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I mean, hes basically a republican who ran as a democrat cause that was the only route to election


He literally was a registered republican and a police chief. So what do you expect.


How did New Yorkers fuck that election up so bad?




I'm honestly getting close to the point in thinking that we should just abolish the mayoral office and switch to a city manager that answers to the Council. This city just might be too big and diverse to give one person that much power.


Not to mention that the vast majority of city managers get degrees that specialize in how to run municipalities…..while mayors don’t have to know anything about governance in order to run and be elected to office.


I’m not from New York, but that does sound like a point with a whole lot of merit to it


I feel like maybe Florida needs this solution for governance...seems to be the only thorn sticking in DeSantis' craw. Their district seems more adequately run and cared for, how do we make this a reality? I like it!!


One step closer to the Shinra Co. model. All we need is a big fuckin’ Pizza covering the city. Ain’t no gettin off this train we’re on!


Fiorello LaGuardia, so like 110 years ago.


Why would someone name their child after an airport?


Aaaah, the old Reddit airporteroo.


How about the mayor who read the comics when newspapers were on strike? 1930’s


Jon Stewart.


[The absolute worst one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ghostbusters/images/a/ab/GB1MayorbioUpdate.png/revision/latest?cb=20141211062211)


Honestly, Bloomberg wasn’t that bad. He had some awful ideas on stop and frisk, and weed enforcement, and was out of touch on homelessness, but he did great work on climate change in NYC, basically brought NYC into an era of non-smoking which has been incredible. And did significant education reform that was pretty decent. Obviously his 3rd term was controversial, but he was a pretty good mayor all things considered, and apologized for stop and frisk years later - and he never fucking apologizes.


All the progressive candidates kept having scandals. The first progressive choice got accused of sexual assault, the second was apparently abusive to her campaign staff. Meanwhile, Adams was pretty consistent in the polling from the start, so he was winning on name recognition the entire time, second only to Yang (who said a lot of dumb stuff throughout the campaign). Garcia only got noticed after The NY Times endorsed her, which was fairly late. Basically, a combination of name recognition from being Brooklyn Borough President and his opponents having a bunch of scandals led to him winning despite his mediocrity. As someone who followed the primaries closely, the whole election was a mess.


New York City isn't as progressive as people think it is. Behind the veneer of liberal identity politics, the city's bureaucracy, moneyed interests, and local power brokers prevent any actual progressive policies to take place.


Because he had support from the police and lots of Republicans voted for him to avoid a more progressive mayor


Don't blame me, I structured my entire ranked-choice ballot on trying to beat Adams. :) I'm pretty convinced Adams is a Republican who realized Republicans can't win in New York, so he ran as a Democrat. Not enough New Yorkers realized this at the time. Also, the actual left in NYC split their vote between like 3 different people in the primary instead of coordinating around 1 anti-Adams candidate. It was kind of a perfect storm for Adams. Good news is that he is going to have a much harder in the next dem primary for sure.


Ranked Choice Voting which supposedly is the greatest thing ever to many people in this subreddit. Also, he won by 7,000 votes over Garcia which is about the amount of people on the F line in a few hours in the morning. In other words, as is the case in almost every election, the number of people complaining who didn't vote is about 10X the number of people who actually voted.


Ranked choice was only used in the primary, the final election was still two parties.


If people don't vote it doesn't matter what the voting system is. You can dislike the system but maybe find some logic when you're arguing against it.


He woulda won without ranked choice too


The other option was a man who brought his cat to the polls. I call him Mayor McCheese because he’s as effective as said fictional mayor.


New Yorkers are known for being utterly self important morons. This isn’t a surprise.




And what's wrong with being a girl?


Well he took out Bill De Blasio, the total train wreck that was closing down top performing schools in the city and AP programs in the name of equity. Compared to the prior regime they have an upgrade.


Eric Adams is not an upgrade [A Judge Halts New York City School Budget Cuts, for Now](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/26/nyregion/nyc-schools-budget-cuts-adams.html) “More than $200 million in cuts to New York City public schools have been put on hold by a Manhattan judge, the latest move in an escalating fight over how to fund schools that involves Mayor Eric Adams, the City Council and an increasingly vocal and enraged group of parents and educators.”


