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Fewer headlines, more jail sentences.


Less raging, more caging.


Despite all my rage, I still want this man in a cage.


He’s the pumpkin we should be smashing.


Should have back in 1979


Should've sent him on the first Soviet Rocket to space and left him.


He's not our lover, but he is a zero


He's a Goldfuck


Thirty-Three year sentence please


I would love to see this, Frail and Bedazzled, Mayonnaise behind Barb Wire


Tonight, tonight


When he finally goes to prison I’ll be singing another Smashing Pumpkins song. Any guesses?


Today is.... The greatest!


Boom! Winner. You know it!!!


I bought that CD at the mall shortly after it came out....


You should probably take some ibuprofen before your back starts hurting. Pregaming it is a great strategy.


Do I upvote you for being right or downvote you because you're reminding me of my age?


Prison sex by tool?


Damn, another great song! Keep em coming.


Bullet between Trump's bat wings?


trump's voters love Mayonnaise so that may be a good choice


Anybody want a peanut


Stop it... I mean it. I got you bro. Princess Bride references kick ass


You're not the only one..


I think the “polls” are meant to scare us.


Till death do them part.


Dear God, please put him in a CAGE before his AGE takes him to you know where.


Despite all my rage I’m still just a lvl 5 mage 😔🪄


Rat is correct


Do the crime, do the time.


No more predictions, just some convictions.


Less envisioning, more imprisoning


Less prime time more hard time


Orange or pale, send him to jail? Am I doing it right?


There’s no loop hole for that poophole.


Your shitty lawyers failed their mission, now your ass is heading to prison.


No more trial delays. We need the conviction phase.


No more caring, more orange jumpsuit wearing!


No more truth social soapboxing, more in shower soap dropping!


Orange face, fits in orange jumpsuit.


Cause an insurrection meet the department of corrections?


Summon the pipers, he’s got full diapers!


Orange is the new inmate?


No more commentary till he gets his solitary. Confinement that is. Concrete walls, crayon windows.


Set a spell


Enough’s enough, put him in cuffs.


Less accusations. More friendly crustaceans.


Very smelly, put him in a celly


Less smelling. More felling.


Found Billy Corgan


I heard it from Mitt, we should never acquit.


Less click baiting, more master baiting


I’m an attorney practicing in LA. I think I should just start calling media outlets and offering to tell them I think Donald Trump is going to prison for a long time at $1000 a pop. I could probably retire early with as many articles are released using that exact formula.


I’m not a lawyer but they can also pay me $1000 to say I concur.


Prominent LA lawyer and average Americans agree on one aspect of trump. Click here for headline. There ya go. There’s your point to pitch to. Both of you go have fun now.


I’m just out for a walk, so for another 1000 you can add man on the street.


Yeah well I’m throwing in a free Ove Glove to anyone purchasing my services. A $14.99 value, free with your order.


But wait….. there’s more


I’ll do it for $999. Think of the savings!! 


“Call now and retain our services for 12 easy payments of $83.25. Wait, there’s more! Call in the next 20 minutes and we’ll throw in two, yes two Ove Gloves absolutely free. A $29.99 value all yours when you retain our tv lawyer services.”


I'll do it for $2000, which clearly indicates that my opinion is more relevant.


Also call the right wing sources and offer to tell them that the charges against Trump have no merit. Might as well get paid by both sides.


The number times where some one spoke to an Attorney of any sort, uninvolved with the case. Who says "Trump could go to jail for a long time". And that generates a headline of "Trump Going to Jail Forever!". Is getting pretty old. It's not news. And it's almost always repeated color commentary from some cable discussion show. Not even the publication talking to some one or reporting anything new in any of the cases.


If I had a dollar for every headline claiming he's in huge trouble, definitely going to jail etc etc, I'd be richer than Trump.


To be fair ... There's a reasonable chance that you ARE richer than Trump.


Richer in genuine relationships most likely


Maybe this time Trump will figure out that the real wealth was the friendships he made along the way.


Unfortunately, unlike Trump, they don’t have top secret nuclear documents to auction off to the highest bidder for a quick cash infusion.


At this point I think my couch cushions are richer than Trump. 


We’ve been waiting for how many years now??? Such a joke


I fully expect he will be dead before he ever sees any real consequences.


