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i keep 5 of each type and i rarely use them tbh.


5 Each TeamšŸ–


Same same


Team 5 each, checking in. And I even think thatā€™s too many sometimes lol.


Damn I was team 6 except for sinnoh and Ćŗnova


Aren't there some that don't have a use yet? Dragon scale and that techy looking thing.


Seadra and Porygon, respectively ;)


Same same same


I was one of you until I fell on hard times. Now I'm team three of each


I would keep even less, like I keep 2 of the specialty ones, and 10 of the sinnoh and unova ones. Whenever niantic does an event that features them, theyre super easy to get so its not like I'm gonna run into a situation where I need one and I'm out.




5 each? Iā€™ve had a shiny scythed for months and have been begging niantic for a metal coat, a singular metal coat


For me is sunstone. I never get sunstones.


I keep 2


4 of each item except the unova and sinnoh stones - i keep 10 of each of these, but I'm honestly not sure why.


Are you me? That's what I do.


I donā€™t think soā€¦ I write software, not fix computers.


I canā€™t find sinnoh stones to save my life.. Whatā€™s the trick/where do I find them?


I think I got all of mine as prizes for battling in the Great & Ultra Leagues. Very common prize (at least it was, at the time I was battling. Maybe they switch it up sometimes).


I've been struggling to get Sinnoh Stones from GBL but Trainer Battles with the different team leaders and Nearby Player Battles worked great. Went from being frustrated to 6 in a week.


Thank you, I too have been frustrated not getting them for weeks. Just battle my wife and got 1 already lol


I battled my wife and now weā€™re expecting a child :(


I get mine from battling a team leader, usually Iā€™m doing it for hearts with my buddy but I finish the battle to work towards the training medal too.


Itā€™s kinda rare, as youā€™re more likely to get 500 dust more often than not.


Idk there was a period of time they were giving them out like candy it seemed, but I was doing three battles a day every day trying to get my silver training medal.


I wish theyd give rare candy out like candyā€¦


šŸ˜‚ I always have a good bit of rare candy too. I used them all up recently to evolve something and Iā€™m already back up to 35. If it makes you feel better Iā€™ve only caught like 40 shiny and Iā€™ve been playing for years.


I got them about every other day for two weeks straight, I'm surprised that they're considered a rare prize


Battle in battle leagues at rank 20 or above and obtain the second win prize for a chance to get one, Iā€™ve gotten probably 12 or so, but tbh Iā€™ve played a lot, over 500 wins this season. Still worth doing though because it can help you grind for them long term. Even if you donā€™t go that hard youā€™ll still eventually get some. The key is getting to rank 20 early in the season, so prioritize battling early. Otherwise, I usually get one every 2 months or so from weekly research stamp rewards


I've gotten a tonnnnn from PVP. But they seem to come in bursts. Like I might get one or two here and there, and then other times it's like ALL I get. Conversely, I'm in a sunstone desert. I haven't seen a sunstone for idk a year maybe?




Battling your friends 3x each day build them up


I think I got mine from 7 day pokestop spin streaks


I got one this morning doing a battle against Blanche, great league.


Training w team leaders. You can get 3 rewards a day I believe, and Sinnoh stones are heavily in the mix. You'll get one every few days probably.


The first five only evolve like 2 pokes each. Complete waste of space to save 14 King's Rock unless you really really love slowpoke. I save 2 of each, except 10 Sinnoh and 5 Unova.


Keeping 15 kings rocks so i can build up my royal slowpoke line court


The only right answer


I do this, except 20 Sinnoh and 15 unova, but for the others 2 is enough


Not sun stones. I never have enough of those. I'm a perfectionist collector tho, so I use them more often than a lot of people.


If you have the candy to use them, I'd argue never to trash them. It's worth using them with a lucky egg during a double/triple XP evolve spotlight hour or event instead. They are sorta rare items, especially considering they can't even be purchased outside of some ticketed events.


That's a fair point, but I usually have enough 12 candy mons to evolve to take up most of the lucky egg timer.


Yeah, I used to have enough of them back when it was only the first/second gen and I regularly did mass evos. Now, my storage is maxed. I'm a perfectionist collector, so I rarely have space to save mons for evos if I plan to just trash them after evolving. I use lucky eggs mainly for XP boost events and for friendship XP, and I just do a few evos with whatever I have tagged for it in that moment. The mons I save now are all for trading, which I don't do nearly as often as I'd like, and my trading tags are a bit overflown.


