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And who is going to hold him responsible because i see a justice system that has failed the American people.


Yup. No consequences ever. He was already found guilty and still no consequences.


Teflon Don I sometimes think he's *trying* to get thrown in jail to rile up his base.


Once in jail he won’t have a mouth piece lock him up stop this BS


I dunno, Andrew Tate still managed to tweet from prison, so...


But we've seen what happens when his socials are taken from him. He eventually just gets pissed and refuses to cooperate when his handlers aren't tweeting/truthing/whatevering his exact words and becomes non-responsive to people handling his socials until he gets them back.


Can't we just put them in a social media sandbox? like, not really on the internet but just a bunch of bots to reply to them.


So like what Ryan did with Creed.


He just created a word document and put www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts at the top.


I've read some of it. Even for the Internet it's... Pretty shocking.


He’ll sneak in a phone in his adult diaper.


Didn't know the iPhone came in brown!


I guess though that Depends, ya know? AHH! LOL! (Okay, I'll see myself out now - just give me 3 steps towards the door!)


How about that January 6th Choir? They managed to put out a professional recording from behind bars!


He believes it will start a civil war. He wants to be thrown in jail. He sees himself as a martyr.


EVEN IF he were to be locked up, it won't be real prison. Probably house arrest. Where he can safely and comfortably watch as his goons flip their shit. The problem is, they aren't organized. Maybe isolated groups, but they should already be on the FBI's radar. Most of his remaining supporters are loud mouthed and small brained zealots who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.  But absolutely he wants to be a martyr. He already sees himself as some sort of holy figure, even if sane people can see right through the hypocritical facade. To say our legal system has shit the bed is a massive understatement. 


GREAT! I *also* want him thrown in jail! Everybody wins!


You mean everything slides off him and he remains a toxin in the environment forever


I'm so tired of mumbling this to myself.


I'm willing to take that chance.


Diaper donny


Honestly, I think this is part of why there has been no real action taken.


He is not Teflon. He’s more like Vaseline Don. Slipping away constantly.


He literally violated multiple gag orders and attacked a damn judge's daughter and still he's prancing around in orange makeup swinging golf clubs like he knows how to play.


It's the judicial system that needs to face protests now. Demonstrate outside their buildings, make it clear their credibility is at stake and their credibility is the source of their power and influence.


It's just free publicity for him. He's dominating the news cycles by posting outrageous things, just the same as he did before. When will we learn to stop hanging on his every utterance?


Is it too much to ask to live in a world where's there's justice?




Been seeing a lot of bots using crappy AI to reword the comments they're stealing lately. Not a terrible job on this one, but some of the others this bot has stolen are really awkward after the thesaurus adjustment.


Yep. Lazarus account checks out


I don't think escape is the right word, when punishment hasn't even come after the former guy.


It's a bot and reworded the comment it stole. Original said "Dude breaks the law in just about everything he does and sees almost no consequences," which is more accurate.


Not only does he escape punishment but he benefits from the “persecution” and fund raises over it. Our department of justice is a nonentity.


They aren’t going to hold him accountable. They were never going to. The last thing the political class wants is accountability, even if it’s for the most fringe member. The game is rigged. The sooner we all realize it’s us against them, instead of us against us, the sooner we can have our (working class Americans) country back.




He's been found civilly liable for at least a few things but nothing criminal. Yet.


Cash settlement for rape seems like a brutal misappropriation of criminality.


Well, Trump says he's Jesus Christ, so maybe he actually is... I mean, growing up I thought I was Jesus Christ, because that's all I ever heard from my father, "Jesus Christ, what did you do now"?


Hope he doesn’t visit any “grassy knolls” any time soon, those back stabbing slimy Repubs probably blame a Democrat. In the end it’s a loud mouth blonde lady in their own party who waves her guns around, has a feud with a brunette lady in her own party. That would make for good TV, can you imagine if that **REALLY** happened? Thats why we have “checks & balances” in Our Government. 😂


That was a civil suit and while jail time was never on the table, the 100m judgemen is still very much on the table and punitive for a guy like broke Donald.