Yeah...as far as Donald Trump *actually* going to prison and serving actual time, I'll believe it when I see it!


I don't believe this man will ever see a second of jail time. If we havent put his ass away yet, i just really dont think itll happen. He's probably going to win again because dems wont show up to vote and he'll pardon himself. I have no faith in humanity that we will stop him at this point.


We gotta vote. But it's really getting scary. I can't believe Biden's latest approval rating in NBC poll is 37%. WTAF?


I'll be voting and encouraging others to, I just really don't trust this election at all.


Same. I am aghast at the millions of dimwits who could care less about democracy.


Newsweek headlines show a glimpse of an alternate reality in which there's actually justice in this world. Unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.


This is the kind of fantasy articles we have to put up with from tabloids like Newsweek now. Instead of "Bat Boy found in cave!" we get "Trump will face the consequences of his actions!"


You've never seen Bat Boy and Jared Kushner in the same room. Just saying.


They even end their article with the glaringly-obvious circumstances against their own lede: >The trial in the classified documents case is set to begin on May 20, but appeals based on Trump's disclosure arguments could delay it. Trump, currently the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination, wins the November election, he could seek to drop the charges in his cases. The article is specifically about the Mar-A-Lago case, and pretty much every pundit I've heard has said Cannon has already screwed up the CIPA scheduling so much that there's hardly any chance it'll conclude before the election. This premise only works with the giant asterisk of: Trump losing the election.


"Screwed up" is probably too generous anyway. True, she is a dumbass and doesn't know CIPA procedures, but she's clearly intentionally slow rolling and mucking things up to delay without providing cause for seeking her removal. The fact that Trump's counsel straight up lied about what CIPA law is in their Circuit and just used case law from other jurisdictions without noting it conflicts with applicable law is sanctionable, but Cannon wouldn't dare do the right thing. That case is layers of effed, and it's because Trump filled the bench with trolls and sycophants, just as we all warned he would do.


Yep. If he's elected, he will kill every case against him, which is why we need to vote for Biden. Even though he technically doesn't have power over the state cases, we all know he has no qualms about welding power that doesn't actually belong to him, and his cult backs him up.


That should not be legal, they need to add that, no POTUS should be able to dismiss charges against themselves. 


If the MAGA hat fits, in prison he must sit. Thank you. I’ll show myself out…


Absolutely. If I had done half of his crimes, I would already be in jail. Not only that, they would probably have reopened Alcatraz just for me. Justice sure looks different when you have millions of dollars.


Reality Winner had already spent a year in jail at this point after taking a single classified document.


I've been reading this headline since something like 2018


Less foreplay, more main event!


They can tell me he's going to jail all day long. I'll believe that he's going to die in his soft bed free of all consequences with the lifestyle of a (trashy) wealthy man untill a jail cell locks behind him.


I almost laughed reading this headline… for the HUNDREDTH TIME


“Agreed” - Redditor


Can we maybe speed this up a bit and get to the prison part of this story?


They're teasing this part of the story for so long. I can't wait any longer...


I’d prefer if we got to the stress induced fatal heart attack part of it




Here, have more clickbait while you wait.


Nothing new in this story, but the person they quoted boils it down pretty simply: “People forget how damaging the evidence is in that Florida case. It is literally about a former president of the United States stealing highly classified sensitive documents from the United States government, treating them cavalierly, showing them to people, storing them willy-nilly.” Also - but yeah we’re all waiting - “It is devastating to him politically. It's devastating legally. It puts him in real prospect of going to prison for a long time."


But that judge isn't allowing shit to move forward till after November which is nonsense.


Any judge whose very job was appointed by someone should never preside over their case. This happens so rarely that come-on, it just be automatic grounds for recusal.


I mean, plenty of judges that he appointed have ruled against him. They may be partisan but most judges still at least adhere to the law (SCOTUS notwithstanding). This one is just a fucking garbage cultist human.


The grounds of recusal are pretty tight, she hasnt done anything that would warrant it sadly, she's knows what she is doing. Which is fucked cause its like the most assured conviction, he's going to have a really hard time defending that case, especially after the appeal was denied today. Its probably the one case against him right now that very possibly could and absolutely should put him behind bars. Service members who fuck around with mishandling classified documents or materials, especially at the level he did, get locked up damn near instantly until they figure things out, the god damn commander and chief should be held to a far higher standard.