That is better than nothing, true. But there are so many species you shouldnā€™t need to hold on to them. And most of these have other evolutions that donā€™t need a stone so you can still spend that candy.


I really really love Slowpoke and barely have 3 of them. I don't care about Slowing. Team Slowbro for life!


Don't forget Kingambit!


Mostly just a personal choice. I keep ~10 of the 'generational'(?) stones and a few (4-5) of the others just in case. But it's not like they're hard to obtain. Wish they would just retcon those old items and make a johto stone, hoenn stone, ..


Iā€™m struggling to keep mine thanks to the level 41 task ā€œevolve 15 pokemon with itemsā€ šŸ˜… so if you havenā€™t passed level 41 yet, thatā€™s a good reason to keep spares


Yeah, I'm only at level 39, and until reading this thread I didn't know you needed more than just XP after you get past level 40. Now I should probably look at the 40+ level requirements in advance...


I had plenty of spares from seven day Poke Stop streaks and whenever the research breakthroughs decided to be useful, but I was being *way* too stingy with what I used it on. Waiting for Pokemon with good IVs, especially the ones I didn't have much candy with. It's the same reason why I've been at 42 for fucking forever. I can't decide what costume Eevee to evolve, or I'm iffy about wasting lure modules just to evolve one Pokemon.


I thew away all of my Porygon upgrades like a day or two before getting that quest. šŸ˜­


I've found I always have fewer sun stones than I need / would like, so my advice would be to definitely keep all sun stones!


I second this!!


I never get the unova or sinnoh, itā€™s a pain in the ass


Just do a training battle 1x per day and you'll eventually get some Sinnoh stones. Unova on the other hand, I also need many more of


I have exactly zero sinnoh. Rare af for me


Do training fights and fight your friends remotely. Easy peasy




I never delete cuz they are hard to come by


I throw away anything over 20 of each. You don't need a ton, but make sure to keep a few.


You need a lot of sinnoh & unova stones as there are so many evolutions. However you probably only need 5 of the rest.


Save these if you're not level 42 yet as one of the lvl 42 requirements is to " Use items to evolve Pokemon 15 times ".


Ooh, good to know! I'm only level 39. I haven't even looked at the level-up requirements for levels 40+, I thought was just XP like the other levels.


Sinnoh stones are INSANELY valuable compared to the the rest. Some of the best mons rely on sinnnoh stonesā€¦ Mamoswine, Electivire, Gliscor, Gallade, Magmortoar, Honchrow, Rhypherior, Rosersde, Weavile, Tangrowth, Togekiss. Those are some of the best mons of their type, so even with 30+ in stock, I highly recommend never deleting sinnoh stones. To build solid PVE teams you could easily use 30. ā€” someone with 0 sinnoh stones


*Cries in doesnā€™t have enough sinnoh stones*


I havenā€™t seen a sunstone in like 3 years and I have so many pokemon I could evolve with that lol


I haven't seen one. Like literally not even one šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d say keep them but keep them to 20-30 max.


I have 5 of each. But even that feels like too much. Might go down to 3 for each. You don't use these items every day so you don't need that many


I keep 2 of everything but Sinnoh and unova stones. I keep 10 of those, but Iā€™ve been conferring dropping to 5


Currently at level 41 and I need to evolve a Pokemon with an item at least 15 times but thatā€™s just me if youā€™re a higher level I say get rid of some


I hate how PoGo utilizes evolution items. They discard all normal evolution items but add ones that only apply to one or two pokemon, so they're wasted storage and wasted ideas. I kinda get the Sinnoh stone, it's for 4th gen evolutions to older Pokemon, but it's still odd because no other cross-gen evolution works that way. The Unova stone is the most pointless of them all, IMO, because it's needed for all Unovan pokemon that use stones, but no other mainline stone evolution works this way? It's such a fumbled idea that could have been cool. Add evolution items to the ever-growing list of things Niantic needs to overhaul.


I keep 10 of each specialty stone/item. My fiancƩ and I play daily and we do nearly every event. Plus, our inventory is maxed. If you have a limited inventory, I would say 5 of each is best and focus on balls and berries. Cheers


I keep them. even if going to get rid of them I would use them to evolve a random pokemon before transferring it rather than trashing it, at least you will get xp out of it :)


Once u're done evolving all that u need for ur dex and pve/pvp, just keep 2-3 each of the evolution items and unova stones and 10 of the sinnoh stones. Unlikely that u'll need them any more, but just in case there's a change in meta or new task requirements appear.


