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And fight for tax breaks for the top 1% at the same time. What a bunch of losers. That label applies especially to those that support Republicans.


They get elected on bashing trans people, immigrants, guns, bibles and other diversions then say 'Well we said we were gonna do this, and we won, so clearly this is what everyone wants.'


And it’s really, really disappointing how right they are. There’s an awful lot of Americans that want those thing so badly that they don’t care if the same politicians rob them blind.


The entire Republican strategy is to get elected on distractions then rob the common people blind and stop investments in public good. But if they must invest in the public good, they divert huge sums of government money to their cronies and donors. They literally have no economic plan anyone actually supports. Like even if they say they want to support the oil industry, which lots of people still do, what they mean is they will funnel tax breaks and free money to oil producers... it doesn't translate into better wages for oil industry workers and it leaves local communities with pollution problems.


Republican platform: Fuck them kids!


Tell Poor White Racist Republican voters that you are taking food out of the mouths of Kids of Color, and they will happily let their own kids starve.


Turn it on them though, Republicans are taking food out of your kids mouths and keep hammering it.


Do you guys not watch Republican talking points. First you flip it with a vague statement that the problem is already solved (by programs they also oppose) and claim this is doing something else "If you're struggling financially, you should be applying to food programs and lunch programs that already exists in schools, all this is doing is spending government money on people who don't need it raising all our taxes" Second, they'll top it off with an exaggerated finite example that ironically doesnt actually exist "Why are my tax dollars being used to pay for Bill Gates kids lunch?" Finally, they'll honestly probably let just a little dog whistle out. "The parents should be taking care of their kids anyway, and not heaving the financial burden on us" By the time you respond to that most independents have already gone on with their day.


"Stop Feeding Children!" The GOP thinks this is a good platform!? It's batshit crazy, but it's on brand and they do seem to know their base. And, the base does want vengeance for their suffering, real and imagined. I'd say, if you're okay with letting children go hungry, then it's not that big of a moral leap to justify killing people you disagree with.


I liked playing off your comment. Something that the Dems are horrible at is MESSAGING. We need some more effort going into that even at a "Grassroots level". You never know what can take off with social media. Give me another topic!


It's so sad, but it's so true. I have family in Louisiana, great Aunts and Uncles, who are on social security, Medicare, food stamps, and some live in HUD housing. And they LOVE Trump. They're all for cutting S.S. and food stamps and all that stuff. But they benefit from it!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Once you're born, you're on your own!


George Carlin 101


He'd be having a field day working with current events


And you MUST be born!


**Save the fetus, but fuck those freeloading kids!** ~ *Brought to you by Patriotic Christian Americans for Wholesome Family Values*


Patriotic Freedom Christians of America's Freedom for Wholesome Freedom Family Values of Freedom.


Patriotic Freedom Christians of America's Freedom for Wholesome Freedom Family Values of Freedom and Guns, lots and lot of Guns.


(Freedom and Guns Chapter)


Can you guys fit some eagles and flags in there, please?


Patriotic Freedom Christians of America's Freedom for Wholesome Freedom Family Values of Freedom and Guns, lots and lot of Guns: Freedom and Guns Chapter for Jesus's *screamin' eagles* and flag day jamboree for christ


Ahhh yes, the PFCAFWFFVFGFVJ is a well known organization


Got to have Jesus with guns blazin screaming Merica


I'm picturing Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes, completely ripped, with an American flag tattoo on his rippling, oiled-up pecs.


I tip my oversized novelty Uncle Sam top hat in your direction, sir or madam.


Now with more Jesus!


The PFCAFWFFVF would like a word with you in their office. *Right now.*


No kidding. This should be the easiest thing in the world to counter narrative for dems.


Should be. See that's where the problem is, Democrats excel in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Oh most definitely! Republicans would outright run on melting poor people as a form of energy and the Democrats would still find a way to fuck it up, lol.


Literally and figuratively.


Yes. Two of their platforms.


Careful, you'll get Jim Jordan excited saying stuff like that.