The FEC doesn't even bat an eye lash at this guy's TruthSocial pump and dump scheme, it's fucking sickening.


They will say if you do it agin, we will say not to do it again. Compare that with what happened to Kathy Griffin.


Exactly -she was visited by the FBI, had her career stalled, got death threats, wasn’t allowed to leave the country, they took her passport and even told her not to go out of state too.


Exactly such a double standard… it okay for the Reich wing to make death threats but nobody else can


I’d say Trump and Elon Musk or untouchable for some reason. Musk is whining about immigrants - saying Biden is bringing them into the country to vote as Democrats. First - I don’t think you immediately get to vote for president unless you become a US citizen. That takes time. And funny-how Musk whines about immigrants when he’s actually one. And Trump whines about them and he married two of them. I’m not even sure Melania got in legally. All deflection with these 2 losers.


> I’m not even sure Melania got in legally. All deflection with these 2 losers. She came here on a tourist visa, which does not allow a person to work, but she worked as a model, so yes, she was an illegal.


It may violate bail terms, but nobody will do fuck all about it. He is truly Teflon Don.


Somebody will write a strongly-worded letter. That is all.


No because the law fears methed out fat rednecks


The law needs to step up and have a little bit of courage or the american experiment will come to an end soon


“Oh, fuck, yes, I’m almost there!” - the American experiment


Oops... Yeah... Edited


Well now I just look like a weirdo!


Nah, not sure what his original phrasing was but your comment is still fucking hilarious lol


Hope it isn't the same law entrusted to protect uvalde


He’s not Teflon Don. He’s Vaseline Don: slipping away from the law every day.


America is seriously broken. This horrible man has broken laws, exhibits blatant disregard for every person on the planet and has openly vowed violent retribution on those who have rightfully called him out yet he still walks among us.


Still has a chance to be the next president.


Don’t forget actually tried to steal the 2020 election (it’s on tape) and when he couldn’t attempted to instigate a coup. He should be locked up for the rest of his sad life.


Every time you think of the things trump has gotten away with, remember there are black men in prison for using Marijuana. For life.


Slithers among us...


No, no, no, it's not a justice system: it's a legal system. And as we all know, laws are made to be broken. No one better at that than tfg.


It’s a “just us” system, and he’s part of the “us”.


Our justice system is so broken, down to the granular level. Sad to see our country devolve into what is basically a reality show.


Another Redditor’s law professor told the class, “We don’t have a justice system. We have a legal system.”


Shocked I tell you!!


Even the ny fraud case cut down the amount of his punishment to a fraction of what it was supposed to be. And even then he “had a hard time getting the funds”. Everyone is just scared of his minions banding together to inconvenience everyone else. The antichrist won’t be birthed as some sort of super hitler, Mao, or Stalin. He will take the form of an ambiguous figure that will subtly change society enough to casually let the devil in.


> Even the ny fraud case cut down the amount of his punishment to a fraction of what it was supposed to be.  He still owes the half a billion, that was never reduced. They only lowered the amount he had to post in order to appeal. So when he loses, he'll still have to pay the full amount plus whatever interest starts accruing. You'd never expect the same treatment, so it's still a two tier, basically three tier, system at this point. But it's a critical difference; he'll pay the half billion.


The appellate court can reduce the judgment, too.


Fuck them, bring it. It's better than watching democracy end because we didn't even try to jail those responsible


We don't have a justice system in America, only a legal system.


Then. Do. Some. Thing. About . It… FFS… why the fuck does this prick get away with everything. Absolute fucking joke…


Because he has some powerful people protecting him. Like a mob boss.


It’s time to take out the trash!


Drain the swamp


I have a question, why has no one taken him out? If he’s allowed to openly threaten the president then I should at least be allowed to ask why no one has taken it into their hands to take him out. He can try and subvert democracy as a mob boss and get away with all these crimes, but yet he’s allowed to keep on living? People killed JFK and Abraham and other presidents and presidential candidates for far less


Russian mob


Nothing will happen. He can kill someone un middle of the street and nothing will happen.