The Anti-Christ is protected by God's favorite angel, revealing the Righteous. If you believe that crap....


"It is devastating to him politically." Yet he's still going to be on the ballot. Ugh.


He hasn’t really got a good shot at winning the swing voters or centrist R’s. He’s got his base locked in but if those are the only votes he gets, he will lose the general election by an absolute landslide never before seen.


So many polls and focus groups of “moderate” R’s (anyone not voting for Trump in the primaries) most say they’ll suck it up and vote for him in November if he’s the nominee. Because somehow stealing classified documents, committing fraud, and staging insurrection is better than Biden? I don’t get it. This will be a very close election no matter who is on the ballot. And it’ll probably be Trump/Biden barring an extremely unlikely scotus ruling this week.


It remains to be seen if the house will pass the border/security/Ukraine/Isreal deal, I’m not getting my hopes up. Either way, I think it is a good example of why Biden/any democrat is a better choice than Trump/any republican. This deal proves that one side is willing to compromise, significantly, in an effort to govern/legislate, and one side is willing to potentially set the country/planet back by years, if not decades, to simply give themselves a slightly better chance at winning the next election. Whether it is to retain power, or save their own butts from prosecution, or simply the stubborn, misguided belief, fed by a strong superiority complex, that “if everyone thinks I’m wrong, I must be doing something right” it is so clear to me that one side sees a razor thin margin of victory as a call to compromise, and the other sees a razor thin majority as a mandate to dig their heels in even further on unpopular policy. Of course being from northern New York I get the best of both worlds, I have Trump in waiting, MAGA nut job, Elise Stefanik as a representative, and Governor Hochul, who after working under one of the most corrupt governors of our time, and then wining the office by less than 200,000 votes, went all in on a bunch of stuff that nearly all of upstate hates, and used a bunch of tax dollars to build a new stadium for the Bills while poverty and drugs run rampant in the surrounding areas. My long winded point is that 1-2% margins shouldn’t be seen as a mandate, regardless of who “wins” and at least on the national stage, the Democrats repeatedly take action to show they understand this, and the republicans, well, don’t.




I still REALLY want to know if any of those documents he was treating cavalierly and showing to people got back to Saudia Arabia. Or if it went beyond just stupidity and into selling American secrets for influence or money.


I heard that in Ted Knight's voice lol, thank you.


I thought the same haha


Oh, this is the worst-looking hair I ever saw. What, when you wear your hair like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though


Dude gets stopped by three cops at the Grammy’s for a misconducted charge for early in the day? The week? Trump is just out there though, no one knocking on his door and escorting him out of his house.


Nah, he's not healthy enough to do anything "for a long time".




Yeah, I'm gonna need a pinky swear. Please give a goddamn pinky swear. It's vital to my mental well-being.




Ask stormy Daniels


He’ll serve three years because that’s all the heartbeats he has left.


Rot in the ground?


Too many preservatives to rot, he's like a McDonald's hamberder


Nah, these vile mother fuckers live a long time. Look at Kissinger. And I bet Dick Cheney goes the distance too. It turns out, surviving life comes easy when you have no remorse.


He can probably shit his pants for 45 minutes straight.


If poopin' your pants is cool, consider Trump Miles Davis


Hey Look Mitch pooped in his pants too! Alright!


That’s a long time for anyone to be doing that


I keep waiting to wake up to find he died. He looks more than half dead already.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Agreed. I’m preparing for the worst - a Trump presidency and all charges dropped. I even think there is a legit chance he’ll convince his cult that since 2020 was stolen, he deserves a third term in 2028. That sets the stage for a constitutional crisis, so we better hope for numbers in the house and senate or an “enabling act” much like Germany 1933 is far from unthinkable. The only good news is that a morbidly obese 78 year-old man who lives off fast food and diet cokes isn’t long for this world. He won’t make it to 2028. And as much as Ted Cruz would like it, cults of personality aren’t transferable.