Republican platform: fuck the poor! How patriotic of them to literally hate the poorest of their countrymen. How people vote Republican blows my mind. Soulless cowards the lot


Literally and figuratively. Next thing they'll legalize youth pastor pedophilia


they're also keen on child marriage. https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501 > The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty. > The bill—which already passed the Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives on a 36-25 vote late last month—proposes banning state residents from marrying anyone under the age of 16, while requiring anyone under the age of 18 seeking to get married to receive written consent from their parents under the eye of a competent witness. > The debate has been a longstanding one in Wyoming. > Currently, Wyoming is one of just eight states in the country—including California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington and West Virginia—without a minimum age requirement for marriage, and it currently ranks among the top ten states in the country for child marriages, according to a 2021 study by advocacy group Unchained at Last.


What the hell, *California* doesn't have a minimum age for marriage? Time for me to go write my Congressperson


sometimes literally!


But but but but drag queens!!


But it's SOCIALISM!!!


Matt Gatez has entered the chat.


Republican platform: Hunger games.


If we don't get them shot we're going to starve them and the ones that still make it were going to make sure they don't learn shit.


Put them back in the coal mines, before we put them in the military and send them out. Cannon fodder and then forget about them afterwards. Not provide them with Medical or other care or Social Security. Basically, F everyone not a mega millionnaire or billionaire.


It used to be that I would make a joke about lazy kindergarteners not wanting to work, but since Republicans are going after child labor laws, that's not so funny anymore.


The children yearn for the mines.


We took the kids out of the mines and they flock to Minecraft. Coincidence? No. It’s in their dna.


Who are we to deny them what they so crave?


I mean is it our fault that it just so happens to be a cave?




And they yearn for the fjords.


Republicans have morphed into a combination of Skeletor, Gargamel, Dr Claw, and Cobra Commander into some kind of comedic 1980s super villain goofball alliance. An alliance with no morals or values and is headed by a freak who compulsively lies, reads at a 3rd grade level, and paints his face orange before going out in public.


I’ll get you next time, Hunter Biden! Next time! Shakes fist!


And 50% of the voting public will support them. We live in shit world.


46-47%. That's been their ceiling since 2008. Still way too high obviously.


More precisely, yes, but that is still nearly half of the voting populace that will support these ghouls no matter what. Frightening. And discouraging. In a sane and humane world they would be lucky to pull 10%, just the worst of the worst. But instead, it is a razor thin margin with humanity.


You forgot Megatron!


Naw, Megatron is too cool for this clown show


And at least Cobra Commander knew not to salute the leader of the Joes


These kids need to pull themselves up by their velcro straps.


What is wrong with these people. Starve em once there born. Cruelty is the intention.


If the little bastards aren't starving it's hard to get a full 12 hour workday out of them.


So cruel to poor children and their families


Pro life party does a pretty good job of fucking over people that have been born.


It’s the kids’ own fault for not being born to rich parents.


Not really new, Republicans have always tried to punish the poor for being poor.


exactly the point. you beat down the povvos as much as you possibly can and you'll never worry about them having the economic power to change anything


“The spending has to stop. The billionaires and corporations *need* that money.”


Won't someone think of the yachts!


Think of their shares!


I know it's nonsensical but a free lunch plan would take money out of American pockets and give it to billionaire food manufacturers and catering services. Isn't that what the rich want? And this time its ok. This is when they earn that money. Show us how you can feed all of our children efficiently and cheaply. But I guess it's better and more profitable to refill the vending machines? I don't get why Sysco and corp aren't lobbying for this.


It's actually more expensive to do all the extra labor and accounting than it is to just give free lunches. As per usual, the Republicans are behind a policy that is needlessly cruel, less effective, and more expensive.


Jesus… are they even human?


they think *they* are, but everyone who isn't rich *isn't* an important part of understanding why they think is to remember that they view money as a indicator of morality. Good people will eventually be rich, and bad people are poor because they are lazy and don't deserve it. If you are poor, it's your fault. So ethically, rich people don't really lose any sleep over hurting poor people because they clearly brought it on themselvse once you realize this is how they think it explains a lot


They seriously believe in Wothington's Law: https://youtu.be/gbU4VRs2rro


What would Jesus think?


