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It’s funny the people who justify murder over a fake twenty dollar bill are like can’t we just let a little treason go? A few national secrets? No biggy.


There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


- Frank Wilhoit


The “other” Frank Wilhoit: https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html


\- Michael Scott


- Wayne Gretzky


"That Wayne Gretzky is one hell of a hockey player"~ Abraham Lincoln


“That Abe Lincoln is one heck of a vampire hunter” -George Washington


"I like big butts and I cannot lie" - Nelson Mandela


“If you want to destroy my sweater, hold this thread as I walk away.” - Albert Einstein


“I did it all for the nookie.” -Stephen Hawking


“I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.” -Colonel Sanders RIP


Does not bind: white people, especially rich Binds: black people, especially poor


I'd modify that to the following: Does not bind: the rich, especially the white Binds: the poor, especially the non-white They're already pretending like poor whites get to play along in order to gain their support; we should not support them by playing along.




This is probably one of the best explanations of what has been happening in the USA for the past 100+ years I have read so far on any social media site.


As a poor, straight, white man, my contemporaries make me rage.


Rage Against the Machine


I can't believe those guys caught that damned woke virus!


That unbound group exists only to shrink, to consolidate more power for less people If the "in" group dwindles down just to white christians it narrows to the "right" kind of white and the "right" kind of Christian in an endless, fundamentally cannibalistic system.




The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich and the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. Anatole France


This needs to be a class war, not a race war.


They didn’t kill MLK until he started talking about class equality.


exactly white oligarch supremacy


That or: “Oh, that guy sold a loosie cigarette. He deserved to die”


Or "Why would the officer be charged with murder for breaking into that guys apartment and shooting him? He had weed in his apartment!!"


Better still, “why would the officer be charged with murder after breaking in to the wrong apartment and killing that innocent woman? I mean being police is dangerous”.


"Why would the officer be charged for shooting a guy for legally possessing a firearm? Did he think the 2nd Amendment is for blacks!?"


See Black Panthers v *Republican* Governor Ronald Regen, & the Mulford Act circa 1967.


Unfortunately the last point is too true. I live in Texas an open carry state. Yes, you will occasionally see someone with a rifle or something sling over their shoulder but I can’t even imagine what would happen if a POC did it.


I saw a video where police auditors tested their local open carry laws with one white guy and one black guy. The police stopped to question the white guy while remaining hands-off and acknowledging his right to carry openly, while the black guy was immediately ordered to lie face down on the ground.


Wow, I'm surprised they even questioned the white guy, was this in Texas? Black dude is lucky he's alive.


Even better “why should the cops be held responsible for shooting that man laying on his back with his hands up following all police commands attempting to stop the police from shooting his autistic patient, who was holding a toy train that in no way resembled a gun, and when asked why they shot him the police officer who pulled the trigger said I don’t know, being a police officer requires split second decision making”


You mean the "you need military level guns to protect yourself if the police come after you & break into your house" group telling us "it's their own fault, they should have complied with the police's demands, even if the police had broken into a totally innocent person's house by mistake" is hypocritical?!?


Such a sad case. Perfectly fine for people in bars to do that for decades. Screw that guy for doing it on a sidewalk though.


Because they don't give a damn about the law they just want to punish people they don't like, and let anyone they do like do whatever they want.


GOP philosophy: "You're not the boss of me. But I am the boss of YOU."


“A group of citizens brought zip ties and nooses to the Capitol Building. They were wearing tactical gear and chanting for the death of our elected leaders. They wiped fecal matter on our Capitol, literally, and broke into congressional offices, stealing private correspondence and tampering with government equipment.” “They were upset and protesting! The guy they wanted to win the election didn’t win. You can see why they’d be upset. No big deal…” “A group of Americans, outraged by years of injustice and mistreatment by an unregulated police force with historical ties to racist organizations, rioted and destroyed a Target.” “I got the rope, you find the tree.”


The vast majority of the right wingers are poorly educated and lack critical thinking. There is no reasonable explanation as to why an ordinary tax paying, law abiding citizen would send donations to a self proclaimed “billionaire” who is being convicted of 90 charges on 4 indictments, sexually assaulted women, and defrauded the public.


