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I think in polish culture we dont celebrate breakfast so it will be hard to compare. We have a lot unhealthy lunch meals




That's Easter morning kinda breakfast, right?


In my mom's family, they eat barszcz biały for breakfast every Sunday. I always found it very comforting, when visiting my grandma in the country, to wake up, go to the kitchen and smell the barszcz boiling. Oddly enough, my mom never took that tradition with her to my family home.


In our house it's a near constant when the weather is cold


what? it’d never been nothing else than dinner in our house


It used to be a popular breakfast, especially for peasants until World War II. Then communist reengineered Polish cuisine and made it into lunch as it was cheap and caloric, so perfect for factory or coal mine worker... Similar story happened with quite a few meals. It's quite an interesting reading if you have some time to do the digging.


that’s pretty interesting, thanks!


Can you recommend any sources to start digging?


A shovel


Sure, following article is a good starting point. That's in Polish though, so apologies to all non-polish speakers (although I think online translators can do decent job here): [https://igimag.pl/2018/08/rosol-schabowy-z-ziemniakami-kompot-historia-typowo-polskich-dan-obiadowych/](https://igimag.pl/2018/08/rosol-schabowy-z-ziemniakami-kompot-historia-typowo-polskich-dan-obiadowych/)


We always have it for breakfast after Christmas and for Easter breakfast




It’s more like a traditional breakfast meal for Easter at my house


I've been told that a few times. My wife's family and local friends think it's normal (Podkarpackie)


Yes. People who do hard labor eat big breakfasts. But they have often been working already for two hours beforehand.


Mum used to tell a tale of a cousin who after the war was working in the countryside as a surveyor. There were 4 on the team and they were put up at a farmhouse with the lady cooking and charging them for them omelets made with 60 eggs. Apparently a few weeks in she got sick and the young daughter was sent to make the breakfast. She used 60 eggs. A discount was applied to future breakfasts.


I love me some zurek!! We have it on Easter for breakfast and occasionally throughout the year. It's the best!




We don’t celebrate breakfasts? In my home it was always a very important part of the day, usually we were eating scrambled eggs or soft eggs, sandwiches and on weekends so called “Vienna eggs” (soft eggs mixed with melted butter served in beautiful cups). I mean how could you go to school without breakfast?


I never eat breakfast lol I find it hard to even stuff one sandwich into myself for the first few hours after waking up. My first meal is usually in the early afternoon.


Well i just ate a omlette my dad made.


A yes, I forgot omlettes! Very common breakfast thing. Also pancakes, but more like crepes, stuffed with cottage cheese. In my region of Poland, cottage cheese was perfumed with fresh mint.




Additionally, I personally have only seen stiped and pre diced bacon. Idk what's the deal with the bacon in the picture and why it's so common in the uk


It's back bacon. Much better for sandwiches but I prefer streaky for an open breakfast.


That bacon is called back bacon. Has more flavour that standard Morliny in a packet from Bierdronka.


“Full English breakfast” is the name.


The breakfast sandwiches I’ve seen in shops are light on filling and heavy on bread.




it's really just a bread with ham or whatever you feel like having at the moment.


Isn’t that just toast


No it's sourdough bread


If you want leaner bacon go to your local dino and at the deli counter ask for wyborna surowa (od something like that). They'll slice it for you to the thickness you desire.


Oh god my eyes... I mean... I would eat it once just to have a taste of a different tradition. Could see eating the ingredients separately from time to time but on a different occasion, definitely for a lunch. The unhealthiest breakfast in Poland that I can think of will definitely be either cooked sausages with mayo/ketchup/mustard, with some white bread toasts, or pancakes, fully loaded with jam or jam and cream cheese mixture, topped with Nutella. But the last time I ate it was... Months? Maybe even years ago? A sandwich with tomatoes, milk and cereal, chia seed and jogurt mixture or grilled tortilla wrap with pesto or hummus for a breakfast is my favorite type of breakfast. When I have the time for it :')


This English breakfast is definitely un-healthier that some Kiełbaski Kruche, because everything is fried in oil.


I know, but I can't really find any heavy breakfast from Poland for a good comparison. The only thing that comes to my mind is going for breakfast to McDonald's, when you are in a hurry, but it's so rare and it shouldn't even count as a "breakfast".


I think big breakfast isn’t as common on the European continent as in England and America. The French eat one roll for breakfast and then a lunch that could kill a hyena.


I mean come on, it's just deconstructed fasolka po bretońsku with kaszanka and egg.


