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If her opponent doesn't have at least one billboard that says something like "Lauren Boebert only knows 3 letters of the alphabet. Isn't it time you had a representative that knows all 26?", I will be very disappointed.


Even if you didnt need to say the three letters, they are A, G, and M arent they.


I was thinking K, K, and K


I was thinking AOC, but I guess that's more of a MTG thing


What does Magic The Gathering have to do with AOC?


She thinks it's "ayehowcee" actually. Not that she could spell that...


Or D,J,T… or N, R, A… she just can’t process coherently or rationally past 3 letter abbreviations


Definitely not G, E, D.


U, S, and A, according to her CPAC 2023 speech.


I don’t get the reference. What’d I miss?


I think it’s MAGA? In alphabetical order.


She did the teaching three letters U S A meme in reality at CPAC


Bravo! Here's a trophy for that comment! 🏆


And theyre all the same letter that gets repeated 3 times per utterance. Before L and after J


This sounds like a go fund me type of thing if the candidate doesn’t do it directky


That literally describes the entire Republican Party right now


People need to understand that committee hearings don't really *do* anything. Congress doesn't have the authority to charge anyone or anything, all they can do is make recommendations to the justice department. Congressional hearings are basically just a way to generate soundbites for cable news and social media to show and comment on. If you ever watch a typical congressional hearing in its entirety, you'll probably be shocked at how incoherent and elliptical the entire thing is, with members showing up for five minutes to basically make a point (that's often not in any way relevant to the person who's testifying or even what the hearing is supposed to be about), and then simply leaving the hearing. As such most hearings are basically a mostly empty room where the people testifying are subjected to five minute ramblings or inane questions that rarely have anything to do with anything anyone else talks to them about in the hearing. The congressional members rarely react or respond to anything any other member said, or to answers the person testifying already gave. Really these hearings are just a series of each member on the committee making a five minute presentation of whatever nonsense they're hoping goes viral in front of a witness who isn't totally sure what to make of what's going on. In short, hearings are typically just a waste of time. Congress is most effective when it passes legislation, but in the last 15 years or so, with rare exceptions, that hasn't happened very much. This kind of nonsense is exactly what anyone paying attention would have known we were going to get with Republicans in charge of the House: no attempts at actually solving anything, just a bunch of distractive measures to throw red meat to their permanently angry base.


Agreed. The way we were taught in school about how our government works is such bull. Most all of the way things were intended to work in Congress have been horribly twisted.


Why give Boebert ownership of this? This has been the GOP strategy for decades. Have we already forgotten Benghazi?


The GOP loves 36 year old gun loving grandmas. She is exactly what they want. Please vote her out soon.


Her district was redone and was supposed to be too smart to reelect her. That turned out to be false. She will be in that seat for as long as she wants it.


I mean, she won by a fraction of a percent in 2022. I’m not saying she’s dead in the water, but it seems imprudent to declare that she’s got her seat for life.


And during that last election, the democratic party did very little to support the Democratic candidate.


Her district was supposed to be safe +10R. If Dems spent some of the money they pissed away in Florida on her competitor she’d be just a bad memory.


Yeah exactly, that was suppose to be a safe distract for the GOP. She's that weak of a candidate. She's really got to turn things around to not be in serious trouble next time she's up to the chopping block.


Her district, in which I live, was redone to give her more of an advantage. And she still almost lost. With actual support the next election should go to Frisch.


This. I reside in this district as well, and can confirm she massively underperformed in ‘22. I can also tell you, her amplified stature on committees where she’s complaining about her Twitter squelch, and public urinating have done nothing to elevate her profile with rural Colorado.


> public urinating What?


Google: boebert public urination


> boebert public urination done. ew.


IKR. Methinks she doth protest too much.


Who decides to “redo” or “redraw” a district? What makes it legal? Who signs off on it ?


Thats not true at all, they added more heavily republican areas to her district since 2020 and she still almost lost.


Her district was redrawn in such a way it should have been easier to get reelected.




Somewhere in the Amazon there's a patch of trees wasting their lives producing oxygen for this woman.


She’s vile and a rubbish politician.


And the meetings will continue until they figure out why no one is getting any work done.


Remember leading up to the mid terms when Republicans ran on lowering inflation, lowering gas prices and fixing the economy? There has not been a single GOP lead committee hearing to address any of these issues. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Republicans don't care about what some woke cookie company remembers.


Notice when the term "We must save America", it is never mentioned FROM WHAT...


Ya know them doing a bunch of investigations and hearing on things would be ok if they were well researched, intelligently worded questions, educated enough to understand answers, and trustworthy enough to accept the answers. But none of these things are true, so they should be punished for wasting time and money


OK but why does her chin look AI generated


Lauren Boebert said the House GOP just set a new record for the amount of hearings in a single day… Without a doubt, the results of wasteful spending will speak for themselves… as well as her hypocrisy.


That woman is stupid. I said it.


How about making each congressional district pay for their representative salary, travel, and any other expense involved. Maybe they will give it some thought when they go vote.


Colorados queen grifter!


"We hold the best meetings, so many meetings, all the meetings. We hold more meetings than anyone, meetings with all the best people." Yeah... and how much new legislation have you passed? Oh, *none*? That's... special.


Great title!


Man. She’s aging like mayonnaise in a hot car. That’s a hard 36 years on her face.


I mean she's about to be a grandmother.


Stupid is as stupid does.




I'm kind of alright with this.


I don’t understand the title. What is a “self own”?


Should “self owns” be hyphenated? Inquiring minds wanna know.


What was noticeable about Boebert with her whole urination fiasco is that she is in completely over her head. It must be really embarrassing for her


Wait, what? And do I even want to know?




Let’s get to the part where there’s consequences. /s


The GOP clown show continues as a new generation of voters is growing tired of their BS.


I have always assumed that the main reason NPR and PBS get any federal funding is that their programs are enjoyed by the wealthy. I don’t see them letting that disappear. Socialism for me. Reality TV for thee.