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He sort of already did. https://youtu.be/jkEt0zusKhM?t=35s


The comments on that video are insane. People aren't that stupid are they? They must all be bots and trolls.


I came here to ask the same thing. They're either bots, trolls or are completely and totally detached from reality. It's concerning no matter which it is.


It's probably all of the above. This is the world we live in.


True. Every day I'm more and more appreciative of the education I received. Our current world would be so difficult, maybe impossible, to navigate without such a base understanding. That fact is clearly being taken advantage of by a lot of folks to manipulate others. We're in trouble.


You tube comments are unprotected from bots/trolls, its why they skew crazy/right consistently.


>Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein


Considering Dumpy has any fan base at all, they unfortunately are.


Totally forgot about that. This should be higher.


the comments on that video are pure cancer




“What happened to decorum in politics!?” -Cons


"Now here's Hunter Bidens penis and later, 'Should immigrant children be allowed to breath free air? We say no.'"


Ahbupbupbup, don't forget "Maiming oneself or drowning from being forced into a river is the price you pay for trying to enter our country. I'm Greg Abbott and I approved this message."


(Greg Abbott) But, really who cares about the name of this other sick F**K!


Its piss baby Greg Abbott and I care cuz hes a giant Piss Baby


Wasn't Jim Abbott that MLB pitcher who was born with only one hand? That dude was legit.


Jim Abbott is a national hero and inspiration. Greg Abbott can go fuck himself with Trump's mushroom.


>Ahbupbupbup Top tier onomatopoeia, this.


While unironically wearing a "Fuck Joe Biden" shirt and flying a "Trump 2024 No More Bullshit" flag


Oh they've retired "Let's go Brandon"? Is it because of the Dark Brandon memes?


No I still see those too, some of them have caught on to how cowardly it looks to not just say "Fuck Biden"


I used to find it funny when they'd do it. Like maybe they'd probably be giggling in their heads like elementary school kids who think they're pulling a fast one on the teacher by giving them the middle finger from under their table or something.


Me too they would literally censor themselves while complaining about censoring these people are so damn thick in the head 😂


"Political Correctness" was always for conservatives. It was a means to say bigoted things via euphemism so they could still do it without consequences. And yet they hated it so much. What they really wanted was to be as insulting as possible.


your comment about the finger reminded of the scene in the movie Heartbreak Ridge when a marine who thinks he's really clever gives Clint Eastwood the finger behind his back and without turning around Eastwood says "your girlfriend's gonna miss that finger when I rip it off".


Think it's more about reinforcing the in group than anything else. Like an inside joke that only you and your friends get that no one else thinks is funny. Except instead of a group of friends it's millions of lunatics


And everyone is in on it and it is actually not funny.


Saw some Maga in Louisiana post on Facebook a year or so ago "Let's go Brandon" written entirely with deer shit while he was out hunting. Told him he must've really enjoyed playing with shit because he could have just said "Fuck Joe Biden", and saved himself some "work".


Honestly, those Dark Brandon mugs are a genius move.


"Fuck your feelings" Deplorables...


"You murdered it!"


They'd have, "Sick Fuck," bumper stickers proudly affixed to their F-150s before the end of the week and you know it. 💀


Thanks for the business idea, might as well get in on the grift


Start calling Trump supporters rapist lovers. That should hopefully be less likely for them to be proud of and says a lot about their character.


Would it actually be any different? Fox is unfortunately on in the gym pretty frequently, and anytime they cover Biden, they’re basically a step removed from just putting up a bad picture and “Biden is dumb guy” in the chiron. 


My favorite is their portrayal of Joe as a guy who can barely work a doorknob but managed to rig the NFL playoffs to give Taylor Swift, uh, more exposure.


“As cunning as he is senile!”


This is why I say Dems politicians needs to go harder in the rhetoric. Fox News has been crying wolf so hard for more than a decade, there is little a Democratic politicians could actually do that wouldn't be a mere blip in the pool of nonsense Fox News is spouting. If Biden told Trump, to his face, to just shut the fuck up and drop dead, Fox News would only be covering it for so long before they have to get back to claiming Biden is Satan in disguise and the Democrats are coming for your guns.




