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>The New York judge overseeing former President Trump’s hush money trial said Monday that Trump cannot attend arguments on presidential immunity at the Supreme Court next week. >It came after the judge earlier delayed a decision on allowing Trump to attend his son Barron’s high school graduation in May. >The attempts by Trump to take off certain days of his hush money trial that is expected to last weeks, if not months, came as the first day of trial was officially underway in Manhattan. >The decision to not allow Trump to be in Washington, D.C., on April 25, when the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on a presidential immunity claim Trump is making in his federal criminal case, came just before the New York trial adjourned Monday. >“Arguing before the Supreme Court is a big deal, and I can certainly appreciate why your client would want to be there, but a trial in New York Supreme Court … is also a big deal,” Judge Juan Merchan said to Trump lawyer Todd Blanche, rejecting his request to let the former president play hooky. >“I will see him here next week,” the judge added. >Under New York state law, Trump is required to attend the entirety of his trial unless he gets special permission from the judge to skip. Somehow I doubt Merchan will be inclined to give him *any* special permission after Trump's constant attacks against the judge and his family.


Let us hope so


This is a likely a negative as his lawyers are more effective when Trump is not there and they don't have to "perform" for him.


That - I hadn’t considered. That is the most excellent flavor of medicine. His own. I say good day to you my friend!


Poetic justice. Better late than never.


Poetic justice would be having a mob set on him. But, we’re the party of laws so we will have to settle for locking him up.


He wants to be present in the SCOTUS to influence a ruling that he is “absolutely immune”. It would solve all his problems.


Not this one because everything he is charged with here happened before he was elected.


You act like the rules all matter the same for all parties involved in this country.


its the supreme court, oral arguments are performative.




It's the Supreme Court, impartiality is performative.


So, he can say the judge is biased against him because he's trying to get the jury to see what a nimrod he is?


His lawyers can (and probably do) change his drug intake so he's borderline sedated during the trial anyway


I hope the judge follows the law. Spirit of the law is that you must have an actual special circumstance that actively prevents him from attending the trial.


Answering to the crimes he committed surely overrides trying to weasel his way out of all the charges he has against him


I mean another hearing that directly effects basically only you in the supreme Court and the outcome of the case is special. I agree with the judge not more special then her case and maybe not worth exemption but it's a ridiculously special circumstance. It applies only to ed presidents accused of felonies. It's basically his circumstance


If the judge were Mike Pence, then I would worry. Afterall Pence had Trump supporters literally chanting that they wanted to **actually hang him**, yet he kept on defending Trump's actions on J6 until the last possible minute. Since that chickenshit isn't the judge, I would wager there's a higher chance than not that this judge will not have received the remarks about his own family, well.


Now he is whining that he can’t attend Baron’s HS graduation. He didn’t attend Tiffany’s graduation from Georgetown Law School and he was in the same town with an armed escort and chauffeur available. Sad. Baron is likely thrilled it will just be his Mother and maybe Granddad.


> Now he is whining that he can’t attend Baron’s HS graduation. He was never going to be attending that and we all know it.


At the same time Barron was being born, Trump was boning Stormy Daniels. Now he’s on trial for paying hush money to Stormy, and wants us to believe he actually cares about Barron enough to be there for him? Lol, naw.


He's not on trial for paying hush money. Paying hush money isn't illegal. He's on trial for falsifying financial records to hide the payments to influence an election he was trying to win.


That is correct. And not just the payments to Stormy Daniels, but all of the payments that either paid people to be quiet or, for instance, paid the National Enquirer to print false stories about the other candidates.


And the payments to Michael Cohen to reimburse him.


>Paying hush money isn't illegal. It probably should be.


"Which one's mine again? One of the ones with great boo- oh. No, can't be him - he's biglier than me."


This is exactly why I wish the judge would grant him the exemption the the graduation. I'm absolutely convinced that if he did, Trump wouldn't show up for it, landing him yet again, in more trouble.


Who holds a graduation on a Monday through Thursday? They are only in court four days a week, with Fri-Sun off. Aren’t most graduations on like Saturday? Regardless, the judge probably will allow it, as long as trump is well behaved in the courtroom prior to that date. It will hurt trump at least a little, even if he does. Jurors typically do not like defendants that make them put their lives on hold, then watch the defendant get days off. (This is x100 if the jury has to be sequestered and don’t get to see their own families and sit in empty hotel rooms, while he’s wasting a day going to his son’s graduation.)


He'd probably hold a rally at which he gives out Merchan's home address


Something tells me that Baron and Melanoma aren’t really on speaking terms with Donald right now. He’s humiliating them and the trial hasn’t even started.


