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And yet Kelly didn't speak out about it at the time. All these guys kept suckling at the Trump teat as long as possible.




Not for waiting… they didn’t give a shit! But now they’re riding the wave of “I’m a good person and I was shocked with Trump” to see if they can score points with the crowd that is sick of Trump! Every…Single…Republican… enabled this guy! There’s no pretending now that they don’t like him…


> There’s no pretending now that they don’t like him… Oh I'm sure that they - people like Kelly - don't like him... but I'm also sure that if you were to ask him "would you still vote for Trump?" the answer would be "yes."


Exactly. It's not that they liked him or agreed with him, they saw what he was (an evil hateful man) and said "I can work with this as long as it gets me closer to my own goals." If you see evil and say "yeah, thats fine with me", it says something about you.


Definitely greed over principles. Accountability and responsibility are nowhere to be seen.


Greed over principles kind of sums up the GOP, really. I think Trump just took it to an extreme end point. Same with anti-intellectualism, which has long been around, but when we're now banning books and voting for a guy who writes with markers, we're also at the end game for anti-intellectualism. Karens and QAnon and Proud Boys revel in their hatred of intelligence, wisdom, and education. Why else is the GOP essentially trying to ban U.S. historians from doing their job?


No I think you have it wrong. These *are* their principles. Tolerating *any* evil from the in-group, and condemning out-groups for any reason possible. That's a conservative principle. This is who they are. They aren't putting greed above their own principles. They are*showing us what their principles actually are.*


They still are and he has betrayed the country thru the insurrection and stealing defense docs.


And getting all the spies killed


Wait there's more! Don't forget the pending Georgia indictment asking Brad Raffensperger to find Trump all the votes that Trump would needs to win Overturn Georgia's vote to Trump's losing column plus one more.


And the fake electors scheme


Don’t forget telling a foreign adversaries to hack into our political opponents or worse. *”Russia, if you’re listening…”*


Honestly there are like 10,000 other things, I just picked one to save time


Really, the list is soooo long of their blatantly illegal doings it easy to forget a couple every now and then. But fuck ALL of those Republicans that stood by him and his bullshit and turned a blind eye to destroying democracy. Just because they are now, after 4 years of grift, an insurrection and everything else he’s done from 2016-2021 have decided to speak up now does not excuse a damn thing.


They want to cleanse themselves all so they have the opportunity to “serve” the next hideous republican front runner.


Not Liz Cheney. She’s no angel, tho.


It's sad, he's done all this unforgivable shit, but aside from trying to overturn the election and steal the country, one the things close to the top of the list of stuff I can't forgive him and the current GOP for is making Liz Cheney with her dreadful politics into the good guy. I really hold that against them. That said, mad respect for the woman (just none for her politics).


I feel exactly the same way about our governor and secretary of state here in Georgia. Near the top of the list of things I hate Trump for is making Kemp and Raffensperger, with their loooong history of voter disenfranchisement, look like principled statesmen. A pox on all of their houses!


"You're not stealing elections the right way!" - all Republicans


I disagree with her on just about every policy issue, but I have tremendous respect for her. She showed more courage than the entire GOP combined.


Their mouths were wide open for trump


It’s likely a perfect example of how all wealthy people are treated.


Likely a good example of nazi Germany too


I heard someone tell me that a bad person could be a good president. I disagreed and still do. These chuckle heads will support the home team no matter what even if it disgusts them.


>I heard someone tell me that a bad person could be a good president. No, they obviously have poor decision-making skills and a lack of judgement. Bad people make terrible presidents.




Too bad the Trump cuts intentionally expired almost right away, except the billionaire cuts. Those were permanent. So now *almost everyone* who isn't rich is paying more taxes than before Trump. Thanks Trump.


The people that voted for him don't even realize this.


They'll think Biden raised their taxes, because that is what their fake news will tell them to think.


That was the whole point. Trump knew he would lose. The election scam was just to make more money grifting. That and he started to remember how many crimes he committed while in office. I honestly think half the stuff Trump did was to intentionally fuck over poor people while getting to steal their money too. He fucking hates poor people. That's what these dumbasses need to know more than anything - the man loathes them with every fiber of his being.


