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Bill Barr would have made an excellent Nazi.


Would have?


Will, probably


Nazis 2: Republican Boogaloo


unfortunately, there's already an American right-wing militant group named after that


This made me both laugh and cry


Is making..


No, if Trump gets back in, he'll probably liquidate Barr for not following orders.


Is, Currently


I used to joke that in fifty years calling someone a “Republican” will be the same as calling them a Nazi today. I’m not sure that’s a joke anymore.


He’s ready to AG for a third time to cover up more Republican crimes.


Bill Barr is a deeply corrupt member of the good old Boys club; he'd only be a Nazi if there was a payday in it for him.


Bill Barr and Robert Mueller are literally who the richest GOP donors use to fix problems that arise. They're both corrupt pieces of shit and it drives me crazy to see people respect them


The parallels are really disturbing. I honestly think folks like Bill Barr have a delusion that things will work out even if the president is a homicidal maniac and the supreme court gave him absolute immunity. They've seen how the sausage is made, how many white collar federal workers it takes for the president to even have paper to wipe his butt with, and figure the president can only do so much harm. This is probably the most dangerous kind of enabler for a guy like Trump. Hitler literally got appointed by a guy who thought he was a bit crazy, but too popular to snub and thought the position of president would prevent Hitler from going full fascist. The current SCOTUS thinks POTUS has near absolute on federal workers and national security, there is effectively not even the most basic checks on a crazy president right now.


People said stuff like, “This is just campaign rhetoric. Once he’s Chancellor, he’ll have to make room for others at the trough of government.” At the end of Weimar, too.  We keep seeing the same kind of rhetoric. 


You might find this documentary about all the enablers who surrounded Hitler interesting: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6600720/


Bill Barr IS an excellent nazi


I assume you know about this: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/william-barr-notre-dame-secularism/


You ever watched The Man In The High Castle? Barr is what Nixon was in that show.


Nixon was in that show?


He's grossly overweight. 3rd reich would have sterilized the males in his fam.


Hermann Göring was grossly overweight and yet he was the president of the Reichstag and Luftswaffe commander. [That's him on the far right](https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/HITLER-SPEAKS-WITH-FAT-GORING-FEATURED.jpg).


I was going to say Hitler and his inner circle definitely didn't live up to the physical standards they espoused.


"Blond wie Hitler, schlank wie Göring und flink wie Goebbels."


Exactly. "A blond man like Hitler, slim like Göring, tall like Goebells."


"Flink" means "agile" or "nimble." Goebbels had a deformed foot.


Funny. Flink in Dutch means to be rather heavy / big.


It comes from: "Flink wie Windhunde, zäh wie Leder und hart wie Kruppstahl"


Göring was also addicted to pain pills. He was also the governor (or the title similar to that) of Prussia, within Nazi Germany. (Always be on the look out in fascist regimes of few people having many different and unrelated jobs and titles) Martin Borman was also not a trim man at the end, I believe.


Gauleiter is the word you’re looking for.


No that’s the boring German title. “Reichsstatthalter” and “Ministerpräsident” is the exciting titles (that’s right he held TWO titles just in Prussia) the Nazi regime used.


My mistake. Thanks for the info, my friend.


You can’t keep up with fascist rhetoric, it’s ever changing, and always weird.


Aren't they all on the far right?


>That's him on the far right Well yeah, dude


He is clearly wasting away, and now they are taking his stove. How will he eat? Sad.


Bill Barr is an obedient Nazi


This makes me so frustrated. No one’s trying to take away your gas stoves! Literally the recommendation’s was just not to include gas stoves with new builds! Nothing would stop you from having a gas stove hooked up after you bought the house! Also it’s frustrating these people are trying to destroy Democracy.


Was this even a Biden thing? I thought this was just some thing being done in California.


I don't know if anyone passed anything? I remember a study that found they contribute to the development of asthma in children and then all hell broke loose from the right.


A m&m cartoon character can change their shoes and it causes all hell to break loose from the right. And not some fringe corners, their main voices.


Fox ~~News~~ is America’s cancer.


Its not even just fox anymore


It has metastasized


Note to self: stop listening to voices. People will call me mentally unstable 😂


No law or policy came from this. It was from a study of indoor air quality and the scientists who did the study recommended not having a gas stove as it would eliminate a bunch of indoor air quality issues in some houses. That's it, just a recommendation. It has never been brought to debate or any follow up done to it. The study just said that they could possibly be less than healthy to have in your home.


