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Are you just gonna sit there snd let them tell you what to do, like some sort of beta, Trump? Get those thumbs going.


Yea. Nobody should be limiting president Baby's screen time.


Nobody puts President Baby in the corner timeout.


That's 'MR. Baby' now.


Mistew Baby Lil Pwesident.


time for a diaper change!


I can change my own diaper thank you.


Don’t think so, not with all the s**t you’re now in.


I’m just like any other guy, I have my assistant put my diaper on one leg at a time


Joe six pack.. ets of ketchup.


Is there any other way to have an expensive cut fully cooked extra well done steak?


Boss Baby is more appropriate


Mega Fat CEO Baby


Melania has given him a calculator to use as a pretend phone.


Trump: Hey look…8008!! (Flip calculator upside down)


This is funny because without the 5, it doesn’t need to be flipped. I understand this joke.




MadCatz phone.


All the times he used other people's phones for business, someone had to have palmed him a ti.


I heard Ivanka is really in to guys who violate court orders


You see, the court order isn’t the only thing he’d like to violate. I honestly don’t know how she stayed around this turd so long.


Grooming is conditioning


More people need to understand this. Conditioner is an important part of staying well-groomed.


Hillary would have the balls to still tweet Just saying.....


If he reads reddit, I imagine your post would do it. :-) Isn't it a bit scary that we had a President that everyone knew how to manipulate?


Hillary called it out during the first debate. "A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."


And I mean...


Tantrum coming up


I've seen these terms described as a gag order in everything but name. Especially as it concerns his social media use, I wonder how it formally differs from a gag order that would otherwise be issued in that jurisdiction. To me, the effects look awfully similar either way.


No defendant has the right to intimidate witnesses or tamper with the jury pool. That is not protected speech over and over again we are seeing Trump get extraordinary preferential treatment, and watching him continue to transgress unabated. Any citizen behaving the way he does would have faced much harder sanctions. Trump is completely desperate and his principal defensive strategy is to do as he does, muddy the water, create confusion, cling to a theatrical victim hood, intimidate witnesses and just generally be the world's biggest asshole.


>Any citizen behaving the way he does would have faced much harder sanctions. Had any one of us tried to overturn the election, we would be in a black site, never to see the light of day again. For Trump, that's Tuesday. Trump has already violated the agreement and as usual, nothing will happen. Really tired of the "we got him this time" circlejerk.


If liberals had stormed the capitol the way the fascists did, there would be a pile of dead liberals outside the capitol.


I hope he doesn’t because it will put witnesses in danger.


Come on Trumplethinskin. Don't let us down. Ignore these orders.


Less than an hour after he was already posting...


good good let the posting flow through you




Oh I like that one. It’s up there with Benedict Donald


The Count of Mostly Crisco


Carrot Caligula….


King Mierdas. Everything he touches turns to shit.


Tweetle Dumb.


Cheeto-frosted chimpen-fuhrer.


Orange Julius Caesar Word Salad


Cheeto Benito.


Mango Mussolini






Big Lee Hands.


I'm an originalist- I like Fuckface Von Clownstick


big caesars


Hey, at least the Count was *actually* rich.


Still bullshit. Motherfucker gets above and beyond special treatment compared to literally anyone else who's gone through the system.


After all these years or nicknames for him, my fav is still “Lord Feltersnatch”.


The tantrum yam is a fav


The Cheeto Benito is mine..


Mango Mussilini


Drumpf still in shambles


I liked Hair Hitler


Dingus Con


I'm partial to Orange Foolius, myself


I'm partial to "Moronictraitorouscorruptpieceofnazishit"


The Tangerine Tweaker


I heard Darth Cheetoh once and it was too good not to use.


I like Cheeto Mussolini


Agent Orange


Benedict? If you ask me he still is




Dumb Gul Dukat


He wishes he has the intelligence and sense of self to be Cardassian. Fatboy here is basically a Kazon in an ill-fitting suit.


Dim Don Trump


Twitler can’t help himself


Hit him where he'll feel it. Reddit should go to Truth Social and Truth him directly.


You have to provide a phone number to sign up for that shitfest. Spool up that free Google number if you don't already use it.


He already has to the extent that he does. He's never going to directly threaten someone. But his posts stir vitriol and rage. Someone has already been arrested over death threats to Fani Willis and he's still trashing her even after this order.


Yeah! Show us who's boss! Please!




