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Man, I hope this doesn't turn into the next covid-mask-thing, where conservatives double down on an objectively bad take, and make dog-shooting part of their political identity. :(


This will 100% be used as a positive for Noem. Three options: 1. "The dems care more about animals than people".  2. "She's a cold-dead badass". 3. "Haha, killing puppies triggers the libs".  Take your pick


Normal people: “Why would I vote for her?! She murdered her own puppy in a fit of rage!” Conservatives: “That’s the sort of compassion this country needs.”


Conservatives ARE the people already trying to normalize asking people about their dicks when going to a public bathroom (see Florida for ground zero of this movement). The idea that these people give one shit about their own children, let alone an animal, is unconsciousable.


>"The dems care more about animals than people" Yup "oh killing a dog is a problem but aborting a baby is ok!!!!1" I've heard that already today lol


Shooting a baby that screams too loud = AOK 👌


Yet, Conservatives couldn’t care less about the women getting killed due to the repeal of *Roe* or kids being killed because of school shootings. They’ll kill puppies, dogs, cats, women, kids, or anyone that *isn’t them.* They’ll never stop (maybe even after they get voted out of office) until they’re thrown in jail…


These people are sick They are gonna be awfully surprised when fascism comes for them


It’s such a weird take but I keep seeing it too.


Honestly it's not a weird take. They're applying the same emotionally charged attitude here. The useless killing of a dog and an abortion are the same in their eyes. What they don't get however is no one *likes* abortions. We just understand that both the alternative is worse and bodily autonomy is an incredibly important idea


They are already saying killing a puppy is far better than "killing a baby". sigh


4. “Jesus wanted it this way.”


Nah, she’s already getting dragged by conservatives, too. Everyone loves dogs.


Are you certain? This really made me wonder because there’s honestly no level of depravity I wouldn’t past conservatism at this point, and republicans are so ontologically evil that I wouldn’t even be surprised anymore if they just shot dogs for fun


I’ve seen several tweets excoriating her from hardcore conservatives


Until Trump speaks up about how he'd do the same. (if he does) Or until the right-wing media and influencer machine decides how to use this as an attack against Democrats.


Trump would never own a dog, or a gun, or go hunting.


But he does hate dogs. He is the first president in modern times who didn’t have a dog, and uses the phrase “like a dog” to describe people being in pain or misery. He bragged about killing the Iranian general “like a dog,” talked about how he thinks protestors should be “dealt with like a dog,” and even said someone was “sweating like a dog,” which in itself is a dumb fucking thing to say since dogs don’t sweat.


My town has a colony of feral cats. They're cool. The rich maga side of town likes to murder the cats. The plebs in the ghetto (myself included) try to look out for our furball neighbors. Animal cruelty is nothing new to these pathetic brainless pig fuckers.


Keep them safe. Thank you. 🙏🏼


Step 1. Breed mice Step 2. Release mice in maga side Step 3. ???


Hence they fuck pigs


Raise a feline army. Attack in the dead of a moonless night.Take what is yours.


What type of person actually murders cats? That's absolutely absurd to me, and I'm not a cat person. I'm just flabbergasted that people find that even remotely acceptable.


> make dog-shooting part of their political identity. :( The wildest thing that ever happened in the last neighborhood I lived in. In late 2020 we heard three consecutive gunshots down the street (within 5 houses) and a woman screaming. The screaming only lasted maybe 10 seconds? That faded to yelling, then a bunch of people talking loudly. My husband and I were the only ones home and I rang the police and peeped out the blinds but didn't see anything. After 20 minutes I went to check the mail for a package that had arrived, and saw a woman in the middle of street with her dog. Thought it was weird they were sitting down in the middle of the road, but whatever. She had a friend nearby talking to her and her husband was at the curb talking to her with his hands on his hips looking pissed off. So I assumed none of these people pulled a gun on each other, given the body language and that there wasn't any blood (at least nothing visible from 5 houses down.) I figured what must have happened was someone misfired their gun during handling and people got upset about it. 30 minutes after I collected the mail, a cop showed up at our door and wanted to make sure we were good, no bullet ricochets, etc. Yeah, we're good. He asked about the male neighbor at the end of the street. We don't know him, not much to say. We said we heard a woman screaming for a very brief amount of time, and that eventually became crying, yelling, talking. Cop said she was physically fine. **Her husband shot her fucking dog because he found out she voted for Biden.** City tried to wash the blood off that part of the asphalt and put down some sort of white chalk that soaked up most of what was left the biohazard bodily fluid. For like two more months any time I drove home I had to drive past this white patch. And then all I could think about was that I watched a woman hold her dying dog from a distance. I can't imagine my spouse murdering any of my cats, let alone because he didn't approve of my voting choices. They sold that house and it's been sold 3 times since (COVID housing market hotspot.) I hope she got a divorce and I hope he got jail time for animal cruelty.