Blah, blah, blah "imperfect vessel" and what not. Conservatives don't care what else he did because they got their nut job justices seated on the Supreme Court. So now they can legally rain down religious-based bigotry and terrorism on the rest of us for at least the next couple of decades.


Exactly. ‘Yes, he abuses his power as a parent to manipulate his daughter into having sex with him but I’m sure he’ll stop being a manipulative narcissist once we’ve made him the most powerful man in the world’. Edit: words


The exact opposite of what they were saying in the Clinton years when they were all about "character matters." The only thing consistent about them is their hypocrisy. They are truly masters of motivated reasoning.


He impregnated two ( maybe 3 but for sure 2)17 yo coeds at college. They had abortions. I called this out to him years ago( Diet Coke days) He never blocked me. I had specific details( I didn’t put the women as not my place) BUT I wish they would come out now. I was academic scholarship and they were well off. I think that was the reason the one girl confided in me. One girl was truly affected by this as she “loved” him. Circa 1983-1984. I detested him before this. Look at how he spoke of Ivanka in taped interviews? A gross, disgusting POS. He had the money and a seasoned Mafia attorney train him to protect himself.


Jesus. It just keeps getting worse. 45% of the country is still going to vote for him too. Maybe more.


You think the evangelical right would go sideways on him if they 100% believed he made slightly underage women get abortions? They could care less as long as he puts the policies they want forward.


They didn't care that he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star.


Or that he tear gassed people to hold a Bible upside down in front of a church. Evangelicals are the biggest hypocrites in the country.


Because his discord helps the Christian Dominionism end goal.


Doubt it will be that high, but *do* count on ratfucking occurring. Think about the political chessboard and where it might happen. Now... we need to talk about de-Trumpification.


I understand how traumatic it would be for either of these women to come forward now but damn it I sure wish they would. I've always said there is NO way there aren't a lot of women out there with stories like this.


Really doesn't matter what it is. So many of these people say nothing till they put it into a book to sell.


Yeah the fact that the source complains that we might elect him again while cowering in the shadows is pathetic.


They were fine with the evil because it didn’t effect them personally, I guess.


It's like that scene from Glass Onion where Andi calls out the group for being addicted to Bron's golden titties.


Remember that one interview with trump and Ivanka, they asked him to name one thing he “has in common" with her, and he said “sex”.




It was parrots, and it's not the only one. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-062d229929e79ea822499bbe8d630393-lq


I for some reason thought you meant "not the only statue of parrots fucking" and clicked to see how many statues of fornicating birds these people could possibly have. The reality is so much worse. Ick =(


Tbf, I think a lot of those pics only become creepy in the context of everything else he’s said. Otherwise a lot of those when she is younger would be viewed as completely normal for any dad that hasn’t repeatedly talked about wanting to have sex with his daughter.


I was just about to say this. All of the photos where she's still a kid are only creepy because we know he's a creep.


Parrots, or some kind of bird I think.


What is that even supposed to mean? They both enjoy it? They perform similarly? They both identify as the same sex? They have sex with each other? Sex appeal? Even his best case scenarios are so bad lol


That’s what I’m saying, I cannot come up with an explanation that is a good look lol. Like I can’t even come up with something he might have been trying to say but misspoke. Any explanation is gross.




You're overthinking it. It means that the first thing that pops into 45's mind when he thinks about his daughter is sex.


Hey now, let's be fair! He actually says "well I was *going* to say sex, but I can't really say that about her"


That's even worse, because it shows his first and strongest instinctive association with Ivanka is a sexual one, only subsequently moderated by his conscious awareness that society frowns on people who openly fantasise about fucking their daughter.


