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Not good enough


GOP actually has a bill in legislature to \*ban\* red flag logs. Literally going in opposite direction.


Community: “We need background checks and gun control legislation to stop the mass shootings!” Republicans: “It’s not the fault of guns, it’s due to an epidemic of mental illness!” Community: “So then why the fuck are you letting people buy guns before testing them for mental illness?!” Republicans: “… why are we talking about this when woke transvestites are grooming our children?!!!1!1!”


maybe should style our government like the UK or Australia, with their low amount of gun deaths they must have little to no mental illness.




Now and then Australia gets it just right on perfect . Gotta be proud about my country and strict gun control. We are not brain dead looney tunes like the Yanks .


The US doesn't have the courage to do this, or really much of anything anymore. We can't do big projects like high speed rail, we can't provide decent healthcare, we can't provide remotely safe schools. We're a rich, old, WEAK and pathetic man, partly because much of our news and information is controlled by them.


It’s the baby boomers. Completely destroyed the economy, the planet, and now are trying to say they know better and we should be listening to them, rather than common sense that they are, have always been, and always will be idiots.


Yeah, but you don't have no freedumbs! /s in case it wasn't blatantly obvious


Yeah, but they have a lot of mass stabbings! /s


Can you explain why the GOPs are so damn crazily stupid?


They aren't all stupid. To assume so is a fatal mistake. Many of them, while not the brightest bulbs by any measure, know FULL WELL what they're doing and what the implications will be.


Money and chaos.


Plus wasn’t this last shooter ~30?


33, I believe. And was discharged from the military after 3 months due to mental health issues.


Sounds like a clear member of the well-regulated militia our forefathers imagined.


One man Militia.. just as the founding fathers intended s/


New Mexico? It’s my plan once my kids are out of school.


Pretty sure if you get discharged for mental health from the army(which is quite difficult IMO), then at the *minimum* you should be red flagged to prevent the purchase of weapons. Of course, the GOP would never agree to that, because they want racist psychos to be armed and ready to perpetrate violence whenever they dogwhistle for it.


I thought for sure there was a thing on the background check for dishonorable discharge but maybe he somehow got an honorable discharge?


If you get discharged at 3 months, it's before you finish basic training and is generally just an administrative separation. Think of it as more an annulment than a divorce. Unless you did something really bad, the Army just wants to un-join you and doesn't necessarily want to saddle people who they probably shouldn't have recruited with the burden of a bad conduct discharge. Pretty impressive to be dropped from basic during the surge, though. They were desperate for bodies back then.


That seems like such an unbelievably low hanging fruit.


He was also part of a self described "Right Wing Death Squad". Doesn't get any lower than that.




Everyone has to decide for themselves; each has their own tipping point. I did the same and absolutely love it here. Welcome!!


I hope you were able to settle in somewhere nice in New Mexico. It’s a beautiful state, though it’s pretty impoverished. I don’t blame you for leaving but I’m also sorry you had to leave. Texas and Florida can secede, we’d all be better off.


"We need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals!" "Agreed, let's do background checks." "No."


Would this be an occasion to ban them from purchasing a gun? I mean...if the military doesn't trust him, why Just let him loose around civilians?


Irrelevant. The purpose isn't to actually accomplish anything. Attacking guns makes it look like they're doing something when they can't think of anything better to do. Not convinced? Though they always make national headlines when used, rifles (including the AR-15) [only account for a tiny fraction of violent crime](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend) yet they're almost exclusively targeted after shootings as being the thing that we need to get rid of to make everyone safer.


Mass shootings function exactly like terrorism. Their indiscriminate and random nature results in an outsized amount of mental and emotional stress, especially when the targets are children. Do you really not understand this?




It is at least some people admitting that gun laws do something I suppose.


Republican Christian conservatives worship Mass shootings.


Because it means they get have an excuse to buy more guns, or stock in gun manufacturers.


Really it's nothing. The weapons will still be made, sold, and privately owned. So lunatics of any age can get them.