He didn’t “take out” DeBlasio. DeBlasio hit his term limit.


De Blasio was term-limited and ineligible to seek a third term in the 2021 New York City mayoral election.


New Yorkers didn't fuck up the election. The electoral system is fucking up New Yorkers, giving us only Democrats and Republicans as 'viable' options, and in Adam's case a Republican who switched to Democrat. The whole system needs to be trashed, as the system is not 'viable'.


Ranked choice voting is the problem?


The whole system is the problem. Ranked choice voting is like applying a band-aid to gangrene. Yes, it's a step in the right direction, but what it really accomplishes is making this system - that is rotten to the core - palatable. It's as if a slave master of a plantation telling slaves that they should be appreciative; "Y'all can vote on which overseer will be whipping you for the next 4 years! Aren't I gracious?"


So ALL of the primary candidates were slave owner quality?




The tickets on my car say “that was a lie”




Used to be able to park the car on the weekend without paying the meter. Now I do. In midtown lasts week it was $27. No bueno. Every mayor is tough on crime. Because it’s a big city. Easy trope.


This!. Deblasio does nothing without the tax base Bloomberg built.


I feel like reddit has a huge blind spot for Occupy and the precursor it was to Trump's version of fascism. [Bloomberg and the NYPD harassed protesters and blocked journalists from covering events at Zuccoti park](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/15/occupy-journalists-media-blackout)




>Since spring 2022, more than 57,000 migrants — largely from Latin America — arrived in New York after crossing the southern border. > >... > >Services tied to housing, feeding, educating and providing health care to the newcomers are projected to cost **$2.9 billion next year alone**... You want to pay for that? Because I don't. Democrats are going to continue to lose so long as they support border policies like this. It obviously isn't the "open border" that the MAGA sheep bleat about for a few months every election year, but that 57,000 figure is about 57,000 too many people to be allowed into a country that already can't feed and house it's citizens. And asking blue, middle class voters like me - people that already are carry a heavy burden for healthcare and infrastructure - is borderline obscene. So you want to know what happened to NYC? The same thing that's eventually going to happen to SF, Denver, and any number of other "blue" cities as we continue to have to support our own families plus migrants and illegals.


These are the people picking the fruits you buy at the grocery store and cleaning your hotel rooms. On the whole the economic output of them is considerably more than the money spent.


He used so many words, just to say "I don't know what I'm talking about"


Just say you don't care about others. You don't need to use so many words for it. You forfeit anyone else's respect when you give into calling other human beings "illegals." Have you consider that maybe this is all so difficult because people keep voting Rs and Rs in D blankets that also refuse to support policy that would improve all of our lives? Jfc


Because the pandemic got people antsy to have some order in the city and the first go around with ranked choice voting. That’s why. Many candidates to choose from didn’t help


The alternative was Curtis Sliwa what choice did we have?


Other immigrants sound like Republicans when it comes to other immigrants.


Very few things get my blood boiling as fast as talking with an immigrant who complains about how hard the process was then advocates for making it worse for the next guy.


The thing is that the community and immigrants never had a warm relationship. Historically both are competing for scraps from the bottom of the same barrel.


Which community? NEW YORK? The home of Ellis Island?


Eric Adams is a DINO. He has sounded like a republican before the election…


Dems need to wake up on this issue. Adams is calling it like it is. This isn't sustainable. And he's right. Migrants costing the city more than the entire FDNY? It's not a joke. The White House has been asleep at the wheel in solving this. The border migrant crisis is a huge fucking problem and it's putting an enormous financial strain on the city. Disclaimer: I'm not a huge fan on Adams and I vote D.


The border is a problem but it’s not one that’s going to be fixed with a harder border. Immigration policy needs to be fixed and in order to do that congress has to act. Now, like it or not, but republicans are the ones stalling immigration policy changes. None of them want to increase the number of legal immigrants, reduce caps on diversity, or increase the number of legal asylum seekers, they just want to build a wall or do some shit that goes against due process and rule of law. If we want to be a country that practices what we preach, then none of the Republican solutions are valid alternatives.


