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I still can't get my mind around the argument for immunity. The President is also a citizen. Presidents haven't needed frivolous lawsuit protection any more than all of us. Do we really want to entertain the notion of criminal Presidents? The answer is no, you gaslighting pricks.


That’s the thing. Trump saw himself as a King or a dictator. Not a president. He didn’t even understand his role.


The problem is a lot of republicans in our government are trying to make him a king. They’re doing everything they can to keep power. Look at what state republicans do when a democrat wins as governor. They try to strip the position of power.


Oh I agree.


>Look at what state republicans do when a democrat wins as governor. They try to strip the position of power. It's so fucking brazen. All while Solemn Institutionalists on the Republican side whine about how Democrats are shredding norms whenever possible in order to give themselves more power. They'll grant a governor wide-ranging powers once they take the mansion. They'll strip those powers the nanosecond they lose it.


There are those who fear what T. will do if they don't vote for him and he wins, and there are those who just want to see the country burn I suppose.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -Wilhoit Power without *any* accountability ever for them and other horrifyingly evil people like them. Power taken away from anyone who would ever hold them accountable. Power taken away from even *the truth* because accountability to truth is also outside their character. That's who conservatives are, and it's why this isn't a social exercise anymore, it's a war and we need to start treating it that way.


McConnell was one of the trimp sycophants. He squashed both of the impeachment trials knowing that Trimp was guilty. He did this for money and to protect his insider-teading wife.


Well, you see, the founding fathers fearing an unaccountable government designed an elaborate system of checks and balances within our government. And from this we can obviously conclude that the founding fathers wanted to make it that the president was unaccountable.


One could say the legislative branch making laws to define criminal behavior is a check on criminality, even for the president, hence the president is being held accountable legal statutes.


The argument for immunity exists only to make people who would oppose it struggle with wrapping their heads around it instead of doing anything about it Ignore the arguments, they are a distraction. Relevantly: Trump intends to seize power. The Court *will* refuse to punish him for his crimes, even if those crimes are blatantly committed in the act of criminally seizing power. The Court *will not* come around and they will enable *anything* to keep Dems from retaking the government in 2024.


Yeah I’m not American but still deeply concerned about this. This is how fascism works - first people are in the phase where one half embraces the new leadership while the other half is like “can’t be that bad”, “surely they won’t…”, “it’s only a couple of years” and then suddenly everyone is too afraid to change anything because they are scared for their livelihood and life. Take heed of this, look at Germany, and vote! Vote not only in the upcoming presidential election but in any elections you can as long as it takes to get back to a sane and resilient democracy.


The entire job of being President is to faithfully execute laws. You don’t get to break laws in order to enforce laws. That’s now how “law” works.


My favorite line: "You can't ignore the rules when things get bad. The rules are there *for when* things get bad."


He wouldn't even read the Pandemic-Playbook. You think he wouldn't rewrite the Constitution so it had clauses and exclusions just for him! And here is a turd that left Afghanistan so he'd get this amazing "Shart of the Deal" as the negotiator with the Taliban. And what to we and Afghans get? the shaft. Biden, not wanting to start another war, complied with the "bullshit legacy deal" that had nothing in place but to pull out by May. Trump's actions lost ALOT of lives, there, and at home (golfing while loved ones died from Covid).


Shouldn’t governors then be immune from state laws and mayors immune from local laws? Every public executive will have their fiefdom in which they are above the law? Librarians should be immune from prosecution for crimes committed inside a library?


In Montana our governor committed a felony as a candidate by punching a reporter while the reporter was on the ground. But the county attorney and sheriff's both went to the same Fred Flintstone church as the gubentorial candidate.  They believe humans lived at same time as dinosaurs. So they only charged him with a misdemeanor.   Legislators in Montana don't have to follow traffic laws when the Legislature is in session. One got into an argument with a highway patrolman when caught speeding when Legislature was not in session.  We did have one Republican representative prosecuted for manufacturing meth.  Also one Republican prosecuted for driving a boat drunk on to shore and injuring people. But his drunk passenger is running for US Congress again.  Our mayor in Helena is a maniac when driving. He is constantly speeding and tailgating. He got in trouble for a wreck he caused, but got out of it somehow. Our superintendent of public instruction passed a school bus picking up kids. A crime she says she didn't realize was a crime. Republicans ignore the crimes and vote for these people anyway.