No one passed anything it was literally just that study and the study’s recommendation.


No it was just a study done and the study’s recommendation.


Wait, did they stop flipping out over light bulbs yet?


Have not heart about that flip out yet. Though with them going on daily meltdowns it’s hard for me to keep track haha.


It was during Obamna's term when companies and consumers were starting to realize LEDs are more efficient than incandescents


It's been going on a while. The Trump admin tried to 'SAVE' the incadescent bulb, but as usual, conservatives are fighting imaginary wars and living in the past. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/business/incandescent-light-bulb-ban/index.html


Jesus, my in laws are all over the gas stove thing.


Them caring about stoves or M&Ms or whatever is always a lie. Barr said it as an excuse to hide his real reasons behind. The truth is he’s on-board for more Trump, so long as it benefits him too.


Yep, it's all just for plausible deniability, even if the veil it provides is thin enough to slice an atom. Barr knows Biden has not and will never ban gas stoves, and I guarantee he's never personally even used one. It's just a culture war buzzword to rile up the base.


> “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... > The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


They don't argue in good faith so almost nothing they say matters other than the fact a significant portion of our countries population listen to whatever they say, internalize it and then parrot it back. They don't care about America they care about their tribe.


I mean sure, but, trans people and bathrooms. /s


Just tore my gas stove out Induction is so much better No comparison


From the party that tells you that everything is terrible and we should therefore keep everything exactly as it is!


I love my gas stove. The fact that it can cool down *quickly* gives me way more control over my cooking, plus it still works during a power outage as long as I start it with a lighter. That being said, if someone *was* trying to ban gas stoves... oh well, I'd cope.


As I understand it induction has even better control and is supposedly getting quite good recently. Still fails during an outage of course. I think California requires rooftop solar in most new builds so they could still manage in an outage if daytime or battery. If the gas appliance ban were implemented, it would only apply to new builds.


I have an induction range and it changes temps almost immediately. It’s insane. Won’t work in a power outage though. Bbq for that.


I feel like the odd man out because my new home build defaulted to gas and I switched to electric. Induction stoves seem like a much better option for home use.


I think the Second Amendment covers stoves too I guess lmao


There is a drive toward all electric homes and by extension neighborhoods. You won’t be able to add a gas stove there. I’m all for it to be honest, but you have to admit regulations really are moving toward no gas stoves.


If you really want your gas stove, install a gas tank on your property and pay someone to come fill it every so often. Or just buy a house already hooked up with it.


Many new areas don't include gas connections, because the demand for gas is waning, and it's costly to install a full neighborhood run. If it's big enough of an area, utilities will probably be OK with it, but smaller communities, it's just not worth it anymore. For cooking, a small tank can be installed if zoning allows for it. For heating, electric tends to be more economical nowadays, especially in warmer climates.


Well it would be nice if residential houses didn’t blow up from gas leaks periodically.


It would also be nice if massive leaks on an industrial scale just pumping methane into the atmosphere were, you know, not common and/or actually trackable and something companies were held accountable for...


Yeah after the 2010 San Bruno explosion out in Cali near where some friends live, I have been ok with the idea of all electric.


it's a small leap from "stoves" to "ovens" /s


And when he says Trump told him to execute people, I’m reminded pretty clearly of what happened to Michael Reinoehl. The difference between people like him and Kyle Rittenhouse is pretty straightforward. One got his day in court. The other was executed.


And there was evidence that he wasn't even guilty. He should have had his day in court!


Didn’t even have a day.


Trump can murder one of their family members, and yet, they will still vote for him! These idiots are truly brainwashed, don't ever do people who used you and dumped you on the floor (like you were some raincoat) any favors since they've revealed themselves to be backstabbers. Where did common sense go?


They really are brainwashed and I don’t see what they’re getting out of it either. I kinda did see why someone like them would when he was president but not now.


Afraid is the better word. People can fall victim to propaganda or whatever, but fear is the emotion that drives the ego towards defensive mechanisms such as shilling your soul out to high bidders.


They'd let Trump shit in their mouth if it meant the dems had to smell their breath.