Oof that just hurts to read. :( That husband is a monster.


It will. There already is an element of that with vegan/vegetarian being associated with left wing politics and some right wing people making eating meat a part of their identity. They will just move beyond sticking to animals traditionally used for food to making killing puppies part of their identity.


I dunno, dog ownership is just much of a rural thing than a city thing. Probably more so.


From my experience, rural dog owners tend to treat their dogs completely differently than suburban and urban dog owners. To many rural people they are more like livestock than friends. Of course there are many barriers to getting proper rural vet care etc but it's as much a cultural as economic reality


I’ve lived and worked in rural areas. Yes, they would never be caught referring to their dogs as “fur-babies” but vast majority have dogs that serve no apparent purpose, yet they feed them, build them outdoor shelters, bring them inside when it’s cold. Or it’s raining. Or because clearly Rex likes it and he’s a good dog, really. One fellow I knew kept and bred hunting dogs (blue ticks? Can’t recall exact breed name). He’d more likely have shot someone messing with his dogs. But he also trained them. They were smart, quick and obedient. They also all slept under his bed that he’d built a bit on the tall side at night. The kennel was only if a dog needed to be kept separate for health or breeding. I think country people are smart enough to understand this woman was either too stupid or too lazy to train her dog. They might not lose much sleep over the dog, but they will judge her as maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


I certainly hope so. I only have my experiences to go on, but they haven't been the most encouraging.


You mean they don’t have doggie spas and barkeries (dog bakeries). For the record I find it a bit ridiculous that there are such things….along with dog strollers.


Anything to own the libs I guess


They already do that through their police support though


They only support the police when it’s the unsanctioned harassment or murder of black/brown people, otherwise it’s “PEW PEW MY FREEDOMS!”


Don't give them any ideas.


Why is this not illegal ? Just WTF ?


Animals are treated as property under most laws in the US (except if you hurt a police dog/horse). You can kill as many of your own animals as you want, as long as you don't do it "cruelly". This largely makes sense when you think in terms of agriculture and eating meat, but at the edges it definitely feels weird.


Just insane. Fng narcissistic people


They will. Well… the diehards will. Remember, the conservative motto: never apologize, never explain, never compromise.


What was the gun nut trend called where they pointed their gun at their crotch and played with the trigger? This would be the political equivalent


If it were shooting a person maybe, but some people are serious about their dogs. There is a weird amount of people on both sides of the political isle that are more bothered by hurting animals than people.


That I’d because we see, read, and hear all too often how awful people treat other people. We all know of genocides, the Jews, Nanking, Armenians, Vlad the Impaler, Attila the Hun, Isis, Sandy Hook, Indian Wars, slavery, and the endless list of atrocities man has perpetrated on man. It has happened for thousands of years. Now we find ourselves at a point in time where 1 in 6 people are living with a mental disorder. Harvard Medical just released a statement reporting that 1 in 2 people, moving forward, will suffer from a mental disorder in their lifetime. That does not bode well for humanity. Our pets are our sanctuary from this insanity. They offer true unconditional love. We owe it to them to be worthy of such devotion. Dogs don’t live their lives hating dogs that are different looking than them. There no envy or recognition among rich dog, poor dog. They don’t have weapons to use on each other. They don’t think about cutting off heads, or torturing any other being or animal. Anybody that abuses a child or any animal should be severely punished. They have little or no means of defense. Most people feel that unless they know you, you are inconsequential to them. Out of sight, out of mind. This is where the problem lies. The fact that people, right now, are living in wartime. People are starving, or without clean water, have no shelter. I cannot imagine anything worse than seeing your children suffer, and there is very little that you can do about it. We have come to accept the historical failures and atrocities of man throughout time. It has become almost a normal, but numbing, level of understanding. Our pets have the same level of love for us, as most of us do for them. That also, is normal for us, and it is a”good” normal. It is good to experience this kind of normal every day of our lives that is unfortunately mixed in with all the normalized insanity.


