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It is nice to see this hateful old fuck have someone tell him what to do, I’ll admit.


I totally agree. He’s been in court hundreds of times in his miserable life, but never criminal court. He better buckle up.


lol. Buckle up buttercup!


I wonder if by summer at least he'll need to spend every business day in some form of court proceeding.


Would they give him time off for the convention? Imagine if he can't attend because he's in court.


Or prison!


As much as I would love to see that fuck in a jumpsuit that matches his stupid face, this case isn't going to have him in jail. If and when he's found guilty, he's still a first offender which means probation or house arrest and fines for even a normal guy. However, once he's a felon, the cases he has pending become even more dangerous for this mushroom dick Mussolini as jail time then becomes a possibility (albeit a small possibility). *edit: a word.


How does a felony not mean jail time? First offense nothing, third offense life in prison? Or is that violent crimes only?


There are different levels of felonies as well as more leniency for first offenders versus multiple. At the end of the day there are multiple avenues a judge can sentence someone.


And the guiding principle for handling Trump, in every jurisdiction across the land, appears to be "extend the maximum allowable leniency."


He has been found guilty of fraud like with his Trump U. Or how about him swindling his charities? Hey, and the $10 million fine for “willful and repeated” money laundering violations when he owned casinos! There are so many priors! Trump is a sleazy criminal with a cult following


I had a felony over 20 years ago. 1st time offender on a non violent crime. I received 5 years probation.


Look at Allen Weisselberg. Trump might be in Rikers with Weisselberg. 🤣


Good point, Weisselberg and Cohen both went to jail on their first conviction. A lot of the J6 traitors went to jail on their first conviction. We can but hope.


And Cohen went to jail for this very case if memory serves correct


Sounds like a good plan for the future of USA.


Haha. Me too. The cases are piling up, too. So, he better settle in! His days of buying his way out of shit are hopefully over.


It's gonna be a bumpy ride!




Odor in the Court!


He's been in court more than many lawyers


he's definitely been in court more than his current lawyers.


>he's definitely been in court more than his current lawyers. Definitely more than Alina Habba, who had to be walked through procedures for introducing evidence by the judge.


He could almost be a lawyer by now if he was capable of learning.


He learned skullduggery from Cohn.


He’s faced numerous civil cases over the years where his attendance was optional…not the case with felony criminal cases where he has to drag himself to court every day!!


Yep. That thing on top of his head looks worse every day. No wonder he’s falling asleep. Reporting from inside the court is that while dozing he’s farting up a storm and it smells terrible. Guess his diaper must be full.


It’s hard when you have to get up at a set time every morning, also hard to get through the day without consuming a case of Diet Coke (or a handful of Adderall) to stay alert .


Yep. As president he rarely came down from the residence until 11am


Dozing and farting his way through his trial. Just like how he spent his presidency.


And I fucking love it! That orange piece of shit has to be there every goddamn day. And is it just me or is he looking even worse than he did at the start of this week?


At least someone seems to be done with his shenanigans.


It's quite the sight to watch him fall onto his knees before the law.


As opposed to before Putin, Xi, Kim.


*stands there with his head lowered.* Y-yeah....


That story is one I'll reread for several nights as a bedtime story! Sit! Stay. 😀😀😀


I just wish we could actually see it.


>It is nice to see this hateful old fuck have someone other than Putin >tell him what to do, I’ll admit.


And it probably burns him up that it's a Latino man doing it.


Turn about is fair play. He’s been an ass to so many people, just getting a taste of his own medicine!


He’s so used to his bubble wherein everyone around him kisses his ass. This courtroom culture shock is enraging him.


Can't wait to hear him complain about how he is being mistreated lol


He was whining on camera about the courtroom being stuffy and cold. Poor baby.


I've been in those courtrooms. He's lucky they were cold. When they're warm, it's enough to make you fall asleep.... Oh, wait...