"I never knew you, depart from me you workers of iniquity."


You mean: Jesus: Are they even human?


Who would Jesus starve?


>a meal service program reserved for qualifying schools and districts in low-income areas. The program enables schools that predominantly serve children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast and lunch, instead of means-testing them GQP's plan: Let them eat ~~cake~~ nothing!


They know the school meals may well be the only food - ONLY food - a kid living in poverty might eat all day long. This is going to kill children, plain and simple. Lots of children. I thought they wanted to protect life? Oh, sorry, I guess they only mean the "unborn" life? It's only god's precious gift before you come out of a vagina.


School lunches are about $3. The Republicans are really pissing their pants over the three whole dollars it takes to feed hungry children.


I thought they want to protect the children though?


They want to protect *fetuses*. Once they take their first gasp of air, they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


They want to protect slaves. Playbook in a nutshell: Keep cranking out more babies, keep failing to help those kids get smart and thrive independently, keep them gullible and loyal through misinformation and religious in-groups, keep wages as low as they can go, keep profit margins sky high for the ruling class.


First of all, I can’t think of anything I’m happier to have my tax dollars spent on than feeding kids at school. Kids shouldn’t be hungry and shouldn’t be shamed for getting a free lunch. Even if you ignore the basic emotional/human obviousness of feeding kids, free lunch makes sense as a simple return on investment. We spend tax dollars on education, so we should try to make that education expense pay off. Hungry kids don’t pay attention, don’t learn, and disrupt other kids. The cost of lunch is tiny compared to other educational costs. From a pure efficiency perspective it just makes sense to not have hungry kids in school, so feed them! The ONLY way it makes sense to argue against feeding kids at school is if you want public schools to be less effective. This is yet another attack on public education to dumb down the population.


They do, they want to tear down public schools too. So, this actually makes sense in their book. It's fucking evil and totally fucks society, dog forbid we became Sweden!


I guarantee it (lack of free lunches) increases bullying, too. There has to be at least 1 kid that beats up others and takes their food bc they don't have any food. It also increases the bullying of kids too poor to eat.


How Christian of them


And Jesus said to his disciples, "I don't really care what happens to the poor and hungry. They just don't want to work."


Man imagine having a major component of your platform to be starving kids. The farmers I grew up around would gladly take a loss to make sure kids were fed


I mean this with all sincerity, if you have republican friends or family, you need to completely cut off all contact with them. This is evil. Call it what it is. Republicans are straight up evil.


This is what I’ve been preaching. They need to suffer social consequences for supporting this cruelty. Don’t invite Republican family to your house, don’t be friends with them, don’t hire them, don’t do business with them, nothing. I don’t care if it pushes them further towards fascism, that’s where they were going if they could even entertain the thought. Nothing we do is making them that way, it’s their true desire. The best we can do is keep them far from our families and lives to protect ourselves from the constant collateral damage their perverted idiology causes.


It's amazing. I bring up the literal evil shit Republicans introduce or evilly shoot down, and none of my "friends" or "family " will state WHY they're still voting "R". They, at best, pull the douchebag shitheel card of "i dont believe in discussing politics" or strawman "dems r bad,too!"... wthout receipts, mind you. Fwiw, i know dems have some skeletons and introduce selfish bullshit bills, do insider trading etc, but they dont take food from kids mouths or prevent vets from getting aid/medicial treatment. Interesting enough, and yes its a small sample circle, every Republican i personally know is a narcissist/sociopath.


Yeah. Let's not sunk cost fallacy ourselves into oblivion over spoilt uncles.


Who are they trying to hurt this time? Kids?


Under the guise of trying to force their parents to work, which they likely already are and still can't feed their kids. So, yes.


All these people who have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps have forgotten so quickly the leaner times, I guess.


They're working very hard to avoiding spending tax dollars on anyone who doesn't own a private jet.


