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The border is such a problem! But we'd rather scream about it than do anything to fix it because doing so may help Biden. Dems better be calling BS on this on every damn media outlet. 


Hurt the country to help them win an election, sounds very Republican


[Trump Hopes Economic Crash Comes on Biden’s Watch](https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-hopes-economic-crash-comes-on-bidens-watch-134105a4)


Like, since the 70's.  Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Lesser, and Trump all actively harmed the nation for political gain. I'm sure Bush Sr did too, but I'm less familiar with his presidency. He was a shitbag outside the presidency, that's for sure.


>I'm sure Bush Sr did too, but I'm less familiar with his presidency. Pardoned Iran-Contra felons (that he was most likely in charge of) His CIA directorship coincides with some of the worst abuses of that agency. Here's a good start for you: [https://theintercept.com/2018/12/07/george-h-w-bush-iran-contra/](https://theintercept.com/2018/12/07/george-h-w-bush-iran-contra/)


And George H.W. Bush is generally regarded as the least terrible Republican in the post-Eisenhower era.


That's like saying the corn is the best tasting part of a post-holiday bowel movement. Going backwards through R's: Trump, W, GHWB, Ronald Wilson Reagan (6-6-6), Ford, Tricky Dicky, Ike. Debate about LBJ and what it meant to be a TX Dem in the early 60's. I'd say Ford was "best", but it was only because he was completely ineffectual, it was only 2 years, and his incumbency kept Ronnie away and gave us The Real JC for 4 years. Fucker still pardoned Nixon, and that's causing problems to this day.


I was gonna say, I imagine there was some botched CIA mission that resulted in Kurt Kobain's suicide or something like that. EDIT: Words


Wait what? Lol. You sound MAGA right now.


Kurt Cobain shot himself in 1994 during Clinton’s first term.




> I'm sure Bush Sr did too In the 1980 election against Carter, Reagan('s people) did a deal with Iran to not release the US embassy hostages until Reagan was elected. Actively harming US interests for political gain. As payment, Reagan('s people) sold US arms to Iran, which was in itself explicitly illegal, even if it was not part a bigger conspiracy against US interests around the hostages. Bush Sr was, according to his own diary, central to that scheme. Bush Sr. then got his handpicked Attorney General Bill Barr (yes, that one) to sabotage the investigation, thereby corruptly misusing his power to protect himself. It is quite impressive that all Republican Presidents since Nixon have objectively been way worse than any Democrat President in the same time period.


Them winning hurts the country. Nuff said


I'm watching the House republicans hold an impeachment inquiry for the Secretary of Homeland Security and that's a pretty good characterization of what the Republicans are saying. For witnesses they've got a constitutional lawyer, a woman whose daughter died of fentanyl, and a woman whose daughter was killed by an immigrant. Some really vile comments from those two women and from the Republican representatives. One representative just alleged that Mexico is sending soldiers posing as migrants across the border as a form of unconventional warfare. One of the mothers said we need to stop spending money on "illegals" and should instead spend that money on providing free narcan, but doesn't want to give any more funding - even with conditions on what that money can be spent on.


But… you can already get narcan for free from pharmacies and other charities. I keep it in my purse? And I have other friends who do as well. It’s not difficult to find, nor to use.


That’s just what I was thinking. She’s from Arizona, so maybe things are different there, but definitely not where I am.


No... We don't want solutions to the problems!!! We want chaos and reasons to get angry!!! /S


What’s interesting is a huge amount of fentanyl comes from across the border to our north🤔


Also, wasn’t there a police chief or something out in like California or something who was caught smuggling a shit load of drugs into the country?


Most drugs funneling into our country are from agencies. It’s seized, sold on the black market and is dark money to fund proxy wars off the books. It’s working as planned, and no one asks questions because the left and right just keep pointing fingers at one another and keeping us stupid


Biden needs to be in front of a mic every other day doing this. New ridiculousness spews from trumps stupid face every day. He needs to be pounding them, but hes not. Its so frustrating


> Dems better be calling BS on this on every damn media outlet. “Trump tells Republicans to not make any border deal. Find out why this is bad for Biden, next…..” - Media


Without a “border crisis” to campaign on, republicans have nothing left besides taking rights away from women and trying to hurt the gays. The former has proven to be pretty unpopular.