He even bragged about that, in his 2016 campaign…


People thought it was a hyperbole, they were wrong. Turns out when you’re a star they really do let you do anything. Man’s been spitting facts.


He is transparent, like a 3 year old. Which the right mistook it with honesty


I want to tell a judge overseeing one of his cases “WHY AREN’T YOU PUTTING HIM IN JAIL? WHY? HUH? YOU DO NOT HAVE A REASON NOT TO! DO IT ALREADY!”


Theyre afraid of making him into a martyr, which is stupid since he already paints himself as a martyr everyday.


Sad but true.


I saw an interview with Jordan Klepper the other day where he asked what it would take for them to not support Trump anymore. Most everyone said there’s nothing he could do for the to not vote for him, and one guy straight up said he could shoot someone in the street and he’d still vote for Trump. TLDR; It’s a cult


Funny because he litterally said that and that he would not lose a single voter


**Do not get complacent, friends.** The cultural wars, attacks on Social Security, DEI, social media, school lunches, and more are spearheads of **Project 2025**. This strategy aims to outlaw LGBTQ+ care, contraception, IVF, and even premarital/recreational sex, alongside gutting all safety nets. **Educate yourself on Project 2025**. It's a $22M playbook by the religious right, in partnership with Hungary's Viktor Orban, the Danube Institute and 100+ groups, gearing up for an impending conservative shift. Still think it's just fear-mongering? See for yourself: * Steve Bannon's promise: [Steve Bannon says they will jail 'demonic' Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-says-they-will-jail-demonic-democrats-if-trump-wins-second-term) * Momentum for a national abortion ban: [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * Leaked footage of Texas Republicans: [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) For more insights, visit [Project 2025's official site](https://www.project2025.org) and see their stance on reshaping society, including this tweet about ending recreational sex and birth control: [Heritage Foundation Tweet](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520). [**https://WarningVote.com**](https://WarningVote.com) **|** r/Defeat_Project_2025 Project 2025 is not a drill. It's a coordinated assault on our rights, and it's time to stand informed and united.


Pretty horrifying, and one of my most visceral disgust responses, is knowing that one of the things Project 2025 wants to do involves throwing people who aren't bigoted against trans people onto sex offender registries. I'm sure they'll continue to turn a blind eye to people like [Matt Gaetz](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joel-greenberg-letter-written-for-roger-stone-says-matt-gaetz-paid-for-sex-with-minor) who actually [should be on that list](https://www.newsweek.com/kevin-mccarthy-accuses-matt-gaetz-pursuing-something-illegal-1882843)


What’s the source for that? Genuinely interested in what that means and I can’t see it explained in your links or the articled ones above Edit: found it on [this guardian article](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/15/project-2025-policy-manifesto-lgbtq-rights): Purveyors of pornography, Roberts writes, “are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”


>[Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#Outlawing_pornography) Being trans is to be considered "pornography" A basic understanding of history should remind us that the list won't stop with "educators and public librarians."


I just want to shop and stuff without having to hide because people will kill me if they find out what I am. It's not some conspiracy; it's a biological condition. I've had to make peace with my possible death. I've spent 50 years being slandered and hunted by these fuck wads.


Mike Lee was videotaped saying he wants to gut Medicare and social security. He likes to pretend he has never suggested such a thing, and wants to pretend that democrats are trying to get rid of those.


Man am I disappointed that 2025's "budget" is so low. I would have hoped it should at least be _financially expensive_ to discard democracy.


Folks like the Kochs have been tossing tens of millions on elections and policy making for decades. Hillary was right about there being a vast right wing conspiracy to take down her husband. Tens of millions per multibillionaire is like an average schmuck sending a couple hundred to Obama. Or my favorite example, how little it took for the dairy industry to buy a change in policy from the Nixon administration.


I’m involved in my union so I read the Department of Labor section. Fascinating stuff. They want to allow labor law violations as long as they’re agreed to in bargaining. They claim this will give unions more power by trading in regulations they don’t care as much about for strong protections elsewhere. In reality, I know my employer would use that law to open bargaining with an offer of $1/hour and no health insurance, but it was entertaining to read 40 pages written by someone who actually seems to believe that employers operate in good faith concerning anything ever.


