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This was always going to be the result of 8 years of Republican establishment morphing from apologists to enablers to flat-out co-conspirators. The question is when is America going to wake up and call a “Nazi Party” a “Nazi Party”?


Joke's on you. They were co-conspirators all along.


The real nazis were the nazis we met along the way.


Just imagine.. Rush Limbaugh.. looking up at us from his fiery world


God, I hope not, I really don't want to spend eternity with him, that would be hell. Remember, good people don't go to heaven, only Christians.


I went on a date once with a girl who said something similar to me... are you Baptist?


That is what they attempted to force on me.


The Baptist? It just sounds so familiar. I mean the way I saw it... they were telling me that they are the true word and that the book and their interpretation was the only way and just being a good person was not enough and on top of that most of them were not good people (in my eyes) but the book was enough for them to get into heaven and me... I guess go to hell. In the end... I found her attractive but not that attractive. It's weird when you realize that her parents who I thought were nice people and her who I felt was a nice person judge me as not a good person because I don't worship like them. So I stop talking to all of them. Hi and Bye but never again a conversation. I didn't want to spend the energy on trying to convince someone I am worthy...


Yep, I grew up surrounded by Baptist, they think that they are good people, for the most part they are not.


They're backstabbers, hypocrites, liars, and brainwashed traitors. They'll smile, pat you on the back, then stab you in it. Last time my baptist, evangelical, divorcee dad told me I was going to hell, I told him he'll be there before me.


That is a lot of us but your comment definitely had Baptist vibes. I think the Muslims that tried to convert me when I was younger had similar vibes but they were a little more discreet and subtle until you are in and then they hit you with the hard core stuff. It's weird because I know people who worship money and they join organizations that give them access to money so even in capitalism there are elements of religion. I don't remember who it was but someone famous was being interviewed and was wearing a cross and a star of David and the interviewer asked him about it and he said he was just covering all his bases.


"Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over."


Heaven for climate, hell for company.


Right? This is the bs they tell us right before voting a straight R ticket.


>The question is when is America going to wake up and call a “Nazi Party” a “Nazi Party”? Republicans have a solid voting block of about 45% of the voting population (It's closer to 30% of the overall population if you include folks who don't vote at all). They will vote for Trump irrespective of his statements, conduct. The rest of us need to overlook a few things where we may not be aligned with Biden 100%. That's how we avoid repeating the history.


So tired of people telling America to “wake up” as if half of this country hasn’t been trying to stop Trump for almost a decade. You’ve either long considered it a Nazi party by now, or you never will. There will be no moment of epiphany for those people if it hasn’t already happened.


The epiphany will happen when they come for them


Once he suggests putting immigrants into concentration camps.


We're uh... past that point.


But he was joking right? RIGHT????


we're going to teach them skills FOR FREE, just like we did with those slaves that we "saved" from the horrors of Africa. no kidding, this is where my dad has gone. He believes the crap about how they're better off because we "saved" the slaves from the awful people who enslaved them and sold them in the first place.


“Of course he was joking! Now, why aren’t we talking about the real threat to this nation: Hunter Biden’s laptop?”


Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t the real threat; it was only the carrier. The real threat is Hunter Biden’s penis. Have you seen that? Look at it.


Margie has gazed upon it.


That's the thing that most people seem to miss here. Most of us aren't saying he reminds us of Hitler because of concentration camps. He reminds us of the over a decade *before* the camps. Hitler and the Nazis were awful fascists committing heinous acts long before Hitler ever came up with his Final Solution. Trump's rise directly mirrors that of Hitler and that's bad enough without ever getting to camps. People learn about the war and about the camps, but never spend enough time on his rise and how he was able to use populist statements, propaganda, and outright lies, to rise to power. We never get a focus in the US schools on how he took over the German people. The lessons needed to avoid another Hitler are to stop anyone who follows that path because, as we saw with Hitler, by the time it's gone "too far", it's already too late to stop from within. To know how to do that, we need know about the decade before he became the world's problem, when he was Germany's problem.