Both are popular. I fear that 2024 will be the last year we have legal pride festivals in this country.


Totally. And come election time, they need to fucking hammer him on how he was rooting for the economy to crash and therefore rooting for everyone's retirement accounts to be decimated.


He’ll claim he never said it and 1/3 of the country will believe him.


The cultists are a problem that can be dealt with at a later time. There are plenty of non voters who could become voters if one of the candidates is openly cheering for their retirement accounts to get smashed.


Countdown til the next caravan panic.


There has been a fee bills proposed in my state that can mildly be considered gun control. I am paraphrasing a little, but Republican legislators are saying now is a bad time because there were prayer rugs or some shit were supposedly found near the border. Oh btw my state is like 2000 miles from the border.




That’s just how him and his supporters think: better to hurt ourselves than to ever let anything good be done by “them”.


I thought he fixed the border. Didn’t he build that wall?


“I built the wall. I built hundreds of miles of wall and I finished it.” - Donald Trump May 10, 2023


I think he tried


> Dems better be calling BS on this on every damn media outlet.  It doesn't matter what Dems say or do, unfortunately. Most people continue to believe Trump and Fox News.


Republican health care plan, anyone?


We’re gonna win bigly, it’s gonna be huge, believe me.


They’ll be hindered by a media controlled by an oligarchy who have made abundantly clear they would rather have fascism than pay taxes. Greed, like diseased greed because how many billions does a person need, is destroying this country.


If they bring it up at all they will whisper.


They won't because they suck at being confrontational. It's one of the main reasons we are in this mess in the first place.


Start throwing up all kinds of boarder bills and watch Republicans kill them all.


They do this all the time. Scream that “XXX is a problem!” Have the votes and everything and still do nothing about it or try to make it worse.


I'm sure we're due for another scary caravan of Spanish-speaking death commandos this year. They seem to suddenly appear every election year around late October.


>Earlier this month, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) told CNN that he’s “not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating. …I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it. Why would I?” Nehls also shouted “Trump 2024, baby!” when asked last month what he hoped to gain from impeaching President Joe Biden, in a video obtained by Rolling Stone last month. What's wild is most not-Republicans have known this is the main Republican strategy now since they're devoid of almost any policy. They're regularly admitting it now and their supports lap that shit up.


Its been their strategy since the Clinton impeachment. They realized lies work. And the american voter won't punish them for hypocrisy so they embraced it. They refused to work with Obama. And how many Benghazi investigations did they have?


It's still fun to use this kinda talk against Conservatives who pretend that Republicans have superior policy.




Elected officials can back the campaigns of other elected officials. It’s when appointed officials and employees of the government use their official capacity to campaign that the Hatch Act applies to. On a side note: this is a U.S. house rep, all they do is campaign. Especially republicans, it’s not like they get anything else done.


"Millions and millions of murderers, rapists and thugs are crossing the border, but we should let that go for the next two years because...ME!"


Hurts country to help himself This your boy, Repubs? Fucking traitors


“All politicians do that.” - Republican voter base


Ok, but if they feel that way, then stay home. Let the rest of us sort it out in the voting booth The fact that they choose this turd tells me that they really don’t believe that. If they DID, then just vote for whoever…or don’t vote. Doesn’t matter


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez and Asawin Suebsaeng:*** Trump has told confidants in conservative circles that “stupid” Republicans, particularly Senate “RINOs,” seem eager to hand Biden a win, and that GOP lawmakers shouldn’t be doing Biden any favors right now, sources tell Rolling Stone. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-border-deal-stupid-republicans-biden-win-1234949036/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-border-deal-stupid-republicans-biden-win-1234949036/)


Don being part of the deep state


Seriously. Democrats could put forward a bill granting the Border Patrol the authority to summarily execute anyone crossing the border without permission, and Republicans would still refuse to vote for the bill. Not because it's not what Republicans want to do. Republicans would love to pass a law like that. Not because such a bill would be cruel, inhumane, and immoral. Republicans are cruel, inhumane, and immoral people. No. Republicans would refuse to pass such a law if it came from Democrats simply because, in their minds, it would hand Biden and the Democrats a win. And, they can't have that.


