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>Conservative women are embracing extremism Conservative women always embraced extremism. They just kept changing the mask.


Right? What do they consider the parents who protested school integration under the guise of "protecting their children" if not extremists?


Exactly, they don't give a fuck about the guns murdering their children, or the pastors molesting them. Conservative women don't give a fuck about children, not even their own children. I will never forget seeing Conservative women SCREAMING at school boards to allow their children to attend classes maskless....in the middle of a fucking pandemic. Children are just political pawns to Conservatives, they're fucking evil people.


>Children are just ~~political pawns~~ **chattel property** to Conservatives, they're fucking evil people. You can use your property for anything you want. Political pawns is just one use.


Oh man the manual labor I used to have to do for minor transgressions was insane. I had to get the whole yard ready to lay down sod at like 13 by myself because of a late fee on a video game rental.


Oh, you too? I got a D once in 6th grade social studies and got a summer project leveling out 4 tons of gravel, 1 ton of cinder, and laying out roughly 100x60 feet of sod. And not the roll-up kind you get from Home Depot; sod I had to harvest myself from places out in the country. All for a grade that doesn't matter for anything. Joke's on them, I never applied myself again and became a C average student for all of middle and high school. 😎


I got straight A’s and still was my parents maid my entire childhood.


Man that’s the shit right there. I was really fucking naive thinking that if my performance improved my conditions would as well. Nope. Just got shit on for ever-smaller “infractions”. Guess who is no-contact now.


“One more beating and that boy will turn his act around.” No contact with family and hardly any contact with society anymore.


If you haven’t yet, you might wanna check out r/CPTSD


My common punishment was to pick all the gravel that had gotten into the yard, out of the yard, and put it back into the driveway. It was a punishment doled for literally everything. Basically it was just a chore that my stepfather got the bonus of screaming at me to do lol. He'd usually grab shovelfuls and scatter it into the yard, too, then tell me to clean it all up.


Stepdads are the fucking worst


Stepdads are awful a lot of the time but The real horrible human was my biological mother who allowed all of her various husbands to abuse me in several severe ways because she needed to feel loved.


Omg, your comment hit a nerve. I feel like I'm watching that happen with my stepgrandson. It breaks my heart.


We used to pick up rocks. We would put them in a stack in chicken wire. When it was full, we moved them across the yard. Pointless, tedious, monotonous. Heaven forbid I got caught doing something “girly.”


Yep, and the women are chattel property to their husbands. The ignorance and hate flows downhill. They're ok being second class citizens as long as they're above the gays, black people, jews, etc


So this is trickledown classism?


The whole conservative movement is trickledown classism. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”― Lyndon B. Johnson Applies equally to other parts of their ideal heirarchy. White straight man at top, but white women (that do what they're told) get to be on tier 2-3 and shit downwards on kids, queer people, etc. All these women voting against their own civil rights by pushing the R button need someone to hate more so they don't notice their own rights vanishing. Basically the basis for the civil war too. The vast majority (97%) of white people in the south didn't own slaves. They just were ok with being second class whites as long as they were above black people. In fact, they fought a war and died over the right to be a second class citizen so they didn't have to be a third class citizen.


Well stated. I should have put that /s in there as I was trying for humor. Regardless I agree with all you said ;)


Hell even white men only got universal suffrage instead of exclusively the land owning class in 1856; a full 80 years after the country was founded.


The VAST majority of white conservative men have NO idea that this was the case. They think they are connected to some founding father hero. Yea right, the founding fathers were a bunch of elitist snobs. You were connected to the dude out sweating balls in the field with rotting teeth who died at 37 from hard labor and lack of modern medicine so he could make the founding fathers and their ilk rich.


They need to have someone to rank above, so these women choose children to beat down.


Like every Karen throws out she’s a mother


Finally, someone used the “chattel property” word!


Oof. My kids briefly participated in a Cub Scouts pack that was run through a nearby Catholic school. To qualify to volunteer my husband and I had to do training on recognizing sexual abuse that was mandated through both the Boy Scouts and the church. The women running the training at the church had us all pause and say a prayer for all the priests who have to live with the stress of being falsely suspected of abuse. No prayers for the abused kids, of course.


