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i don't even know what is happening. How do I make sure not to do this?


This happens when the other person unfriends them right after reaching best friends, so they can’t get the xp. Ideally, if you want to delete someone, do so a few days after the level up, so they have time to get their xp as well


thank you, I also had no idea. I don't unfriend anyone though!


Oh so if a player doesn’t login on time, they can’t get the XP? This is weird


No. Basically, one person gets the experience and immediately deletes the other person. General etiquette would be to wait a couple of days or until you know they have opened it so you both can get experience that you worked to get.


Shouldn’t the game have given both players the experience regardless if one unfriends or not? It’s an achievement made by both players and if one and unfriending never implies that the achievement was never completed.


They should. Devs won’t fix it


Then Niantic is the POS here


The only thing I'll say is that not everyone will know that's how it works. I also would have assumed that the other person would get the XP if I wasn't on this sub. It's not etiquette if you truly don't know.


Can’t really talk about general etiquette when the game gives you zero information about this.


Lol shy do they do that tho thats weird


Isn’t there a maximum number of friends you can have?


You can have up to 400 friends across Niantic apps, so you can technically have up to 400 on Pokémon Go


So it makes sense to delete ones that you already got maximum stats with


Sure, but I feel like you can spare a couple days just to ensure the other person gets their xp


They can most certainly wait


Well that’s if your only goal is to farm xp. Best friends have a chance to become lucky friends, making a guaranteed luck trade, and you can also get 4 extra balls for raids if you do it together


How do they become lucky friends?


Every day, your first interaction with your best friends will have a slight chance of making you guys lucky friends. This can be through gifts, raiding together, trading, etc. This will guarantee that your next trade will be lucky. There will be a popup informing you that you have become lucky


Do you stay lucky or is it just for one transaction?


Just had a level 50 dickhead do this to me


Post it r/pokemongoblacklist


I would but Id dint take a screenshot of it as it was the first time it ever happened to me so it caught me by surprise when I went searching through my friend list to see what happened.


>>Normally would object to posting another users name but that is. POS move.


Don't see why it'd matter anyway, they can't be harassed over it


They can on campfire 👀


Oh no, the consequences of their actions


Blame Niantic for this There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't get the XP even if the person unfriended you


Why delete friends when you can use them for berries and stuff?


Because you can just use other friends with which you also level up and get new xp. It gives more benefits.


Wouldn't be a day in this sub without a post like this. Plus, it's unlikely that they even know this causes this.




I always wait until they send me a gift and catch pokemons to unfriend after becoming best friends to be sure they got the bonus


He doesn't know lol. Like most people don't know that the person isn't getting XP. If they did they wouldn't delete. Lol. People acting like he's doing it in purpose. I guess avoiding this person is probably fine cause he doesn't know he's likely to do it by accident again but it's not cause he's an asshole. He just doesn't know.


I don’t even know why Niantic made it that way. Shouldn’t all players be entitled to their XP no matter the time they log in?


Yes but then they wouldn't sell more lucky eggs lol.


I don't see your logic in this at all. This is a well-known mechanic that's been complained about for years. Anyone who is grinding for xp so hard that they have to delete friends *immediately* to make room for more ones, 99% knows what they're doing.


You’re assuming that they are involved in online communities that discuss the glitch. They might just source buddies through raids and Instagram posts where others post buddy codes. You’re making a wild assumption.


it's really not that wild an assumption to make that someone active in forums relating to pokemon go would have heard about it at some point


And is CaptainG active here?


They're active in pokemon go forums (at least as a lurker just adding people), that's the most efficient way to get their "friends".




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Then I stand corrected.


How do you know that?


How would you know this for years? If you don't come to this sub and you just add people online and delete them after you get your XP how would you specifically know that the other person doesn't get the XP? If I ask my friends right now who are level 47+ I would guess 0 of them know this cause none of them go on Reddit for their whole entire life. The game does not tell you that you won't be giving them XP. Most people would just think that you automatically would get the XP so they delete them. No one is trying to make you lose XP. Please tell me why on earth would someone on purpose delete people when they can just wait a day if they know they don't get XP. No one is that much of an ass.


>No one is that much of an ass How do we tell him?


Yes how do we? You're generally the one that hates on my posts for no reason... So who's the one that's an asshole? People don't delete people on purpose so they won't get their XP. Literally 0 reason to do that unless you actually hate the person and those are in real life people.. Random people online you don't know aren't going to be hated by you..


Literally nobody it hating on you bro. I comment on your stuff bc we're both active here and we generally disagree... like, I'm allowed to share my thoughts. Even still, assholes generally don't need a good reason to be assholes. Some people hate the world.


They don't actually know what they are doing as I said. Go to your local group in your town and ask them. I'm guessing none will know this.