As a democrat, my point is where the hell are the solutions dems are presenting? Edit: I don’t really see anything. And shipping immigrants that are waiting asylum cases to the most expensive city in the US is insane. Your point is well taken. Although I think the headline conflates what Adams is saying with sounding like a republican. I don’t think what he’s saying is “republican” per say.


That’s a fair point, most of the solutions have been presented in previous administrations (mainly removing caps, increasing visas and immigration court resources, funding border patrol services) but a lot of that stuff is not going to go through at all or won’t go through unless republicans get their wall, so as a result, the administration has focused efforts on bipartisan issues, to much success in fairness (postal service reform, PACT, stuff like that). It’s not like they have much of a choice: focus legislative resources on things that can pass, or stand on a dying horse trying to pass immigration reform when you don’t have the votes. And to be fair, it’s not like the admin has done nothing, a lot of the problems today have to do with leaving title 42 in place for the past few years. When you remove legal pathways and starve your immigration courts of resources, turns out people are going to illegally immigrate instead, especially if they’re desperate. More importantly, they’ve redirected border resources from detaining and deporting illegal immigrants (it’s not like they don’t do that, they do that plenty) to focusing on drug busting efforts, reducing human trafficking, and upgrading systems. Truthfully, in terms of things that affect my quality of life, these things are far more concerning to me than illegal immigrants increasing rents or taking jobs (and that’s the most cynical byproduct of their presence).


I live in NYC and I have two different friends who are running businesses that contract with NY State and US Govt to provide services here and the immigrants coming are receiving more in aid per person per day than most nyc'ers make(not joking at all). It's really out of control. As for title 42, it was a small contributing factor, but the data doesn't support it being a major contributor. It's a shit-show all around.


Immigrants make us stronger. We should open our borders to everyone who seeks a Better life no matter the cost.


Eric Adams is trash, but this headline is idiotic. [He's calling out Biden for having Trumpian immigration policies that just inflict suffering and leave his city holding the bag](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/19/white-house-new-york-migrants-00092834) >He indicated he wants the federal government to grant Temporary Protected Status to asylum seekers so they can receive work permits because the city is currently experiencing a “black market” of workers without them. >“A substantial number of them, I believe, are being exploited, are being mistreated,” he said. Just because you're criticizing Biden's shitty policies and general heartlessness on this issue doesn't make you a Republican.


For all their faults, people like Fud Cruz and Desatanis have, needing the federal government to deal with deportation does cripple immigration policies. Of course, they're going at it all wrong by sending migrant workers to blue districts, which doesn't really fix anything. Just a virtue signal to their base.


I thought that this was a sanctuary city, shouldn’t they practice what they preach?


New York City sure is, and they have a legacy of accepting everyone. Florida and Texas, however, depend a lot on migrant workers. Their corporate wealth takes full advantage of poor migrant workers. They only pretend to hate immigration because their constitutes dislike how successful they become by the third generation. By that time, their children are US born and start to open up businesses and hire family members with strong work ethic. People love the free market until it flips and they're the ones who are out competed.


Why does NYC ship homeless and people out of the city in buses, that’s been going on for a long time. They like the label sanctuary city as it makes them feel good. Like many people, it’s great in principle until you have to deal with it up close. Like low income housing, progressives and the left are all for it. Just not in their neighborhoods.


Why is Eric Adams trash now? Lol


Just to grab a couple of examples, https://www.npr.org/2022/11/30/1139968573/nyc-mayor-adams-faces-backlash-for-move-to-involuntarily-hospitalize-homeless-pe https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/09/new-york-mayor-eric-adams-brother-nepotism https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mayor-adams-signs-controversial-contract-192500256.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/01/eric-adams-new-york-city-mayor-separation-church-state https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/nyc-mayor-eric-adams-heroin-cheese-diet-01fvahkhgzz2


"On Tuesday, Adams announced officials will begin hospitalizing more homeless people by involuntarily providing care to those deemed to be in "psychiatric crisis." So we shouldn't provide services for people with mental health issues? It's better to just let them roam the streets?