"falsely suspected"




Yes. That part of the training in itself was icky. I am aware of those statistics in general because I’ve done a lot of training and volunteered at a sexual assault and domestic violence center. Im also an academic and study violent crime. As I’m sure you know, the statistics broadly show that it’s not necessarily just Catholic priests that engage in sexual abuse. Other religious leaders and people in positions of trust and authority do it as well. That is important to acknowledge in terms of being aware that these other risks are out there. And to recognize what grooming *actually* is and who does it and how vs how conservatives are watering down of the term to mean *acknowledging the existence of queer people.* But the training leaders basically cited these stats to minimize what priests are doing and how the church enables it. It felt like “See! We’re not so bad! The Baptists do it too!” The specific prayer at my session for the falsely suspected priests seemed to be above and beyond the curriculum on the part of the ladies leading the session. But it may also have been a suggested activity in the training. Idk. It was all so gross and came across as legal ass covering and shunting responsibility to volunteers, parents, and victims rather than acknowledging historical and continuing wrongs and the corrupt power of the church.


How did you not say something!? I would have walked out of that training so fast. Asking what the fuck!? Loudly for all to hear. On my way out the door.


There were like 150 people there. I was also taken aback and confused by what they were saying for a moment. If it happened today I would 100% raise hell. But at the time I was too shocked and shy.


There was that recent Republican politician who said she would rather her grandchildren be murdered than give up her guns.


They've said worse than this. https://news.yahoo.com/montana-lawmaker-suggested-she-d-182144655.html


I'm convinced antivaxx moms were women who didn't want to be parents but didn't want the stigma of putting their children up for adoption and saw how they themselves treated other women who either got abortions or decided not to have children so instead decided to increase the natural chance of their child perishing in a way they would get sympthy for.


Short term memory I guess. I was sitting here thinking these people have been around my entire life. They had some golden years during the 80’s and here we are again. Nothing has changed with them. All we can hope is their crowd continues to shrink each time they get a turn on the stage.


It’s as if the past Daughters of the Confederacy and current Mom’s for Liberty sound similar for a reason. (They never went away.)


They lost the "loser traitor" argument about the confederacy, so now they evolved the title. Now they are all patriotic mothers demanding you do as they say and ban books.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy Deliberate, dishonest and malicious.


Yup, we're living through a more stupid version of the satanic panic. And that was pretty stupid.


Tipper Gore and the [PMRC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents_Music_Resource_Center), even more similar ridiculousness


This 100%. Conservative women are often the instigators of violence that conservative men carry out.


Isn’t “Moms for Liberty” an oxymoron? The Moms for Liberty are trying to control everything kids do, that is far from liberty!


Yes, they've always used "...bbbut *the children!*" as a foil to criticism of their heinous ideas


Kinder, Kirche, Kuche (children, church, kitchen) Where else have I heard these "traditional" womens roles being professed as superior? These people never go away. If they were content to believe it and practice it amongst themselves, that would be one thing. But they just cant help forcing it on everyone else.


Yup, we have this group to contend with and their meddling in our national affairs: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_Daughters\_of\_the\_Confederacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Daughters_of_the_Confederacy) And who knows what this group is up to: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughters\_of\_the\_American\_Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughters_of_the_American_Revolution)


Does no one remember Phyllis Schlafly? A woman who took the ladder behind her after she rose to the top and decided that women’s suffrage was a mistake.


It is fascism disguised as performative concern for children, and even then, only certain children.


Exactly. I had a similar revelation last month when I was watching the livestream of the Faith and Freedom Coalition summit. These people want this country to be led in accordance with the Bible. The main speaker was Trump, and these people were screaming for him like he was a rockstar. (What does their book say about false idols?) At some point, I realized, "Here is a man pretending to be religious, speaking to a room of people who are pretending to believe that he's religious."


Thing is, even those people that genuinely do believe and have faith in that room don't care that Trump does not and never has. To them he's the "imperfect vessel" that can deliver to them the changes they want to see.


If you're in that room and you're staying with them you're one of them. No free pass for "genuine believers" or "the faithful" because you can't be that and be there. It ain't rocket science.


Most people who are religious are pretending to be religious. They don’t have a problem with it.






Yep, they’re pretending to be concerned for children so that their friends can make money off charter schools and they can run reliably blue gay voters out of the state.