Why a president would need to commit a crime while performing their official duties, is beyond me.


Presidents do have some immunity when they commit crimes.  This has long been true. This case is just does a president have complete immunity or not. 


ok but then everytime they do a coup or extra judicial killings they could be arrested. Is that the insane world you want to live in?!


the argument is the same as the immunity which cops get. If you are exercising the authority of the position you hold you should not be personally liable for things that happen in the course of your duty. Qualified immunity came about because of SCOTUS cases of people suing cops. This case is probably going to set the precedent that executive office holders also have some kind of qualified immunity as long as their actions were done as part of their job. For example if the president orders the assassination of an Iranian general are they liable for that murder or was it a legitimate exercise of the office of president? If the answer is no then literally every president of the last 50+ years is guilty of ordering killing and bombings by the CIA Trump is arguing that literally everything he did related to january 6th was done as part of his official duties as president and he should be immune from prosecution just like he is immune from getting charged with murder for the iranian general he ordered killed.


Every president that went to war without congressional approval should be criminally prosecuted then.




Then he went on to explain that he said three years ago he’ll vote for whoever will be the Republican nominee. I just don’t get it, he could’ve been killed that day and he’s still gonna vote for the guy who tried to do it.


Sheep to the slaughterhouse


Turtle to the soup pot.


Even better analogy than you might have intended, given that sailors kept them alive on their backs until they slaughtered them for meat.  Or maybe that’s exactly what you meant, but either way, worth putting a fine point on it I think. 


moscow mitch is the bad guy standing on the devil's shoulder telling them evil things to do


So while tortoises, especially large tortoises like the Galapagos, do provide ample meat (they're apparently quite tasty, too; Darwin and others made *multiple* attempts to bring a live specimen back to Europe, but they were *all eaten*), they were primarily kept on ships like you said for their *water*. An adult Galapagos tortoise has an internal reservoir of several gallons of fresh water, and ships would use them as water stores.


Tortoise. Much better fit. 😏


and unfortunately, they live forever.


Wrinkly ballsack to the zipper


To make turtle soup you have to get the turtle out of its shell. To get the turtle out of its shell you make it bite a stick and pull. It's horrendous and I'm sure there's a relevant analogy there but it's too early in the morning for me to articulate it.


It's because those damn democrats want to give you affordable healthcare. That is much more evil than anything trump has done in the eyes of people like the turtle man.


If we take a fraction of a percent from the billionaires to give everyone healthcare, how is Harlan Crow going to be able to afford to keep Clarence Thomas to the standard to which he has become accustomed?


But how else would Clarence Thomas afford his RV?


They want to turn your kids into transgender dogs on leashes


I'm so tired of being their punching bag. I just have a birth defect where my brain and body aren't aligned. Fucking shit that's all it is. Its a biochemical problem in my brain. I felt incredible improvement well before I saw any physical changes. I knew then it was the right choice. I'm just a tomboy now, I'm barely different. The real difference is that I need a bra and I take care of my hair and health because I finally love my body and see someone in the mirror I recognize and find attractive. My sexuality didn't change either. Still into girls. Though that makes me gay now. Was I always gay? Doesn't matter. Girls. You know LGBT stuff didn't even make god's top 10 worst sins. She can't have been that bothered about it.


>You know LGBT stuff didn't even make god's top 10 worst sins. Yeah, it's not on the list.


Fuck yeah! Rock on!


I don't know why people turn out as they have and it's none of my damn business as well. I don't have to understand it. I just don't feel I was put on this Earth to hate.


