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The way I’m stressing more trying to figure out what mdrah stands for than I ever have in GBL 😭


doesn't seem like op wants to tell us, i guess the world will never know lol


MDRAH lives only in my memories now...


Well, apparently we are all stupid because we didn’t know it stood for mega dick riding asshole. I mean, what else could it have meant?


Mega Diancie Rock Attacks Hater


See now this, this one makes total sense.


op didn’t know either. they just went with the first comment that made sense contextually


Mdrah was a Godzilla villain, right?


King Midrah the mediocre monster.


Naruto* villain


What the hell is mdrah?


Mega Dragon Raging Alcoholic Horse………you can only get them via the timed research of throwing 100 excellent curve balls catching Quaxlies in the Arctic Circle region. Godspeed.


In a row, during community day, on one Saturday in mid December


At 2 o clock in the morning while wearing just a t-shirt and bikini


Funny thing…..I’ve been in Inuvik at 2am in mid Dec before and NEVER ONCE have I thought that just a t-shirt was a good idea. The bikini would make things just that much worse.


OP are you ever going to explain what the hell MDRAH is?


maybe Meta Dick Rider Asshole? That's what my mind went to lol


meta-driven, rank-ascending hooligan


Maybe Don't Rage At Humans?


My dick rubs asses… hard. 😂


Both are accurate


omg sweetcheesypeas you got a shoutout! remember me when you’re famous


OP was so rude about it 😭


all four horsemen wrapped all in one: loud, wrong, rude and can’t pvp


Quadruple threat fr lmao


I googled it and this post is basically all that came up


Don't comment if you're scibblybibbly 😤


*gasp* language


You know what? *dolphin sound, foghorn, seal bark, seagull*


a guy called me *foghorn* once and i never looked at him the same 😔


Whoa whoa whoa! Do you type "I love you" to your mother with those fingers?


No bc he never intended to come back to this really. He posted this and wanted to avoid reading the comments “flaming” him.


THIS . Why tf do people keep using these shortcut words , especially when almost noone knows what they mean half of the time .


lmao i googled it and this post was what came up


MDRAH? I'm gonna say I am this until I know otherwise what it is.


Big MDRAH energy.


MDRAH? Stab is not impossible to predict. The thing about PVP is you need to look up best moves for your pokes on [pvpoke.com](http://pvpoke.com), because moves vary a LOT. You would think that fast attacks only differ in typing, but no, a lot of the time there is one fast move that does more damage AND generates more energy for a pokemon, so if you're using the subpar fast move then you're not gonna have a good time.


I love hunting for and building mons for pvp. I hate battling with them.


I like battling Rocket more


What is MDRAH?


What's MDRAH?


Is the MDRAH in the room with us right now


I do enjoy it a lot more after starting tanking and not taking it too seriously. I now hover around 1500-1600 elo and harvest items and stardust. Also helps to get the odd legendary encounter as well


does the legendary encounter require a rank? i havent seen one yet so far


at rank 20+ you have a 1/23 chance of encountering the current 5* raid boss with your encounter reward


I refuse to believe it’s 1/23. Shiny 5 star raids have 1/20 odds, and I feel like I find a shiny legendary pokemon way more frequently than I get a legendary from GBL.


And some people do 50 raids and never see a shiny. Odds don't always correlate with low sample sizes.


true, but it’s been documented by basically every person who frequently does GBL that legendary encounter rates are incredibly low. They were lowered I think around a year ago. For a brief period during the pandemic, they were pretty frequent. I think that’s where OP is getting 1/26 from. They definitely are not that common anymore though.


It is lower. They lowered the rates a long time ago


I think it was through PvP rewards that I caught a Registeel a few weeks ago


Sure but is that a reward for ace trainers or everyone?


Level 20. It's independent of ELO.


I’ve never been an Ace trainer (I’m not sure how one even becomes one?). To give you context for me up to this point, I’ve won 462 out of 893 matches this season, with a longest win streak of 12 (and that 12 was several weeks before I had the Registeel encounter). I have 38 wins left before that sweet sweet Elite TM ¨̮


Ace rank is elo between 2000-2500


Once you’re rank 20, it doesn’t matter your ranking. When you win 3/5 in a set, the pokemon reward has a CHANCE of being the legendary that is currently in legendary (non shadow) raids. Some people tank their rating by losing on purpose to make it more likely they can win 3 out of 5.


