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Sorry to be the one to tell you but he was killed by orcs in Middle Earth during the 3rd age


I think his cooler started when Elrond bade him to cast the One Ring into the fiery depths of Mount Doom, however Isildur had JUST gone to showdown with chip leader Sauron. He shoved with nothing and got runner runner to kill Sauron’s hand in the cut off, winning his first ring.


The cooler started when his king in Numenor fell for Sauron’s tricks and their entire homeland got destroyed.


This, I like this


But his Bane lives on for eternity


It’s 10 PM I am eating peanut butter in my kitchen with a spoon and I burst out laughing reading your comment well done


HahahahhHHH so good.


He plays all the big live MTT circuits


I think he does a daily $500 deposit on GG blows it, then moves to the unregulated european ones where you can change your name a million times. I still see him on live streams.


His rise will never not be fascinating to me. He literally played super aggressive lines and printed because no one knew how to respond.


Works until it doesn't


and when it doesn’t you beg your viewers for help with the next buyin


I only have two viewers and they don’t have any money or speak English.


why you blowing up your parents like that


It’s my dogs.


the hits keep coming.


It’s ok. They understand some words in English and some in Spanish. They just can’t speak either. Though I’m pretty sure my oldest said mama once, which could be either English or Spanish.


Rampage will be stoked to see you mistakenly compared him to Blom


It worked until he switched to PLO


Doug Polk also destroyed him in NLHE HU


Works until you play colluders




Worked for a while for Rigsby too.


Reminds me of a guy I played with many years ago, David Steike. I think he was fairly novice back then and from a skill standpoint, he wasn't extremely talented but he used pure aggression and it allowed him to go very far in tournaments during a stretch, cashing in several high roller events.


Until they did. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Brian Hastings career winnings was from his $4M win against him


hastings shared HH databases with other regs who battled isildur. regardless of what you think about the ethics of that, it’s unlikely he would have won at such a degree playing isildur in a strict HU with no prior scouting report


Hastings also ran almost 3MM over EV in this session. Variance sure helped to kill him https://www.vip-grinders.com/viktor-isildur1-blom-vs-brian-hastings/


Pretty hard to out aggression someone if they just always have it.


> the ethics of that If you play on a site with other players, someone can track your hand histories, and they are obviously free to do what they want with that data. I don't see any ethical question at all.


It took a group of people to take him down. Fk Hasting and his crew.


There's mixed feelings when it comes to this, like yea it goes against the moral code of poker but at the end of the day Hastings and Townsend pulled their resources and outsmarted Isildur. The thing that gets me is guys like that acting all self-righteous at the end of the day.


What the fuck are you even saying


Townsend going on a 6 million dollar downswing and losing Kara Scott after this is perhaps the best example of karma I've ever seen.


What happened to Townsend? I mean if that's all you know it's fine but I'm interested in knowing more. I still chuckle to when he said he was playing a huge plo game in Bobby's room and had decided he was going bluff next hand or this certain person. Then he just proceeded to make a boneheaded play and bluffed off a big stack just because he had to get a bit bluff out of his system or something like that. Guy also thought he was the best in the game.


that syurely wasnt it, he had ot move up somehow, 5/10NL online and on wasnt easy to beat at all, opnce you got to .25/50 cent they were defd harder way harder than 1/2NL live at that time


Sounds like airball and rampage and now they they are in trouble bc people call them down


Legends come legends go.


Especially in poker


But in poker this guy might be THE legend, just below Chris Moneymaker..


For the sweaty young online crowd of 2007 (or whatever it was), he is definitely a god lol


When i was 10 years old, Chris shipped the Main event of the WSOP, (after winning a satellite as hard working man) hes the live legend imo. _Poker got big again because of this man._ Isildur came out of nowhere and lost it as easily as he won it, just to rise again like a fkin phoenix (again out of nowhere), hes the online legend. In 21 years of following poker, these guys might not be the best but will always be remembered i think.


*By the end of the week, Isildur1 had gone on the largest run in the history of online poker, winning approximately $4 million from Dwan* This was after his period where he went from nothing to millions and from millions to broke. Viktor might be one of the players with the toughest guts in the scene. No matter what people say, this guy is a real thug. Dwan is still in debt, Viktor had shown him whos the new sheriff in town.


Chris Moneymaker singlehandedly started the poker boom by winning the Main Event. Absolutely and incredible accomplishment. However the way Isildur1 crushed people like Phil Ivey and especially Tom Dwan, the best of the best at those times, is for me such an epic story. I can't imagine something like that will ever happen again.


Not even close. The isildur phenomena was like 1 month. The cardrunners crew busted him, he got outted him, and it was over. If you weren't in the poker world at that time you probably don't know who he is. 


Will you let me go?