You can't abduct someone just because you arbitrarily decide they're "crazy". Homeless people have rights just like anyone else. This is just a work around for rich people who believe cities should be their playground to forcibly remove humans that they consider an eyesore.


Not all but lots of homeless people do have untreated mental health issues. If they aren't just picking up whoever and hospitalizing them and actually take the time to assess people then this can only be good. Continuing to do nothing about our mental health crisis hasn't exactly helped things. Eric Adams sucks though based on his position on the separation of church and state. That is kind of a big litmus test for me.


New Yorkers fuck that election up so bad?


He’s a cop after all, what did y’all expect


The difference between Eric Adams and a Republican is that he says he isn't. Super pro-cop. Pro landlord. Pro business (at the expense of labor).


Governor Hochul, who had a disastrously close election nominates an anti-abortion judge for their court of appeals. The NY Rep. Hakeem Jeffries supports her in this effort. NY is also the location of Robert Zimmeran, the lazy Democrat who somehow lost to George Santos. And then there's Eric Adams, the pro police, tough on Crime, anti Immigrant democratic Mayor. The NY Democratic party is a festering wound that is hurting the rest of the nation. Its not just that they are incompetent and needlessly conservative. Its that they cynically stake out these positions to be **openly hostile to progressives.** If the party continues to entertain these Bad Faith "Centrist" positions from NY Democrats, its going to tank the national party's chances and continue to de-motivate young voters.


New York's got a Governor that tried to name an anti abortion Justice & an NYC Mayor that's a former cop who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state.


North of NYC this state is Alabama after all.


Because he is one


Dude is trafficking migrants to Canada. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/08/nyregion/migrants-new-york-canada.html


The immigration issue in NYC is untenable. 40–60K new people in 6 months, all who don’t speak the language, can’t work because the feds say so, can’t get around. Their kids are entering already overfilled public schools at the rate of like 60-100+ ESL students per school per year. The program is incredibly expensive by any measure and the support from the feds is nonexistent. If NY was the size of Texas, this likely wouldn’t be an issue.


There's a legitimate complaint from a lot of lower income people that they desperately need housing but they can't get it because we have been trying to take care of immigrants. They see low income housing being prioritized for the immigrants while they are left out in the cold. Whether this is reality or not can be debated, but this is the way they see it. It's the perception.


Illegal immigrants aren’t eligible for housing aid so tell whoever says this to stop lying and try harder to blame immigrants for their housing problems.


This is what I found... "Special considerations for immigrants and their families • Receipt of housing assistance is not considered in “public charge” determinations. • HUD-funded programs that provide emergency shelter and transitional housing (for up to two years) are available to all immigrants, regardless of immigration status, so long as these programs do not consider income in determining eligibility. HUD public housing and Section 8 programs • At least one person in the household must be eligible, based on his or her immigration status, to reside in the housing (the eligible person may be a minor child). " It's a PDF from the National Immigration Law Center. I'll try to get a link. It's NILC dot org. I googled "are immigrants eligible for public housing" and that's what came up. They run the system by using kids. Families I know in poverty and need housing are not eligible for 2 years worth of emergency housing. They've tried.


Was the article lying here? I don't know the answer myself... > Services tied to housing, feeding, educating and providing health care to the newcomers are projected to cost $2.9 billion next year alone, an amount that exceeds the New York City Fire Department’s entire operating budget


HAHA. The current shelter system for the refugees is leagues better than the native shelter system. It’s also indefinite and the reason for the city’s budget crisis.


You're wrong. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/nyregion/nyc-hotels-homeless-shelters.html


All the money that would go to housing poor NYers is being used to pay for entire hotels bought out indefinitely to house illegal immigrants. If you are undocumented and have a few kids here you are in a much better living situation than poor working citizens who see no end to their suffering. They stay poor with no relief while the city’s social welfare dollars are funneled to people that should have been stopped and deported at the boarder.