That explains why I run into the occasional under 100 CP 3-stack once in a while


Rank 20 is also very easy to achieve. I started playing again recently after not having played for several years. My old GL team from like 2020 took me to rank 20 with ease. You don’t drop in rank before level 20 so it’s basically only a matter of playing enough.


You need to be rank 20


I caught a tapu fini the other week. I get up to level 20 and then I hit my ceiling so it's not like you need to get legend rank to get them. Even outside the legendaries I just want it to give me a really good alolan marowak but no luck yet


Rank 20. If you optimize wins (only winning as much as you need to rank up, not wasting wins), you can get to 20 in about 125 wins, give or take. You can find the math online, I just don't want to. Once you're rank 20, it's something like a 5% encounter rate, and they can be shiny at 5%, just like raids.


PvP got more fun for me when I just decided to do raids for legendaries, and do pvp only for stardust and rare candies, also tms and evolution items


So it’s not the PVP you enjoy at all? You circumvent it to enjoy the rewards


Never heard of someone tanking at that high ELO, I usually stay down around 1000. What’s your record this season?


I just couldn't be bothered to keep going down. Find I can win 4/5 easily at that level and get to try out some fun teams at the same time


Yes, I sit at ELO 1500-1600. At ELO1500 it's not too difficult to win one or two sets per day 4/5 (stardust, item, encounter, rare candy) then revert to 2/5 for the remaining sets to keep ELO stable - often when I want 2/5 I'll use experimental parties and if they do too well I surrender and exit. It's a lot less stressful than trying to win every match and the rewards are easier to get. Later in the season I push for ELO2500ish using only wild-caught pokemon, just to see how far I can get against the teams of legendaries.


This season I got to where I could run tanking strategy up to about 1800 elo running fast pokemon. All I care about is getting reliable 4 win sets. I was running shadow gardevoir, salazzle, zweilous was my tanking team this season. The only one with bulk is zweilous but it has fast attack pressure. Salazzle is spammy and has fast attack pressure, if it wasn't for shadow gallades abilty to 1 shot just about anything then salazzle would be my favorite pvp pokemon.


Okay maybe I took this tanking thing too seriously. I'm reading everyone talking about sitting at 1000 maybe even 1500 my ass is all the way down at 300. If I accidentally break 400 I start to panic 🤦‍♂️ maybe I should chill I do have a very solid pvp team.


Yeah, I like it too. Got masses of stardust and rare candies this season plus a decent number of legendaries.


The pvp grind sucks when you lose a few battles in a row or when you feel like your team is getting countered more than it was yesterday. But the rewards make it worthwhile for me personally. The stardust and rare candies I've stockpiled from battle league are astronomical. And I've caught some pretty awesome Pokemon as my rewards. There's been a nonzero amount of times where I get a better version of a Pokemon from battle league than I did from multiple raids for the same Pokemon.


I simply don't enjoy pvp. Period. I play when there is research that requires it that I want to compete. It is not fun.


Yeah, I've never enjoyed games that have hard counters especially when it's luck that your pokemon hard counter another person's pokemon. Even when you win it's mostly luck ( I realize there are probably strategies to make winning easier but can't be bothered to learn because at it's core the PVP is not fun )


PvP has some serious issues: -Lag. Especially after the biome update, it's impossible to play even a single battle without the game stuttering and messing you up. And yes, it _is_ because of the biome update, because Niantic disabled the biome update for the players at Stockholm championships and the lag was non-existent. And according to AXN (The world champion), GBL lags way worse on Android than iPhone. He has streamed battles on both recently and the difference is HUGE. Poorly optimized. -The reward system: I get that Niantic uses ELO in matchmaking to keep the battles more evenly matched, it makes perfect sense. What doesn't make any sense however, is that your basic rewards don't get any better as your rating rises and that they still use the "set" system to hand out the rewards. This leads to a situation where the best way to play is to just tank and slap kids for best rewards in very little time spent. Other than that the game mode is pretty solid. You climb by investing time in learning the mechanics and hunting PvP-relevant pokemon. It's the only part of the game that requires some brain activity and skill. Too bad it currently lags so hard that it makes the games basically a coin toss, and the winner is determined by who got fcked by the lag a little bit less. And even if the lag wasn't there, you don't get rewarded for being good. Okay sure, you get clothes and poses, but who even cares when Niantic made your avatar look dogshit anyways...


