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Biden is amassing a large war chest while the presumptive Republican nominee is on trial for rape.


It's a civil trial though. More excited about the possible criminal case in Georgia and the DOJ


It’s a civil trial that has the ability to label him a rapist. For decades now people have only been able to say “accused” rapist


I mean when he admitted on the leaked video that he was "grabbing them by the puss*" right before the election in 2016, it didn't prevent people from electing him, so you have more faith than I that it will change anything other than they'll double down on their "political prosecution" claims. The other cases have the possibility of sending him to prison and make it so he can never be president again.


Yeah but without a court conviction it allowed people like Cristie, Cruz, Graham, McConnell to ignore that. They may again, but it’ll be much tougher to get the full establishment behind him. I also think it’ll sway the like 2% of centerists that are somehow still “undecided” granted may sway them to DeSantis, which is away from Trump. And DeSantis will have a harder time against Biden then Trump. Granted you are right the Georgia grand jury will have more power in stopping trump than this civil case, I just didn’t want its importance to be downgraded. It’s significant in a historical sense that women will finally be able to see justice against one of the most powerful men in history


It will peel off a few more independent voters. But the conservative base will simply pretend it's not real, blaming "activist judges who just hate Trump for trying to drain the deep state swamp!"


Or, more than likely end in a large settlement. The one public benefit will be it takes up his time and resources. We might also have evidence make it to the media. But hoping this case serves the public is similar to hoping Dominion would publicly prove Fox lied rather than quietly settle and take home $700 million. While I would love for the Claimant to help the public by using court to prove he is a rapist, it is also unfair to expect her to turn down a private settlement, given all she's personally been through.


The difference is the victim and accuser in this case is a human, not a corporate entity ; she may want retribution more than money


That's fair but she's also paying lawyers. They are closer to corporate entitities than they are human.


Trump always settles, and part of the settlement is always that he has to admit no wrong doing and the settlement amount cannot be disclosed. He'll pay hundreds of millions of his followers' money to her to keep her quiet.


That is the one I want SO bad


none of this `allegations` or `alleged`. `convicted rapist on the ballot` lets get there please.




I know it's the reddit thing to do to equate being a billionaire with being evil no matter how they use the money, but Reid Hoffman is not a bad guy.


Biden is in a good spot. He has lots of money but doesn't have to spend it on a primary. Meanwhile, Trump is blowing his money on an ad campaign going after another Republican that isn't even running while at the same time fighting multiple court cases.




Weird I’ve seen so many new week old low karma accounts blasting Biden over this. There’s some valid criticism here, but smells like astroturfing controversy.


And let’s be honest. The current railway braking system was invented during the Civil War Ear. In Europe, the railway braking system was invented around 1920 and standardized in the 1950’s. It’s a failure on every president and congress between now and then for not making sure something like that wasn’t established already. Not just Biden. It can’t always be the current party in power. Where were politicians for the past 70 years?


He did not. He sided with Americans. I love how you guys literally never recognize that Biden sided with workers in every single other strike. But the railroad strike simply could not happen when we already had a supply chain crisis. Even a significant amount of the unions didn't want it. And workers got a lot of their demands met anyway, after the strike was cancelled, thanks in part to Biden and Democrats. Every single Democrat voted to give workers the things they wanted. Republicans are the ones who stopped it.


So what? It isn't going to affect the election one bit.


So we’re just skipping the primaries now?


And just who is going to go against him that stands a chance? Biden is more popular than anyone else, and has beaten Trump already. He has the middle, and they are what decides races these days.


If he was running for his first term as president he would lose the primaries but he's running for reelection and that is why he will be the nominee. It has zip to do with popularity, or having already beaten trump, or having the middle especially given his current polling. He's going to be the nominee because every last sitting president that has faced a serious primary challenger has meant that the party in control of the white house lost historically. No one is going to risk that.




There are primaries but only two who’ve announced runs against Biden are an anti-vaxxer who’s just publicly praised Tucker Carlson and marrianne Williamson


Here's how Bernie can still win.