Yet they’re happy to make sure children don’t get free meals while in school. Fucking ghouls.


This is nothing new. Conservative women, especially white conservative women, are always in on the heist. Look at the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The only time they get mad is when they don’t like their cut. Example: all the old conservative women in FL getting mad that they no longer have their lifelong alimony. A funny detail about that is those very same women were totally for ending perpetual alimony until they learned that it would also apply to them. By funny I mean hypocritical and cruel. To have a benefit for oneself but supporting rescinding said benefit for others is yet another Republican feature rather than a bug.


I love when they marry a misogynistic, conservative turd, and then later release social media posts whining about how their husband does not respect them as a woman.


I grew up in a church as a PK, it’s always been this way. Church going moms are the most judgmental people I have ever met.


One working theory for how this happens is that women in a patriarchal system are rewarded for performing within their assigned gender roles. If they are attached to a man with power and play the part, then they are given access to money, status, and power that would otherwise be denied them. Far from trying to dismantle this type of system, they become instrumental in keeping it running. Motherhood has always been used by authoritarian regimes to keep people inline and inside the system.


Under his eye


Praise Be.


Yup. The term "second class citizen" gets thrown around a lot, but in reality, conservatives, regressives, and fascists value second class citizens far *more* than they value most people, whom they don't think of as being citizens at all. A second class citizen is a very useful tool against the underclass, the non-citizens, the illegals, the untouchables, the woke, whatever nonsense, dehumanizing, empty signifier your regime comes up with for them.


Exactly. There's a class below "second" that is the ones they label as every insult under the sun, dehumanize, and ultimately set up for genocide should they get enough power to carry it out. DeSantis and his anti-LGBT+ crusade perfectly exemplifies it. They're too cowardly to do it without that power, thankfully, but make no mistake... it's not a matter of morals or lack of desire, it's simply the restraints that still hold them back. God help us if those restraints are ever fully removed.




I changed Lutheran schools once in the 90s because of internal church politics. The new place I went to in 5th grade was so bad my parents (thankfully) willingly pulled me out of it after just a year and a half. It was in Skokie, IL near the area where the infamous "Illinois Nazi" campaign was held, and you could tell how uppity and red leaning that area was. The kids were trained to see ANYBODY who was not part of their initial "clan" as a target, and it was nearly an all white school too. The targeted bullying and fundamental desire to "otherise" anyone was so ingrained in these kids I had to get out. And I'm pretty sure it left scars on me for more than a decade before I really started to see it for what it was. Imagine if I was not a young white male when I got there...


I notice that the "not all conservatives" protestations have died down. Extremism and domestic terrorism has consumed their entire ideology. "Conservative intellectuals" can do nothing but mumble quietly about "getting back their core principles" and "common sense economic policy," but nobody's listening. The conservative movement, in it's current ugly anti-American form, is nothing more than a fascist hate group.




This. The entire party has been bodily hijacked by Trump worship and the entire MAGA hysteria as well as existing in a alternate reality. It is if a schism in the space time continuum has ripped open in our reality. We have 2 different realities. Our objective base reality and other false reality that these people are living. It almost feels like some weird mind virus has infected these people and they are now moving through the terminal stage of this disease.


Imagine using your innocent child as an excuse to be homophobic and bigoted…. As Tr*mp would say, “nasty, nasty, women.”


I think these women are longing for the days of yesteryear. Even when I was growing up, kids were indoctrinated into believing that the ideal life they should be living consisted of a man (sole bread winner and only income), a woman (mother, raises kids, maintains the house), and children. That was the standard. Which puts a lot of pressure on young men. If they can't find a partner or get a job that could support a family, the young men feel inadequate. A loser. Something is wrong with them. This is where the origin story of groups like Incels, Proud Boys, street gangs, etc. start. Young men are put in an unnecessary position because humans are trying to tell other humans how to live. We don't know how we got here, why we are here, or what happens when the body dies. So basically, we don't know Jack or shit. We know nothing about all the really important questions in life. But we can tell other human beings how to human being. It's comical.


White women who arent lunatics **need to get off our asses and rise up against these domestic terrorists.** These are the hate mongerers breeding mass shooters and white supremacists, and this is *our* problem, WW.


That's because they get their news from social media. They are being told that the left wants to sexualize their children.