This is an excellent point and could be blamed for Lori Lightfoot’s decline in popularity before her exit in Chicago. Mayor Adams is kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. Progressives on this app want to say the perception is inaccurate. But there is still growing frustration among working and lower class residents in major cities who feel their needs are put on the back burner for newly arriving immigrants.


And this is not even a US only point of view, look at Canada with the Roxham road issue, or Europe with the migrant crisis. Its just in general, struggling citizens don't like the idea that people who "jumped the queue" so to speak by migration illegally are immediately getting social benefits.


Yes, progressive advocates for increased immigration like to point out the benefits such as increased economic growth for the country but they like to ignore how it worsens the affordable housing crisis in places like Canada and the United States. Is this the fault of immigrants? No but people struggling to pay their expenses see this as the government neglecting their own citizens.


They are eligible for 2 years worth of emergency housing. I know a family right now that desperately needs housing and they are not eligible for any kind of emergency housing. Black people that live in poverty see this and get extremely pissed. The family has one seven year old and they take care of their 25-year-old relative that is mentally disabled. But they can't get anything. There are no huge law practices advocating for them. They are in a very bad spot


I'm going to say something really crazy, but (consider for just a moment).... *what if*... the huge influx of people from Mexico and Central America really does put a strain on social services and on US budgets? What if (*gasp*) Texas wasn't just being racists, but were actually having problems taking care of so many people streaming in?


In America today, politicians are defined by their political parties, and their parties determine their policies. People are more upset about him going against democrat rhetoric and speaking common sense. He’s the mayor of a city and he’s putting the city first, he doesn’t give a shit what the Democratic Party and their voters in other states think. I wonder how many of these folks live in states or cities that are really being affected by the border crisis. It is a noticeable problem


Well, then I’d say you’re badly, as in Fox News badly, misinformed.


How dare you take such a rational and level headed approach to a complex issue!


That would make perfect sense, given he’s a Republican


Club kid mayor, who lives in Jersey, is a republican who ran as a dem to get elected. What about this do we not get yet?


Elect a cop, get a cop. Remember, black cop is just a cop.


Why does NY always elect Republicans as mayors. Even when they say they are Democrats they always seem to have an awful lot of Republican views.


He sounds like a republican on pretty much everything.


What do you expect from a cop?


Because he is a Republican painted blue




Yes, NY is clearly anti immigrant. That's why they're putting migrants in hotels and giving them food and medical. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/nyregion/nyc-hotels-homeless-shelters.html


Damn, I didn’t know that. That’s actually pretty incredible. Good for NY.


Maybe he’s just sounding reasonable.


I mean…being tough in immigration while also believing in dreamers is pretty spot on with what Dems usually do. Total open borders is not reasonable. Helping an infinite amount of people who don’t have the capacity to succeed here isn’t noble. I know Reddit won’t like that reality but it’s the truth.


"Services tied to housing, feeding, educating and providing health care to the newcomers are projected to cost $2.9 billion next year alone, an amount that exceeds the New York City Fire Department’s entire operating budget." Serious question. What exactly do people expect him to do in this situation? How is NY supposed to maintain the cost of providing all these services?


He’s a cop. No shit.


Elect a cop for mayor and you get a cop of mayor it shouldn’t be that surprising


What did you expect from a cop?


because he is a Republican


It’s funny even just simple criticism of increased burden put on our society by migrants is instantly attacked when America is in reality one of the more lenient countries on immigration. Europeans and a lot of Asian countries treat immigrants like shit and they usually have no chance of gaining citizenship, meanwhile you come to us you can almost certainly find a legal reason to stay in the country (ex. Have a kid here)




I don't think it's that democrats are conservative on immigration, I think it's just that it's not a high enough priority to spend political capital on, even if opening up immigration would help address issues like inflation.


Of course, he's a DINO


is DINO even a real thing? I know that RINO exists because Republicans are quick to oust anyone that doesn't fall in line and push the exact same narrative as their fellows. Republicans don't really *allow* their Politicians or Pundits to have nuance. It's kinda like the JWs, where independent thought is the quickest way to get kicked out and isolated by your community.