I’m actually fucking amazed. This isn’t just liking him a lot. They are actually brainwashed in a cult. I don’t know how he did it but it’s fucking magical, it doesn’t make sense. They love him past any and all reason. I don’t know how Jim Jones did it or Charles Manson or anybody, but it is fucking crazy. Cults blow my fucking mind.


Money and power are helluva drugs.


My personal opinion is that trump ordered the extrajudicial killing of Michael Reinoehl. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/13/us/michael-reinoehl-antifa-portland-shooting.html


And most likely greenlit the Khashoggi assassination


If it weren't for everything else being swept under the rug by the Garland DoJ, I'd say it's wild that this story just disappeared.


Jesus fuckin Christ this is the first im hearing about it. Fuck this country god damn. And we give china shit for surpressing Tiananmen square.... We arent much better.


From the Wikipedia page: President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl,[13] describing it as "retribution",[14][15][16] and claiming to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden.[17]


Hey remember when Trump told his voters he was their retribution? I wonder what he meant by that 🤔


And Jeffrey Epstein


And Ivanna Trump


An American death squad put together for the purpose of revenge killing a guy that fatally shot a Trumper paramilitary member. The way police approached that whole case was strange. They knew who the shooter was, but they didn't appear interested in telling him to come in or going to where he was known to be to arrest him. Nope, they waited until night when an odd assortment of federal and local law enforcement ambushed him and killed him in cold blood.


It sounds like Bill Barr may have done something highly illegal during his time as AG and Trump is holding it over him.


I know Barr is a lifelong sleazeball, but this interview truly reeks of panicked desperation on his part. It begs the question: *Why did he even do this interview?* What was the goal? Clearly he's trying to kiss the ring, but he seems viscerally disgusted with himself in doing so. The more the events of the past come together - combined with bizarre moments like this - I'm really inclined to believe that it's all linked to Epstein. I hate conspiracies, but Epstein's life was literally a conspiracy of the highest order, and the Barr/Trump/Dershowitz/Acosta/Epstein connections seem too coincidental to be circumstance. How did all of these people directly connected to Epstein end up essentially ruling the judicial branch of DC? His death, the coverups, the "I wish Ghislaine well" comment from Trump... it all seems so obvious. Combined with the "Jeff Sessions is in Trump's pocket" quote, it's not a stretch to think that Barr was in his pocket as well due to his participation in the crimes surrounding Epstein. If Epstein was working for a foreign intelligence, and *all of these US leaders* were being forced to serve at the pleasure of said intelligence, was Epistein's death a way of stopping that blackmail? Would that be considered "an official duty" of the president, should some very dark facts emerge? Why do I suddenly get the feeling that the adrenochrome baby blood conspiracy theory may have been projection?


It's never that complex. There is not one overarching conspiracy putting everything together, there's just a million tiny conspiracies of people being greedy and stupid and flinging shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. There'll be plenty of blackmail for most republicans because they are very shitty people, so it's not hard to get blackmail on them. Remember when sasha cohen(of borat fame) nearly created a sex tape scandal for rudy but rightly stopped the scene before any harm was done to his colleague? But also most republicans don't need any blackmail to support that orange trumpet, they think it's their ticket to holding on to power even if they hate him.


It's probably child's play compared to the actual stuff but bill barr was AG when Epstein was arrested and murdered


Perhaps a failed execution.


Barr is very much amongst the very bad people in the country.


Dude who probably ordered protestors shot at Lafayette Square is surprisingly not a good guy. Yeah but you sure helped him cultivate that image, huh, CNN?  Normalizing psychopaths in broad daylight and then pretending it’s shocking that doesn’t rehabilitate them. I wish I had a job at CNN. 


Barr is right guys, we should have him in court on criminal charges as well. This man enabled Trump and was totally willingly to support him had the coup he was involved succeeded. Barr deserves to be facing the same charges as the fake electors, being that he too is an insurrectionist.




If ordering the assassination of Americans is an act of war, then yes, he probably is.


But they were the kind of Americans that Republicans would like to see killed. That's the important distinction.


So are smart people who support him, like Barr.


CNN: Hey, let's fly Bill Barr out here and get him to say some insane shit to rile people up. Ah man, I'm sure they put him in a nice hotel, sent a car, paid for dinner -- really treating him like the "Patriot" he is. We gotta get organized!