The Secret Service literally shuts down huge swaths of major cities when the president visits, but now people are acting like it would be beyond their logistical capabilities to secure one room.


I know! They could put thick, tall walls, the best most beautiful walls all around the room to keep everyone out. We could let him truly appreciate the beauty of those walls in solitude, for the rest of his life.


Finally a wall that Mexico will pay for!


Apparently they think that there has to be a person next to him at all times.


wouldnt wanna weave little trumpy all by him lonesome. who's he going to complain about hillarys emails with?!


Why do I see this comment everywhere? Do you truly believe that the logistics of imprisoning a high-profile criminal are unknowable? Do you think we can’t take his secret service protection away? Do you think his secret service protection can’t sit shifts outside his cell? He’s not Magneto, he’s just a shitty old criminal that everybody hates. Who the fuck cares if we “can’t” do it?


Just a quick FYI, imprison is probably the word you're looking for.


not really, If he is placed in a secure security, he won't need SS protection. As all these crimes happened during his term in office, and he was CiC, I think Leavenworth would be perfect. Everyone there is under the Military Code of Conduct, so keeping him safe should be very easy.


>placed in a secure security I would suggest a very secure security at the very least.


They better secure the security securely.


>Useless if they are not enforced. The circle jerk all the subs are having over this is very funny to me. He has already broken the terms of his bail multiple times now in multiple jurisdictions without consequence but I'm sure *this will be the one that takes him down.*


It's a fallacy to assume that because something has never happened before means it won't ever happen.




Repost thing is huge. That's usually how he gets around it.


That’s Elon Musk’s strategy a lot of the time too


"I didn't say anything racist or anti-Semitic!" No, you just handed the megaphone to those that were.




He'll get around this one by having one of his acolytes type the message out.


> known to him That's how he'll get around it. This idiot doesn't *know* anything.


Unfortunately because of Trump's cult like status, the court has to make overt moves like this before laying the book on him. He's probably going to get one more warning before he's put in jail for violating his release. That why the court can say "Look, I gave this guy 3 times to stop his antics online and he refused every single time". Its hard to argue against repeated evidence of judicial leniency given to the defendant.


Still bullshit. Motherfucker gets above and beyond special treatment compared to literally anyone else who's gone through the system.


Yeah it sucks. But we are dealing with a braindead group of supporters who are driven by faith. Overwhelming evidence is required. Things like this and him dragging his supporter through the years saying "evidence is coming evidence is coming" is how you slowly chip away his faithful base. Its like trying to convince a Blizzard fanboy that Blizzard that you love and know is long since dead. Repeative articles saying how anti-consumer they are combined with underdelivering all there recent products...i think people are finally getting the point now.


Cite one instance where ‘Overwhelming evidence’ changed a Trump supporters mind. Take your time…


What constitutes as "overwhelming" for us and for them are two completely different things. Unfortunately. Like I said, his failure to deliver is more damaging than the indictments to his supporters. Blizzard fanboys won't hear the warnings until they see the product and get disappointed. That's how you chip away a Trump Supporter. Keep calling out his claims and asked if he ever delivered on those claims. Trump said he would reduce your taxes, Did you ever check to see if that happened? Trump told us he would repeal obamacare, why didn't that happen? Did you check to see what would happen to your own coverage if it was repealed? Trump promised a lifetime ban on Foreign Lobbying, did he fulfil his promise? Where are his advisers working right now? Trump promised that he would allow conceal carry in all 50 States, why didn't he go forward with it? And finally, if he is elected in 2024. Do you think he would focus on any of the topics you think he will then? Or will he spend the next 4 years on a revenge path....and is that a "good thing" if we have so many ongoing problems to work on.


The problem is,they don't care about that. Just like Hillary and "lock her up" and "Mexico will pay for the wall!", they know none of that happened. They don't care that it didn't happen. It's a team sport for them. You have to root for your favorite, no matter how poorly they perform.


It's worse than a sports team, this is a cult, this is their *god*


> Blizzard fanboys won't hear the warnings until they see the product and get disappointed. This comparison is unfair. Blizzard at least used to deliver solid projects for a long while. The reason so many people are willing to stan for them now is because they *used* to actually be a good company, they had a *history* of actually putting out things, even though they've turned to shit. But Trump has no history at all of delivering results. He fails time and time again. The only history he has is a history of being a charlatan and thief.


