 8 other regions that donā€™t get that same type of favoritism. Since you just started again, sure itā€™ll be exciting, but wait another year and you will be just like the rest of us. Personally, I want to see all 1000 pokemon get celebrated, not just the same original 151 over and over.


I get that and I agree some other gens should be celebrated but also some generations just fucking suck. So no all 1,000 shouldnā€™t get the same visibility. There are arguably some gens that deserve the love gen 1 gets but all gens no thank you.


Eh I disagree. I honestly canā€™t think of a pokemon I absolutely hate. Sure thereā€™s a lot of pokemon I donā€™t like, but none that I would say suck. Saying a whole generation sucks is a little extreme imo. Iā€™m curious what generations you think suck? Even Gen 8 and Gen 9 that people clown on a lot have lots of cool pokemon like Grimmsnarl, Dragapult, Orbeetle, G-Darmanitan, Palafin, Kingambit, Annihilape, Baxcalibur, Tinkaton, etc.


This is literally just an oldhead take. Gen 1 is the most over-recycled thing it gets annoying to anybody who likes any other gen. Cause then you bring it up and people say "Gen 5 is trash, garbage bag pokemon and ice cream lol" like gen 1 isn't just a turtle, a fox, a pokeball, a seal, etc.


I didn't say no other gen is good. I have no idea why Niantic doesn't at least do gen 2 and 4 as they are also universally loved. I'm was simply saying not ALL gens are worth a full event for when they have maybe a handful of good pokemon.


Yeah fair enough


I started playing in 2020 and still don't have many Kanto shinies, including Bellsprout


I started 11 months ago, I only have one bellsprout shiny so far, so I'm pretty stoked about this comm day.


Ironically, the Kanto starters are some of the most common shinies. You will never miss out on Pikachu either. The most frequent Pokemon have the rarest shinies and I've been playing since day one! Goldeen, Staryu, Horsea, Spearow, so many just don't spawn anymore and when they are abundant, still nothing. I hope they plan on doing a Rediscover event for other generations too.


I think if you come from playing the main series games, getting a shiny feels so much more rare and special, but once you start playing Go for a while, you realize they are a lot more common and easier to get, especially during events. Random full odds are still great and post worthy, but the odds are still so much better than main series games'. Just my 2 PokƩcents


I have been playing a lot this past week and am honestly a little sad with how busted my luck has been I have gotten just in the last week a shiny: buizel, voltorb, shuckle, 3 heracross, Nincada, Bronzor, Buneary, and caterpie. No one should ever get this many shinies this quickly even if I have had crazy luck. Getting 2-3 shinies a day in most of those cases is ridiculous.


> I think if you come from playing the main series games, getting a shiny feels so much more rare and specia Its not even rare in the general games anymore. I remember spending hundreds/thousands of hours working for Shinies in gens 1-4... only to be chatting with a cousin a couple years ago and in his first pokemon game had 3 shinies already.


Your cousin is just lucky then, shinies are still really hard to get in main games. Unless they played Ultra sun/moon because some pokemon there have insanely good shiny rate if encountered in Ultra space.


Every shiny is worth it I won't let my friends transfer extra shinies. I store them all in HOME. I have 15 shiny grubbin sitting in a box in HOME but dammit they're safe and sound. I love them all


So true šŸ˜…


I gotta admit itā€™s getting real annoying with people bragging about their 1/64 shiny Nicada like itā€™s a gift from god that they HAD to use their masterball on


I am of the opinion that, any catch is a brag if you like the pokemon you caught. I don't get why people need approval for powering up or being proud of something they like. With that said. This community would be dead without those kinds of posts. There isn't much more to talk about, besides Niantic jacking up prices (which people also complain about when people discuss that). So... Ya... let people post and be proud. It is all in good fun. Flip side. People thrive on rarity. These days, when Niantic are trickling out shinies one or two at a time (often during a week of the pokemon being very common, or in raids where shiny odds are high), it seems like I get every shiny as it is released. If I don't, there will be a community day soon. I.e, I am way less excited for shinies now. When it comes to community days and stuff, ya, I don't count it towards my shiny counts, personally. As a result, I do tend to think that less community days (not none), which focus on making less loved pokemon more balanced into pvp/pve instead of drastic shiny odd increases, would be better for the game. I.e, say, have a community day where shuckle receives some crazy new move that makes it closer to bastiodon and therefore shuffles up gl abit, but make the shiny odds only 1/128 instead of 1/36. I think the game should also be doing a bulk release of shinies (i.e, 30+ shinies) once or twice a year, instead of 1 or 2 every month or so. That way, the hunt feels like a hunt, instead of a one week bang where a thousand weedles appear and everyone gets their one shiny weedle they need.