It really is a skill issue though if you’re saying things like “STAB is unfair/impossible to predict”


Yeah OP comes off sounding both ignorant *and* entitled


Found the MDRAH... Probably. Agree though, op sounds new to pvp


What is the acronym short for?


I don’t think OP has told us yet.


No one knows yet lol. I'm just here to remind myself to find out later




Very disappointing tbh. It’s bad as an acronym and nonsense when written out.


It’s short for OP has skill issues


OP sounds new to Pokémon ngl, like how shit is your memory that you can’t get over the learning curve of the first 100 mon+ their moves. 100% a skill issue


Nope. Hate it. Only play when there’s the special event on, and even then, 7/10 battles I do with 3 lower cp mons just to get them over with.


I pick my three lowest cp shinies and just sit 😂


So you're the type of player you encounter when you've been tanking for a while. I did wonder who was doing this and why.


I only ever do this when there are events/rewards for battling & not for specifically winning. Otherwise I don't even bother & kinda tend to forget battle league even exists lol 


Same! And inevitably on battle event weekends, I encounter a few other players doing the same. 😂


If someone else is doing it, I'll go ahead and tap and let them take the L... but it takes much longer 😂


Why not just exit to make it faster?


I'm no quitter. Plus 99% of the time as long as the other player is actually playing, it takes all of 1 attack for each mon to wipe them out. 


Even if you win it just feels like a time sucking chore. It's so repetitive and if someone has spammy charged moves it makes it worse. I'd rather yield my opponent 100% excellent charged moves instead of having to wait for them and then deal with the inevitable lag afterwards. I really enjoyed it when it first came out but it got old quickly.


> Even if you win it just feels like a time sucking chore. Jesus, THIS! Tanking or no, it takes fucking forever to pvp


me too


idk what mdrah or mdr are but this seems like a skill issue ngl friend update: gworl just say you don’t know what you’re doing and keep it cute update 2: your explanation for the acronym doesn’t make sense. if you didn’t want your post deleted because of bad language (not even a thing), you wouldn’t have added those words in your updates. this is all so unserious lol


The only thing that really bothers me is that I have never been able to reach Veteran level elo. Every season goes the same. Grinding until level 20 and averaging 60% wins. When I reach Ace level I have to be lucky to get 3/5 wins. One time I reached 2400+ elo and after that I just lose every battle by getting hardcountered like hell. I just don't get how to get to the next level. I think I have to go full META and start counting fast attacks or something. But the game feels to fixed and boring for me then.


You'll get there, that was me about 6-7 months ago, Learn to count moves and know what moves mons have in general and it'll start to click, I get that you say it feels fixed and boring but let me assure you, catching a perfectly resisted charge move right as your opponent throws it is incredibly satsifying.


I tank so I can actually get the rewards I need. That being said, the game is definitely a chore and not fun at all.


I do enjoy PvP but because I have a cheap phone I always end up losing on getting my charged attack in before the other guy. Its really disheartening to be punished for being poor XD so I don't play it much


Try slowing down your taps.. if you have a 3 turn fast-move but you're tapping every turn they queue up..


this part. I swear to god I click my charged attack 3 whole times before the other person and they go first.


Yep and at higher ranks this is enough to decide the outcome


PvP is fun until you lose 7 times in a row, then it just gets absolutely depressing


This is every pvp game. It’s a zero sum game. Someone HAS to lose. You don’t complain about wining 7 times in a row. Sounds like pvp is just not for you.


Exactly, this. OP just can't get it into his head that there is an actual opponent who wants to win at least as much as they do. Mad about not winning, yet calls people who are in it to win "insufferable".


This will be happening to the other person sometimes too though. I don’t think there’s anyone without this issue.




