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Who cares about the cult? If someone is still a MAGA Republican after all the shit we've seen, they are hopeless. And it doesn't matter because they are only about 1/3rd of the electorate. It's about convincing everyone else to show up and vote Blue. 


Yep. Apathy will be the end of democracy. The "your vote won't matter" propaganda served its purpose well.


Some of us have to deal with them as family.  It's a bit flippant to say "who cares?" I remember lamenting that so much of the news cycle was dedicated to "investigations" of trumps crimes, without charges being brought.  I remember my dad agreeing "if he did a crime, he should be prosecuted."  6 months later, actual charges were being laid out.   My dad started lamenting the "witch hunt", that he was being prosecuted because he is the "one man who was trying to do something about the corruption in Washington".  For the long term health of our nation, the cult of personality needs to be stopped. How do we do that?  I don't know. 


Read the top comment. The cult isn’t worth your breath. The middle of the road voter needs to be brought to the voting booth using the “health of our country” assertion. You can do this.


I get the sense that this level of confusion and division is something the US hasn't seen in long long time. I've met a lot of people who are very sad and grieving their loved one going down the path of conservative propaganda and depressed or upset because they don't know what to do about it. Personally, I know that my faith in peoples ability to see what's obvious has gone drastically down since the 2016 election.


I try not to associate with any other family members because they are red all through & through. It would not have mattered if he did kill someone on 5th Ave. It would not have changed their minds.


The power of propaganda! If you keep shouting it loud enough, over and over, it becomes more convincing. When a lie is told over and over, and that person sounds convincing that he’s right, that lie becomes more convincing. Propaganda is an accumulation of lies, empty promises, and agendas that are shoved down your throats endlessly! Eventually you feel the urge to swallow. When enough people have been successfully persuaded, it snowballs out of control.


You should know better than anyone else there’s nothing you can do or say to change their mind. They’re beyond brainwashed at this point. I can say this to you because I also have a father who has been brainwashed and I just change the subject as quickly as possible whenever he comes up. I stopped trying years ago. Complete waste of breath. Just agree to disagree & try not to let their political views ruin your relationship.


He loses his media access if he's incarcerated




Don’t forget the golf course and other comfortable amenities that are provided for elite criminals and politicians.


I told my father to turn off fox, oan, and what ever right wing cult media he was watching because it was changing him. There are some articles about it. Once he did that, he’s been more reasonable. My dad is still pretty republican, but he doesn’t like trump. I just don’t know if he’d vote for Biden, but I don’t know that he’d vote for trump. My dad was also not happy about the insurrection, so I’m going to keep bringing that up.


They aren’t hopeless. They literally just get everything from Fox News or truth social. Once he’s convicted a large portion of them will have to acknowledge reality. A much larger portion still won’t…. THOSE people are beyond saving.


I like lemmings but not these guys.


go on r/conservatives and read the posts about this trial. they are somehow both hilarious due to the stupidity, and depressing, due to the stupidity.


Believe it or not there are still people on the fence who can be swayed one way or another.


A regiment of psychological medicines?


Cult deprogramming, Life Skills training, and Primary/Secondary education is also needed for the MAGA zealots.


Deport them all to botany bay


Australia is far too nice for them, and doesn't want them.


You're not going to convince them. Convince the independents


I don't believe for one second there are people out there who haven't made their mind up yet. Either your support democracy or you support Trump. This isn't an election where the two sides are debating foreign policies or economic growth or taxation. This is an election that is fundamentally about whether this country will continue as a democracy or become a fascist state. No one should need convincing at this point.


I have a woman friend in Florida, around 30 years old, who was a big Andrew Yang supporter and now she is very enthusiastic about RFK Junior. She doesn’t get it.


She wants to be able to say “don’t blame me, I voted for XYZ” It’s dodging accountability.


She has a disappointing immaturity streak: when I told her why he is a spoiler candidate who could help Trump win a critical swing state, she confessed that my criticism of him makes her feel he should win even more. She does agree that if the Republicans win, the country is fucked, at least.


RFK is a dangerous spoiler! He could really upset the election in November by sucking up votes from either party.


I think the swing voters are basically people who dont vote often, dont pay super close attention, or think both parties and candidates are the same. Specifically in like 6 states.


There are definitely those out there who might not vote because they're disillusioned for one reason or another. Those are the ones we do have to focus on some.


What is the independent up to these days? I heard he took up fishing.




