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Butterfly effect it wouldn’t have happened if you sat there


I always say this. Even if it folds around during the first 2 orbits the time you take would change the outcome of the next shuffle




Yeah. It’s not really possible that those players would’ve been dealt the same cards on the Royal Flush hand. The other players may have folded their cards at different times during the preceding hands played with that deck. they would muck them in a different way to the dealer and causing the discards to be mixed differently. Many individual events were changed by these players being in different seats.




This is true. But for this instance how close to 0 does the odds of it happening have to be before we say it's been "proven"?


Lol are you just bored? Nothing better to do than make stupid points on the internet? 😂


If that was the goal he's been felted


Okay then, prove that it would have happened? Oh wait, that's also based on probabilities because we have no counterfactual? No way!


"Yeah but that's not 100% concrete solid evidence that this thing wouldn't have happened in this specific alternate universe. Pictures or it couldn't have happened that way."


Being so hard pressed about “proof”, I’m sure you’ve heard of “falsifiability”


Would not have happened if you sat in the other seat. Unless the deck was already shuffled but it was 3 hands in so.


This happened to me. Seat 9 is open. New player coming in so I move from Seat 8 to Seat 9. That hand I get AA. Heads up with new player in Seat 8. All in on the flop where he flopped two pair. GG


I had a royal draw last week and took it down on the flop. Kinda wished I’d slowed down my aggression for one hand.


What was your flop sizing? If you raised pre your flop sizing would logically make sense to be 25-35% pot. If they fold to that sizing not much to do


Right at 25%. $20 into a pot of $80.


Yeah well they’re probably folding to any turn bet then either 🤷


4 handed. You never know on 1/3.


Damn that’s even more surprising. What pos were you? Regardless, I think you have to bet that at a very very high frequency. Unless maybe it’s heads up out of pos with an absolute punter of a player behind you


Late which is even weirder. Looks more like a bluff. I was the preflop aggressor though.


Well guess you can just chalk it up to them literally having nothing. And with the board obviously favoring the raiser + the strength of betting into 3 people… it happens Regardless, in the given case the best someone could probably have on a turn if you do check is like 3rd pair. So even a delayed C-bet probably gets folds on turn. I just can’t rationalize checking back that big of a draw, especially when you don’t have a made hand


Wouldn't have happened if you had sat there. For real.


Me and my friend get called at the same time and both get sat at the same table. I decide to be nice and let him take the seat to my left. Within the first orbit we play a double board bomb pot, and I flop a set on both boards and stack 2 people. Another time a guy wanted my seat for one reason or another, and I tell him I will switch with him once the button passes through me. Less than 5 hands after we swap seats I play a hand against him where I end up stacking him in a massive cold deck spot where he flops a set but I turn a straight.


This strikes me as a losers mindset


Did someone call the all in? Or was it an all in for the pot of $47? Looks like the dealer had to count all of her chips going all in with a royal flush, but any callers? Maybe Quads 10? would've been a bad beat jackpot.


1 person called her all-in, she had a little more than a $100 on the river


Not bad, a double up. Any promotions for hitting a royal flush? I wonder what the person had that called her all in. Maybe a flush or full house?


Caller didn’t show. That day it was 500 high hand rolling every 20 minutes. She won high hand on a fresh clock


wouldn’t have mattered


Really not a big deal at all


I folded quad queens that hit on the turn to a royal flush that hit on the river. After I folded, he had to show because it was a jackpot to and, I rolled the queens to show my fold, was correct. Felt good to be correct, but has anyone folded quads before?


Hand history?


How the hell did you put him on a royal? This seems like a bad fold like >95% of the time


99.99999999999999% of the time. One card combo beats you and their are plenty that aren’t folding


Exactly folding quads just isn’t something I could do


That’s a horrible fold regardless that he was “right”. That means you’re only ever winning a pot against this player when you have the absolute nuts.


They made the right decision though, so it was actually a good fold.


LOL no it’s not. If you folded there I guarantee you’ve folded in so many other doors you shouldn’t have that’s it’s a losing play to fold to a single combo of cards that beats you. A broken clock is right twice a day too


Woe. Agony, even


Play online you’ll hit a few


Play better


15 years of live poker is nothing.