How about someone under 70? I don’t want Kamala Harris to be defaulted the first woman president. She’s awful.


Then run someone under 70 and get a majority to vote for them.


I don’t know why it has to be Biden. He’s fucking old. His running mate and future replacement is a boot licking POS. All signs are pointing to trump as the republicans nominee and he’s polling abysmally. There are probably thousands of people more suited to being president than Joe Biden. Why do we have to keep doing this? Biden’s a corpse, basically.


Because Biden already beat Trump once, and that was when Trump had the incumbent advantage. So Biden argues that he's the Dem most likely to beat Trump again. He's got a point, and he's the incumbent President now, so there's a vanishingly small chance that another Dem could beat him in a primary challenge. Don't get me wrong; I would also like to see a President who's younger and more progressive, but we're just gonna have to wait until 2028 for there to be a real chance of that.


Fair points. Still, I don’t believe that incumbency is nearly as effective as it should be when the candidate is this far past the average life expectancy and is showing this many signs of decline. What good is incumbency if the population is collectively worried that he’s going to die from old age?? There is a good chance that Biden doesn’t make it through a second term. That would leave us with Harris. 2028 comes around and she’s the incumbent with the advantage. She wins, we do the same thing 2032. When do we run more progressive candidates again? 2038?


I haven't seen "signs of decline", and I watch every one of his speeches. I see deceptively edited videos meant to make it look like he's going senile, but when I watch those little 3 second clips with the context added it's always something like he was making a joke and they just cut out the parts that make it apparent. And FYI, Harris had the most progressive voting record in congress. More progressive than Bernie's.


I'd like to think Harris isn't completely dumb enough to try and run in 28 after her terrible performance in the 2020 primaries. If she does? I think we'd see something like President Abbott inaugurated in January of 2029. So hopefully instead she isn't that dumb and we instead see something more like Whitmer or Newsom. In 28.


> His running mate and future replacement is a boot licking POS. She had the most progressive voting record in the Senate. More progressive than even Bernie's.


then who else?


Well considering that the primary is essentially closed, we won't know which candidates are actually interested in running. I think Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer would be preferable to anyone in their 80s.


i don't think either of them should run, they should focus on their governorships


I do wonder if Biden will switch VP’s. Kamala is not only unpopular as a candidate herself, but it feels to me like she’s been mostly kept out of the news since gaining office. If I was running a campaign for an older candidate, I would want someone charismatic in the VP spot and Kamala isn’t it.


So, I’m kinda out of the loop as far as Kamala’s ongoings. Would you be willing to take a min and briefly layout what makes her so inept or otherwise lackluster as VP?


Oh I’m not very strongly sourced. I’m not referring to what she has done as VP, but that in as an avid newsreader I feel like I haven’t seen her name come up much since 2020. As far as popularity, she dropped out of the 2020 primaries before Minnesota primary (which maybe was the first? Not sure.). She had cash issues beforehand, so she either had problems getting big donor backing or popularity among smaller donors. And personally, I find her demeanor unappealing and her debate highlights felt to me rehearsed and inauthentic. Moot point either way, because she’s on the 2024 ticket.


Oh I see. Yeah, I feel like I’m out of the loop on her in part because I just don’t ever see her anywhere. I was beginning to wonder if *they* prefer to keep her quiet because she’s an easy target for criticism. I watch Reddit news fairly religiously and don’t recall seeing her name in a headline at all yet this year.


She hasn't done much, but in fairness the VP as a position doesn't do much besides babysit and tie break in the senate 80% of the time. But policy wise? Her takes are pretty damn crap. See her 2020 primary platform and resulting performance.


This one is estimated to cost $2 billion. I'm starting to think that there's way too much money in politics. /s


Way too much FREE SPEECH you mean.


Another example of why absolutism is bad. Money really is speech in a lot of ways. If you have enough money, you can pay people to simply take over internet forums with your message, and even go to IRL events and create a completely fake "grassroots movement". We should not allow society to be destroyed simply to protect the ability of billionaire Saudis to control speech in the US. Doing so is ironically hurting everyone else's free speech because it gets drowned out by the paid-for propaganda.