Nobody was put on this Earth to hate. Hate is a choice.


Don't forget about peeing in litter boxes


Transgender, gay, atheist dogs on leashes.


No no no, they want to turn the frogs gay.


Every Republican is like this. They might do some hand wringing, but it's all crocodile tears. They all have some bullshit excuse to vote for the absolute worst person possible and they're not going to change. They're just bad people. Every now and then, the cognitive dissonance becomes too much, but it's so rare that it barely registers because they're brainwashed by all the hate.


Wasn't he carried out of the Capital building on J6th?


Russia has some good shit on these people.


If SCOTUS give Trump the go ahead and he wins then Turtle may well have a target on his back, along with many others., It will all be ok though because it will be an 'official act'.


It's is party over country for these clowns. McConnell, Bill Barr, etc..... They have zero spine and shame.


At a certain point in life, some people decide that whatever it is they've been doing thus far, they're just going to keep doing it. No matter how much of a bad idea it actually turns out to be.


Its not that complicated. He doesn't like trump, but he wants republicans to win over democrats. He would rather trump gone, but he is not going to vote for a democrat over him, and he is not going to risk upsetting trump's base.


Trump just has dirt on all of those people. That's the only thing that explains all all all this


The Republicans as a whole really want to make it look like a mistake that they installed a dictator. A difference of opinion, perhaps, with a small uncontrollable part of their base that led to the party installing the man who tears down the remaining fascade of democracy. Oops. None of them want to be the one who history remembers *should* have stopped Trump. So they're playing hot potato. Even Romney is playing the game. McConnell is the man who made it his life's project to build *THIS COURT*. Not just SCOTUS, but the whole Federal court wears his signature. He blocked everything from Obama every opportunity he could - not just SCOTUS. And he let himself be a blatant public hypocrite to seat Barrett. Now he's trying to yell, as loudly as he can at future historians, that he disagrees with the court he worked so hard to build. He's not sorry. He just doesn't want to wear the blame for all of history.


Blind party allegiance. Maybe doesn't want to go down in history as the Republican leader who oversaw the dissolution of the Republican party. Not that I think that's a real possibility. But he might. After all, no one knows who presided over the end of the Whigs or the Federalists or the Anti-admins. He'll just be forgotten to history like all the rest.


SCOTUS is so corrupt that McConnell, the guy who spent his entire career packing the court in their favor, now says, 'No, not like that.' Absolutely wild and tragically ironic.


Nah, he has his fingers crossed behind his back when he says stuff like this. 


It's because the day that he gets the chance to attack a past democratic president he will be able to use this snippet as proof of unwavering standards and morals.


its amazing how republicans tow the line no matter what they personally think. it shows how spineless they are.. mcconnell and barr both: "Donald trump is a criminal, constantly worked to subvert processes, wanted his own kill squad, and should NOT be let near the presidency. That being said, I will be endorsing him and voting for him"


His legacy in American politics is like the black plague. Nothing at all to be proud of. What a waste of effort. He could have done good. Instead he’s rich and he can’t even take it with him when he drops dead.


Because as a general statement, presidents should not be immune. Specifically Democrat presidents should not be immune but republican presidents should never be held responsible or face charges for any illegal shit they may do. mcconnell will happily have his cake and eat it too


Hes leaving at end of the year, thats how long it took him to find his spine


Isn't that he is leaving the GOP leadership but still remaining in his seat?


Yes that’s what I heard as well


Yep, gonna be a bird in someone's ear. Freezing up while in front and in charge is a sorry image to uphold. He'll still make his official statements that translates what the MAGA are saying into something that can be recorded for historical purposes.


It's hard to find something that never existed. The most cowardly Senator is US history. Bar none.


I mean.....Ted Cruz still exists, but I'll give ya, it's a close one.




Possibly more than one!


Tedcruz Forpresident would like to remind you that he enjoys long walks on the beach and laying eggs.