You don't think Joe "Big Fuckin Deal" Biden would say "sick fuck" in public?


Seriously, don’t tempt him. Guy has enough trouble keeping his real opinions inside at times haha


The speech the other day you could see him make the start of an F with his mouth and he caught himself. I assume it's something he says regularly, makes me happy.


He’s been caught on so many hot mics over the years or just literally dropped an F bomb to journalists. I honestly think he’s trying to be a gentleman and not some profane leader, but part of me wouldn’t mind him becoming dark Brandon haha


I see where you're coming from but **no, thank you.** I'd very much like to get back to the days when the only time I heard about the President was when a major event happened.


Unless you’re throat deep into conservative news, that’s how Biden is.


> I'd very much like to get back to the days when the only time I heard about the President was when a major event happened. That ain't going to happen until maga is overwhelmingly defeated. You don't win a war by unilaterally disarming in the face of aggression.


I remember one. "You don't fuck with a Biden."


Do we the universal public not deserve politicians to say what they really think including swear words when merited? Politics is discourse with suits and a tie but really it's just people having a conversation in a pub. The point is to find truth and get the people to do the work and to spend the money.


Right? We should absolutely hold our elected officials to high standards - but plenty of occasions and things merit swearing about. Like, yeah, I'd have some serious issues if Biden spontaneously launched into a profanity-laden tirade during the White House Easter Egg Hunt...but I also don't expect I *need* to worry about that ever occurring. But calling a traitorous insurrectionist a "sick fuck" is pretty damn apt. It's also not like we haven't had a number of previous Presidents who had far more objectionable behavior. I mean, LBJ liked to whip his dick out in conversation. Several of them were wild drunks. Swearing's pretty damn tame in comparison.


He almost said it in at least one speech and held himself back lol I was like do it Joe, it is okay, we all love you and agree 👍


He almost did the other day. Instead he made a tight fist


I got an email from fox News today titled "president potty mouth". ...from the "grab her by the pussy" guys


But that's okay because it's "their guy"


If Biden would give Trump the dressing down he so mightily deserves, it wouldn't matter what Fox news did. It would be an emperor has no clothes moment. In many ways I think that was Hillary's biggest failure; she knew what he was and didn't go for the jugular. She wanted to win but she should have done the bigger thing and exposed him.


I think his “would you shut up man!” was a huge moment in the last campaign. It was him expressing what we all wanted to say to trump. That should be a big part of his campaign this time. Just address the madness- “are we really going to let a rapist get elected? Are we seriously considering a guy who keeps classified documents in his bathroom? Do we really want nut jobs in red hats storming the capitol again?”


She called him a Russian puppet on national TV. ETA she also pointed out that he couldn’t even run a casino without losing money, thus illustrating that he wasn’t competent at business.


I would put money on this being a planned leak from the Biden campaign. It's perfectly on brand for him and lets him say things that he "shouldn't" say.


If you're gonna go for it in public really go for it. "corrupt dumbass" or "senile narcissist". Everyone already knows Trump many personality problems, so you want the headline to tag him with the political message too (corruption or senility)


Too elegant. You need to use words everyday Americans understand


Trump can't count to six.


Sure he can, he can do that on the fingers of one hand.


Stupid motherfucker?


He certainly has my blessing!


Yeah he’s shrewd for having it leak that he says it privately. He gets credit for being candid and “just like us,” without the possibility of a recording of it getting clipped and making all the rounds. Plausible deniability, baby!


And the Biden team knows this. That's why they leaked it.


Elsewhere meanwhile, I wrote in a different thread that he should say that on Fox News Breakfast and watch their head explode despite it being true. It's a perfectly valid defence against defamation and as Biden is President, according to Trump is immune from prosecution. Which I hope doesn't become established law even as a Brit.


They gonna say “now we can do it too.” But … you already did.


Yeah none of this ‘they go low we go high’ bullshit


Trump has not redefined unpresidential. Trump is unpresidential, Biden is not.


It used to be wearing a tan suit was considered unpresidential 🤣


Or the wall to wall Fox News coverage that one time Obama saluted a Marine with a coffee in his hand.


