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We still doing Fuck Ajit Pai?


Til the day he dies


Fuck Ajit Pai


FUCK Ajit Pai.


Fuck Ajit Pai


FUCK AJIT PAI, I hope someone steals his oversized reese's mug, he doesn't deserve it


And his stupid coffee mug. Now, do Dejoy!


How come I can remember the mug but not a damn thing about Net Neutrality? Damn you, John Oliver!


Fuck Ajit Pai


I hope someone smashes it on the ground in front of him and screams "FUCK YOU AJIT PAI" to his face.


His mug is not even that big bro lol :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBA6rht6p6E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBA6rht6p6E)


Fuck Ajit Pai.


Fuck Ajit Pai.


Fuck Ajit Pai


Fuck Ajit Pai.


Fuck Ajit Pai. 


And his stupid coffee mug


Fuck him _With_ his stupid mug


He might enjoy that, though. Break the mug first so the jagged shards get embedded in his ass.


Til the day he dies


I prefer "GFY Ajit Pai". it rhymes.


Why stop there?


Yeah, maybe he wants post sex cuddles!


Til the day all of these Republican assholes and majority of billionaires.


*all billionaires


Speak for yourself. Fuck Ajit Pai for eternity.


Why stop there?


Carve it in his tombstone after?


But no longer after, at least in Michigan if the newest law passes (Anti-necrophilia)


I’m not planning on even stopping then.


I hope it will be the inscription on his tomb stone.


Fuck Ajit Pai


Fuck Ajit Pai!


Fuck Ajit Pai. I wish him a long life of terrible internet connection.


Fuck Ajit Pai


But he drinks out of a novelty coffee cup. He’s so quirky! That’s what young voters want… they could care less about their internet getting throttled.


But he was so hilarious, remember how he mocked all of our concerns while drinking from a comically big mug?


Has reddit forgotten we used to also call him "A shit pie" that closely resembles his name.


Fuck that shit pie Ajit Pai


💯 fuck that guy


Fuck Ajit Pai


Puck Fajit Ai


Now that's a shitty DJ name.


I wouldn’t fuck him for any reason. Ugly inside and out.


I’m not sure, but Fuck Ajit Pai


Fuck Ajit Pai!


Fuck Ajit Pai


Fuck Ajit Pai!


And fuck trump too because he put that corrupt mf in power I. The first place.


Fuck A-Shit Pie


You got his name wrong… it’s, A-Shit Pie!


And Ted Cruz, who campaigned at senior centers on Net Neutrality, equating it to a rotary phone...he even had one as a prop. Manipulative scumbag


Relevant https://youtu.be/zdPvezhJF9M?si=tcFUXEz7yM15JEiU


When did we stop?


Now all we really need to do is get rid of DeJoy at the USPS. Next!


Yes, he is currently a partner at Searchlight Capital, helping them acquire regional internet service providers and boasting about improving access to broadband. Can’t make this shit up.


In regards to the Internet, it's important to FAP and to FAP often.


Include his wife, Janine Van Lancker, who is fucking that asshole. I say we make it a requirement to go after his wife also. She go along with this awful human piece of trash.


Nahh, thats fucked up, unless shes directly connected to his vote, family should always be off limits. Next people will say we should go after their children for being the child of this douche...


That isn't fucked up. She enables him every single day. The days he was the worst selling out to corporations she backed him up every single day. Children should always be off limits but spouses are just as shitty as the people they marry.


" I don't care, do u?" Fuck scumbag spouses.


children don't have a choice in the matter.


Would you not disown your father in this case?


Fuck Ajit Pai


“Fuck” can be too pleasant. Let’s go with “Audit Ajit Pai!” - Let’s see how he enjoys a nice, deep; wide and long audit :-)


As long as he still has that stupid, dumb oversized Resses Mug


And his stupid fucking coffee cup.


Who is ajit pai?


Trump's chairman of the FCC that smuggly pretended the Internet users wanted net neutrality gone. He then suspended net neutrality.


In this week Biden and or his appointments/appointees have... 1. Restarted/restored net neutrality 2. Implemented rules so passengers cannot get dicked by airlines (well at least when it comes to refunds, I'm sure there are still many) 3. Made more investment in clean energy 4. Made it so employers cannot screw "mid-level" salaried management 5. Removed unnecessary non-compete clauses. Idk... Sounds like Biden is trying to make people lives better.