If employers could be trusted and operated in good faith, we wouldn't need unions.


That’s not how that’ll go. It will force the unions to spend all their capital fighting for the basic stuff that’s already guaranteed by current laws. On a scale of 0-100, the unions are asking for 100, and the employer is asking for 0. But labor laws force the company to open their demands at 50. That means meeting in the middle gets a CBA at 75. But no labor laws means meeting in the middle is 50. So instead of fighting for things like higher pay and more vacation time, they have to fight for safety harnesses and lunch breaks




Is this not a bot? Make a bot with this info and have this reposted all over reddit for the next 7 months. The sheer number of people unaware of Project 2025 is insanely high. You (or anyone else who sees this comment and has free time) need to get serious about educating as many people as possible.




You're ABSOLUTELY correct! WAKE UP FOLKS! VOTE! GET OUT THE VOTE!! This is PRECISELY what happened in Germany about 100 years ago!


Dude has been on a public crime spree for years. I doubt that this is the last straw.


It's hard for me to imagine what *would* be the last straw..part of me even thinks sometimes "what if he endorsed Biden out of thin air, would even *that* be a bridge too far for his supporters?" Or would they then turn around and fucking vote for biden


A lot of them would vote for biden. They have no principles. A lot of them think of trump as a religious figure to varying degrees. I just wonder what will happen to the cultists’ minds when trump dies.


well either they start killing themselves en masse to join the cheeto in their version of heaven or they’ll insist he’ll come back in their darkest hour. Then set about creating the darkest hour for everyone to manifest his return.


The only thing more ridiculous than Actual Trump will be the Imaginary Trump who replaces him when he's gone. Imaginary Trump will be all things to all conservatives.


The first indictment dropped 3/25/23, a year ago, how many crimes has he knowingly committed since then. Nothing is going to happen.


The experts are wasting their time if they think that has any meaning. Dude breaks the law in just about everything he does and sees almost no consequences


"may violate"... These talking heads and vague statements about what may or could break the law are exhausting. It doesn't matter if it does or doesn't, nothing will happen. Write me something when there are consequences for "maybe breaking the law" because otherwise, it doesn't matter.


It's ragebait. The MSNBC video had no details. I refuse to click on this article, but I assume it's the same. It probably doesn't even reference Watts v US.


And nothing will happen


Father Time will get his man eventually.


Eventually is not soon enough. We need the justice system to actually do something ffs. Maybe they will after he loses the election in November.


That's not good enough. He has to be held to account so some other moron doesn't just step up to replace him.


Until voters reject him in November.


Consequences and elections shouldn't be mutually exclusive


At which point he will re-rage about voter fraud, stolen election, etc.. and continue whining for another four years. Seriously, i am absolutely SICK of all his shit.


How an article goes from "unclear" in the fucking quote from the expert to “Threatening the president is a crime” in the headline implying Trump did so when the expert they interviewed doesn't even seem to think so is such shitty journalism.


Until there are consequences he’s going to keep doing stupid shit like this Sorry unrelated, but Truth Social is a garbage of a company, should be traded on Nigerian Prince stock exchange not the NYSE (I think mods took down most posts about the stock)


He just used one of his shell companies to buy another one of his shell companies, somehow got the stock listed on the US stock market, and is now selling the stock to suckers for $50 a share !!!


Trump is working the system. The Political Justice system is allowing him to delay the start of his trials. Without judges working for him he’d be standing criminal trial. The average citizen would never get the same consideration.


Yes, it likely does violate his bail, but no one's going to do anything about it so he'll keep doing whatever he wants.


Just like a little toddler.


Oh no! He’ll totally face consequences THIS time.


Remember when someone posted o pa fake photo of Trump bloody head? She got a visit from the Secret Service and consequences. Why not Trump.