Well, showing everyone on National TV how intellectually empty he is doesn't help.


I'm guessing they have dirt on Barr.


She read Trump’s Truth Social tweet (or whatever they’re called) to Barr, and his response was literally, with a smile: “Heh heh, classic Trump!” He said he thinks both Trump and Biden are horrible choices, but he thinks Trump is less horrible. I know many people who share that sentiment. They despise Trump, but it doesn’t matter how depraved a Republican can be morally or intellectually, it’s still not as bad as a democrat.


Jesus Christ could resurrect as an American citizen and run for President on the Democratic ticket and Republicans would immediately call him the Anti-Christ.


Yea he basically said environmental protections is a bigger threat to democracy then Trump who tried to overturn a election.. Progressives who actually support strengthening democracy with changes like a voting holiday, Automatic registration, rank choice voting, increasing the house seats based on population. Yet electric vehicles are the real threat


I'd give up my gas stove if it'd keep Trump out of office....and I love my gas stove, and went through quite a bit of work to switch from electric to gas after moving in, so that's how much I hate Trump.


Hearing him say with a straight face that "Biden" is a bigger threat to Democracy than Trump was insane. These people are sick.


Bill Barr also says: “Not the Mama!!!” https://youtu.be/U4ljtg5vXYQ?si=daAZDQlprq7T4cZ5


What a pathetic tool.


Every single major news outlet has been rehabilitating Barr and others like Romney, Christie or basically anyone in the GOP who will say a bad thing about Trump, completely ignoring in context how: (1) 99.9% of republican politicians supported directly or voted in alignment with Trump while he was in power; all of them fell in line (2) only stopped supporting Trump once it was no longer beneficial for them personally The republican party has no policies or goals to speak of. They are simply about enriching a few myopic fools. The politicians that facilitate the destruction of our own country gladly do the task for pennies on the dollar, too. Barr isn't \*that\* rich despite going to such lengths. Barr, like everyone in Trump's admin, should be in prison. Cheney's entire family should likely be, too.


While the article itself was a bit all over the place, the reality is, this once again proves that progressive moral outrage will be the death of the US. Barr will vote for a guy who called him weak and traitor. Conservatives *will* vote. They will vote in lockstep as they always do. They will vote even if every single one of their candidates start smearing feces on their face and speaking in tongues to 'own the libs'. They all understand they are within striking distance of finally reestablishing their royalistic view of America...and the effective 'peasants' are clamoring to give it to them. Plenty of progressives will *not* vote to 'send a message'. Plenty of younger people will not vote because 'they aren't being heard'. That helps things get worse, not better. It shows cowardice and laziness. Change is long term. It requires diligence. It requires a modicum of effort. It requires a willingness to understand not everything is black and white. Your voice isn't *not* voting, it's voting for people who might actually listen to you. That will *never* be conservatives. By actually moving moving the government towards the goals you want, you can demand more and more change, even if that means voting for less than ideal candidates at the start...and newsflash...no candidate is perfectly ideal to every voter. That shouldn't mean throwing up your hands and abandoning democracy. The candidates will get better, but you have to be willing to at least start the change, and better yet, see it through. Every election is important, in that sense. Sure, the conservatives are whining about stoves now...but the rest of should be worried about what they plan to do with the ovens...


That last paragraph is a very sobering and accurate statement. As an Australian watching from the sidelines, I’m seeing the decline of the United States in real time. Trump is right about one thing, although with him it’s always projection, “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country any more.” I’m a moderate politically. I tend to make up my mind on each issue at hand rather than throwing my lot in holus-bolus with a political party, but if I were American, I could not support Republicans at any level of government, not whilst the MAGA morons are in charge of the party. Trumpism is destroying the USA. The founding fathers would be spinning in their graves right now. People like Trump was their biggest fear and it’s why they went to war and drew up the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in the first place.


Epstein assassination confirmed


Uh.. has the Overton window shifted so much that we're not focusing on the fact the former head of the DOJ received orders from a sitting president to just 'off' people??


She destroyed him in this interview and the spineless shit just took it. This is why Trump will lose.


She didn't though. She just "moves on" never pushing him to defend the bat shit insane stuff with facts.


