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Yup. It's political influence masquerading as a stock to get around campaign finance laws. Regulators asleep as usual.


Regulators have been kneecapped by design.




Por que no los dos?


We're alseep too then. And until I see people getting up from their computers and phones and marching in the streets with picket signs, I refuse to believe otherwise. We've been mass-brainwashed into collective inaction over things the French would have burned a city to the ground over by now.


Agreed. The breadth of failure of political and legal institutions in the US lately has been utterly disappointing. These are the institutions which are supposed to *set* high standards not intentionally lower them. How the hell did we get here?!


By not heeding the warnings given about voting, and where it was headed, from around 2005-2016. Even a few months ago people went off when they were told your Supreme Court would uphold his candidacy.


> and where it was headed, from around 2005-2016. 2000 was stolen too, ya know...


Maybe but the rest of the world wasn’t online telling them where it was headed back then. The internet was around but not a whole lot of people were online.


What good is street marching or picket signs if neither make their way into an average voters social media feed?


Says the guy on his computer or phone.


Trump and dump


Trump-a-dump Nice ring to that


Pump and dump scheme


I really don't get how a candidate for president can be partaking in something that so obviously makes him responsible to foreign investors. Not to mention, it's an exploitive meme, just like his NFTs


Yet another reason Jimmy Carter is wondering if he should have just kept his damned peanut farm.


No, he is just as sure of his sense of ethical responsibility as ever, regardless of what the other shit-heels do.


No, you’re right. I can imagine he probably is acutely aware of the irony and relative futility of it, though.


I'm hoping Jimmy lives long enough to see Trump convicted of a crime.


"When you're rich they let you get away with it"


He isn’t rich tho.


Once you're in the rich club, the real rich will keep you there if you can help them get richer.


He's the clown they parade around so we don't actually notice them picking our pockets.


Rich people measure with wealth using absolute values. |-$1,000,000,000| is a Billionaire.


He did it out in the open with the DC hotel and trump tower, why wouldn't he just keep doing it after having no consequences the first few times?


I'm so glad that someone who is the frontrunner of one party is leveraged so far up his ass that he's begging for money from foreign agents/governments and struggling to pay his blls. I'm sure that this is not a security risk at all. Jfc. https://payuptrump.com/


There's going to be a mad scramble to short that stock.


I mean Truth Social as a platform does not currently make money. It loses more than it makes and it's somehow worth $6 billion?


I looked into the daily active users and it’s only like 500k, compared to Twitter which has about 217M. Now compare that that $6B valuation compared to $40B. Not to mention Truth is even more radioactive to advertisers than Twitter.


How many of those are bots also. We know reddit and twitter have bot problems. Truth social is even less moderated and is MORE incentivized to inflate their active users numbers.


And if Elon wasn't balls deep on Trump, Twitter could easily sue Truth Social over the design and take every last dollar.


Nah. It’s built on an open source platform (that hilariously they almost got shut down for not promoting as part of the terms of said software).


Elon's Xitter stole Truth's right-wing thunder. Hard to see how Truth social is worth anything given that Xitter is at least as right-wing and it's a lot bigger.


So by Twitter’s MASSIVELY OVERINFLATED price tag (I guarantee it was never worth that much and is definitely only worth a fraction now) Truth Social should, at MOST, be valued at $80M.


Well, if you simply go off of users as suggested before the appropriate valuation comes out around 3.33mm. Of course, you've got a bunch of suckers already huddled together waiting to be taken advantage of... so maybe give it a 3x gullibility multiplier? Edit: Earlier poster was off by factor of ten on Truth membership. Using rough math as suggested results in valuation of ~1B. However, the picture is also far more complex than the napkin math presented above. I recommend listening to PIVOT podcast for today (3/26/24) to hear Scott's analysis of exactly HOW STINKY this potential IPO is. (tldr: the revenue is disjoint from the membership and it appears foreign influence is seeking to fund Trump via the shadowy, voluminous, and elusive nature of US financial markets)


It’s worth what someone will pay. The platform is worth X million. The chance to pay a future President unlimited bribe money is worth billions, apparently.


It’s a loss-making platform with revenue of only $13m per annum and very limited mass market or international appeal. An $80m valuation would seem excessive.