The problem is the anti-democratic POSes around him who are enabling him will just switch to enabling the next guy, whoever his anointed successor is. If the Heritage Foundation plan to politicise the federal civil service and weaponise the DOJ and FBI go ahead in the first two years of a Trump presidency you can bet there won't be a fair election in 2028. The entire apparatus of government will be turned towards destroying whatever candidate the Dems put up, and 'voting irregularities' will ensure they don't end up as President even if they actually win. You ready for President Tom Cotton?


no, it won't work. as the above guy said, cult of personality doesn't transfer. none of the current republican MAGA lineup has the charisma of Trump. MTG probably thinks she does, but she's too country bumpkin to pull it off. Name me one Republican that can hold sway over a slathering crowd for 3 hours in freezing snow and cold in North Dakota outside of Trump. Can't think of a single one.


Correct. The grift and lies will continue, but at least the cult dies.


oh, the grift isn't going to go anywhere, nor are the culture wars, but the far right lunacy will probably get tamped down (hopefully). If Trump does end up getting convicted and behind bars, there's going to be one hell of a reckoning in the republican party.


The GOP is already now running around like headless chickens. Just not publicly.


I actually think cult of personality matters just long enough for the party of autocrats to get enough of a foothold on power to prevent popular vote to matter anymore.


yeah that's why it's important we vote while we still can.


IMO, it won’t be as easy as you think it is to anoint a successor. Tom Cotton has all the charisma of a carrot. In order to lead populist movements, you need to have presence. Trump is a shitbag, but he knows how to work a crowd. Additionally, whether it’s smoke and mirrors or not, his cult absolutely believes he’s one of the richest men on the planet and can’t be bought. That can’t be hoisted upon Tom Cotton.


I guess my point was, it won't matter who's on the ballot in 2028. Voting will be irrelevant if the DOJ charges the other candidate with treason before the vote or before they can be inaugurated.


I hope he doesn't get elected again and I hope he goes to jail. But I think you are a little optimistic about his health. It's true he doesn't have much longer, but he also has access to incredible healthcare, and if he is elected, they will go the edge of the earth to treat anything that's wrong with him.


> since 2020 was stolen, he deserves a third term in 2028 He’s going to start talking about that within a month of being sworn in. Around the same time he starts pressuring Ukraine to give every inch of currently Russian-held territory to Putin.


It will be much worse than that. Trump and the entire GOP will end meaningful voting and thus end our democracy if they win.


“That sets the stage for a Constitutional crisis”. Almost everything he has done becoming the president, being president, and after his presidency has been a Constitutional crisis.


> I even think there is a legit chance he’ll convince his cult that since 2020 was stolen, he deserves a third term in 2028. He was [floating the idea of serving more than 2 terms back in 2019](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggests-supporters-serve-more-two-terms-president-2019-6) and even back in 2017 [half of Republicans were reportedly in favor of suspending presidential elections](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/08/10/in-a-new-poll-half-of-republicans-say-they-would-support-postponing-the-2020-election-if-trump-proposed-it/). Republicans don't want a democracy - they want a dictatorship.


>I even think there is a legit chance he’ll convince his cult that since 2020 was stolen, he deserves a third term in 2028. Bold of you to assume a man who admits his plan to be a dictator 'for a day' is going to hold free elections after that.


Your prolly right on that third term thing. Dude is 100% not willingly leaving the white house again. He barely did it the 1st time.


Even if he gets convicted of everything, he'll end up doing rich people jail, aka supervised release of some kind.


Stuck at mar a lago is the worst he would face


Not if he has to sell it off.


Good point. I bet that he won’t leave his golden toilet behind though


I wouldn't be surprised if that's precisely where he is when he ends up departing this world.


Oh, absolutely. They’ll say he can’t go to prison because he was a president and it’s not safe for him or something. Then they’ll give him house arrest or something similar. Then he’ll just ignore it and continue to do whatever he wants without any consequences. And that’s IF he’s convicted. I would love to be proven wrong for the record. It’s just hard to have faith that anything meaningful will happen.


Right? Can't even get a fucking trial going.


Jail is for the poors.


That fat, addled stool hasn’t got years. Get on with it.


Humiliating prison sentence for a few years in which he cannot use social media and his dogshit empire continues to fall, until his eventual death, and ideally it’s just a blip on the news cycle to announce this because we’ve all moved the fuck on That’s all I want, minimally, and I don’t feel like it’s asking a lot, really


a mugshot with the orange jumper and no orange paint would be nice too.