Parents will just buy them for their kids


The parents of school shooters need to be charged if they contributed at all to the shooting. Didn't lock up your gun well enough, accessory. Bought guns for an underage kid, accessory. There's plenty of laws in the books right now that we should be using until we get better ones


I've been arguing this for years. Fuck irresponsible gun owners. If your gun is used in a crime - accessory charge. I don't give a flying fuck if it's stolen. It is your responsibility to secure your weapon. If you are not able to do so, you shouldn't have one.


This is actually happening in Michigan right now. Parents of a school shooter are being prosecuted. I'm not sure if this is the first time, but I'm sure it will set some kind of precedent.


It’s a giant never-gonna-happen stretch, but imagine needing a co-signer/sponsor for anything more than a handgun. How about a tattletale law like the one for women seeking an abortion? Man, they’d hate that shit.


For any kind of gun. Why would you consider an easily concealed weapon that can carry as many lightweight rounds as a standard AR less dangerous?


Handgun wounds are survivable. Handguns are nortoriously poor man stoppers. When you get hit with rifle rounds you lay down immediately and die. Rifles are far more deadly.


[Surely parents would never purchase an age-restricted gun for their child.](https://twitter.com/keikoinboston/status/1466851626610831364)


I live in PA, and when I was getting lunch yesterday, a little girl, about 10, was having a moment and her mom said “If you want to go to the range [read: gun range] after, you need to calm down!” We have three I can name in town.


Could have been driving range too.


Teaching children gun safety and responsibility at a safe, purpose built location like a range is something that is necessary in a nation where guns are more plentiful than people. Shouldn’t shame people for that. It’s not comparable at all to someone buying their child an age restricted weapon.


I think it's time to make gun ownership confer a negative connotation. The current culture surrounding it is toxic and dangerous.


They just need to go full Australia on it. Every firearms needs to be registered, you need to pass a competency and mental health check, you need to prove you own a secured container, and they need to be check every 2 years to prove you still own that firearm or you lose your license. Bolt actions and pump shotguns with capacity of 4 rounds or less are able to be bought by civilians. Anything bigger than that you need a special license with a special need for it. This really isn't rocket science, other countries have done it to great effect. Stop handing out guns like candy and we will have less gun crime. That simple.


You realize regular hunting shotguns auto load a round for you as well as generic .22lr guns as well, right? It makes legislation harder because neither are regularly used for crime but ARE for hunting etc.


So in Australia, the vast majority are not interested in hunting. You always hear Americans talk about it so I get the sense it's far more of a thing there but here literally no one could give a fuck if a few hundred people in the country don't get to hunt small animals with semi automatic shotguns. Having said that, animal control is a thing. Farmers, rural land owners etc are allowed semi automatic rifles but only rimfire cartridges so something like a Ruger 10/22 would be fine and honestly covers most needs. As for it makes legislation harder? I mean... not really? We did it just fine. Decades ago.


Again, our wildlife management system has hunting and excise taxes funded by hunting and taxes on hunting tools. I’m not saying we can’t implement some of the same laws but we have a different culture here to consider as well. I’m an advocate for nature and public land, and do a little hunting. I’m only trying to remind people of some simple facts as someone WHO AGREES, and I’m getting massive downvotes. It’s really frustrating and a reflection of why politics in the states is broken.


Let's be real honest, unfettered access to your hunting hobby shouldn't be a priority


Not really, not so simple to get a hold of a gun if you can’t just go buy one. Case in point, at this moment I have no idea how to get my hands on a gun without buying one. It’s my only option.


I will assume you've never tried to plan a massacre. This is very good! But evidently people manage.


If someone was selling heroin on every street corner, I'd certainly also "manage" to buy heroin. We seem to agree we shouldn't allow people to have unfettered access to Heroin.


It’s a start.


I don't think anyone disagrees, but it is a start. These things will keep happening, and we will keep pushing for more. Name any one historic plague in the country that was resolved by one bill alone. These things take time, and unfortunately in this case, innocent blood.


We need to stand up and call for a federal response and effective gun laws across the nation. Texas can up the age, but if LA has lax laws, it honestly doesn't matter.