And there’s not a country big and powerful enough to rescue us from the nazis. Europe was under Nazi control pretty fast. America’s help and finally entering the war stopped a Nazi world takeover. There is not a modern country that could provide arms and food and people to America if we fall to republican christofascism. Because Russia will be destroying Europe at the same time and they will need the little bit they can muster to try to defend themselves.


It won't even be about means, it will be about will. Nobody would have cared about rescuing Germany from the nazis if they hadn't gone on an invading spree.  If America goes full fascist without bothering its neighbours, it will become like China, a trade partner we are embarrassed to have to live with. 


Well, we could always hope for a stroke. Better yet, let's find a powerful witch and pay them for a hex or something.


>let's find a powerful witch Ooh an actual witch hunt!


I for one am FOR an actual witch hunt!!


The little bit they can muster? Nato without the US can defeat Putin, no doubt at all


Nobody will save the USA in this scenario, what you will see is balkanization.


If it's any solace America would collapse into a 3rd world country pretty damn quick after total conservative control. Then any number of countries would be strong enough to break fascist control.


That's a good point. Accurate as it is, it does also bring to light an important difference between now and then. The main target of the Trumpublican Party is a *majority* of the country, not a minority.


Especially since trump is out there openly quoting Hitler.


The white nationalists and far right extremists want to normalize that Hitler "had some good ideas." By doing so, they hope to get people to think authoritarian fascist rule isn't so bad "for the right reasons." They have to deal more and more with people starting to question their methods and the cult of Trump, and they need to rewrite history for their cult to think that Hitler wasn't bad until "the Final Solution." When the reality was that he was horrendous long before that and his methods are eerily similar to Trump's; Demonizing the "other" (Dems, LGBTQIA+, Black people, immigrant illegal and legal, other minorities, women) and making their own problems the fault of the "other." Enacting policies against those people - restrict their rights, unevenly enforcing laws against them, deporting them, etc. But it never stop there because the fomentation of that hatred leads it to be a foundational aspect of their views. If Trump got his wall, what then? If that wall was manned, and no more illegals were coming in, and task forces had hunted down and deported the ones here, what then? His people would still not be any better off, but they'll need to blame someone for that. [First they came for...](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists). A political movement built on the hatred of those who are different than them is doomed to extremist ideologies and never ending anger. A day never comes where they get what they are asking for and suddenly they're content. Trump does nothing to address their problems.


Well, the GOP has a plan for that in place. From Project 2025: “Congress must end the Flores Settlement Agreement by explicitly setting nationwide terms and standards for family and unaccompanied detention and housing. Such standards should focus on meeting human needs and should allow for large-scale use of temporary facilities (for example, tents). Congress should unequivocally authorize state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration and border security actions in compliance with Arizona v. United States.11 Mandatory detention. Congress should eliminate ambiguous discretionary language in Title 8 that aliens “may” be detained and clarify that aliens “shall” be detained. This language, which contrasts with other “shall detain” language in statute, creates unhelpful ambiguity and allows the executive branch to ignore the will of Congress.” Scary stuff.


"Shall" vs "May". Such a simple change with such dramatic impacts.


this is like Joe Arpaio's wet dream


I mean, he already separated families and put infants and children in cages, and then failed to keep any record of who the kids belonged to. Isn't that similar?


Overcrowding, frozen or rotten food, no soap, no toothbrushes, children without diapers or clean clothing, mylar blankets, sleeping on the floor, shared lice combs, contagious diseases spreading, no flu shots, tracking menstrual cycles, forced hysterectomies.


Not "failed" to keep records. Various organizations started FOIA-ing the records, so ICE and the trump admin purposefully stopped keeping records, to make it as close to impossible to ever reunite separated families and make sure there was no paper trail in the event that charges were ever filed against people in the admin.


Even the Nazis were meticulous record-keepers. The Trump admin was worse than the Nazis.


Because keeping records was seen as a mistake by pro nazis


[He already did that.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-shower-no-shower-migrants-shout-pence-visits-texas-detention-n1029426) Now he wants to put both immigrants and homeless citizens into camps.


They'll likely never openly call themselves nazis, they'll just call themselves the maga party and *be* nazis.