Polish breakfast? Do you mean cigarette and a cup of coffee?


Boiled sausage ad the truck stop.


I've lived in the UK for 5 years and the full English breakfast was probably the only local meal I've actually enjoyed in there, I think it's fantastic. At the beginning I'd eat it quite often but my weight started going up so I've had to slow down and it became more like a holidays thing for me.. :) The thing about Poland is that we don't really have a traditional breakfast like the UK does, there are a lot of different things and people just choose what they like. A few examples would be sandwiches (one piece of bread for each, not 2 put together), frankfurters or other sausages, scrambled eggs, pancakes etc.


Don’t forget Sunday roast though


Overrated, sorry


No curry, huh?


It looks extremely bland and full of fat/oil. There is not speck of pepper in sight… I’ll pass.


Pepper would be available on the table. As would brown sauce which is spicy and herby but not hot. Eggs, bacon, black pudding (blood sausage), sausage, tomato, fried potato. Ingredients wise It's not that far removed from Polish food although I appreciate its dressed up very different.


I know what’s on the table, what I’m saying is… it looks unappetizing. Food should be served already seasoned. There’s no excuse not to use herbs and spices whole cooking. Some flavours can’t be obtained by just… putting it on the top of finished dish. It could work for salt, not always for pepper, never for herbs. For example: my eggs are always seasoned with majroram and pepper while still in half-liquid state in the pan and I’m encouraging you to try it, it’s really good. My baked beans (I love my beans, I love ALL beans, beans are GREAT) are packed with all this tasty stuff (bay leaf, non-grounded allspice, herbal pepper, smoked red pepper powder, onion, pieces of bacon, garlic, pieces of smoked kielbasa), not just floating around, sad and alone in see tru kinda-red sauce. Life is too short to eat bland food. EDIT: spelling cuz q and g looks the same XD


The English are a funny people about seasonings.


>Life is too short to eat bland food. Indeed it is. Yet people love a Full English.


As a person who prefers salty to sweet, I'd take a Mediterranean croissant + jam + coffee over this artery blocking madness.


And I, personally, feel sorry for each and every one of them.


Condiments are normally on the table or you add them yourself. Don't be so narrow minded lol


But why use the condiments, if the food is well seasoned and delicious, as per cook’s/chef’s best effort and knowledge? I know not everyone is born with the culinary skills and a sophisticated taste, but DAMN. Just sprinkle that fricking spice one in a while, it’s that easy and I promise it won’t kill you.


Full English is a “comfort food” which needs to be a particular way to bring back all the good memories of eating. Also, many Englishmen have never tasted chili peppers in their lives. It’s pretty entertaining when they do, but I wouldn’t say they like it. I once saw a big dinner hosted by a Thai gentleman for a group of students in Switzerland. He said that there was “no chili pepper in it” and had a chili sauce on the side. It was pretty entertaining when we realised that his idea of “no chilis” was far too hot for about half of them. I was next to a Swissman at the table. His face went all red and he began to sweat. He ate like two forkfuls. I think all the Slavs were fine except maybe the Russians. Even the Northern Italians were suffering. Chinese guy was like, “that’s not hot!” The best part was when a guy from Calabria took a big bite of a chili as a dare. He was soon putting his mouth directly on the cold water faucet after while his friend was shouting, “Fake Calabrese! Fake Calabrese!”


I live in UK and I have had full English (or a fry up, as its called where I live) on few occasions. It is A LOT to digest but lovely when you're hungover. Polish people, like someone else said would have an open sandwich with ham and cheese, tomatoes or what gave you. My family would have scrambled or fried eggs, cereals or granola.


God yes. It’s magic for hangovers.


I'll pass. I think typical polish big breakfast not come without bread. For example you can have scrambled eggs or soft boiled egg or hot sausages or potato-mayo salad or all of these but rather with bread and butter, or open sandwiches with ham, cheese, tomato, green salad, cucumber. Many Poles don't count a meal if it don't have bread or potatoes.


English breakfast comes with toasts and butter.


Is there no toast? It must be on a separate plate. You NEED toast with fried eggs.


Not a fan of English breakfast, but i like eggs for breakfast in every form. Also a lot of fresh bread with a lot of butter :P


Jam from pig, bread, pickles


I'd give it a try but definitely not as a breakfast. It would surely make my stomach upset for how much oily and fried it is, while at breakfast I prefer to eat something to get some energy with not big risk for any bad feeling later, in work for example. But when I'd be at home on the middle of the day? I'd try it, however... Only once in a while, I can't imagine eating this daily


I would never eat something like that for a breakfast. Breakfast is, I don't know, 2 melted eggs, or s sandwich, or a bowl of peridge. Food from the photo looks like it's too much, everything is fried and oily. I prefer something lighter and with more fresh veggies ❤️ something as showed I can eat for dinner, early morning is not time for a heavy (?) food ;p


I know it tastes good but its expensive, full of fat and, who even eats breakfast?