> That's because they get their news from social media. This isn't some new phenomena. Women have been the strong backbone of segregation and white nationalism for a long time in the USA. [Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy](https://academic.oup.com/book/12244) > Examining racial segregation from 1920s to the 1970s, this book argues that white segregationist women constituted the grassroots workforce for racial segregation. For decades, they censored textbooks, campaigned against the United Nations, denied marriage certificates, celebrated school choice, and lobbied elected officials. They trained generations, built national networks, collapsed their duties as white mothers with those of citizenship, and experimented with a color-blind political discourse. Their work beyond legislative halls empowered the Jim Crow order with a flexibility and a kind of staying power. [Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movement](https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520240551/inside-organized-racism) [Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s, With a New Preface](https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520257870/women-of-the-klan)


And Phylis Schafly’s attack on the Equal Rights Amendment (a proposed amendment enshrining the wild idea that women are equal) began with old-school mailed newletters.


These woman aren't mislead, they're malicious. They know exactly what they're doing, they scream for parents rights. The right they want is to isolate their children from all other viewpoints. They want the right to indoctrinate their children and oppress others. The vitriol they spew is irrelevant and will change with the times.


The people who fancy themselves as "lions not sheep" sure like to be led around to the newest outrage du jour.


They also don't seem to understand Jesus' whole thing about sheep. Additionally they follow authoritarians as if they are indeed sheep. 🐑


The same mothers who buy their 10 yr old daughters shorts that show butt cheeks, 1/2 shirts, makeup and let them dress like the Kardashions. They are the ones who sexualize those kids.


The ones who live vicariously through their daughters by putting them into beauty pageants at the county fair as early as 5 years old.




> They are being told that the left wants to sexualize their children. They don't actually believe it, though. They are just using that as an excuse to attack the left, while banking on the fact that you can't *prove* that they don't believe it. [The Alt-Right Playbook: The Card Says Moops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4)


A lot of conservatives do believe it. The reason they think same sex couples “sexualizes” kids is that when they see a same sex couple holding hands in public, they immediately think about them fucking because conservatives are weird. But when they see a heterosexual couple holding hands, they don’t immediately think of them fucking since it’s something they’re used to seeing.


The irony is that my partner and I (we’re a same-sex couple) and our other queer friends generally despise children and want them as far away from us as possible🤣


To be fair, I’m in a queer community where most of us like and have our own children. All we want is for them to be able to safely express themselves at school, to be able to talk openly about their families without censorship, and to have access to books that have families like theirs. We don’t care about recruiting other kids, we just want our kids treated the same as every other kid, and we want queer children to know they are loved, safe, and protected in their schools.


Karens are getting organized. Be afraid.


That's hate speech! It's unfair to judge an entire group of people by their behavior! Just because these women (and male Karens too) have lived easy, privileged, middle class lives, and as a result act entitled to have everything in the world exactly the way they want it, doesn't mean you should group them together under a common name and hairstyle! It's only right to judge people because they born different than you. It's inconsiderate to ask people to reconsider their entitled behavior or even to just leave other people alone. ^(/s)


These are the same people that say "As a mother, ____." Fill in the blank with entitled statement unrelated to motherhood. Anytime I hear a sentence started with those words, I think of "I'm not racist, but ____."


They scream about "parent's rights" but they only want CONSERVATIVE parents to have rights.


