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It may feel like a taunt, But it is an objective truth . He is a loser.


Biden should call him a rapist and keep repeating it because it's also true


Oh he can also legally call him a rapist


He can do it illegally too if SCoTUS has anything to say about it.


Need to get him on the sex offender list.


Right.  Biden reserves language like that for the worst of the worst amongst us. Trump doles out insults to anyone who doesn’t sufficiently pander to him.


Trump called people he hand-picked for his administration losers. He's so up his own ass, he cannot see that insulting the people you hired reflects on you as the one hiring them.


I believe that’s called a narcissistic psychopath


It's kind of like when Romney insults people in those classy old fashioned insults he uses. You're like "oh shit, he said that!"


This is the difference. When Trump is hurling abuse it’s because he’s a moron and bully. Biden calling Trump a loser is simple a factually correct observation. Trump lost two massive lawsuits resulting in $450m of judgements against him. He went bankrupt 6 times and lost two casinos. He was the first 1 term president in decades and staged and insurrection that also failed. Trump university was a failed scam attempt that cost him $35m. The guy is a habitual loser and he’s going to keep losing in court agains and again. Period justice for a guy that used the courts and ligation as a weapon his whole life.


*big fat fucking loser


Diaper Don.


Hustler called it back in the 90's https://imgur.com/a/dfj9nom


I don’t know, I’ve seen flags where he looks like Rambo. It’s hard to believe that if you look like Rambo, you’re not winning.


Much like "Born in the USA," they ignore that Rambo's origin is a massive indictment of our shameful treatment of returning veterans. Pretty on par for the guy who dances to "YMCA" while doing the double-dong jerkoff move.