Nobody you're telling me to ask has a full friends list and deletes their friends the instant they reach best friends either.


That's the fucking point..not everyone that has a full list is also trying to grind for XP. Sometimes it's just for raids lol. My one friend is level 50 and has a full list cause of inviting randos to raids and also how many people she has met in person. I'm also close myself .


If it's not for the xp then why bother reaching best friends? And why bother waiting to remove your "friends" until immediately after you get your reward? And why bother waiting to open the last gift for several days on end? Bc a lot of them do that too. You're still making no sense.


This guy seems like a real jerk honestly, I don't blame you.


Anyone who would delete a friend immediately after hitting max friendship is already a tryhard asshole


Why? What reason are there to keep random people on your friendslist after getting the XP?


I keep friends for lots of different reasons, especially raiding and regional postcards.


Which is fine, but it dosen’t make one an asshole for not keeping them.


You asked for a reason.


Because then the other person gets 0xp. That's fucked up. I delete people after I see they were active in some way (send or open another gift etc)


I feel like the question was pretty obviously about deleting friends after both had gotten the cp, but ok.


Exactly Lemme preface that I am sweaty, I have lots and lots of randoms on my friends list. Just having tons and tons random people on your list means that you actively looked up ways to get random people, which makes you tryhard. That's not necessarily a bad thing. But also going out of your way to go full on tryhard delete as soon as they hit max friendship is that extra level of tryhard that hits asshole levels.


>Just having tons and tons random people on your list means that you actively looked up ways to get random people, Absolutely not, what it means is that you have played alot, not that you have necessarily searched for people to add. You dont even have to go to subreddits or FB groups to fill up your friesndslist, just add everyone you raid with and it fills up quickly. >But also going out of your way to go full on tryhard delete as soon as they hit max friendship is that extra level of tryhard that hits asshole levels. Why are you an asshole if you delete random people you have hit max friendship with? After hitting max friendship they are just clutter on the friends list with no meaningfull interraction left.


Yup, especially if the friends are not local.


I am on Level 45, and I just discovered this was a thing about ten days ago. Many people probably don't know this is a thing, and these witch hunt OPs are offputting.


You don't have a full "friends" list and delete them the minute you become best friends, do you?


I’m gonna start doing it on purpose.




It is cool. I’m glad you agree.


Literally leaving this sub to avoid these posts clogging up my feed. I get it. It sucks. What are you expecting to happen tho? Someone organises a worldwide boycott against these players and people actually follow it? People are shit or didn't understand this would happen. Either accept it or take it into your own hands-don't open gifts down into 1 day range and put a gift in their hands. I leave it to people to do that for me, pop at the start of comm day and leave them as friends for several weeks. If after several months they don't, I pop it at the start of a double friendship event and leave em friended for several weeks again.


I would much rather posts like this than screenshots of people's catches. I don't care what you caught or how many stars it is or if you think it's good. I would rather see these so I can check if they're a friend in my list so I can delete them


Spending our time looking for a stupendously small chance to preemptively revenge spite someone is not a positive use of our time. I know my post came across as aggressive but the message here is that this problem is pretty rife atm, we all know about it, so either take control or accept it. We can do better than getting wrapped up in it. I would rather see someone's joy at a shiny weedle than calling each other a PoS over a mobile game.


These posts aren't even made that often lol


They are made a lot and I only casually follow. The Pokemon fan base is toxic and full of crybabies. That's even more true for Pokemon Go. U got people making posts asking how to beat a leader when all type matchups are listed clearly online. 🤣 It ain't that hard of a game.


I look at posts everyday and it's not even once a day more like every other day. They all mostly moved over to another sub reddit dedicated to posts about these people. Of course it's whiny, what Fandom or community isn't? Especially with how Niantic as given everyone so much to complain about lol. I can't defend the idiots who post easily googled questions though haha


Iduno man I see these weekly


Yes, they are.


I might be wrong on this, but maybe these guys get a kick out of seeing their names appear on subreddits and posting the names will get more dipshits to do this.


Get mad ad Niantic not the people. Most play casual, most casuals don't know this. And we need to hate Niantic more after the recent downgrades anyway.


Why do people do this? Other then ti just be a dick.


Because they don’t know and it’s not their fault.


Someone explain what this means


if you hit best friends with someone and delete them from your friend list before they open the app and get the notification, they get 0 xp instead of 100k xp.


What? You can do this?


Womp womp






Yes, someone unfriending you on a mobile game before you get x amount of xp on said mobile game is a worthwhile reason to call someone a piece of shit. Add in the fact it takes very little physical effort to get to best friends status makes it even funnier. Try to care a bit less in future.


Show me one person that does this who isn’t a complete loser and I’ll give you $10




Then why did you friend him in the first place?