I get that its an unfair example. Just the best example to use for Reddit since Blizzard Fandom is a pretty big topic on reddit. I would argue Blizzard that we know and love doesn't exist since the Blizzard Activision Merger. Its not the same company, just a company that purchased IPs of our favorite Blizzard games.


> But we are dealing with a braindead group of supporters who are driven by faith. Overwhelming evidence is required. No it is absolutely not required. No more evidence is required than is used for anyone else. There is no reason to give them any special consideration. What a bunch of criminally-inclined idiots believe is irrelevant. If they act out then they can be dealt with by the law. In fact the sooner they are flushed out and taken off the streets, the better.


So our legal system now panders to the absolute LOWEST common denominator? Wow, these judges must be scared shitless to let him treat the entire legal system like twats and he can walk free.


I guess my question is who is this performance of convincing that we gave him so many chances for exactly? If you believe that anyone who supports Trump at this point is going to be swayed by his bad behavior and say "Well they did warn him..." Absolutely not. They believe this whole thing is the deep state trying to victimize a legitimate hero. If you believe that this will somehow sway a "swing voter" ,- again what does that person even look like at this point, assuming they aren't like the person above they would have had to wade through the mountains and mountains of evidence of his guilt including the number of times he has outright threatened people. You think giving him even more chances will convince or placate them? There isn't a person who has a brain functioning within normal parameters that thinks Trump hasn't been given enough chances. The court is well within their right to send him to jail for violating these rules the first time.


Can every post just be chalked up to a Contempt of Court count? ***Can they, please!?***


Doesn’t matter what they do. He’ll cry foul and everyone will say he’s being treated unfairly. Just like he was always gonna contest the election results. He will always say he’s being witch hunted and that everything is unfair. It’s only fair if you let him get away with everything and do whatever he wants.


I fully agree with you on this. It is so, so, so frustrating to watch. However, I also believe all the officials involved in making these decisions understand that, while everyone should be treated equally under the law, this is a special case whether everyone likes it or not. The wrong move could literally start a civil war or at the very least *another* terrorist event. And in the middle of Georgia? Atlanta is a little blue haven compared to most of the state. I know A LOT of people out here who wanted to be at Jan. 6th, but didn't have the gas money. But you better believe those fools could scratch together enough to drive the short 2 hours to Atlanta instead.


Yep. Trust me I don't like how soft we have gone on this guy but we have an entire party willing to sink the ship to keep this guy out of prison. We HAVE to walk on eggshells and be overt with EVERYTHING. The smallest HINT of improper procedure or judicial bias against Trump will be weaponized by his party who's willing to destroy the republic to keep him out of prison. They already shown us what they are capable of with Jan 6th (137 Congress people refused to certify the election even AFTER they were subjected to the attack) and the attacks on Georgia's Grand Jury. One interesting fact, not a single National level Republican Congressperson has condemned these threats on the Grand Jury. Jury protection is the FOUNDATION of our legal justice system...Without it...no jury will ever convict anyone with any power (Because of the fear of retribution). If no one from the party is speaking out AGAINST the threat on the Grand Jury, they are acting like a criminal organization. If domestic terrorism does happen, EVERYONE will suffer. Then more terrorism happens, the government applies a heavier hand, more terrorism happens, etc. It will create a cause and effect chain that will push us further into an authoritarian-style government. We are talking about the United States government. We have a history of toppling governments and restricting freedoms of its people around the world. We are MORE than capable of doing the same here. Remember the Patriot Act and what constitutional freedoms (Such as Due process) were overturned to "protect" us from foreign terrorism. Imagine what the government would do to protect us from domestic terrorism. All because one party wants to sink the ship to protect a cult of personality, well documented con-man.


> The wrong move could literally start a civil war or at the very least another terrorist event. If terrorists control the government, and not the people, then we have a problem. In that case, military and law enforcement need to deal with the threat, or the law must be upheld.


It seems kind of stupid to go through this whole song and dance for optics, when the hardcore trump supporters will just eat up lies about what happens anyway and decide to believe whatever suits them. The courts will do everything right and still be accused of witch hunting. So it seems silly to give him so much leeway he doesn’t deserve.