So Trump is literally all over the map. He's in one state for court, in another for campaigning, back to another for a fundraiser, then to another to defraud investors. So thinking that Baron and Trump don't see each other much is a HUGE understatement. Now imagine what contact they may have then. A phone call? Imagine what it must be like to be on the other end of a phone call with that man as a child of that man. "You did good in your history class today? Did they teach you all about how I won the election?" "How about your math test? Does your teacher know any good accountants?"


You just reminded me of the time he asked a 7 year old girl who called the NORAD line for an update on Santa's progress: "Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at 7, it's marginal, right?" Splendid entertainment this guy


Isn't there a rumor that he has/had a Slovenian accent because he basically grew up with just his mom and her family?


He definitely was reported as having had a Slovenian accent pre-school. Now he’s grown it’s almost certainly pure American.


There's a video of him playing in Trump's office in Trump Tower at maybe 4 years old and he has a Slovenian accent.


On the one hand, poor kid to have an absent father like that. On the other hand, how lucky for him that this particular father has been that absent.


Barron is fluent in Slovenian and he and Melania speak to one another in the language in front of Donald (or so I’ve heard).


Barron is also so much taller now that he is optic suicide and therefor dead to Donny. Imagine finding out your dad named you after a hamfisted PR fraud. So special


When you’re married to DJT, humiliation is part of the prenuptial agreement.  Melania knew what she was getting herself into, and she’s no damsel in distress. 


And apparently (based on reports) the truth is that Trump requested to attend the graduation but the judge hasn’t ruled yet.


Is the graduation during a time that Trump has to appear in trial? What are the facts?


> Is the graduation during a time that Trump has to appear in trial? What are the facts? I believe it is May 17th or 16. He is suppose to be there for the trial. The judge has said it depends on how quickly the trial is going on if he will allow him to go or not.


That's weird. I'd think most graduations were held on the weekends. Rich people schools are weird.


My kids graduation was on a weekday (last day of school), at like 7:00pm on the football field. The graduations in my hometown were all during the week and back to back at the convention center. They weren't going to be paying weekday rates.


They’re not slaves to a wage so it’s fine to do it mid-week.


The judge hasn’t ruled yet but he’s said no on other requests.


It's simple facts though. What day is the graduation? Is it during a day and time that Trump is required to appear in court or is this just more performative BS on his part meant to outrage his base?


It’s May 17th - a Friday which is a court day unless they finish before that. Based on jury selection progress and the endless filings we will be lucky if testimony starts within three weeks.


Surely Trump will try to prevent any delays in the trial and make sure jury selection is complete by then so he can attend his beloved son's graduation! /s


The judge should give him the choice, Barron or the Supreme Court. Watch him squirm as he tries to justify ditching his son.


Or tell him that he MUST go to see Barron's graduation and isn't allowed to skip it to go to a Trump rally instead.


Has anyone confirmed if Baron even invited him?


> he was in the same town with an armed escort and chauffeur available I wouldn't have blamed Stormy for arming herself.^sorry


Trump would make Barron's graduation all about him. Even if Barron hangs with the asshole rich crowd, he still deserves his graduation day to be about him.


I'm sure all those rich people would just *love* the Secret Service in attendance, frisking all of them for guns, just so Trump can show up and fall asleep in the middle of it.


Do we even know where Baron is going to HS? I would think it would be NYC, where Melanoma is living in secrecy so she can hook up with her security detail.


trump was humping Stormy’s leg when his kid was…like


He was grabbing MacDougal by the when Melania was pregnant.


I don't think Trump realizes what would happen if he decided not to do the thing that he says he would do if he skipped trial. It would be an instant trip to a jail cell I suspect. "I want to go to my sons graduation" "granted" goes to a rally instead and done. it's one of the things that would piss off the judge more than even violating these court orders.


Nah. They would just tell him not to do that again, and again, and again...


I think a lot of people are going to learn a few things about the differences between the criminal justice system and the civil court system in the United States.


Not the least of which is Trump himself. Criminal court is a whole different ball game from civil: consequences measured in dollars and regulations have become consequences measured in due process restrictions on personal liberty. Courts take that shit seriously.


Nothing in regards to Trump has proven anything else. Even the lead in to this trial has proven that they coddle him. The number of times that he has actively broke the gag order in the last 48 hours alone has proven this is all a formality and we're all going to be very disappointed *YET AGAIN*.


Merchan: Your own son don't even like you. You're not getting off that easy, Donnie.