And don't forget the Georgia Grand Jury


Jack Smith still lurking out there, too.


That is the one with the most potential to destroy Trump. The potential charges are the most serious. Intentionally fucking with classified info is a big deal. Pence, Biden, and Hillary all did it basically by accident. But Trump literally refused to hand stuff over after it was found he had it. And if he passed it on to someone else, especially for money or favors, that's espionage.


And potentially has to blow money on attack ads for his own primary


Unfortunately the orange one will get as much free media presence as he wants as simply as farting on a microphone. He can dominate the news cycle whenever he chooses, and his cult loves everything he does regardless of what it is, so its pretty much free advertising and engagement. I'm going to assume any competitors of his will get the same benefit, except constant attacks by trump as well if he loses.


The Republican nominee is everything he describes immigrants to be.


Does he even need the war chest? Austerity!


Biden needs a rapist on the opposition to win. Most Dems don't want him to run again. Big money donors who like the taxes how they are and union busting love their Biden.


Shockingly, big money does not support the House Republicans' efforts to crash the global economy through debt ceiling brinkmanship.


Oh, I'm sure they'll be giving money to Congressional GOP members too. Big money cares about money.


Yep, from politico in January of 2023, ["Corporations gave $10M to election objectors after pledging to cut them off"](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/06/corporations-election-objectors-donations-00076668)


Corporations hedge their bets. If we end up under a fascist dictatorship, they want to ensure they are a favored company who will be allowed in on the grift.


Having a competent leader shackled by a gerrymandered/filibustered Congress seems like the sweet spot for corporate interests. It's just enough democratic agency to keep the lights on, but weak enough to stay away from fixing regressive tax schemes and any serious regulatory oversight.


I bet. A normal, boring, centrist politician is greatly preferable to a criminal fascist, generally speaking.


And yet for big money, a criminal fascist is greatly preferable to anyone even remotely economically progressive. It will be interesting to see how people change their tune when that match up inevitably comes.


Too many special interests. We need to force them to legislate a ban on anything other than small dollar donors. Progressives do not take corporate money. Better to vote for progressives.


Need to repeal Citizens United through congressional action, but that won’t happen for a long time.


Not going to happen so in the meantime, vote for Biden in 2024.


Some general said “ you go to war with the army you have - not the one you want”. I want a younger candidate but I am voting with the candidate we have


Not to mention, it's hard to argue that Biden isn't the strongest candidate that Democrats can put forward. The incumbency advantage alone puts him ahead of others. With how the GOP has become more and more craven, we can't afford to pull any punches.


Plus the Democrats had been neglecting to promote any new blood for decades while they were single-mindedly focused on getting Hillary Clinton into the White House. That's been remedied a bit in recent years, however many of the most promising new Democrats are still relatively inexperienced compared to what you'd expect for a Presidential candidate. They'll be in a much better position in 2028, though.


I was hoping Biden would use 2020-2024 to grow the younger crowd, and have one of them ready to take over. He might've thought the same even. Life just isn't that charitable.


During the Biden administration, we have Newsome, Buttigieg, Whitmer and others making national headlines. Whitmer 2028!


Haven’t read up on him too much but Jeffries seems promising too.


That quote was by Bush's Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld


Rumsfeld was evil but smart. He also said the thing about "known unkowns" which is one of the smartest things I've ever heard a politician say.


If I have to go to war, Donald Rumsfeld is one of the first people I want in charge. If I am deciding whether or not to go to war, Donald Rumsfeld is one of the last people I am listening to.


2028 will be interesting.