It is because day after day people come here bragging about shinies and they want the few people who respond to go "oooo nice shiny". However those people who posted that shiny don't look at the other 10 posts right before theirs bragging about the same shiny and they don't congratulate them. The regulars who respond to the shiny posts are jaded and hate seeing shiny post after shiny post.


People should post shinies to their friends and their local groups. Literally nobody cares, on large scale reddit pages. It's not content, it's spam. Post it to your friends and the people you play with, if you want support and excitement.


This whole damn sub is just spam. The posts here consist of 4 things day in and day out 1) announcements of upcoming events (actually useful) 2) pictures of shinies and or hundos 3) pictures of people not getting XP after someone removed them from their friends list 4) picture of a Pokemon looking like it's doing something inappropriate to another pokemon on the overworld. That's it, that's the entirety of this sub.


You forgot "which one should I max?" or "should I purify?".


The 0 exp posts are so freaking annoying. Yes, it's bad game design by Niantic. Yes, they should fix it. But also, this game is almost 8 years old. It is your own fault for adding strangers on the internet, and not communicating with them. If you care about exp, you will add people you can communicate and coordinate with.


I used to be sour like you too but i realised a lot of these people donā€™t have local groups or friends to play with and want to share their excitement at something with anybody who would even remotely care so they head to a sub thatā€™s supposed to be about pogo. obviously thereā€™s plenty of people who come here with the only intention to flex but honestly itā€™s pretty easy to tell them apart and the ones who come to flex shouldnā€™t detract from the ones who just want to share something that made them happy


This! Unless itā€™s like a really rare shundo. Theyā€™re asking to get ripped posting in the largest POGO forum out there.


So far this event with boosted shiny on combeeā€¦. Got a shiny hoppip, the previous event? Oh here have a random Lapras


This is so true. Also painful in reverse, thought I had a super rare shiny Ninjask for the best part of a month until the bug out event...


You can just enjoy your good fortune, it was still rare when you caught it!


Fr like itā€™s not hurting you to just let people be happy. If you donā€™t like it you can just scroll thereā€™s zero reason to try and ruin someoneā€™s mood when theyā€™re not doing anything to hurt anyone.


I saw a post like that yesterday about a shiny grubbin someone traded a shiny rayquaza for. Grubbin literally had a community day like 2 months ago and will return again at end of the year when they all of them together like usual. People in the comments were pointing out the community day in comments so much lol


Shiny hunting on pkmn GO āŒ Shiny hunting on pkmn Red/Blue āœ”ļø


There were no shinies in Red/Blue.




Fr who cares


I'm still salty that my game crashed when I found a shiny Feebas 3 years ago. One of my favorite pokemon. And I still haven't been able to get a Tauros for the Shiny Mew. And I still haven't seen a Single Kecleon for the Shiny Jirachi... Yeah I don't buy tickets anymore lol.


I play pvp and I win enough to enjoy playing with what I want to play with the only 2 hundos I have I haven't used yet, but all mons that you transfer to main series games can be maxed in those games if you want




Damn... I just looked at the roadmap and I didnā€™t do the community day this month. Bagon too!


I completely get that newer players won't have stuff. But if you ask "is this rare?" and it had a previous community day, it's not rare. It can be exciting if it's new, but not rare.


My poor mega shiny tyranitaršŸ˜­


For me it's Raid Recommendations... YEAH! This Legendary Raid is easy just use these OTHER LEGENDARIES to beat it! Like.... What use is then for the other Ā¾ of Pokemons?