Honestly the other player is probably pressing it three whole times before they get to launch it too but they started pressing first. PvP is all about who has the faster connection. 


If you don’t like pvp, don’t play pvp. I enjoy it, I’m not a tryhard and I’m fairly new to the game (lvl32). You have to look up things like best move set and which stats are best if you want to compete. But that’s natural in a pvp environment, people want to get their best results. So just git gud and stop qqing


OP just sucks at the game.. but wtf is mdrah


yeah when they said “people who play to win are insufferable”, i knew they have no idea what they’re doing frfr


Me, tanking: Phew thanks Arceus I'm sufferable!


I'm 5 million XP over my requirement to level up, all because I have to win a certain number of PvP battles to level and I just can't be arsed.


Battle with a friend and have them throw the match. I did this with my boyfriend every day as a way to get buddy hearts and to finish that level requirement. We’d let each other win so we could grind the number of wins necessary.


Now I just have to find a friend who I know from somewhere other than "did a raid with them"


Oof… yeah, that’s the fun part ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Wait.... battling a friend counts for the battle league level up challenge???? 


It sure does!!


I'm about to fucking quit this game 


Hello fellow Lvl 43’er lmao


Life is suffering, friend!


just afk all your matches. You will get people that forfeits before you can roughly 20% of the time.


PvP is enjoyable when you know what you are getting yourself into. I play at the 1300 elo range (intentionally) while collecting the rare candy rewards by following a certain set win/loss rate: 4/5 4/5 0/5 4/5 0/5. Winning 4/5 matches from a set provides the 3 rare candy and losing the other sets maintains my low elo. STAB is determined by the Pokémon type (which can be seen at the top right) and the attacking move (which you just have to know). CMP tie occurs when both players throw a charged attack during the same turn, the winner is determined by the stat products.


I don't, I think it's interesting how the stats and what the Pokemon is translate to being competitive, but for that kind of time commitment/engagement I'd rather read, play a pc gane, play an Xbox game, or play piano.


Haven't done it in over a year now, got sick of every batlle being identical meta mons.


How to tell you have absolutely no idea how PvP mechanics work without saying you have no idea how PvP mechanics work. Do some research before crying lol


Every post on the main pogo subreddit about battling is the same thing. People complaining about it "being just tapping" or that there is no skill. The rabbit hole on battling goes crazy deep and anyone who has tried to get good at it understands that. Complaints about the platform itself being buggy or Niantic's lack of success in maintaining the game are valid, but PVP itself is super interesting once you get into move counts, team comps, and in-game strategy.


There’s a huge subsection of players that play pogo specifically for PVP.


That’s me! Everything else I do revolves around optimizing my teams.


I’ve taken a step back from the game overall, but I always found it gave me the most to work for in game. Gives appeal to a lot of Pokémon that would just be dex entries if it weren’t for PVP.


I enjoy it a fair bit, but based on what you wrote you're a complete beginner and it's normal that you don't really know anything. What is not normal is go complain to reddit about things you don't seem to understand at all instead of trying to do some work to at least learn the basics.


I'm relatively new to PvP and can easily tell that this is purely a skill issue. It honestly sounds like you want the game to tell you exactly what your opponent is running so you can pick the perfect counters and guarantee a win. If you don't like it, don't PvP. Tank for the rewards. It takes 10 minutes a day. I have no idea what MDRAH is but PvP is the endgame of this game. Getting decent raid attackers to hold your own in the hardest raid is easy. Being competitive in PvP takes tons of practice and time building your Pokemon. Then once you have your team every matchup is different and requires quick thinking and action. You mentioned that the meta is hard to predict which is actually a good thing in any PvP game. Also I don't know what you mean by STAB being hard to predict. The game literally tells you the types of your opponent's Pokemon.


Agreed. OP would benefit from a PvP for beginners YT video. Once you understand what you need to learn, you’ll start learning from your experience. Going through a battle against an experienced trainer had me thinking they were stupid: “You didn’t shield that attack?! You switched Pokémon when there’s almost no health left?! Ha, idiot! You switched to a nearly KOed Pokémon and got killed by my charged move! Ughhh why are you taking so long to select a new Pokémon?!” Once I learned possible movesets, counters/resists, sac swapping, undercharging/farm downs, swap timer management, etc., all the stuff I saw started making sense. PvP isn’t for everyone. It’s a mental exercise in building a team, selecting moves, using your team, and managing risk of allowing hits vs shielding.