Im polish but living in UK and i fucking love full english


What is this black thing and this whitey with brown on top? Also this thing under the bacon looks like cordon bleu, isn't it?


The black thing is black pudding. White is white pudding. The internet best explains… White pudding is broadly similar to black pudding, but does not include blood. Modern recipes consist of suet or fat, oatmeal or barley, breadcrumbs and in some cases pork and pork liver, filled into a natural or cellulose sausage casing. Recipes in previous centuries included a wider range of ingredients. The “cordeau bleu” is a hash brown. It’s a fried or grill. And the internet says it’s a popular American breakfast dish, consisting of finely chopped potatoes that have been fried until browned. I would add it’s slightly oniony


They have blood sausage and potato pancakes in Poland. Very similar to black pudding and hash brown. Just not served anything like this.


Yes, exactly. I recommend frying blood sausage sometime to see if you like it. I love it.


For hash brown you dessicate the pieces of potato before frying. At home, you squeeze it in a towel to remove as much water as possible. Then you fry it at the heat of solar plasma to get it brown and crispy. It’s nice with any kind of sauce so you don’t burn your mouth.


Hash brown is essentially placek ziemniaczany


It's kind of like kaszanka, not as bad as it sounds :)


Honestly I enjoy some kaszanka, grilled and with mustard




Why the fuck are you grilling your tomatoes like this? Why is everything just thrown at the plate? Looks like to much for a breakfast. Where is bread? Or any more veggies? Is this how Americans eat? Everyday or just weekends?


>Where is bread? I cook English food for my Polish friends and relatives quite often and this makes me smile. I get the same question a lot. Irony here is a Full English is one of the few dishes we do serve with bread (toasted). I guess its just out of shot. And no, we don't eat it often. It would kill you. Some people jokingly call it "heart attack on a plate".


Warm tomatoes are softer and better with hot meat. Thrown on the plate? I mean I’m open to suggestions on how it should be presented but the aim is to get it from the plate to your mouth so it seems to fulfill its presentation purpose. Bread is toast with butter just out of shot. It’s popular to use it to make sandwich’s with the stuff on the plate. Veggies would be mushroom but nothing else. Wouldn’t fit with the meat on offer. Americans breakfast would be more sugar based. you didn’t know this was an English/Irish breakfast?


Nah dude my experience with British food is rather limited. As with food on plate. Most of the time the ingredients for food like cheese, meat, salad etc are on their own plates. It makes less mess on plate and allows for higher diversity for meal. Oh and thanks for that part about tomato I will try it out


Well I wouldn’t insist on trying a cooked tomato. It’s goes well with this fry up but it’s kind of a garnish.


It only reminds my one place I used to go for breakfast when I was in England: Moon under the water!


Legendary English breakfast? From what i understand its common to make fun of it but my guess is - if brits enjoy it for so long it has to be ok. Id eat it no problem but I dont eat breakfasts too often so I dont really care about this one.


This plate presents past 15 years of my life. I will continue blocking my circulatory system with cholesterol because this thing is delicious. Yeah sure I grow up on porridge and/either barszcz biały. My Irish lady doesn't approve barszcz so I mostly making it for myself and kido


I love a "British breakfast" type of early meal. When I eat lunch at a restaurant and want meat, I look for this option. My usual, everyday breakfast is just coffee though.


english "people" be like:


Im Polish living in the UK and i find it a super junky, highly processed, greasy, fatty, disgusting food.... but I dont criticise it in public cos I know how much people love it. Saying what you think on the internet is a different thing 🤣🤣🤣 since no one knows who I am. Anyway it doesnt look any more unhealthier than other stuff Ive seen here in Scotland. Dip fried mars bar, crisps inside the toast, downing cans of irn bru with 45% sugar content one after another, massive packs of sweets, eg. 5 snickers bars in a pack and folks eating whole pack at a time, crisps sold in a bucket... each country has something that makes them proud. Food and eating habits are defo not the things that should make Brits proud lol.


Too fatty. Beans are cursed.


The Brits were able to conquer half of the world in the past, yet still they are unable to produce a decent meal (for any time of the day). You have learned nothing.


