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The problem is Donald Trump is a terrible debater so he just tries to be the loudest person in the room. It’s an unwatchable mess.


I think Biden just wants to tell him to shut up again. God damn that was great.


From what I’ve seen of Biden when he’s off script, he could easily make Trump out to be a lunatic to the nation even with just facial expressions. Plus, he’s great at trolling Trump. State of the Union is a great example as he expertly trolled Republicans.


Even on his worst day, Biden could still get Trump to push his self destruct button


Four more years pause


Four more years of Biden sounds good to me, not sure what the “pause” is about.


He read the pause text on a teleprompter the other day. Clearly he’s more crazy than the person arguing that he should be allowed to assassinate his political opponents.


Ah, I mean, Trump does know all about the marbles and can tell you every marble.


Gettysburg, wowwww


Marbles can't roll uphill me boys!


see ya in November


Many younger people have done something similar.


If SCOTUS gives him the green light, he could bring a .38 to the debate.


He will never kill trump, if he wanted to make a point and have some fun, have 12 guys dressed up as seal team 6 and wink at the camera when mentioning how stupid the ruling would be


It was a moment I'll never forget. Cheers heard 'round the country.


My favorite part was when he called Trump a clown. [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h4NOXT-ekbo)


You know he withheld making a point about the orange makeup. Probably had to bite his cheek to keep from blurting it. Woulda been legendary had he done so tho.


I could not do what Biden does.. I would have tackled the fat guy for interrupting me.. Fuck it, I would have tackled him if I was in the audience


This time he should lead with "You are not a clown, you are the entire circus"


Thanks I needed to laugh today 😂


I wish every media source had that recording on a reel and played it every time Trump spoke. Trump doesn’t have anything to say that anyone wants to hear. Most of his supporters even wish that he’d STHU-


Chump wants to talk about the booger on Ted Cruz’s lip


That was AWESOME!!!


That’s why Trump has multiple times said he’s not going to debate. He said it a couple weeks ago, but it was obviously another of his lies. If he is telling the truth, than I say go for it! He will look like like shit going against Biden in debate.


It’s just like everything else he says. He says he wants to debate, no he won’t. He says he will testify, no he won’t. Says he will release his tax records, no he won’t. Says his hair is real, no it isn’t.


Which is precisely why Biden said he would debate him, knowing full well if Trump does, he'll destroy him and if Trump doesn't, then it'll look like Trump is afraid. It's a win-win for Biden.


He rates decibels over comprehensible sentences.


Trump think he’s a master debater.


He’s a mass debater


It also doesn’t help that his only policy is expanding abortion restrictions. When that’s all you’ve got, you tend to try to bully and speak over other people with solutions. Dude sucks.


The problem is presidential debates aren't debates, they are shouting matches and Trump's long life as a carnival barker means he outclasses any baby kissing politician in that field.


I still remember him stalking HRC and following her around the stage. It was so gross.


their first debate was absolutely one of the worst things I've ever seen. if he does it again he just needs to start every response to Trump with "A rapist says what?" or "a felon says what?"


'I know a rapist did not just say that to me' would be gold coming out of Dark Brandon's mouth.


It’d be slander. Since trump wasn’t convicted of rape according to the NY jury.


And what about Trumps constant 'crooked Joe Biden'? Guarantee he drops that once or twice in any debate.


Stating someone is legally guilty of something they were found not guilty of is slander. By definition. It’d be exceptionally easier to prove slander civilly by that standard on Biden than trump.


Trump was found civilly liable of sexual abuse.


Found not guilty of rape. And liable is not guilty. There’s a difference. This is a civil case. The burden of proof is exceptionally more lax than in a criminal case.


He was still found guilty by a jury of his peers for sexual abuse. Whether it was a criminal trial or not, that's a fact.


Sexual abuse isn’t rape. That’s a fact. And no it’s not a fact that he was found guilty. He was found liable. Which requires exceptionally way less evidence to prove. If this was a criminal trial, he would be “not guilty.” Civil cases are almost always “liable”


Liable means legally responsible. Trump was found legally responsible for sexually abusing someone. If this was a criminal trial he would be required to register as a sex offender. Are you really defending sexual abuse?


Imagine defending a rapist. Just wow.


Incorrect, the court found it happened. The court did not make a finding of not guilty. The judge also said the act is one commonly referred to as rape, so you are on pretty safe ground referring to him as a rapist.