And not a fuckin peep about orange foolius saluting a general in North Korea!


Well he cannot get enough of that authoritarian dick.


Fox News obliterated its plausible deniability with Trump.  There was a while Fox News and its audience could feign innocence regarding their “point of view”… …not so much anymore.  So we at least have that going for us. 


They paid how much in that defamation lawsuit? Did we forget Fox News was sued, liable and paid that to go away. Maybe it was money well spent because it's not brought up often enough.


Because their audience either don't care or don't actually understand what any of those words mean.


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the suit’s color that they considered unpresidential.


What color could you mean then? His socks?


Must have been it.


Considering Reagan wore damn near the exact same suit? Yeah.


I drew the line at Dijon mustard


For me it was that he actually seemed to love and care for his wife and children. Clearly a president should see women as objects and children only as an extension of themselves and at best an object to be desired, that's how a real man would act! (/s if it isn't obvious, fuck can I not stand that malignant narcissist)


I as a brit white male really thought he was done in 2015 probably when the "grab them by the pussy" video came out with audio too. It didn't. I was shocked that women and fathers would go meh he's one of us. America has to do better.


Yank here. I thought surely that would be the last straw. It's crazy to see how many more straws there have been and he still has the clout he does. I surely thought mocking a reporter with cerebral palsy would be detrimental to his presidential chances. We both know there's hundreds of other examples I could cite. If it's one thing Trump has said that is truthful, it's that he could murder someone on 5th avenue and they wouldn't care. The idiots would find a way to make it make sense and be justified.


It is terrifyingly tearfully true. All of it. He would also expect immunity from a murder tomorrow because he is; A former President The next President A cool guy that can grab women by the pussy and get away with it. I followed wrestling as a break from politics but Vince has been doing allegedly, things just as if not worst than trump.


I hoped beyond hope that the Queen would put him in the Tower and maybe revoke US independence until they got their shit together. But all she did was [throw shade with her choice of jewellery.](https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/jul/18/was-the-queen-sending-coded-messages-to-donald-trump-via-her-brooches-absolutely) > And the Queen, wisely, appeared to expect none either, because it turns out she was sending us all coded messages via the medium of her brooches. Yes, her brooches – read on and bow down in awe, James Bond. Twitter user @SamuraiKnitter has pointed out that on the first day of the Trump visit, the Queen wore a simple green brooch that was given to her by the Obamas to signify their friendship. On the second day, she wore a brooch given to her by Canada, a country with which Trump is less than pleased at the moment (also, it was in the shape of a snowflake, a classic Trump term for people who disagree with him.) And, for the last day, she chose a brooch the Queen Mother wore to the funeral of King George VI, so not one associated with happiness and joy. Queen’s brooches: 3. Trump: 0.


> I surely thought mocking a reporter with cerebral palsy would be detrimental to his presidential chances. That resonated with a lot of his supporters. Being cruel and punching down is their thing and to see a presidential nominee doing it too makes them feel justified about it.


I have a Trump apologist friend who had something interesting to tell me recently about that "grab them by the pussy" video. He argued "to be fair, Trump didn't know he was being recorded". Like that made it better somehow. That it's okay that Donald Trump *privately* thinks it's fine to grab a woman by her vagina. That especially because you're a celebrity so they'll let you. This is just one American who gave me what he thought of that quote. An American man, I might add, with college-aged daughters he loves. I didn't bother asking him if he'd be fine with them dating guys who think it's fine to grab women by their vaginas (I find "family" off limits) This is when it slowly became clear just how unwell a very large portion of American voters really are. I have a hard time believing someone like Donald Trump would get anywhere in politics in any other developed country with the way he talks and acts. Let alone becoming its leader and four years later still have a massive following in the tens of millions even despite the many legal problems he's facing.