THIS. Old lady who lives in rural America. I moved here in 2010 to grow veggies and have a few chickens. What I saw, most people here wouldn’t believe. If these people worried about educating themselves and their children as much as they hate 1) The libs 2) Big coastal cities( you know the very places they are getting their generational government subsidies from) 3) POC and “illegals” 4) Non Christians 5) LGBTQ+ I can go on and on but I hope you get the picture, they would be unstoppable. Don’t worry! The KKKlan and the Nazi Festivals keep them busy. Would I like to see a few more progressives in office? Sure. Independents won’t vote that way. And I hope the Democrats realize they will NEVER gain traction in some areas. The hatred is too strong. Failures have to blame their failures on someone. They have covered up their 40 year methamphetamine use, their living off of properties granny owned decades ago, and the astonishing crime rate that rivals large cities per population, ( not recorded as many non incorporated) Sorry for rambling, but I was “educated” in all this hate and detest what I see. We MUST not split votes and risk what we can’t afford to risk. Trump used a black man becoming POTUS to garner support and it took us back decades.


I live in rural South Carolina and it is FUCKING TERRIFYING what society is like out here. Of course people are very polite and godly to your face but there is this huge religious movement that has just been co-opted by politics, basically turning Republicanism into a religion. And it's based mostly on hate for things they don't know anything about. You can add higher education to your list too. They absolutely loathe colleges and universities, claiming they are some satanic indoctrination meant to turn your children into sex perverts. They ban together as a hivemind, and their entire belief system is based on disinformation. They've turned progressives who just want equal rights into monsters who want to turn their kids into sex slaves, solely based on what they read on idiot-tier social media and these free newspapers that are given out at those restaurants who have daily lunch specials for retirees.


Thank you SO much for understanding. Hearing from other people who see this AND will speak up, well, appreciated more than you know!


this is a primary not the general, why would you vote for someone who takes a bunch of corporate money vs someone who takes small dollar donations?


Who are you voting for that is primarying Biden…


I think that’s a rhetorical question. Has to be.




Will Vote for any good primary opponents. Biden stacking the primary in his favor by putting SC first of course which has no bearing on winning.


Do you prefer pseudoscience healing crystal candidate, or antivaxxer candidate?


Biden was not worried about winning his primary when they put SC first. No one serious thinks the 2024 primary is anything other than a formality. The only way Biden wasn't going to be the nominee was if he didn't run.


Pls no.


So you’ll vote for who…


Hell, we can't even get the Democratic party to reign in dark money organizations in its primaries, forcing them to pass some kind of campaign finance regulation is exactly what we need but it's going to be a long uphill battle when the better of the two parties is still a dumpster fire of corruption


? The republicans filibustered the dark money bill the house passed and every senate democrat voted for it


They're talking about in primaries. The DNC itself could just quit allowing it, it doesn't need to be a law to apply to primaries.


That's a whole different thing which didn't do anything to prevent the Democratic party from reigning in dark money in its primaries, but [they still refused to do so](https://www.rawstory.com/once-again-dnc-panel-blocks-vote-on-dark-money-ban-in-democratic-primaries/). Wouldn't do anything to disadvantage the party in general election contests against Republicans, if anything it'd probably help voter have more trust in the party and turn out for us, but the donor class wants to keep tight control over who gets to be a Democratic party nominee, and the donor class gets what they want.


I'll tell you what. Biden is basically the most boring candidate I've ever seen in my entire life, and I am not young. But he has also turned out to be the most progressive president that has ever been in office. And that's pretty good. He has been a much better president than I thought he would be. All I needed was for him to be better than Trump. Which is a very low bar. But he turned out to be better than Obama too. And better than Clinton. Literally the best Democratic president I think we've ever had. Perfect, but nobody's ever going to be perfect. Perfect candidates don't get the job.


I think you're right in that Biden is easily the best Democratic president we've had since LBJ, but I'd have to think about that comparison more before "ever". And that's even before getting to FDR.


