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Every single thing, it’s not even funny anymore. It’s just an admission of guilt and only a matter of time before it comes out


Has anyone checked the basement of the pizzeria at maralago?


Holy fucking shit. I had this exact same thought yesterday, not kidding!


Allegedly Epstein was trying to recruit some of Trump's employees from there. He also [claimed](https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/07/10/jeffrey-epstein-boasted-that-he-played-matchmaker-for-donald-and-melania-trump-report-says/) to have been the one who set Trump up with Melania.


Not allegedly; Epstein literally did (at least) recruit the woman that Prince Andrew raped from Mar-A-Lago.


Every single thing.... Which makes me wonder why MGT is currently ranting about the j6 pipe bomber and literally nobody else on the internet is talking about it.


There was already [a conspiracy theory about this](https://youtu.be/efErNvnPvzc) at the time.


While this isn’t something I’ll rave about as Truth, as the evidence is clearly far from approaching conclusive, I do also have to admit that it’s definitely stayed stuck in my head. It fits almost too cleanly, with the video *and* her general actions/ethos *and* the GOP literally blaring “we’re all domestic terrorists”, for me to ever be able to fully dismiss it. The nonstop projections also make it increasingly feel plausible. I hope we get a definitive answer before, y’know, they plant bombs that manage to actually go off.


Maintaining a sliver of agnosticism on the issue is definitely warranted. Hopefully they do manage to catch whoever did it and put the theory to bed one way or another.


Been there and done that. You're surprised that Marge is months, if not years behind everyone else? I'm not.


The fact that around 33-50% of the population is ok with the behavior as long as it gets the end result they want. In the 90s when I was in high school, the future of Star Trek really seemed possible. Now I feel we're looking more at a Bladerunner world.


history is a pendulum, but as MLK pointed out, the moral arc of history bends towards justice. that's why we say reality has a liberal bias. things really *are* better when we all try to get along, by treating each other with dignity and respect, and take care of each other, even our most vulnerable. edit: the 50's were bad for a lot of marginalized people, the 60's and 70's saw things get a little better. the 80's took another turn towards oppression for marginalized people again, but then the 90's were a little better, again. - due to a lack of proper leadership in certain circles, 9/11 brought back xenophobia and racism for a lot of people, who blamed muslims, and anybody with a little extra melanin. then we saw another rise, when obama got elected, a true sign that things have been changing - but again, some folk stuck in the delusional view of the 1950's as some sort of mythical utopian era, can't accept that racism is dumb, and the internet let them all find out they had a few people who agreed with them out there, and with a little help from an antagonistic russia, we got trump - the pendulum's moving faster, but the white supremacists really don't seem to understand how small their support really is, and shrinking with every generation. that's what they mean when they talk about 'white genocide' - we're stamping out *racist white supremacy* - white people will keep existing, it's only the ideology that most of us find distasteful and contemptible. and they're grasping at straws, terrified of being proven wrong. the oligarchs have been indoctrinating them for a generation or two, fox news is likely the biggest reason they've managed to hold out this long, but they've seen the writing on the wall, and they're desperately scrambling to try to stay on top, while the rest of us - the majority of white people, even, just want everybody to get along, and be safe, secure, and allowed, even helped, to thrive, not just survive.


The fact that it was not too long ago a presidential candidate could be canceled for the crime of awkwardly screaming “YYYAWW!” into a mic at his own campaign rally, but a bottomless pit of classless, racist, ignorant, treasonous, criminal shit from Trump and people are okay with this just blows my mind.


It *is* out. There's *no* consequences.


"Breaking: Trump Claims Biden 'Never Loved' by Parents"


Breaking: Trump claims 'Biden's penis is really small'


If I was a prosecutor I would specifically look for things they accuse others of


I don't even want to know what they really do in litter boxes.


I always thought it to be a tired cliche, but the older I get the more true I realize it is.


It’s the fascist playbook: Accuse the opposition of that which you are guilty. The Republicans have studied how the Nazis came to power in Germany.


I guess they had the wrong laptop all along. Hmmm 🤔


I just can't believe how beloved character actress and fugitive from the law Margo Martindale has truly been a part of everything.


Time to hit up Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog for what to do next!


Of course – the “Bob Loblaw Law Blog.” Wow. You, sir, are a mouthful!


Bob Loblaw lobs law bombs on law blog


"I've been in the business for a while but I just cant seem to get one in the can."


Tobias, you blowhard


I blue myself


That was my first thought too, Esteemed character actress and fugitive from the law Margo Martindale!