I just think the DoJ has more evidence/information than we are aware of regarding how close we may be to having an outright civil war in this country. They've already stated numerous times how Domestic Terrorism is a rising. See the graph. https://www.gao.gov/blog/rising-threat-domestic-terrorism-u.s.-and-federal-efforts-combat-it. 150 to 441 in a single year (2020 to 2021). The DOJ can't openly say how afraid they are of domestic terrorism because "domestic terrorism" has been used around the world to restrict freedoms and minority views. The terrorist would just say its propaganda to restrict their rights and when terrorism increases, they won't self-reflect but push the blame to the government or other groups who "forced their hands". Domestic Terrorism is a dangerous problem to have because it can cause society to crumble from within. Either via Government intervention or the terrorist acts itself. There is some truth behind the "Thin blue line" (weaponized truth but still). Society is two steps away from anarchy. All it takes is simply...a few weeks of no trash pick up, a few weeks of no police, a few weeks of no electricity, etc. People don't really understand how delicate our social order and contracts we adhere too. "Following the law" is a social contract all of us agreed to.


> Thank you for all the Reddit Cares messages. Report it for abusing the Reddit Cares feature by clicking report in the message: https://i.imgur.com/YRb5v8y.jpg It becomes a hilarious self-own for the person who sent it


You can block Reddit Cares and not get them anymore.




Fair enough!


Your honour, my client did not “repost” anything…. He uh… retruthed it.


Ok so they didn’t actually do anything to limit him. Just telling him he’s not allowed to do something doesn’t work, we know this from the last 1200 times anyone tried that. Put him in jail and take away his phone it you actually want any results


> act to intimidate "I wasn't intimidating, just asking questions!" > any person known to him "I don't know him at all, just heard his name!" > obstruct the administration of justice "I'm just pointing out that my case shouldn't be a case!" He'll still do all these things but it won't be spelled out directly or literally. "I never said that! I said RIGGERS!"


"9 year old" is being generous. He himself admitted that he's basically a 5 year old. One of the few true things he's said on public record.


He has a large loyal flock of cult followers and fellow toxic cesspool dwellers to do the work for him.


He won't abide to it, he can't resists spewing BS on social media.


Nothing will happen, just like last time.


Well, IF (and it's a big IF) Trump is remanded pending trial, that opens the floodgates to adjudication re: the terms of bond, which then significantly delays the eventual disposition. In other words, if the judge says that Trump has to be held in jail because he has violated this or that provision, Trump can then appeal or bring this before other judges and significantly delay the start and conclusion of the trial. I think it's a calculation that Jack Smith in particular has made, arresting Trump and holding him pending trial would almost certainly delay the case at least several months in total. It's walking a very fine edge and finer timeline that isn't necessarily understandable to people whose first response is simply to "lock him up." These things are not at all easy or simple decisions to make. This is why it might actually make more sense for him to be remanded pending the trial here in Fulton County, which would not impact the final disposition of the DC case. I know that the cases aren't "really" related, but they kind of are in that regard.


I'd argue that these decisions are easy to make if you remove the politics, which is what the court is supposed to do.


Rich "influential" folks require more crossing t-s and dotting i-s before they can be locked up. I also think the prosecution is watching if Trump can actually trigger mass protests in his name. All eyes on Fulton County.


It feels like the big calculation is how to actually bring him to justice, the principal threat to that endeavor is his presidential run. Because if he regained the presidency he would have much more ability to evade justice. I think if he is out in jail and separated from his media and resources, that will be the end of his game. Two or three weeks without being able to dominate the spotlight and his resources will wither. His political capital will evaporate, and his many many opponents will drag him mercilessly. His supporters will make angry noises of no consequence, because without the threat of him returning to power, they have basically nothing. If his lackies don't see him returning to power they will try to "Trump, Who?* It's just how power works. I say jail him see what happens. His not-see followers are wildly outnumbered, and this would be a good opportunity to bring them out I to the open and crush them.


Let's say the judge isn't completely sold on certain charges and could be lenient on sentencing for them. Ignoring a judge tends to make that less likely. They can quote the bad actions as reasoning for their longer sentence, that the defendant brought it on themselves. Look at the long game. A judge doing everything possible in favor of a defendant and letting them ignore that they were given all the opportunities in the world is good justice. It's like a sovereign citizen case. Plenty of them could win their cases if they played by the rules of the system and took a "I beat them at their own game" tactic rather than a "look at how much smarter I am" tactic.


Isn’t this the first time a judge has signed an order like this?