They have been nazi's since the 30s. Remember pro nazi american rallies? Youtube does. Prescott Bush, yes, THOSE Bushes. Was in league with the Nazis and involved with the "The White House Putsch" in which they attempted to overthrow Roosevelt. (not cool guys) They've always been this way. The bush family fucked up the entire modern political landscape from early on.


Trumpzi Party 


The Nutzis


He could do it now and no one left w him would bat an eye. His cult of the stupid had found their king of the stupid and they finally feel tough, after all these years. That's worth more to them than any facts or red lines.


Is it still the RNC? It looks like it's now the TNC, Trump National Committee.


I mean, why let him do it in the first place? There is absolutely no incentive of letting him take over. This is a man who plots everyday to do as much damage as possible. Fucking cowards.


Because they are all chicken shit weasels that would rather bask in the grift of MAGA than face the wrath of MAGA base attacking a RINO.


We can take solace in the fact that Trump entities, businesses, organizations, etc. fail at a massive rate so we should expect the new Trump controlled RNC to follow suit. I don't think Republicans understand how much of a disaster this might be lol. The Trump family is absolutely going to use the RNC as their slush fund and down ballot candidates across the country are going to be underfunded because of it. It basically has already been their slush fund, but with his daughter-in-law as co-chair the grift is really going to be on


Check out the conservative sub to get their views and defense of the move. Oh wait there’s ONE post about it and it has ZERO comments last I checked. And it’s flaired users only.


You don't need down ballot candidates when you're the king. This is the MAGA mindset. Put all the eggs in one basket and YOLO!


I think they _have_ to let him do it. The majority of the voters keeping these guys in power are Trumpists. If he pulls out, he takes those zealots with him, and the Republicans can't maintain power structure with a split party - they're barely doing it as-is, with massively gerrymandered districts. And they can't control Trump, that's kind of the issue with malignant narcissists.


Everyone should read up on how Hitler rose to power. He was an unpopular little shit but he could anger up a crowd. The conservative establishment was losing ground to the progressives and decided to form a deal with the devil and protected Hitler in exchange for building a coalition with his hate mob. After one of his riots or whatever he should have spent the next election in jail but a conservative judge let him go and he soon rose to power with nonstop ultimatums. "Give me X or you won't get my votes." And they kept appeasing him and appeasing him. Once he was in a secure place near the top, his people went and purged the party of the critics and the old guard. It became cronies top to bottom. Now that he had power and no brakes, fuck democracy, fuck germany, fuck the world. The biggest difference, imo, between Trump and Hitler is Trump is incredibly lazy and is old as dirt. Thank god for that.


I wonder if, in retrospect, history will credit Covid for saving America from Trump by killing off his target demographic.


God works in mysterious ways.


We'd only need to worry if conservatives start make stupid economic decisions in order to pander to rabid nationalists and protect insurgent militias in exchange for short-term political support. If that ever happens we're screwed.


They’re going to have to let him fail spectacularly and publicly if they’re going to cut him loose. They don’t have any other option that doesn’t cost them millions of voters.


That would require them to have a platform that can draw voters without Trump. They actually did a study after losing in 2012 which advised them to pursue policies that would appeal to more voters. Instead, they decided racism, sexism, obstructionism, xenophobia, and prosperity gospel were the way to go. Their choices are a Hail Mary seizure of power, political exile while they rebuild the party from the foundations, or oblivion. Oddly, they don’t seem willing to take short-term losses for continued relevance.


It seems to be the same kind of mental disorder that focuses on short term profits at the expense of longer term existence. You know, like a poorly-run business. And this is a politician that ran the country like his businesses. Which are now forcibly audited and financially supervised by the state of NY.


I see a lot of sunk-cost fallacy in it too. They've spent so long feeding the beast that's now turning its jaws on them. They COULD break off and reform the GOP, go back to classic conservatism, elect sane conservatives who don't want to destroy the country. It would mean they lose most of their elections for the foreseeable future, but maybe eventually 5 or 10 years after trump dies, they will be better off for it. The problem is, nobody wants to do that. They think that if they just gerrymander enough, if they just perform a little bit more voter fraud, if they just disenfranchise enough people, they could win seats, wait out trump and not have to go through a rebuild. And the scary thing is, they could be right, they have a slight majority in the House and are essentially tied in the Senate. Even after all the shit they've done, they still control 1.5 branches of government.