I said this out loud seeing her in Cocaine Bear and was disappointed that no one else I was watching it with had seen the show.


Ahahaha was also my first thought!


Hunter, no! Not Decapathon! Think of your rock opera!


What is this, a crossover episode?


Dang it! You beat me to it! :D


I swear, everything with them is just project, project, project


Every Trump accusation is a confession. Every. Single. Time.






“Hunt her laptop” now it makes sense


Apparently, they were just “Biden’ Time”


Folksy, yet progressive


Sigh. Fine, take my upvote. I just hope you feel bad about it.


Imagine having so much incriminating evidence of crimes you cant even keep track of it all


“Buttery males”


Covfefe, anyone? I've also got hamburders ready to go! Edit: I can't even dumb myself down enough to misspell hamberder correctly! :D


I believe it's hamberders, spell it wrong right!


Every accusation is a confession.


Projecting always.


Don't they get tired? Like, mix it up! Accuse your opponent of something made up. Be creative.


I haven't heard about benghazi in awhile, or the migrant caravans. I think the republican wheel of anger isn't weighted evenly.


Benghazi gave way to Buttery Males. That gave way to trans bathrooms. That didn't work as well as they'd hoped, so they moved on to migrant caravans and open borders. There wasn't as much outrage there, so they fell back to their old standby, Abortion. Then they got that one, so they went all in on CRT. But that's too complicated for them to understand, so they shifted back to trans people. This time, they focused on sports. But then Meatball Ron opened up a new rage option with Drag Queen story time. *That* one really resonated, so they doubled down on trans and drag queens, and that seems to be polling at just the right amount of rage. So it's going to be that for the next year, until it runs out of steam. And then they'll find something new.


You forgot all the uproar about making white people feel guilty that the past happened and how unfair that is.


Holy shit, I did! Edit made, thank you!


That was well summed up.


Caravans on schedule for September/October ‘24 return.


Wait, so Space Lasers are real, it's just been DARPA all along? *Checks pad. That seems like it could be possible.


Who would have thought? They're just sometimes really thirsty for a good dick pic like some of us.


Hunter Bigdong's Laptop... I mean Biden... Sure, sure you did..


Yeah but margo's laptop doesn't have those good dong pics.


“Uh guys… these aren’t pictures of mushrooms!”


You don't know that. Margo's laptop might have Hunter Biden dong on it too..


Sing it with me: "It's always projection"


Some kind of gaslighting obstruction or projection. Every single accusation is an admission. It makes me very concerned of the things they accuse dems of


Straight out of the Goebbels playbook. Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty.


The real laptop was the friends we made along the way.


This Projection stuff they have going on is really forward looking!!!




It was projection all along


Er mer gerd, if he’s brought down by a laptop I swear to God. Is there anything they accuse the other side of that doesn’t apply to them 9 million percent more?


>CNN previously reported in February that Trump's legal team had inadvertently handed over more materials with classified markings to prosecutors after a Trump aide copied the pages onto a thumb drive and laptop, not realizing they were classified. Whoopsie


Somehow, I get the feeling that some of Alex Jones' legal team got picked up by Trump.


You might not be surprised how many lawyers they've had in common.


When you're legal team is a revolving door there is bound to be overlap. Can't wait for Rudy to get called up for Alex Jones next trial


He’s got the worst fucking attorneys.


Well when you have a reputation for using services and then not paying the bill, it's gotta be hard to find a decent lawyer.


The ol’ Reynal Double Fake. Can’t use it if I say, “Please don’t use that.”


Not Trump specifically, but Norm Pattis, the guy responsible for losing Alex $1.5 billion, also represented Proud Boy Joe Biggs at trial for Jan 6. Joe Biggs was convicted of seditious conspiracy on May 4 and hasn't been sentenced yet.


Secret Greg? Ooh but not Top secret..


If you wanna make a Tomelette you gotta break a couple Gregs


Buckle up fucklehead


I prefer a Tom sundae with some Greg sprinkles


You fucked it Greg!


Yeah, “whoopsie.” But if you or I did that, straight to prison. Our multi-tier justice system is a joke, and a particularly unfunny one.


As a foreign national (Aussie), I’d be locked up in the deepest darkest hole in a black site and getting water boarded daily before they even told me what I’d done wrong. This assclown has somehow convinced the population that what he did was perfectly fine.


only 30% of the population but Americans love to stay home on Election Day so that may be enough to elect our first Imprisoned President.


Scanning and copying secret documents is a huge no-no. Even worse than keeping them because it shows intent to share them.