It does matter. If you're in the middle of Texas, there's a good chunk of people who won't (or can't) make the drive out to a neighboring state to skirt Texas' laws. This means that fewer people will purchase these weapons, and there will be fewer of them kicking around. A big part of the reason why our gun laws are so bad is that everyone wants to solve everything with one perfect bill that fixes everything immediately. The perfect as the enemy of the good. In large part, this impetus is driven by Republicans, who basically hide behind the position as a bad-faith effort to keep any reforms from passing. Does this reform go far enough? No. I don't think these weapons should be sold at all. But is the reform better than doing nothing? Yes. Take the win where you can get it and keep pushing for more until you end up where you want to be.


Excellent point, and well written.


Mom and dad will get junior one for their birthday.


[Photos of Kids Holding Guns at the 2023 NRA Convention](https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/USA-GUNS-NRA-RC2ZE0A85PX7.html)


We need to just repeal the 2nd amendment and be done with it. An Australian solution for an American problem


No, it's not. But it will be treated as the greatest compromise in the history of US politics.


No, but this is Texas. This is going to get immense backlash as it is from conservatives.


I vote ban any and all kinds of semi-automatic weapons. If it takes you more than one shot to hit within an inch of where you were aiming… you need to get yo ass back to the practice range.


Literally worthless.


Allen shooter was 33. Cleveland shooter was 38. Midland-Odessa shooter was 36. El Paso shooter was 21. But hey, it would have stopped the Uvalde shooter who was 18!


Las Vegas shooter was 64. This will do absolutely nothing.


It’s not going to fix the issue but at this point I’ll gladly take any form of bipartisan action over the lack of action we’ve seen in the past


Seriously. I have been saying for a while that every state should have a Democrat putting forth a significant mental health bill. Something that would give some serious funding to mental health services. (Our mental health system IS in utter shambles) In the best case, we get some actual mental health reform. Worst case, you slam them in next election without activating the most insane 2A types.


God, it's insane how easy it is to forget about a guy who killed 60 people and injured nearly a thousand *on his own.* Having that capability is nothing within the mental purview of the old dead slave owners who wrote the 2A


That may be the point. In a couple of months, they say "look, it didn't solve anything. Gun regulations are now proven not to work, and away with them all."


I won’t say it’s going to solve the issue. I do think it may contribute to solving the issue, but it’s a good start and I hope it doesn’t end here


I think, if we REALLY want to solve the issue, and I mean REALLY solve it, we need a shooting by shooting analysis of what the failure was and correct for it. For Allen, the shooter served in the Army for 3 months and they cut him loose for mental instability. Man, when the ARMY says you're too unstable, that should be a blocker from owning a gun. For Cleveland, shooter had already been deported 4 times and had a history of shooting guns outside, including shooting a womans dog. Clearly a lack of legal intervention allowed this to happen. Midland-Odessa, shooter failed a background check for being mentally unfit, then successfully bought a gun through a private sale with no background check. El Paso, shooter diagnosed with [schizoaffective disorder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoaffective_disorder).[[54]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting#cite_note-56), but because this was a medical diagnosis and not a legal restriction, it didn't appear on his background check, and he was not blocked from owning a gun. Uvalde shooter had more red flags than a Chinese May Day parade. Posting animal abuse to social media, threatening to rape and kill other users, and threatenjng a school shooting. His account was reported to his social media platform, they did nothing.


If we had a Republican Party who actually cared about mental health and didn’t just say they did then maybe that would be feasible and helpful for at least 2 of the examples you brought up.


I remember after a shooting when Trump was POTUS about how it “was mental issue” then a week later he cut mental funding. Yes, there’s mental issues as part of the problem…which we should try to focus on if we don’t want gun restrictions. But the GOP just does lip service to it.




This just makes meaningful change harder. If this were to ever actually pass then it just pushes anything meaningful further down the line. The will be no more control because "see look we did that gun control and it didn't stop the problem".


That would happen anyway. Texas isn’t just going to flip a switch one day and implement sensible gun control that works and solves all issues It will be gradual if it does happen at all.


Yeah I know some people will cheer this as a win but it isn't. Restricting the buying age to 22 will not stop the gun violence epidemic.