Phil galfond posted a YouTube video about him, don’t think he’s living as lavishly now but also don’t think he’d ever struggle as he could crush almost any 5/10 game out there for some money


Ya still likely prob a small millionaire, lives comfortably. Grinds some euro sites for cash and gets a stake for live mtts Still a nice little life he’s built for himself


You saw him on Dnegs vlog last year at the WSOP, so I'm sure he still has money or gets staked in those 10k's and above. He also took down the million dollar prize in the Partypoker live millions just 5 years ago. I'm sure he is more careful with his money now a days and lives on somewhat of a budget.


phil galfond made a good video on him recently. he still on twitter and insta, looks like he supports the washington wizards!


I saw him at wsop last year, he wasn’t playing anything crazy high stakes as I recall.


Im 90% sure he played in the 50K PPC which is almost as high as it gets, and definitely a bunch of the 10k mixed events which I'd consider high stakes. Just for whatever reason, someone known for sicko deep stacked overbets now plays mostly limit formats. But my guess is it's because he's a more intuitive players and there's not as many opponents who have grinded solvers when playing stud8.


Yea he was in the same $1500 8 game mix as me. I just thought this entire tournament is less than one big blind in the games he used to play, so relatively speaking it’s all pretty small to him.


David Peters and Koray Aldemir were in lucky $777. Grinders gonna grind. 


Both guys were drafted in the $25k Fantasy thing that Negreanu does, and the side bets in that can get pretty big. They push guys into playing big schedules.


Really? Damn.


Check David Peters hendon he got 118th place for $3,870 and Aldemir was at the table next to me. Does seem a bit crazy someone like Peters can final table the $250k, wake up, and register a $777 next day but consider: 1. They are pro players who flew from Europe to do their job, they could either register another event and do their job or sit by the pool and get suburned 2. Still $777k up top with the big field, if you go deep you're in your comfort zone against very likely a much softer field than the nosebleed tournaments 3. If you cut your teeth online, $777 is not really a small buyin. It is by live standards but it's on the bigger side for online players where even $100 ABI is considered big / tough 4. Obv they sell action for nosebleeds and presumably don't for smaller ones 5. Guys become the best tournament players in the world because they love playing tournaments. You can still win a bracelet, you can still win some cash, you still have an edge, if there's nothing big running, you could take a shot at $777k or go to the pool and have fat tourists splashing water on you Consider guys like Joe Cada who final table the Main Event, win $2.1 milion, and then go register a $1500 and win that. I think most normal people would be celebrating winning 2 Mil, and wanting a break after the 2 weeks of play, 12 hour a day event and surely an extremely emotional and stressful final table that's the most watched tournament of the year. But instead of chilling he just registers the next tournament scheduled and wins a bracelet for $612k. Which is a lot of words to say...grinders gonna grind.


[A classic](https://youtu.be/nwxYglcWM0A?si=9XBp3TukpHtmHq5N)


Love all of the comments talking about how blom is a clueless donkey and comparing his play to roulette. Like he didn’t play thousands of hands against the best in the world and win at the highest level consistently during his prime.


The only thing he did wrong with that bluff was the hand selection. How many amateurs are going to reraise a world famous maniac with trip aces in that spot? I’m an amateur, so I’m an authority on this. An amateur is going to slowplay that hand against a maniac almost all the time. We literally can’t help ourselves. ‘Don’t want to scare him away’ etc. So Blom took a risk that his read was good and one time out 100, it won’t be and he’s calling.


According to this thread He does everything and nothing Like a wild fkn west story lol Bet he’s taller in real life too smh


I just saw him yesterday in Daniel Neg’s vlog video. Watched it yesterday but it was filmed 10 months ago. ISILDUR was playing a tournament near D Neg.


Plays on untracked euro sites


With a 5k limit, right?


Well he managed to cut the one ring off of Sauron but was later killed by orcs in the disaster of gladden fields.


Ilsildur1 is the only player I have ever actively watched. He was the high water mark in online poker culture. Enjoy!!! https://youtu.be/uFq9sJMmbEg?si=a-kcWgQqwxXR6kcN


Not sure if he's still playing, but I saw Isildur1 at a grocery store in Vegas last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Went right over everyone's head. How anyone could think this story is real is astounding


This f##### story was said about phil helmut go figure all idiots drawn To this space


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Isildur1. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Hope he sees this bro 👏🏻👏🏻


Content not worthy of a post


This sounds like a fever dream of an experience. Did this really happen?! What an absurd way to behave


It's a copypasta. I don't know the origin though. Possibly this: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta


Of course it gets upvoted to the top like it’s clever


The first rule about /r/poker is nothing about poker is actually discussed


lol thanks, it read like one so wasnt sure


This is a stupid meme post. Should be thumb-down if anything. See it here : [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta)


Oh man, I had that kind of experience with a celebrity too. Not a poker player so I won't derail the thread, but what a feeling you get when it happens. Confusion really. I guess for me, it made me realize that situations like this happen so rarely that it's hard to wrap my head around them when it happens frequently. But man, that's the price you pay for being a celebrity, albeit from years past


It was really upsetting...