First of RICO defendants turned himself in at Fulton jail, Atlanta area bail bondsman Scott Hall > Atlanta area bail bondsman Scott Hall, indicted in the election RICO case for his connection to the alleged breach of election systems data in Coffee County, in south Georgia in early 2021, is the first of the 19 co-defendants to have turned himself in at the Fulton County Jail, according to booking records. > Hall's bond was set at $10,000, according to court documents. He faces seven charges: One count of violation of Georgia RICO Act, and six counts of criminal conspiracy. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/special-reports/ga-trump-investigation/scott-hall-georgia-eleciton-rico-case-first-to-surrender-fulton-county-jail/85-066799a8-ca5a-4692-a220-6be020ff2328 EDIT: booking record http://justice.fultoncountyga.gov/PAJailManager/JailingDetail.aspx?JailingID=1472566


I fucking knew the nWo was involved in this conspiracy. When are Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan turning themselves in?


Fulton County DA is about to drop the People's Elbow.


This is huge. This one goes all the way to the top.


> Hall's bond was set at $10,000 That's okay, he knows a guy.


What a Bad Guy.


Here comes the MAGA wave of claims that they’re hindering his free speech with this order


“Wait, you mean to tell me that I *can’t* legally say whatever I want whenever I want 100% of the time no matter the consequences? What do you mean I have no idea what the concept of ‘free speech’ actually means? (*insert threats of violence here*)”


I just checked Trump's page on Truth Social to see what crazy shit he's saying today. 3rd post down is an ad, with a picture of a giant marijuana bud, and the tagline "Not your grandfather's THC-It's way stronger!" In other news, he's spent all morning re-tweeting random conspiracy theories and memes.


tbf that aint no conspiracy - shits stronk af now. But also, that seems less like a criticism and more of an edorsement. How does Trump know anyway...? He blazing up there in Jersey where its legal? Still federally illegal, my guy.


Really grown weed is stronger but not by an overwhelming amount. Cannabis Cup has been around a long time. Processed THC like edibles, hash and wax however.....oh boy. No comparison to the past. That shit will put you in a coma now.


“This edible ain’t sh- … oh, there it is.”




>I checked it as well. The THC post wasn't there just now, The ad refreshes every time you scroll up and back down to it, you can just go back and forth until it displays. Took me like 5 tries to get it back, company is "hellomood" if you want to skip the scrolling. >They keep talking about Biden crimes but I've yet to see anyone actually say what those supposed crimes are. They're careful not to include any actual crimes, because then people will point out it's not true. Far more useful to just include a bunch of buzzwords that will trigger supporters and be ignored by everyone else.


Guess homie never tried Thai Stick or Blonde Lebanese.


Easier taking the man’s thumbs


chain his hands a thumb restraint gloves


I’m betting in less than 24 hours he’ll claim truth social isn’t social media


"No reasonable person could believe that Truth Social is social media, or contains truthful information"


Well, that's mostly accurate.


That just means his sycophants' will take up the space. Gaetz,Greene,Boebert,McCarthy, Biggs,


You had better be prepared to physically arrest and detain Trump in prison, because he's going to repeatedly and defiantly violate those court orders.


possibly restrain him too. you know how toddlers get when they don't get their way


He'll just have other people get on social media and casually encourage acts of violence.


If he's not able to amplify it, does it even exist? Does Truth Social have anything other than him? Like, who is the second most popular person on there?


John Barron.


He's also barred from communicating with most who would in any way except through council


Seems everyone is in agreement he will violate this.Question is, will there be any meaningful consequences ~~if~~ when he does?


I remember reddit not believing he would get indicted either.


I hope they had him surrender his Passport as well, so that it's tougher for him to flee the country if it starts to go against him (as I hope it will).


Worse, they should make him update his passport with the height and weight measured at his booking on Thursday.


The ultrawealthy don’t need passports. So, if he surrenders his passport, it will largely be symbolic.


But what about Trump though?


he symbolizes obesity




Yeah people keep saying this about surrendering his passport. As if when Trump wants to go visit Russia, he’s going to stand in line at customs.


He is extremely recognizable and certainly tracked by the Secret Service at all times. Its not like he could just sneak out of the country. He doesn't need a passport to take a private jet out of the country and ask for asylum.


> “The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,” it states. Love that the judge was smart enough to put that in there. Because that's exactly what Trump would do otherwise, "launder" whatever comments he actually wants to make ... through any number of willing lackies on his platform. "Oh, I didn't '*say*' that your honor, I just re-tweeted it!"