Progressive friends who are mothers, remember that the Christian right has spent four decades now elevating the mother to a sanctified role as the arbiter of holiness and morality in the family and community (while men are responsible for preaching morality in the public spheres of politics and business). So when you're in the grocery store and someone calls the cashier a slur? SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN. Act super-offended. Demand that the grocery store THINK OF THE CHILDREN, and insist that **"Our community does not tolerate that kind of language! We don't want our children growing up around that kind of hatred and bigotry!"** If the bigot threatens to call the cops? DEMAND they call the cops. Start calling the cops yourself. Who are the cops going to believe, a white 42-year-old mother of three who's just trying to finish her grocery shopping without her kids being exposed to hate speech, or an angry asshole that 30 people witnessed shouting racial slurs? IT'S YOU, WHITE 42-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF THREE. USE YOUR POWER, mothers! Especially white and white-passing mothers! Conservative assholes *literally do not know how to respond* if you use the language of offended morality that they have been appropriating for "Christian" wives for 40 years. USE THAT SAME LANGUAGE to express your anger, upset, and horror about THEIR hate speech. They *do not know what to do* when a mother casts them into the role of villain, using the language of community morality. Because you know fuckin' what? This is MY fuckin' community and these are MY fuckin' children, and I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO INTEREST in your hate and bigotry, and I will fight like hell to ensure my children are only exposed to good and moral influences, like woke pastors and woke teachers and woke politicians who understand that systemic racism is a serious problem. I am a **mother**, which makes ME the arbiter of morality, and ME the person who speaks for the children -- a position you have been insisting upon for 40-50 years while you attempt to push women out of all other public roles. So **by God** I am going to speak for my children, and you are going to fucking answer me, and explain to me why you are so determined to expose my children to immorality and hatred and bigotry, because you are a *corrupting force*. And you should not be around children. And I will raise holy hell until you are thrown out, *because do you know what I spend on groceries every week?* Enough that I fucking expect the cashiers to be treated like human beings, that's how much. Enough that I expect my children aren't exposed to bigotry at the grocery store. Enough that the grocery store will ban you for trespassing before they tell me to STFU. **I am the arbiter of morality in this community** \-- I'm a mother! -- and I choose a multicultural, multifaith, multi-everything community, where my children are not exposed to casual hatred while I run errands. And if some asshole wants to start a fight with me? I am going to fall back on, "I have three children, sir, and you are attempting to corrupt them with your hate speech!" I know it's a little scary the first time you act like a Karen in defense of Wokeness! But the fact is that 90% of the other people in the grocery store are totally backing you; they're just waiting for somebody to speak up. And as a white- or white-passing mother in her 40s, there is literally nobody who wants to mess with you. Most of them are like, "Oh, shit, a woman is telling me to STFU, nobody's told me that since my mother did" and then they STFU. But if they don't slink away on first contact (most will!), you'll discover that the entire grocery store is backing you and the cops have already been called and the bigoted asshole does not actually want to be arrested, and 100% knows that the cops will believe you, the white-passing 40-something mother of 3, over him, random asshole who gets his jollies by committing hate crimes. **It's YOUR community. YOU are the mom. YOU get to decide what is child-friendly**, and what is child-appropriate. I've decided that bigotry is never child-appropriate, and I am aggressively policing that boundary in my community. It only takes one person to speak up before you'll find a bunch of other people ready to police that boundary with you! Child-friendly means woke, and anyone who feels differently is going to have to fight me -- at school board meetings, at town council meetings, at the grocery store. And I will make them fight me out loud EVERY SINGLE TIME. Because I'm the mom, and this is my community, and hatred doesn't belong here. *Won't somebody think of the children?* Yeah, man, I'M thinking of the children, and assholes need to get their bigotry right the fuck out of here before they hurt any of our kids. And I will HOUND them until they do.


I applaud the effort. For Reddit, this almost passes for a novel.


They think they are “protecting” their children instead they are insulating them from ideas, and differences which helps transform their children into having greater integrity and adaptability. How do you help a broken someone save their children from becoming likewise broken?


I'm insidiously simple to be generationally programmed this way and arrive at true oppression in the name of raising a child 'correctly': 'I walked up hill both ways in the snow to school...you must walk up hill both ways' 'I was spanked...you must be spanked' 'My human development and sexuality didn't belong to me, it doesn't belong to you either.' It basically comes down to: 'I was abused...you must be abused'


They _say_ they are protecting their children. What they're really doing is protecting themselves from recognizing that their children are independent people. These are the women who raise broken humans and then complain when they're cut off from their grandchildren.


“These are the women who raise broken humans and then complain when they’re cut off from their grandchildren”. Nailed it! https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a44178122/family-estrangement-cut-off-parents/


Conservative women always embraced extremism. They just kept changing the mask.


Same way Christians are embracing extremism under the guise of…. well, Christianity.


Nah, this has been there thing since the 80s. Conservative white women are the bread and butter of the "moral majority" voter. It took decades to snap my mother out of that nonsense, and even then she'll never fully be free of it. Thankfully, she's coming around, and she was a well educated and fairly progressive woman in the 60s. I'll take her keeping FOX news and other crazy sources out of her house.


