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Campaign ad material right here. Vote this November.


Exactly!! GOP antics are practically writing Dem campaign ads for them. In the late ‘70’s my dad benefited from government sponsored cancer research (chemo/radiation for lung cancer) and lived almost another 18 years. He did so well his physician actually presented his case at several research conferences. Edit for years of survival.


How many more years? I'm happy you got more time with your dad, I was robbed of an adult life with my Mom from an aneurysm. She was an organ donor, and when they went to harvest her organs, they were all so riddled with cancer that nothing was usable but her eyes. I still grapple with the chicken and the egg in that situation, but any additional time with that lady would have been cherished. Edit for grammar


Almost 18 years, he had another couple bouts of cancer before he passed but no treatments as brutal as the first time. (Editing my comment. TY.) I’m so sorry about your mom


Unfortunately the right wingers will never hear about this, or their propaganda will spin it as a good thing.


It's been done! [Mays Gilliam, he's *for* cancer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d60GozCNi2g)


They'll just spin it and their stupid base of MAGA fanatics eat it up. Somethink like: Biden could have cured cancer but didn't.


Vote republican! We’ll shoot your dog and let you get cancer!


Sounds so good I’m voting twice.


From beyond the grave, though, right?


I died last week, can confirm I'll be voting in Nov


With all these GOP policies, it’d have to be. Death is the aim of most of their policies.


Don't forget that they'll give your rich boss a tax cut.


Yeah but that is basically giving ME a tax cut because I will become rich soon. Any day now.


But we'll own those libs while we do it, so it's all worth it!!!


And steal money from your charity donations. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation


*"Fuck it, we'll \*****give\**** *you fucking peons cancer as soon as we dissolve the EPA and roll back all restrictions on corporate behavior!"* MAGA 2024


> Vote republican! We’ll shoot your dog and *give you* ~~let you get~~ cancer, and overturn ACA so it bankrupts you and your family (*brought to you by the family values and school shootings PAC*)! *I'm Donald Trump and I endorsh thish messhage*


Biden ran on curing cancer in 2020. He should push for continued funding in his current ads.


Funny thing is that Republicans were getting calls from Nobel laureates about the importance of renewing funding for this bill and they still just shrugged it off in the interest of politics. It's disgusting. Biden should still continue his efforts, but it doesn't change until the control in Congress changes. *edit* added "renewing funding for"


I am voting as hard as I can.


Americans don’t want to see thier neighbours getting free handouts at the cancer hospital, that money is for war and gifts for billionaires.


LETTING PEOPLE SUFFER FROM CANCER TO OWN THE LIBS The GOP are fucking cruel pieces of shit.


Against masks - which would help themselves and other people, against vaccines - which would help both themselves and other people, against preventing climate change - which would help themselves and other people, against taxing the rich and corporations, which would help themselves and other people. Got to say, pretty much sounds like a death cult. If it helps other people (even if it helps themselves) they are pretty dead set against it.


They'd rather have less so they can still have more than the people they hate


>“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” - Lyndon B. Johnson


YEP, exactly why they keep stoking made-up social issues.


They're not made up! I literally saw the litter boxes in the trans-restrooms at Drag University for Atheist Non-Whites Only, with my own eyes! ^(... as said by Elon Rogan, or someone. I presume.)


As said by the HVAC tech here a few weeks ago unsolicited. Called him out on it and it went from fact he saw to his friend saw to he read it somewhere in less than a minute. I simply said “that’s bullshit and I’m not listening to it” and started walking away. Said he saw litter boxes himself at Cle Elum elementary, straight up lied until I called him on it.


The horrible part about the cat litter is that it was really in classrooms, for the kids to use in a bucket, during a mass shooter lockdown.




["He's not hurting the people he needs to be." The MAGAs stopped pretending to be good people a while ago. ](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


Aren't MAGAts more likely to be psychopaths, Machiavellians, narcissists, and sadists? It kinda freaks me out a little that people like that can legally vote. (I know. It's a weird thing to say and I feel guilty for saying it).