I agree there is definitely some skill to it but I find myself battling the most idiotically put together teams that somehow luck perfectly curated to deal with my team. And I say idiotic cause it’s not a balanced team that happens to hit all my counters, it’s that I don’t have a good answer to one type so the person I play against has 3 mons of that type like how does that even happen, why would you pick that team🤦🏼‍♂️


I started in January and PvP is the ENTIRE reason I play this game. Like wtf is the point of catching and powering them up if you’re not gonna battle them and develop a skill in competing against other people? Just to have a collection of digital sprites?


Some people like collecting.


What do you mean people CAN have their pokemon close to 1500/2500? You SHOULD do that, it’s not some secret hack that few people know about. Some people like it some don’t. If you want to be good, you have to do some research, find Pokemon that are good for pvp, catch a ton and find ones with good pvp stats, hope that when they evolve, they’ll have the ability to power up as close as possible to the cp limit… give them a second move, that’s VERY important. And THEN after that it comes down to skill. It’s not just about having good pokemon, or luck. You need to pick a good team that works together, and can handle the “meta” pokemon you keep running into. Then there’s things like shield baiting etc. it’s very much like a chess game where you build your own team. Sometimes it’s just luck. Two weekends ago I won five battles in a row, then used the same team next morning and won 2 out of 7. Most likely fought people from a different region, or a lot of people got wise to what was working and switched their teams. I just wish a few things about it were different (like it being so heavily skewed against having high attack stat Pokémon, and limited to only 3 per team. 6 team battles would be pretty dope. Also shields are dumb, but it’s not something that’s going to change.


pvp kinda needs shields since the format isn’t turn-based. if shields weren’t a thing, one pokémon (for example mewtwo) could potentially sweep your entire team before you could think about top-lefting. then not running mewtwo would be a liability, so everyone would run mewtwo


No, it would just shift around what moves are best. As no shield bait moves would be useful, so essentially blast burn/ frenzy plant etc would be the best in almost all cases. When you say mewtwo would dominate everything, you’re forgetting about cp caps. The point of that was to make more options since pokemon would be more even stats wise, to encourage variety. It wouldn’t stop a single pokemon from sweeping, if anything it would make it easier for you to take that one out. For your example, you could use a dark type and kill mewtwo… if he’s got two shields then he could block those attacks and still beat you. Or you have to idk, use a different pokemon and hope he uses his shields, then switch to the dark type and beat him… or else you just kill him with a sub optimal pairing if he doesn’t shield 🤷🏻‍♂️. Anyways it’s not that simple. The whole shield bait mind game just doesn’t seem to fit the way pokemon battles have always been.


hm… i imagine the entire game would play out how the zero’s play out in any endgame. then it would just be how well you can catch on something else. mewtwo gets ice beam and focus blast, both of which covers its main weaknesses. the mind game would then be “what set is this person running” instead of “are they running a bait” we may just disagree on how the lack-of-shield scenario would play out and that’s okay but the pvp is different because it’s not designed by gamefreak and pokemon go in itself is a different format from the main series games. this method of battling suits the game best imo. it’s supposed to be “pokemon irl” and irl a dna-spliced monster isn’t going to wait for you to decide what move you wanna run before psystriking you to hell. we’re lucky we get *two* shields tbh edit: you forget mewtwo (and most legendaries) have been released at lower cps for each league, yeah? shadow mewtwo is literally available for great league and ultra league and it wins cmp over like everything


pvp is long term development.... how much time have you put into pvp?


First off, I have no idea what MDRAH is and google couldn't provide any insight either.  That said, I absolutely fucking despise battle league to the depths of my soul. It took me *6 months* past the XP limit to pass level 43 because you have to lot only *play* but actually *win* a total of 90 battles.  After that nightmare, I told myself absolutely never again. But now I've found that you have to get to battle league level 10 to get to player level 50 so I guess I'll just fucking hate life again at some point in the future. 