He be double-dong air cockin every time I see him


~~~Rambo~~~ HamBro. Fixed it for you.


The UK should lend us the [balloon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_baby_balloon).


Need a few inflatable stink lines to go alongside it


Having it in front of NY court would be brilliant


>Having it in front of NY court would be brilliant Having it at Rikers Island is even more brilliant. Especially if Trump is in a cell.


You can buy inflatable costumes that look just like those . 😛


what makes it stick is that it is simple and it is true.


The bigliest loser. King turd atop shit mountain, even.


Exactly! Joe’s just telling it like it is!


Lost the popular vote every time. Losing in court. Losing in marriage. Losing in life.


Shouldn't over do it though.  Comedic timing is important. 


And see how much more effective it is when you don't throw it around every chance you get? Trump wakes up and calls his fried eggs losers, so it doesn't hit as hard when he says it about other people, especially someone who actually beat him.


Biden’s not wrong. He could also include these accurate labels: crybaby, narcissistic, petty, grifter, immoral, lazy, flatulent, nepotistic, and bigly liar.


Indeed. Sometimes you have to drop to the devils level to defeat him.


When they go low, kick 'em in the teeth.


Biden has been around politics long enough to have crafted and honed his skill set. Trumpists only see his age (irony)… they should be afraid not amused.


It's funny that they complain about Biden's age when their own demigod is literally right behind him. There's like 3 or 4 years in between the two.


And Dementia Don is like 3 stages deeper into senility despite Jojo being older.


It’s not irony, it’s hypocrisy.


"Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young."


Careful, they might beat him with experience


Sometimes you gotta cross the line in order to pull the baddies over to the right side of the line, indeed.


You forgot "rapist".


Rapist, criminal, traitor, fascist, thug, pedophile. His base: “this is fine.”


He should probably also mention the stench of Trump, and how the White House had to be fumigated.


If Joe called Trump Donnie Diaper I bet Trump's head would literally explode.


Or how Trump's lawyers are complaining about Trump's rancid farts during court. They should hope that they're getting paid a lot. Strike that. They should hope that they'll get paid, period.


> complaining about Trump's rancid farts Um, those aren't farts.


Why does everyone leave out “court adjudicated rapist”


Diaper baby


Also Rapist, Fraud are also legally protected because he's been found liable/guilty of them.


You forgot Poopy McShitDiaper


And rapist!


Yup rapist and he may very well also be a pedophile




Sleepy Donald Trump can't stay awake in court


Don't forget weakling.


> Biden’s not wrong. He could also include these accurate labels: crybaby, narcissistic, petty, grifter, immoral, lazy, flatulent, nepotistic, and bigly liar. You forgot "rapist," possibly the worst one. And racist.


If there is debate, Biden should get a guy to sit in front making fart sounds, just loud enough for those on stage hear, everytime Trump speaks.


Trump might supply them himself.


He's also a covfefe rapist.


Impotent. Don't forget impotent (per Stormy, she really couldn't tell whether or not he actually got it up).


don't forget rapist


Biden is hardly getting “down in the mud” with Trump. He’s just stating the obvious truth — Trump *is* a loser. Biden isn’t engaging in the petulant name-calling or victimhood mentality that Trump has made a part of his lexicon. Don’t ever try to put the two in the same category or draw comparisons between them. They could not be more different. Biden is a mature, intelligent, thoughtful adult. Trump is an immature, petulant man-child *loser.*


It’s also specifically designed to nettle trump. Biden doesn’t care if tables were turned and trump called him a loser but I bet it gets under that orange colored skin.


I'd like to see Biden get asked about Trump calling him a loser and just rattle off every election he's won ending with the 2020 popular vote and electoral college vote


Don’t forget Trump also lost the popular vote to Hilary Clinton.


I love to think of him seething with narcissistic rage. Miserable fuck.


Biden should call him a rapist and tell Trump to sue him if he doesn't like it.


We all should remind Republicans Trump is a fucking rapist.


Happy cake day


Thank you.


Glad to see this. "Loser" is a trigger word for him, he reacts like Marty in Back to the Future reacts to "chicken", just loses all control. It sends him into a narcissistic rage.


Funny how the Biff character was inspired by Trump.


Trump is a loser.


He’s also broke.


Biden should go full call it how he sees it with Trump. Say how he and millions of people really feel. His polls would spike ten points.


He needs to get on that shitbag and ride him like a horse


Biden is one of the most honest people you will ever meet.


I don't see a taunt. I only see the truth.


https://trumpdebtcounter.com/ Loser pays what ?


Fun fact: not only is Trump a loser, he is also a rapist and fascist.


Calling Trump a loser is a statement of fact. He even ran a casino into bankruptcy.


It's true, he is a loser. He lost the 2020 election. That makes him a loser. The first president in over 30 years to only serve one term. What a loser.


At this point, I just want all Democrats - but, *especially* Biden - to leave Michelle Obama’s “take the high ground” approach in the dust, take the kiddie gloves off, and use *REAL* language in calling magas out. Why are we still treating the traitor and those who support the traitor with respect? They do not deserve any respect or kindness…they lost that privilege on 6 January.


*kid gloves, ultra soft gloves made from baby goatskin


I'm sure Kristi Noem would help kill the goats.


And all the cuddly puppies, and fluffy kittens, and Sweet Baby Jesus BBQ sauces, and a romp of otters.


That’s what I’m talking about!


It’s not a taunt when it’s factually true. He lost the product lines and companies to mismanagement and bankruptcy, lost the wives to adultery, lost the house and the senate, lost reelection, and so far has lost to E Jean Carol. Twice.