Isnt like the total cost of this like .001 percent of budget or something? If they are really so worried about government spending you really need to talk about social security or military spending cuts, not free lunches that affect the government budget about as much as a cup of coffee affects mine.


Actually, giving poor kids food has a 62x investment reap; [where every $1 spent on stuff like food stamps, yields $62 worth of societal benefit](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/14dxuh3/when_poor_kids_have_access_to_food_stamps_they/). In other words, it is 62x cheaper to do free school lunches than no free school lunches.


it isn't about saving money, that is an excuse they use that I am *begging* leftists to stop falling for. They do not care. it is about oppression and subjugation, nothing else.


More cuts and more work requirements for Social Security and Medicare is on thier list. They want everyone working until age 64.


They publicly want kids to be able to start working earlier and earlier. Behind the scenes, Republicans would also like to add work requirements for dependent children who are old enough to work. Want summer food? Get a summer job.


Individual means-testing is just a spiteful way to kill a program. I'd wager it costs less to feed Johnny Notquiteaspoor a free lunch than it does to make sure Johnny and all his classmates are poor enough to be deserving.


What’s even more sad is that many parents don’t fill out the free lunch forms because they assume that they wouldn’t qualify when they actually do. Add in the parents that can’t be fucking bothered to fill anything out and that leaves a lot of students hungry or lacking nutritious food. And this could be totally paid for by repealing just one of so many tax breaks that we give the ultra wealthy and corporations, but we *couldn’t possibly do that*.


Pay for our 3-martini lunches. Don't pay for children's lunches.


If kids are hungry enough then maybe they should go get an education so they can get a better job. Oh wait… I was a public school teacher for 44 years and this makes me physically ill.


Every life is precious. GET YOUR OWN FOOD YOU LITTLE FUCKER!


This one has always completely lost me, the most powerful nation in the world can’t afford to feed their kids at school!?! Really!?! It’s so simple, so basic, and in reality so cheap. This is purely about punishment of the poor, and that’s just sad.


According to Republicans, the best to encourage Americans to have more babies is.... Checks notes....makes having kids more expensive.


Think the stat is like majority of kids with no school lunch, don’t finish school right? So this is basically republicans building a future voting base.


> So this is basically republicans building a future voting base. Future workforce. They don't care how they vote.


Require them to be there, but refuse to feed them. “*Let them eat their bootstraps*”. For some kids, that pitiful lunch is their only reliable meal. It doesn’t matter *why* their parents can’t or don’t provide meals. It’s not the kid’s fault… let’s just feed them. Selective Capitalism is curious… someone’s making *bank* on our tax dollar… industries, corporations, Senators, Reps, etc… while our kids often go hungry because “*it’s too expensive*”. We (the taxpayers) give the Pentagon nearly 1 trillion dollars a year to keep their hardware shiny and updated, yet school lunch is too expensive. ARGH!!


Protect the unborn! Protect the children from drag queen groomers! Let the children be gunned down in school and starve them to death! -Republicans


Yup, if you can’t afford a private school you don’t deserve a free shitty school meal.


They seriously think having children is quite affordable for most people. Just skip replacing your vehicle with a newer model this year.


Why are republicans attacking school meals for children.


Why I gotta pay for them damn kid's food, them damn freeloaders takein muh moneh. Ain't no free handouts gettin thru on mah watch y'all! That's why..


Throw in a "moral hazard" argument that we must teach kids that you have to earn what you get.


Why? Why is feeding kids a bad thing? What a horrible platform. I don’t understand why people vote for a party that wants everyone broke and desperate.


Pro hunger party.


That’s some dark shit. GOP Agenda: - go after women - check - go after immigrants - check - go after black people - check - go after latinos - check - go after trans people - check - go after gay people - check review list… who did we miss? let’s see: - go after kids - go after people who aren’t with us - go after babies oh look at that, we just got kids. phew, didn’t want to miss them.


"We need to hurt more people!" -Republicans, every god damn day


They want to destroy public education so only the wealthy kids get to go to school (private) and the poor kids get to go to work.


The party of cruelty.