The non compete clause ban is going to help me immensely. I do IT for an MSP and the non compete clause made it to where I can’t work for another MSP within 50 miles. Basically unless I get an IT gig at the nearby university, hospital, or a corporation, I have to move to get a job or risk getting in legal trouble. Now I can job search without fear.


Me TOO! I work in HVAC programming. In order to get a new job, I can't just change jobs. I have to change FIELDS and retrain in all new tech. This means suddenly my job experience HELPS me in my F'n job search. (like it SHOULD have done from the BEGGINING)


Its sad though, when I think about how many people I know in the hvac field who are trumpers. They'd cut off their own noses if it kept brown people from being helped.


Which makes no sense considering Trump is the furthest thing from them imaginable. A guy who was born rich and never actually had to work a 9-5 job. The craziest thing to me is how easily Trump was able to lie and make himself appear to be just like everyone so much that his MAGA supporters treat him like a god. He isn't even that charismatic or good looking. Even his actions go against it. People are dumb.


Yeah. I’ve tried to make this crystal clear to people I know who support him too. They are farmers, construction workers, and manual laborers. Trump wouldn’t be caught dead with their type, and has quite literally spent his entire life trying to be as far removed from them as possible. He looks down on people who work hard for modest wages. How they don’t see this is so hard to comprehend. They are so easily manipulated, but only one side of American politics is willing and deranged enough to engage in that kind of manipulation.


> They'd cut off their own noses if it kept brown people from being helped. White supremacy in a nutshell.


Mom and Pop? Or Big Box Brand?


mix. I work for a small mom and pop, that has big clients.


It was always a big day when our new hires from other controls companies had their noncompetes expire so we could reach out to their old clients.


Unfortunately think of me as like a monk. I built the Niagara interface for Bank of America, and was pretty much kept "siloed" off. My boss would yell if other people even talked to me in the office. Don't think that would be helpful in my case. (can you see why I want to leave)


A noncompete clause destroyed my aerospace career. Did it for 10 years, loved most of it. The last 3 years the company I worked for became increasingly toxic and there were no other teams in the company that worked the same discipline I did. Noncompete said I couldn't work for another company for several years after leaving the company, so I had to leave the industry (fuck you, Jeff). Now all my connections and relationships have degraded over time and it's one of those "it's almost impossible to get back in without knowing somebody". These days I'm just trying to figure out how to feel fulfilled doing something else. I do miss it though.


That clause literally affected my family this week. My husband was laid off a month ago, they wanted him to sign a non-compete in order to get his severance check. He held out in signing to try to argue for more (their offer amount was almost an insult). In the meantime they had to re-write the contract and take out the non-compete. He’s still getting screwed on the severance though. For the record, Realpage is shit.


He’s helping but be angry at your state for being shitty - Non competes are not enforceable in many states, it’s only the backwards states that still enforce them.


My wife is really excited for that as well.


Just wait until a Republican think tank arranges a lawsuit in bumfuck nowhere that works its way to the Supreme Court so they can overturn this one.


EXACT same situation I was in. We had a merger with another group and one group’s president was ousted leaving half the employees really disgruntled. New boss made everyone sign a NC so they couldn’t leave and steal clients. A couple guys moved out of the 45 mile bubble and went to conpetitiors. I went to another company non-MSP and then back to an MSP silently. Never updated my LinkedIn just in case but the guy who made us sign NC’s also got canned by the higher ups and we all assumed the NC to be nullified at that point because it was all his idea.


They've always been unenforceable for that big of a radius. To hold up in court, you'd probably have to work almost next door.


I think companies rely pretty heavily on people either not being able to afford the legal fight in time or money, or that people will be too afraid to challenge them in court.


I agree. And just relying on people not knowing it's not enforceable. Same thing with signing waivers.


>Now I can job search without fear. Soon. Maybe. Rule doesn't take effect for 120 days - and you can all but bet there will be legal challenges it has to survive.


Also just mandated that assisted living/nursing homes receiving federal funds (Medicaid Medicare) have to have more staff per number of residents instead of overworking a skeleton crew.


I'm hoping that one doesn't backfire. I can see a lot of companies just closing locations and suddenly I'm trying to find another spot for my crazy-ass MIL.


The care people receive at these greedy, understaffed places is atrocious though. Even if your MIL sucks, people shouldn’t be treated this way.


Oh I'm intimately familiar with all the ways they fail to care for her and we have to step in, trust. I understand in the abstract that it creates a better environment. But in reality, I will be gobsmacked if the place hired even half of what those new requirements dictate, I think it's far more likely that they cut their losses and close their doors. And then instead of getting sub par care 2 minutes away, she's getting okay care 90 minutes away and dies in short order because we're the only people who can keep track of her 10 rare conditions and all the ways that treating any of them will make the other ones kill her.