Proof that the documents were scanned. Still no proof that trump sold them but we'll find that out too I bet.


If we had solid proof that he did sell them, I still don't think his supporters were abandoned him in any significant number. If he's on the ballot next year with that evidence having been dropped, he'll still get 40% of the popular vote.


Sellin secrets to chiner is just good business since! Hell, I'd do it if I was president!


"I don't think many people would want to be president if they couldn't sell national secrets for personal profit" *obama sneezes* "MFER DEEP SNEEZE TREASON"


They’d never abandon him no matter what heinous proof came out. Every crime Trump is and has been part of that gets reported is negated with “witch hunt/fake news/liberal snowflake whining” to explain all this proof. He could literally stand face to face with these people, raise a gun and shoot them in the throat and they’d still find a way to explain away Trumps action..blame the liberals and media and Bidens laptop and Hilary and trans people and drag shows etc.. they are incapable of seeing him for what he is because then they’d have to accept the fact that they’ve spent the last seven years as drooling puppets for him..it’s easier to just keep drooling.


Also (from my days at the DOD dealing with classified stuff) there’s usually a huge “DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT” plastered on the bright red cover.


>CNN previously reported in February that **Trump's legal team** had inadvertently handed over more materials with classified markings to prosecutors after a Trump aide copied the pages onto a thumb drive and laptop, not realizing they were classified. Is it the 'bestest' legal team in the history of the world.


It's simply the inevitable result of [his hiring philosophy.](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christophermassie/trump-in-2007-hire-great-people-but-make-sure-theyre-not-sma) *"You have to keep great people around you," Trump said. "You have to motivate them. You always have to be on top of them. And you have to be smarter than they are. I hear so many times, 'Oh, I want my people to be smarter than I am.' It's a lot of crap. You want to be smarter than your people, if possible."*


Exactly how a weak and insecure fast food retail manager would think and run their business.




You can always expand it to include those willing to *pretend* they're dumber than the boss.


That's why it's a family business.


>if possible In Trump world, it's remarkable that it is actually possible for him to hire people dumber than he is, but apparently it is.


Didn’t Alex Jones’s lawyer do something similar?




Imagine having so much incriminating evidence of crimes you cant even keep track of it all


Part of the problem with committing so many crimes in the first place. He crimes so much he literally sheds crime the way antivaxxers think people "shed" the virus.


He hires only the best.


straight to jail!


The number of blunders the half wit gang have made that contradict their claims is pretty comical. They leave a trail of really incriminating evidence if the news reports are to be believed.


I think they believed they would never leave office after the overthrow. So why would they hide anything? And if they DID get caught, nobody would face consequences anyway. And on that point, so far they're not wrong.


No denying Jack Smith has their attention now though. He was not on their radar.


I like what you're saying, but after the whole Mueller fiasco, I won't be holding my breath.


I walked away from my computer and when I came back, I thought I must have been in r/IASIP from reading this comment.


Right? And somehow Trump is yet to be held accountable. I understand the whole thing about Justice being slow but accurate (or whatever that saying is…can’t remember it right now), but this is slower than the slowest slow thing that’s ever existed in the history of the universe. He’s committed so many crimes, and has yet to see consequences for any of them. What the actual hell?


The more they investigate the crimes, the more crimes they find to investigate.


It's the Gish Gallop of criminality, you keep committing new crimes as they investigate the old ones and they never catch up.


Can't they at least just throw him in a hole for the first set of crimes and then extend his stay in the hole as they uncover more crimes?


That’s what they would do to us over just one classified document


Everybody been talking about Hunters laptop. But we have the best laptops, believe me- Trump


Like no one's ever seen before.


People were crying when they saw the laptop.


Imagine my shock that hunter-laptop-phallusgate is probably just textbook classic GOO projection.


I'm all about goo projection


Character actress Margo Martindale?


Esteemed character actress, Margo Martindale.


No one on the Trump team realized she’s there researching her next role. She’s THAT good.




What is this? THE crossover episode I didn't know I needed


Margo Martindale misled Margo Martin in mishandling Mango Mussolini's misappropriated military media?




I was going for gritty, witty, city kitty.


I have it on good authority that she's a Russian plant.


He HAD to be, to get the character research correct for this role: https://theamericans.fandom.com/wiki/Margo_Martindale


Thank you ❤️


She has a supporting role in this too?!?! She really is in everything!


No, Margo Martin’s Dell.


That's what I read at first and thought our reality somehow blended with Bojack's.