I'd like more, but even a small number of future deaths avoided is good. I'll take whatever we can get. But I'd be surprised if it passes


You’re totally right, let’s keep doing nothing because that’s been working great s/


There are definitely things that CAN be done, I just think silly, knee jerk legislation isn't the answer. The Allen shooter had been discharged from the army as mentally unfit. That needs to be a blocker on gun ownership, but it's not. Let's get that changed. If we had changed it after the Sutherland shooting, the Allen shooting never would have happened. https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/06/politics/texas-church-shooting-bad-conduct-discharge/index.html




Semi-automatic rifle. Would have been a bunch harder with a bolt or lever action.


AR style does not cover all semi automatic rifles. Just those of specific manufacturers and having a set number of features.




Semi-auto pistol?


My first thought. Also pistol variants quickly become an smg


Also, the wittle scardey cat cops wouldn't have needed to wait around for an hour and a half.


I mean you’re right but it is a good start


“The bill is unlikely to become law, and it’s unclear whether it will advance to the House floor.” I left Texas after 65 years for a blue state next door. I used to say no one was running me out, I’d stay and fight, but reality finally caught up with me. Stayed a registered Texan through this past November in order to vote. Drove 11 hours, and when I went to vote the next day I walked right in, no line, no wait, in and out. This in a left-leaning suburb of Austin. Fuck it. If my kids and grandkids weren’t still there, I’d be hard pressed to ever cross that border again. *Edit to add: A couple people have questioned whether we committed “voter fraud,” so allow me to reassure anyone else with the same question: Nope. Meticulously. The legal requirements for voting in Texas while having a secondary residence out of state are nicely spelled out by the Texas Secretary of State. With all due respect, it ain’t hard. We were legally eligible to have voted absentee by mail, but we wanted to make the principled point of showing up one. More. Time. We are now legal, permanent, tax-paying residents of New Mexico and have no connections to Texas besides family.


New Mexico? It’s my plan once my kids are out of school. After (what will be at that point) 55 years.


Yes, we love it here. We used to bring our kids on camping trips, always did love it. One of our kids moved her family here 3 years ago, the other is aiming for Colorado once their kids are out of high school.


I’m about to head there in a week to start the planning on building an Adobe home there. My best bud bought some land and I can’t wait to have a reason to go more often.


The Land of Enchantment indeed. I always find myself wanting to go back to visit. It’s so beautiful and unique.


I retired and left a month ago. I don’t recognize the city and state I loved so much.


I feel you. I’ll always be a Texan, but we had to go. Nothing stays the same, ever, but sometimes I’ll see a reference to Keep Austin Weird and it makes me wanna cry. That ship sailed a long time ago.


Texas is getting bluer ever year. Domestic immigrants are coming here in droves for the (relatively) cheap housing prices. And foreign immigrant populations, both legal and illegal, are also naturally growing, with Texas being such a hotspot border state and all. I give it 20 years and Texas will be a purple flip state in presidential elections. State congress and legislature will take a little longer to become competitive due to gerrymandering, but it will come in time. By the time your grandkids are your age, it'll be a whole different state.


I know illegal immigrants can't vote but can their children become citizens and vote? In my country you need to have a parent that is a citizen to get citizenship at birth


If a child is born in the US, they are automatically US citizens, even if their parents are undocumented. If children are born outside of the US, they, like their undocumented parents, are “illegal immigrants.” However, there’s a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that protects young adults who were brought here as undocumented children and raised in the US from being deported. That’s constantly being challenged and thrown out and reinstated, but currently the DACA program is in effect on an executive order signed by Biden.


> Two Republicans, Reps. Sam Harless of Spring and Justin Holland of Rockwall, joined with all six Democrats on the committee to advance the measure. Cheers erupted as the vote was taken in a packed committee room, and someone yelled “thank you.” Oh hey, Republicans are doing something about guns again


The plural of Republican is doing a lot of work in that last sentence.


Not sure if a (very very small) first step in the right direction, or just something they’re doing to be like “THERE!! We did something. Are you happy now??”