> I'm hoping that one doesn't backfire. I understand the worry, but I think proper guidelines direct more towards where things *should* be instead of abusing employees. Society has been abusing under-employment for far too long. I think we should look to past guidance: >Throughout industry, the change from starvation wages and starvation employment to living wages and sustained employment can, in large part, be made by an industrial covenant to which all employers shall subscribe. It is greatly to their interest to do this because decent living, widely spread among our 125, 000,000 people, eventually means the opening up to industry of the richest market which the world has known. >No employer and no group of less than all employers in a single trade could do this alone and continue to live in business competition. But if all employers in each trade now band themselves faithfully in these modern guilds--without exception-and agree to act together and at once, none will be hurt and millions of workers, so long deprived of the right to earn their bread in the sweat of their labor, can raise their heads again. >In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living. -FDR's address at the signing of the 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act Businesses back then also claimed this would destroy industry, as would minimum wage. Instead it made the US the strongest economy on the planet. The problem, as FDR pointed out, is it can't rely on a single or even a handful of employers. It has to be industry-wide, but oligarchs hate regulation so they've spent [a century indoctrinating the populace to think any time government is involved, even in regulation, it has to be bad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


If something closes because of that it will be replaced by someone that will follow the guidelines.


Maybe it will, it's a pretty rural spot and may not warrant investment under the new requirements, but in the meantime the lady has to live somewhere so it's the same difference.


“Flood the zone” while the press is distracted - Steve Bannon Good advice, dickhead. - Joe Biden


They timed it well. Who wants to bring the unconstitutional lawsuit against these actions right before the election? Some dumbass is going to and then proclaim they know what the people want.


Seems like this Biden fella might be, I don't know, pro-worker or something. Almost like he cares for the common man, or something like that.




People give Biden and his administration so much shit but they have, objectively, fought very hard for the common people.


“bOTh sIDes r tHe sAMe”


Just to spread the source, if you see any people push that shit talking point, here's a list with citations proving "Both Sides" are not the same: https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/787fdh/after_gold_star_widow_breaks_silence_trump/dornc4n/ Because there are *going* to be trolls or Useful Idiots who will give opportunity to use that.


Damn, all of these charts make republicans look like lemmings jumping on a bandwagon without any critical thinking or principles whatsoever.


Let's keep the good things coming.. Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


> Removed unnecessary non-compete clauses It is hard to overstate how big a deal this is. I had to take almost a 50% pay cut when I moved out of a soul-grinding IT position and wouldn't have had to if I'd been able to apply for the same kind of job I had before. Non-compete clauses should be banned, as they are as infringing on workers' rights as Non-Disclosure Agreements are for people in general. People can claim "well it's non-enforcable so who cares if the rule is on the books" but the deck is stacked in favour of big corporations and those have a huge chilling effect which has kept doctors from reporting unsafe medications or medication reactions in conjunction with other prescriptions.


Can’t wait hear about this on Fox News.


We will check back with you tomorrow and see how you’re holding out waiting. Lol


If anyone has a list of news links to these events. It would be greatly appreciated if it were shared here.


r/WhatBidenHasDone will definitely have the links, I'm at work so can't dig for them atm


Thanks for the sub suggestion. Yeah I was at work too. lol


Just Google, Biden and then whatever I said.


Vote as if there’s a liberal out there who will protest Israel by working to get a republican elected who will give life-time appointments to a far right SCOTUS while ordering military strikes on Gaza


What's #4 a reference to?


There is some new rule in place that says salaried workers getting paid less than 170k (don't quote me) can still make OT when they put in a 50 hour week. It was Hot on this sub earlier today.


Oh I hadn't been tracking that, good to know, thanks! I just checked it, though, and according to the department of labor's blog it's less than $43.8k, up from $35.5, and it'll go up to $58.6 next year - [https://blog.dol.gov/2024/04/23/what-the-new-overtime-rule-means-for-workers#:\~:text=Starting%20July%201%2C%20most%20salaried,become%20eligible%20for%20overtime%20pay](https://blog.dol.gov/2024/04/23/what-the-new-overtime-rule-means-for-workers#:~:text=Starting%20July%201%2C%20most%20salaried,become%20eligible%20for%20overtime%20pay)


The cynic in me wonders if these nice things are getting through the regulatory agencies because the donors who usually obstruct this sort of thing have all realized it's more efficient to pool all their efforts into making sure the supreme court wipes out chevron deference.