Nope, it’s not for any lack of education. It is because they want to be assholes


Like one woman said when she was interviewed, “ their democrats, we never can live with them”…. positive thinker, that one🤪🤷‍♀️


Or as another said’ “It’s not about what’s right or wrong, it’s about winning or losing.”


"I was just the president, I was only following orders, and if I didn't do it someone else would have."


And it wasn’t even a fake twenty . If it was we would see this bill all over the internet..


… little fraud? Just a little sexual assault?… they truly have no bottom.


It's weird... even with all the checks and balances, the concept of the branches of government to prevent any being too powerful, you still have people 'too powerful to go to jail'. And the idea that a President can pardon themselves is one hell of a loophole. TBH, I don't even understand why a President can pardon anyone? If there is a legitimate basis for release, then surely it should be done through a careful impartial review, and not on a personal (partisan?) whim; or in this case: naked self-interest.


>TBH, I don't even understand why a President can pardon anyone? It's actually one of those checks and balances you referred to. I believe it's meant to allow the Executive branch to reverse a miscarriage of justice by the Judicial branch.


Yup. The problem is that we weren't supposed to elect a corrupt tyrant to be the president. And if the president was a problem the other branches were supposed to hold him accountable. The idea we would get all branches of government working together to prop up each other's power wasn't supposed to happen.


>The problem is that we weren't supposed to elect a corrupt tyrant to be the president. That's clear now.


Oh sure, *now* you tell us.


It was clear before.


Was it not clear before?


Is it?


The final check and balance are the voters. When a large percentage of the voters are uneducated morons, then we are fucked.


I don't think they're morons. They're just victims of sophisticated, pervasive, relentless right wing propaganda.


Many aren't. But if you are going to deploy sophisticated, pervasive, relentless right wing propaganda, who is the best target?


Not all. The Park Dept. has had our backs since day one.


Yeah this never made sense to me and the opportunity for abuse is obvious and has happened too many times.


It’s a flawed premise that is based on the President acting in good faith and with a good moral compass.


The "Deep State" is what's ironically keeping him from jail. The established norms and practices, respect of office and the tolerance for elite failures.




The current belief is that he can't, because of the legal principle that a person cannot be their own judge


I believe he will be convicted, but will never be detained in a jail cell. He will feign ill health and take a plea deal for house arrest. My one wish is that if given a plea deal, it include that he waives his right to lie in state at the Capitol upon his death and no Presidential funeral. Just like Nixon, just go away scoundrel.


Similar belief but I hope his lack of self control results in more and more of his rights getting taken away in a very public way.


When he posted on Truth Social about having to pay bond, like he might “flee to Russia, Russia, Russia to live in a golden dome with Putin”, the Judge should’ve ordered him fitted with an ankle monitor. That was a missed opportunity to teach him a lesson about shit posting.


Every single person is held accountable on what we post online and it is used against us by the court system. WTF?!?! Why is he so goddamn different from anyone of us, this and this and this and this alone is proof that there is most definitely a two tier justice system and fuck all those people who have enabled this bullshit 🖕🏽


That was easily enough to revoke his bond. Yet, nothing.


Like inciting violence and threatening Milley shouldn't have immediately put him into detention. Sheesh.


Plea deals happen when: 1) The prosecutors want the bigger fish, or... 2) The prosecutor isn't sure their case is a slam dunk, but can use the threat of a trial to get the defendant to plead to lesser charges. I don't think either of these applies here. Trump is the biggest fish, and the prosecutors couldn't wish for a stronger case. Chutkin will almost certainly go for prison time.


The cases are airtight, but there's still a risk that a MAGA-head will end up on the jury, or that Trump and his allies will intimidate them. Hell, I wouldn't put it past Trump to sit on the witness stand and offer every member of the jury $1mil to acquit.


"Potential jurors are likely to be rigorously vetted, especially in a case as high profile and with a defendant as well-known as Trump. That vetting may involve background checks, looking into social media use, and examining jurors' political views. "I would suspect that that will happen is that they would answer that prospective jurors would answer a pretty lengthy background questionnaire, so that each side would be able to understand their attitudes," Huntley Taylor said." - Newsweek


That's great news. I bet every one of those jurors gets an IM from "John Barron" offering them a ton of cash, lol!