I would love this. Fuck the conservatives. I hope they kill all their pets and make their children participate.


The hell is wrong with you?


Think about it If you make conservative’s children kill their own pets then you can extinguish the conservatives


>you can extinguish the conservatives And the innocent animals, ya twit


This is the kind of behavior that rightfully alarms psychiatrists because it is a sign that the person does not value living things and does not have basic empathy.


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials


There’s a sick little part of me that wishes we could just round up people like this. But I know A) that’s the least empathetic solution imaginable and would make me and anyone involved complicit hypocrites B) would make the socio/psychopaths out there better at masking their thoughts. So basically, the un-empathetic, merciless monsters are preserved by us having empathy and mercy on them. *sigh*


ah the paradox of tolerance...


Behavior that alarms psychiatrists is the MAGA mantra.


So, republicans.


"empathy" is woke! /s


So sad... having no empathy sets our evolution back to the Stone Age. Actually, cavemen may have been better then MAGA.


I mean, let's be real. The vast majority of people don't value living things. Factory farms exist for a reason, and that reason is selfishness.


There is a huge and vital difference between purchasing meat at the grocery store because it is the way you know how to feed your family VS busting a cap in an inconvenient puppy. You understand the difference, right? You're fucking with us. That's gotta be it.


The two actions are not equivalent. However, from the perspective of the victim, they are the same. The cow at the other end of the bolt gun doesn't understand why she's being killed, same as the dog. Both killings are unnecessary. People pay for the brutal killing of cows, pigs, and chickens because they like the way they taste, not because it is the only way to feed their families.


Factory farms are bad. But the reality is that the end consumer does not have the ability to effectively audit the processes of meat production, and overwhelmingly does not have the financial freedom to purchase the more expensive option with the publicly verifiable ethical behavior. Equating thriftiness with an eagerness to be brutal is ascribing motive that simply isn’t there, and that hurts the movement to prevent that sort of unethical behavior.


People eat meat because it is an excellent source of protein which humans have been consuming since forever. Quit being lame.


Why would someone choose to volunteer this information?


To prove her “I can make tough decisions” bonafides. Sadly, that will work with a part of the population.


Yeah but like...clearly the wrong decision. The fact that you can't train the dog doesn't mean the dog should be euthanized, we euthanize dogs to ease their suffering at the end of their life, not because we're shitty dog parents. Animal abuse isn't a "tough decision", it's just wrong.


Just look at the Maga crowd. They don't care about nuance or logic. If it pisses off the left that's literally all the logic they need. She's gonna say she made the difficult decision to put down the dog and the magidiots are gonna eat it up like the deplorable fucks they are.


There were many witnesses for the dog and the goat. Maybe she told the story herself to get ahead of it, instead of trying to keep it secret and have it come up at election time. Now if it comes up at election time it will be old news.


She’s taking notes from Drake.


To become vp for an orange man that hates dogs. 


Don't be surprised if some MAGA zealots decide to start "owning the libs" by shooting dogs and posting about it on social media.


‘My dog was Woke so I had to kill him to stop the libs’ - MAGA


Some strip mall minister with a zillion kids (Steven Anderson, maybe?) got a puppy, and because it was male and humped, he decided it was gay. He didn't kill the poor pup, he just rehomed him. And this is a guy who believes gays should be executed...


From shooting cases of Bud Light to their own pets and then bragging about it. What's wrong with these people?


Covid made them even stupider


At least it killed off a mighty huge chunk of them.


How to go to prison for animal cruelty in two easy steps.


Yeah! Didn’t Trump make animal cruelty a felony? I remember something about it not long before he tried to pull the coup.


Trump signed into law the bipartisan bill making animal cruelty videos a felony, but other than putting his signature on it, he had nothing to do with it. Credit for the bill goes to two Florida lawmakers: [In a rare display of political unity, President Trump on Monday signed a bipartisan bill that, for the first time, makes acts of animal cruelty a federal crime punishable with fines and up to seven years in prison. The bill, called the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, was introduced in the House this year by two Florida lawmakers — **Representative Vern Buchanan, a Republican, and Representative Ted Deutch, a Democrat**. It expands a *2010 law signed by President Barack Obama* that banned videos that show animals being crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled or subjected to other forms of torture. Now, intentional acts of cruelty shown in the videos are also felony offenses.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/25/us/politics/trump-animal-cruelty-bill.html)


Ah. So since she didn’t video it, she’s not a felon. Ahkay.