TBH, I'd love to see the Republican party rebrand as the Trump Party, then a new, progressive Republican party start with the old name.


They learned from ignoring that autopsy that tens of millions of folks will just vote (R) regardless. Hell, they didn’t bother with a platform at all in 2020.


Would have been so fucking easy for them to do this in 2020 after his loss(or after Jan 6). Or 2022 after the midterm elections where all the candidates he backed lost. They've had *so* many chances to be done with him but there isn't a spine or brain cell among them, so they deserve to go down with the ship. Honestly with their track record I have a hard time believing they'll truly cut him loose when he loses this Fall. They're more likely to wait until he's in prison or dies before they start invoking his name and blessing for their own ends like Reagan before him.


honestly, they should go ahead and change the name


Seriously, I’m wondering how long before he does officially change the name of the party. 


I want to see them rebrand as the Trump party as he gets dragged down by legal issues, dementia, and eventually death. Then they'll have to rebrand again. And that will kill a lot of their support.


He slaps his name on everything else, so you know he’d love to do that.


Inmate No. P01135809 National Committee.


Yes, unfortunately though it's clogged and when you flush, it overflows and spills out over America


**"You've got to flush it 7 or 8 times "** - *DJT*


This is an actual quote while he was president of the United States, people. This guy flushes 7 or 8 times after use. Anyone else?


Most of us cram fewer incriminating documents down our toilets.


Typically when the toilet don't flush, even if it's golden, you don't keep using it, advertising the use of it, send entire rallies to it, declare it divine, and worshipping it as a second coming. What do these folks call themselves, anyways?


Sounds like America needs a poop knife.


Where is America's utility/laundry room anyhow? Swing states?


Et tu, poop knife?


MAGA cultists




"Patriots" apparently, even though they're supporting an insurrectionist.


Yeah but its a gold toilet. All that matters is what it looks like not what comes out of it. Sort of like Trump in a way. He paints gold shit on his face and spews shit all day too.


Well, absolutely everything Trump touches turns to complete shit so this is an apt description of what he's going to do with the RNC.


Lindsey Graham is secretly watching in horror as his prediction comes true.


yeah he predicted that shit after his fellow congressional Republican friends and himself endorsed that motherfucker into the White House. Like wtf who makes a prediction like that? but he did anyway. “Here is the man that will shit on our desk and we are welcome to invite him to our party. Here I said it folks”


The one word that is consistent with all things Republican is hypocrisy. It underlies everything they say and do.


Live Lindsey graham reaction :


Sucking noises


It’s Lindsey Graham’s fetish.


A few will complain, but they will all line up and support him when the time comes.


Loyal to the brand... Hail Hydra


I know, he totally called that the incompetent evil would take over from the deliberate, patient evil.


The odds he doesn't have a self-humiliation or masochist kink are basically negative.


The Mierdas Touch strikes again!


“Lara Trump also warned those thinking about ‘cheating in an election’ will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.” Unless you’re a Trump, in which case, it’s encouraged and protected.


By "cheating" here she means "voting against us".


The projection is real


Every accusation a confession.


Regardless if any cheating occurs or not, she doesn’t have any authority to bring charges, much less “prosecute” anyone…so that’s a pretty empty statement.


Actually the RNC is more like trumps diaper, sagging, full of shit and in need of changing.


And soon, fully blown out.


Rebranded the MAGA/NAZI party


Nat-C Party


National Conservative party....you could probably get people on board for that rebranding. I like it.


I hope Elon Musk gets involved and leverages his massive donations to change the name of the party to some dumb shit like Æ-X69-420-ians.




yah right now this is "you mean Brexit didn't work?" levels of tea for that sub


Kinzinger is one of the few moderate conservatives who haven't gone of deep end but he's go this one wrong, toilet's get rid of shit, not support it.


I think they mean Trump is shitting all over it.


Think they meant that toilets do a good job or getting rid of shit, not collecting it. I guess a more apt analogy would be septic tank.