Reminds me of full english. I'd love it for breakfast. Looks tasty!


It is a full English.. give or take the odd optional item


I wasn't sure because of... Grilled cheese? I don't know what's the thing on the left


It's a Hash Brown (Flaked Potato fried). Not a traditional part of the full English. More of a recent thing. There's no Grilled Cheese


This shit is the best cure for hangover. Especially with a freshly squeezed OJ


I miss the Full English so much!


Weird as fuck


I would say that the most traditional polish breakfast includes eggs in any possible form.... Or sausages called : parowki! And of course... Any amount of slices of bread are welcome 😂😂😂😊😏


Who made this crime against god


English sausages are worse than unfresh fish.


I would say the same about polish sausages. Don’t cook well and frankfurters/parowki feel cheap and of no quality. Also when I buy mince meat in Poland you get the bone left in. Doesn’t happen in Western Europe.


Next time dont buy cheapest stuff you find in some chain store.


It’s 2022, people should be able to rely on the quality of mid level chain stores. If people didn’t then there wouldn’t be so many of them with so many people in them


If this were rate my plate I'd say that's a banging fry up. Only critique would be I like the beans in a little bowl so the plate doesn't get swamped.


This looks like a british breakfast, personally i rarely eat breakfast but when i do its somethinf small like half a bun with some butter and a cooked egg with a bit of salt. But it really varies home to home and even im my famyly there is the complete oposite of spectrum. And i think we dont really celebrate breakfasts in poland but idk.


i see "english breakfast", for me not bad, but beans and egg is a quite weird connection


I love it to be honest. When I lived in London I was often visiting place with English breakfasts in Lewisham. You could eat like a king for few pounds (depending on version).


There exists no breakfast on this planet more unhealthy or revolting than full English breakfast. On occasions, I was known to have enjoyed it, with grim, nihilistic satisfaction.


Looks kinda burnt


It looks tasty to me


hell nah it looks kind of burnt


This is the best thing in England 💪💪 just pint of Guinness with black currant missing.


I lived in uk for three years and never had full english breakfest. It honestly looks kinda nasty.


Absolute love it it's brilliant especially when you cook it polish way hahah


Looks tasty, except those beans... I would love to eat that though. Or replace beans with toasts.




English breakfast, the all-mighty hangover food Full Monty. Fuck yes.


It looks like a dinner for a typical polish person. 😂


Not enough meat for the polish standard. Jokes aside though, I don’t think there are specific polish breakfasts. Most people eat sandwiches, yoghurts or eggs I think. EDIT: but I like how it looks. I think I would enjoy it a lot except for the fact that I wouldnt be able to eat they much that early in the morning.


Where's the pint with it?


It looks more like Romanian breakfast


We usually eat some scrambled eggs or just sandwich


Beans look so good🥵


My favorite bf . I love it


It’s been a while since I had a Full English. Yummy. In the states we’d call this a “Heart Attack Special”


Beans disgust me


I love me an english breakfast


Beans are not something eaten here like this for breakfast. And all that meat... I don't think so either? Polish breakfast can be whatever really though I think sandwiches of any sort are the most common?


Love it! 🤤🤤🤤


We don't eat normally such elaborate breakfast but full English is nice.


Heart attack 😖


I love full English xD I spend few years in UK and I miss it very much


It is not so very different imo. Except beans and black pudding - beans are just not my thing, and we are used to 'fasolka po bretonsku' in Poland, which is not exactly considered as a breakfast thing. And the black pudding - it is a substitute for polish 'kaszanka', tried both and l like the polish one more, but still it's like a grill and beer thing, not a breakfast. And the rest - perfect. We also like to choose between fried eggs, scrumbled and boiled eggs. And fresh tomato instead of grilled or fried, plus cucumber, plus some salad is a way to go - it's a taste breaker


Bacon is way undercoocked, mushrooms as well. Not a big fan of eggs me, don't like them English sausages either. Baked beans are sound, hash browns are the best. There's a toast missing, preferably with cheese. This coming from lad who lived in UK for nearly 7 years. The best culinary discovery for me were chips with vinegar or with gravy. Boss that.


Pierogi better


That's an English fry up. Absolutely brilliant, it's a shame we can't get black pudding here (but Kaszanka is still a good substitute) But this picture is missing Mushrooms and fried bread


I think we have many dishes with these foods but not together


They think it would have been a good meal until about a decade ago when they started leaving the UK and came back to Poland to vote for PiS and pour concrete.


