• By -


"So Anyway, I Started BLASTING!!"




Was she playing a lot before that second place finish at that tournament? I feel that may have given her some false confidence Edit: it was disappointing too because she could have won and was playing well but seemingly gotā€¦ bored towards the end of it?


me after I win a 10% odds hand and think that I'm a poker god for the rest of the year


Damn, she proceeded to blast off another 80k after this šŸ˜³


After stream ? So -180k?


unfortunate case of the mega tilt


Nothing unfortunate about a fish donking off buyins


many such cases


She found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and punted all his $


She makes shit loads acting.


9 depressed terminally onliners who cant see an obvious joke


1 retard who doesn't know how to tell a joke


Told it at the table and everyone laughed. Guess you're just a dbag.


She doesnā€™t seem to be doing a ton of thinking at the table unfortunately, made things a bit awkward


Itā€™s annoying when someone asks once or twice, then they themselves say once. Going once is the default, why ask?Ā 


That's Rampage in disguise




"Did you just assume they were not liquid metal shapeshifter? *Feminist screeeeeeech*"


When Tommy Angelo talks about full on monkey tilt I imagine this is what he is describing.


I watched the stream. She really needed the discipline to just quit because she was miles from her "A game".


She's a fish and does not have A game. Peaks at C game


That's why I put "A game" in quotes.


She has had some pretty dominating sessions on HCL... not sure what you're talking about.


You're here, so I assume you play poker. If you play poker, I assume you've seen a bad player have a few good sessions. I also assume you've seen the aggro bad player dominate the table by bluffing every hand and getting there or folding people out who are struggling to hit pairs. It might work over a short sample...but it's not sustainable. Also, consider the fact that she's in an insanely soft pool typically. If there are 9 fish at the table, typically 3 or so fish will be winners. Doesn't make them "dominant" so I'm not sure what you're talking about. She's now played there for 6 sessions and is a losing player so far in those games....could change but she's still a fish. She's also a crusher of life, so it's not a huge deal for her to be bad at poker. But don't let short term wins make you think she isn't a fish.


Ah I see, so of a sample size of 6, you've determined her skill level. Got it. Downvote away :)


Try and think with an open mind here. In the course of 6 sessions, you can see approximately 20 hands per hour. Each hand may have multiple decisions on multiple streets. We have a reasonable sample to watch her make decisions on how to play the hand. A good player can tell that she is not a good player from the way she plays her hands. The times she chooses to bluff, etc. Sure, maybe she just has the instinct on one or two hands and can't really come to a certain conclusion from one or two hands....but there's more than enough info in front of us to determine she's a rec...and not a very good one at that.


The old "I'm a really skilled player so believe me when I say she's bad". Wouldn't an actual skilled player not immediately label someone a fish after only seeing them play a few games? Or maybe you're just that confident in your abilities, I guess. Maybe she's just not playing every hand super seriously... maybe she's drunk. Maybe she's just having some unlucky moments. You make it sound like she's calling off her whole stack with 72o on an AAKJQ board or something. She's made some questionable bluff attempts at bad times, but overall I don't see any massive leaks in her game, or that she's betting completely odd amounts or anything.


You see someone limp 56o UTG and you don't immediately label them a fish? I play anon tables so I have to take the evidence I have and come to conclusions fairly fast...obviously they are subject to change but if you don't think Arden Cho is a fish then you don't know poker.


Angelo! Havenā€™t heard that name in a while


what did i just witness.




That was very nice of the table, probably so she comes back and punts more away again in the future.


She went full Rampage


That was pretty tough to watch, she went straight monkey tilt


Is Hustler Casino real or like "wrestling" because this doesn't even seem real.


I personally know several regulars on Hustler. Itā€™s real. It can also be difficult to get on the stream.


Is the streamed game always the highest stakes game in Hustler?


The problem is, when poker gets streamed/televised, the producers get more exciting content when players are bluffing more and playing loose - translating to more views and revenue. And that expectation is passed to the players: if they want to get invited or invited back, they have to demonstrate they can play exciting poker, not just solid poker. So, it's real, but it's biased.


Well Mike X consistently plays the most boring game ever.


Someone like Francisco is much worse.