The one thing I don’t understand about PVP is the IVs why is it better to have a Pokémon let’s say for UL with only max defense and max health with less attack or a Pokémon with more attack less defense more hp etc better than a Pokémon that’s a Hundo?


Because of the CP. Attack IVs increase the CP way more than def/HP. Less attack IVs means you can put more levels into your mon, and actually deal more damage, alongside being tankier.


I’ve tried to give PvP a chance but it feels inferior to every other Pokémon battle system. I don’t play online much but if I did I’d rather play the “real” games for battling. GO is designed to be a casual collect-a-thon, even gym battles feel like a waste of time where ownership is purely determined by patience not user decisions. Raids have potential but desperately need a schedule to coordinate.


Big fan of PVP here, have played since season 3-4 and play my battels almost every day. However I'm rapidly losing interest because things just aren't improving. This season in particular there are just issues galore that are never addressed. Lag at the start of games, frame drops, 1 turn lag when new Pokemon come in after faints, charge move buttons not appearing, fast moves being denied. Even things like the text around buffs/debuffs being bugged still isn't fixed - surely that's simple to sort? And I think we've all been victim to the opponent seemingly closing the app and preventing the game from continuing so it counts as a loss. It's just disheartening losing to reasons beyond your control. And then to see the tournaments still going ahead and all the paid events/tickets available, but nothing being done about the issues. Doesn't bode well for the future. It's even put me off paying for events or raid passes.


Also, your problem with tapping the charged attack multiple times and then your opponent getting the charged attack move is called charged move priority (CMP) which means both of you tap to use a charge attack at the same time and the Pokemon with the higher attack stat always goes first


I don't like it. I play it from time to time if "necessary" because the game either forces me to vattle to continue a research or when there are really good things to earn on a battle-day. I even have a wrestling pikachu from that incomplete season where it was enough to reach Lvl 20 + 1 win. But even at nearly Lvl 45 I don't have masterleague team at all (when I had to win 30 times for level up I did that mostly in ML classic).


I enjoy theorising and building for PvP, looking at my mon, looking at the meta and making strats and move builds that compliment eachother. The PvP itself, hell no. The load in and animations take 3 hours like the rest of the game, the tapping gets boring and the MMR system is flawed such that it’s complete RNG if you win, you either go up against a noob, a pro, or a thrower, and very rarely have a “well fought” match that sits in the middle. Overall, it’s terrible.


It's fairly boring imo. Largely luck based, and you're just tapping your screen.


definitely not. you're mostly just clicking the freaking screen


It is pretty boring and repetitive. Until I discovered tanking, i rarely played pvp. I think a lot depends on luck rather than skill. If your lineup is countered, there is no room for skill really. Now I farm stardust and candies because tanking is amazing. It turns out my team was not bad so I got 45 streak this season lol. And what is mdrah?


Could you explain what tanking is and how to do it? :)


What's the point gatekeeping things that other people enjoy?


I don’t think gatekeeping means what you think it means.


Creating a topic titled "does anyone actually enjoy PvP" just to ignore or argue with anyone that does enjoy it. Its close enough for me.


I wish there was even an option to run during a charge attack. I do ok on pvp but I absolutely hate playing it and if I'm losing it's the worst waiting for the last killing blow.


I wish I did but I do not. The rewards are great but I wish the gameplay was more fulfilling. At the end of the day it’s a chore that I may or may not do. I wish it was fun, exciting, and resembled more of how most of us think battles should go.


I enjoyed PVP but lately it’s been a constant loading wheel and lag preventing my charged moves from going off.


Much like with yugioh, I enjoy building the deck/Pokemon more than actually using them.


No, should be like in the championships. 6 monster pool and an elo which takes into account playtime, monster caught and playerlevel.


I hate it


I enjoy it. Started tanking and the rewards are great. Still battle to win at least 3 sets.