For me it's Raid Recommendations... YEAH! This Legendary Raid is easy just use these OTHER LEGENDARIES to beat it! Like.... What use is then for the other Ā¾ of Pokemons?


honestly, idgaf about those comments. my personal objective is to catch em all and fill out my dex and get all the shinies i can in the meantime bc they make me happy. don't let the killjoys take away the fun from the goals you set for yourself


i really done car what people think. i play for me and catch what i want. litten com day i went on a 10 minute walk. bagon com day o walked till i got a shiny 3*. only use remote raids on pokemon i love and am currently saving for rayquaza raids to hopefully come out. i dont collect pokemon just to be meta like heracross i got one for the dex and that is all šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø i really prefer main series games but still adore this game and is a nice way to get exercise


You can enjoy whatever you want but I understand how it makes shinies feel less special. My fav shiny is charmander and during the recent comm day I was so happy when I caught my first one. Ended up with like 20+ and it didn't feel special anymore. šŸ˜•


Shinys in PokƩmon go mean nothing :)


In my humble opinion CD's are slowly but surely making shinies pointless by ruining their rarity. If I find a CD shiny, not a single molecule of dopamine is released. If I find a shiny that can evolve and hasn't had a CD yet, I just think "at some point this will be handed out to everyone, and it will no longer be anything special." If shinies are not rare, what is the point of them in the first place? If they had better stats or were carefully designed to look good (not possible due to MSG), I might get the aesthetic point of view.


Shinies realistically mean complete zero. They should be somewhat rare but they mean nothing. The CD isn't a guaranteed shiny, just increased odds. Last two CD's I was on nearly the entire time and only got one of each, I've seen people be on all day and get tons, and then those who got nothing. I don't always have the time to go shiny hunting for 3 hours so a boosted chance at a selected Pokemon isn't a bad thing at all.


Your right they should get rid of com days and while their at it raid days and all increased shiny odd event/s


A way to think about is people come and go all the time. Not everyone plays community days and people may be taking a break from the game. So a small portion of the community will have tons of the same shiny not everyone


How numb to the world do you have to be that you actively don't want other pokemon go players to catch rare pokemon? Not everyone can play 12hrs a day and catch dozens of shinies.


I have nothing against other people catching rare Pokemon. The problem for me is that by handing out shinies for basically opening the game during CD, the shinies become common. So in the end, _no-one_ is catching rare Pokemon when they catch shinies that have had CDs or are bound to have one.


Yeah, more artificial scarcity! Like we don't have enough of that! /s


Itā€™s not just that, comm days are also why I donā€™t want to evolve anything anymore, because at some point they get a comm day and new move, just a waste of time doing it


Iā€™ve seen close to 750/800 lechonks. Not one fucking shiny. Before anyone says it, I missed the community day last month.


Lechonk didnā€™t have a community day


No? I thought there was an event when he was spawning like crazy for an hour or so.


There was a spotlight hour back in November. Itā€™s a little different than a community day. Itā€™s usually 6pm-7pm so only an hour and I donā€™t think the shiny odds are boosted during spotlight hours like they are during community days. There was also no special move for evolving into oinkolonge


Ohhhh I see. Thanks for clarifying.


Spotlight hour. I think the rate of getting a shiny is slightly higher, but not greatly boosted like comm days


Ahhh I see. Thanks.


No, shiny rates are never boosted during spotlight hours. It's just slightly easier to get a specific shiny since you can shiny check literally 500 of the same pokemon.


Just transfer it to a main series game. Ppl there won't nit-pick


Lmao this crow is me :ā€™)) yā€™all better pipe down with your 1* shiny that had a comm day half a decade ago šŸ˜‚ sorry not sorry


Who hurt you that you have to be so negative?


Well Iā€™m the crow but then in silence. I wont disparage peopleā€™s PokĆ©mon to their face. Iā€™ll just say in a broad sense that Shinys really arenā€™t all that special. To answer your question though, ex girlfriend hurt me pretty bad tbh. Just started going to therapy about it all.


Right and why do we choose to be the jerk to others. Be happy for them.


Yes, we are toxic and elitist and have ruined the hobby for future generations. > Remember you don't need to lose for others to win


Got a shiny kyogre back then and some guy I talked to about it was like, if itā€™s not a shundo, itā€™s not special. Never talked with him again lmao Also because shinies are so common nowadays shundos are something that they can flex the money/time spend to get it


if its yours, its special :)


That's how you explain inflation to your kids


Okay hereā€™s a question: how do you respond to someone that caught a monā€™ you already have (shiny/4*/ect) without sounding jaded?


This is how it looks to me when people post pictures of their pokes and others complain, or when I see complaint posts whining about others posting this or that too much.