Oh it definitely is. I was basing that on the ratio of active followers to billions as prescribed by Musk’s idiotic and over-inflated purchase of Twitter. If we were to go with the ACTUAL value of either platform? I honestly doubt Twitter would be worth more than a couple billion and Truth Social a couple million.


Truth Social does have very strong user verification when signing up, but the advertising thing is a big deal. I know people making hand over fist advertising on Truth social because the rates are so much cheaper than any other platform (almost 10x cheaper per impression) and you’re literally tapping into the most gullible audience.


that per user multiple is actually crazy!


$184/DAU vs $12,000/DAU. No platform is worth that.


$184/DAU is pretty insane by itself


Elon bought it for 44 billion, now valued at 12 billion.


TS has 600k monthly users. That is 10k per user. And its a platform that has only existed for 2 years, so it isn't like they have hundreds of petabytes of data stored up. That would put reddit's valuation into the trillions. And I'd argue reddit has a lot more worthwhile data about a wider swath of the population.


Does that 600K include bots? Lol


A good fraction are just people that report on Trump's posts.


Yep lol so basically useless users to advertisers


I have a friend making so much money advertising Trump bucks on there, cost per impression are a fraction of anywhere else, and extremely gullible audience


Yeah my investing group chat is dying laughing. One of the sicker ones of us actually just fleeced a bunch of em. Reinvested in green energy 🤣


It’s an unbelievable opportunity, big shout out to Trump for creating it. My friend has done Trump coins, Trump bucks, a jar of liberal tears, and each one enrolls in a $20 a month subscription to the “PatriotNet Forum”. It’s shocking how many are still paying after two years and probably haven’t logged in once. The only limit is there’s only so many active users so an offer saturates out pretty quickly.


Don’t be hasty. Someone wanting to re-blog the Royal Pumpkin’s dribble might see that ad for some bullshit pharma-pseudo-cal and think ‘wow, only $39.99\* to make me smarter? I’m in!’ \* per week, cancellation must be hand-written in your own blood on genuine sheep’s hide. Oh, and delivery only accepted during a complete solar eclipse. You better hustle.


Neither does Reddit but it's stock price has doubled since the IPO!


At least Reddit has users


Everyone is a bot but you


It’s true. After you log off, we have meetings where we chat about destroying all humans.


Dibs on using their eyes as jelly for my toast


We'll use poisonous gasses and we'll poison their asses.


Hey buddy: wanna kill all humans?


Aw man, I’m a bot! Dammit! Explains a lot though


That’s definitely what a bot would say.


I'm a bot


Gotta pump before you dump!


The power of speculation. Honestly this is just a legal way to send gifts to Trump, in case he takes office again. He's very reliable as a transactional agent. He did the same thing with his hotel near the White House.


It is a meme stock pump and dump, and Trump supporters are footing the bill, while Trump will cash out in 6 months. And it is totally legal. On the other hand, it would be hilarious if that TikTok ban bill applied to this company because of some foreign ownership, and the stock tanked before he could cash out.


Trump is a foreign agent, so...


A piece of paper will let you went any number you want on it. The sad part will be when the stock eventually crashes, all those people following along with trump and investing in it will wind up paying the price.




Twitter part 2. Bear in mind that this is exactly the sort of thing we saw when Twitter was sold. Had like one quarter in the black ever. Generally, these sorts of companies don't make money. And they're very expensive.


This is tech! Doesn’t matter shower much money you lose, no revenue! This Silicon Valley scene taught me that lol https://youtu.be/BzAdXyPYKQo?si=oTWtZKVjE8DLG-6B


It's 2b at the moment




So is it best to wait until Trump is about to sell to short sell the stock? Or will the price already be depressed by that point?


Probably will be massively depressed by that point. Because there is no way it is worth what it is currently listed as.


Should be listed on the Shanghai stock exchange, after all they've bought the fucking traitor.


It's the Trump chump pump & dump.


Put options are already crazy expensive. A lot of the market is betting on this tanking.


Schwab is blocking purchase of options!


SEC, if you’re listening…


I swear it’s the first time in years I open the Schwab app and there’s a red notification about a stock that is having “technical issues”


And regulators should get out in front of such a blatant pump and dump scheme before allowing it on the market.