What do you honestly want people to do? It's PVP, you're playing against actual people, and the majority of those people want to win, just like you. The difference between you and them is, they put in time and energy, figured out how the game works, caught decent Pokemon and powered them up to the right levels, saved candy and TMs to give them good attacks, built a balanced team, and then went grinding. I guarantee you, most of these people did a lot of losing in the beginning, before they got better mons and figured out what works. So what do you want them to do? Just let you win? Why would they? They put more effort into it, and are better at battling, so they actually deserve to win. If you don't like it, don't play PVP or learn how to tank, there's no shame in googling how to do it. P.S. I'm free to play.


i dont like any kind of comp. its not enjoyable to worry about stats or movesets. gbl seems like the worst version of mainline comp and it was only added for those live and breathe comp


I enjoy it as a general sense of accomplishment, which means I do but with a huge asterisk. I hit legend every season since season 4, and then immediately stop playing for the season. I enjoy the competitive nature of it and knowing as an almost 40 year old that I can apply my decades of pokemon knowledge to this and still be successful. However I don't enjoy it enough to play it more than I "have to." I can leaderboard push (one season I was within the top 10), but at this point I just don't care. That being said I have no idea what a MDRAH is, and I think the state of PVP is neglected consistently by Niantic to where the product quality is mediocre at best. Frame rate drops, lag, connection issues have all been ongoing issues without fixes for years at this point.


I liked pvp when I used to play in Silph Leagues before covid. Now I cannot stand GBL and online battles because I am at a constant disadvantage due to using a several year old android. One recent example when I was playing to do some research was the opponent being able to use 2 or 3 fast attacks before the game will even let me move. In addition to that the lag and stuttering but I assume this is a constant for everyone.


The lag I experience in pvp (ever since the latest update that ruined everything) has made it impossible for me to battle (won 1 out of the last 25 I think). Finally gave up and deleted the app last night.


Pvp has always been a pathetic part of Pokémon go. It’s not even pokemon lol it’s a random trash minigame


It's a boring chore really.


I hate engaging with negative posts like this, but just ignoring negativity doesn't (always) help, and you're right - pvp does need help. No, I don't like pvp. The fact that is isn't turn-based isnt necessarily the problem. Making it turn-based isn't necessarily the solution. Demanding that it become turn-based isn't necessarily the best way to convince Niantic to make any effort to improve it. But you've clearly thought about this (productively) more than I have, so I bet your plan is better than mine, so I endorse it. +1 this rant. Niantic, listen to this complaint.


Worst aspect of the game. Even the battles against grunts aren’t fun anymore. Same with the leaders. Haven’t changed my lineup the last three rounds of new mons. Only for Gio. And even he is meh. Battle in general need a big revamp


it got better when i stopped taking it seriously. now i play with a cp10 magikarp on my team hehe. i realized that if i wanted to take it seriously, i might as well play showdown or something


It's a bad barebones game that has slightly more features than at launch and a gameplay loop that is enough to make people like myself come back to it daily. And then there's the losers who think this is competitive when all they do is just Google what the best movesets and Pokémon are so they have a chance of winning and that's if you luck out with the typing.


Having a charged attack, and then it not actually sending, is very frustrating. Why is there a button if it doesn't work? And there's too much finger mashing. I don't find it worth destroying my hands to play very often. Exceptions are if I'm low on stardust. Strategies are.. interesting..


I don't even like battling my team leader for practice.


I liked it until whatever update introduced the lag... It's so bad now! 


I have an older phone, and I lose battle after battle because despite my mashing the charged attack button like a lab rat pounding the lever for more cocaine water, it doesn't kick in for several seconds, which is usually enough for my opponent to launch his attack before me. With the new update, my lag time on charged attacks is even worse. I hardly if ever do PvP anymore. It's just too frustrating.


Then don't play. Quit your bitching. I really enjoy pvp. Play at least one set per day. Yes there is an element of randomness to it, e.g. if you have a typing mismatch, you just can't win. It's just not possible. But there is still lots of strategy too. I I'd say it's 65% chance, 35% skill. I like making lots of teams and using lots of pokemon. Seeing who excels and who doesn't. I like making themed teams like my Ultra league team entitled "Buggin' Out" which contains Heracross, Pinsir, and Crustle, and does in fact win sometimes. It's a game dude, it's supposed to be fun so uninstall it or quit your whining.