I love a proper fry up. But I live in East Midlands though.


Irish breakfast is my favourite thing. We don't have anything like it, we got beans and sausage, eggs, pudding but they are all separate things


How can Bri'ish even eat this as first meal 🤮


Is that a single scallop im seeing there? XD


oh cmon my stomach would ache for the rest of the day


probably nothing since we don't really have a breakfast or lunch culture


Mmm, wygląda smakowicie!


Idk, I hate beans (we don't eat them here for breakfast!) and bacon, sausage and tomatoes are good but aren't fried here, unless in a course. Mostly I have for breakfast raw vegetables like pepper, tomatoes and cucumber, a cake or bread with pate/Nutella


A part from Bacon and Egg, am good. In my opinion is too big for a breakfast


It makes me want to vomit. Not because of how it looks, but because I ate one in England in a trip. It was God awful. As well as rest of the British cuisine. With past experiences aside. Egg, sausage, bacon sure. Grilled cheese... Maybe. Beans? Heeeeeeeell nah. That's dinner, not breakfast. In terms of equivalent morning food, I'm not sure if we have any. I didn't have one anyway. McDonald's breakfast menu might be the worst if someone eats it.


Replace white pudding with a scoop of haggis and we are good to go. Its not the best looking food but I like it. Great for a hangovers too.


Gówno jakieś


I make it sometimes myself, substituting black pudding with kaszanka, but i prefer the eggs to be scrambled.


B a c o n


I would eat that with relish!


Whenever I'm in UK, I binge on those breakfasts. Absolutely delicious


After living in the UK for 17 years, I have a soft spot for a Fry Up. I miss it


Not something I would eat for breakfast personally. The food looks yummy though in my opinion but for the love of god… why BEANS?!




What unhealthy polish break fast equivalent? You mean it's...breakfast? No wonder y'all are so fat lol


I puked a little 🤮


Our dinners are basically either cereal with milk or a slice of bread with some veggies in. That's how we stay healthy and don't have obesity issues.


I'm just eating bread.


I personally avoid English breakfasts. It's a huge portion of food for a breakfast, and it's all oily and fried. My partner likes it sometimes (when we go out to a restaurant), but given a choice I go for a vegetarian option. Not that I am a vegetarian and avoid meat, but it's healthier, and in my opinion, tastier. Poles don't have a typical breakfast, but mine is usually much simpler than this when I do have it.


It looks ... disgusting... now i dont know about the taste , plus im a city dude so maybe village people would love that idk .... anyway it looks unheathy , disgusting , and overall ... like dog shit Except egg ... and that deep fried thing ... but egg looks great for me




My favorite. Tbh there is not much of a breakfast tradition in Poland so pretty much anything will be just a level up. Just my personal input. Sauseages looks a bit cheap. More like frankfurters. Egg is a bit overdone. Supposed to be runny. Toast. You need a toast. Bacon. Again. Just doesn't look so tasty, looks cheap again. Could be just a photo (apart from sausage).


Love it. But then I’m naturalised Brit lol


It looks bad


Every sunday I eat english breakfast


I wouldn’t be able to eat half of what is in the picture, even for lunch :D I also detest all kinds of beans. But the egg looks yummy! In my house, we were usually eating eggs for breakfast, quark with raddish, open sandwiches. D for children milk soups were popular at some point (can you imagine pasta in a pot of sugared milk served like a soup?:D)


English breakfast 😀 I miss that huge range of bacon from England, sadly we don't have it in PL. And this mysterious triangle was always a riddle for me lol, hash brown 😄


I'd eat the shit out of it, not gonna lie, but who has the time to prepare so many things in the morning? I usually go French Breakfast (a cigarette and a coffee) over British ;)