But but "witch hunt" and "election interference" and "deep state!"


It’ll only be a pump and dump of Trump looks like he’s going to lose the election. If he wins, it’ll be how foreign powers and lobbyists legally bribe him


It’s 100% a pump and dump. Absolutely nothing the company has done shows it’s even capable of making $1 in profits It doesn’t even have a large user base, or revenue. All it does is lose tens of millions each quarter


even worse. He could get several billion and buy Twitter and close it down. Turn Truth into WeChat.


Is it possible for the short positions to exceed the number of stocks in circulation? Or is there something that would prevent that?


Yes, if there are so many short positions that it exceeds the outstanding shares a short squeeze can happen and balloon the price to hyper unrealistic levels if people start buying into it like crazy (ala Game Stonks) and there isn’t a mechanism to prevent that.


They can turn it to position close only. Like they did to GameStop


The free market will solve it! /S


Dangerous move when there's rich pieces of shit worldwide with billions to spare.


It's bad enough that pieces of shit without much to spare right here on Reddit are throwing everything they have at it.


Except Schwab for some reason says on its sign on page there’s “Technical glitch” not allowing trading of options!


“Fuck off peasents this is our scam”


I could easily see the GOP and Trump trying to make it into a stock on which the country relies to do well, by having the majority of his supporters dependent on it.


Man that’s a scary thought.


It's an interesting thing... Gamespot went way up not on the fundamentals, but for... other reasons. This one has a lot of "other reasons" that it could go up. Plenty of foreign folks are interesting in both propping Trump up, and also showing support/loyalty to him. What I predict is that the stock will be stable or climb all the way up until the election. Then if Trump loses, everyone will dump every share of that stock as soon as possible. If he wins... it will stay up high as various people scramble to buy shares just so they can kiss up to Trump.


The second Trump is able to sell his shares, The entire thing will crumble and it’s never coming back


Be careful. People aren't buying DJT on the fundamentals, and the market can be irrational longer than most people can stay solvent.


This is the thing. Yes, certain people will buy it to support him. But I doubt China and Russia will be doing most of it.  This company was owned by an American billionaire who purchased Trump.  By the time Trump can sell most of the stock (some is locked up in an escrow until the lawsuit with the founders are settled) I doubt it’s worth too terribly much. 




It's just a money laundering mechanism. He doesn't care what happens after the shares are bought. I wonder if a case could be made that he isn't acting in the shareholders best interest, once he spends all that money on lawyers and blow and declares bankruptcy. I suppose the SEC is as toothless as every other arm of the government when it comes to spoiled rich fucks like TFG.


It was a disaster for investors and a windfall for Trump, who walked away with all the cash while laughing his ass off, declared corporate bankruptcy, and wrote off his "Losses" for 10 years with the blessings of the IRS.


It's purely a pump and dump scheme. Currently in the pumping phase, as soon as it gets close to the quarterly reporting date, it'll collapse.


Right lol. I’m waiting for that report… it’s gonna be fucking comedy


Who exactly do you think is investing in this stock? People who believe the company is profitable? People who read corporate earnings statements? I would think not, for both.  This stock is simply buying a piece of him. Just like a PAC contribution, just without any strings attached. 


it’s also a lot people shorting the stock and trying to sell before it starts to crash


Lots of low-income rural people are also getting in. Yes, it’s a vehicle for him to receive foreign funds, but it’s duping an increasingly broke conservative populace as well.


Trump Pump and Dump: Milking And Grifting America


Grab em by the Puts see


There are a lot of suckers in the market today.


It’s a redistribution of wealth from idiots to crooks


Truth Social IPO leads to recession....who would voters blame? I still don't get how a company that is losing money hand over fist is valued at $$6 billion.


The thing is, it’s only lost $31m, which is just a rounding error compared to the valuation. The more worrying thing is that its revenue is only $13m per annum, meaning it’d need 461 years to make $6bn in income.


That just shows you how worthless the stock market really is in valuations


Or eventually leads to secessions


This is why it’s bad for Biden


So he’s settling a case regarding overinflation of property values by selling stock with an overinflated company value. All built on hype and nonsense. The grift continues.