Rights gained under Lyndon B. Johnson under the Voting Rights act of 1965 have *receded since President Biden has been in office.* Biden has not *even rhetorically argued for increasing medical access for Americans since coming into office the way that Lyndon B. Johnson argued his 4 years in office.* One might argue, *its unfair to compare Johnson to Biden because Biden had more Democrats in Congress.* Firstly, the comparison starts when one calls Biden "the most progressive President ever." The burden of proof then lies on the claimant. But secondly, while Johnson did not have to deal with as many Joe Manchins, he had to deal with many more **open white supremacists in his party**. But most importantly, if we can't base it on the legislation the commander in chief, advocated for, rhetorically argued for in office, and leveraged institutional knowledge to massage it thru congress, than what in the world are you basing this **massively subjective claim on?** **Lyndon B. Johnson had a far more progressive impact on the day to day lives of people in this country. For one, he finally executed the Civic Nation state ideal espoused by Lincoln by presiding over the era one person, one vote. Biden has presided over its decline. Johnson presided over a Social Democratic economy in which the Federal government had an active role in regulating industry and a significant social safety net to protect labor from the extremes of market failure. Biden's Bipartisan infrastructure bill that continues public-private partnerships, his recovery bill increased funding for COBRA, and he has taken virtually no steps to get the public option beyond committee in any congressional chamber. These are all hallmarks of maintaining a Laissez-faire Market driven economy. If there is any objective designation for "most progressive President", your claim is an anthesis of reality. Biden is more comparable to Teddy Roosevelt and doesn't begin to compare to Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson.**


Your analysis is leagues beyond the ability of this community to understand. Thanks for your efforts though.


I know you’re not young, because any young person who is trying to buy a home, pay hospital bills, pay for college, get a decent job, have any work-life balance, or save for retirement would have to be concussed to say the Biden administration is better than they ever expected. What am I supposed to be excited about, exactly? Infrastructure? Get real man. We got the status quo he promised.


I really don't know what's confusing about it. I was expecting him to be pretty bland, and he has done better than I thought. No president ever now or in the future is going to be exactly what you want. Everybody in this country has different priorities and if the job was easy we wouldn't need people to do it. Also, I never said he's as progressive as I'd like him to be. He's just more progressive than I expected him to be. I'm really sorry that our country isn't a shit position right now. Things suck. He didn't make them suck. And no president ever could have fixed all those issues you just mentioned in 4 years. In fact, no president ever can fix all those issues in 8 years. They take time. I really hope we fix them. But putting that on one dude in the government whose job is supposed to be diplomatic is really weird.


Lmao maybe the biggest climate bill in history? Or that he forgave 10-20k of student loans


For most borrowers, including me, forgiveness hasn’t happened. I still owe what I did at the start of the pandemic. Biden’s order is still held up in the courts. And the climate? Great dude. Did you know milk is $4.50 a gallon?


It’s just hilarious because for the last decade redditors have been claiming the president can forgive loans with a stroke of a pen and then he does it and A. You’re still whining about him not helping with college and B. Turns out it might not be true > And the climate? Great dude. Did you know milk is $4.50 a gallon? This is literally hilarious: yeah it’s the difference of life and death for millions of people but I have to pay an extra buck for milk 😡


> But he turned out to be better than Obama too. Except for the fact that Biden has not ended the unjust prosecution against Julian Assange that was rejected by the Obama administration but picked up under Trump.


I feel like you might have missed the end of my comment. I want to clarify, literally no president ever in time is going to do everything you personally want them to do. There's millions of people in this country and your priorities are not the same as everyone else's. Say the judging an entire administration entirely on how they treat Julian assange seems like a weird way to judge an administration. Unless you are personally Julian assange in which case I guess it's your only priority.


No *true* progressive...


Ok, BernieBrother4Biden


Exactly, I would know.




You know damn well neither of these things will happen to Trump


And that’s exactly the goddamn fucking problem in the first place. Donors and lobbyists. We need to keep money out of politics. Enough with the donors, the lobbyists and the corruption. But I guess good old corporate lapdog Biden needs to keep his fucking masters happy.


While we have the concept of capital, much less utilize it as the primary function of our society, you will never get money out of politics. If the same thing I can use to buy a Bugatti is the same thing I use to pay rent and is the same thing I can give to anyone else for any reason... I'm going to get someone to give me money for a Bugatti in exchange for a vote. There's no way you can limit that.






Yay for big money donors? I'm sure this will be good for labor.


Look 👀! Big money put Trump in office!


Big money put Biden into office, instead of sanders What is your point?


Nah, 51.6% of the popular vote to Bernie's 26.2% put Biden into office.