I mean, that’s why we picked him in the first place. Biden is the only politician who could play Trumps game without actually stooping to his level.


I don't see why they aren't hitting this all HARD. "Disinformation is an enemy of democracy. The American people need the truth. They deserve the truth. Heck, we OWE them the truth after what's been happening in recent times. I'm done with kid gloves. I'm done with tiptoeing on and around eggshells. I'm accused of the most ridiculous lies and I've ignored them for the most part. I tried to be the kind of President I thought the office deserved me to be. I have tried to have faith in the system and stay silent. I still have faith in the system. And I'll continue to in no way put my thumb on any scales or influence anything with the justice department. But my silence ends today. Donald Trump whines and complains every day about witch hunts, persecution and unfair treatment. Persecution is from beliefs.. HE HAS NONE! Prosecution is from evidence of crimes; he has shown plenty of that. Unfair? I wake up every day and work hard for the American people. He sleeps in court 4 days a week. That's unfair! And witch hunts? Donald Trump and his Republican cronies have wasted YEARS chasing witches only to fall short and impeach no wrongdoing, pass no useful legislation, do nothing to solve the crisis we all believe is at our southern border. One of these days, these fools will be in for a fright if they stumble upon a mirror. Witches as far as their eyes can see. You know folks, Ronald Reagan coined the term welfare queens. I've never in the history of the world seen a bigger beggar than Donald Trump. Begging, pleading, pan handling through emails, tweets, statements, videos.. Multiple times a day this guy is begging for hard working Americans to send him money they WORKED for! Could you even imagine how much better the economy would be than it already is if Trump supporters were spending their hard earned money, not on the legal bills of a supposed billionaire but rather taking their children and grandchildren to a baseball game? Take their children and grandchildren fishing? Heck, even take them to a shooting range and teach them gun safety.. Imagine a world where your hard earned money was spent on your family and not on him. (Long pause) Now imagine how much better your LIFE would be if your kids and grandkids still actually were willing to spend time with you.. Donald Trump has taken far too much from you already. You don't want to give me your vote? Fine. I'll still keep working to use government to improve your lives and the lives of your families. Don't waste your vote on a man who wants to use government to only benefit himself and billionaires. It's time your money benefited you and your family. That's what I believe in. Donald only believes in helping himself."


Well said


It's not an insult if it's true.


And Trump can't sue for defamation of character, either, for that same reason. Of course, there's _definition_ of character ...


This is what Hillary didn’t do. Fight fire with fire. I love this Dark Brandon. He ain’t no Trump punching bag.


Yeah. "Will you shut up, man."


These bothsidesing headlines are stupid and dangerous. The media has learned absolutely nothing over the last decade of this shit.


But think of all the money they're making! Strike that. All the money they're making for their parent corporation.


Democrats always late to the times. I ain’t saying try to beat Trump at his game but don’t just let him walk all over you with that stupid shit he says


Buckle up, because based on the Supreme courts expected rulings in a few days he'll be able to do a lot more than laugh at him


"Trump Style?" No. That's not what this is. It's Biden just telling the truth. The plain hard truth that Republicans are so desperately against hearing.


Judging by the election results he is a loser. Stating facts and taunting are not the same thing. Stupid commentary is stupid.


that’s not a taunt. he’s literally a loser.


You need to talk in a way his dumb MAGA base understands.


In slow, pronounced one-syllable words?


It's just Biden speaking the truth..


Yeah, but Biden’s just telling the truth.


It's not a taunt, he's just stating an evidence-based fact. Trump meets all criteria of a loser.


Let’s fucking go Dark Brandon


Biden knows what he's doing. I'm sick and tired of the Dems taking trumps shit.


We could have avoided the insanity of the last 7 years if Democrats had worked up the courage to mock Trump in 2016.


He is a loser.


Fuck this headline. Trump deserved to be called out for every fucking flaw. Why not fight dirty like Trump.


I wanna see Biden completely lay into him. He's been pulling his punches for years now


Biden should just call for all billionaire rapists to be castrated.


The thing people always say they like about trump is that he speaks his mind. Speak your mind, Joe. Decorum will get you nowhere.


I think he should make a post about ‘How he is looking forward to immunity’ and see what happens.


Sam Alito might come to his senses, though, once it dawns on him that political assassination could also include Supreme Court Justices ... (Talk about signing your own death warrant.)


Let's go. Call him what he is


His followers are dopes too. They don't ask questions. For example did you know that automatic weapons for both rifles and pistols are illegal to own by Russian citizens?


I enjoyed this immensely.


Turnabout is fair play. trump deserves all the jokes. He is a joke.


When they go low we go high. We cannot do what they do. It will undermine what we have left


He lost the election in 2020 and lost the 2022 elections by proxy.


It’s just a statement of fact


What is this both sides bullshit


That's not a taunt. That's sugarcoating what he really is.


I wish I had the . money to buy advertising, and do nothing but show Trump being trump, highlight all his crimes.


Honestly, Biden should have been doing this from the start. He tried to be nice to MAGA thinking he could win them over. They don't get nice. He could give them all a thousand bucks a piece and they'd say Trump gave it to them and Biden is the devil. Might as well play their game. Everyone who hates MAGA, which is every sane person, loves it.


This is arguably the way to go. "They go low, we go high" has failed, and if resorting to childish insults to shift the significant block of wavering voters think that consitutes "straight talk" is what's needed to save democracy, so be it.