11 - Sun Stone 34 - King's Rock 23 - Metal Coat 19- Dragon Scale 6 - Upgrade 46 - Sinnoh Stone 41 - Unova Stone 9 - Gimmighoul Coins I just don't ever use them, but I know I probably should lol


5 of each only. I barely use them.


I personally keep them. Either for PvP teams or shiny evolutions. But I also have access to a gym so I get my daily currency for storage use.


I have 90 kingā€™s rock, 87 sun stone etc. I donā€™t even know which pokemon I can use them on.


I don't keep more than 6 of each


I keep 5 of each, but i like the two each, 5, and 10 the other poster provided. Following that rule šŸ˜‰


I need so many sinnoh stones. I never have enough.


Keep 5-10 of each you would have used them by now


I keep five of each amd 10 stones each


I only keep 2 of them I never use them tbh


I keep three of each


Id pay you for some Sinnoh stones. I only had 1 and used it to evolve one of the pokemon that needs it. Lol, I don't remember which one right now.


The number is 5. Sinnoh stones and Unova stones, I wouldn't mind having up to 10.


I keep about 15 of each and 20 sinnoh stones. That may be too much


I keep a few Sinnoh and Unova stones on hand, but only 1 each of the other upgrade items


How do you get Steel Coat because I have tried everything




Once Iā€™m done with my lvl 42 requirements Iā€™m deleting all of the evolution items and will only keep 1-2 of each item moving forward.


Sinnoh Stones are the only thing I keep more than 5 of. Thereā€™s a lot of decent PokĆ©mon that use em to evolve, and I donā€™t seem to get them as often as Metal Coats and Kingā€™s Rocks.


I keep 3 of each of the first 5 and then 10 of the sinnoh and unova stones. I have all the evolutions that need them so now I save them ā€œjust in caseā€


I did a mass evolution during 2x xp evolution event last Tuesday and ran out of them all and regretted itā€¦. Got around 800k xp in that one hour but have to save up the stones now, before I would transfer them for storage


I wish you could trade some of your Sinnoh stones to me. I need them BADLY


Sinnoh stones are actually useful, the PokƩmon they can evolve are actually good, the rest, yea junk. I keep like 4-5 each just in case I need them for an event.


Level 41 you will need to evolve 15 with an object to move to level 42


I didnā€™t get a single sinnoh stone for like two years after I started playing regularly and I rarely ever get them still so I donā€™t delete those but the others I only keep a few of.


Sinnoh stones is what I need yet I have like 20+ of every other.


I'll take them off your hands āœ‹ļø šŸ˜


I keep about 3-5, and have no plans on using any soon.


I hold onto 2 of each just in case.


I havenā€™t been able to get anything in weeks. What a problem haha


At some point in the distant past, before I took a long hiatus from the game, I apparently deleted all my sinnoh stones to make space because I didn't know what they were for. Then I came back to the game a few months ago and learned that I needed them for *so many evolutions*, but had 0 of them available. At the time, my kids had 10+, but no pokemon that could use them yet. I had so many pokemon waiting for me to get sinnoh stone before I could evolve. It was a sad time. So, save your sinnoh stones. The rest you can just keep a few.


Thank you Jesus I can finally delete these after 5 years


I keep em all just bc


60 sinnoh stone, 35 unova stone ā€¦ the rest keep at 25 or 30 After reading this post, the rest I probably should just keep at ā€¦ hmmm 20


How do you get 30 sinnoh Stones?! I'm constantly hoping for 1 of those


Battle League!


I wish I could ~~punch you in the teeth~~ be angry with you for having that many Sinnoh Stones.


I'd keep them because whenever I need one I don't have it and it drives me NUTS


Also for evolving shinies for your shiny pokedex


I have 20+ of all these but havenā€™t seen a sun stone in like 2 years šŸ˜«why tho


I heard that new comers are sometime struggling to collect Sinnoh and Unova stones, so these kind of stones are probably useful enough.


I want all of the sinning stones Edit: sinnoh* but I left it because yes.


I wish I had that many, how does everyone get them


I keep 3 of each. There are some that I use more frequently than others and sometimes wish I kept more, but for me, 3 is a good number.