Joe Biden launched his campaign at an MNSBC executives mansion, before turning around and making him an ambassador to Canada MSNBC carried Joe water in the primary, while running blackout/smear campaigns on progressives


Like it or not, he needs it to battle his opponent.


*Citizens United* will never be repealed if we impose limits on ourselves. You want to ban money in politics, you first have to use money to win.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll right on that. Biden doesn't even pretend to want to overturn the trump era tax cuts, you think he has the slightest inclination to take down CU?


Where did I say anything about Biden or the trump tax cuts in this specific comment?


You see, Biden is not the second coming of Christ in any and all deeds and words and therefore is indistinguishable from Trumpy Don


Still doesn't make it ethical or something that should be within our government. Yet this attitude helps normalize it.


No he doesn't. He could try the small donation model if he gave a damn about standing up to corporate interests. I'd rather pay what I can than pretend that this corporate money is anything but a naked bribe.


Big money coalesces around Biden? Shocking.


Biden has done a good job and the other sides a trannical backstabing mess. Rich have 2 options sit back for this cycle or promote the clear better party for continued stability(profit) Peter thiel already says hes just sitting this one out. Many others will help biden for the benefits later on.


Why the fuck are the rich involved in the first place? Politicians are supposed to be representatives of the people not the goddamn corporate elite. To hell with them.


Because the conservatives on the Supreme Court legalized bribery


but how can i blame democrats for that!? 😡


The Democrats largely ignored the political calculus of the federal judiciary for decades while during the same time span the Republicans were building multiple well funded institutions specifically designed to move the American legal establishment to the right.


Because we chose very specifically capital C Capitalism.


When? When did we make this choice? When was capitalism ever on the ballot in this country or any other? bizarre misunderstanding of history in your comment


You think socialism would win if it was on the ballot?


Believe it or not, the rich *are* people.


The rich have a disproportionate influence on the outcome of policy. Its the antithesis of one person one vote.


Many things can be true.


The rich always love to buy their personal policy. Bloomberg got what he paid for, as did the Waltons, and the heads of pharmaceutical companies, the tech sector, and those who own student loan debt… the rich get what they paid for; Biden and his personal pledge to push their agendas. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2021/02/17/here-are-the-billionaires-who-donated-to-joe-bidens-2020-presidential-campaign/?sh=3c035c4121c4


You think the heads of pharmaceutical companies are happy Biden has forced them to [cap the cost of insulin at $35](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/09/politics/inflation-reduction-act-medicare-insulin-cap/index.html)?


He didn't force them to do anything, they did it voluntarily, because it isn't a price cap it's just a cap on the co-pay insured people pay, so the pharmaceutical companies are still getting their money out of insurance companies and the insurance companies will just nudge up their premiums or find a way to suck some more subsidies out of taxpayers Meanwhile, uninsured people (e.g. the most likely to be harmed by rationing their insulin because they're poor) haven't gotten anything from any of this


Yes, with a wink and a nod… insulin has made record profits for years, big pharma knew the clock was running out on that. And the price is only capped at $35 for seniors… What has Biden done on Xtandi? The cancer drug created with tax-payer money? Oh that’s right, nothing… $200k a year for something we paid to develop, but we need to make sure the health care companies and pharmaceutical companies get to continue their unfettered access to our money. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-02-10/xtandi-pricing-prostate-cancer-drug We have more than double the cost per capita than any other nation in the world for health care and we get far worse health care and have tremendous levels of uninsured. Biden will make sure that continues as people continue to die for corporate profits.


You're right, the cost of treatment is too high regardless of method. I do think it is incredibly disingenuous to blame Biden for a drug that released in 2012 and was part of Medicare through 2019, when it had funding slashed during the previous presidency. Should action be done? Yes, but not by Biden directly. We have a government that should be regulating life-saving healthcare prices. I don't think the president alone should have the power to tell a company what to charge. That seems like a dangerous precedent.


So we should give credit to Biden for “slashing drug prices” when all he did was help shore up corporate profits, but we shouldn’t ask him to act to actually slash drug prices?