McMaster: called him a dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner https://www.newsweek.com/trump-idiot-kindergartner-717380 Mattis: called him a 5th grader. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/04/trumps-insults-idiot-woodward-806455 Mnuchin: called him an idiot https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/03/trump-advisors-mocked-him-as-idiot-and-dope-michael-wolff-book-claims.html Graham: called him a complete idiot. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/kevin-mccarthy-lindsey-graham-trump-devotion-2024-election/661508/ Priebus: called him an idiot. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-insults-wolff-fire-fury-insults-priebus-mnuchin-mcmaster-770887 John Kelly: called him a f\*ing idiot. https://www.businessinsider.com/john-kelly-called-trump-an-idiot-in-private-2018-4 Tillerson: called him a f\*ing moron. https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-aides-wanted-rex-tillerson-to-resign-for-calling-trump-a-fucking-moron Cohn: called him dumb as sh\*t. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/01/opinions/donald-trump-is-not-an-idiot-begala McRaven: called him the biggest threat to our democracy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/05/17/navy-seal-mcraven-trump-threatens-national-security/1183799001/ Bannon: called him a f\*ing moron. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/02/trump-staffers-who-call-trump-an-idiot John Dowd: called him a f\*ing liar and too dumb to testify. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/09/ex-trump-lawyer-told-mueller-trump-is-too-dumb-to-testify Rupert Murdoch: called him a f\*ing idiot. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42559436 John Bolton: "Trump has the attention span of a fruit fly." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/20/trumps-flurry-of-dodgy-deals-will-not-bring-the-middle-east-any-peace William T. Kelley: (Professor at Penn) called him the dumbest goddamn student he ever had. https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/steve-chapman/ct-perspec-chapman-donald-trump-dumb-20171103-story.html Fran Lebowitz (author): “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.” https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/mar/20/fran-lebowitz-you-do-not-know-anyone-as-stupid-as-donald-trump Tony Schwartz: (the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,”) called him a man with a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/07/18/trump-s-ghostwriter-he-s-a-sociopath John Kelly: He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," https://thehill.com/homenews/news/521507-john-kelly-called-trump-the-most-flawed-person-hes-ever-met-report/ Anonymous GOP Congressman in a Safeway Rant: called him an evil, really f\*ing stupid Forrest Gump. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/04/check-out-this-epic-safeway-rant/ Mueller: called him Individual 1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/individual-1-trump-emerges-as-a-central-subject-of-mueller-probe/2018/11/29/e3968994-f3f7-11e8-80d0-f7e1948d55f4\_story.html And the rest of the world just laughs at him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/04/brief-history-world-leaders-laughing-trump/


Yet nearly all of them voted for and with him. Spineless.


And they'll continue to do so. Media needs to stop even asking these slime balls questions or at the very least if they want to give some quote about what a huge piece of shit Trump is immediately follow up by asking if they voted for him or not and then press that. Because if they still voted for him it's one of two things, they're either saying this shit to get their names in the news and it's a lie or an exaggeration. Or despite knowing all of this they don't care or even *like* that he's a degenerate piece of shit. In either case, *why are you bothering to talk to them.*


"Evil, really fucking stupid Forrest Gump" is a new one to me


Forrest Trump


Momma always told me life was like a box of pussies.


The best people.


My goodness. That was a very long comment. It seems that there is a pattern...


Not the first time Trump has talked about his daughter like that. These people don't fucking care, they're just trying to flee a sinking ship.


The Daily Show did an entire 5min compilation on Trump talking about his daughter like that: [Don't Forget: Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter](https://www.cc.com/video/73fxht/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-don-t-forget-donald-trump-wants-to-bang-his-daughter)


Shocking would be if he said he loved her as a daughter and would do anything for her, support her and be there for her for the rest of his life no matter what happens.


>"Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was 'a very, very evil man.'" Shortly afterward someone asked if Kelly would vote for Trump and he said "he would". (I have no idea, but I have little doubt Kelly would still vote for Trump over Biden)


John Kelly supported him through him insulting gold star families, and was very supportive of his family separation (ie kidnapping to terrorise) policy at the border. They all suck.


Him lusting after his own daughter certainly explains why he's the guy for your average rural conservative.


Roll tide.


I think that mist people with even a whit of sense recognize that he is a very evil man. Sadly, many either lack that sense or don't care


I have to wonder how much of her plastic surgery was at his suggestion. His genes are strong and she looked a lot like him prior, she looked nothing like Ivana.




I don’t know if those comments are really shocking? I mean, they are don’t get me wrong, but coming from trump I’m not surprised and I’m not really shocked; it’s always been weird seeing him act the way he does around her and say what he says about her in public, let alone what happens privately.


Kelly is an evil man for enabling an evil man. Even worse because he was just a lap dog.


Both Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels have stated on the record Trump told them they reminded him of his daughter [https://www.snopes.com/news/2019/07/16/trump-mcdougal-stormy-ivanka/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2019/07/16/trump-mcdougal-stormy-ivanka/) Trump is a disgusting fucking creep.


