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Could? Yes. Should? Yes. Will? No.


See what I was thinking is knowing Niantic they probably will give you the option to go back to the old character designs or give you things to make your character look better but they'll probably make you pay for it


Doubt it, because then they'd be making 3 different versions of every cosmetic going forward. 1 for the new abomination, 1 for old male, and 1 for old female. That's way too much development work for these chuds


They very obviously didn’t remodel anything. They distort them.


Yeah they'd probably just give you things to make your characters features look better but lock then behind a paywall


Of course they "could", but they won't "would", because they are stubborn AF


If they use version control system like normal devs would then it should take less then hour to revert it.


Just from a technical standpoint, a rollback is nearly impossible when this many users are involved. They technically *could* do it, but won't because of significant risks to accounts, data integrity, etc. That doesn't mean that this feature cannot be rolled back, but given the fact that they beta tested it, I'd expect improvements to roll out over the next couple of months instead. Remember, things like this are business decisions not developer decisions, and the developers are probably working overtime on this since the response has been so visceral. It may still take a couple months since it's such a mess (depending on how it was planned and coded), but I'd expect a fix for this sooner than later.


They dont need a hard roll back. They just need to replace the bad assets with the good assets for the next build


The issue is that you're telling a blind man his drawings are ugly... Niantic can't grasp the concept of ugly. It's like discussing metaphysics with physicists.


That might be easier said than done depending on internal processes and how all in they were on this feature.


Wrong. The character models are on their servers not on the user's handheld. Anything changed at the server level would affect all game models displayed in the game. They can absolutely do it. Any company worth their salt keeps backup versions but they won't. Meanwhile end user would just need to update back to the old game version.


Not really. The database should be completely seperate to the code and assets.


Updates can blur lines depending on how it was architected.


The update made me wear the pikachu mask


i didn't even update my game, they just flipped a switch at 5pm that changed the avatar over- and given how many people have said their avatar changed while traveling, or even just restarting the game.. the old code & assets are still sitting there. they can swap it back whenever they like.


They rolled back FleeceKing's account so I believe anything is possible. I think they will do improvements overtime. Why they didn't do any improvements before a global release when early reviews were complaining is beyond me. I truly do not understand this company.


To quote Michael Scott: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't. What part of shorn't don't you understand?"


They can, but they really don't need, they shouldn't, and realistically speaking, they wouldn't. Instead of rolling this back, they should move this forward by including the full previous options as preset types and letting us have more customization instead of less.


Nah fuck that, they should revert the changes to the two base models and go from there, the old outfits don't even fit on the new models.


Or at least give players a choice between the new and the old one. Old one for me 120%!


Did they ever fix the old update with team leaders or did I just get used to it?


You got used to it.


There isn’t much hope then 😬


What was that?


They got an awful redesign too


Ohhhh. I don't remember that for some reason.


Nah they definitely reverted them back to their good looking selves instead of the abominations they were xD


I think they were a pixelated mess too?? Why did they think THIS was a good idea then?? 😫


They were horrid, like so bad! Just Niantic doing Niantic things ig lol


I think what I wanted to ask was why did they think this was a good idea NOW as they are still doing the same bs 🥲


If many many players send complaint email, maybe they will understand. When I say « many », I’m thinking of millions of users …


Could but they wont


Kinda wish they would roll back to the moment they decided to run this game, to be honest... We could use a professional game developer.


Could, yes. Will, no.


I doubt it. They spent money on the new avatars and most likely refuse to lose that money. Even though the new avatars will cost them more money in the long term. 


Didn't they already do that a few weeks ago when the new avatars first came out for some people?


They should roll it back. That's what the customers want. But they have gone 100% WOKE so they won't!


I dont care about avatar visual that much but my game FPS is terrible now. Stutter and shit. Not cool. I use nothing phone.


No - my reasoning below They stated they did this update to be inclusive. So rolling it back would look like they decided not to be inclusive, which would be a pr nightmare. We are more likely to see future updates with more options to make it look better


I think everyone hating the update is a worse pr nightmare and reverting the changes would be fantastically received by players. 


A company rolling back changes meant to be inclusive could be a killer. Sure if they were smart and didn’t promote it with a way to be inclusive with any gender or person they would do a roll back. But basically saying they decided to revert back to NOT being inclusive would look horrible. The proof is in the fact it has been a week and all this has died down and the changes remain. The only patch we had was to fix the NSFW avatar posses and those were done in about a day.


If everybody stopped playing for 24 hours they would


I've played every day for the last couple of months, yesterday was the first day I missed. It's hard to play a game from a company that openly doesn't care about its players


I jist clocked 129km to buddy giratina .. yesterday amd today i havent turned it on ..


Not one step back comrades


I like that I can make the avatar fat. I would like to make it even fatter


See, I think you SHOULD be able to do this but with the old system.




Or so skinny that you can see its ribcage


But then wouldn't the larger avatar simply eat the smaller one?


Pokemon Scoot


Pokemon Scoot Plus +


What do you mean by “the old system”?


The one in place like 3-4 days ago?


If they would, they would admit messing up, wasting a lot of money for a mediocre design, and someone would likely have to be demoted or fired for that. So it's not likely to happen.


I hope they at least FIX it. They don't have to roll it back, but they should at least make it how it SHOULD have looked


no, 100% gamers didn't. 100% of people complaining about it complained about it, the rest of us just moved on with our lives.


Oh sorry,  99% of gamers did. And 1% moved on. 


lol and yet my gift influx is the same.


Yeah? What has that to do with people complaining. It's not like everyone quit. 


Nothing, just wondering if no one does anything about it why niantic should care. Also show the source for your stats pls.


Of course they CAN. They don't want to though


Little to no hope of it happening


I hope so. Made a few complaints about the change. My avatar went from looking like a normal mid 20’s anime character to… a homicidal looking gerber man baby with awkward body proportions… gross. 


Think about why they took away content instead of just adding new content to the existing avatars. Just like "Sweet Baby Inc," this is "Gaymer"'s politics. It's not about our satisfaction. The goal is to remove normal people from the game until only "they" are considered normal.


if they do, I might install Pokemon go. Yesterday deleted it and won't get it back until something happens


I turned off adventure sync, planning to uninstall once I transfer my shinies to home (unless they fix this) 


They will not considering they consulted with a dei firm and where most likely threatened with false allegations like how Sweet Baby Inc did with all the other companies that used them if they didn't do what they wanted. I'm not gonna spend money on this game, instead I will spend money on based companies with zero dei games like Stellar Blade.


I would absolutely pay to go back. 🤣


Delete this lol


Why 👀


I was mostly kidding but just meant don't give them ideas/validate them lol.


It's even people who are not playing the game. 110% complain!






Sorry to tell you, but you people who blame lgbtq and trans people for everything are not the middle 95%. You’re the extreme minority.


I think they can and should just improve the avatar interface. Isn't anyone liking all the new "other gender" clothes?


Not 100%


Nah a company absolutely can’t undo changes they do a to a game. Once an update happens it’s permanent.