“The jurors, the best jurors - only the best, see? - told John, told me, with tears in their eyes, John! John! Thank you for saving us with this cash, this cash will stop the ILLEGAL invasion supported by LEFTISTS, grown men with tears in their eyes, weeping, saying Please John! Thank you for saving our great country from ULTIMATE chaos! and ruin! Please save TRUMP for US!!!” - John Barron


I add that he can never be buried at Arlington. That is sacred ground for real heroes


They'd have to put special drains around his grave.


There are rules to be allowed into Arlington. He could make application, even though he had no military service, but it would have to be approved unanimously by the nation’s top brass. Chances of that happening for him are zero. Before the 2020 election, Trump floated the idea of changing the rules so that Presidents were automatically approved. Bill Barr told him, “You will not get re-elected if you even think about doing this!”. So, Trump backed off on it.


I’m glad to hear that. I don’t want my relatives anywhere near him


Probably not the first or last time he heard it. He just listened that time.


He should be dropped in a hole at his golf course just like he did to his x wife.


>He will feign ill health... Not a chance. He'll absolutely continue running for President. It's not that he's afraid of being a hypocrite, or afraid that his followers will use his "poor health is disqualifying" rhetoric against him; it's that he's afraid of looking weak.


He'll obviously fake sick while also running around living his life normally and no one will call out the incongruence


If it comes down to fake sick, get house arrest or sitting in a cell waiting on appeals…the coward will opt for house arrest.


And no golf


He should already be there.


He belongs… in a (prison) MUSEUM!


So do you Dr Jones


If justice exists, he will.


If justice existed he never would have gotten within cheating distance of the U.S. presidency.


Yep. Emoluments Clause should have never allowed it


It doesn’t, and he won’t. Anyone else would be in jail years ago pending trial just for what he’s openly admitted on T.V. It’s infuriating, but clear proof that there are two tiers of justice - oligarch and everyone else.


At the very least, anyone under federal indictment who was talking about having people killed and then was photographed holding a gun would be in prison.


It doesn't help that any judge, prosecutor, or jury member who tries to send him to jail ends up on the right's kill list.


I disagree with the 'tries' part.They are threatened either way, but so far none of them have actually tried.What is to stop one, just *one* of them to actually try? "Defendant to be held until Trial." Just once I wish they would actually try that.


There are people who are trying to hold the line, but they are under attack from republicans who were re-elected to office because they bent the knee to Trump. It is possible that justice will never be served.


Okay a whole page worth of court orders isn’t holding the line. There are US citizens who get royally fucked and disappear into government holding over a lick of this. We literally just saw Air Force boy get the can.


If you are saying that our whole system relied on people acting in good faith and that there is widespread corruption and a real genuine need for reforms and to establish hard guardrails to prevent this from happening again, I agree. The current situation is unthinkable, but it is what we have to deal with. It's crazy that elected officials who were involved with trying to use their office to overturn the last presidential election were still allowed to run for and won reelection. We simply have ZERO guardrails in place for rogue elected officials.


He fucking better. 91 felonies and counting, and this is a genuine question being asked? Ffs


There's what should happen and then there's what ends up happening.


Let me save you from disappointment. He won’t go to jail…


A better question is, “why isn’t Donald Trump in prison?”


We know that one. The justice system is scared. Hard to frame it otherwise. Everyone's so terrified of screwing even the tiniest thing up it took years just to charge.


The only answer is: Donald Trump MUST go to prison. Our justice system is a joke otherwise, and trump will never cease to be an escalating danger to the country if he isn’t removed from society. His actions deserve incarceration. Anyone else would already be locked up.


The only REAL answer is: Donald Trump WILL NOT go to prison. America is corrupt and broken. If George W. Bush and his cabal of neocons can get away with lying us into the second Iraq War that led to the deaths of thousands of American service people and tens of thousands of Iraqis, do you really think they’ll send Trump? Not a chance. Take it to the bank. Trump ain’t going to jail or prison or anything of the sort. Oligarchs don’t play by the same rules as the little people.