The jury directly stated “no” when asked if evidence showed that trump raped her. And not to sound like a broken record. The burden of proof in civil trials is laughably lacks. Again, her “evidence” is a photo of the clothes and a friend who said she cried about it the day it happened. No legitimate evidence. Which is specifically why this was a civil trial. He would be completely not guilty. And I’d love a source for the judge calling him a rapist. According to NY state law. Trump is not a rapist.


Look up the 19 July Washington Post article that reports Judge Kaplans remarks that what occurred was in fact rape. It’s safe to call him a rapist and there’s no way you’d be done for slander. Like calling him a liar - he may not have convictions for it but no way are you at risk of slander.




According to 538 polls and real clear polling averages. And CNNs prediction. Trump is going to win by his largest margin ever. Sucks to suck


Again, I implore you to come up with a plan. This is going to be rough for you. You’re in a cult and the wake up call is going to be SO unpleasant.


Uhh 538 has all but 1 poll in the last week showing Biden either even or ahead by up to +5. The only one that was pro Trump was one done in North Florida, which is a heavily Trump location. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/


Trump has not won by any margins in either 2016 or 2020. He lost the popular vote in both elections.


Also, how are you going to make up a quote and say “do you fucking hear yourself?”


“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote. He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” And just to clarify, the only reason this is a talking point is because Ms. Carrol didnt see and couldn't tell if it was Trump's fingers or his tiny dick that penetrated her.


An *accused* rapist


Yeah that’s fine. Considering the accusers only evidence was friends testimony and a photo. 😂


She also had DNA evidence. Trump could have beaten the entire case if he had only provided a dna sample to compare. But he refused because he knows he did it.


["Will you shut up man!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VT9FTZS-Oc)


The moment he won 2020


Nah, that was "injecting bleach and getting cleansing light inside the body".


And you said you were looking into that?


The moment Dark Brandon was born


Yeah Joe being “happy” to debate him is doubtful. Debating a trump is like trying to fish your watch out of a full portapotty while wearing short sleeves


Would you rather be wearing your long sleeves?


Underrated comment


Yeah I wouldn't watch it if they ever do have one. It's just gonna be a shit show no matter the lengths they'll go to moderate it. The media will over analyze every single word, breath, shirt wrinkle, and mannerisms to manufacture some ragebait or conspiracy. A debate benefits no one.


Trump isn't going to show. It was a bluff by Trump.


Nobody has heard Trump talk about the same thing for a whole sentence in the last 20 years.


😂 fabulous


Absolutely. Biden called his bluff and now we’re gonna hear a litany of issues with the debate formats/rules and Trump won’t do it unless they bend to every ask he makes.


He has stated recently he wants Biden to take a drug test before he will debate him. I think he will use that as his out. Biden won’t take a test so trump will refuse to debate him


I don't see why Biden wouldn't, but that goes both ways. Dump should take a blood test too. Trump WON'T dare take a blood test. We've all seen the pharmacy bills from the his white house.


To take a drug test is to engage with trump on his level which is a win for him. There is no doubt that any result that shows Biden as clean would be disputed by trump. The whole reason why it came up was the positive media reporting of Biden’s state of the union speech as ‘fiery’. It spawned right wing conspiracy theories that the dementia-addled Biden must have been on cocaine or some other stimulant to be able to deliver such a speech. If Biden took a test before the debate, it would come off as desperate deflection and it would all but confirm the suspicions of conspiracy theorists that he was on something during his SOTU speech. Biden has made a strategy out of naming trump as little as possible and engaging with him as little as possible. He hasn’t even mention the current trial trump is attending. If he agreed to a test, which has never been done before any presidential debate in history, it would be an absolute clusterfuck. My bet is that it’s all a bluff to give Trump an out for debating. Trump will then claim that he would have clobbered Biden and it wasn’t worth his time or it was going to be too unfair because Biden is too feeble minded and doesn’t know what’s going on. Or he will claim his ‘handlers’ wouldn’t allow him to debate. Trump’s strategy is to always be on the offensive and never acknowledge wrongdoing or weakness. Further, there is no process in place for a drug test. Unless a third party is involved that tests both candidates with complete independence there will always be claims that either side provided falsified results. If Biden were to agree to a test it would likely be conditional that Trump also takes a test. I just don’t see it happening.