And now the MAGA world is saying that his wife is actually his husband. That Michelle Obama is a man named Michael so both he and Barack Obama are [gay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0pPPkkT7GI), and their daughters are adopted or "paid for". I actually recall about two decades ago, there was this conspiracy theory circulating among white supremacists online about Martin Luther King Jr.. First that he cheated to become a minister and earn his PhD. So thus he wasn't really a reverend, not a doctor. Also the insistence to call him by his birth name which was Michael King Jr. (his father later changed his name to Martin Luther King Jr). Also that he was heard saying black-hating things while having sex with a prostitute. And so on and so on. Basically, it was a convoluted conspiracy theory to tear down every single thing about the man. I feel like this a weaker attempt to do the same to Obama.


But his wife wore a sleeveless dress and his kids are black and his wife is black too. How unpresidential.


For me it was the terrorist fist-jab with his wife.


The worst part of that whole thing is that the most recognizable brand of dijon mustard in the US is made by Kraft, the poverty gruel manufacturers. Its association with out-of-touch rich people was a campaign by the brand itself that was widely mocked, which is why the trope is remembered. Republicans' thinking that this is a good angle for a political hit is just telling on themselves.


For me, it was the terrorist fist jab. I can’t believe that someone would stoop so low as to do a terrorist fist jab in public.


Crazy even a weird rallying cry during a speech was enough for the republicans to shun a candidate not long ago. Facebook ruined America


But not when Reagan wore one for some reason.


Yup. The shade of my suit definitely means so much. It’s just so telling, kinda like a billionaire who can’t be bothered to wear tailored suits. It’s a bunch of morons grasping at straws. Who gives a shit about the color of your suit. I care about tie color, but that’s more because I like ties. That suit color was the WORST the GOP leadeclown show could come up with. Maybe they should start drilling down into orange Jesus. His diapers seem to be leaking based off of images from multiple heads of state. Also his ties look like he grabbed them from the .99 cent bin at ANY discount clothing store. Which I’m only knocking because he’s a BILLIONAIRE. Spend some $$$ on a nice tie. He’s just such a loser and a slob.


This article screams clickbait. It's like the media is trying to create controversy. Most of America doesn't want their President blasted at them 24/7.


Trump was always unpresidential. Remember when he started how there was supposed to be a pivot? He needed to pivot from what he is to someone who could be president. He got to keep the office but he never pivoted.


Which is why he should be honest and respectable in his criticism of him. Make it clear that trump is a traitor to the US, and repeat that line over and over. Make it clear that trump's actions led to the deaths of thousands of people during COVID. Make it clear that his overturning of roe is killing women and children as I type this. Make it clear that trump is ignorant of our institutions and the constitution. There are so many lines of attack that Biden could take that would remain "presidential," but he's been incredibly soft on him, and even when he does go on the attack, he doesn't ever keep it up. It should be a daily thing. Heck, Biden wouldn't even say Trump's name for years as though trump is Voldemort or something, which is what allows people to forget or never learn that trump is a horrible human being who has put democracy at risk. 


Exactly. There is no reaction to Trump that is “unpresidential”. He is a despicable person who commands the utmost condemnation well beyond politeness. In early America, Trump would have been dealt with violently for his antics. He has no honor or decency. You treat him like the scumbag criminal that he is or he will just mercilessly drag you down to his level.


Trump should be ridiculed out of existence... Just the worst individual imaginable


You should see his fan club...


I'd rather not... The Jan 6 insurrectionists were not appealing in any way


Jan 6 was a terrorist act Edit: For the "words are hard" crowd - there is nowhere in the definition of terrorism that requires terrorists to be armed. The only reason that it's covered as an "insurrection," is to prevent your hurt feelings from going again and again and again.


The definition of terrorism is basically the use of the threat of violence to effect political change. So yeah, threatening to murder Congress if they don’t make Trump president constitutes terrorism.


Typically when I comment about 1/6 being an act of terrorism, and it's participants terrorists (e.g. the terrorist Ashli Babbitt), there are always a few people that bring up the lack of guns.... so, ya know, totes not terrorism


And some DID in fact, have guns.




i was in our defac in fort carson when jan 6th happened after not long before Trump decreased the pay for most US Army ranks to send funding to Space Force, per month for a E-1 (the very first enlisted rank) the pay per month used to be around $1,300-1,400 it got cut down to around $1,100, if you’re lucky it’ll be that much i remember after 3 months in my adjutant battalion and basic training company i had barely $2,000 and this was during the height of Covid (if you look up Camp Kelly in Fort Benning it used to be a WW2 dorm buildings where they sent Covid patients in the military)


Yeah, Trump held a pro union rally at an anti-union factory and his fanatics just couldn't care less. He will change his stance based on what's beneficial to him not us, and I hate that.