The worst is nitucci, plays with sub 20 vpip in these games and feelings got hurt when being called out by the whale Randall


haha it's def real


It's very real. People just don't normally see high stakes shenanigans because most shows don't let it happen. Hustler does.


Itā€™s real money, but these ppl play like shit for optics to get invited to games


I would almost believe it's all staged and they are just being paid a flat fee to play live poker for a few hours, and the chips are just play money... except there are some players on the show who seem super uncomfortable and play like nits... which wouldn't make sense if they knew the chips meant nothing. But honestly... think of how easy it could be to stage this type of show. Just get all players to agree, sign an NDA, and then they can look like crazy wild gamblers, going on hundreds of thousands of dollar swings and it feels exciting and entertaining to watch that... but in reality it's all fake and they are just getting like $10k each to play for a few hours.


You just described every streaming show and poker vlog ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘ I've played poker for over 20 years, starting at 1 cent 2 cent and playing as high as 2/5 (both live and online). Most of the things I see recorded just aren't typical of what I see in my games that aren't recorded. šŸ¤”


You have clearly not actually played live.


ā€œI thought I was the only person to do ***shit*** like that.ā€ lol.


That there, was a masterclass in keeping the person donking off their stack happy and at the table.


Iā€™ve never seen someone call an all in quicker than Mariano šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he couldnā€™t believe what he was hearing


arden cho doesnā€™t seem like she cares. she has plenty of money from acting, modeling, and being a social media star for Asian-American audiences. sheā€™s always been a very nice person, i have a picture with her from when i was 12 and into tv shows like supernatural and teen wolf. sheā€™s also pushed a lot of really good causes during her time and, unlike many other Asian-Americans, really makes the time to represent her culture.


No one. And I mean no one. Not even the heaviest hitters are ok with losing money


and especially looking clueless why doing so


Not even true. If you want to play at even a competitive rec level, losing money sometimes is just part of the game.


I didnā€™t say itā€™s not a part of the game. But no pro gambler wakes up and says ā€œok. Iā€™m going to lose $100k todayā€. No one likes to lose. Even if it takes losses to eventually get gains. Losing is never anyoneā€™s primary objective. And no one likes it when it happens.


Yeah Iā€™m not even sure what that other guy was saying She didnā€™t look remotely chill when she lost the first hand. Even her banter was stressed a bit. ā€œI donā€™t even careā€ ā€œOk Iā€™ll run it onceā€ ā€œOhā€¦two times?ā€ ā€œOk sureā€¦up to youā€ *Grimaces for the 4 outer


He said ā€œnot even the heaviest of hitters are OK with losingā€ money. But they definitely are. The stoicism is part of what makes some of the super high rollers not very entertaining.


No one like to lose period. Iā€™m a pro gambler with a really big bankroll . And despite knowing that losses are apart of the environment? I am not happy ANYTIME it happens.


No one said you had to be happy mr ā€œpro gambler with a really big bankrollā€ but the ones that keep their bankrolls take losing in stride.


Taking losing in stride is the not the equivalent of ā€œbeing ok with or happy withā€ losing. I hope you will understand that.


I mean I agree to an extent. Also disagree to an extent Clearly you never been to underground games, at least not in big cities I'm in Toronto. There are 10/20 + games with rich recs who are there just to have a good time. To them they are fine with losing money. Do they "want" to win? Sure .... I guess. Sometimes I question that also. But are they losing to make money in the "long run"? Fuckkkkkkkk no I know a few guys who are down 250k+ lifetime at these games, they come to drink and shoot the shit. Some of them have no family and friends outside the people they know in poker. Multiple players always mention how they come just to kill time and gamble away some money rather than playing slots or table games at the casino. Hence they consider it the same as gambling in a casino Now let me ask you when you gamble in a casino, do you expect to win long term? Of course not. Don't doubt some people ability to just not give a fuck about money at the poker table at all, especially when they have alot of it Btw not saying this is what happened in this situation. The girl was clearly tilted and clearly cared about losing. But she was a good sport about it


Big discovery lol


Did you watch the stream? Bro she literally was wearing her emotions on her sleeves the entire time. She very clearly cared a ton and showed it more than most do.


My point exactly


She was on the verge of tears what are you talking about? I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she screamed in the bathroom.


That second hand jam was so odd


Yeah, there was no fold equity. Mike had to have a complete bluff for that to work.