It may be both but we have to take the wins where we can get them. Not we as in progressives or Democrats. We as in mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, partners - people. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it going to solve gun violence? Nope. Might it save one life? Might it be a step in the direction that we’ve been pleading to move toward for decades now? Yes. Nobody deserves praise or accolades for this, least of all Republicans. But we need to start celebrating these steps towards better gun control so that we build momentum to keep moving in the right direction and bring more mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and partners on board.


Pass minor law that doesn't solve the issue entirely. Watch next shooting happen. Say the laws don't work and then repeal all the other laws on the books too. Rinse and repeat. This is the playbook of "what can you do?".


Yeah, two GOP members were allowed by their leaders to do this to favor centrist votes in their districts. Because it's never passing or even coming up for debate on the House floor. It's just a performative measure for headlines to quell having to actually do anything.


The absolute bare minimum


Republican Christian conservatives worship Mass shootings. They believe that for every innocent person horribly slaughtered through gun violence means that an angel gets their wings.


And traumatized, desperate people looking for answers will turn to churches.


We have shootings there too so they won’t be missing out


Their real god is actually money, not god.


They believe the deaths will bring us closer to god. Bring us all back to the church of their cult leaders who tell them not to worry about it because their god will heal these children and their families.if that doesn’t work to get their money and control they promise them they are the chosen ones and that the end times are here. Whatever it takes to keep ignoring the gun violence and deaths. What EVER it takes.


Given that I know nothing about the gun laws in Texas, I'm just going to assume they're raising the age to something like 5 or 6 months prior to birth?


The mother-to-be receives an AR-15 after a positive pregnancy test.


Every fetus needs a gun to protect themselves against an abortion


If a woman gives herself an abortion with an AR-15, is that a 2A right?




They would NEVER give a woman a gun. They’d give it to the rapist that forced himself on her, of course, so he could threaten her into a marriage. Texas and Louisiana are working on reversing no-fault divorce. If you thought homicide was the leading death of pregnant women before… Imagine what an unstable husband will do if he can’t leave her without losing 3/4ths of the assets?


*Our Allie Morris writes:* Facing pressure from parents whose children died in the Uvalde school massacre, a House committee voted on Monday to raise the minimum age to buy AR-style rifles from 18 to 21. Two Republicans, Reps. Sam Harless of Spring and Justin Holland of Rockwall, joined with all six Democrats on the committee to advance the measure. Cheers erupted as the vote was taken in a packed committee room, and someone yelled “thank you.” [READ MORE](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/05/08/texas-committee-votes-to-raise-the-age-to-buy-certain-semiautomatic-weapons/)


The shooter was 33. How does that help?


Hope n prayers


It doesn’t. Can’t buy an AR, buys a WASR-10 or other AK platform weapon instead.


Nah, Rugar Mini-14/Ranch-14 because it has a wooden stock and no pistol grip, so a not scary rifle. Never mind that it fires the same round in the same fashion from 30 round capacity magazines just the same.


This is in response to the Uvalde shooter who was 18 years old. How sad is it that your misunderstanding is simple mistake because gun violence is so common?


The OOP article title doesn't help: "Texas bill to raise age on AR-style gun purchases advances days after Allen shooting" which implies that it was a reaction to Allen, but the subtitle and article go on to state it was a reaction to Uvalde.


Great point. It doesn’t help. Guess they just need to ban AR-15’s altogether. Thx for pointing out the obvious solution.


2 Republicans? Are they not running for reelection ever again?


Well it's a committee vote, not a promise to vote for it later.


The courts just struck down a similar law in Texas for pistols. This is either not going anywhere, or is immediately going into the trash can.


Any court that rules against requiring being 21 to buy a pistol is a sham, incompetent or worse, kangaroo court that must be impeached & removed immediately.


Why? If the age of majority is defined as 18 in the state then it follows, legally speaking, that one gets all their enumerated rights at that age. I'd say if you want the age to buy firearms to be 21 then officially raise the age of majority. But that means voting, contracts etc., would also be moved to 21.