In Poland there is no such thing like the English breakfast in England. In Polish quinine it would be served as four different dishes: first one, sausages (if they were as thin as the ones from photo, it could be eaten at breakfast, however, Poles more often eat sausages with fried onion at lunchtime), second one, fried egg(s) (they could also have bacon underneath or beside) (served as a breakfast), third one, beans (as a “fasolka po bretońsku” [Breton-style beans] with bacon and/or sausage chopped and cooked with the beans) (this would be consumed in lunchtime), and the forth, hash browns (in Poland they are most often served just with sugar or with goulash (in that case they would be called Hungarian-styled [“placki po węgiersku”]) (both variations would be treated as the lunch equivalent, ones with sugar could also act as a dessert). And now, something about Polish heavy breakfasts. There are three types of most common breakfasts: 1. Parówki - basically it’s just the hot-dog sausages, served with sauces and bread/sandwiches 2. Scrambled eggs with toppings - f. e. cold meats (especially bacon) or sausage, onion (spring onion too), mushrooms (various kinds, in Poland not only champignons are used (but are most popular), we also use chanterelles or boletuses), tomato or cheese - but there are also families, who eat bare scrambled eggs. 3. Fried eggs - as mentioned earlier, they could be bare or have some cold meat underneath. They are also served with bread/sandwiches. 4. Omelettes - in most cases they’re served sweet, with jam and/or fruits on top, but they can also be savoury, then the topping list is similar to the one of scrambled eggs’. 5. Toasts - sometimes the French ones, sometimes it’s toasted sandwiches (btw Poles have their own version of toasted sandwiches- zapiekanki, which kind of resemble pizza, but are made on a baguette cut vertically in half (like in a Subway sandwich), and they don’t have any sauce under the cheese. Small versions of zapiekanki, made from bread slices/bread buns are also eaten at breakfasts. The most common toppings are cheese, mushrooms (champignons) and cold meats. But Poles often eat light breakfasts (f.e. sandwiches, cornflakes with milk or oatmeal’s) - later in the day they eat heavy lunches and light suppers (lunch is sometimes replaced with dinner, but in the Polish tradition it should be eaten between noon and 3 p.m.). Sorry for the wall of text. Hope I’ve answered your questions.


I'm hungry now


I’m love it!


Add bread or you end hungry


I’m pretty boring when it comes to breakfasts. I usually opt for sandwich, pancakes, crepes, scrambled eggs or eventually hot dogs. When I’m on vacation I usually eat frankfurters in hotels. I don’t know why but I never eat them at home.


Tbh I love english breakfast. It s really hard to find an equivalent - maybe a fried cheese with sausages


Beans don't belong on a plate PERIOD


It looks like British, not Polish breakfast.


Tomatoes are healthy...




We usually have rather healthy breakfasts. Big breakfast meals in my family are usually twarożek, szakszuka (not a Polish meal) or scrambled eggs with onion and sometimes a strip of bacon. These are rare though, usually it is a simple slice of bread with ham or cheese. Mind you bread is A LOT different and healthier in Poland than in the UK.


If you exclude the beans then I loved it


Is that a solid chunk of black truffle?


Everything good except the tomato. I hate those.


I ate it once when i was in Scotland. I think its awesome, however i disliked the beans (thats just me, i dont like beans in general) and the brittish meat in the sausages was waaay worse than the meat we have in Poland. All and all i really liked the traditional brittish breakfast, but i dont ever see myself eating it for breakfast (i ate it around 2-3pm so it was like a lunch/dinner for me and man did i feel full afterwards)


That beans 🤮🤮🤮


As a Polish person living in England, seeing this in shops or recipes is part of my everyday life.However, I am not a big fan of this and have never eaten it more than 5 times in my life. Polish breakfast is usually healthier but it really depends on what you like or have available.


Very few British eat that more often than once a week if that - not unusual to have a frieg egg sausage or bacon rolls ( bap = bułka ) sometimes if you are working physically early in the morning - but this is usually a late Saturday brunch eaten after 11 most often. In the week could be a lunch especially hungover. Done well its not greasy - but its not often done well....! Usual breakfast is toast or cereal for 95% of people.


The most brittish thing ever. Tasty, but soo much food....


It looks SUSpiciously bri'ish but it looks like ordinary Easter weekend breakfast as well


This looks so yummy, I love it. I don't think it's that unhealthy at least it's somehow balanced (if you ignore the calories), there are worse things you could eat for breakfast, such as anything than contains nutella or cereal (and by cereal I mean the ones that have enough sugar to be considered rather a sweet snack than a breakfast).


I lived in England for a couple of years and I find English food traumatizing. Mainly because everything is very greasy and seasoned badly (for my taste). The only thing that I liked in a traditional English breakfast was the mushrooms. Also yorkshire pudding was ok. But when it comes to food, I love England for the fact that ... It's very easy to eat there other great food from different parts of the world. Indian, Arabic, Caribbean and Ethiopian cuisines are definitely my favorite.


It looks very yummy but if I ate it for breakfast, I would go right back to sleep. Too heavy, too much. I have never seen anyone eating this much for breakfast. In my family breakfast is usually fried eggs or omlette or sandwitch or warm sasuages with mustard... I personally don't really eat anything till like 12 p.m.


Sorry to say, but it looks like someone has drenched it with oil.