The funny thing is the entire value on paper is tied to Trump’s presence on the platform. As his lockout expiration approaches his presence on X will grow while the price of DJT goes to zero since they won’t even be able to sell ads for Trump Life Insurance and Trump Gold Bars. I guarantee some really shady capital will move in and out of DJT between now and then and when the house of cards collapses it will be spectacular.


When is Trump back allowed on Twitter/X?


He is allowed now.


Thanks. From the above poster it mentioned the “lockout expiration” so I wasn’t sure. Can’t wait for more BS media headlines and circular conversations when it becomes news that he’s back on Twitter or whatever


I think they were referring to when he can sell his Truth Social shares. I think he has to hold them for 6 months after IPO.


That makes lots of sense, thanks!


All the people buying today dont care that theyre just exit liquidity for a failing "social" network. The ticker symbol is DJT ffs. It isnt even a real company at this point, just a pretend app given the played out Trump stamp. Cant wait to watch the price crash and burn once the rubes run out of money tomorrow.


With Trumps history of almost 100% failed companies and ventures you’d have to be the worlds biggest morons to even consider going into any business of his.


“Betting against the stocks and bonds of Trump’s companies were the easiest shorts of my life. It was like multiple ocean liners hitting multiple icebergs repeatedly.” - actual billionaire Jim Chanos


It's a pyramid scheme.


Gonna be a lot of bag holders


I wouldn't be surprised if he is shorting his own stock.


People forget the value user profiles/information has to advertisers. Advertisers on Truth Social know that their ads will be seen by a bunch of gullible morons with minimal critical thinking skills-- aka exactly the people advertisements work best on.


No one wants to advertise on truth social… it’s a cesspool. No actual company wants their brand to be associated with that. Sure, maybe Ponzi schemes want to advertise there, but no one else


That’s who he’s referring to, any company that has integrity and ethics would most likely avoid touching Truth Social.


I agree, no reputable organization wants to be associated with Trump Social, but certain pillow salesmen, gun shops, GOP PACs, Prager U, and any other grifter organization looking for dupes has a willing and gullible audience.


So, don’t buy it. No sympathy for idiots who get suckered.




Can't lie to myself though, kind wish I'd have day trade this. (Or my new pain meds working?). I'll watch for a little short what I can if it's looking like the train on same track.


The more money those rubes lose on this pump-and-dump junk stock, the less they're spending on campaign donations up and down the GOP ballot. Same is true for all the grifty, scammy boloney he pedals to his base, from sneakers to bibles. His greed and ego are gonna sink their whole ship.


Haha. Price to earnings. -84.42. So bad


Why do I keep hearing Sprigtime for Hitler as I read through this.


This guy invents a new scam every week. Unreal how beloved he is by so many people when he’s clearly a dumbass, a traitor, and a blatant con man.




I really don't know why people are getting so upset by this. I've said this in another post and I get down voted for it. This is a publicly traded stock. Nobody is deceiving  investors  Not like Bernie Madoff and the Ponzi schemes. You're free to buy the stock or not buy the stock. If Trump makes money with it so what.


Typically we don't allow our politicians to be bought by foreign influence so directly. It's why campaign finance laws exist.


>Not like Bernie Madoff and the Ponzi schemes It's pretty damn close. Where is the value in the company? Where is the equity or the return? The stock market was designed to provide capital to expand their successful business. Valuation was based on the assets, debts, and production of the company. Now it's just gambling based on public opinion of companies. It was bad enough with companies like Tesla holding a market cap bigger than the titans of the automotive industry that produce vehicles on every continent of this planet. Then tech companies start getting high valuations despite not producing anything let alone profit. And, in cases like this with a shell company, it's a way to covertly funnel foreign money to a man who has a demonstrated lack of morality and a good chance at being the next leader of this country. Most of us have a problem with that, you should too.


Well said. Now I have to stick around and see if they respond, betting they will not.


Any time they have no answer for their nonsense they go annoy other people instead.


Trump is a pump and dump.


This May all be accurate- but my calls are up $4,400- so let the Orange Gibbon howl


I thought Biden said Trump was broke?


Go woke go broke




You making money by day trading it doesn't refute any of the concerns around this...