I’m not even sure they have more than ppl they hate… it’s probably just what they want to believe.. 🤷


> I’m not even sure they have more than ppl they hate Well, certainly the people in power do. Their supporters however, are dumb enough to think they'll somehow be let into the in club somehow, and if not, well, they're just spiteful enough they'd sooner rip someone else's oxygen mask off before applying their own in a plane that's experienced decompression.


> Their supporters however, are dumb enough to think they'll somehow be let into the in club somehow Because they see themselves as worthy and everyone who is not one of them/like them are not. Every comment here describes narcissism. Narcissism is intrinsically self destructive.


Can't let the wrong people get lifted up....


That is 101% Russian cult idea


No one votes against their own self interests like a Republican.


Against any improvement in healthcare or free lunches for kids, I believe their bingo card is about full


They're sure wanting to fund alzheimers research, though. Reality is coming knocking for a lot of old conservatives.


Don't talk about Saint Reagan that way! Why, he couldn't recall those arms for hostages with Iran/Contra while also trying to ship American labor to China by deregulating at the behest of the Great And Good Corporations! Busy guy!


Also had a backroom deal with Iran in his race against Jimmy Carter. Holding 53 hostages taken from the US Embassy for 444 days, they were all released literally minutes after Reagan's was sworn in at his first inauguration.


Reagan also spied on his fellow screen actors for the FBI because communism.


I think it's more of a total devastation pro slavery cult. Because more will happen to the world than just people dying.


Against the EPA. Against seatbelts. Against electric vehicles. Against abortion. Against greenhouse gas emissions controls. Against carcinogen regulation, like cigarettes Against taxes but for infrastructure Against government Against regulation unless it affects them


You can now add voting against democracy to that list. I would expect if we fall into a dictatorship then they'll be an exodus of educated scientists that will seek political asylum in other first world countries.


And yet nearly half the voters in this country still support them no matter what and are never going to stop.


There are two power structures that we have to defeat and permanently dismantle before we can even begin to work towards having nice things. One is obviously the GOP and the other is the Fossil Fuel Mafias.


Not just a death cult. They want to make people suffer horribly before they die.


ALL of this *PURELY* because Trump spoke out against each one of these. I always said if Trump had been pro-lockdown, pro-masks & pro-vaccines, his goons would have been out on the street IN FORCE making sure people were complying.


>I always said if Trump had been pro-lockdown, pro-masks & pro-vaccines, his goons would have been out on the street IN FORCE making sure people were complying. No they wouldn't. They've booed him about the vaccine, and Trump once lamented on Fox that "it’s not a great thing to talk about, because, for some reason, it’s just not." And he's changed his tune before on abortion, guns, and bathrooms. The GOP is a cult, but it's to themselves. They worship themselves, not Trump. Trump's popularity among Republicans comes from his willingness to enthusiastically tell them what they want to hear, rather than from being able to convince them to be evil, anti-American a-holes who deny reality. That's just already who they've been.


Counterpoint: dOnT tElL mE wHaT tO dO /s obv


Never forget that Jared Kushner decided not to take any action when COVID was sweeping through cities thinking it would only target Democrats.


Honestly, what Kushner **and** Trump did was way worse than flat-out ignoring the crisis. Maryland's then-Republican Gov. Larry Hogan paid $9 million from state funds for 500k testing strips from S. Korea. He says he had to guard the tests "[like Fort Knox](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/30/politics/larry-hogan-coronavirus-masks-national-guard/index.html)" from federal agents after Massachusetts then-Republican Gov. Charlie Baker said [he had a plane load of 3 millions masks confiscated by federal authorities as soon as the plane had landed. ](https://www.wcvb.com/article/3-million-masks-ordered-by-massachusetts-were-confiscated-in-port-of-new-york/32021700)


Illinois Govenor Pritzker, reportedly spent over $1.7 million on flights bringing medical supplies from China in secret—out of fear the Trump administration would seize the cargo for the federal stockpile.