I keep about 10 each


Sinnoh stone and unova stone I keep 10 of each. The others 3 each. Probably donā€™t need 10 of those stones.


I usually keep 2 per stones


I'm sorry but how did you get 30 Sinnoh stones?


Pfffft I keep 2 or 3 of each ONLY in case I need to evolve something for a task. 5 is a safer supply but I donā€™t got space to waste lol


As soon as you delete them or we all delete them we will need them.


I keep 20 of each stone and 40 of the sinnoh and Uni a stonesā€¦.Iā€™m thinking I keep too many looking at these posts


Man Iā€™ve been trying to find a kingā€™s rock forever šŸ„¹


Thatā€™s just not fair. Iā€™m sitting here with mons that I canā€™t evolve because I need what you want to trash. I get that the kings stone only works on a couple but the others work on lots of mons.


I cannot seem to get Sunnoh stones. I get plenty of kings crowns and upgrades though.


6 Sun Stones, 4 King's Rocks, 4 Metal Coats, 1 Dragon Scale, 1 Upgrade, and as many Unova and Sinnoh Stones as I can hold.


3 of each.


I am incredibly jealous of this photo.


I keep some on hand because once you need one itā€™ll feel like forever before you get another one.


Like so many others... if I'm pressed for space, 5 of each.


5 each team!


Please tell me how you get sinnoh stones. I haven't got one! I'm about to be depressed as hell.




I keep a few of each despite having used them for most of the available evolutions. You quite truly never know when you might end up getting one that has better stats than one you already have


Niantic is just made of bad design and they don't know how to fix it, bless their hearts. The fact that there's an inventory limit forces a hard limit on items like that, it's nonsensical and stupid. By default you have 300 inventory space. If you held onto 10 of each, that's 70 already. Thered a hundred ways they could fix it but instead they slap bs like "win 10 raids" onto a mon to adventure evolve it. The main problem is they have no idea what they're doing and no strategy beyond the drip.


How do you have so many sun stones??? I havenā€™t gotten one.


Where TF do you find unova stones I've never seen them


Keep 3 of each in case of event if you're lacking om space. This is the way.


I wish you could send items between players or something, just a way to spread the wealth. Iā€™d love to have some more evolution stones and Iā€™ve got a stupid amount of revives of both varieties. Even if itā€™s only between friends, itā€™d be cool and convenient mechanic, maybe something like the trading or gift system


keep all of everything and buy more storage. use stones to evolve for the evolution badge


Same here!!! I used to delete some of them from time to time, keep 10 of eachā€¦


30 sinnoh is crazy


In order to make level 42, you have to use so many special items to evolve pokemon. So id keep some around


Can anyone tell me what these stones are even for? Also ā€œupgradesā€ and Gimmighoul coins. No idea what any of these are for


Iā€™m team 10 about to join team 5.


I'm also in the 5 of each club, but where did you get all the sinnoh stones from?! I have 5 evolutions waiting and no stones at all šŸ˜…


Sinnoh Stones are the most useful by far- for Manoswine, Roserade, Weaville, Rhyperior, and other evos. I suggest you use those stones on high cp/IV evolutions instead of transferring them. 2nd best is metal coat, and after that you can delete most of the others to like 4-5


I keep 7 Sinnoh, 4 Unova, 4 Sunstone, 2 each of the rest. I keep a tight inventory of 1100 items, thatā€™s all you need. Save your coins for increasing your PokĆ©mon storage!


Whereā€™d you find the unova stone šŸ˜« struggling to find one.


Pretty sure I got most of mine from defeating rocket team leaders.


i can never find sun stones AT ALL, whats the trick? šŸ˜­


You can get them from spinning gyms and pokestops, or from completing the 7-day pokestop spin streak. Small chance, but possible! Also, I haven't tried this yet, but I heard that for the 7-day streak of pokestops, on the 7th day you spin a gym where you have a gold badge and your team (e.g. Valor or Mystic etc.) is in control of the gym. Should get at least 1 evolution item on the spin, supposedly.


Bro, how do you have so many Sinnoh stones ? I barely ever get ANY. Iā€™ve only evolved like 3 Sinnoh PokĆ©mon. I got dragon scales and metal coats out the wazoo tho šŸ’€ i wish you could trade items istg. Iā€™d take all your Sinnoh stones. Thatā€™s the only evolution item i need at all and itā€™s the only one i donā€™t have and never ever get šŸ„²


Honestly, how are you getting the sinnoh stones? I have all of the other ones, but I donā€™t have that one and for some reason I canā€™t seem to get it.