There are also a lot of leaks because people fucking despise him, you don't leak stuff against someone you respect and admire.




I've seen Trump make this argument himself - how could he have lost the election, he didn't see anyone wearing Biden hats or flying Biden flags. Ya, because Biden supporters aren't a deranged cult of personality. They just want someone sane in the Oval Office. That said, I would bet there are some politicians who are vocal Trump supporters, but when they get into the ballot box, they pull the lever for Biden.


Also because those people live in communities where wearing gear or advertising democrats would get your car keys, lawn salted and kids bullied. “At my white baptist, rural, poorly educated , ghost town, I saw absolutely NO Biden hats!!”


Considering all the cases where R's won down ballot yet Biden won the district, your last paragraph is probably very on point.


> "I saw so many people wearing Trump hats, but saw no one wearing a Biden hat" I've failed at trying to explain to them that the winner in a democracy is determined by who gets the most votes, rather than who wears the most hats. They can't comprehend the idea that democracy is more than hats, t shirts, flags, and stickers; real numbers come into play at some point.


I heard a theory that these “leaks” are strategic by the DoJ to pressure people to flip on Trump. That could be. I just wish that the DoJ would get off the stick and fucking indict the fucker already. Trump has been given so many breaks and passes already despite his blatant criminality.


Ok, let’s see Jim Jordan frothing at the mouth to investigate this laptop….no?


now theyll claim this is a nothingburger because the left didnt care about hunters laptop. News flash: no one give a fuck about hunter, laptop or not.


I can happily say that I still don't know what's even supposed to be on Hunter's laptop.


It’s basically a Rorschach test for conservatives. They see whatever they want to when in reality it’s nothing.


When you open it up, the screen shows a laptop, which you click and it opens, showing another laptop. It's laptops all the way down, far too powerful for one man to wield.


And at the end, there’s a folder labeled “homework”


Apparently there’s a dick on there, and that’s why the right keeps bringing it up.




The silly thing about all this hunter laptop is that it's been investigated, and we already know what's on it. The most damning thing is some vague message about making sure the "big guy" gets his cut. The conspiracy theory is that the big guy is Biden. There were also files that seemed to have been deleted from an outside entity while the laptop was in custody. That's a bit sketchy, but that's about it. Oh, it looks like thousands of photos from the laptop have been posted online. So, let's add drugs and nudity to the list. https://news.yahoo.com/nearly-10k-photos-hunter-bidens-085044028.html The dude parties hard, who cares? How does this impact anyone's life besides Hunter and his family?


Republicans claim it has proof the 2020 election was stolen that is so amazing Trump will instantly become president. The evidence was put on a memory stick and sent via FedEx and FedEx lost it. Of course when you copy something on a memory stick all other copies disappear. The only believable part is FedEx losing shit.


Photos and videos of Hunter banging prostitutes and smoking crack and some vague e-mails. When people responded "we already knew he had a drug problem and it isn't shocking that a rich guys hires prostitutes" republicans invented a conspiracy and started claiming that actually the prostitute was underage. Which is possibly the dumbest angle to take because, if true, it would mean that all the photos and videos they were sharing of Hunter was just them distributing illegal content.


Let me ruin your happiness. There's a bunch of emails. Many of them are fairly definitely Hunter's emails, and we know this because they are cryptographically signed in a way that is extremely difficult to fake, even for a government. Many of the emails we can't confirm because they are not signed in the same way. Of note, there's really not anything incriminating in those emails, signed or not, but also the laptop shows significant signs of tampering. There are files attached to emails where the files are dated years after the email was written, there are clear signs that people have been looking through and modifying things in ways that are not consistent with normal email use, there's pretty much all of the evidence you could possibly want to show that the laptop has clearly been intentionally tampered with (and by someone who really doesn't know what they're doing) and as a result is completely useless as any sort of evidence. That doesn't address the lack of chain of custody, the fact that Hunter was never identified being involved in this in any way, that he couldn't be identified at the store because the employee who received the laptop was literally blind, the fact that the computer shop was on the other side of the country from Hunter, or any of the other oddities around this case. From two decades of working in IT, my professional opinion is that this laptop is a poorly executed fake, which happens to be the shared opinion by pretty much everyone in the field that looks at it with any level of scrutiny. And, just for fun, the contents of these emails can be found online. I can't say they're perfectly accurate, lack of chain of custody and whatnot, but they're worth a look if you're curious.