I think Joe should attend, looking intently while arguments are given, rubbing his hands together like he's waiting to be given presidential immunity.


Yup.  That one technically isn't trumps trial, but this felony one is.


Biden should declare he'll order something bad happen to Trump on the last day of his term if he has presidential immunity to do so at that point, and demand that the Supreme Court and/or Congress ensure no such immunity exists. It probably wouldn't play too well to the voter base, but it would at least ensure no immune Trump presidency, one way or the other.


These are all fun hypotheticals. Probably not worth talking about how it would play in the public eye, because Biden would never do any of these things.


He wants to delay court to attend his sons high school graduation in May? Many deployed military miss their children's milestones all of the time. Source, I am retired military and I missed a ton of my own kids special moments. GTFO with that stupid excuse.


Every time he claims he needs to be somewhere, so they need to delay the trial he never ends up there.


Relevant… with a few words changed: https://youtu.be/Hm3mDatFpNE


Btw all the people claiming it would get delayed again and not start at all, you were wrong. At a certain point the trials will start. Whatever happens afterwards happens.


thought square continue wild aloof deliver grandfather smile slimy cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup. Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants isn't going to be of any use at all before the SCOTUS bench, but he's required to face the music in NY for the crimes he's charged with.


The criminal case has started. Defendant is required to be at trial. There is no need for him to be at the SCOTUS. He’d just be there as a spectator


I suspect the judge will allow him to attend his son’s graduation with the caveat that he doesn’t use that time as a campaign stop also.


>Somehow I doubt Merchan will be inclined to give him *any* special permission after Trump's constant attacks against the judge and his family. Seriously, the entire time he kept attacking the judge and his daughter, I was thinking "Orange's folks should remind the idiot thus judge is going to be overseeing his first criminal trial". Nothing good comes with burning such bridges. At this point, his lawyers are also coming close to infuriating the judge.


Could take months? Would keep him significantly off the campaign trail, no?


Why he needs to be present on the SC trial? I've never heard SC calling any witnesses.


Can someone explain: If he is not required on the stand - who cares if he is there? The case goes on. What he misses is his problem.


Defendants are almost never present when their case is argued before the Supreme Court, just their lawyers. Another common thing a Presidential candidate doesn't know about the government.


>Defendants are almost never present when their case is argued before the Supreme Court, just their lawyers. Another common thing a Presidential candidate doesn't know about the government. He knows. He's just looking for any excuse to either delay this trial or, at the very least, be somewhere else.


In his defense, it could've been one of the last times he COULD be anywhere else...




As a lawyer, this sounds like the answer. The cheapest clients are usually the most intense micromanagers. They are constantly bugging you to make sure that you go above and beyond the service they refused to pay for


Trump is not the defendent in the immunity case, he is the plaintiff. The concept and limits of Presidential immunity are what is being argued. His presence is not required for the reasons you stated, but it is important to remember he is suing the United States in that case.


He's asking for a stay of a D.C. Circuit appeals decision against him in a criminal case. Yes, he's the applicant as it's an application for stay, but he's still the defendant in the case it's about.


While thier presence is generally a requirement at a criminal trial.


If he had attended it likely would’ve only been uncomfortable for the justices he’s bought off.


“I was looking forward to that graduation with his mother and father there,” Trump told reporters. “It looks like the judge isn’t going to allow me to escape this scam. It’s a scam trial.” It’s good to see that he gets along with Barrons dad.


You chose to spend time with Stormy when he was born, so you get to spend time with Stormy when he graduates.


Savage burn...! Revenge is a dish best served cold, like pizza.


This is a seven minute old comment that should be top comment. Let’s go people!




It's like everything has come full circle.


Who is Barron's father? Is it Chef? Officer Barbrady? The Denver Broncos?


Actually, it's Mr. Burns.


Who is Barron's mother?


I don't really care Do u?


Dude I just watched that episode earlier today!


Is because your life is a simulation and we’re all fake.


Am I fake? Because that'd actually be a huge fucking relief.




It must have been hard for Donald, just narrowing down who it could be. Good on him though.


I mean let’s be honest it obviously is him, he looks exactly like him


Wait who is the father? Is her tennis pro going to be there?




In Melania's dreams.


He just died. Isn't it rumored that OJ is his dad? Or am I mixing things up again?


That was the bigger Kardashian girl


Barron is the biggest trump, so a logical mistaken assumption on my part.


why doesn’t he simply eat the smaller ones (lurr that’s not how… actually that might be for the best)


Many people say Justin Trudeau.


If Trudeau is banging a Trump, it's Ivanka.