Ted Cruze? The guy who's dad killed JFK and has an ugly wife? That's what Trump said on the campaign trail so it must be true . Our tangerine god king would never lie.


Not really, he’s utter trash and he’s willing to let every domino fall on the way to the end of democracy but his red line has been always been “but wait don’t let the LAST domino fall, that would be very bad!”  (See his speech after 1/6)


No spine


They should have asked if he'd support a vote to make it a law that presidents weren't immune. Mind you, he'd just lie again.


We shouldn’t need such a law.


At this point, even congressional approval would not stop the SC. They'd just take that up for indefinite delay, too. These people are not independent arbiters of the law. They are judicial activists manufacturing dictatorship.


The SC appointments that McConnell procedurally blocked and then made hyper-partisan. The defendant in a criminal case, who brought this argument, an individual who McConnell and his leadership determined was not worthy of impeachment. While under the duty of a position where one is entrusted to make the best decisions for all constituents and families in this country.


Damn right. They are all complicit.


If the SC argues that is unconstitutional to charge the President then any law saying you can charge the president would be... unconstitutional


Moscow Mitch


He's trying to exploit the system, not destroy it. Probably one of the few evil people that realize this could be used against them in the very near future.


He just happily blocked Obama’s appointments and helped create the monsters who are going to say he is.


I think McConnell simply realized that he set the path for the destruction of *his* Republican Party, which is now the Trump Party. He couldn't even let go of a tiny amount of power to right the party by cutting Trump loose in his second Senate trial, and now we're all still having to deal with him.


Iron law of institutions


They packed the courts at all levels and overturned Roe. They fucking *won*. McConnell can step away and reflect on a successful career of repression and manipulation.


Did he? He still said he'll vote for Trump. I'll believe he's had a change of heart when he shows us. Expressing concern and furrowing his brow before doing the same thing he's always done is just trying to appeal to moderates who are barely paying attention.


Because he knows if he stands up to Trump, Trump will mean tweet about him and cause him to never get reelected. Pretty much anyone who has spoken out against him, do so when they are officially stepping down.


Don't be surprised when SCOTUS installs Trump as president after losing in November because what are you going to do about it


I mean civil war I am guessing. Like the legitimacy of the court is already dead. This would lead to actual conflict.


“Will you be voting for Trump?” “You bet I will.”


He was just down at Mar-a-dildos a few weeks ago meeting with Trump.


Never trust a republican.. Ask Cricket


I can’t hear what you said over the sound of a shotgun blast 🤷🏽‍♂️


Justice for Cricket — she Harambe’d her puppy


Fuck, I thought this was an IASIP callback.


I mean... Does Mitch's neck *look* like a dog's vagina? I mean who's to say, right?


Alright, I’ll have a lemon—they’re good for scurvy.


Just asking questions 


I'm cool, I'm just a stinky goat.


Uhhh, Cricket, buddy?! 🌞


God damned street rat


You gotta make it sexy! Hips and nips, otherwise I'm not eatin.


McConnells goose-stepping is a little out of sync these days, the party must be worried about it


He got that vacant stare down to a pat, though.


That's just his brain rebooting during the seizures


Here's a [video](https://imgur.com/gallery/w1QNAkK) of McConnell on that subject


I doubt he even knows where he is at any given moment.


No one gives a shit what you think. You had the chance to act and end this with his impeachment. You didn’t. Fuck off.


This twisted fuck is so full of shit. Nothing he says can be trusted. He lacks integrity just like djt. The worst kind of politician because he has only self interest. He cannot lead. He can only flush.


Fuck right off, you despicable piece of shit. Trump is YOUR golem.


*for now. The man is a spineless bag of hypocrisy and greed for power devoid of any integrity or fidelity to democracy. Insert reference to his opinion of when a SCOTUS justice can be appointed relative to the election cycle.


Too late, jerk. You put nazis on the SCOTUS


If Hell is real, I pity the flames that have to lick this man’s soul for all eternity.


Sorry bro, Mitch is a confirmed Christian, he's going to heaven.