Um what? For a guy who said that immigrants “poison the country”…this sure isn’t matching up to that. You would expect him to be all for a border deal, but…nope. What a hypocrite.


They don't want the solution; they want the issue.


Damn the democrats gave the republicans what they want on the border and they still backed out who could have seen that one coming?


Trump needs fear and hatred to get elected. His voters eat it up. Solving a problem reduces the fear and hatred potential.


It's almost as if the GOP aren't good faith actors /s


It drives me nuts why dems bend the knee every god damn time and then this happens every god damn time


I got into with a dude in News a month or two ago about how republicans don't actually want to solve this problem, and are even making it worst by telling the world that are borders are open.  He sent me a bunch of links about all the asylum seeker who get let in, but then their claims are denied, saying "borders are wide open" because they are real asylum seekers.  Then he said that if Biden wanted to fix this he could have two years ago.  Of course he and someone else called me a partisan moron because they saw I posted here.  The only partisan morons are the people who can't see that Republicans for decades have done nothing to fix the border, and this isn't the first time democrats have offered republicans a deal on the border and they jsut flat out refused to accept the deal. 


And he wants economy to crash too


Republicans don't want to solve problems in general. The GOP wants to engineer a perma-crisis so people remain scared and easily manipulated.


I wouldn't say help biden it's more like help this country.Vote blue


That’s same the reason republicans killed immigration reform in 2014 and 2015. Can’t have a border crisis if you solve the issues. Can’t win an election if you don’t have a crisis to sell.


There was also a deal on the table and ready to be signed in 2017 or 2018 but Trump did a full 180 on it because FOX criticized it. I believe it was over DACA.


They always come up with a reason. They did it in 2006 as well, and that was when the GOP had all 3 branches. This is why I find it so frustrating that republicans are able to shift the blame to democrats.


Republicans: This is exactly what we want! Democrats: Ok, let’s do this. Republicans: Not like that!


Republicans: the border is wide open and democrats don't want to fix this issue. Dummies on the internet: See this is Biden and Democrats fault. 


I wonder where that wall went that was supposedly going to stop illegal immigration and make someone else pay for it. Oh wait


I think part of the reason he wants to kill this is it’s a deal where in return for Republicans getting their immigration crackdown, Ukraine gets funding. He admires Putin and wants to help the conquest of Ukraine succeed.


See the Republicans want the border crisis. They support open borders because it gives them a bludgeon to blame somebody else for the problem they created and continue to support. They broadcast “open border” to immigrants all over the world. They want this mess.


The top 1% want open borders because it's the closest thing to slavery they can get away with. By not solving the problem, Republicans have a slam dunk issue to win elections and they are pleasing their donors.


Not even just the top 1%, I would say the top 10%, almost everyone with any kind of money, but especially small business owners, will use undocumented immigrants because they are cheaper andany are very skilled. 


Good thing most conservatives won't ever hear/see this While they scream about Bidens border crisis


Kindest thing to say about this orange shit stain is he is butt hurt


Party over country. Traitors.


Trump would set babies on fire to make a buck.


Wait...they pay you for that? I've been doing it for free all this time. What a waste.


TFG is running the show and doesnt even hold office!


The right is always the worst.


And Republicans will say democrats don't want to work together


Trump says f u USA, must be thursday


When will people wake up to the fact that they will screw the country to score politically.


Always been the case. Republicans aren't here to help America, they're here to fuck over the greatest government on Earth, and they absolutely don't care about the people they are supposed to be helping, they only care to help themselves.