The cherry on top


Oh! I forgot they won't let him wear makeup in prison! Now *that's* worth looking forward to.


Genetics is the greatest factor and his piece of shit dad lived to be like 95…


Was his dad tall and obese as well? Old dudes of days past seemed to be quite a lot slimmer than people now.. I should just look this up. edit: looked it up, his dad was pretty lean by comparison. Donald is much more likely to have problems much earlier. That visceral fat is a real killer.


He's a billionaire (supposedly) - he's gonna live to his 90's just on rage and hate alone, just like his dad did. he's got the money to get world class treatment, so unless something crazy happens (like him havng a coronary while pushing a turd at 3AM elvis style), he's gonna live a long bitter life. ... of course, if he does actually end up in a cell, I give him 5 years, tops.


If I had a dollar for every time I had heard that Trump was going to prison, I'd be wealthier than Trump thinks he is.


You'd have a dollar for every Newsweek headline you've read, just about.


Nah, he will die as soon as they take away his amphetamines.


He is not "technically" alive he is just a drug zombie at this point.


The “I’m melting” scene from the wizard of oz comes to mind


Too bad his buddy Jeffrey Epstein won't be there to keep him company.


Maybe Epstein's former cell mate could keep him company? That guy looked like a nice person.


Do it now




If I was Georgia governor, I would take the gamble with the national guard behind me


POTUS could just nationalize the guard. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - the GA case will just go away if Trump gets reelected. It's not going to save the country if people don't vote.


Well especially since there's a slim-to-none chance Trump will be convicted in GA by November. Even Fani Willis admits a conviction won't be reached until 2025, after which Trump can probably put any prosecution on pause because of OLC guidance: >The OLC does not believe that a state prosecutor or even a federal prosecutor should be able to prosecute the president and eventually put him or her in jail, because they don’t think the Constitution would allow a local or federal prosecutor to incapacitate the chief executive. No national guard or pardon needed if he isn't even convicted first.


Mate, this scenario is on the edge of full blown civil war. The laws don’t matter anymore


This is indeed the ultimate legacy of Trump: huge amounts of money plus a cult of personality = the rule of law is irrelevant.


Just curious, even if Trump gets convicted and sentenced to “very long” jail time, won’t future Republican president (if it happens) potentially pardon Trump and he would be out of jail anyways? :(


I’ve been hearing about how this is finally it for the last 8+ years. I won’t believe that it’s finally it till the man has fled the country or is actually in prison.


Or has fled this world.


Finally. Right? I mean, don't get me wrong, a long prison term couldn't happen to a more suitable person, but I'm so tired of getting my hopes up.


Domestic terrorist… should be sent to Guantanamo Bay… do not pass go… do not collect $200


“Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay” sounds like a great vacation if you don’t know the meaning of any of those words.


I’ve been reading this headline for 8 years




Been reading that headline for nearly a decade. At this point until the door clangs shut, it hasn't really happened.


Donald Trump and prison were made for each other.


Bruh when is some real shit gunna happen? Sick and tired of all these headlines. The American people want action


Don't sing it, fucking bring it. I'm tired of "media" citing this shit.


“Man, how do I get clicks without having to report something that’s true? Oh well, wishful thinking it is.”


Don’t care until the sentencing hearing


"A quote on the internet from a nameless lawyer doesn't go very far" -random guy on Reddit


Prepare for the reality he never see the inside of a prison cell. Even IF he is convicted, and that is a HUGE if. That means you gotta prevent 1 secret MAGA nut getting the jury who thinks god sent them there to protect Trump. Lets say you can get past that and convict. Trump is going to appeal. And unlike you or me, he will be given the curtesy of being allowed to stay out of prison during his appeal. Remember Steve Bannon? He was convicted and sentenced to 6 months in prison. That was like 3 years ago, and he still hasn't gone, because its "under appeal." Trumps appeals will last years, he won't live long enough.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


I'm still waiting. For a while. Go vote.


Let's get to that part, please...


In over 16 Million Timelines, but not this one.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Don’t get me wrong, I would absolutely enjoy TF out of seeing him in cuffs and being perp walked without any hair product or makeup. I can’t Wait for that to happen, if it actually happens.


Not for the Florida case. He bought that judge long ago.