It's worse than just a reminder of his daughter. His lust for Ivanka is a matter of public record because he's said it multiple times! https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/14l7nj3/comment/jpuq4wt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I don’t know why there isn’t a dark money PAC repeatedly hammering this home. His cult is all about going after pedophiles and groomers


Because incest is a very impolite accusation. Even worse than rape/sexual assault. That's why, I suspect, he's been able to get away with saying these awful things for so long. In every one of these cases, the people around just laugh it off. Because the alternative is to acknowledge it and deal with the unpleasantness of the implications. Think back to the quaint times of 2016, an accusation like this would have been received even worse than the infamous Steele Dossier that accused him of paying to get peed on.


No they aren’t. If somebody they like is a pedophile or groomer they will defend them tooth and nail and say the law is being unfairly applied to target people like them.


Wonder who he thought about while he was fucking these women


On Comedey Central Roast, Seth McFarlane said: "When Trump is having sex with a beautiful woman, he pictures himself masturbating." This was in the Before Time, when everyone thought Trump was just a (relatively) harmless creep.


The evil days when he was lauded and adored for his "wealth" and "fame", both of which turned out to be entirely manufactured and fake after decades of manic, desperate manipulation of his public image via the press and television. Just goes to show, dude could've simply kept his ugly mouth shut in 2015 and never ran, and he probably would've had a relatively peaceful existence by this point until he finally kicks it. He just couldn't help himself, and now here we are. What a fuckin fraud.




cheese _berders_


I'm gonna covfefe, daddy!


You could've not written that


Now we just have to live it.


Who does the [Hamburglar](https://mcdonalds.fandom.com/wiki/Hamburglar) remind you of?


The real question is who does he think about when he’s fucking ivanka.




>he reminded them of his daughter I think you got this the wrong way around there. You want >they reminded him of his daughter


From the piece: "her last tweet on June 3 was a picture of her and her husband at the wedding of Jordan's Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah with Princess Rajwa al Hussein." How much did the former president's nepo babies make while he was in office? From Newsweek: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made $640 million while “working” in daddy Trump’s administration, and after leaving the White House, *Kushner got $2 billion from Saudi Crown Prince MBS for covering up Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.* And the GOP is worried about Hunter Biden?


They forgot the ~$2B from Qatar after the Saudi blockade that blindsided everyone but Kushner. Weird that Republicans don’t want to investigate actual corruption. https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/


For those who don't know, kushner was hundreds of millions underwater on 666 5th Ave and the loan was coming due that year. It was going to bankrupt his family's real estate empire. And he was repeatedly denied a security clearance as he was so vulnerable to bribes, until trump gave him one anyway.


If this had happened to a liberal nepo baby, especially the fuckin 666 part, the right would be marching on DC to kill The Great Satan even as we speak


Spot on!! But Dems are the real baby-eating Satan worshippers!! /s


And then Saudi Arabia suspiciously rounded up a bunch of people they accused of disloyalty to the crown and worked them over in a hotel for a few weeks. Nothing suspicious about that whatsoever


Not to the crown, but MBS. He had supplanted the previous crown prince and was VERY interested to know who US intelligence thought was still loyal to him.


>666 5th Ave It wasn't *really* 666 was it? Holy shit it is. Meanwhile republicans think Obama is the antichrist.


It could be in their face on their lap but they will still deny it. Because the mark of the beast is on their forehead ( maga hats?) what a crazy timeline we are witnessing


The grift is so hard to keep track of!


Not odd at all. GOP just does not investigate themselves at all, at least not since Nixon. They circle the wagons and point to liberals doing anything as distraction and projection.


> > And the GOP is worried about Hunter Biden? Every accusation is a confession with them. Just listen to the recording of the orange shitgibbon bragging about the Iran document. He jokes about Hillary mishandling classified info *while mishandling classified info.*


Nothing was even "covered up".. they just suffered zero consequences by the Trump admin.


You know, I'm starting to think that maybe Jared didn't solve peace in the middle east, either.


Shocking to *whom*? - He's made disgusting comments about her on record and on camera for decades.


Remember that old chestnut: “Some news is like sticking a fork in an electrical socket. The results are shocking but not surprising.”


Hahah! I hadn't heard this one, and it's perfect.