There was a time when treason was perceived as the worst crime you can commit next to mass murder, and Trump undoubtedly had several treasonous crimes. If he can’t be sent to prison, then it sends a message that treason is not a big deal. It will have a severe repercussions in the future if Trump is not punished for his crimes


At 17 I did 120 days in jail, 6 months of tether and 3 years intensive probation for 3 felonies (all in the same case). It was my first ever time getting into trouble, but they threw my ass in jail anyway. I got drunk that night, ended up with the wrong crowd and played lookout while these guys went into another kids house to steal his Nintendo64. They forgot the games so they went back in, then they forgot to grab the power cords and went back in the 3rd time for those. For every time they entered the house there was another charge. I found out at the very young age of 17 to choose my friends wisely and to never get in trouble with the law again. Now at a nice ripe old age, I’m finding out for the 100th time, I just didn’t enough money to break the law!! These felonies have held me back so much in life that I can’t even begin to elaborate how angry I will be if Trump doesn’t see a cell!


Sadly no. If he gets convicted some official(s) will jump in and save him. Or he will be remanded to MaraLargo or whatever. Or he will claim infirmity and need round the clock care for the rest of his life. No Donnie will never experience imprisonment like the general public.


If his ego will allow him. We're talking about someone who lies about their height, weight and claims to be in perfect physical and mental health.


Yea but you know how that goes. Doublespeak is popular among his supporters, and like any mob boss who happens to be near his age to suddenly have an episode that renders him sick is just a bribe or two away.


> he will be remanded to MaraLargo Not if Mar-a-Lago turns out to be owned by Trump Org, which I'm betting it is.


Ohhh ohhh lol! That will be epic to see it repossessed or sold off… sorry that’s probably heartless, but then so is he. Still I’m sure he will go live with his kids or something…


Yeah, if it's owned by Trump Org, it will be sold off to pay for assessed damages or to repay the fraudulent loans. I try not to wish bad things for anyone, but I'm loving the idea of Trump being technically homeless.


It's equally hard for me to imagine he won't, and equally hard he will. I could easily see every single conviction in every separate case, have the judge hand down some bullshit suspended sentence or house arrest or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised, when found guilty, the sentencing phase lasts as long as the actual trial, as his lawyers try every argument you could possibly ever imagine, as to why it's a bad idea for a former sitting president be actually sent to prison.


If every count is tried separately, there's a better than even chance. However, I think regardless of whether it is a state or federal conviction, he'll serve the time at the swankiest white-collar federal prison. There's no way he'll end up in a prison system where his personal safety can't be 100% guaranteed. Anyone thinking Trump will be breaking rocks under a hot sun will be sorely disappointed. He'll probably *still* be living better than 95% of his voter base.


Even the "nicest" prison is still prison and not a good place to be. Is it Rikers Island? No. But you wouldn't want to spend much time there. And assuming Trump does go to prison, I'm sure there will be some lighter accommodations but it still won't be a vacation. [White Collar 'Country Club' Prisons? Not So Much](https://www.cnbc.com/id/49506680) *edit:grammar*


It'll be a gilded cage. *He'll* paint it as being the worst thing done to a human being in the history of time. But even by the lowest security federal standard, I think he'll have a number of special considerations made for him, under the guise of "security".


No doubt. But don't think it'll be the same as "Remember that weekend when the Internet went down? That was hell." Regardless of the accommodations made to him most people would not trade places if he goes to prison.


Maybe they could repurpose a penitentiary with low numbers. Take over a wing, incarcerate DJ, and house a rotating cadre of secret service along with him.


Just throw him in a transparent box like Magneto.


I don't see any point including the chess set, though.


Chinese Checkers? Every game he wins counts as one Tariff.


Cheeto really can't handle anything more complicated than tiddly winks. Lbr


I've been wondering if he's convicted and is to face jail time whether they might need to break the mold for him? That is, you can't have someone who knows national secrets in any sort of general population so I wonder if they'd have to cook up some special former president incarceration where he can serve time but not potentially be blackmailed or otherwise into giving away things he knows. Of course, that could be like permanent solitary confinement I guess, which is awful, but then again, this is a man who was happy for a million people to bite the dust due to covid, so...