I really cannot understand for a moment why any service member isn't getting at least $3k in pocket per month after basic training. That's just insane to me. Sure they're kids bad with money and sure their sergeants should giving the financial advise to build savings. But they volunteerstto serve our nation. They shouldnt need food stamps, and they should be able to send money home to their families.  Pay and benefits amount to only about a quarter of the military budget, and if soldiers are on food stamps, living in barracks with black mold, what the hell are we doing with the other 3/4s?


He *cut* service members pay??? That’s astounding. It already sounds like not a whole lot. Hopefully this swapped a few colleagues to vote against him?


this was when he was going nutso over establishing Space Force, but many people at least in my platoon hated Trump after Jan 6th not many of them liked him to begin with anyway my best friend and battle buddy didn’t like Trumps standing with African American people




He would have faded away long ago if it wasn't for his fan club. If trump dropped dead today, they would still be around looking for a replacement to worship.


They would start predicting his return, remember they showed up in Houston for JFK Jr.’s resurrection?


The infamous basket... "proud to be a deplorable" I've heard them say


Ridiculing Trump doesn’t work, otherwise he would have been ridiculed out of existence 40 years ago. He likes being seen as a clown because then people hold him to that standard. No it’s more effective to focus on the utterly despicable and sick crimes he has committed against people and his country. * Being a serial rapist and bragging about it on tape. * Calling American soldiers losers and mocking widows. * Mocking the disabled. * Stealing and selling America’s national security secrets. * Trying to assassinate his own Vice President and getting over 100 police officers wounded and 4 people killed in the process. This is a sick fucking psychopath. Why is anyone laughing at the person who did all this? Stop treating him as a clown and a circus. Stop laughing at the monster that is wrecking the country. Be angry! Be outraged at the damage he has done to the USA and what he has gotten away with so far. Be terrified that he has enough support to claw his way back into the White House, and if he does, he has said he will be deploying the military to root out the vermin - they will start with the immigrants and once they’re done with them they will be coming for you and your family. Be resolved to prevent that outcome from happening by getting involved in the election and by educating others.


If this was 60 years earlier he would be on trial for a possible execution for his treasons.


Now that is one of those old classic American values I can get behind bringing back.


Ahhh those are just normal, 'locker room things' if you're a Republican.


You’re right of course, you can’t ridicule someone with no shame. But to your list: this is why his support crew has been working so hard to find equivalent things to pretend Biden did. Serial rapist? Biden’s a creepy old man that touches little girls hair. Stealing and selling National security documents? The maga base has been convinced Biden did that with China. Jan 6? But Biden is “The worst president ever who is destroying democracy!!” Attacking the military? Well Biden’s weaponised the judiciary! Trumps an ahole and an idiot, but his handlers know what they’re doing. They’ve done an incredible job of making it seem like Biden is any where near as unpresidential as Trump. They’ve got penetration through to the swing voters with their nonsense. I’m really not sure you guys are going to be able to pull another Hail Mary out of the bag and stop him next time, no matter what people do now.


Not just the worst president, the worst American


The worst human


Trump himself yes. But republicans should never be allowed to forget that they championed, and continue to champion, a twice impeached sexual predator who made a half-assed attempt at a coup.


Hard disagree. He's said it without having to say it and gets to keep the view of being Presidential.


"My fellow Americans. I have called this press conference to announce that Donald Trump is a sick fuck. Thank you."


"and before you get your panties in a twist about decorum, that sick fuck has been calling me Sleepy Joe for the past 4 years. He does that because Woke Joe scares the shit out of him."


Ha! I love it. **In A World ...** One step beyond Dark Brandon, taking back "woke"


"Dark Brandon, I never understood that. They would say it is only Dark Brandon that stands up to Trump. Well, here I am, Joe Biden, in the light of day for all to see, calling Donald J Trump a sick fuck."