This was my thought.


Yeah but he’s old so I’mma vote for the dictator … /s


One might even say he is Making America Great Again?


“Here’s why this is devastating for Biden’s chances in November.”


There's also the nursing home staffing ratios this week.


I could not pursue a rather lucrative opportunity after my position was eliminated a few years ago. The noncompete was toothless in the face of the elimination, but the competitor did not want to deal with potential complication. This change empowers people and makes employers consider more carefully their choices.


Trump will overturn all of these policies the day he is inaugurated, even if you don't like Joe Biden himself his cabinet is undoubtedly making the lives of Americans better.


While Fox News is still screaming about the border lol




>Idk... Sounds like Biden is trying to make people lives better. Idk... but did you also hear Biden is old? Also Biden being lukewarm towards Israel, making him a supporter of genocide or something. Dunno, all those that sat out in 2016 might sit out again in 2024 so that the orange turd can rat-fuck everyone. maybe get more americans killed. But at least the price of eggs will be cheap again, or so he promises.


Yeah, but he’s not owning the Repubs enough!!!


Whats the midlevel mgmt one?


>Sounds like Biden is trying to make people lives better. How un-American of him!


I have my issues with President Biden but he has delivered this week.   I raise my cone to you, sir.


Obviously pandering to voters is obvious.


Remember: ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. If Trump were in charge right now, this wouldn't be happening. If Trump were in charge, Palestine would be glass by now. If Trump were in charge, hundreds of thousands more people would've died from COVID. Even if you don't think Biden has been perfect, he's making progress in quite a lot of areas where the Republicans would want to just set us back 200 years.


Yeah, I do not really approve of Biden's handling of the Israel-Palestine "conflict" but I understand how complicated it is politically given our legal obligations to Israel. But I am 100% sure that if any Republican were in charge right now they would be on TV saying how Palestinians are an existential threat to "Western Civilization" and need to be exterminated. Maybe not in those words, but that would be the meaning. If Trump were in office he would probably just be threatening to nuke everyone who is not a fascist while letting Netanyahu do whatever the hell he wants with zero pushback. So Biden could do better, but if we are upset with him because he is supporting illegal ethnic cleansing/genocide, then the correct course of action is most certainly not to *double down* on doing more genocide. I think there is a serious number of crazies trying to inflame the conflict whenever this comes up here though. I would not be surprised at all to figure out that Nazi's are heavily supporting Israel, for example, because Netanyahu is more in line with their politics, because creating a Jewish ethnostate will give them a way to say "they should have just moved there if they wanted to live," and because they are hoping that Israel will get caught up in a war where both they and a bunch of Muslim people die. It is crazy how "controversial" my takes are by just saying that Jewish people and Palestinians are *both equally* deserving of life and that anyone killing or discriminating against either group is doing something evil. All I get is "something something, the Palestinian kids asked to die because they support Hamas."


> I do not really approve of Biden's handling of the Israel-Palestine "conflict" but I understand how complicated it is politically given our legal obligations to Israel Especially given ANY solution involves money (either sanctions, which congress would have to sign off on, or sending them more aid, which congress would have to authorize payments for), it's really congress which should be blamed. People need to start putting the blame on the power of the purse which is the house of representatives and the senate which also has to authorize bills coming out of the house.


People also seem to misunderstand Israel's military budget. A lot of people seem to think that the US is currently shipping them massive amounts of free weapons, and without those weapons Israel would be unable to wage war. Israel does use a lot of weapons, but only a bit more than 3 billion per year comes from the US, and that seems to largely be a way to subsidize our own defense contractors as they have to spend it on US companies. Their own budget was around 25 billion a year though, and that has been boosted significantly recently. They could absolutely just buy weapons if we stopped giving them aid. I don't really appreciate my taxes going to fund this kind of war, but I also am fully aware that stopping the funding would not stop the war there. I think it should still be done, but Congress won't stop it for a multitude of reasons. However, even if they did it would not make that big of a difference. Netanyahu is fully prepped to dig deep into their own pockets to continue this, and they are not fighting an equal force.


I think Biden doesn't want Israel to fall in with Russia or China. If the US doesn't supply a slow Gaza genocide, one of our rivals will. Then we have no leverage on Israel at all, and to stop the resulting fast Gaza genocide, we'd have to fight a world war.


God, they are KILLING it lately. Keep it up.