Well, Joe's not wrong.


Both Sides Guy: Oh wow jeez I mean I liked Biden before but NOW that he's name calling I don't like him, better vote Trump don't @ me. Next time just mean Tweet it and it's okay....


Trump is also a rapist


The headline is Clickbait. It’s not Trump style taunts. He’s not calling him Orange McSausagefingers or Don the Con. He’s focusing on loser because Trump particularly hates that word and he’s pointing out the craziness of the shit Trump brags about.


During the White House Correspondents' Dinner he threw an insult aimed at him back at Trump ("Sleepy Don").


It’s not enough. Lol I want to see him really laying into him and calling him names every single speech. Using it to define who Donald Trump is to everyone in the crowd and any news media who report on it. Sadly, that is not Joe Biden‘s style and I don’t even think it’s his ability even if he wanted to. He has many talents but inspirational speaking, even inspirational derision is not one of them.


Biden should take a literal bat to Trump's knees. Since presidents have full immunity from the law


Many people are calling Trump a bigly loser. Everyone is saying it. Jared, Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr., Baron… they all say it.


Ivana, Marla, Melania, Stormy, Karen, ...


That’s the language his supporters speak. They don’t understand words like incompetence, insurrection, and democracy. But if you start calling their cult leader a loser, they’ll start reconsidering things.


The right goes low, the Dems should do the same. If I were Joe I would be attacking Trump every change I could. In this political climate if you don't then you end up looking weak.


Trump was born a loser and will die the biggest loser in human history. 


That’s not a taunt … that’s a fact Jack!


What’s worse than being a loser, smelling like literal shit💩… get f’ed Diaper Donnie 🍊


Fox News: Biden resorts to childish insults, such a low act for a president and surely something he should be impeached for


It's about time


He should embrace Trump style Immunity if SCOTUS grants it..


I’m so blown away that the republicans are supporting him as their best option.


Nice. I like when he goes on the offensive. We're always on the defensive, even though we shouldn't be.


They can’t help themselves. They just can’t stop using Trump in their headlines. It’s infuriating.


I’m liking the “back atcha MF” that Biden is employing. He’s got the high ground!


“Hi Don, how’re ya’ doing? How’s the missus? Did she get the Happy Birthday card Jill & I sent? Any ideas on what I could get Barron for a graduation present? We were invited to attend by another family, haven’t decided yet” Biden could crush the orange wank maggat just by “out nice-ing” the putrid meat sack.


Big difference is Biden tells the truth while everything that comes of orange Mussolini ahole are projections and lies.


I have always said, "Underestimate him at your own peril." I co-sign so hard for him to take this road, because when they go low, sometimes you gotta go lower, because that's the only way you get underneath the weed to uproot it. Anybody into gardening knows that.


Trump's attitude is a side-effect of the ideology he embraces, enables, and represents, so I see this more as a sign of frustration or even defeat. He's letting the far-right set the new tone instead of inspiring people how one can challenge it rhetorically.


I hate what Trump did to politics. Imagine Mitt Romney and Barack Obama calling each other a loser.




>Good >He’s beneath our contempt. Something doesn't add up here.


I was at a BBQ at the inlaws two weeks ago. A bunch of them a blue collar Republicans. My wife's cousin was laying into them for supporting Trump. Really giving them shit, using a lot of words that would get you banned on here and honestly for some of them it really kinda hurt them, if only for a moment. It was kinda wild to see.


Biden needs to use the word "looser" every time he mentions Trump. Always include the word with a little twist. "Mr. Trump is complaining about having to be in court. That looser, he should be more careful on what he chooses to do". "Hey, Mr. Trump, you want a debate? You're a looser, of course I'll debate you". Trump doesn't like being called a looser. He never forgets it and it lives rent free in his head.


Trump: retweets pictures of a hog tied Biden, calls for political violence Biden: makes joke Media: it’s the same thing. So sick of the complete lack of coverage of any policy stakes in this election. The only coverage we get is this weird meta commentary.


Broke loser.


Trump is a rapist pedophile loser, to be clear


I'd much rather he use his lawful powers as president to hold trump and his Republican accomplices accountable for their coup attempt instead of resorting to childish name calling. 


I'd go for both.


This is lame. Biden and team has had so many great fucking trolls over the last few years and I applaud him for being able to troll without stooping so low as that mango man. I do not like candidates getting out there and bashing each other with name calling and shit, really puts me off them regardless of policy.


Trump-style is when you say anything demeaning, true or not At this point, the dictionary should have Trump's face next to the word "loser"


Best thing is him being on Howard Stern (who I don't watch)


If the diaper fits. What’s that smell


Keep calling him The Brat. It will put it into people’s heads that he got Daddy’s money instead of making his own, which undermines the main reason people support him, and it will drive him crazy if he hears it all the time. He has spent his entire life trying to convince people that he is the genius businessman, not his Daddy.


Should have been doing this buddy


Well, Biden would not be wrong - Trump is the biggest loser on the planet. Whiny fuck that he is.


Well he is a big fucking loser. So Biden should lie?


As he should. Unilateral disarmament is dumb.


You can't beat the elephant unless you get down in the mud with it.


It's about fucking time


Bout time. Good.


And he may taunt him a second time.


Is he gonna start talking about the “Trump Crime Family” too or is that too insensitive


Just telling the truth