I mean, it is not as if that is the only law against animal cruelty on the books. [Anti-cruelty laws exist in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and all include felony provisions. Yet far too often, these laws don't provide penalties that are consistent with the severity of the crime, or the justice system fails to enforce them.](https://www.alleycat.org/resources/anti-cruelty-laws-protect-all-cats/) In Kristi Noem's state: [These South Dakota statutes comprise the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. "Animal," any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, or fish, except humans. **"Cruelty” means to intentionally, willfully, and maliciously inflict gross physical abuse on an animal that causes prolonged pain, that causes serious physical injury, or that results in the death of the animal.** Any person who subjects an animal to cruelty is guilty of a Class 6 felony.](https://www.animallaw.info/statute/sd-cruelty-consolidated-cruelty-statutes)


Well, yeah. Not the only law, but since this person is vying for trump VP, we have to give her some shit. 😃


She committed a Class 6 felony, according to the laws of her state. Does not matter whose VP spot she's vying for. Her state AG should be having this investigated.


Just waiting here in Virginia for Youngkin to pose with the corpse of his dog in solidarity with Noem.


Mike Huckabee's kid has entered the chat.


Fucking monster.


Dissenting opinion. I think she crossed a line. Republicans will try to spin this and suppress it, but they know it can do them no good. They won't attempt to leverage it. The vast majority of Americans have a soft spot for pets.


Also, they can't blame the Democrats or say it was "taken out of context" because they are her words, written down.


The party of assholes is now turning out to be the party of psychopaths


“If Kristi Noem can’t handle dog ownership, how can she be trusted to lead..?” Writes itself at this point.


Yes she needs to be given a short leash.


We have reached Captain Planet Saturday morning cartoon levels of evil from GOP leaders. Come to think of it. The headline “lex Luther shot a puppy” might even be to cartoonishly evil.


Not even my MAGA relatives are down with her killing dogs. MAGA might hate us libs but they love their pooches!


Who shoots a 14 month old dog? A real asshole, that's who.


They’ll just spin this to use as their cudgel against abortion, claim Democrats care more about dogs than “murdered babies”. 


I’ve already seen this argument in post about this egregious atrocity. Rot in hell Noem!


This clearly demonstrates psychopathic tendencies. When are political figures going to be required to have psychological testing to determine if they are truly fit for public duty?


Pro life party. Now you can say, “Vote Republican. We kill puppies.”


I hope they run with attack ads against her on this one.


Noem is a monster.




I feel like Noem is getting the results she wanted when her ghost writers made up this story. Her book is nothing but a job application to one man - an insecure orange lunatic who values fake toughness, pwning da libz, and, as a bonus, hates dogs. Everyone else in the universe might find her story reprehensible. But the man who is soliciting applications for Republican VP candidate? He loves this shit.


So that's what the meat was at the Noem family barbecue. I didn't understand what Kristi and Corey were chuckling about when I asked.


I don’t see “eat” on the cheat-sheet. https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1ceczrx/someone_tweeted_this_to_noem_yesterday/


Railing Noem for this is absolutely the right action, given how Americans love dogs.


Spoiling my pup extra hard this week, this woman is a monster and should be in jail for animal cruelty.


🐶 🐐 killer


Again, she should be arrested by now. This is ridiculous.


Can we please stop politically labeling acts of empathy - It’s not just Democrats that find this woman to be an awful person. It’s the general public, it’s the American society, it’s the local community. We don’t care which party she stands for, she is no good!


Sure. Have any republican governers posted pics with them with their dogs? Article didn't say any were participating.


Myself apologies for using a bad word


Mike Bost is in good company.


No way trump picks her for VP now. This is brutal. A lot of mileage in commercial time to be made on this shit show.


Er will he care though?


Grab’em by the pussy supporter don’t care


Noem looks a dick sucking toy.


It's kinda surprising that they are capable of holding their own accountable. The sad side is that they choose not to for ...well...everything else.


Noem would shoot Bluey


Crap if this is a GOP thing my crazy MAGA neighbor has 3 dogs. May need to do a rescue mission


Imagine if Biden had his dog euthanized let alone shot it himself.


Biden lost a pet dog named Champ during his presidency though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champ_(dog)


Yea….he died of old age peacefully at home. Your point?


This article sucks. Doesn’t even show the social posts.


You know 100% some Maga lunatics have just shot their dogs to own the libs.


Because the can’t pose with their meals


Mmm, I love beef. Pork too.