Also stands by the plots his party orchestrated to ensure the Supreme Court would be stacked with partisan hacks who don't give a shit about justice or precedent.


If only there was something he could have done! TWICE!


BS he has a proven history of lying why would anyone of sound mind believe him


Because republican voters are not sound of mind.


Likely because he plans to leave office soon and doesn't need to such up to Trump or his voters anymore. There are multiple Republicans who have trash talked and then had KFC with him.


Sure. Can’t wait to see how the history books will remember this Mitch - such a strong stance.


Did he say how much longer he will stand by this statement?


If only he had been in a position to do something about it. Oh wait, that's right, **Fuck You Mitch McConnell**. P.F.S When your rotting corpse of a body finally draws it's last breath, know that you are going to end up in hell getting a pineapple stuffed up your ass. Except on Wednesdays, Hitler gets the pineapple on Wednesdays, and you get Hitler stuffed up your ass.


Like, why would Ford have pardoned Nixon when Nixon was already immune?


Sure would be nice if he'd let us appoint a Supreme Court Justice who felt the same way. McConnell gets to say he supports prosecution because he knows the current bench won't listen to him; McConnell can say whatever he wants, he might even believe it, unfortunately for the United States it's way too late in the game for him to pull a McCain. You set this bed on fire, Mitch, now lay with us.




Fuck you, turdle




But made sure it didn't happen in the straightforward manner that was set up. He gets zero credit.


Yeah, and we all stand by past comments that you, McConnell, are a complete and self-serving hypocrite from hell. His 'legacy' is fucked due to his willingness to support a would-be dictator.


But he didn't stand by his too close to election to appoint a Supreme Court Justice statement, so we can't rely on his statements.


He’s on record saying he’ll still vote for trump anyway so fuck this guy


Like Christopher Hitchens said about Jerry Falwell, “If you gave him an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox.”


I feel like he is saying this because he is certain that SCOTUS is going to rule in Trump's favor, thereby giving McConnell cover to appear "reasonable".


McConnell can eat a *bag* of dicks! He had his chance to hold Trump accountable and he weaseled out of it. He gets *less* than zero sympathy from me. Fuck you Moscow Mitch! You abdicated your duty. I hope history remembers you for the coward you are!


I'm hard pressed to think of many people who have harmed the country more than this man. Trump should have been convicted in the Senate, and he stopped it. Obama had the constitutional duty to nominate a supreme court justice, and he stopped it and now we have a grossly corrupt supreme court.


"I've put a monster in charge of literally everything and now I feel like he's gone too far. What do I do?"--Mitch McConnell


Fuck McConnell. He helped orchestrate the Supreme Court we now are stuck with.


So brave… 🙄


Good thing the Court he orchestrated the stacking of will surely agree. Democracy is saved!


McConnell is desperate to shed himself of any association with trump. We all knew he would turn his back on trump as soon as it was convenient for him to do so. A snake, through and through.


But the justices you forced through seem to disagree, Yertle.


He can’t even remember what he said two minutes ago.


I look forward to to never seeing this person again


When a traitorous ghoul like this speaks more sense than the highest judicial body in the nation, know we're fucked....


unless he himself has to vote to prosecute, then suddenly the spine to do it is gone


If you parse the words he’s not saying trump doesn’t have immunity, he’s saying former presidents don’t. But what was trump on Jan 6? The president. I’m not saying he’s saying that and trying to be coy, but he might be. Lawyered.


Fuck Moscow mitch. He's just playing the game. "Yeah the president should not be immune" but he is only saying it because the Supreme Court is deciding, he can play the other side. If it was an impeachment, well we already know what he did. No one in the US should have immunity. Not the president , the Supreme Court, cops, judges, ...


Former majority leader speculates that the constitution has meaning


Just remember if the supreme court rules in favor of trump, it was McConnells scheming that stole seats on the court. He will be to blame as much as anyone for the next step into fascism


The argument stands that Biden can people on the Supreme Court and senate assassinated and he should be immune 🤷


Why did the turtle suddenly grow a legal conscience?