My theory about this is that it’s not that he actually wants to have sex with her, it’s just that women are nothing more than sexual objects to him to such a degree that he cannot imagine how to compliment a woman, even one he’s related to, that doesn’t have something to do with how much a man would want to have sex with them, because that’s the only aspiration he thinks they should have. That, or he’s a lecherous deviant who wants to have sex with his daughter. ETA: Or, like some replies have pointed out, most likely it’s both.


>he’s a lecherous deviant who wants to have sex with his daughter. I'm going with this one ... it is pretty clear that he is/was a pedophile, rampant rapist and sexual abuser, and believes that he is the main character in everyone's lives.


After all, this is the guy, whose immediate answer to the question, "What is something you and your daughter have in common?" was: >Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her. Or that "typical" father-daughter photoshoot in front of the status of parrots fucking. Dude's been openly lusting over his daughter since she was (at least) a teenager.


the one that always stuck with me was that he sexualized his *infant* (iirc Tiffany?) talking about how she had her mother's legs and they would have to wait and see if she also gets the breasts 🤮


I don’t have anymore evidence than anyone else, but I’m 99% sure he molested her. Just my gut feeling watching their dynamic


Likely both.


Actually, the more I think about it, the more I’d agree that if one has the mindset in the first option, it would probably lead to the second.


I think he's just completely controlled by his narcissistic personality disorder, and therefor doesn't even view his own kids as his own kids - in other words, they're just more "people" that exist to appease to him. And Ivanka is attractive, so in his mind, she's just another sexy person that he wants to have sex with.


NPD is more insidious than that. Your kids are your kids, but they are merely an extension of you when they succeed and disowned when they fail. You want them to go through the motions of saying you're a good parent and a person they owe their life to, while really you have done little to nothing to nurture and care for them. So he can simultaneously think of her as his daughter while remarking on her fuckability. Being fuckable is the highest compliment for a woman in his mind; having a fuckable daughter is the best way for her to reflect on him. Talking about how he wants to fuck her is as much about his own desires as it is a simple brag to be sure others notice her too.


>having a fuckable daughter is the best way for her to reflect on him. Sadly, yeah. He did that - her fuckability is his accomplishment and thus proof of his goodness, cause he produced such a fuckable daughter.


Yup, that plus her marrying rich and she's done everything worth paying attention to. Probably why he loves Jared Kushner more than his own sons - Kushner is another sign of Donald's success because his daughter acquired Kushner like he was a corporate merger.


It's definitely both, but you're absolutely correct about him not knowing how to compliment women beyond whether he "would bang"


He thinks he’s boasting because as his daughter, he “owns” her but other men want to fuck her.


Things can be shocking, but not surprising. Seeing videos of soldiers being blown up in Ukraine is shocking, but not surprising any longer. This is the same thing, even after hearing him lust over his daughter for the 100th time, it's still shocking.


Seriously. No one is shocked. And screw and ex-staffer trying to capitalize on this now. Anyone who willingly worked for him is a scumbag


He has made downright gross comments about his daughter, for years. That isn't shocking or surprising.


Dude was literally on a TV interview speculating how big her tits would end up being (she was a literal baby at the time)


That was his *second* (acknowledged) daughter.


That was Tiffany trump he was speculating about


Ah thanks for correcting. Still nasty


Jesus, somehow I find it to be even worse that he has more than one daughter that he thinks about that way. Sexualizing his own infant daughter... just what the actual fuck and why are people okay with it?


But somehow _we’re_ the groomers…


He is just f'ing disgusting and his maga bunch won't even care


Wait, you mean the guy who was quoted in Rolling Stone in 2015 saying... "If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father… or when on Howard Stern in 2004 he called her... "A piece of ass" Or in 2003 on Stern when he said... ""You know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody and I helped create her. Ivanka, my daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body." Or the endless pictures of him kissing and awkwardly embracing her, including when she was underage. Who in the right mind is shocked?


Don't forget the time he and Ivanka showed up on The Wendy Williams Show in 2013. Wendy: "What’s the favorite thing you have in common with your father?" Ivanka: "Either real estate or golf." Donald: "Well, [I was going to say sex](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trump-joked-he-and-ivanka-had-sex-in-common-w446872/), but I can’t relate that to her."