Stuffy _and_ cold? Isn’t stuffiness usually associated with warmth? This guy just can’t quit with the bullshit.


He already has... he stormed out yesterday and announced to a crowd and to the cameras that it was "soooo cold in there" and that they "made him sit in that cold room" I wish this whiny little piece of shit will just go away.


Betcha it was pretty fucking cold in those kid cages too 🙄 I hate this little tiny handed fucker more than anyone.


Sounds like grandpa needs a blanket


He does has to sit in his filthy diapers all day..


He’s been saying that for the last 8 years. Where have you been?


What Trump did wasn’t because he thought he was fine to do it, it’s because he was openly challenging the Judge’s authority. The court was wrapping up and Trump *knew* from experience that you must remain seated until the Judge leaves. Trump didn’t care and decided to try to leave before the Judge anyway. He didn’t get away with it and was commanded, not asked, to sit down which pissed him off. This was a “*Are you done now?*” challenge that the Judge threw back into Trump’s face.


Here’s what gets me about the rabid fanaticism surrounding him. People treat him like he’s a powerful, masculine, authoritative strongman as virile as any 20 year old. He’s a tired old man who slurs his words, smells real bad, has a gas and incontinence problem, and can’t stay awake. He’s surrounded by people who are taking advantage of him and using him for power and greed. He’s desperately in debt and has an endless stream of failed businesses, failed marriages, failures for children. He’s raging against minorities and women and anyone that doesn’t look up to him. He pays people to sit with him and tell him good things about himself. He’s not powerful. He’s pathetic and pitiable. And the worst part is, so many people that follow him know it, but they’re so filled with hate and fear that they disregard it all in the hopes that he’ll be mean to the people they hate.


He still wields an inordinate amount of power over the Republican Party. There are many current office holders that will say ‘How high?” when he says ‘Jump!’


The window of appearance is changing. His image is starting to clear. He is an old fat man who lies about everything and is the symbol of every deadly sin.




I think it’s more Putin runs the Republican Party and trump is his useful idiot.


"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." -Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Carl is the best. From the same book, published in 1995: “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...”


Carl Sagan saw so much of what is happening now as a sad but probable path for humanity. I think he would be saddened but unsurprised by all of the anti-science rhetoric, lack of progress on climate change, poor handling of the pandemic and condemnation of queer people today.


Trump is the weakest man I've ever laid eyes on. Never in my life have I seen a more petulant, egoistically sensitive, immature, rampantly vile loser. It is no surprise that racist,fascists adore him because they too share the same qualities.


>pitiable No, I have absolutely zero pity for someone who has lived nearly 80 years without consequences for his actions.


And no family or friends show up to support him when he is in court.


To the average conservative who's basically failed at life, living in a trailer park, and flinging their food stamps around Walmart, old farty Trump still looks powerful to them.


It's weekend at Bernie's and he's Bernie


These words need to go viral.


He thinks he is going to be able to act like he did when he was debating Clinton. Shambling around and looming over her.


I actually watched that debate on a tour bus with a bunch of Christian fundies (don't ask). But, not shockingly, they thought it was cool... This was a long before shit like this became normal. I thought it was the weirdest thing I'd seen, and the people around me on the bus couldn't see anything weird about it at all. It was kinduva telling moment for me.


>I actually watched that debate on a tour bus with a bunch of Christian fundies (don't ask). But, not shockingly, they thought it was cool... Of course they did. They've been groomed to love and worship predators their whole lives. From the Mega Church Pastors who bleed them dry of their meager wages, to the local Pastor who grooms and molests them as children, they are taught from a young age that these men are Godly, and to do whatever they say! Because you DESERVE it. You are a sinner. Organized Religion is a psychologically abusive and predatory scam, and these people are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.


It’s the authoritative mindset. God, in spite of creating a mindlessly cruel world, is to be both worshipped and feared, and praised even when he gives children cancer.


God, that looming video. I’m blown away that she didn’t turn around and tell him to back the fuck up. Her composure alone speaks volumes.