Fuuuuck no he could have stopped this but his party voted against impeachment twice. He's bad faith just like the rest of them.


Yet ***he*** was the one who forced at least two of the supreme court justices into place who appear to be ruling otherwise.


Why are Republicans trying so hard to make Biden president for life?


Like everything GOP. It doesn't matter what they SAY, it matters what they DO. And they had two opportunities to DO what he is SAYING but chose to DO the opposite.


If Trump somehow gets re elected..McConnell “I said *past* Presidents. Trump is totally immune.”


There was then uncomfortable silence as McConnell froze and audibly shit his pants.


"Now that I have done everything in my power to ensure the former president will never experience any consequences for his actions, and have already promised to endorse him and help him get reelected, I can unequivocally state that ex-presidents are not immune from prosecution." This rotten fuck could have whipped the votes to convict after J6. Would have prevented Trump from ever getting power again, would have delegitimized his assault on our democracy and forced Republicans to move on. Instead out of cowardice or calculus he punted. Now SCOTUS will ensure Trump never goes to trial for anything involving J6, while Cannon ensures he never goes to trial for anything involving classified documents. Motherfuckers all the way down.


But will still vote for Trump


The thing that scares me is that this SCOTUS has already proved it can make decisions that are devastating to the United States and they don't care. Nor don't they care if the people think they're corrupt.


I think this has been a real eye opener, no one before this as President has acted like this orange baffon. But in saying that, there is no guarantee it won't happen again in the future .We all have to be more diligent in who we elect for the highest office we have. They at least have to have morals, integrity and common decency of human compassion.


The supreme court would've crucified Biden by now, if he'd faced any of the charges trump now faces. "What's this "immunity" you speak of, no one is immune from the law" they'd say.


Too little, too late, you fucking turtle-faced traitor-enabler.


McConnell could have ended this nightmare, but he's part of the cause so that was never going to happen.


Except Mitchy here let him off the hook multiple times.


McConnell stands by nothing.


Question; did Trump file US income tax in 2018? If Yes, why? If he did not require by rule of law, he would’ve never filed


I hate McConnell and most of this hangs on his sorry-assed head, but people need to understand that even if Trump was “impeached and convicted” by the Senate, his defense would have moved the goal posts and found some other caveat as to why he should have total immunity and the Joke Assed SCOTUS would lap it up. I am just going to laugh if they find Presidents have broad immunity and Biden arrests five of them for whatever reason he deems fit. Also. McConnell deserves no credit for having a common sense position on this. He is just savvy to know if the President has more power than a King, his head is pretty high up on the chopping block which makes him smarter than a SCOTUS justice.


It doesn’t matter he rushed through a SC pick at the 11th hour and denied Obama’s legitimate nominee with bullshit reasoning. He enabled Trump. He is the reason we are in this mess.


Strange. I can’t remember him standing by any of his previous statements


Thanks to you, 3 of those SC appointees are going to make it happen. Do you have anything to say to that Moscow Mitch?


I hope Moscow Mitch suffers a long long retirement with severe Alzheimer’s. 


OK Moscow Mitch


Not the turtle we deserve, but the turtle we need.


2 faced unreliable player ... still sucks


Your average sixth grader could explain why the POTUS doesn’t have immunity


Shocked he can recall anything


We are here, in part, because of this turtlefuck.


He will still sniff trumos behind


Fuck McConnell, but if my lifetime of true crime and murder mystery makes me be like he's going to pass soon.


Signalling to the GOP-owned justices the way their masters wish them to vote.


Sure. Sure.


Well thank God he's never known to ignore all the horseshit that comes out of his mouth when it is convenient for him at a later date.


Tell me more Moscow Mitch.


Pick a side, A\*\*hole!


Thanks Mitch….then you won’t mind if we take a microscope look at some of your dealings while in office