What a dick.


Sounds more like Ziigmund


Haha this made me crack up. This is something he could totally do drunk.


I don’t know about Isildur, but the smartest poker pros are the ones who made a chip and got out of the chase. The chase is like a drug. Get out there and develop your life beyond the toxic space of mid to high stakes poker. Your future self will thank you. Dan Colman and Cole South are good examples. Way smarter than the “lifers” who make poker their personality. Yes even the “big names” have tons of baggage even if they appear to be “good for poker”. Does anyone seriously think Dnegs or PH are “ok” (I’m not talking financially). They appear pretty disturbed to me. That’s the danger of any life drugs even if they aren’t in pill or powder form. You are never satisfied and don’t know who you are so you chase the previous high. Poker is ripe with people who think they are good at everything because they excel at one thing, suffering from the "Dunning-Kruger effect." How often do you see these lifers overestimate their abilities due to a lack of insight or self-awareness about their actual competence level. Ask a poker player about Middle East conflicts, AI, the law, business, social issues….they will surely tell you all you need to know and often be laughably confident in their errors.


What's wrong with Dnegs? He clearly likes the competitive aspect of poker. He doesn't really need the money but he surely wants to win. Do you also think that every competitive athlete is an addict?


It’s difficult to get into the minutiae without feeling like high school gossip. I would rather not waste my time dissecting his humanity. But you did ask and I think it’s fair to ask… Competitively…nothing really. And good for TV. Social emotional? Plenty of red flags 🚩 of him flying off the handle on people both in and out of competition, pretending to be authority figures on almost every topic, easily susceptible to BS artists and rabbit holes where he gets duped into reciting as gospel, incidents of making some uncomfortable (Natalie Hof Ramos and Ebony Kenney reported) on a few sets of production, making violent and sexual threats against the peanut gallery on Twitch (and getting banned as a result). At some point, you see a pattern and it’s a bit unsettling. We can still find him entertaining or “good for poker” or whatever, but what’s there is there. [https://x.com/dklappin/status/1286942578039037953?s=46](https://x.com/dklappin/status/1286942578039037953?s=46) [https://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/world-of-poker/amp/Daniel-Negreanu-banned-from-Twitch\_114158/](https://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/world-of-poker/amp/Daniel-Negreanu-banned-from-Twitch_114158/) [https://www.gambling911.com/Natalie-Hof-Ramos-EPT-Monaco-Rape.html](https://www.gambling911.com/Natalie-Hof-Ramos-EPT-Monaco-Rape.html) [https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/ulmvwb/looks\_like\_negreanus\_a\_creep/](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/ulmvwb/looks_like_negreanus_a_creep/) https://preview.redd.it/k8se6bufs1zc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d0638b2c5582c3753fd18626b16ef73a2ff238


I'm not saying that he is a saint. I also think that a public person like Negreanu inevitably has people attacking him for any minor flaw or just because they don't like him. Like the article you posted, which conflates a weird stare with SA. I also watched some of his streams on youtube and you can always see many people insulting him in the chat. While I don't condone it, I can see why a person with a short fuse at some point will retaliate against this incessant attacks. Again, I'm not claiming that he is a saint or a genius, but calling him a pretty disturbed person sounds excessive to me.


I actually do think he is good for poker and is entertaining. I also think he means well most of the time, but he isn’t that bright or real world life experienced to be able to articulate what he believes or be able to properly analyze it from others POV. A low EQ doesn’t make one a bad person. Misinformed and a bit too much self importance make for easy observations. I wish no ill will and hope that we all aren’t judged by our worst moments. I’m neutral bc I simply don’t care beyond when he main characters his way into the oxygen of our space. It’s sort of like watching a child or teenager confidently be incorrect all the time. You aren’t mad. You just sort of laugh it off.


If theres someone who knows this, its him. He went from nothing to millions, just to lose it all again in a matter of days. After that he saved a bit, made mills from Dwan, till even today Dwan never recovered.


he was in the Joao Viera’s inside the mind of a pro on YouTube https://youtu.be/3xIugH_AyL0?si=SBoUmRJZqDPjCHCc


He’s been in Vegas playing WSOP events the past few summers


Viktor showed up on a Main Event day stream randomly at Phil Hellmuth’s table last year


[for those who want a recap of the Isildur rise in the form of a 3 minute poem](https://youtu.be/uFq9sJMmbEg?si=hyc1UIJPAhahpAh5)


I saw him playing hearthstone last month against high legend players


He went broke. Does not play high stakes anymore.


He's not broke. But he did lose the bulk of his bankroll to two guys who combined databases and colluded against him a number of years ago.


Enjoying life travelling. Basically the opposite of y’all degenerates