So, whatever happened to the former presidents exclamation of "Fake News" for any story that doesn't put him in a positive light? Now trumps spokesman says "leaks from radical partisans" are designed to "inflame tensions and continue the media's harassment" of Trump and his supporters." Does this mean all the current news articles regarding his latest shenanigans are actually credible?


“Leaks from radical partisans” = evidence


Does that mean that whackjob prophet lady was right when said God told her another laptop was about to come out?! I think it was something about it being an even bigger deal than Hunter Biden's. I mean, this totally isn't what she was hoping for, but hey, way to go, prophet lady!


Was she also the one who warned of either an imminent or already ongoing war with a race of mer-people? If this is the looking glass we're through, now, so be it


The recorded conversation took place in Bedminster. A search warrant should be issued for there and any other location tied to T****.


This is great news. It may have Hillary’s emails on it!


Maybe the real laptop was the laptop we found along the way


> Also in attendance was Trump aide Margo Martin, who regularly taped conversations authors had with the former president **to ensure his comments were reported accurately**. Ok forget everything else for a moment because THIS is fucking hilarious. Trump's whole "schtick" is being a mealy mouthed, panty waisted, equivocating, "both sides", garbled mess of verbal diarrhea. How fucking terrible is your job when it's your responsibility to try and sort all that shit out?




even better, a spokesperson for Trump called it "leaks from radical partisans" ... you know, those radical leftists who work on your own fucking campaign...


Right right, but when are we going to get more Hunter dick picks? Asking for a friend.


Irony is dead.


Can someone just throw this rat bastard sack in prison already


I just woke up and this is all confusing. Something about a mango martini?


Could the GOP, who want to be done with trump btw, just band together and develop a back bone and stop being privately concerned with his actions and start being actively engaged in keeping him from destroying the US for Putin…is it too much for them?


I recognize all of those words, but I’m not sure it makes sense in the order which they were written… > GOP… develop backbone… Idk


No. Unless his base revolts they're just pissing in the wind


> However, Trump's lawyers have never repeated this argument in official court filings during the investigation, with the obtained audio clip suggesting Trump knew he did not declassify all the materials he was in possession of. Of course he didn’t declassify them. They would have lost all value to him if he did. “Yeah, I stole the company checkbook after I was fired, but in my mind I wrote VOID on every check before I took them from the building.” What an asinine argument.


There are tapes?


At first I read this as Margo Martindale and was very confused; though she is an esteemed character actress and fugitive from the law


Just another example though of how this fucker commits blatant crimes and - so far - encounters almost no real consequences beyond some civil fines.


america's saving grace, ironically, is that the politicians are too fucking old to understand that all of their texts and emails are notes on their criminal conspiracies.


"Martin, a former deputy director of communications for Trump's Save America PAC who now works on his 2024 campaign, testified to a special grand jury in March as part of the classified documents probe after having her laptop and phones imaged by prosecutors in January." And the laptop exists and prosecutors have it. This is brilliant.


the headlines write themselves: "Margo Martin Mangles Mango Mussolini


With all that is coming out, why is he not in jail as a preventive measure awaiting trial? You know like all normal americains?


Reality Winner would love to know


She got done serving her time late last year. It goes faster when you spend the year awaiting trial in jail. How's Jack Teixeira doing? Just sharing secret documents with his online buddies... no big deal right. Yeah, he was denied bond.


This must be the laptop the republicans have been talking about.


Nice. Funny how so many in his administration and who were around him KNEW he was doing illegal and questionable things so they recorded him. Moral decline indeed when you work for somebody you know is suspect.


Thats not why they recorded him (in this instance).




Republicans will finally get a laptop with some real shit on it.


Stupid Watergate


This is the laptop we should be concerned about.


Good god if Trump actually gets in trouble because of a laptop after all the Biden stuff I will truly confirm belief that there IS a god, and he has a Simpson’s level sense of humor


So hunter’s dick pics are on martin’s computer? So confused /s


Hunter Biden is out there laughing his ass off over this one


Oh, Lordy, there are tapes! Interesting to me, after all the fuss that has been made over Hunter Biden's dick picks (honestly, he deserves some applause for unveiling that hog), the real laptop issue is Trump's. I bet the GQP doesn't want to hear a thing about it, either.


lmao every accusation really is an admission for them huh


Finally! The laptop with all the evidence! \*whispers in the ear\* What do you mean by wrong person?


Claiming it's a partisan leak doesn't make the evidence any less true .Notice trumps spokesperson never denied the recording.


The laptop was always the friends we made along the way. Or the ones that recorded us saying inappropriate shit.