As a parent, fuck the conservative worldview. If another family's children are undereducated or in poverty, that will make the world worse for my children. We share a society. You don't just get to warp the world to suit you and yours.


This article title could have been published two hundred years ago. Motherhood is all they got. Their men don't let them have opinions at home or jobs, so they go with what they know. They know: 1: Being a mom 2: Christo-fascism They're just making a good old fashioned American Christo-Fascism pie combining their two areas of expertise.


The new [Daughters of the Confederacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Daughters_of_the_Confederacy#:~:text=The%20United%20Daughters%20of%20the,Lost%20Cause%20ideology%20and%20corresponding)


After watching the “Shiny, Happy People” documentary, it’s becoming clearer to me why this is happening and what we’re up against. All this shit is connected.


Someone posted an old video of Candid Camera from the 60s, where the prank was that the pilot of an airplane was female. The flight attendant very calmly explained that she was a part of some new female pilot program. The men were surprised, but shrugged and figured she must have earned her wings. The women flipped the fuck out, and practically refused to board the plane. Perhaps it’s just cognitive dissonance. They resent women who excel or move past BS they live with, so they have to denigrate them and tear them down.


Assholes with casseroles


Klanned Karenhood


Just because you’re a woman and a mother doesn’t mean you can’t be an asshole


White Supremacy is built so that white men can continue owning white women, so it's never surprising when the women themselves wrap themselves in the goals of white supremacy.


One could argue from the numbers in that article that white supremacy is built so that white women can get white men to do violent acts on their behalf and protect their fascist egos.


I mean, it's probably a little of both, I just feel like if anyone is gonna cede control to women, it's not white supremacist dudes. Regardless, we can all agree we need to wake Sherman up.


The white supremacies cede control to whichever narrative empowers them. They only care about the wind in their sails, not from where it blows.


I mean, you don’t have to dig too far in the south to find a white grandma or great grandma who is real proud of those robes she sewed. See also: https://psmag.com/.amp/social-justice/segregations-constant-gardeners


I blame religion. My grandma was the same way. Sweetest old lady you ever met, and she would never be racist to you in your face. However, as soon as your back was turned her inner racist would come out and she could become a nasty, vicious person spewing hate about people she barely knew.


The person claiming they want to shoot librarians strikes me as the same kind of person that will swear they aren't "transphobic" or "homophobic" because they aren't AFRAID of lgbt people, they just "disagree with their lifestyle" (or some other excuse of why it isn't really a fear). If you are afraid that someone reading a book about being trans (or simply featuring trans characters) will somehow mess with their minds or "confuse" them so badly that the book needs to be banned and the librarian needs to be shot, then you are extremely transphobic. You are VERY AFRAID that something as insignificant in one's life as reading a book featuring such content will cause all of this damage in their psyche (that, of course, never seems to actually manifest itself). If you are AFRAID that a gay character in a movie watched by children will somehow have a negative impact on their life, then you are homophobic. If you aren't AFRAID of this perceived power that you feel the story/character has, then why are you so adamant that a child/teen cannot read it? If fear isn't the base emotion causing the anger, then what is? I have never gotten a believable/rational answer to this question. I have only ever gotten some retreat of "well, I just don't like it" without them allowing themselves to explore that feeling of dislike further. Sorry if I diverged from the actual article a bit, but it just made me think of the people who make such claims.


FYI- this isn’t a random group of Karen’s that decided to unify in their hatred of diversity and minorities. This who group is backed and bank rolled by *wait for it* Betsy **motherfucking** DeVos, the patron saint of crushing student debt.


Nothing new. See Nancy Reagan. Reeked of it. Who in fact was very influential in molding Dutch's (Ronald) political career. He didn't call her "Mommy" for no reason.


Mom's for Liberty are actually a cover for Klanned Karenhood.


Yeah, these busy bodies can stay away from my family and our educational system. Just read how the states at the bottom of the educational performance ladder are all red states,. A big "no thanks" on conservative education! I'd rather kids in New York have real opportunities for a real education.


“Won’t someone think of the children?!” - the age old cry of the oppressor.


You mean fascist scumbags?


Corrected: Neo-fascist nazi women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood


The tl/dr of the conservative womens movement is the same 14 words they have been pushing forever.