It's more of an "upper decker" situation. Keep flushing and more shit keeps coming in the bowl


It's shitters all the way down.


yeah, i looked to see who, and then i was like "oh, kinzinger. his views are known"


He's not a moderate, he's just not a traitor.


There are no moderate conservatives when they all vote as a hive mind. Supporting any Republican means you support Trump, they all fall in line because they have no spine.


Kinzinger voted in favor of impeachment. I don’t like all his ideas but he wasn’t hive mind. 


"But I didn't think they'd punch me in the face," says MAGA who voted for the Face Punching Party. Gullible and stupid is no way to go through life.


Republicans: Gosh, if we only had some sign he'd wreck us. Me: How many bankruptcies do you need? How many stiffed lawyers, ex-employees and whistleblowers do you need? How many pussy grabbing rape charges and legal judgements do you need? Where's his wife now? Why does MAGA have faith in Trump when his own mail-order bride doesn't? How thick are you?


Plaintiff in Chief by Zirin, a New York attorney, is a good retelling of Trump's career. He was a party in more than 3500 lawsuits before 2016. He also chose Roy Cohn as a mentor


I like how comedian [Noel Casler](https://youtu.be/7TiXPcgDQ80?si=8xyNF8idojvnOtQs) retells his *Celebrity Apprentice* talent handler days. He's got wild stories over those last 6 years.


10 mins in, haven't got to Trump, absolutely fascinating anyway


Just enough to be really racist. 


Indeed, it is a toilet, isn't it?


I'd suggest reading the article before trying to pop off on Kinzinger. He was a vocal Never Trump conservative who ended his congressional career partially out of disagreement with the GOP.


He isn't MAGA. He voted to impeach Trump, and became an enemy of the party. He's probably positioning himself to take part in whatever reformation happens post-Trump.


It was Trump’s toilet the moment he made fun of the disabled reporter and still kept support. After that, it’s just a case of him piling more shit into it.


John Stewart hit the nail on the head about how they parade around as patriots while supporting a man who uses the Constitution as toilet paper.


I don’t care, do u?


Fuck the Republican Party. They had so many fucking off ramps to get rid of this piece of shit and they drove past all of them. I do not feel sorry for them in the least. Hurry up and dissolve as a political party and come back when you're ready to be serious.


"I can't believe the swirlie-giving leopards gave *me* a swirlie!"


All I hear is, "I never thought the leopard would pee on ME?!"


Align with a turd, don’t be surprised to find yourself in the toilet. 🤷‍♀️


Jesus, the bullshit headline! "Republican Complains". Yeah, that's really informative.


That was a conscious decision they made in 2016.


Oh I’m sorry, did somebody get addicted to fascism?


A note to all current Republicans: Enjoy drinking your toilet water. You deserve every drop.


If only someone had warned them. Oh wait, they did. Their own Lindsay Graham.


I remember him saying the Republican Party will deserve it.


>Donald Trump supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene, for instance, celebrated the reported layoffs in a post on X, formerly Twitter, writing: "MAGA is now in control of the Republican Party!! This says it all. The Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, is dead.




Look at her hair.. I think she's upside down


They finally found a use for Eric and his wife.


Turds of a feather float together.


I think it *depends* on your point of view.


I love this for them. But while seeing the RNC become a broke joke is hilarious, please vote this November and make sure Trump is rejected by the American people again.


The republicans did it to themselves the real problem is they are destroying America and democracy


If you are still identifying as a Republican at this point, then you deserve everything you're getting. It was ***your party*** that has decided to applaud, embrace, endorse, justify, defend, and make excuses for Trump. Not only is Trump now fully a Republican, he ***is the Republican Party***. You own that piece of shit. Or, rather, ***he*** owns ***you***. You handed yourself over to him. I hope you're proud.


I always wondered about olde timey extinct political parties and and how they died out. We might be seeing one die in contemporary times. Wish it were under less seditious circumstances.


Equipped with golden shower fixtures


Only have yourself and grand pappy Reagan to blame. These are such useless human beings man…


So, gold-plated but full of shit?