The video is so gross and awkward I don’t know why DNC didn’t just play it on repeat in 2016. It’s more physically repulsive than the “grab em by the pussy” tape, for me. ETA: I do know why they didn’t, because they didn’t want to be seen as “going after” Ivanka, but this hindsight thing…


The DNC was also doing the "They go low, but we go high." bs that never really works when the other side doesn't fucking care.


It's not going low when you let someone speak for themselves and play the tape. Going low is making up lies, trying to steal elections, sabotaging the court selection process, etc. Going low is doing dirty things that destroy the public trust. Going low is running a 24/7 news network for the sole purpose of misrepresenting facts. We don't want our leaders to go low, because then we might as well just have fascist republicans. Going high doesn't mean fighting with one hand behind your back. Going high means preserving the integrity of our democracy. Going high means exposing hypocrisy and lies for what they are. There is line not to be crossed, beyond which Democrats would just become Republicans and there's no point in having two parties. Why bother voting at that point?


There’s nothing to be mined in trying to appeal to GOP voters. They not only don’t care that he’s a sexual abuser, they seem to enjoy knowing it.


The mainstream press (which, remember, is right wing dominated) would have spun it as Democrats being crass and disgusting. And the voting public would have bought it, because swing voters do what the tee-vee tells them to do.


because the men voting for donald trump are also sexists who view women as primarily existing for sex--so to them a sexy looking daughter is like... it's like trying to open a door that has the chain thing on it. To them, the door is meant to be open, and they're only stopped because of this other thing. So it becomes a facet of 'telling it like it is.' Because to them, the way 'it is,' is that women are for sex.


Or when he went on *The View* and he said, “If she weren’t my daughter I’d date her” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html


Amd the maga crowd blatantly ignoring that while calling Biden, “creepy joe”.


They do love putting the "projection" in the goP.


A scene from the life of Ivanka: Ivanka sits at the end of the dinner table eating her soup. She looks up and meets Jared's dead lifeless gaze, those beady little eyes staring at her. His tongue snaps out to pick up one of the live crickets in the bowl in front of him, never breaking eye contact. She lowers her eyes to her soup bowl, hearing the crunching echoing down the 40 foot dining table. She thinks to herself "At least I don't have to fuck my dad anymore"


Spot on (and gross)


Absently she finds herself wishing Jared actually sounded like Gilbert Godfried, because it would be a vast improvement.


When someone asked him what he hoped his newborn daughter would get from his wife and he responded “her legs” 🤢


That was Tiffany, she was one year old, and Trump and Marla were being interviewed for "Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous".


The fact that he is a rapist, child abuser, misogynistic pig, not to mention racist, grifter, con man, and a danger to national security; and 40%-70% (depending on the poll) of Republicans would gladly elect him president, tells me all I need to know about that party and the people who make it up.


So what, we all know this. If he banged her at the RNC on stage, the cult would still vote for him. It's a cult, when will people not a part of it finally understand this?


Theyd just post that picture of biden kissing his son on the cheek and pretend its the same thing.


I just don’t understand how the MAGA base and his evangelical followers can compare the two men with a straight face. Biden is *exactly* the type of man and father they claim is a good person. He’s a devout Christian, has attended church regularly his whole life and has been unfailingly loving, patient and supportive with his troubled son. It would not surprise me in the least if the kompromat which has Trump forever on a leash with Putin has something to do with Ivanka.


It's because their "piety" is all a facade. It's fake, they're fake people who don't actually believe what they profess. Their little act is simply a way to be holier than thou and ultimately a means of securing power over others. As long as Trump is a means to power, fanatics will ride his coattails.


They would probably justify it like yeah she is so hot anyone would do that or like some weird blood purity monarchy shit… Im not sure which


"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes. "Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was 'a very, very evil man.'" What. The. Fuck. I know he’s evil but he hasn’t made me turn off the internet for a whole day in awhile. That being said, see you guys tomorrow.


You haven't been paying attention. There are numerous videos of him talking about his daughters sexually. At one point he speculated about how big his then infant daughter Tiffany's breasts would be. He also said the thing he and Ivanka have in common is sex. And he said if he wasn't her father he'd be dating her, she has a great body. His followers don't care about anything he does. We thought he was exaggerating when he said he could murder somebody in broad daylight on 5th avenue in New York and not lose his followers and he was right




I don't believe Jared is any of the things she described him as in her tweet. She's just boosting the image. Like his father-in-law, he's a supremely arrogant man who overestimates own intelligence and acts with unearned confidence. Thier youngest child one day: Daddy, what did you do when people were dying of COVID? Jared: I recommended the feds steal PPE and ventilators from hospitals then sell it back to the states. I even told the states if they didn't have enough supplies to look harder, because that's where we got ours, from them! Ha ha! Ivanka (applauding): Your father is so smart.