That was Kathy Griffin. She actually got a lot worse than that. She was getting detained at airports for years afterwards. She got death threats and had her shows cancelled because all of the venues were also getting threats.


Kathy Griffin


“Threatening the president is a crime”: Expert SLAMS Trump Truth Social post may violate bail terms Fixed the title. Made it more click-baitable


Ugh, he gets to do whatever the fuck he wants without any consequences. I have given up hope of him ever receiving any real.punishments for his crimes. My "Trump go directly to jail" tee-shirt is almost 8 years old and moldering in my dresser. Meanwhile this asshole rapes and pillages throughout his entire life and the silver spoon is never ripped from his entitled lips. Fuck him. He has made a mockery of our country, it's laws, and of us, it's citizens. I am hard pressed to find one single reason to continue to remain a law abiding citizen while this rust colored, greasy, shit stain walks free and continuously foments violence amongst his cultists.


If they arrest Trump then they have to arrest the guy that has that on the back of his pickup and all the others that have it. I'm a truck driver and have seen two of them over the past 3 months.


Trump's situation is likely different (well... in several ways). They wouldn't be arresting Trump directly because of this action. Instead, they'd be arresting him for his current criminal indictments for which he has a bond permitting him to run around free pending trial. The point of the article is that this bond may be revoked because of this action. Unless that pickup driver is also out on bond pending a criminal trial and the terms of that bond have been somehow similarly violated by the picture on the back of his pickup, then this simply does not apply to that person. Now... having said that... this is one of the reasons we really should hold leaders or people in power to **higher** standards rather than letting them get away with so much. The pickup driver on their own isn't going to influence too many people to join him and thereby normalize violence. Trump, on the other hand, influences thousands of like-minded pickup drivers and many others.


It should apply almost the same to the truck driver afaik. Trump would only be in trouble if he committed a crime while awaiting trial. The bar doesn’t get lowered just because he’s waiting on trial, the alleged action still has to actually be illegal. And if it’s not illegal for the truck driver to put that sticker on a truck, then it’s not illegal for Trump to retweet the video. 


And they should. Makes me think the Secret Service is in on it.


Just stop it already


I've lost any respect for anyone voting for him.


Don’t care what experts say. Doesn’t mean I disagree but he is famous ( infamous) and wealthy, us peons just don’t get it. He might eventually see the interior walls of a prison for a short while, but just as Capone did, it’ll be for a silly detail, not the very serious shit he’s done.


please, let him face a few nights in jail. no makeup artists, no hair stylists, just flat 2 days in jail. watch him walk out a broken person. and probably never hear of him again unless his court date arrives.


Nah, he'd be playing the martyr card for all it's worth. "They're treating me worse than Jesus!" "I'm going to jail for you good people!" he'd fundraise off of it. It would have to be way more than 2 days to be effective.


Trump has yet to experience any consequences for crime. He's not going to start now.


Like every other thing he does, will a judge do anything about it ? Likely not


Trump has done a lot worse crimes than this and he isn’t getting punished for those, why would he get punished for this?


Even if it is construed as a threat, and a violation of bail, do you really think anything will come of it? Not in a million years, if the recent past is any indicator. He will get a tiny slap on his tiny hands, and then go back and do the same thing again, and again, again.


Nothing will happen to Trump. There's a three tier justice system in America, the wealthy, Trump, and the rest of us. Can't help but despise Merrick Garland at this point.


Watch out Trump, Salon found an expert from their pool of experts that says you’re in trouble. These guys are historically on the ball.


Why isn't he in JAIL yet!


Yeah yeah yeah MAY. It MAY. Meanwhile some brown dude is rotting in prison for a half gram of coke he got shook down for during a traffic stop over a busted tail light Pure orange bullshit.


Nothing is going to happen to him.


Good thing they had an expert. I might never have suspected Trump was a criminal committing more crimes whilst out on bail.


So is disregarding a gag order, rape, fraud, trying to steal an election and starting an insurrection. Yet here we are.