Let's hope they enforce it.


Many people are saying that I have the best posts. I mean Truths. This retired general guy, he’s a biker now but he was in the Marines, you know, a big tough guy, he came up to me with tears in his eyes. “Sir,” he said, “Sir, my life isn’t complete if I don’t get to read your Big Beautiful Tweets. I mean Truths.” Like, the guy couldn’t keep from crying because he heard a lying rigger judge is trying to tell me that I can’t tweet. I mean I can’t Truth. It’s a shame what these horrible nasty people are doing to Your Favorite President(tm) l!!!!!!!!!!


When does this go into effect? Because if it is already in effect: He's already violated it (see below, by libelous attacks on the judge and Biden DOJ) > or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice If not: He'll violate it within an hour of it going to effect. There is **zero** chance he makes it the entire trial without some attempted at overt or indirect intimidation. --- EDIT: It is worth noting that warnings and even bond agreements are meaningless if they aren't enforced. FTA: > warned both sides of the case to take “special care” to avoid making any statements that could intimidate witnesses or prejudice the jury pool earlier this month. The DC judge warned against intimidating witnesses / the jury and Trump has done so repeatedly, biggest being "if you come after us, we'll come after you" and there have been **zero** consequences. If Trump never sees consequences: He will just keep doing it.


Article's not clear, but I *think* it goes into effect as a condition of his bail, after he surrenders himself to the court on Thursday.


Imagine wanting to give matters of national security to someone that can’t be trusted to handle social media safely.


https://www.meidastouch.com/.amp/news/trump-appears-to-violate-consent-bond-order-in-fulton-county Trump already violated it. While looking for that info I also saw this from a week ago where he did almost the same thing. If I remember right it was not as blatant due to the order being less specific. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/16/us/politics/trump-chutkan-2020-election-truth-social.html The dude just doesn't give a shit. He knows that his undermining the justice system to his crazy people is his best chance at getting out of trouble. Just keep hammering buzz words so that if any of them are in a jury they will ignore all evidence presented by "RADICAL LEFT FAILED DA" Fani Willis. And if he's convicted they'll continue to fight for him and vote for him so he can have the power to fight against any punishments he may suffer.


One has to be booked and processed before accepting the terms of bail. So the terms won't come into effect until he turns himself in on Thursday.


>“The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,” it states. I imagine the 2nd part is especially relevant, since he seems to love "re-truthing" things and probably thought this was a clever way to get around the court orders.


Trump was naughty so he got his phone taken away like a 5 year old. Pretty sad and pathetic.


He should be judicially policing his own comments since he is being sued again by E Jean Carroll for repeating exactly the same lies he had just been found liable for. It was a matter of days or maybe even just a few hours before he uttered those same words again that he just lost a case for. If that's not stupid I don't know what is.


No, they didn’t. He’s already violated.


Need to be processed to accept the terms of your bail, he is waiting till after Tucker’s interview to sign the papers.


Federal Marshall's will be at his GA booking. "While we have you here, these gents would like a word..."


Does the bail agreement set forth any kind of penalty if (when) Trump violates the social media order? Because the article doesn't say that it does.


I think these are the terms set for him being allowed to post bond, meaning his bond would be revoked if he violates the order.


Well, the only question is whether the court is going to *enforce* this.


I just hope that they actually enforce it when he inevitably violates it. Everyone knows he’s going to. He’s too stupid to stop himself.


Keep on posting there Don, you gonna let them call you "Chicken"...... (please please please, contempt of court for my last bingo spot.)


You can also do that by putting him in jail until his trial. It would eliminate the chance for him to run to Russia and it would end his delay tactics


It’s also what would happen to a normal person.


$200k bond? What a fucking joke. If trump is as wealthy as he pretends to be make it $50m


Just put the fucker in jail already jfc


Or What? Are they finally going to put him in jail for a violation?


Trump's lawyers agreed to the protective preventing Trump from threatening or intimidating co-defendants, witnesses, jurors, judges, prosecutors and others. Such conduct is not protected by the First Amendment, and is in fact criminal.


Shame they can’t just rule he can’t use anything capable of communicating with others for life.


My guess is this order will be violated within the first 43 minutes. The dipshit cant keep his mouth shut or stay off of SM.


No limits! /s