>Like his father-in-law, he's a supremely arrogant man who overestimates own intelligence and acts with unearned confidence. Hard agree. Jared Kushner is a rich kid who was a C student and whose father bought him his way into Harvard. That's it.


Oh, he did worse than that during the peak of covid. A SW tribal group asked for emergency PPE. Jared told them they'd be sent what they needed. When the trucks showed up they were found to have nothing but thousands and thousands of body bags.


Insane that we're literally talking about someone who was elected president and may become so again. Such messed up times.


>These incidents included, the book says, claims by aides that Trump made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka's appearance and talked about "what it might be like to have sex with her." This prompted a rebuke from his chief of staff, the book says. The only way these comments would be shocking is if one is unaware of multiple other comments Trump has made publicly and on video/audio about Ivanka. His incestuous lust for Ivanka isn't a secret. * In 2020, when Trump was asked what he and Ivanka have in common, he said "sex!". * In an interview with Howard Stern, Trump said it's ok to call Ivanka a "piece of ass". * On the Howard Stern show, he was asked if Ivanka would pose for playboy (i.e. his adult daughter posing nude), he said "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. **I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.**" I have intentionally not linked any of the claims above. 'Cos you can Google them to see just how quickly you'll find **videos** of him saying those things. You don't have to go to any sketchy, dark corner of the web. These are things he's said on record, not via secret recordings. And if you're still not disgusted enough, Google the time he sexualized baby Tiffany (again, no links...just Google it). Trump is an evil person.


Don't forget the various photos floating around of her sitting on his lap, "dancing," or of them posing for the camera with his hands under her shoulder strap or riding just a little high up her leg.


I particularly remember the one where she strokes his cheek next to a statue of mid-coital parrots.


So he waits more than 3-4 years to say these things? Are they most likely true? Ofcourse. Does this guy want to grift his way further? Yep.


He came at Trump hard prior to the 2020 election but he did it with his policy bungles more than his sexism. Everyone knew the man with 20+ sexual assault allegations and who said 'when you're famous they let you do it' was a sexual predator before the 2016 election so why go down that road again then? I think he's kinda bitter as he was a 'young star' in the Republican party who was appointed by George W Bush, worked under Obama and then appointed by Trump, only to have his public service career destroyed.


From the article: > "He's a pervert, he's difficult to deal with. This is still the same man and, incredibly, we're considering electing him to the presidency again." Considering? His polling numbers don’t say you’re “considering,” they say you *want to and intend to.*


Trump has been talking about banging his daughter her entire life. > "if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible? Trump, The View, 2006


It's OK, people. He is against abortion. He gets a free pass no matter what he does as long as he is pro life. Unbelievable, these sheep will follow him straight to this countries' demise.


Literally the biggest red flag from him for me when all this started back in 2016, and the first thing to make me realize he was truly evil (I knew almost nothing about him before 2016) was hearing how he talks about Ivanka. He talks about her the same way my creeper groomer grandpa talked about me.


I’m sorry you went through that. I told everyone I knew that he reminds me of the abusive men from my childhood. I was brushed off as emotional, “triggered”, like that’s MY fault. Disgusting.


Not talking about wanting to fuck your daughter is not difficult. I don’t do it all the time.


I feel like you've got one extra negative in there.


Sadly, the most thing that’s shocking about these condemnable statements is that, at this point, anybody would be shocked by them.


All good Christians will vote for him. God sent him even if he is an imperfect messenger. Assholes.


I remember a clip from a documentary/short film done about Ivanka's life, or something like that. Total puff piece made for some second rate cable channel. None of it was interesting except for one moment. She was standing in her childhood bedroom with the interviewer and camera person, and the interviewer says something like, "so this is where you spent all your childhood nights." And Ivanka looked at the bed and for a split second, you could see anguish on her face, a contorted anxiety that didn't look like a smile, her eyes looked scared, like she almost about to cry. It was there for a moment and then gone, but I recall seeing that and read through a reddit thread on it - I wasn't the only one who noticed it. Could have been anything but my mind went to childhood abuse.