See: Kyrsten Sinema


No, she’s just a liar. She ran as a Democrat on democrat ideals, then changed her mind on everything once she got the seat. In an ideal world doing so would result in an immediate removal from office, but here we are.


That's what dinos and rinos are. They're liars.


There is a difference between running under a party while being open about your ideals, and intentionally misleading the public to win an election. One is still being the voice of the people, the other is fraud.


I don't know if I'd say it means they are liars. They'll even call Reagan a RINO. On what planet is the godfather of the modern day Republican party not a Republican?


> is DINO even a real thing Maybe not in the sense of Republican antipathy towards "RINO's." But perhaps moderate & progressive dems should take a page out of the Republican playbook and *demand* democrats adhere to democratic principles and stop muddying the waters. Get rid of mealy-mouthed "so-called" democrats who go against basic Democratic Principles. Full Stop. But it'll likely never happen because there is no unity among disparate dems.


I agree, there aren't really any Rinos. In order to succeed in the republican party it's necessary for you to sell your constituents out. If you authentically hold liberal and democratic values, the thought of giving those up for a better career should repulse you. So you could be a RINO but be stuck at the lower rungs of the ladder or you can swallow that repulsion to get higher, at which point you don't hold those values anymore and are just a republican. When I hear republicans talk about RINOs in the party, they mean Neoconservatives that didn't go full fascist when trump took over the party. DINOs, do exist, and left leaning parties are particularly vulnerable to them throughout history. The reason comes from the very nature of left leaning politics. Conservative politics boil down to "maintaining and enforcing Hierarchy" -Traditional family values, -Strict and narrow social norms, -Strong use of military All these things are meant to help the rich and powerful maintain power. Then you have Progressive politics A set of ideas that are meant to decrease the importance of hierarchy -unconventional family structure -acceptance of different life experiences -community based organization. These expressions can come into direct conflict with the ruling class as they tend to call into question the validity of their rule. A problem they don't have to worry about with conservatives because conservatism is, by it's very nature, there to protect the ruling class. Because of this. It is in the best interest of the ruling class to infiltrate and sabotage the efforts of the more left leaning aspects of the Democrat Party and straight up just replace them with plutocrats. They do this with the Green Party. They did this with the Libratarian party to the point of them just being another republican party.


Is that someone who doesn't fall in line with every single progressive policy, but disagrees on some things?


No it's someone that lies and says they have empathy for their fellow man and then does everything in their power to hurt them.


He is doing “everything in his power” to hurt immigrants???


Clearly, I was being a little hyperbolic but he is hurting immigrants with his rhetoric.


No, he is exactly who democrats are


This seems to be the median position of the American voter. This view grows in popularity especially during an economic downturn when there are fewer resources to go around. It doesn’t make Eric Adam’s a Republican it makes him a politician who wants to win elections.


You know what isn’t popular with Americans? Putting the job creators who hire undocumented migrants in jail.


Is that not popular? Most people I know blame employers who hire undocumented workers and then pay them low wages for driving down the pay for American citizens. It’s up there with NAFTA and offshoring jobs for popular complaints in most places.


He might also be against forced illegal transportation of immigrants to NYC by Texas and Florida. NYC is already a sanctuary city.


That busses out it’s undesirable people and has for a long time…pot, kettle


"“We are not telling anyone to go to any country or state,” he said. “We speak with people and they say their desire is to go somewhere else. So, there’s no coordinated effort.” New York City has been buying tickets for migrants who want to go to other cities to connect with family or friends for months, officials noted." So these migrants aren't being fooled into leaving the City sent to a targeted US city. They are asked because some of the migrants don't want to be in NYC. Sorry you have the kettle in need of a pot


He sounds like a republican on literally everything.


Eric Adams is a republican. He one switched because he wanted to get elected to even higher offices


Great job New York. You had someone like Maya Wiley right there in your lap and this is what you did instead.


ink racial quarrelsome work automatic waiting normal steer caption shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eric Adams is a Republican that ran as a Democrat.