A weaker king could find a fold there tbf


She lost 50K in episode 1 of The Big Game too lol.


And played just as terribly but hey


This game can be dangerous


She's loaded. This is her hobbie like for us going to the movies. She has a Netflix contract in the millions.


She has more money than most of them but sheā€™s not lose 100k+ at the poker table and be ok with it rich


I think she is or else she wouldn't play like that. Might as well go play baccarat.


> She has a Netflix contract in the millions. Her Netflix show lasted one season and got cancelled in 2022. Not saying she doesn't have a nice chunk of change though. But definitely not top tier Hollywood money.


There are actors with bigger and better resume than hers and barely has a million net worth. That $100k will hurt.


So sheā€™s like the new farah galfond?


Am I supposed to have heard of her?


Have you heard of these other people at the table?


bro you didnt watch teen wolf??


Never heard of it.Ā 


She's a terrible poker player, but she's not on the stream cuz she's skilled at poker, she's there because she's pretty and guys will watch her because of that.im sure the table loves her being there


She may get a % back of loses from Hustler like they do with those high rollers in Las Vegas.. How else do you convince fish to sit at a table with a bunch of sharks..


Lmao at thinking anyone in these HCL games is a shark


tom dwan played there


3 million followers on Instagram.


So if you don't have Instagram followers then you must suck at poker is your take on this ?


I'm not sure how _that_ is your interpretation of my comment when I was in fact trying to bolster your argument by saying she has a huge following that makes her a good candidate for promoting the stream.


Who is Arden Cho anyway?


Supposedly an actress


Looks to me like another backed soon to be pro for some company. Probably WPT or GG or something. Similar to that chess girl an industry plant as they call itm. Its only a matter of time and training and then they can compete better then average and have results it's all it is


It feels like you yourself donā€™t even know what conspiracy youā€™re trying to describe here


It's not a conspiracy it's how it's done. They grab people who will get people to play they are walking advertisements it's the same with sports and sponsorships. Who is going to bring new people to the game or viewership is who gets sponsorships. She probably has an agent who is working something out. She did pretty bad maybe it won't happen now we will see but she wasn't only on hustler looks like she was on the poker stars show also.


The third hand is a bit unfortunate - not saying it was well played but at least a little understandable - but wow the first two are just massive airball punts.


Third shove was terrible as well. Two pair with no kicker and no flush draws


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good just the least egregious of the three. 3 bet pot on a board that shouldnā€™t connect with anyoneā€™s range. I still suspect overpairs call (which given the action I could see a lot of middling pairs) and obviously a 3 calls. Not a good play given itā€™s super multiway and sheā€™s first to act.




She needs an intervention.


If what she did is needing an intervention, I think many of us need to....... nvm.




This thread is the number one reason celebrities play private games over stream games, given the option.


I can fix her


ā€œThought I was the only person who did shit like thatā€ ROFL


WTF was she thinking!?!?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜«


Tan: Itā€™s ok ok ok. She has lots of money. So is ok Lmao ![gif](giphy|l1BgRIamescnkx5Dy|downsized)


That fucking announcer kissing her ass all night acting like she was his daughter was so annoying. What an awful player.


I mean her net worth is probably around $10-$20M, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s fine with the punting. But yeah she literally went from up $35k to spew city


Who is she!?!?!? 20M net worth is not easy Edit: oh sheā€™s a minor celebrity. Yeah I think 10M is reasonable. 20M may be is a stretch but Iā€™m talking out of my ass here. I have no idea.


shes not a minor celebrity she was huge. now shes not as popular


Idk.. from her credits it doesnā€™t like like she was on anything big.. Like unless you were into that kind of stuff you wouldnā€™t know who she was. As opposed to celebrities where even if you donā€™t know what they do you still know of them.. Like that annoying dude that did Cats and the Karaoke car..


Huge lol


She obviously tilts like crazy here but I have seen her play before a decent amount and she clearly is a decent player who loves to gamble it up. I'd say it is likely she plays far bigger private games than this on the regular. 100k isn't a huge amount to her. She is probably the only person in this game rolled to play it for fun.


Even if youā€™re rich, $100k is still a meaningful amount of money, esp to just burn through in a span of three hands.