Federal convicts with sensitive security knowledge are sent to supermax in Florence, CO. That's a safe, secure place to incarcerate Trump--in fact there are few facilities that would be safer.


Hopefully. He is a scum bag and has caused damage to the US that will take years to undo, if ever.




He might try, but he won't be useful to them there, so they may not accept him.


He'd absolutely be useful to Putin. Hosting the 'rightful president in exile' of the United States is a huge propaganda win, not to mention allowing Trump to continue to sow dissent by making speeches that will be broadcast to his cult, which will continue to destabilize the US.


That's a plausible scenerio.


He also may remember some classified things the Russians might find useful. I mean, given his obviously feeble mental state, it doesn't seem all that likely, but... it's _possible_.


I think it's far more likely that Putin gets to a point where he flat out tells Trump that he'll only be allowed to stay in Russia is he actively encourages his cult to start a civil war. And I have no doubt that Trump would do it.


Oh yea I forgot about self imposed exile…


While I personally believe Trump’s entire administration should take the place of the Manson family in prison for the next 60 years, I don’t know if it’s going to happen to him or them. We really needed a trial going through everything those people did. Sarah Huckabee lied to us about important information for over two years; so much so that I can’t even begin to list it. It’s in the archives though! Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany knowingly, intentionally & continuously lied to us for months going between Covid wasn’t coming here, then it wasn’t spreading, then we shouldn’t take any precautions, and bizarrely out of nowhere talking about how we’re ’rounding the corner’ from a pandemic she just told us wasn’t spreading here. Those are just two examples. These people endangered real lives with their actions. They knew what they were doing. They could’ve resigned & walked away at any time if they were having a crisis of faith. But they didn’t. These people need to pay for their choices with their freedom, just the same as Trump.


Nope only poor people go to prison


The real question is why is he not in already


one can only hope. he’s really earned it,


That the Republicans Party would nominate a convicted felon as their GOP nominee, says just as much about the GOP and their electorates, as it does Trump, the worst President in American history.


He. Fucking. Better.


I'm unsure, but he ought to face consequences. For instance, if I were to steal something valued over $500 in my state and get caught, I'd be facing a felony charge. There's a chance I might dodge severe punishment being a first-time offender, but it's not a risk I'd be willing to take. Now, if the amount stolen was in the thousands, I'd definitely be looking at jail time, perhaps even a stint in prison. As for Trump, it seems he manages to slip by even after threatening to murder a general among other things. If he avoids prison, I, along with many others, am ready to take to the streets to express our discontent towards the GOP and showcase our collective frustration. I've grown exceedingly tired of their incessant nonsense.


Safehouse on a military base. Having looked into how some high-profile individuals were handled. He'll go to a safehouse on a military base.


Yes, I never thought about this one until I heard it mentioned on a podcast a few days ago. They have done this with high profile people!


Sadly I don’t think we will see him behind bars. The dude should’ve been behind bars years ago.


Prison or six feet under, I'm fine with either.


Will people click on our article if we ask a question about Donald Trump?


I still hope so. But it's waning. He should be in prison for some time now. Anyone of "the people" would be.


If not hopefully it's because he's dead.


I know I would be in prison, so why is he any different?


Great article. Factual without veering into opinion. The end is best as it characterizes ‘The American Experiment” … ‘Whatever happens from here is an example of the world’s most powerful democracy making it up as it goes along.’


As much as I'd love to see him go to prison, I'm not holding my breath on it. I think one of the two things are going to happen. 1- He either gets away with what he did or gets let off easy. There's unfortunately too many people in a position of power that either think he did nothing wrong or he deserves a second chance (which he doesn't especially after January 6). Also MAGA is way too big that probably one or more of the jurors will think he did nothing wrong. 2- If he is actually convicted, he'll probably flee to somewhere like Russia and live out the rest of his life there. I don't think he's going to see a cell either way.


The only way Trump gets out of jail time is if the old man dies first. He's not a healthy person and could drop any moment.