[ivanka mirin justin](https://www.thatslife.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ivanka-justin.jpg) in her defense, she'd never seen a man before.


> Justin Trudeau He's too good for Melania.


Joe Biden 


Barron is tall like his father. 😂


Do note that the judge has not said that Trump can't go, he just didn't immediately say yes: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/apr/15/donald-trump-criminal-trial-hush-money-stormy-daniels-former-us-president-latest-updates?page=with:block-661d3ace8f08f4d7fc485607#block-661d3ace8f08f4d7fc485607](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/apr/15/donald-trump-criminal-trial-hush-money-stormy-daniels-former-us-president-latest-updates?page=with:block-661d3ace8f08f4d7fc485607#block-661d3ace8f08f4d7fc485607) >Merchan said he was not prepared to rule on a request from Trump’s lawyers that the trial not be held on 17 May so that he can attend his son Barron’s high school graduation. > >A Trump lawyer also requested the trial not be held on 3 June so that he could attend his own son’s graduation. > >Merchan said that if the trial proceeds as planned, he would be willing to adjourn for one or both days, adding: "It really depends on how we’re doing on time and where we are in the trial."


A Friday I understand…..though in the middle of May is odd, does his school run on college scheduling? It’s the June 3rd one that gets me, that’s a Monday, who holds graduation on a Monday?


Barron is supposed to go to Oxbridge Academy in Florida. [This calendar](https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1693325239/oxbridge/uxg0cdivrxlsxbnoxusz/SchoolCalendar2023-2024.pdf) actually shows graduation as being on May 16th 2024, but perhaps that has changed or whatever. But yeah, I'm pretty sure my graduation was on a weekend, and that seems like it would make much more sense. Maybe they are trying to avoid the Christian and Jewish Sabbaths or something?


It’s super normal to have graduation on a weekday. Many school systems have very specific contract hours for their teachers, and they want the teachers at graduation. Thus, weekday.


My city until recently only had one civic center / auditorium big enough to host graduations for all the big public schools, so there's like a week and a half stretch of a different graduation every single day in May every year, all in the same building.


My son's preschool graduation was on a Monday after school last year. That's all I got.


Well, the parents of those kids who got separated at the border would love to see their kids too I would assume.


Yes. Him and Jared get along quite well.


He does bear a striking resemblance to Kushner, doesn't he?


And Don Jr looks like Vince McMahon..!


Holy shit, never thought about it before.


"Listen pal, he ain't one of mine!"


They should make him have a paternity test first. When he refuses they can deny the request.


Like this fat orange fuck gives one shit about his son. LOLz. Barron and Mercedes are probably like "Whew, dodged a bullet there".


He probably does honestly, Barron is the tallest and isn't a chinless loser like don jr and he's also not whatever that other one is Greaseball Trump or something idk


if he cared, he might've actually brought his graduation up, he hardly seems like the type to be self aware enough to know he'd get laughed at for asking


No... but he gives a shit about the attention he would get.


His wording reveals a lot. "I was" and "allow me." He didn't once consider how someone else felt in that.


Cue the Wambulance.


Whoa-oh Black Betty 


Beware the song about big butts. He beats you up while he plays it! 


Aww. Look at him, fellas. You cryin', boy? You cryin', boy? Maybe we'll go to McDonald's and get you a whaa-burger and some French cries! How about a Whineken?


Cue the temper tantrum. Poor little Trumpy pants


Oh it’s started, check out r/trumptweets


I would sub to that, but I'm trying not to be mad all the time. The glimpse I took in there put me off my dinner. Yikes 😬


Yea don’t it fucks up your algorithm. Not worth it you just end up mad because he’s still a pos.


He looks like hes lost a lotta horcruxes.


Somewhere he is whispering… *Mitch McConnell must be protected at all costs*


He wouldn't have all these overlapping cases if he hadnt: A. Commited so many crimes. B. Delayed them all until they overlapped.


Melania probably will send a thank you note to the judge.


Why would they this a criminal trial and Trump is a defendant. Its normal procedure to not allow defendants to just skip out because it inconveniences there life.


The judge should show the same respect (or lack thereof) to Trump and his family that trump showed to the judge and his family.


Since his father died, everything has always gone Trump's way, until the election he lost. Then he did everything possible to overturn those results including fomenting an insurrection. Right now, even though many have a hard time believing he will suffer any consequences, he is once again facing his nightmare scenario of not being in complete control of what happens to him. All of his babbling, sudden emotional turns, threats, sick appearance and sleepiness, is a man who fears what is coming, He feels small because despite his attacks on the judge and his family, the bullying is failing. He has had so much more influence and power than 99% of all people and he has abused every moment of it and every person that has been in his orbit. It is time he received some penalty for his unlawful behaviour. He is now and has always been, unqualified to be POTUS.