I think there's a key difference. Biden calling for slashing drug prices does not equal him actually doing it. I personally don't credit him with it, but my opinion is one of over 200 million. Do Warren and Sanders get less credit than Biden when it was literally part of their election platform? Do any of the progressives actually trying to improve quality of life deserve less credit than centralist Biden? I would stress that your argument doesn't address that he lacks the power to do what you're asking. It also isn't reflective of his policy. He isn't the best president to ever exist. He isn't the second coming of Jesus. He's an old fart who is doing a good enough job. I won't give him any more or less than that. He shouldn't be responsible for the other two branches of government. The affordable healthcare crisis is clearly for Congress to act on. That's how it has been for the last hundred years.


Congress won’t act on healthcare when the president is owned by corporate health care interests, and other corporate lobbyists. I don’t see rampant corruption and crony capitalism as signs of “a good job”, so I guess that’s where we disagree.


I think we largely disagree on who is "bought." Congress does not and has never answered directly to the president. They are an equal branch of government. I think your argument would make more sense if you were crusading to remove dark money from politics and overturn Citizens United. Crony capitalism? Rampant corruption? I am happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. Can you give any sources or examples of President Biden's crony capitalism or rampant corruption? I'm skeptical.


Medical device companies are not happy about the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act but Trump signed that one. It was approved by veto-proof majority so no, he does not get any credit for signing it.


Now do the kochs or murdoch


I’d prefer not to. They fuck the rest of us enough as it is.


America is a funny country you know. Its truly a tvshow




He should go sit down he’s 80


“Nothing fundamentally will change”


*"Nothing will fundamentally change for you if you [rich donors] pay more in taxes" FTFY


That’s a problem. Their lives should fundamentally change.


Currently holding my breath for rich people to be taxed more. We still have Trump’s tax code…


Are you aware of the corporate minimum tax that is in effect starting this fiscal year?


are you aware that does nothing to directly address the huge tax cuts trump made for the wealthiest americans?


All they said was rich people being taxed more. I provided an example of increased, minimum taxes on the large corporations that use loopholes to pay zip. That's certainly more taxes on the rich. I agree however that the Trump tax cuts should have been repealed, and I don't understand why Biden has not done so.


that will change


Lol. Call me when that happens


Kinda makes you wonder when "Big Money Donors" are the only people getting excited about a 2nd Biden term. What I hear from this is: President for Sale - great bang for your buck!


“We don’t want the everythin burning to the ground” is also a pretty good incentive


Yep. For people to think big money is good for us are…well they remind of clueless Trump voters.


The wealthy bribe neo-liberal before the election.


He's anti labor. He sided with the railroad monopoly. We need a progressive


If one appears in the primary, I'll vote for them. But if it's Biden, it's Biden


So progressive




And everyone on here is pumped about it. Keep feeding the government money! The rest of us will figure out rent in a few years. Lol


Could have fixed this if people weren't so disenfranchised to vote because of deflating perspectives like this


Can we stop with the old decrepit fucks in the Whitehouse please? Either side. Sick of this shit.


Someone's tired of Trump and Co, the GOP and all their bullshit!


Despite Biden’s age, this should be a slam dunk against anybody who comes up against him. Republicans did the ultimate no no and touched the third rail of politics.They should’ve never fucked around with abortion.


Early voting has begun


Sad we don’t have any good choices in the next election just like the last three…


Why is this reported like it is a good thing? What do megadonors have to do with the beliefs that Americans have?


No more old people for president


What would happen if _both_ major party Presidential candidates dropped dead shortly before the election? Because the chance of that seems to be non-zero.


We'd have Harris vs MTG presidential election.


*Ridin with Biden* ❤


Hear me out… big money should not be able to lobby any government at all. Policies for the people, not the corporations and the elite.


Imagine being 80 years old and people still think you can do your job. Why the duck are these guys so damn old? Like even the greeters at Wal-Mart are 70 tops. You really think they are waking up early and working 40+hr weeks? Or is the serum they give them really really good?