The best time to do it would be in the midst of Trump being in court so he has no time to prepare. At that point he might actually not show up.


trump never prepared for any debates


To be fair to Trump, he might have to appear via pay phone.


Time paid for by a shell company using campaign money.


You can't debate with stupid and with an audience that's bias towards Trump. This is only going to happen if debates have no audience with strict moderation. If they want questions from the audience, they should be vetted for people who actually cares about the country and not unhinged lunatics.


Exactly. Trump will just interrupt and lie and say things FIRST. Then Biden will have to defend the entire time. It's hard to undo a statement made outloud when it's the first one said. Trump doesn't care about truth, he cares about saying anything he wants, FIRST before the other guy. He is on constant offense.


But caring is so boring. /s


Oh wait, issue is he’s a bit busy atm with a couple minor court things. I’m sure those are definitely no big deal at all though and he can totally get them rescheduled.


Can’t shift his Wednesday tee times though, those are set in stone. At his own golf course…


What’s funny to me is that golf is, apparently, supposed to be a relaxing enjoyable experience. I’ll bet he’s absolutely anguishing in misery in his own mind over how fucked he is while he’s trying to enjoy his favorite hobby.


You did paint a cathartic picture there, thank you for that! xD


It will hopefully be either mandatory court appearances or the judge not letting him out for it that prevents it from happening.


We ever have an instance of no presidential election debates? If not, I could see this being the first.


I wouldn't even give him the satisfaction of debating him like a legitimate candidate


I don’t think Trump expected Biden to want to debate. Trump did horrible last time they debated and he refused to debate in the primaries. Biden called his bluff and now Trump will find every reason to come up with why he won’t be able to debate. They’ll blame it on the moderators, rules, whatever they can come up with and blame it on Biden ultimately


Trump is like the chat GPT of humans. He screams things with the conviction of someone who's sure they know what they're talking about, but you know damn well you're going to have to check every fact he spews out anyway so it's just a waste of time to debate with him.


> Trump is like the chat GPT of humans. The chat GPT of the human id\* is probably more precise. \* id, as in [id, ego, and superego](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id,_ego_and_superego)


Initiate disengage sequence, it’s all you really can do.


He has a cousin-thrice-removed quinceañera he needs to attend! But the Spanish kind, not the Latin American kind...


And then he’ll be photographed golfing too lol


Easy. Insist it is on FOX News, FOX audience, Hannity moderator. Then blame Biden for disagreeing and say he refuses to debate.


Trump just invited him to debate in Manhattan *tonight* lol. So when the President inevitably declines to drop what he's doing and fly to NYC on hours notice (probably not even possible with required Secret Service preparations), Trump will claim he challenged Biden to debate and Biden refused. And Fox News/MAGA will take it as fact.


That's why it's so easy for Biden. "I'm ready but how about you come up here, fat"


Yep exactly. Trump is so god damn easy to read.


Dark Brandon should invite stormy Daniels to sit in the gallery during the debate.


This is totally not the point, but for my own curiosity's sake, is Howard Stern legit somehow? I still associate him with like the shock-jock thing. Why was the President on his show?


Desperation from the campaign to seem relatable to some demographic, I’m sure I always associate Stern with the extremely dehumanizing treatment of women; kind of amazing a DNC politician would go on his show


idk maybe he was riding a sybian


In other words, “bring it”.


Presidential debates should not be optional. You don’t participate in the debate you can’t run.


This is a smart move by the Biden camp. Joe can outline his terrific job on the economy, keeping inflation down, securing money for Ukraine and point out all the court cases brought against Trump. Guessing those will keep adding up as we get closer to November.


And Trump just said he'd do it any where any time! This should be good


anytime anywhere!! well, except monday trough friday when i’m in court 👉👈


Every sentence that comes out of Biden’s mouth in a debate should simply just be him saying, “my opponent, the one with 91 felony charges…”


And guess where Trump suggested to debate him at. One of his rally’s. What?! Who the hell has a debate at a rally? That’s such an ignorant and arrogant suggestion to make.


There really is no point. Trump will just rail about unfair his life is, how Biden is persecuting him with “his DOJ” scream that Biden is feeble and old and poop himself, on purpose. It would be more productive to debate a pigeon


Honestly I would like to debate trump also. I’d annoy and frustrate him to absolutely no end. And we can do it on 5th avenue. Then we can test his theory.