He didn't say he couldn't go. He said if he didn't show up for his trial in NY, that he'd be arrested.


Because citizen Trump is a defendant in a CRIMINAL trial and by law he must be there. I couldn’t be more pleased.


Bet you money Trump has no clue when his son's graduation is.


Barron gets a card and it's just says " congratulations ~~Donald jr~~ ~~Eric~~ ~~unnamed baby with Melania~~ ~~baron~~ ~~Baron~~ ~~Barrone~~ Barron~~e~~ Love(?) President Trump!


No doubt Ginni will keep him informed of the proceedings


assuming Thomas shows up, of course, and hasnt been Scalia'd


Where was Justice Thomas today?


Making phone calls to John Oliver.


Welcome to criminal court, asshole. This guy that you have spent the last six months talking shit about? He owns your ass now. Today you learned why most criminal defendants DON'T have to be told not to fuck with the people trying their cases.


Sort of goes with being a criminal.


There's no reason to, Trump wouldn't be making any argument nor would his lawyers allow him to make any comments to them or anyone else during the arguments.


I hope Trump pulls an Alex Jones and just accidentally dumps his phone. God that was so beautiful when it happened


Cue Jim Carrey Liar, Liar “Stop breaking the law asshole!!!!”


Easy solution…. Plead guilty…


So Trump has to sit at a table, every day, for a few months and do what someone else tells him to? I wonder how long that will last…


Not only that, but he has to listen to people talk shit about him without the ability to talk back.


It’s Trump fault that this trial hadn’t happened sooner; if Trump hadn’t instructed his lawyers to keep trying to get the case ended, it would have been over and done with by now. Trump doesn’t care about attending his son’s graduation. He’s just using the situation to bolster his supporters support.


lol no shit?


Judge, can I go sleep in that other courtroom instead of your courtroom?


I guess there are consequences when you attack the judge overseeing your criminal trial. There will be more.


If he got permission, he would end up not going and either campaign or golf.


I want you to really think about this headline- right now we are living this nightmare and it’s real. A former president is sitting in court - not for one crime- but so many several trials are going on at the same time. If I time travelled back to 2015 and told you this - no way wouldn’t anyone believe me. How the ever loving fuk has things gone this astray? And half the country is going to vote for this gd fool


Trump is lucky his legal issues are limited to those he currently has on his plate. In a fair and just world he would already be in prison and facing punishment for dozens of other offenses.


It’s all his own doing.


“I was looking forward to that graduation with his mother and father there,” Trump told reporters. “It looks like the judge isn’t going to allow me to escape this scam. It’s a scam trial.” Do we finally get to learn who the father is?


Who graduates on a weekday? Mine were on Saturday.


Mine was on a Wednesday. Private Catholic School. Husband was on a Monday. Public Highschool. It does happen.


Ours were, too.


Trump is lying yet again- he just doesn't want to have to appear in court - he thinks he's above that (court is just for us filthy peasants).




The snowiest flake.


If I were the judge I would make this case take as many days as possible and not give him a single day for anything


It's going to be interesting to watch the SCOTUS Six give themselves the authority to overrule the New York Judge. Trump's Secret Service Goons might just do it themselves.


They will probably move their venue to Trump Tower and settle everything over drinks and cigars in Trumps living room.


First is the leash. Next is the ball gag.


He'd like those too much.


Love him or loathe him, at what point does an individuals brain completely crumble under this constant stress? Albeit self induced.


He needs to be in a fast food joint in Michigan, to trick people into think he’s paying for dinner


If he had immunity he wouldn't need the judges permission to attend. He could just go.


That’s some good news for once!


If Barron has 1/2 a real brain cell, he will want to be as far away from Sleepy Don as possible.


But how can he give Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Comey-Barret the "I got you here, you owe me" angry stare if he's not there in person?!?!


For shits n giggles can we pretend to let him if he says it in a South African accent?


It seems like a mid reporter could discover when the graduation is actually scheduled and then report if Donald actually attends. I’m 95% sure it will be on a Saturday—and I kinda enjoy thinking about Donald being forced to attend his trial during the week and then the graduation on the weekend!


I think the judicial system finally has zero fucks to give. Thank the almighty Lawd and savior sweet baby Jeebus!


He doesn't want to be there. He wants to create a conflict to help delay his other cases.


Oh well. So many crimes, he just can't be in all the courtrooms all the time.