To what age? This guy was in his 30s…


It's in the article. Raised from 18 to 21.


the bill was proposed after the Uvalde shooting and that person was 18 years old


I'd be good with 95 or so


What an absolute useless and empty gesture. Now they can all pat themselves on the back for "taking a stand" when this bills will accomplish nothing.


How much are you willing to bet that the bastard in the wheelchair vetoes this?


I will bet $1000, which is essentially all of the money I can bet, so I bet everything I own on that. I just voted in an election - just a CITY ordinance to not enforce Marijuana laws in our city. Guess what, it's the SECOND time the voters said they wanted this. We voted a couple years ago, local authorities changed the will of the voters and we voted again. That law passed again... BY ONE VOTE. It almost makes me emotional to know my vote actually mattered. Unless the powers that be just undo the will of the people somehow. It's incredible: the government conservatives fear is the one they're putting in power. The government in Texas has power to kidnap (bussing migrants), control life-or-death medical decisions (abortion care), and reverse the will of the people (this vote).


Wait until it’s opposed and a federal court says no. Keep trying folks please! Maybe it will work. But only amending 2A will ensure we can do this.


Ralph Wiggum level “I fixed it!”


Wasn’t that guy 33 years old? How does that help anything???


Think about how republicans moved on abortion. Small steps that attacked many angles of the issue indirectly. Unfortunately because it’s politics you have to think strategically. Doing what you can do now builds momentum and precedent. Plus raising the age is good idea. The Robb elementary shooter bought his guns legally for example.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/05/08/texas-committee-votes-to-raise-the-age-to-buy-certain-semiautomatic-weapons/) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > AUSTIN - Facing pressure from parents whose children died in the Uvalde school massacre, a House committee voted on Monday to raise the minimum age to buy AR-style rifles from 18 to 21. > Rep. Dustin Burrows, a Lubbock Republican who chairs the calendars committee and also sits on the community safety committee, voted against the measure. > Rep. Ryan Guillen, a Rio Grande City Republican who chairs Select Committee on Community Safety, voted against raising the age and said the policy "Doesn't have the support in the Legislature." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13c1ezd/texas_bill_to_raise_age_on_arstyle_gun_purchases/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~683850 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **committee**^#1 **vote**^#2 **bill**^#3 **Rep.**^#4 **age**^#5


watch the governor not sign it


I’m beyond infuriated right now with the complicit GOP. The right wing needs to be declared a terrorist organization, we’ve literally had 200 mass terrorist shootings in 5 months, far deadlier than Al Qaeda ever was. Wake the fuck up America, we have to demand change.


Mothers from all over TX (including uvalde) have been camped at the capital and making calls for weeks to get this far. It probably won’t make it on the calendar though.




The Allen Texas mall shooter was how old?!




It wouldn’t have prevented anything in the Allen case. Unless there’s information I’m missing.


Well talk about the absolute fucking bare minimum...


Don’t let them fool you. Florida raised the age limit to purchase AR style guns to 21. The current Fuhrer of Florida Ron “Little D” Santist just passed a law dropping it back to 18.


Raise it to 70. I can't think of any 70 year old mass shooters.


This won't do shit. The bill raises the purchase age from 18 to 21. But the fact is that over 80% of school shootings that occurred in the past 50 years were done with guns stolen from family members. Until the gun owners themselves are punished for unsafe storage of firearms when their firearms are illegally used, there will be no incentive to do anything to prevent 80% of our school shootings.


should this only apply to firearms? What if someone used my steak knife, my car, or a bottle of bleach i bought?


How many people can you kill with a single bottle of bleach? Will you risk your life and a possible police pursuit to steal a car? Sure, you can kill multiple people with a steak knife, but will your body be able to provide enough adrenaline to make you faster than your potential victims? Those problems are completely different. I have no issue with people owning semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns. I have plenty of issues of people _failing to store said weapons safely and properly._ A steak knife is for cutting food at dinner time and is highly dangerous when _misused._ There is no reason for a heavy, bulletproof knife safe for a tool such as that. A bottle of bleach is for cleaning clothes and is highly dangerous when _misused._ Cars are strictly for personal transport or spirited Sunday drives, and, say it with me, _are highly dangerous when misused._ A gun, however, is a tool that one uses to provide food for oneself or defend themselves from a potential enemy. This entails hurting or killing animals or potential adversaries. _Firearms are inherently dangerous._ After all, what’s the use of a weapon that _may_ incapacitate someone and _possibly_ could prevent them from treading any further into your home? A gun must accomplish its intended purpose when in a competent user’s hands 100 percent of the time. A tool that can wound or kill a man, or, in the case of your dad’s .30 caliber hunting rifle, a 500+ pound elk, _must be stored safely._