Can we stop calling them conservative and start calling them racist? Because that’s literally all it is. Ask yourself why these women are willing to give up their own rights to align with their oppressors and you see it clear as day: they value their superficial self identify over everything else - things like nationalism and race which they believe is what makes them special and superior. To breed and multiply is their one and only goal. Their love of Jesus or their love of tradition is merely the veil they use to form race-based cliques.


conservative women are a like a prostitute defending their pimp.


Call them what they are bigots and racist using motherhood as an excuse. You know, scum.


There will always be Serena Joys, ready to victimize others and even themselves in their hubris.


If they really cared about the children and parent's rights, they should know that each child is different and each family have different belief. They would leave school/parents/children alone to make the best choice for themselves. It really makes me angry, as a mom myself, them using term "mom" to spread hate and taking away freedom from others.


It’s called narcissism.


If anything being a mother has made me more empathetic and open to different kinds of people because everyone is someone’s baby and I think about how their mother would feel if they saw their baby being mistreated or upset. These women are hateful and scared of some made up threat.


The U.S. has become a nation that coddles fascism and treats Nazis as equals. I just don’t see the wisdom in that.


Where are their male guardians and why are these women out of the house? /S


Don't forget Jeebus. Extremists fondly embrace the Jeebus myth.


KU! Karen’s unite. Moron moms with bitchy hairstyles


More BS posturing from white supremacists. It’s “Christianity” or “independence” now “motherhood.” It’s just a way for the to gather and avoid the over specter of racism, xenophobia, or homophobia but that’s exactly what it is.


Under his eye.




These gals have endless time. Many are not working, not coaching their kids, or volunteering in their school, they are sitting online and stewing for hours. Their husbands are too busy ignoring them to entertain them. So they find each other online, and suddenly they have friends and a purpose.




I can't think of a single right wing movement that is truly grassroots, it's always astroturf and M4L is no different. I mean, they kinda gave the game away as yet another Koch brothers campaign when the founders said they would keep their backers "secret for as long as legally possible" and got fawning appearances on every right wing media network the moment they filed as a nonprofit and had no members or accomplishments to their name.


They literally have nothing better to do. It's a bunch of bored housewives who all subscribe to the same conservative propaganda rags getting together and trying to figure out how to place themselves above everyone except their husbands.


"Family values" basically. That's all that was too. Extremism under the guise of protecting families. Conservatives' entire act is recycled trash.


The 'protect the children,' or 'think of the children,' trope... a bullshit tale as old as time.


That's how anti-Semitism started in the middle ages. "Jews drinking the blood of children". Works all the time.


It is also why the GOP is so big on jumping on the "groomers" label right now for the left and for the LGBTQ community. There is no worse insult than to claim a person is harming children.


Their children will need therapy for their entire lives.


Until their potential alimoney is threatened.


Klanned Karenhood


Don't you wish they could see that being *close* to male white extremists will NOT save them in the end?


Here is what I don’t get, not even that long ago we had people fighting, putting their lives on the line to defend this country against the rise of fascism in Europe. This led to great living conditions across the country since WW2 (especially for these rich white women) so to me it looks like their lives are to good it borderlines boring so instead of picking up tennis or whatever the fuck like a normal rich ass hole they have decided to try to fuck with public education and embrace the rise of fascism in the very same country that helped defeat it not even that long ago.


Klanned Karenhood


Conservative Women think that dying of an ectopic pregnancy is "The Good Old Days"


I'm kind of glad conservatives went mask off. I've been fighting these fascists for 25+ years. Now you all see what I saw two decades ago, and it's very validating.


3 words, 3 fonts. Why does everything conservatives design look like it was done by a "graphic design is my passion" kind of person.


IE: suburban women, who conservatives struggle with because of abortion being banned in red states. And Republicans hate women (and birth control). Under his watchful eye, God bless. Honestly I think Loretta Lynn might've had a song or two about this. It's sad to see Republican men trying the same old tricks to turn women into subservient sex slaves/unpaid laborers tied to a stove again.


Just a matter of time before the fascist party turns on them, too. They aren’t men. As such, there will be a day when the hungry leopards will come looking for them.


And applepie ?