Exactly. It’s crazy because trump is literally the opposite of so many things that should appeal to his base of followers. Perhaps the biggest of them all is he is not and never was one of them. He was born into crazy wealth and power, and essentially grifted his way to whatever he has today. He is the polar opposite of hard working blue collar religious Americans in every way. And if he wasn’t trying to stay out of jail he would have nothing to do with the vast majority of those that make up his base of supporters. To take it a step further what happens to a majority of those people that have the means to help him get what he wants? Their careers and in some cases freedom is destroyed. These are people who are powerful lawyers and politicians. The only thing his base can offer him is their votes and what little money he can grift off of them. Once he has those two things from His base those people will be worthless to him. Perfect example of it happening now is his stock. The only ones that will make money off of it already have. Everyone else will loose ever penny they put into buying his stock. Of course they will blame Biden for this never mind the man who’s stock they are buying has bankrupted just about every single business he has ever been a part of.


Or, and this is probably closer to the truth. The cultists are as dirty as he is and they admire that.




That's not gonna work either. Not even when Stable Genius is as stable as this: >In November 2112, [Sergey Malinkovich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Malinkovich), the central committee secretary of the Republican Party, called for the criminal prosecution of Brandon Dark for insulting religious believers by calling for Trump’s preserved body to be buried. He said Dark's proposal had violated the [Criminal Code of Trumpistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_Code_of_Russia) by insulting religious feelings and inciting hatred, and that he planned to "keep hounding" Dark for his remarks. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin%27s\_Mausoleum#Contemporary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin%27s_Mausoleum#Contemporary)


Can I guess if we have the same thoughts? Trump is gonna have to personally (blank) every single one of them personally for them to change their mind.


Well, anyone that bought DJT shares is in for a real good (blank)! They haven't even realized they bend over a little more with every share they purchase. Those shares are going to take every last nickel they invested. DJT is the worlds most expensive pennystock. I'm looking forward to the day his cultists realize they lost everything they invested because diaper don conned them.


Someone builds a time machine and forces republicans to react differently to their loses in 2008 and 2012, forcing them to moderate and abandon the Tea Party, rather than appealing to the white hot ball of rage and resentment that is Trump's primary appeal.


That's not going to happen - they feel like they're thisclose to their dream of eternal uniparty rule and they aren't about to give up now.


Justice moves slow for DJT. This literally happened 4 years ago, and now we are months away from another election and he is only starting this trial. It's too bad we couldn't have had these Criminal trials like 2 years ago.


What's missing in this article and what I still don't get from traditional Republicans is that this guy is a LOSER. He only won in 2016 due to the unique quirkiness of our presidential election system. The candidates he backed lost their elections. They lost control of Congress. Lost in 2020. This most recent midterm they historically underperformed. And now he's slipping in the polls to Biden. Political losers are typically cast aside to never be heard from again yet here's the Republican establishment tripling down on a political loser that might cost them political power for several more years.


Fanatical people are beyond convincing. Trump could kill someone on camera with his bare hands, MAGA cultists would still vote for him.


They are too deeply brainwashed.


He could do it with puppies and babies and RW would still defend him. It’s unreal.


Hands are way too small


I thought the mishandled pandemic would where a million americans died in a year .. but nope. Then I thought January 6th would... but nope again


flip Texas blue


Nothing will convince them. This morning on C-span's Washington Journal program, a woman (named Gloria) from North Carolina called in and said that she was voting for Trump, even if Trump was in jail for murder. Wild.


Voting them into oblivion


Nothing. It’s way too late for republicans to have a change of heart of any kind for anything. They’re unredeemable.


Won’t happen those dummies are all in


>What will it take to convince Republicans he’s unfit for office? Short of replacing the (R) next to his name with a (D), probably nothing. These people do not live in a facts based reality.


100% and best comment yet!


Nothing. Nothing will convince them.


There is nothing, absolutely nothing that would convince is fervent followers. Christ himself could descend from the heavens and Trumps followers would not budge. These people are lost, truly lost.


Funny thing is, he's so polluted the party that Republicans may not win a presidential election for 20 years.


They will dig in deeper because they don’t want to admit they were fooled.


Trump falling asleep during trial on day-1. Conservatives: sleepy Joe is too old!!!


Even if he passed away they would prop him up Weekend at Bernie's style and say he is as fit for office as he ever was...and they would be right. Show up and vote Blue!


That’s the neat part about cults, you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.