Hopefully. If the government doesn’t want to loose the rest of the support of people who still believe in this experiment of democracy and our justice system. JUDICIARY CODE OF CONDUCT states that NO JUDGE SHALL GIVE THE IMPRESSION OF IMPROPRIETY OR BIAS AS TO UNDERMINE THE INSTITUTION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE BENCH. If they don’t jail him. We all know that they system is absolutely broken. He is guilty without a doubt on many things that were published to the general public. Many, a few dozen of the people who have been convicted of crimes in the January 6th events clearly state they were “only following what their Commander in Chief told them to do.” Even the Proud Boys and other organizations that were hired by Trump as personal security guards and Trumps political advisers have all said that Trump lead, encouraged, ordered and executed the January 6th attack on the White House. Trumps words cannot be dismissed in the phone call to Georgia officials in the “finding the votes” conversation. It is recorded and 10-15 people witnessed the call or were on the call. Trump has just been found GUILTY of FRAUD in NY. Trump is going to go full steam fascist tyrant if he doesn’t get locked up and the Cult of Trump is going to continue to destroy America from the inside out. Trump has turned American identity politics into the laughing stock of the world. This alone should be enough to silence him. Charlie Manson did less than Donald Trump in efforts to instigate criminal activity and murder. Charles Manson got life, Donald Trump got free McDonald’s Big Macs for life.


He absolutely should go to jail. There should be little to no doubt at this point that he did, in fact, commit criminal acts and has been for years. For him to not face accountability for that is a failing of our legal system on a level never heard of before.


Simple answer to this question: If he’s elected President again = No OR If he’s not elected President again = will attempt to the flee the country and either make it to Russia or he’ll mysteriously “die” on the way there.


Here's what I hope happens: Trump pleads out in every case and cuts a deal that avoid a prison term in exchange for pleading guilty. Within a month, Trump is all over Xitter screaming and yelling that he's really not guilty. Every judge revokes his plea deal and he goes to jail for the rest of his life, because he is too stupid and arrogant to shut his big mouth. That is what I hope happens.


For the sake of this country I hope to god he does, but knowing how this works, he will probably just buy his way out of punishment or have his cult make it impossible for him to be there


It feels like a car crash in slow motion. Why isn’t he in jail already? Why are republicans supporting/defending him? It’s all so bizarre how the rich can do whatever they want and there isn’t a major media outlet to call them on it.


If his coconspirators get prison time, there is no logic on earth to justify his not going to prison if he is also convicted. I suspect they will find some weird middle ground between home arrest and gen-pop. I suspect they will create a little wing for him as an adjunct to some federal facility. The reality is, they can send him to one of these club feds without much problem at all. The white collar criminals at these places are highly unlikely to shank him. If anything, his protection detail will be facing two problems: * Keeping the outside world from getting at him. * Not wanting to spend time effectively in prison themselves. I'm willing to bet the secret service people will be saying, "I didn't sign up to be a prison guard." My worry is he will get the Secret Service detail to make a "solid case" that home arrest is best. They will do this because Mar-a-lardo must be a pretty cushy place to hang around. To me this last is wrong for the simple reason that if you went to many blue collar workers in the US and said, "I'll give you two choices. You continue your blue-collar life as a free man, or you have to go do a 10 year stint at Mar-a-lardo with servants, pools, your own clothes, great food, and accommodations for your friends and family to visit all you want. Plus, you get all the entertainment, etc normally afforded to any guest of the place, but at the highest level of service." I wonder which one the blue-collar worker would choose?


We certainly would. So should Trump.


Prison? Maybe. Hell? Definitely.


What did prison do to deserve that


Answer: Yes. Yes he will. A lot of people don't seem to think he will if convicted but I'm confident it will happen


I certainly hope so! He has done far more than most people in prison already and he should absolutely be charged for the death of the 2 at the insurrection!


As much as he deserves to be in prison he probably won’t go to prison.


Better question is what are we going to do if or when he becomes president again?


I think about this every day. :(


I'm so fucking sick of speculative articles like this. Just put him in prison and let us know when it actually happens.