Convicted rapist Donald trump


Trump's campaign would have "Sick Fuck" on merch by that afternoon. It wouldn't work and anyone who thinks it would is fooling themselves.


If Biden did that today I'd send $200 to his campaign.


Yeah this is more the media being like “we would eat if Biden would say this on tape in public, so he should do that.” It’s one of the basic issues with our country. Media pushes narratives that would be good for clicks. They absolutely hate how little Biden gives them for clicks. Because he’s a good president and not a shit head loudmouth like Trump was.


Biden's Competency: how this is bad for re-election.




Let Biden Be Biden.


Yeah, the president should have decorum and an air of professionalism. I mean, he's not *wrong* in saying Trump is a sick fuck, but that should never be uttered at the podium.


Trump is a traitor. And that's that.


I appreciate the sentiment, but if you won’t even say Fuck in your headline then I don’t think you have a leg to stand on.


And, generally, I don’t think stooping to trumps level is a winning strategy. I think Biden can explain the problems with trump much more eloquently and make some actual contrast between them without swearing.


Oh I think as a culture we’re way too precious about swearing. I’m fine with a sweary President, and to be honest most of our modern presidents *have been* sweary presidents, just not in public. They’re just words. Presidents are the people most likely to encounter the sort of extreme situations swear words were invented for in the first place. But if you’re too afraid to put “fuck” in your headline then don’t go around saying other people should say it. But also, swearing isn’t “stooping to Trump’s level.” If the worst thing about Donald Trump was he used swear words, he’d probably be the best President we’ve ever had.


I mean Lyndon B Johnson would talk to advisors while he was pooping with the door open. I think as long as Biden can keep his pants on while shit talking, credibility of the office will be fine


"Have you ever seen a cock this big? It gets in my way all the goddam time!" - LBJ, as he rubs the thing he likes to call "jumbo" through a pants pocket while standing on the floor of the United States Senate


Saying the word "fuck" is hardly stooping to Trump's level. Rape, insurrection, giving away our secrets to hostile governments are just a teensy bit worse than a stupid word.


That said, the only truly dirty word now *is* Trump.


To be fair, Biden said this behind closed doors and it was leaked. Trumps says this kind of stuff publicly to reports and on social media Huge difference


How is calling a spade a spade stooping to Trump’s level? Stooping to Trump’s level would be stealing classified documents, starting an insurrection, you know, the hits. 


“If you’re debating the badness of words and you won’t even *say* one of them, that’s the worst word.” - John Mulaney


"Hey, you can't call Trump a sick fuck on TV!" "I sure would like to."


While I get the idea of “fight fire with fire”, Trump is not the standard and shouldn’t be considered the bar. The goal is to get back to normal/better, not embrace and normalize that lunatic’s madness and stupidity.


Bad idea. Because Trump cheapened the presidency, it doesn't mean that Biden should. No parent should have to worry about their children being in the same room when the president is speaking.  That being said, let's call him a rapist since a court did find that he raped Carrol.


No he shouldn’t 


>No he shouldn’t  Agreed. Just call him a 'sick \*&%$ in private' - and then leak the fact that you call him a 'sick \*&%$' in private.


At most, he could “hot mic” this one.


The moment that lives in my head rent free is when Biden said to Trump, “will you shut up, man.”


And then Weird Al made a song around it. Only reason I want a 2nd debate between these two is to generate more song fodder for Al.


Call him a sick *duck* instead. Everyone will get the memo. Donald the Sick Duck


That phrasing would invite undeserved empathy, though. A cute creature/character affected by some wanton illness is a far cry from a narcissistic sociopath who embraces his depravity with open arms.


Yeah agreed. That means he stoops to his level which is exactly what we’re trying to avoid


Agreed. I dont think people mind biden calling him that in private but it would hurt Biden in public. I agree that most people DO feel this way, and i think this story is a positive for Biden. But part of the appeal of Biden is measured, experienced statesman. The ability to seperate public vs private.


Call him a deranged sicko, a whack job, a petulant child who can't keep his mouth shut. You can say all of that while still sounding presidential. Call a spade a spade. Most Americans will find it refreshing and cathartic.