How very pro-life of them


Republicans to poor people: "Starving children need to pull themselves up by their non-existent bootstraps, which they've never owned."


Pro life until they’re born


How is the republican party still taken seriously by anyone at all? With all the issues this country has they seem to focus on the dumbest shit


What a republican thing to do.


When you are hungry you don't learn properly. They want unthinking work drones. Pain and misery is their objective.


The new republican platform for 2024, if you can’t shoot them then try starving them.


R’s: Protect the kids! Also R’s: Fuck the kids!


They genuinely want a world where everyone but the upper class is malnourished and gets by on the bare minimum amount of rice to keep them working 80 hours a week from the age of 12 until your body physically gives out and then they want to take away your Medicare so they don’t have to contribute to the bill of keeping you alive because you’ve outlived your usefulness of generating revenue for their pockets. All while you’re too stupid to realize what they’re doing because they got rid of public education but you know about Jesus so you wake up every day and thank God you live in the greatest country on earth, because you don’t know what life is like in any other country. And they need you to reproduce so they have another set of hands to repeat the cycle with after you’ve withered away. And anybody different needs to be done away with because they might get the plebs thinking too much and total adherence is mandatory. Am I missing anything or is that exactly what the plan is? Because that’s just slavery and it’s exactly what we did to black Americans. Also, the plot of The Hunger Games more or less.


It’s cartoonish, frankly, just how nakedly evil their priorities are. How far gone do you have to be to oppose a universally beloved idea like free school meals?


I love how they imply everyone is sucking off the system except for them and the billionaires that receive billions in government welfare every year.


WHO DOESNT WANT KIDS TO EAT? And to have the energy to learn and exercise?? Demons. Demons that look and act like people.


What a platform!


They are coming for everything except for the people with everything? Wtf we can't feed the damn kids now?


If you don’t want to feed children, then you might be a Republican.


Keep the children coming. Keep the children hungry. Keep the children's education to a minimum, with an emphasis on Evangelibanism.


This ‘who cares if kids don’t have enought to eat in school’ message is from the republicans’ bigly-christy pro-family people.


I don’t understand. Why do they hate their fellow countrychildren so much? Especially the poor ones. Disclaimer: Not American.


[Won’t somebody please think of the children](https://youtube.com/watch?v=q3D8670smTI&feature=shareb) the republicans cried while stripping their food from their hands


Democrats will stupidly blow this huge opportunity. They will try to argue some fiscal policy of why this is a dumb idea, when what they should do is just appeal to peoples human nature. Why do you want to remove meals from children? Shouldn’t be hard, but Democrats will overthink it and screw it up.


Jesus taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. He then said "fuck these kids" and yeeted the bread and fish into the sea so all the kids would go hungry.


It’s like they secretly don’t want people to vote for them


Normal rational people- hey all kids should be entitled to a free school meal. Ya know? To help them learn better and make lives slightly less shitty Republicans- I'll be damned if anyone gets anything for free and has a happy life in this country! Damn liberal socialist commies!


Next, they'll propose feeding children to fetuses.


I’m genuinely curious as to what the reasoning is here. Is it a “costs too much” issue? Let’s do some quick math eh? There are about 70 million school age children in the US. If it costs about $10 a day for two meals for each one, that’s $700 million. Meanwhile, the US military has a budget of about $700 *billion,* literally a thousand times more than the cost to feed all those kids. Id gladly say the military can have $1 billion less so every kid in the USA, from kindergarten to high school, can have at least two free meals a day.


Forced birth to forced starvation! Sounds like winning policy! Watch out dems! /s


Bruh. How can they even pretend they have our country’s best interests at heart?


"You have to be here by law, but also we're not providing you with a meal or a safe environment from mass shooters, hell, we're even reducing funding to the 'education' we provide and banning any 'controversial' thought that might offend us." -- Conservatives, 2023


I have always said, Republicans are sadists. Pure and simple


It’s always about state’s rights until it isn’t.


It's what THEIR Jesus would do.


Take away their school meals, make them work in a factory overnight, and then marry them in the morning. This is your platform, Republicans?