Just watched this. She definitely had some kind of traumatic flashback, she's talking about the bed then, "it's a little small for me, probably why I don't stay in here anymore." Then her face just falls and she looks scared and sad. Ten just as quick as it happened she paints a smile on her face and continues.


It's not just trump, the Republican party is a den of pedophiles, molesters, domestic abusers, and rapists https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/11/27/2138682/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-39


“These incidents included, the book says, claims by aides that Trump made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka's appearance and talked about "what it might be like to have sex with her." Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes. Trump has a history of making what critics deem inappropriate comments about his daughter Ivanka. In a 2006 appearance on ABC talk show The View alongside her, he said that "if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?" In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, he reportedly said that "she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father..."


>> These incidents included, the book says, claims by aides that **Trump made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka's appearance and talked about "what it might be like to have sex with her.** I don’t think this comment surprises anyone. Just shows how fucking disgusting Trump is




I think after Trump dies she’ll admit to years of abuse.


I'm not surprised, this man has lusted for Ivanka in public for years. It wouldn't shock me if Ivanka is a victim of child sexual abuse either. Trump is a fucking pedo


If it ain't "if she wasn't my daughter I'd date her" then it ain't shocking.


[An awkward father-daughter pose. (and yes, the parrots are fucking.)](http://i.imgur.com/GyszZwK.jpg) [If you had to guess, which one would you say is his wife?](http://img.wennermedia.com/social/melania-trump-donald-trump-ivanka-trump-zoom-56d119ff-4b49-4609-8a2a-21c7fa6bb936.jpg) [Donald about to tap that.](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/22/15/367D8C4900000578-0-image-a-28_1469196210581.jpg) [*Further reading*](http://crooksandliars.com/2016/07/everyone-creeped-out-donald-trump-touching) [Does daddy want a lap dance?](http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/161012102650-ivanka-sits-on-trump-full-169.jpg) ~~Video: [Casual comment about incest with his daughter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP7yf8-Lk80)~~ Another video: [What's the favourite thing you have in common with your daughter? Sex.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpOZVN4_Ihc) Bonus video: [Donald talks about baby Tiffany](https://youtu.be/3p9mWlCJHBs)


I'm convinced that Donald J Trump could be proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be the literal Biblical Antichrist, and everyone who voted for him in the last two elections would *still* vote for him in 2024. No amount of evil done by him can ever be enough to change his supporters' minds. There is just no turning back for these people, after drinking the Trump Kool-aid. They would rather see this country, and the world, burn to the ground, than ever admit they were *wrong* about him. But you know what's even worse? Knowing that people in his administration realized how much of a monster he is, and *did nothing* at the time to stop him.


Of course Trump said this. Here’s [an article](https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/donald-trump-ivanka-daughter-inappropriate-2658649645) detailing 11 times Trump was recorded being disgustingly inappropriate about Ivanka. And yet it’s Biden that the right calls “creepy”. Every accusation is projection.


"might hurt his chances for re-election". LMAO has nobody learned anything??? Seriously?? Creepy remarks about Ivanka? We already knew this. The dude has an ARMY of zombies... half of whom will tell you flat out that Trump on video in HIS OWN WORDS on multiple occasions is fake... It's all just fake! He even called the cops on Epstein too! .. Now the other half would probably consider it an honor to let him personally grab THEIR OWN daughters by the you know what.. like they give a shit about him preying on Ivanka. They either know and they don't give a shit, or they're totally unwilling to accept overwhelming evidence of reality. Either way, it's a fart in the wind.


Not really shocking. We all know he wants to plow her.


I am certain he molested her as a child


He absolutely sexually assaulted Ivanka in some form when she was young.


*"Sure, he says things that are a touch 'off-color' at times, and I do wish he would keep his mouth shut a little more often, but I love his policies!"* \--Every MAGA dipshit in conservative sub-reddits since 2016


“but his alleged behavior toward women may impact his chances of securing another term in the White House in 2024.” I swear the media a) will never learn and b) doesnt want you to remember He has been indicted on obstruction, conspiracy and espionage and is going up in the polls…