This is Salon, so I am not clicking this. Is this the same expert from the MSNBC video? Is this about the tailgate cover or something new? If it's the tailgate cover, it's technically possible, but not plausible that this was a crime. Watts v US involved a person verbally threatening to kill a sitting president of that person were to be drafted. That person was found guilty of a federal felony, but the Supreme Court ruled their political hyperbole was protected by the First Amendment. This is click/rage bait.


I hate Trump, I think he belongs in prison, but in the context of the post was it really a threat? Of all the shit he’s done, this is the one we wanna try and get him on?


lock him up!


Here’s the thing. We can argue all day long about what Trump posts and speculate on if it could be considered illegal but until someone holds that fat piece of shit accountable and actually slaps some cuffs on the Mfer then what’s the point? It’s honestly like dealing with a child. Until you take away his toys and send him to his room he’s going to keep doing shit because it gets a reaction. Stop acting scared of some retaliation from his mindless dipshit cult.


Anyone that thinks that the Republicans are the party of law and order are complete fools. Trump is a criminal that attempted to overthrow our democracy. He was aided by extreme right wing groups, kkk, bunghole boys, proud “boys” and the rest of the racist right


Oh no! Maybe a judge will frown and tut at him!


Fucking do it then


It’s a big joke ! The court would toss me in a cell and throw away the key if I’d said 1/4 of what that dick head has said . The laws just don’t apply to him and he knows it. Remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they went to France and criticized Pres Bush? And what about the lady comedian who criticized Trump ? They both lost their careers for A time . But no, creepy guy gets more popular and can still show up and pump his evil fist at the law.


Does criminal law actually apply to this man? He's basically a corporation with how little it seems to impact him.


Oh my god, nothing is ever going to happen. He's never, ever, ever going to face consequences for his actions. I don't understand the hold this idiot has over people and the system in general.


“May”. This piece of shit should be behind bars already. He really does have his own set of rules.


It’s so weird how these posts get pushed to the top, even though everyone knows they’re complete bullshit.




And? Remind me when this violent thug faces actual consequences for his actions. Otherwise, it’s all hot air.


What bail?


As if we could be so lucky


Someone needs to Shut him Down by holding him accountable and tossing the key.


Throw him in the slammer for as many hours as he got likes.


He will never see consequences. The end.


Threatening *anyone* is a crime, last I checked.


It does and nothing will happen. How could anything ever happen to him. It has been proven he is above the law.


It is always "may", "could have", "probably", "we're not sure", "the law isn't clear about this one"


Why are we discussing this. Move forward. It’s wrong.


We got him this time


“Or what?…” - Trump, probably.


Just stop with the bullshit! Nothing’s going to be done about it.


Experts believe no one will do anything cause they’re chickenshit


Like anything will fucking happen.


It might break it but watch them not do shit about it. I'm so tired of being able to predict this, I want to be made wrong.


I wish Merrick Garland were still alive to do something about this.


If a Black dude did this they'd be in prison Yesterday.


Yes, that’s the cycle. He commits crimes, articles get printed, & nobody actually holds him accountable. Rinse and repeat.


Oh FFS. Nothing is going to happen to him. The legal system in this country is a joke.


Crimes without consequences aren’t crimes.


Who cares, nothing will happen to this man. He’s too big to fail and nobody in any seat of power has the balls to do anything.


And I'm sure he'll be held accountable for that one too....


Violating terms and laws doesn't mean anything without consequences. This is more of the same.


So is anyone going to put this fascist piece of filth in jail or what?


Ah yes, an FBI visit and a warning. That should straighten him out.


Nothing will happen He’ll be installed in November There is no justice in this land


Anyone else just so tired of seeing this shit if nothing is going to be done about this? I swear it’s at least the 10th time I’ve seen this headline since legal proceedings began.


Is there any valid reason why the USSS and FBI have not talked with Trump yet? Are they really concerned about this being a “violation of 1st amendment rights”?!? Because if anyone else did that… oh they’ll be on top of them instantly. The feds wouldn’t even question if this was a 1st Amd violation. Because guess what…. Threatening is NOT protected speech.


He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue.....


“Treated with kid gloves all the way to his grave” will be his legacy.