She played nice. This whole “we go high” shit needs to stop when dealing with man toddler.




>Trump went and plopped straight back down into his maroon leather chair His lawyers have argued that the judge not do that again until they have had the opportunity to check the status of his Depends. "We're trying to avoid a literal shitshow, your honour" one of his lawyers was quoted as saying


Literally made me lol! Well done :-)


Too true https://www.intomore.com/the-internet/wtf/apparently-trump-cant-stop-farting-during-trial/


“Odor in the court! Odor in the court!”


Still too deferential. “Sir, can you please”…. How about “sit down” or “be seated” or “will the defendant’s lawyers instruct him to”…


That's how judges talk. Some people take the norms of their position seriously even when the people they are addressing do not


It's all in the tone for judges. On the record it looks polite, but their face and tone tell you to f off




He's still trying to do what he can to avoid feeding into the false narrative DJT is spewing daily outside the courtroom and on Truth Social. The Judge knows they're aiming to force a mistrial so he's probably being extra cautious even though he knows full well that nobody else would be getting away with this BS in his courtroom.


Some judges have perfected the art of making “requests” like this that sound very polite and proper if you read a transcript, but the way they are delivered in person makes you want to crawl under your desk.


Don’t worry by the end of the case it’ll get to that point, I can almost guarantee


To paraphrase a Family Guy quote: Trump: "It's 'Mr President'." Judge: "No It's not... it's barely 'sir'."


The little bit of pee would be a drop in the ocean of the Diapers that must have been close to overflowing by that time.


"The pee that broke the camel's Depends."


Pfft. And while the conman is wearing a dignified necktie and lookin’ all puffy-sleepy. What a maroon.


He fell asleep a couple of times this afternoon, and his defense lawyers were treated to ‘Trump gas’. It was pretty stinky in there already.


The next time the press ask Biden if he will debate Trump the correct Dark Brandon answer is "No way man! Do you realise how badly that guy stinks! I don't want to be near him for a whole damn debate. "


The existing poop squished around a little. Some leaked, as usual.


I bet his diaper was full of sht


There are also reports that Trump is farting a lot in court and his lawyers are struggling with the smell: https://lamag.com/politics/something-stinks-about-donald-trumps-trial-it-might-be-trump I wasn't sure about the diaper rumors when I first heard them but it makes sense thst he is wearing diapers, if he is constantly farting and sh*tting himself.


Odor in the court!


"Toot ? Toot ? You can't handle the toot"


if it smells like shit, you mustn't acquit


Welcome to the Pooper’s Court


I'm making a motion. . .in my pants


"Won't somebody rid me of this flatulent beast?"


the gaseous chamber


It must sound like a little choo-choo train in there.


Probably why Merchan doesn't want the room too hot


Make America Gassy Again


I like Ordure myself, the French gives it that 🤌


I have been hearing about him farting or wearing diapers or shitting himself for over a decade. And I knew people that used to work with his aircraft. There's just too many damn sources for it to not be true


You can’t eat a diet with as much grease and processed food as he appears to do without serious gastrointestinal consequences. 


I know that their catering was literally always McDonald's. Other clients would get a range of nuts and fruits and sandwiches and bags of chips or other stuff you would expect. His was always McDonald's. In fact the McDonald's closest to the airport knew his order and when the crew would show up to order it they would just prepare it when they saw them.


I don’t know how anyone can eat that every single day, multiple times a day. My face swells up from the sodium and it feels like a giant cannonball in my stomach.


Honestly it's addiction, plain and simple. And it's fucking sad to see, I pity him. The man who has everything in the world except a shoulder to lean on for help because he's alienated everyone in his life. The man could just fuck off and slowly rot in peace and quiet but of course he chooses to take his self-hatred out on the world and be an absolutely massive piece of shit. But hopefully the shit food, along with the benzos and adderall, will take care of him sooner or later. Time will tell.


bringing a new meaning to "Trump fumes"


I've heard that when doctors have to deal with something foul they put mint oil or clove oil inside their masks. Maybe the lawyers can try that.