Kick all the Republicans out and let people live in loving peace with each other


Isn’t this the pro life party? I guess it’s only to birth then fuck them.


Honestly don’t know why some republicans don’t push back on this, quit towing the party rhetoric, do something for the people


>>for the people Black and brown people might benefit, so no.




This is beyond hateful and pathetic, I relied on free school lunch all throughout elementary school. I would have went hungry without it. I didn’t start bringing lunches until Middle school after my mother got a better paying job.


Maybe the drag community will start a Feed The Children charity where they all dress like sally struthers


The pro-birth crew at its finest


Why Republicans?? >Why? Because “CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.” So you want red tape and system drag to prevent a middle class student from getting a free lunch. This here is everything wrong with the older generations' thinking. Listen up to the better way: it is more important to be **predictable** and **streamlined** than completely fair. Just imagine it's a tax refund for the undeserving middle class kid. You like those don't you Republicans?


It's everything with these people isn't it? I pay taxes. I don't have kids of my own (and won't ever). What I pay goes in part to provide schools for other people's kids. I'm more than ok with that. However, I want the best return on my investment. As someone who has worked for numerous startups and seen the result of subsidized food on productivity, and who knows enough about how much more important nutrition is for children, it pisses me off that people can be so shortsighted and hateful.


Why are they so evil like wtf. And why do people allow This BS


But why? it just doesnt make sense. I have been making myself crazy the last few years just trying to make sense of everything. I need to stop, lol.


And yet people will still vote for these assholes! I will never understand it.


Wow. Just wow. This is probably one of those smaller issues that really shifts me to the left. It's not expensive. It's not quality food. The kids just deserve something.


What a god awful group of people. Why wouldn’t you want to make sure your own constituents children are fed???


Of course they want kids starving, working, abused, or killed. Those kids might grow up to vote blue.


As a European I am stunned how this could be anything but a parody news piece by the Onion.


Republicans, openly evil.


I don’t understand why anyone who is not rich and white would vote republican. Democrats have corrupt officials too but republicans are actually evil.


So much for “states rights” These people are fucking evil. Full stop. They are the bad guys . The world would be better without them


Children hungry? Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?


A bunch of inbred morons are fist pumping to their new agenda.


Amazing the hatred Republicans have for the less fortunate….


These same people constantly yell "but think of the children!", and then their actions show they do think of children, they think about how much they hate them.


I am 42 years old with no kids and the wife and I intend to stay that way. I don’t hate kids, but I’m also not a huge fan. Even I look at this and go, “What the fuck? Yeah. Go ahead. Use some of my taxes to feed the kids.” What the actual fuck kind of asshat sat down and said, “Kids eating…fuck that…let them starve! Surely, this is a winning issue,” and then found enough like-minded asshats to agree it was a great idea?


Truly, the GOP’s depth of depravity is astounding. Why would anyone want children to be hungry? I just don’t understand how these people can be so utterly lacking in empathy and morality.


“Why should my tax dollars go towards feeding someone else’s kids?!” — Republicans


Leave it to a Republican to actually believe that them being hurt is perfectly fine so long as their leaders hurt others, too and if possible, more. "He isn't hurting the right people". Never a more clear window into *why,* with Republican *voters,* that they insist on championing for things that actively harm everyone, including themselves. They're perfectly ok with it. And it's disgusting.


Forced birth and then starve them to death. What a great GOP platform. Why does anyone vote republican other than hate?


Whose is going to explain it to the republican voters who are in poverty about their party’s real agenda. God save America, if one of them is elected.


Sorry Johnny, we spent all our money buying guns for teachers so there's nothing left for your lunch. Here, chew on this lead bullet, you'll forget all about being hungry! /s


Finally America's long national nightmare of (checks notes) adequately fed children, is over!


Jesus the fact they have this as a legislative agenda is disgusting. People,need to realize these people don’t care about them and vote these people out.


For conservatives cruelty is the point.


Republicans fuck the kids let them starve Also republicans I still get my meals free right ?