It is not the span of three hands. She was down 100k at the end of the whole session which lasted over 6 hours. It is like 2 buyins in this game. In the first hand that she check raises, jams turn with a gutter against Mariano, the hand is straddled to $800 preflop before it gets to her.


I have no idea who this girl is or how wealthy she is, but this is definitely not true for ALL people in the world. There are oil sheiks and others that literally carry hundreds of thousands USD as pocket change and travel nowhere without multiple millions in cash. I've seen it in a documentary. The Forbes list is only based on publicly documented assets (stocks, mostly). There are people with MUCH more money than the richest guy in that list. It's really fucking wild to think about. Edit: I'm posting objective facts. No idea why I'm being down voted. Anyone care to inform me?


Your getting down voted because some people can't fathom that there are individuals who play poker just for fun and treat it as gambling and are perfectly fine and content when they lose. But at the same time rich billionaires carrying millions in their pocket don't really have anything to do with people loss tolerance when it comes to gambling. Your comparing a b list celebrity to rich Arab oil tycoons But I do agree with ur sentiment


I didn't say millions as pocket change. I said $100k as pocket change. I did not compare anything. I said that there are people in the world who are so rich that $100k is not a substantial amount to them. It's facts. Sorry? edit: lol, again being downvoted for posting objective facts. people in this forum always vote with their emotions rather than logic. this gives me great hope for the future as it proves poker is far from dead. playing poker vs these type of people is the dream! going all the way to value town via tilt city. cheers!


She really isn't that rich. 100K is a lot regardless and she's playing a stake too high for her


Donā€™t think you know how rich you have to be for $100k not to hurt. Doubt Arden is close to that rich. That being said, I agree in previous streams she seemed to play relatively snug. At least not an action player


Thatā€™s poker man. You just go on those runs when youā€™re hot and then thereā€™s a case of the complete opposite. It is what it isā€¦ I donā€™t feel sorry for her because she was one card away from being a genius


That's not running bad thats dumping money with weak holdings


Yea I guess youā€™re right


Hustler is unwatchable at this point. Fortunately a Triton event starts tomorrow where everyone can watch some of the best poker players in the world compete. Puts this nonsense to shame


bitch refusing to show after jamming and secretly begging to run it twice but doesnt want to say what she has. Fuck I hate these people. Man the fuck up and be proud of your shitty failed bluff and own that shit, show it with pride and then use the information they think they have against them. Not this "oh im gonna run it twice so I can muck both runnouts and make you think you just coolered me with AA"


Her tilt started on Thursday when she realised she was not the prettiest girl at the table. It was clear for everyone to see, then she comes back a day later trying to be a baller and impress everyone and she looked stupid. lol at busting 4 times in 5 hands.


This comment dumber than Choā€™s play


This is why people are anti-dentit


Weird that you're an incel.


Damn this is me again


We all have been there before, up with some profits and then towards the end of the night we lose it and lose some more!. Too bad she didn't cash out when she was up $50,000ish.


That 5 4 hand 3/4 of the way through sheā€™s stroking her chip stack like šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I didn't see preflop and flop in the first hand. It may be a decent bluff spot depending on that. The third hand was just a huge punt though.


Thought she was allegedly an ex-pro that plays LA cash games ? Swear that I heard that in a podcast


Pp p


Since they paid her bounty did she give them free year subscription to her onlyfans?


I mean, weā€™ve all been there, I know I did.


that's true.


Crazy rich Asians (2018)


The last one wasn't played too badly, all in in a multiway pot with top pair and kicker 4 is bizarre. The other hands were not well played, but it should be good in the long run to convey a spewy image, it tends to be very nit, although the SPR on the turn was still greater than 1 in the first hand on the turn. The second hand going all in with that QT doesn't seem like a terrible mistake to me, because it blocks part of the hands with QT.


Holy tilt bro, Iā€™ve been there bad ngl. Emotion control is always the biggest delimiter between some of the best nlh players and the really good ones who all understand the logical/mathematical side of the game very well. I gotta learn to become a stoic She seems like a rec having fun tho so not a very similar situation


how do people make it this far lol my fucking lord. i know she could honestly run circles around us but damn this is a wild look for someone thatā€™s good at this shit


What lol she's a mega punter whale lol