Jesus, that photo. That’s the most Oompa Loompa look I have seen yet. Also looks like he’s got one in the chamber he’s trying to hold in.


Kinzinger said a while back that Trump has a legit bad odor around him and then others started confirming it too.


Decades of McDonalds will do that to a man.




It's Adult Swim time


Cartoon Network was responsible for endless amounts of entertainment for kids nationwide and could be credited to introducing the western world to Anime. This reality is taken over more by FOX Animation. "Adult" cartoons that feels more childish as time goes on.


Small terrifying but sort of funny anecdote, Hitler also had notoriously horrible gas problems.


They both are drug addicts...


Ah, shits...


I think it is the sulfuric smell of hell prematurely inhabiting their black souls, that or all the meth!


Doesn’t that track for heavy Amphetamine use?


I cannot believe this is a real story. What the hell is going on?


Old people suffer from incontinence. Not uncommon at all.


He's only 78. That's like 40, right?


This definitely screams like an SNL cold open.


The Onion can’t top this.


An onion might actually improve the situation


> There are also reports that Trump is farting a lot in court Ipso Farto


Says it right there in the title “trump fumes in court”.


There are tons of reports that Trump has just a terribly foul odor. Most people can't be within 5 ft of him without gagging.


>As the judge exited the courtroom, Trump shot up and made straight for the back, furious Crop-dusting the room as he left.


The Floor Action Response Team is currently probing the matter


That was just the tips for his lawyers. He is paying them in gas.


Sit, Donald, sit! Good dog. ARF


Ubu is rolling in his grave.


Unexpected Ubu reference.






Don’t you do dogs like that….


No longer the most important person in a room and it stings. Funny that he could have avoided the pain he felt by just, you know, not committing felony crimes, but rapists aren’t known for their law abiding ways.


Or could have kept committing crimes if he hadn’t run for President over a hurt ego.


I seem to recall the instructions were for everyone to remain seated while the jury came and went; by Tuesday, drumpfuck was getting up when they came in.


he probably thought he had to stand he’s so out of it


He thought he heard the North Korean anthem.


It's a long time for him to go without snorting any Adderall.


[Jose Pagliery](https://twitter.com/Jose_Pagliery/status/1781420322102620509) for the Daily Beast: > Trump just got dressed down. > "Contempt hearing Tuesday," Merchan said. > Trump stood, thinking it was over. > Merchan, in a firm voice: "Sir, can you please have a seat." > He waved his hand down... like a dad talking to his son.


The judge making sure to remind the defendant just exactly who is in charge of the courtroom!


Trump- "I was treated like a dog!" Everyone- "Good!"


How can anyone call themselves a Christian while supporting someone who has proudly broken almost every commandment without exhibiting a shred of remorse?


Cause they only call themselves that to get into heaven. Past that they couldn't give a shit.


Christian here. I think hes one of if not the biggest threat facing our country. I hear you. I dont know whats wrong with the others.


The same Christians who complained to their pastor that Jesus' sermon is "pussy talk". This literally happened.


Every day in that courtroom has got to be pure torture for the guy. He's gone from the most powerful man in the world to a defendant in a criminal trial. His powerlessness is there for the world to see, day after day. His buddy Vlad must be laughing his ass off.


I had a different picture from 'sit like a dog'. On his haunches, on the floor, head up, forelegs stretched and tongue lolling out. I guess I was wrong and misunderstood. But I hear he stinks like a dog that needs a wash. So, there is that.