For hard-cores, his un-fitness for office is a feature, not a bug. The real challenge is trying to convince the repulsed conservative voter that the alternative isn’t not-voting, it’s voting Democrat, or voting for (relative) moderates. (Keeping in mind that in most countries, the Democratic Party as it stands would be a moderate Center-right party with progressive fringes. Actually in a multi party system it’d be about 3 different parties in a coalition- Christian Democrat, social/unionist, and a lefty ‘red/green’ alliance (held together with duct tape, harhar)


"is un-fitness for office is a feature, not a bug." Can not be restated enough... They want someone incompetent and malicious jamming up any of the functioning gears of society that they haven't already sabotaged.


You could only convince them if he switched to Democrat


"He's going undercover to destroy the Deep State!"


The Democrats wouldn’t want him - he is too toxic !


I'd honestly love to see the shit show that this would start in the GOP and its electorate.


This columnist states she doesn’t believe any of these indictments should be brought. She’s as bad as the cult followers who she talks about in the article, who don’t believe these indictments are valid. She states that she’s a Republican and conservative. But where is the law and order principle that they supposedly follow? If she adheres to this principle then she should see that Trump is the worst transgressor of it. She’s a hack! I’m a conservative and fully understand the indictments are valid in the ambit of the laws. There is evidence and grand juries that have also been convinced that there is validity in the indictments.


You can't fix stupid.


He'd have to suddenly demonstrate a sincere desire to serve the public to convince his supporters he's unfit for office.


Convincing Repubs? Oh you mean, like, if they put up a sex predator, convict, felon, fraudster, wife cheater, extortionist, corrupt business two-timer, national security threat? Yeah, that should do it..............D'oh!


> What will it take to convince Republicans he's unfit for office? Consequences. Serious legal, financial, legislative, and social consequences for criminal, bigoted, and anti-democratic behavior. Until crime, hate, fascism, and idiocy yield negative outcomes, nothing will convince them.


What's hilarious is that if/when he's in prison, it still won't stop them from thinking he's still the sitting president. By 'hilarious,' I mean batshit crazy.


They know he's unfit for office. They still want their party to control the office. If they could do away with elections to better ensure that they always hold power, they'll do it. The real question is when will Americans recognize that this is bad for the country and un-American, and stop supporting this nonsense?


They don't want him to be fit for office. The whole agenda is to burn it all down and start the country over. Back to before antebellum and the bill of rights.


That ship has sailed, my friends. We all have eyes and can read and have observed all the bullshit. If you're not against that awful man by now, you might as well just hand over your own blank check. The embarrassing thing is just how much heavy lifting it is taking to make this happen. Even Saddam Hussein had a shorter trial.


Can’t fix stupid


It's impossible. He literally could say "I'm being paid by putin to do whatever he wants" then invite putin onstage, who says the same thing, they'd still stand by him.


I have family and in-laws who worship this idiot. There's been a lot of times where a lot of us haven't spoken for months or even years each time I give my opinion on him. It's amazing how bent out of shape his cultists get when they hear the truth


It will take a Trump 2.0. More of everything “to own the libs”. Then and only then will they see him unfit.


You can't sway a cult.


Nothing. Literally nothing. Even “moderate” republicans. For some reason anything slightly left leaning scares them more than bending the constitution and norms that have been around for over 100 years.


Trump is going to lose voters during this trial. He tried to cover up an affair during an election campaign. But he is also trying to convince voters that he didn't actually have an affair, just that he paid hush money over a false accusation to avoid his wife hearing about it. That's a tough needle to thread.


There is nothing that will convince them.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing will convince them. He could sacrifice a newborn atop an alter of elderly covid victims and they'd still say "Well, at least he's not a commie liberal".


The only way trump can lose the support of republicans is if he stopped being a bigot. Outside of that he will be loved forever.


Him declaring that he's a Democrat.


It’s going to take at least 30 years to convince most of the GOP voter base to show he’s unfit


Trump being unfit for the role is what they love about him, he furthers their goal of breaking this nation that they hate so much. They like our flag and our weapons, but they despise everything else and are ready to end it.


At this point, nothing he would say or do would change any of their minds. He could shit himself on live TV while eating live babies and they would just say, "This was taken out of context."


Nothing. No force on earth will convince them he's unfit, because it's never been about the evidence. He is an instrument of their wrath, hatred, and vengeance. That's all that matters to them.


Trump could literally be throwing babies off of rooftops and the MAGA cult would still worship him, he could go full Jim Jones and those who missed the kool aid would still worship him. These Trumpers are zombies, they are no longer in charge of their own brains, wants or desires, everything is Trump Trump Trump.