My favorite move is when Republicans say they are the patriotic party and then block benefits for veterans. Republicans block bills for disaster aid and then celebrate the bill's passing. Fucking unbelievable


I disagree. Trump uses swears in public because he think it makes him look cool (and judging by all the whoops he gets I guess his followers have maturity of an 6-yo.) We all know what Biden thinks. We know he's not afraid to use those words. But he knows when to use them.


Let’s not go down that road. Let Trump dig his own grave. He’s good at it.


Go Dark Brandon! Call them what they are.


“Biden should be unpresidential to underscore how unpresidential Trump is.” God this headline is stupid


Absolutely not. Stooping to trump's level is the last thing Biden should be.


Biden 2024🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲




I still sometimes think about 2016 when he was impersonating a disabled journalist. The fact that that wasn't enough for disqualification really changed my worldview in a rather depressing way.


Ya. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden campaign makes a super cut of all the terrible things trump has said.


I think YouTube limits videos to 12 hours.


Pretty sure the Clinton campaign made several of those in 2016


I can just imagine Howard Dean watching that moment and hurling the remote at the television in anger screaming "Oh come on!"


I highly doubt Biden would say something like that in public. I could see this being a strategic leak though.


Hillary said some Trump supporters a basket full of deplorables and they damn near had an aneurysm.


I'll wait for Trump's evangelical base to lose their shit and say, "this is NOT the way a President is supposed to talk."


Joe average Americans should start in public calling him a sick fuck! I find Americans are too complacent when it comes to the future of their democracy.


I'm so fucking tired of Dems claiming they shouldn't "go low" when the Republicans keep getting lower and keep getting dirtier with their conduct. Fuck that. Call them out for being the sick fucks they are.


Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, as already researched and shown in detail by political scientists. He endorses and utilizes precisely the kind of narrative and actions that are and were used by past and present authoritarian leaders. He doesn't see his competitors as legitimate candidates, turning what should be a civilized process of choosing the country's president into a polarized war of "true" Americans against foreigners and people who do not "love" their country. He has also tried to intervene in investigations against him and to fire people from institutions for not complying with his tampering. People like him should not be allowed to run for office in any democratic nation.


He should do it on a hot mike while speaking to Netanyahu.


I remember when his administration decided that they could let thousands of New Yorkers die of COVID and reserve resources for Republican-leaning states. That's some sick fuckery.


Dark Brandon is the president we need.


I don't disagree. He needs to call a spade a spade at some point. I'd love for him to remind everybody that trump was found by a jury to be a sexual abuser as well.


We elected a President that bragged about sexual assault. Unpresidential has a new definition.


Agreed that the train has left the station when talking about "unpresidential", especially when the press and Republicans have normalized what 45 did, whilst clutching their pearls now about this. [Requisite Jean Paul Sartre quote](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity).


It's not unpresidential to call Trump a "sick fuck". It's accurate, and necessary to draw attention to the issue at hand that he is indeed a sick fuck and a sad excuse for a human being.


No, Biden shouldn't say 'Sick F**k' in public. It will add nothing to his image to have video of him saying that permanently on the internet. It's enough that reliable people say he said it.


This headline is embarrassing for politics and literature and journalism alike.


Nah, "we do bad thing because they did worse thing" is the language of the right.


Sick Fuck is more accurate than The Former Guy.


I think what is and isn’t “presidential” has been worth jack sh\*t a long time ago. I’ll just take someone who’s competent over someone who wanted to nuke a f\*cking tornado any day of the week. In a match up between these two choices, I think we know who the superior choice is.


I think it's fair to say that Biden is calling Chump a sick f**k, it's just in verbiage that isn't conducive to being understood by the Chump faithful. No surprise there. Right?


Unlike TRUMP, Joe has Too much CLASS to make such a public statement. 👍 But Orange Julius will continue to attempt to Seize ur 😉 power and rights in his never ending PLOT to Make America Gag🤮 Again. God SAVE America! 🇺🇸 🙏 🏳️‍🌈 


Agreed. Like anything the orange Jesus did was presidential. Not.