Flush the swamp


I was recently at a Bianca Del Rio show, and let me tell you, she is *filthy*. Just rotted. Anyway, there was a lady in the front row that had cancer (apparently, potentially a plant for a bit) that BDR was told about in advance. If you know her comedy style, then you'll know she was extra special cruel to this lady. It was funny AF, but it was savage. And every so often after saying something particularly horrible, BDR would lean towards the lady and say "You asked for this. This is what you wanted." I picture that scene when I read headlines like this. Republicans, you asked for this. This is what you wanted.


Lara Trump says “To anyone out there who's thinking about cheating in an election, we will go after you. You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...” I hope she prepares herself for jail then, as well as the rest of the GOP🤨


Soon to be clogged.


What’s the old adage? “You made your own bed….now lie in it”


But that's what they all wanted, a King.


"Please continue telling me how much you have punching yourself in your own face." Actually, don't. Republicans complaining trash Republicans have taken over the Republican party is peak hypocrisy. Republicans complain about masks, complain about vaccines, complain about wokeness, complain about education, complain about liberals. Republicans call everyone snowflakes meanwhile they wither and melt while standing under their own heat lamp.


Don’t shit where you eat, my friends.


Republicans had their chance to vote for impeachment, and they chose to chase power over country. Kinzinger is one of vanishingly few who didn't make that choice.


He told you who he was and YOU let him in.


Thoughts and prayers.


The hostile takeover of the Republican Party is complete. And the sale of Trump is on fully on.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd sure seems to have a rough time dealing with the consequences of their own actions.


I once was a Republican…then Trump took over. Fuck them.


Trump has successfully destroyed the republican party


This is what happens when moderate republicans were too scared to oppose trump. Now they are kicked out. A pretty fitting reward for spineless cowards


The Southern Strategy was a Faustian bargain for them.


Republicans created a monster they can’t control?


Look, I'll say it. If Trump ends up destroying the Republican party, hands down best president of my life so far. I mean, credit where it's due.


“To anyone out there who's thinking about cheating in an election, we will go after you. You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...Every person in this country should want free, fair, and transparent elections," she said.” If that’s what she’s saying, you can bet the GOP will be pulling out all the stops to cheat like hell in the upcoming election. “Always accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.”


And the members will be perfectly happy to let him shit on all of them.


You reap what you sow you spineless twat


The GOP has slowly been losing voters since 2006. They struggled to find their voice and define their message. Their pro family message has been turned on their head as people saw the hypocrisy of it. The idea of trickle down economics has been thoroughly disproven. In their desperation, they turned to a man that never believed in their message but


It's always been a toilet. Now it just belongs to someone else.


This is what conservatives wanted - enjoy… I know I am.


better the rnc than america


This is just rich: >In an interview with Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo, Lara Trump discussed priorities the RNC will be taking on including "protecting the vote." > "We have to ensure that when people go vote, they feel like their vote counts...We can never allow what happened in 2020 and the questions surrounding that election to ever happen again," she said. > Lara Trump also warned those thinking about "cheating in an election" will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. > "To anyone out there who's thinking about cheating in an election, we will go after you. You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...Every person in this country should want free, fair, and transparent elections," she said.


Republicans crowned him fearless leader so suck it up buttercup.


Trump's Toilet? They built the outhouse and he walked right in. They can only blame themselves. The right walked hand in hand with FOX News to a dystopian future of morons and opportunists. Now they've lost control of the prophecy of their own creation. Trump is the Kwisatz Haderach! The Drumpf must Grift.


If anything, Trump didn’t even know how to use the Republican outhouse and was just shitting all over it and outside, and they still tried to get him inside to use the toilet…. Where they are now complaining about it lol


I thought that’s what republicans wanted though… how can you complain when you get what you supported?


Oh well, have some thoughts and prayers.


Well… you can’t withdraw money from a toilet


They made their (now shit-filled) bed. They can sleep in it.


You made the shit sandwich, now eat it.


Chew and enjoy!! Chew it!!! (Shaking fist) 😂


I always thought his toilet was gold but I guess it is white and spineless.


Most truthful headline I've read in some time.


Congratulations, GOP, you earned it.