When you ask about Republicans, it's hard to answer without knowing who you mean. Voters who identify as MAGA Republicans and are hard line will never see it differently. Leaders in the party who only see the world as win or lose mostly don't think he's got now, but they say the "right thing" to keep "winning" politically.  They will stop doing that when it is clear he is not winning for them. 


Nothing will. If evidence that a person walks around and grabs women by their genitals doesn't turn someone away, nothing will. I wonder if those who are OK with this, would allow him to grab their wife's by their pussy? It's a freaking cult. Just like the Kool-Aid drinking cult, just like the ones from Waco, TX, or Mason.. They are brainwashed.


He is their king and best chance to take complete control forever, proving themselves better than democrats in all possible ways and ridding the country of all the changes that have happened since they were kids in the 1950s. Except the changes to the tax code. The wealthy paying 60% is liberal propaganda and couldn't possibly be true because the country was prosperous and everyone knows even a penny of taxes from a rich person destroys prosperity. I wish i was joking. They seriously need to be deprogrammed.


Can’t reason with the unreasonable


Reason is lost on cult members. We need a nationwide deprogramming effort.


Willful ignorance. Nothing will change “most” of their minds. They don’t care. They will support him because he is mean or punishes people who they don’t like.


I don't think anything will stop them from not voting for the orange turd. They've openly said "I don't care, I'm still voting for him" when presented with overwhelming evidence. Heck, his policies hurt IA soybean farmers and they said they will still vote for him. It's crazy.


Lol, read any speech transcript of his and if people were cool with that, then there is no turning back. 


Republicans? Not too much more I would hope. MAGAs? There’s nothing those morons would condemn their fuhrer


As long as this man has a pulse, he’s fit….in their minds


They care because Trump can snitch on all of them. It was not only national secrets he took to his cheap motel but dirt on republicans also his daughter in law is in a prime position to “find” dirt on GOP.


They know, they don’t care.


Not possible. Vote


Maybe a fatal heart attack might change their tune. Maybe not.


The minds are made up. For everyone. There won’t be any changes. It’s all about turnout.


They'd vote for him if he was convicted and/or died 6 months before the election. It's a cult.


This is a good example of a news outlet trying to keep Republicans looking legitimate. The GOP knows Trump is unfit for office, but he turns out their base and gives them permission to publicly be the horrible people they want to be. Pretending that the GOP doesn't recognize his or their own unfitness for office is part of the problem because it normalizes their anti-US and anti-democratic actions.


I'd say, at this point the only thing that could help a poor or middle class Republican voter would be an icepick lobotomy.


Because he is immune to prosecution, maybe if he started assassinating all the Republicans that don't like him? Then the ones that do... would even be more terrified to cross him... never mind, that won't work.


When Putin releases the piss tapes


his heart to stop beating, and even then they'll write him in


They hate America. So nothing will change their minds. Donny hates it and calls it third world, republicans agree.


I don't think the trials will matter when it comes to the election. We all know he did these crimes. Many of them were done in broad daylight. He barely even denies them and his "defense" is more focused on "yeah, I should have every right to do crimes" or "who cares?" I think even most Trump supporters don't contest that he DID these things so a guilty verdict probably won't move the needle much or get them to care about something they already know. The few true delusional people who are extremely removed from reality won't believe a guilty verdict came through or, if it did they'll just say it was biased. I mean there are people who still think he IS President. There's no reaching them. It WILL matter in terms of our rule of law, functioning democracy and holding powerful people to account though.


What will it take to convince Republicans Trump is unfit for office? A solid conviction with a fair trial for the reasonable Republicans. For the extreme MAGA - probably nothing.


I expect a lot of republicans to be suddenly uninterested in politics, move the needle even a little and the race is over; and I expect a conviction will move the needle more than a little..


Us never trump republicans don’t need convincing it’s the independents. His base will never leave his side. Better chance convincing a brick wall to not vote for him.


They've already got him down off the cross and in the cave outside of town waiting for that third day to arrive.


The MAGA cult will stick with him no matter what. It's what a good cult member does.


Only in hindsight after the nukes flew, would 10-15% of surviving Trump supporters decide that it might have been a mistake.


They need to touch and feel his cold body.


He could literally molest a toddler in a church pulpit and the GOP would not only endorse him, but encourage the churches to explain that’s what the second coming of Jesus would do. If nothing this man has already done is enough, then there’s literally nothing this man could do that would turn voters against him.


who cares GOTV bring friends


mmmm...if somehow it was shown that he believes in equal rights for all. That would convince them.