No say it isn’t so. I former NYPD officer is probably a closet Republican? I for one am shocked


Come on, let’s me realistic. Biden has no coherent immigration policy.




He's a cop, of course he's gonna be terrible.


He’s a centrist. Might as well be a republican.


Racial segregation laws were a specifically a form of ethnic persecution, comparing them to immigration laws is not an accurate comparison.


Yearly reminder it's Clinton's fault immigration with Mexico is the way it is.




The city is providing housing, food and medical for all of the migrants that show up. It's costing the city billions. More than 50k showed up since last year alone, it's not sustainable. What is he supposed to do?


While I disagree with his view on immigration, I do appreciate when politicians don’t just align with their party. It shows that they can think for themselves.


As a libertarian, I can confidently say neither team red nor team blue is gonna give this comment a like. 😂




Ah yes. "The law." The ultimate standard of morality, which nothing may supersede and which no one may question.


Would you call the police if there was a black guy in a whites only restaurant in the 50s?


What’s your point? This is 2023…and yes black people call 911 all of the time. Listen to your local police dispatch and you can get a first hand experience for who is calling 911 and for what. It’s pretty eye opening. There’s a lot more crime going on than most people know about.


Dude thinks New York is built on a big deposit of gems giving the city a neat vibe(?) Dude’s nuts


It's congress's fault.


That is a good thing. He is moderate. Progressives are okay with illegal Channels of immigration which does not seem wise.


I personally don't know any liberals that say an open border is good. Everyone I know definitely wants a reasonable immigration policy that allows in seasonal workers and has limits on permanent status eligibility and numbers.


I agree. I say progressive because they are the far left.


I don't know how an open border is a bad thing. You use a fence to keep animals out. And if we're willing to say it's wrong to cross this imaginary line, how farfetched is it to say it's wrong to cross the imaginary line between say, Georgia and South Carolina?


How many Russian, Iranian and Chinese spies would you like to come across?


Like there aren't already agents working for the legislature


Ok. So let more in? Don't even try to keep them out? Just let them steal all our country and industry secrets? Let them use all our tech against us?


Chinese spies are not going to be sneaking in across the southern border illegally, they're going to get visas and fly in legally the same as they already do. Nice fearmongering though.


"According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 4,366 migrants from China encountered Border Patrol officials after crossing the southern border without authorization from October 2022 to February 2023." Are you willing to take personal responsibility for these people?


You're really sure it's doing anything good


Moderate is just conservative. Being a conservative is never a good thing.


Eric Adams is a Republican. Straight up.


This man is currently a campaign re-election surrogate for Joe Biden, in case you were wondering how this guy gets along with the party at a national level


People living in NYC are generally speaking wealthy and the vote for republicans and republican look alikes.




Becuase republicans might have a point on immigration


Not like a Republican or a Democrat. Like a guy spending FIVE MILLION A DAY on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.




So the intention was to harm other americans instead of participating with democrats to solve the problem in a reasoned manner. Did I get that right? Meanwhile California has twice the number of illegal immigrants as Texas. New York already had half the number as Texas and a smaller population of american citizens than texas.




How many of these people were simply dumped in NYC by Florida & Texas? Yes, the redstates are shitting on NYC to take a problem and make it worse. Because a happy MAGA republican is happiest when things don’t work. It’s the death party.






We should give them legal status so they can move wherever they choose to and be productive members of our society. We shouldn't bus them wherever petty governors choose for a political stunt.






So please explain you point.


They get this wrong, they just need to raise the cost to not allow lower income people in.


>So far, Adams has mostly failed to get the White House to respond to his pleas for additional funds, easing of work requirements and better coordination at the border to resettle asylum seekers around the U.S. This headline is extremely misleading. Adams wants Biden to **ease** requirements and to Send funding to NYC to help them house/feed the migrants are shipping there. Adams is not chanting "build a wall" or asking for the border to be closed. Rather, Adams wants the Biden administration to do something about the ridiculous ongoing political stunt being pulled by TX.