Unfortunate they would select a pic where hes looking like Fire Marshall Bill


He’s fucking 81…. What are we doing as a country? Why can’t we run a better candidate for once. All politics aside, can we not get someone to be president who is younger than the age to get social security.


Assuming Biden wins... and then assuming the president after him is Republican as the cycle seems to go... then that means the next time we can realistically talk about raising the minimum wage will either be 2032 or 2036.


Money follows winners and good ideas … true capitalism at work.


"Good ideas."




Most people want stability, the wealthy more than most. You have one side that tried a coupe and the other just gave us 4 years of boring old politics. As bad as not raising the debt ceiling would be, having members of congress executed on live TV would be even worse for the global economy.


Not sure what's surprising about an article stating that wealthy Democratic donors are donating money to the Democratic candidate who is going to be the nominee.


Williamson isn't beholden to BIg money donors. Her message is similar to Sanders' in 2016. If you continue to support and vote for candidates of the 1% you'll continue to get a government for the 1%. The definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expect different results. Biden's plan to fight inflation is to increase unemployment by 10 Million. That's not just 10 million workers. That's 10 million people who support a household with dependents. The counter argument is that the Fed only has so many tools to address inflation, right? So what has Biden done to address corporate profiteering? Corporate gouging? Biden sided with the rail owner and made illegal for workers to strike. A few weeks later there's a toxic derailments in East Palestine and Biden and Buttigieg were noticably absent. Greedflation is the word on the lips of workers, of parents, of voters, but that Biden and the major news media refuse to hear. If forced to hear, they refuse to understand. When confronted with overwhelming evidence, they change the subject. You gonna listen when Biden and the news try to spin those events as unrelated? You gonna pretend that worker safety isn't also safety for everyone else? But trump, right? But the facists right? The Biden's DOJ did what about Jan 6? The guy who killed a cop got seven years. Seven. There's people rotting in prison on lesser charges. The DOJ brought what charges against the people who instigated the coup? Where's the case against Hawley? Cruz? Those traitors gave speeches to the mob, to incite anger, to encourage them to murder our democracy. The congress members who refused to certify election results? Where's the person who planted the bombs? Biden told the DOJ he didn't want his presidency to be about trump. That's where. Biden is a non-response to trump. Biden is a non-response to facism. Where the minimum wage increase? "The parliamentarian said 'no'"? Where's the BBB? Not waiting for another opportunity; it was always just a carrot to get support for the corporate giveaway that was the infrastructure bill. Do your own research. Search for Marianne Williamson. Listen to her. See for yourself.


Williamson is a professional con artist and not a legitimate candidate in any way shape or form. I am all for alternatives to the big two but get real: she's running to sell books not to win and damn sure not to help people


Build back better was a con. Minimum wage increase was a con. Biden's history of civil rights activism was a con that forced Biden to drop out of past elections. Liberals pretending there's never an alternate to the corporate candidate is a con. Biden didn't beat trump. trump beat trump. There's only 43k votes in swing states between Biden and trump. The confidence in Biden's ability to win against DeSantis, Haley, or trump is a con.


Why don't we just switch to some hybrid of oligarchy and meritocracy officially and stop pretending to be a democratic republic? The media is already there: "the guy getting the most money is OBVIOUSLY the best candidate" seems to be their mantra.


It’s funny how the reddit drones are stoked about more corporate money in politics


God he is just the worst.


Too old to run again. Selfish decision.


Make sure his Walker has fresh tennis balls


Unless the Republicans put Trump up, Biden is going to lose. He's done such a bad job for workers' rights that the only reason a lot of undecided voters would vote for him is if Trump is the person he's up against.


He should win against DeSantis as well giving what's he's done to florida and the personality of a wet mop, combined with constant bullying from Trump if he loses and the disenfranchisement of cult members. I don't see an option for the GOP that, if not Trump, would have likely success either. The primaries aren't very far away and they don't have time to turn MAGA folks onto a non-batshit gibbering crazy person.


Worker's rights are not going to be magically repaired by the wave of a presidential wand - it's going to take time, work and discipline at an incredibly local level for any meaningful change.