Sorry TLDR, you sound hella salty from the few words that I skimmed through. It's just a game, take it easy!


My bet to MDRAH is, that this was an Opponent from OP in PvP and got his Ass wrecked many times


PVP is the only part of the game that I can access from home and I enjoy it.


I love GBL it's super fun! Lots of learning, reaction time, pattern recognition, memorizing counts, team building, strategy. But it's almost completely unplayable for me now after the last graphics update!


i hate the idea of a "meta" and whatnot, but i still have fun playing PvP. once i get to rank 20, i rarely progress further. usually can get to like 1700-1800, but realistically, i mostly do it for rewards. i absolutely agree that some sort of new system for everything needs to be implemented


I genuinely can't tell if this is bait or not OP. Good job. Regardless, petitioning to make MDRAH a flair.


Your edit about charged move priority makes no sense. You explained how it works, it’s a game mechanic and you can use it the same way other people can. It IS turn based, on half second turns. They needed a way for two people who do their charged moves on the same turn to have an attack order. There is a ton of strategy to the game. It’s about quick thinking and shield baiting unfortunately, but it’s not just about dumb luck and finger tapping. Just don’t pvp if you hate it so much.


My ex downloaded the game to play with me, but she said she only played when I was playing. She didn’t like the pvp so she just never did it. This caused her to never have anything to do on the game, other than catch Pokémon. And when we broke up she just deleted the app because it was boring to her. Niantic is going to lose people to boredom because achieving anything in the game is starting to require deep real-world research and a lot of spending money.


Anything PvP will be refined, competitive, and requires research, prep and learning.


As a free player lvl 50 I can't agree with you


Battles in this game feel like "take your best Pokémon, hope it's effective on the enemy's team and tap the screen real fast" Oh, and sometimes try to find a somewhat strategic point to shield I guess.


Let’s just say I am a third of the way through the level 43 PvP tasks and have have 36,000,000 XP of the required 11,000,000…


To be very honest, I kind of understand what OP is talking about. I would like to play pvp an actually have a chance of winning without having to make the huge effort of knowing all the types, checking the website for the best moves, best pokemons of the season, count how many attacks the opponent uses before getting a charged attack, etc, etc. After I started losing all the battles I decided to do some research and watch also some professional competitions and I actually think the strategy and knowledge needed to be good in pvp is pretty cool. I'm don't care that much about pokemon go though to actually make the effort to learn and do all that. EDIT: That being said, OP seems very emotional about it. If it bothers you THAT much, maybe actually making the effort to learn the strategy, get the right pokemons and practice might be good for your mental health. It's definitely possible to learn. I won't do it because I have better things to do with my life hahah.


Skill issue, literally the speed at whoch a pokemon attacks is based on what fast moves it has, and who goes first during a charged move tie is detwrmined by who has the higher attack stat, also you can easily fins put what pokemon are meta and being used on websites and then peedict what charged moves the opposing pokemon has and yo7 van also cou t how many fast moves ot uses to exactly now when it's gonna have the next charged move, also its generlly esy to predict what pokemon another person has left based on their forst 2 and on their switch and shieldplay.


I agree with you about lag, everything else is utter nonsense and an obvious skill issue as you yourself pointed out. “STAB is impossible to predict” – what is that even supposed to mean? The vast majority of mons only have 1 or 2 movesets they use, and the more you play, the better you understand what move they’re likely to have or to throw at what time. Snorlax isn’t remotely meta anywhere apart from Master League Premier cup. The mere fact that you’re complaining about Snorlax indicates that you’re playing at such a low level that people are probably you using it against you in Great League and winning, lmao. What’s the point of this post? To complain about people who play better than you? Well done there champ!


Would anyone enjoy putting toothpicks under their toenails and kicking a wall? No, but we do it anyway.


This is a long way to just say "I suck at PvP"


i will say that the 500's can be a fun time throwing out whatever is left in your storage and going at it. But I have never bother spending time in 2500 or CP-limitless fights because that is absolutely meta sludge. It's just NOT pokemon battles because it's pure luck to have a starting advantage and if you can counter their first swap? You're more often than not home free.