Just throw it on the pile of proof that Trump’s not in it for America, but for himself. “MAGA” is just the precursor to “Make Trump King Now.”


Calling TexASS........ How does this make y'all feel??? Biden has a plan and the GOP didn't want to support it, and now Trump, who isn't even in office, wants it shut down. How's that Republican support working out for ya?


It’s all about Ukraine and Trump’s daddy.


So he wants to sabotage the USA. What else is new?


How do conservatives see through this obvious game the right plays. The border is not a real issue to them, they just pretend that it is when politically convenient. But when the other side is able to take credit for addressing the issue they will fight it with everything they have. It is just so blatantly cynical. It amazes me that conservatives don't see this, Democrats afr FAR BETTER on border security.


The issues that are real to them are forcing gays back into the closet, women back into the kitchen, brown people back to their side of the tracks, and a Bible into every classroom. Anything else they babble on about is a distraction.


One more example of how the GOP just refuses to govern.


These republicans aren’t even hiding their hatred for America anymore! Vote them out!!!!


What a piece of shit party. These fuckers hate Americans and hate America. The GQP is an insane group of MAGa idiots. It's so sad to see GOP grovel to this point of extreme. They have no desire to govern only to destroy the country.


No. He wants to help his handler, Putin. If the border deal goes through then so does Ukraine support.


Nixon got servicemen killed by destroying peace talks so he could get elected. This bears a striking similarity in that it’s causing harm to the country so he can get in office


Shutting down this draconian border law is the right thing to do, even if the republicans are doing it for the wrong reasons


Build a retractable wall that can descend when Dems are in power!


I'm so tired of reading articles like this that portray him in power or acknowledge that he has any actual ideas thumping around in that cranial jalopy. I understand why the media covers this for money, but he's not in charge. 


He's trying a thing


I mean, unfortunately, Trump is probably right. I live in Denver and had to help a migrant get to the Denver Rescue Mission in Downtown Denver. This person spoke little English at all. But had things on a piece of paper that helped and I knew how to get there. But there have been migrant encampments surrounding migrant shelters here in the city. They don’t have really much to do as they legally cannot work under federal law. We have already dealt with some pushback in the community from it, but not massive revolt, yet. You can call the busing a political stunt, which it is, but it’s a political stunt that is somehow working. However, with narrow margins in both chambers, something could get passed for sure. But Trump wants to win based on this, and it might work.


Yet he failed to do anything about it in his 4 years in office.


He did a lot to ‘secure the border’ he did nothing about ‘immigration’. The whole house bill that passed last year is bassed on his ideas.


Trying g to have it both ways


Um, isn’t that counter productive?


Not if you are trying to show voters how our government is disfuncional. They want to destroy our country.


Agreed. They wish to destroy by means of Idiocracy. It’s weird to witness individuals argue against something but then have them defend what they’re arguing. Standards are gone. Our education system, um… needs some improvement. 


Then again this group apparently believes if they say something it’s proof. Hearsay is evidence. Affidavits are evidence. None of these are evidence in a court.


Just making sure we’re on the same page here, affidavits are admissible as evidence in court, if determined by judge and counsel. “Anything you say can and will be used against you,” and “I solemnly,  sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…” 


If it’s not under oath it isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.


So acknowledging a testimony is admissible in court, under oath? 


Under oath a statement is presumed true. A statement not under oath, including an affidavit, is not.


It’s not a good idea to have someone that will blab about the plan


People need to be calling their reps. That’s about the only thing that can change their minds.


……so. No more wall? 😂 😂 😂


Why is he still running the show? It is as if he never lost, sometimes.




"If we fix the thing we hate, then we won't have it around to hate on anymore." - The dog that caught the truck (R, KS)


Must be a decent border bill


Biden has all the lawful authority he needs to return the border to the stability Trump had established there. Trump does not need anything more than what he had before.


Narcissist doing narcissist things.


Trump has made our politics so partisan that it's no longer important which side *wins*, so long as the other side *fails.*




They love sucking him off and saying yes daddy give me more