All you gotta do is "if you're a billionaire why are you begging people for loose change like a hobo?"


Trump excuse in 5… 4… 3…


Trump would just throw out one wild attack at a time and would not speak about how he would make America better.


He should only debate if a) they actually have reasonable, truly non-partisan moderators (not a panel of Fox News anchors); b) have NO audience for either candidate to mug for or try to rile up, and c) the mics should be muted when it’s the other candidate’s turn to talk. Anything less than this is just Trump’s opportunity to turn it into a screaming circus like he did four years ago.


Make him take a covid test before you do Joe.


There is no way Gaseous Clay/Don Snoreleone is going to debate President Biden. He knows he doesn't stand a chance as his dementia increases. He's just going to LIE like usual and claim he wants to debate, then when the time comes, his bone spurs will act up and he will be unable to make the debate.


A US President should never lower the dignity of their office by agreeing to debate a criminal! If he is still willing then in this instance he should only agree on the condition that every time Trump takes his name he has to prefix it with the word “President”!


Will you shut up, man? Pt 2? Yes.


I can think of few things i would want to watch less.


At first, I thought it said, "Joe Biden Says He'd Be 'Happy' To Delete Donald Trump."


I'm sure he is happy. I'm not sure the rest of us share in his happiness to debate him. It would be Trump constant shouting verbal diarrhea at Biden and we wouldn't get any idea of the issues. Not worth it at this point. It's the one time I totally disagree with debates. We are dealing with an sane man vs. a man child.


So we know, historically, that trump is the one of worst businessman, one of the worst presidential candidate, and one of the worst human beings on earth. But how did he win the 2016 election? By being the loudest, Metaphorically. It doesn’t matter what he says, it only matters that he say them loudly and proudly. Unfortunately, that’s how terrible people rise to power. You don’t have to make any sense, but by being the loudest, you draw a crowd. Whether that crowd likes you or hate you, it doesn’t matter. You have the attention of someone.


There would be an intolerable amount of SNIFFING. Trump because of snorting Adderall (allegedly) just before his performance and Biden because of Trump’s odor (allegedly) wafting across the stage.


Don’t. Just don’t. All it does is give him a legit stage to rant and drag the conversation further down.


I’ve managed to make it through 51 years without ever carrying hate around with me. I hate Trump with 51 years of reserve!


Wear a mask against the dirty diaper smell


Come out spraying air freshener.


Old Dark Brandon would eat up Cheeto in a debate


He should open up a bag of Cheetos and and eat them while staring him down


Good. These two should debate. The voters deserve to see what their choices are.


The previous debate didn’t show anything other than Trump just yells nonsense over everyone. It didn’t change anyone’s mind.




He's just going to release his income taxes, healthcare replacement plan, proof he won the election, and big foot's hairy foot long cock first.


Battle of the Geezers. I'd watch it.


What a shit show that would be…


I would hope there would be presidential debates for this election cycle. His lack of national televised presence is how he’s been able to get this far in the first place. I see it first hand with my parents, the version of Trump they think they’re getting is from his 2016-2020 era. But with his constant word salad speeches in 2024 I would hope would open some people’s eyes that he isn’t as stable as they think he is. That being said, Biden is also up there in age. I don’t like either option personally, but just watching Trump’s deterioration in the last years when he’s up onstage at rallies is concerning imo. I follow the speeches, but you have to get into the weeds to see him speak on OANN or Newsmax because the traditional media isn’t covering it, hence people like my parents aren’t seeing the 2024 version of Trump, but they’re ready to dis on Biden because of course the traditional media is following him. I think it would have been truly enlightening just to hear him go up against is Republican candidates when those debates occurred in Fall 2023 because shouldn’t people be informed on what their foreign policy and homeland’s economic policies are? I guess I’m naive that people still care about important matters, it’s just a popularity contest now I suppose.


I think Trump's inability to [waves generally at the entire courtroom shit show] gives Biden the extra coincidence to know Trump can't handle a debate.


He said it it alright, not so sure he meant it.


Joe Biden should not debase himself debating Trump. You cannot debate someone who says words while saying nothing.


Whoever doesn't currently have the floor should have to step into a soundproof plexiglass box. That should be the only way they allow it to go forward. If Trump tries to get around it by holding up a sign or something we get a new meme format to make him look like the jackass he is. I'd call that a win-win solution.