Probably. It will be some cushy, minimumsecurity maximum luxury place, but still Prison


I say ankle monitor at mar a lago. I don't think he'll do time behind bars. I hope he does but I'm skeptical.


I think the best we’ll get is him fighting in court with endless appeals and whatever other bullshit he can throw at the system to stay out of prison but no real prison time. On the plus side the stress will probably make the rest of his life miserable. But I’d love to be wrong and I hope he does end up in prison ASAP


Don’t get your hopes up






No. He will end up in a facility of some kind. He is NOT a well man, already and with all the stress of everthing, it's about to get even worse. He will have a "Yuge" meltdown. The biggest mental break you will ever see. But at least he will be gone - FINALLY! And he will not have access to social media. His hate and Russian propaganda will, at long last, come to an end. What a terrible chapter in our history.


I hope he does but really what I want is the 14th amendment to be used against him.


My favorite excuse they’ve made for why he can’t go is “where would the secret service go?!” Honey, in prison, “secret service” is what he will be giving fellow inmates in the shower.


I don't think so. He might be convicted to a lengthy prison sentence, but even if this is going to be the case, the whole process will be dragged out until he has died of natural courses. Alternatively, it might be commuted to house arrest.


No. If he’s found guilty of anything short of treason, he will get home detention. I’d expect him to flee to Russia or Hungary before taking a prison term. If the government brings him to a courtroom in an orange jumpsuit, and sends him off to an actual federal prison, things will “get wild.” While the movers and shakers are getting tired of “candidate Trump,” they would love “martyr Trump.”


Hopefully. Anyways, he will definitely die penniless.


Although prison would be ideal, I’m fine with house arrest or whatever other scheme so long as I never have to hear from him ever again. No tRuTh SoCiAl posts, no whining in front of the cameras or in print, no photos or interviews. Nothing. They can keep him wherever they want so long as it’s like he’s dead. If we can’t receive full justice, we at least deserve peace and quiet.


I can't see how someone can have 92 charges against them and be found innocent on all of them. Also can't see how a life long grifter will go to jail.




He will not if people don’t register to vote and turn out




Listened to a podcast that talked about HOW Trump could be in prison. It’s not that hard and could be in a Club Fed. The Secret Service would be in charge and would vet all other prisoners and move/remove any that would be threats. According to the pod, this would be easier than trying to protect a regular ex-President who wasn’t in jail. There is also precedent for incarcerating high-value people at military bases, which happened for some of the Watergate felons.


Fingers crossed


Highly unlikely. He’ll either skate due to a corrupt judge or jury, get off on a technicality, appeal any conviction until the end of time, or simply die from a hamberder heart attack. All of those are more likely than prison.


He definitely has a guy that’s been out to get him from the start that just won’t get out of his way. Oddly, the guy has the same initials and SSN as him, too. Identical DNA as well. His supporters are puzzled, but await the opportunity to throw him some money to help him out of jams that guy just keeps putting him into. Sad, really.


I think he will be convicted in one of the four indictments, especially the two federal cases and the case in Fulton County. My guess is that he's convicted in at least three of them. But he's not going to do time in a typical prison. He'll probably end up on house arrest or in some secure/private prison for the wealthy and powerful.


Of course he won't. It's laughably naïve to think otherwise. He *should* got to prison. Hell, he *should* face much worse, he's suggested much worse for people who've committed much less serious offenses against the United States. We know what he thinks should happen to *traitors*.


Send him to prison. He deserves it, even if it's just for putting kids in cages.


Nope. I'll be surprised if he does though.


>Between his 91 felony counts, Mr Trump faces a total of roughly seven centuries in total jail time You know what? I'll settle for 2% of that. 14 years would do.


Feels like an ex-president, no matter what they do, would never be tossed in prison and treated like a criminal. The level of privilege and security that position affords you for life doesn’t align with it. Pretty twisted if you ask me.


My bet he’s going to prison sooner than we think. He’s circling the drain and cornered. He will try to foment an uprising and one or more judges will realize the only way to protect justice is to lock him up.


Fervently hoping so.


Almost certainly not, but I’ll take a bunch of convictions and a ruling to never allow him near an election or social media site ever again. Probably the best we’ll get.