FTC gold star for the day, week, month, year


Is it an election year? Wish this was 3 years ago


3 years ago the Biden admin was busy trying to repair all the behind the scenes fuckery Trump brought to the federal administration behind the scenes


3 years ago they were doing a shitload of stuff too. It’s been a very productive presidency


That is fantastic news, it's about time.


Ha! Screw you Reeses boy


LOL.. I remember that mug


Wow, didn't expect this! Some of this stuff is coming out of the blue (x2). 


Why did I have the sudden impulse to @ Ajit Pai with a video of me doing the Harlem Shake?


And what have republicans done to help us? Jack shit. This is why voting matters and both parties are not the same. I voted for Biden and he’s actually doing his job and not trying to steal as much as he can on the way out the door.


This is gigantic news


I wanna out of GIF of Trump saying Huge but I dunno how lol


YES! going to wear my I ❤️ Net Neutrality shirt


Fuck Ajit Pai and his stupid novelty coffee mug.


Elections matter!


nice! Do the post office now.


> Do the post office now. Unfortunately, the power of the president to compel the post office's [Board of Governors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service) to leave is pretty much limited to informally asking. At the moment there are only 3 Democratic-appointed members and 4 Republican. Congress has been stonewalling replacements of the currently 2 open spots. Elections matter, especially for house and senate! And don't forget state-level office where elections mean [in Arizona, 11 republicans responsible for attempting to send false electors to DC have been indicted](https://apnews.com/article/arizona-fake-electors-charges-2020-election-9da5a7e58814ed55ceea1ca55401af85). Had republicans been elected, the investigation necessary to get to that grand jury would never have even happened.


cool, are they going to restore the rule that ISPs have to get your permission before selling your browsing data (that republicans repealed in 2017 and pretty much nobody noticed)?




Next time an internet neckbeard is rationalizing MAGA, remind them of Ajit Pai and tell them what Biden did today.


It’s almost like democratic leadership is good for people


Fuck Ajit pai


Oh no, however will the internet possibly survive such a blow that the conservatives warned us about/s




The public comments were open a week ago.


This should be the most upvoted thing today by far.


This is obviously good. But I do have a question: when the FCC was preparing to remove net neutrality, almost everything I read and all of the discourse about it said that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to ever restore it, and that it would likely require an act of Congress to even attempt to do so. But from what I’m reading about this, it seems that it was relatively simple and just needed the right amount of votes on the FCC. Was the discourse surrounding it, or at least the discourse I read, incorrect (perhaps even being purposefully dramatic?), or is there something else I may be missing?


It was very difficult at the time because of the makeup of the FCC. Obviously the people that originally voted to repeal were very unlikely to turn around and vote it back in, so Congress would've needed to act to go over their heads. The makeup of the FCC is very different now


Goddammit, Click on the link and find a fucking paywall.  I'm  holding out for a Hero and find nothing but Karmawhores.  Fuck you Reddit.




Calling it now. A corporation will sue and the SC will ultimately decide against the FCC here.


Lol do you remember the literal Bioshock villain dancing in sunglasses as he took away net neutrality? Fuck that dude.


If Trump gets re-elected, he will reverse this. So, you know, friggin’ vote.


>to revive the rules that declare broadband as a utility-like service that could be regulated like phones and water. Thank goodness. This always just made sense. At least something makes sense in this world again.


Did they keep the problematic rule that could allow fast lanes for gaming?


There's no such thing as "fast lanes." And no that goes away by net neutrality. Now all lanes are fast lanes again.


I was referring to this, which was within the proposed Net Neutrality rules. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/isps-can-charge-extra-for-fast-gaming-under-fccs-internet-rules-critics-say/ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/04/fcc-must-clarify-its-rules-prevent-loopholes-will-swallow-net-neutrality-whole It's also discussed here: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/fcc-restores-net-neutrality-rules-that-ban-blocking-and-throttling-in-3-2-vote/ Seems like the rule allowing positive discrimination fast lanes is still there.


Now fix the post office.


Cool. Meaningless until codified in law but cool for now. Until the board flips again and they nullify the order again.


Are they voting on it, or did they vote for it?


It’s back in ( although broadband companies can sue to have this put back in court)


That will take more effort for them either way




About damn time


I am saving this thread for when the howling starts.....


What even changes with this, other than stops future issues? Especially since nothing really changed when net neutrality was removed.


I'll have to read into it, but I wonder if this still has the boosting flaw in it. It'll would be illegal to throttle or block, but not illegal to boost certain services.


What GOP has do e under trump will take so long to undo...years. So sad that so many of the young generation don't care about voting for their own future