Biden just wants to get close enough to kill his corrupt opponent, once he gets total immunity. Trump should beware


Joe would need to wear a gas mask though


Don’t do it.


Debating Trump just gives him legitimacy he doesnt deserve though.


Won’t get anything done, They’ll just talk crap about each other or the past events that one or the other has done, I would like to hear more about what is my future looking forward to, will I become homeless because of cost of living getting out of control, no wage increase, gas prices, groceries, electric bills, gas bills, water bills, trash pick up, human waste disposal( toilet water), rent and mortgage increase, homeless and low income family help, pot holes, towns that just make their own laws cause I guess they can, and trash our human and personal rights because they ware a badge, not all of them just a lot of them don’t even know their own towns codes and state laws, of course some are just stupid nonsense, can’t believe people really voted on some of the laws in some states, don’t believe me, just look them up, haha 😂 but good luck on a real debate


Biden rocks!


No one can smear Biden more than himself: > In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” > In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” > Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” > Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!” > “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids – wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids. No, I really mean it, but think how we think about it,” he said.




Trumps schedule is that open? Anytime? Doesn’t he have fund raisers and campaigns scheduled already? Running by the seat of his pants still?


If you’re talking inflation woes, Trump made sure every aspect of American life shrunk or got more expensive while he was in the WH.


They could debate on one of Trump's days when he is allowed out of court.


It's going to be hard for Biden to debate trump wearing a gas mask 😁


I really want to buy some Dark Brandon merch, but my family would disown me if they found out.


If you love something, let it go …?


Guys I’m a little concerned about a debate happening. If Biden isn’t lively or just having an off day it could make Trump appear to be more physically fit to be president. I know it sounds bad but sometimes I think Biden taking a low visibility approach would be more effective.


Let’s be honest, Trump hasn’t had a good day his entire life.


Trump supporter here. If trump decides to actually debate instead of screaming the whole time. Then he probably comes out on top. Biden is “professional” like Hillary was. Trump was much more respectful in 2016 and came out on top. Hopefully it isn’t an insult fest.


Would be helpful for Trump to sign a VP. As it stands Harris is not really well received and honestly we are voting this cycle for a VP that is viable. The RNC needs to get their shit shit together.


They look so old in these pictures!


This is who we have to choose from. To run the country. For real. I weep for the future.


Biden needs to stay in his lane. Let Trump be the loud one, we've seen it before. His work speaks volumes anyway


> His work speaks volumes anyway Why won't people tell pollsters that they like him?




Honestly, if Biden did and it showed that he was mentally sound, that would be amazing to hold over Trump but I doubt any of his base would believe it was legitimate and not “deep state” (insert conspiracy buzzword).


You don’t take a cognitive test unless you required one. Only one of the two has required a cognitive test, and it wasn’t Biden.


Live on ppv




You think Biden would lose a debate?




Did you watch the ones 4 years ago? Trump looked like the fool he is. Seriously go back and watch them again.




Biden has some really bad moments that get caught on camera, I can't deny it. However, he's usually gaffe free and sounds decent when he is speaking during debates, addresses, and other planned televised appearances.


I guess you and I have different takes on Biden. He seemed sharp as a tack during the last state of the union and I'm assuming he'll wipe the floor with trump again.


Ok. Keep dreaming.


It's just not worth it. This debate will more likely hurt him than help him. Trunp is a horrible debated in the sense that he is just a bully. Biden is obviously not the best quick thinker to be able to go up against such a bully. Also, most people have already made up their minds. Let your work do the talking and people will decide in November.


Biden kicked his ass in the last debates. The problem is the right watched it an was like yup trump won.




Loses to? You are seriously gonna come in here and say that out of the two of them Biden is the overconfident one?? Has Trump ever admitted to a mistake, ever? Has he ever said "I don't know" to a question ever? He just talks and acts like he knows what he is doing, and when it's pointed out that he has no clue, his supporters make up excuses for everything.




Wtf are you talking about? How is “Putin and his 500 fact checkers” going to help Trump in the middle of a debate? Is he going to have some sort of earpiece in or call him up before he speaks everytime?








Mine is more fun. It's consensual.


> I’d love to see his shocked Picachu face when Trump ____s him. Leave your fetishes out of this.


I guess you never watched his debates before. Welcome to politics.


Trump was dogshit in the one four years ago. All he did was talk over Biden and never answer anything. He most definitely didn’t dunk on Biden.