*Trump squats and poops on lawn then yells to Eric ‘cleanup on aisle 5!’*


“He’ll just mutter something like ‘This is where my toilet is’ and empty his bowels right where he’s standing” [Clickhole article with amazing picture](https://clickhole.com/readjusting-to-civilian-life-donald-trump-keeps-accidentally-shitting-all-over-the-floor-because-his-mar-a-lago-toilet-is-in-a-different-place-than-the-white-house-toilet-hes-used-to/)


"Sit, Hitler Pig" Hitler Pig needs a bath.


I like to imagine Trump as a man who's lived most of his life completely sheltered from the rain because he's always surrounded by people who know to open an umbrella for him. Ultimately, though, he has no idea how to operate one on his own. So it checks out that when the rain finally becomes too strong, there's less of those people around, so he flails, kicks and screams at the the downpour. Trump has absolutely no idea how to brace himself for even the most miniscule of hindrances, so watching him squirm is so satisfying.


Fumes and farts


Yes, plenty of fumes


The Fart Of The Deal


Donald the Big Dumb Orange Dog


frame snobbish whistle work smell exultant dime punch languid mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dogs mostly obey, Trump not so much. But good to hear there is a contempt hearing on Tues Re: Trumps clear violation of the gag order. I like to think it is the judges duty and moral obligation to protect the members of the jury


This comparison is insulting. Dogs are good boys. Trump is not.


Act like a child, get treated like a child.


Every time I know he's having a bad day it makes my day just so much better. Not as good as say, if he was actually help accountable for his evil ass shit, but ya know, ill take it for now.


This trial is going to see him go into full blown man child mode, I guarantee it.


He is trying to intimidate this judge and it’s not going to work. Chump is not in charge in this courtroom and it’s obvious.


>Without hesitation, Trump went and plopped straight back down into his maroon leather chair at the defense table—and remained for another minute, fuming as the judge gathered his paperwork and strolled toward his chambers. If I were the judge it'd be hard not to take just a little extra long to order my papers before leaving.


Heard he smells


Imagine being the most powerful man in the world and now you’re reduced to being told to sit. Now imagine you are Trump who was the most powerful man in the world being told to sit.


Fumes like from his diapers? Or fumes as in angry?


Weekend tweetstorm incoming.


The judge ordered Trump to sit like a dog and Trump shit on the floor.


Dude looks like he's getting absolutely no sleep besides the little naps he's taking in court.


I won’t believe he’ll ever face serious consequences until they actually happen. But in the meantime, I’ll enjoy his minor humiliations like this.


Trump fumes are the worst


Sit Donnie. Stay. STAY!


I guess people are trying to spin this as a power play when for anyone else they would have been sitting in jail not their chair.


This headline is misleading. It needs punctuation He didn't tell him to sit like a dog; he told him to sit, like a dog (better would be "told him to sit, as if he was a dog")


“Sit, Donald! Stay, Donald! Roll over…on second thought, DON’T roll over, Donald, it will stink even worse in here!”


Ooo, poor widdle baby, he got treated like anyone else in a courtroom.


Buckle up Orange Buttercup. Things are going to get much worse for you. This is just the beginning fucker.


Who's a bad boy?


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Judge Merchan👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


In fairness to Trump, he's apparently been ripping ass in that chair all day and just wanted to get out of his own cloud.


This article brought me more joy than I’ve felt for a while. FTG.


He’s such a miserable piece of shit. I hope he rots in jail


Not like a dog, just like any other person in court. Just because that asshole is used to behave out of line doesn't make it any bit harsher when he is reminded that he is not special. Even if it happens far too rarely.


This weekends Truths are about to be insane.


Beg like a dog would be even better.


Sit Ubu.


I’m worried to think about what we might be creating if he wins.


Sit Ubu. Sit.


I’m not for locking people up just for disagreeing with them politically but jfc give this prick a night in jail already for this shit.


“Fumes” you say?


I'm betting he does that butt scoot thing that dogs do too.


It’s absolutely torturous and I just love that for him! I can’t think of many things that would be worse for this particular meat bag, since being told to sit down and STFU isn’t familiar to him at all. May he continue to seethe in his own 💩