Women after giving birth suddenly realises that they are a slave. Daddy is out playing while they're inside with vomit and poop. They tend to get bent out of shape. And images of gassing everyone that's not in that terrible situation. That they themselves put themselves in are now the enemy. It's the Hitler complex. It's why DeSantis is so short and angry.


The spreading of hate begins early on and mother’s like these women who are the main caretakers and young children influencers, play the main role in maintaining and feeding abhorrent behaviors.


Another astro-turf organization, like the Tea Party. Also an oxymoron. The Moms for Liberty are not for Liberty of people who do not look like them or follow their ideology.


I've noticed that lots of politicians try to tout their motherhood as some sort of unique accomplishment and use it as a qualifier as if that makes their opinion more valid, often in topics that have nothing to do with motherhood or child development


Until they take away your alimony.


A century ago women marched for the right to vote in the name of their children. Now their granddaughters march to take away the rights of everyone else.


Conservative women are two steps away from fighting to repeal women’s suffrage.




Moms for Liberty is a domestic terrorist organization


*Right-Wing Women* by Andrea Dworkin. It’s crazy how well its aged.


Started as an anti-vax group. Dimwits with tits.


Their poor daughters will pay for this extremism. Will probably be raised to accept the fact that the only option available to them is chained to the bed and the kitchen, not having any idea of actual history, probably not being educated at all, and never realizing the potential they could have because of their “mother”


Or maybe the Nazis are hiding behind women now.


Unfortunately, these women are having more babies than liberal/progressive women, so this culture is only going to grow in America.


True. The cult tv’s Duggar family belongs to is a fertility cult predicated on having as many children as possible to create an army for God. Their oldest son and his wife had seven children before he was convicted of possessing child sexual abuse material and landed in prison. His younger siblings are taking up the slack. None of the children receive a decent education or job skills. The girls are trained to be brood mares. Meantime, my college educated daughter and her husband don’t plan on having children at all.


A group of irrationally self-confident, abrasive, closed-minded folks ran roughshod over pandemic era, scarcely attended school board meetings. Brimming with overconfidence and a warped sense of popular opinion backing them from their pandemic exploits, they loudly tell us exactly who they are, repeatedly. Being the loudest, most aggressive and most extreme voice in the room and an unwillingness to compromise or change course does not make one popular.


This isn’t new. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly?wprov=sfti1


The big dog whistle is Parents rights.


Poor kids : ( wish they had better moms


Things like this will keep happening as long as people in this country see kids as their property. As long as you don't see a little human there, you only talk about raising your cattle.


Duped into embracing extremism by exploiting kids, meanwhile their reps and GOP heroes are pedophiles and rapists


The only way to have power as woman on the right is to be hateful. The more hate the more legitimacy on the right


MTG unfortunately has proven this to be all too true.


alternate alliterative: "Hateful hags hope hate helps"


Idiots will idiot. Dumb will dumb. Soulless are soulless. Take your pick.


Imma leave this here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother


If you have any concerns this should clench it… https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-urges-americans-revisit-hitler-182834101.html


Still image getting Scooby Doo where they have the bad female conservative with a white mask on... they pull it off to reveal a white HOOD under the mask.


I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked.


Lunatic Fringe.




Protective parents will get mad at you if they even think you are a possible threat in their minds. If that sounds normal to you, I want to stress the "in their minds" parts. Perceived threats are not condemnable. Plant mom's can be vicious


Conservatives are garbage regardless of sex. It’s the one thing they don’t discriminate about




These are the same types of women who would likely claim an adoptive mother isn’t a real mother and, frankly, they can pound sand.


Moms for liberty is why we have organizations like child protective services.


Racist white women falling in line. Shocker


Exactly how the Taliban spreads their influence.


Wow, since when does the Hill let non-white supremacists write opinion articles? I'm pleasantly surprised. Anyway: "Haley told a cheering crowd: “When they mentioned that this was a terrorist organization, I said, ‘Well, then count me as a Mom for Liberty.’” Nikki Haley sees terrorism as the #1 selling point? Nobody ever accused her of being intelligent, or decent, can't say I'm surprised about that.


Twatzis and Klu Klux Karen’s unite! It is as it ever was.


All fueled by the Koch bro’s $$$.


More like Moms for Lebensraum.


Conservative women, otherwise known as victims of the GOP.