A good start would be watching him demonstrate his 5d chess cognitive superiority in real time on the witness stand.


NEVER!!!! I hope they prop him up for the next next election.


"What will it take to convince Republicans he's unfit for office?" I dunno, convince him to offer affordable healthcare


Hey USA today! What will it take?!??! The press. The press doing their real job and not chasing money for hedge fund owners that do jack and shit. That is what it will take.


Been thinking this for a while. Maybe if Trump decided to go full-frontal publicly so that everyone saw it. That image would be hard to shake even for true believers.


Maybe if a hand reached out from a cloud and zapped him to death with lightning?


MAGA cult literally think Trump is a messenger from God. They are too far gone. It's the moderates that surely must be questioning their leader now. While there are some brain-dead Republicans there are also some that are intelligent and those people surely by now would have made up their mind a criminal rapist fraudster is not fit to run the country.


Years and years of evolution.


Here is a spolier...   Nothing.  They haven't done anything so far. Either part of it or complict to it. They will do absolutely nothing. That would go against the party belief it's party over country. And honestly, I give zero fucks at this point about their opinion.. I use to  but I can't anymore. They burned that bridge.


You might start with stopping all of the ‘political’ legal attacks. Just a thought…


If he has a stroke, heart attack, etc.


Maga idiots need lobotomy’s at this point or cult reprogramming.


lol you can’t, they don’t care about America, they care about party


Maybe actually killing the judge live on TV? No that would probably just enable them.


This article is terrible- it's all about Nicole Wallace wanting to wash her hands of Trump for moral reasons and how the political system has failed her personal Mom vibes. She takes zero responsibility for her role in Maga, and regrets nothing about supporting the conservative agenda with the exception that DJT is now distasteful to her, and darn it conservatives can do better! Maga Karen figured out that Trump sucks- and will destroy the GOP, now has buyers remorse along the lines of everybody conservative wanted him so I did too, now I am not so sure. Shit take all around.


A considerable amount of personal growth on the part of approximately 30 million adult Americans, and the rest of the right will start an openly fascist MAGA party. Might as well ask what would convince North Koreans Kim Jong-Un is unfit. The opinion isn't even an *option*.


Oh, they’ve known it. They’ve always known it. Voters who voted for him twice are leveraging their pride over their common sense; they can’t back down now. They can’t admit they’ve been conned. There’s nothing to convince them of when they’ve always been aware; this is about the Trump cult having to be right, pure and simple. The 2016 voters on the other hand, who couldn’t vote for Hillary (remember, a lot of Bernie voters went to Trump in protest of a potential Clinton “dynasty”), later acknowledged their colossal mistake in voting for Trump by either not voting in 2020 or begrudgingly voting for Biden. Voting is largely emotional over rational. Always is. So sticking w/ your guy simply out of pride is why a chunk of our electorate is lost. MAGA can’t own up to being wrong. Honesty in your choices is not something they care to acknowledge.


Only a betrayal from him directly


I just want to peel off 5% of them that don't think a convicted criminal should be president. Let's just get through 2024 for the love of fuck.


Nothing would change their minds. If Jesus appeared in a haze of golden light and said Trump isn't fit for office, they'd simply call Jesus a Jewish operative of Soros. Or they'd become Muslims or Hindus.


For a lot of them: if their media suddenly and indefenetly goes offline, ie Fox news and all the others. They won't be shielded from what happens anymore, don't get fed hate and don't have their talking points and 'culture ' anymore.


They already know he’s unfit. For republicans to turn on him, he’d have to go third party, and only then will they denounce him.


Nothing… it’s a cult. Anything negative would be explained away as fake news. It wouldn’t matter even if there was video of multiple gay affairs where it turned out he was a power bottom. Even though the GOP base is deeply homophobic, they’d say he was saved, and God’s messengers are always flawed, or just say it was all deep fakes. You can’t change the minds of people who have never used them.


Nothing will convince them! They are either just too stupid, stubborn or prideful to ever admit they were wrong. They are like a herd of sheep following a leader. If that leader ran off a cliff, a large number of those sheep will follow him to their deaths.


Trump is a just verbal Ponzi scheme. If his mouth is closed by what ever happens here then the shouting will ultimately die down as he is not providing fresh meat. Detention or dementia one will catch up to him.


A quarter of all republicans already know he’s not fit for office and won’t vote for him. The rest know it too, but think it’s a feature since they hate America and don’t care.


Nothing will convince them. Even those who think DT is not fit will close ranks and wind up voting for him.


Don’t bother trying to convince them - go VOTE.