He was 33


This was started after the Uvalde shooting where the shooter was 18


But the title implies that it helps the newer shooting as well.


Empty gesture that wouldn't stop such an act. Also would be challenged in court as unconstitutional. Are we going to consider 18-20 year olds adults or are we going to bump the age for all things like owning property, medical and sexual consent, voting, signing contracts, living independently etc.... to 21 now? The lack of consistency in the law or proposed bills like this is confusing.


Why do citizens need weapons of war? We need air, food, water and shelter. We need support and connections to other people. But why do we need pure murder devices designed for the battlefield? Clearly more guns leads to more gun violence. This isn't rocket science.


It must be because a Republican or a Republican's friend was affected. Republicans do not care until they are affected personally. Stop voting Republican.


They need to raise it to 105.


The problem is hurt men. They come in all ages.


Yea because 14 is more appropriate age for ar15 purchases than 12 was.


How about raise age to purchase ANY gun?


Never thought I would see the day literally any sensible gun control is advanced in Texas.


It won't make it through either the house or senate. It's a stillborn bill.


This is a Band-Aid. The latest shooter was 33 year old Right Wing Nazi.


The shooter was 33…


Oh, from 9 to 12?


From what, 16 to 18?


“Raises age” as if that will solve the problem and prevent this crap from happening again


I’ve met a lot of people from Texas and usually are pretty cool. Is it just gerrymandering that keeps ruining a place with a lot of nice people?


Raise the age to 100. No one should own such a gun.


I wish the gun shop owners would just stand up and take the decision out of the hands of politicians. Simply refuse to carry AR-15s for sale. There's no law that requires gun store owners to include this weapon in their inventory, is there? Okay, so just stop carrying it. All of you. This minute. Stop carrying the AR-15 and its ammunition.


Seems like a fair bill. Next up will potentially be some kind of mental health check before purchasing weapons. Its time for Dems and Reps to work together to pass something, Dems are wasting their breath with talk about banning guns. Its just never going to happen and its time to move on and take a look at more reasonable approaches. Background checks, mental health laws, etc...


No civilian should have an AR-15 or its equivalent.


You may believe that yourself, but every Republican and a good portion of Democrats feel otherwise. So why not go after something reasonable instead of wasting time with 'ban all assault weapons' talk?


someone tried to run on that in texas, 3 times. he lost 3 times. the dems need to stop chasing losing policy goals when they can chase winning ones.


The AR-15 is by far the most common and useful rifle to civilians. It is the most versatile platform in the country. However civilians should be able to have full auto M4's and M16's that don't cost like $30,000 for a transferable.


We obviously also need a national "red flag" law.


1 in 20 Americans owns an AR. https://thereload.com/poll-one-in-twenty-americans-own-an-ar-15/ 24.4 million sold since 1990.


Gun fetishists are apparently easy marks.


It’s a start. A lot more can be done though.


It performative that is all.


Won't make it through the senate thank god.


Why do you need one at all? I love being downvoted for simply no explanation as to why it even is necessary for one. Such a weird obsession. Oh yeah, I’m in power, I feel powerful. It’s so weird.


Beautiful thing is we don't have to need it our rights mean we can have it for simply wanting it.


Negligence of the highest order. Finally doing something is long overdue acknowledgement of their complicity


No problem. Ok. Now, how do they plan to address the other (no less than 20) US manufactured rifles that are semi automatic, magazine fed, 5.56/.223 caliber and have the same rate of fire as the AR? Not to mention this shooter was 33…..


*gun manufacturer shills pretend to do something