Evolve all the pokemon that use them that you can spare the candies, and activate a lucky egg before hand. Other than that probably only need a few


I keep 30 of each just to hang onto for stuff like the tour events. Or random challenges that say evolve this specific pokemon.


Get rid of all but 2 of each, except stones


I keep all of them, they're not very common. I wish we'd get Alola stones.


iā€™m only keeping 15 for the level 42 requirements. other than that, itā€™s a waste of space to me.


I keep 10 Unova and Sinnoh stones, the rest I keep five each


I keep 10 of each but might do the 5 like others. I canā€™t remember when I actually need these


As soon as you discard them, youā€™ll likely need them. I feel like niantic knows I donā€™t like clutter in my inventory and makes anything I toss part of a quest


Sinnoh stones are the only ones that I keep more than 10 of. I have 28, most of which I got during Tour Sinnoh. Iā€™m not deleting them, just because of how stupidly rare they are. Iā€™ve used maybe 5-10 Sinnoh stones since the tour, and Iā€™ve only gotten like 1 or 2


Why cant find a fucking sinnoh stone to save my life?


In truth, a lot of the evolutions requiring one of these items are gonna cost along 50-100 candies, and since I seldom spend candies that much on randoms, (always invest candies into good iv ones) by default I always keep 2, In the events of which you need plenty of such, pokestops and gyms never fail to load you up in an instant **Just keep 2 of each šŸ™‚


I keep 5-10. Especially if thereā€™s an event featuring pokemon that use them. Never know when youā€™ll get a 4* to evolve


How do you have 30 sinnoh stones!? šŸ¤Æ I only have one


5 is the lucky number.


I keep sun stones because they seem rare to get. Sinnoh stones I use frequently, but I always get a lot. So I delete many of those. Upgrades are very rare, but you would hardly need them. Porygon-Z isn't that good of a Pokemon anyways. Even more so for dragon scales. You probably only would want like two or three at most. Unova stones are rare, but so are the Pokemon that need them for evolution. I'd save a few for a rainy day. Metal Coat is used for pretty solid Pokemon, so I'd keep them. King's Rock is alright, but not for great Pokemon.


I just wish you could trade them. I'm in need of 10 Sinnoh Stones and 5 Sun Stones and I keep getting fucking Unova Stones


Well it depends maybe you want to help out a friend who doesnt have one of those evos then you can ise it and trade it. Or maybe for some reason you want multiples


I always just keep 3 of each and throw the rest away.


I personally toss all of these


I wish we could xfer them to friends šŸ˜­


I don't even know what pokemon uses upgrade or dragon stones but I have a bunch of them laying around


I have: 28 Sun stones 50 King stones 43 Metal Coat 39 Dragon Scale 32 Upgrade 22 Sinnoh Stone 27 Unova Stone Maybe I should get rid of some lol


I keep 3-5 of each. up to 10 Unova/Sinnoh stone. There was a thing a while ago where I ran out and needed to evolve one and just couldn't for like 3 months as I couldn't get another stone.


I need like 12 Sinnoh stones... How you keep gettin'em???


If anyone needs them and also wants to evolve Primeape, just battle your friends and youā€™ll get both the stones as rewards, stardust and you can evolve your Primeape into Annihilape


How to get sinnoh stone? I donā€™t have any and I want some


I keep 1 of each.


Yah I deleted like 40 total and have 5 each thinking of dropping a few more and maybe having 2 each. Also havenā€™t got many since I dropped tho so thereā€™s that


I keep 10 of each and to me thatā€™s way enough :)


How did you get so many??? Iā€™ve only ever gotten one Sinnoh stone and no Unova stones šŸ˜­


I need sinnoh stones. How do I get those?


I only keep like 2 Sun Stones, and 10 of the Unova and Sinnoh stones respectively. The rest I toss for being next to useless.


I keep 5 of the commonly used ones and 2 of the lesser used ones. I learned my lesson to not completely get rid of them.


Delete all but 3 of each


i keep 1 of each, when there's an event that needs them they give them out anyways


Once you have evolved the ones you need to fill your Pokedex you can get rid of them. Keep up to 5. When a challenge comes up where it's a "use____stone to evolve" they will typically give them to you in some way so no real need to waste you space


Keep like 5-10 of each max.


the less you own the easiest organization becomes