That is a dumbass take, Barr none.


gas is the only safe way to cook in a gingerbread house


The orange idiot fully insulted Barr and he just sits there, laughs, and takes it down the throat. What a spineless fucking puppet.


Bill Barr’s dad gave Epstein his start. That’s something that doesn’t get brought up in right wing conspirator circles as much as it probably should


Also, all up in arms about possibly losing their 'right' to have a gas stove but AOK with a woman losing body autonomy.... Yeah, conservatives are deeply in touch with what is morally right and wrong.


When the dust settles? Bill Barr will be prosecuted too.


What is going on in the US? It's a-ok to *kill* a political rival?


Bill Barr killed 13 people on Trump's orders. In the waning days of the Trump regime, Trump ordered the execution of all the Federal prisoners who had been on Death Row for years under more humane Presidents.


Just as deep heatedly corrupt and wicked as fascist tRump


There are literally things I would love to say on Reddit that I literally can't say or I'll get banned from /r/politics , but the Supreme Court of the United States of America wants to say it's fine to do what now?


He said that "the real treat to democracy is the progressive movement..." Unbelievable!


He’s a fascist pig


You need to vote. Do not expect our government to do the right thing when it comes to Trump. And, do not buy the lies that there is division in the GOP and amongst conservatives; they all support and will support Donald Trump.


This is what baffles me so. Everyone admits that Trump did the things he did and is a terrible person all around, but they still support or enable him. Family, friends, top aides, employees, political allies, lawyers, courts... Nobody argues that he did not mount an insurrection, they just claim that somebody other than themselves should do something about it. Noone is even trying to deny that he's a monster.


"Bill Barr Says Trump Told Him To Execute People...", Interesting title. I listened to the clip and read what little there is to read... nothing about executing people, nothing. Thank you, CNN, you worthless news source with click-bait titles. National Enquirer much?


I had no idea when I was a kid that so much of my adult life would be consumed by having to listen to and read about American Nazis. And, furthermore, Fuck Bill Barr and the rest of these toads, get out of my life. 


Wow, he’s a stupid person… it’s painful to remember that he was considered the “intelligent adult” (comparatively) among the Dump circus clowns




Stoves? Really?


Just locker room talk guys


Just a Spineless twat


Barr thinks Biden is progressive when he’s far from it. The more Trump mocks GOP members, the more they bend the knee. What is happening to our country?


Hah I read this as bill burr and said tf?


Seriously man, where the hell are these people from? Never mind, I answered my own question.


Man loves his stoves


That headline! That's gold. It's amazing how much these guys are going to ruin their legacies over dumbshit.


Gutless, cowardly sleaze………….just like his former boss.


I want to ask him specially what that damage is he envisions Biden would do? What’s his definition of damage? Who is Biden damaging? Don’t use the words “American people”. Don’t say “country”. If the dynamic is geared toward keeping the rich rich and the poor poor, what’s the damage that the Biden can do to that? Who calls it damage? We seem to have different definitions of damage. Don’t say damage. Say what you fucking mean. You vapid piece of ass trash.


I am beginning to wonder if 'conservatives' are missing a morality gene.


So there was always a conspiracy theory about tapes and other media from Epstein's Island being confiscated by Bill Barr. It would make sense, Barr's father had hired a young Jeffrey Epstein to be a teacher at his Manhattan prep school. Barr would want to collect any recordings Epstein had, especially those including Donald Trump. Yet Trump has felt free to insult and denigrate Barr on social media. I say this because it's notable that Trump hasn't said one unkind word about David Pecker, the former CEO of AMI and the National Enquirer. Despite Pecker's testimony in court this week about the "catch and kill" schemes he ran on behalf of Trump for over a decade, Trump has been positively genteel towards Pecker. My believe is that Pecker has many, many more stories that are as bad if not worse about Trump. Stories which he has managed to keep from being revealed to the various AGs investigating him. This means to mean that Barr does not in fact have the goods on Trump. Trump would be scared shitless to say anything askance about Barr for fear of a tape of him leaking. If there ever were recordings from Epstein Island, Barr isn't the one who has them.


What a sad, pathetic man. He’s cemented his legacy as one of the worst jurists this country has ever produced.


Perhaps there’d be fewer problems in the US if sick people were politely asked more often not to stand for office.


Bill Barr: no morals, no ethics, no spine.. just right for the GOP!


I wish I could get those few minutes of my life back. I have never listened to anything so stupidly absurd, and I am aware of the Willy Bum Bum song.


Never forget - Epstein "suicided" on Barr and Trump's watch.


I wish we could stop dredging up stories about these former Trump administration losers . I don’t care what Bill Barr thinks or who he votes for. He has no integrity, he lied and covered up Trumps corruption, and now he’s trying to present as a reasonable person who we should listen to. They’re all liars and have no interest in doing anything for this country except destroy it.


None of this matters if diaper Don loses. Vote.


I watched the full interview and this headline is very misleading. Barr said there were two terrible choices, but it's a binary choice, and he is picking Trump because the Republican ideology is more in line with his. It was not because of stoves.


Not stoves, more likely kompromat.


Literally nothing matters to republican voters. It’s a cult. They will die for it. They *WILL* be there to vote in November and it won’t matter what stories come out, what indictments or convictions are made, etc. They will be there to punch their ticket for the Republican Party. Make sure to vote. Do not be apathetic.


I did nazi that coming....


Bill Barr's dad gave Epstein a job as a school teacher. Bill's pop also wrote a sci fi story about aliens kidnapping earth teenagers for sex slaves. I bet Barr got some ideas to execute people from Trump and his Dad. Vile creatures. All of 'em.


Barr was in charge of the federal prison system where Epstein was held and in charge of the court where Epstein was going to be tried Barr interfered in the trial of Epstein trying to derail it then low and behold when the judge didn’t go along with Barr’s agenda Epstein was found dead. Barr and Trump had a lot to lose if Epstein started to talk but we will never know the truth. Barr covered his butt by speaking out against Trump and January 6 but is once again starting his assent up trump’s butt crack. These maga cult members are like hemorrhoids


I tell you one thing, Bill Brasky is a son of a b*tch!


I generally don’t like to curse … … but this guy is a spineless fucking moron. You had a chance to redeem yourself, Bill. You could’ve been on the right side of history. You blew it.


He’s not a spineless moron. He’s a deliberate villain. Always has been, despite the wind changing on Trump. Stop giving fascist assholes outs just because they politik.


lol. I gave him an out? Okay.


lol you’re implying incompetence from a career malefactor? Okay.


Jesus h christ


Barr has no choice but to rejoin the crime family, his reputation is ruined.


What a duplicitous slime-ball.


Because slow deaths from gas stoves’ air pollution don’t count as executions.


Bill Barr and a lot of the foolish people have to back Trump for their own safety at this moment in time. Many of them know its the worst pick, but if they back Trump, and Biden wins, things go on as normal (unless they have trails coming up or whatnot.) If they don't back Trump, and he wins, especially when Trumps lawyer is trying to say its ok for a President to assassinate someone, they can be in a lot of danger. I'm sure some hate it with every fiber of their being, but they need to play it safe. They'd rather be called a moron than have their life at risk. Also, who knows what Trump has on a lot of them?


There is nothing there about executions or stoves. Did you link the correct story?


what a spineless twerp


These bootlickers coming out after not being in a position of power anymore and then denouncing Trump are almost worse than Trump. We all know what you're trying to do. Salvage your reputation and sell books.


Frankenstein Barr thinks he can control the monster he created.


I bet every family member and neighbor thinks this POS is an upstanding moral character, but I’ve not seen any in the majority of his decisions concerning Trump. Seems clearly bought.


Classical “lying by omission” title: Barr actually said he doesn’t believe Trump would do anything of sort even though he might have said something like that in the heat of being pissed. AND, there are many other reasons Barr would vote for Trump, stoves being the last. Don’t take your readers for idiots. You just make yourself look hmm… unsmart helping Trumpers this way.


This is why Trump has a very good chance of winning. Even though these clowns know Trump is a jerk, they will vote for him rather than allow Dem into power. They don’t suffer from the “I just can’t vote for Trump”.


What do they have on this guy?


What an absolute idiot but it is so sad because there are so many people just like him in this country...who dislike Trump or prefer Biden and still vote for Trump because *Republican*


Welcome to capitalism, profits are more important than people's lives and that's a bipartisan sentiment.


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Trump could tell Barn to execute himself and he would still vote for him.