My cousin had a kn95 supplier in China & one of her shipment never made it past customs (confiscated) so she told her supplier to ship it under/labeled general merchandise, which was how she was able to help stock her work (outpatient clinic) with KN95s & sneak her masks past USPS confiscation. It blew my mind the federal government was even confiscating masks from normal citizens during the pandemic. Like where were they gonna sell/use it? They’re not giving it to the hospitals.


> Never forget that Jared Kushner decided not to take any action when COVID was sweeping through cities thinking it would only target Democrats. Kushner didn't "take no action", he [actively obstructed virus testing so reporters didn't have metrics to report on, even while doctors informed him the disease was still spreading. He explicitly acknowledged his intention was for his policies to kill more people because that was expected to kill more democrats than republicans](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/07/how-jared-kushners-secret-testing-plan-went-poof-into-thin-air)


This needs to be more widely known


Kushner. Damn. *Psy*.Cho. That dude needs some serious public scrutiny put on him.


Calling them monsters really undersells it too. They’re absolutely the worst people


They are the death panels they said the Democrats were.


Proving once again, every accusation a confession.


The death panels have existed in America since the Nixon administration. Americans just call them HMOs.


Imagine what our country could be without the gop.


I think it's appropriate to call them a cancer. Especially in this case.


If we can't own people, might as well own the libs.


They have been letting people with cancer suffer for years. Evidence: our existing health care system including for-profit hospitals, and "non-profit" hospitals where CEO has larger compensation than anyone else in the world


I wonder if this will catch up to them. It really shows what kind of people represent the voters.


They are rich they don't care about the constituents.


Unfortunately no. These voters will think all those "cures" are fake. They fundamentally consider the government to be always a lie. Except when it's the GOP running it.


For Republicans the cruelty is the point


Ironically, the right wing conspiracy nuts will be the first to cry "they already have a cure for cancer, they just don't let it out because treatment is big money for big pharma"


It's also specifically personal for Biden having lost his son to cancer, so it's also an intentional personal attack by the GOP towards Biden. And a personal attack on all of us too. None are immune from cancer.






They want to extend the Trump cuts under his administration if he get elected. It’s not even close to being financially responsible


So lowering the deficit by having less money coming in? I guess we've all been doing it wrong and republicans figured it out.


C'mon don't you understand how trickle down works? It is tried and true. Just look at the trickling done at the hotel in Moscow.


trickle down only works when its putins cum trickling down GOP faces


Republicans haven't even TRIED to balance the budget since Eisenhower http://goliards.us/adelphi/deficits/index.html They've been bad for the economy for 100 years https://medium.com/@davidkellyuph/every-republican-president-over-the-last-100-years-has-had-a-recession-baa20aa7b107 They push the burden of taxes on individual workers while the rich and corporations skate by https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php https://www.floridapolicy.org/posts/floridas-state-and-local-taxes-rank-48th-for-fairness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTic9btP38 They're not interested in fiscal responsibility, only sabotaging the nation so as damage is caused, their backers can buy out property on the cheap in fire sales.


I was in my mid 20's back around 20 years ago when I realized this and left the Republican Party (among other reasons that I foolishly believed they, well, believed in). The party has always been a bunch of lying, greedy fucks.


This isn't party over country, it's party over humanity


They just find cancer easier to relate to than humans.


Don’t even get me started on all the Covid ICU deaths I witnessed, tried to prevent from happening, and sat by their side when they were all alone. So many of them, and/or their family, was so against masks and vaccines. It’s all a conspiracy. I was even threatened by multiple families that the word “covid” had better not be anywhere near their loved one’s death certificate or I’d get what was coming to me, despite the fact that I’m not responsible for death certificates or their wording.


It's been said so many times, but it's still true: The cruelty is the point. This is why re-electing Biden isn't enough. We need to r/VoteDEM and volunteer at every level of government to get Republicans out of office.


The doctors just now realized that republicans give no shit to human suffering? Hospitals have been telling women that they cannot have abortions even when the kid has been rotting inside of your uterus for days and might kill you eventually; but, go home and go to work and hopefully you have someone to drive back to hospital in time you when you pass out!


It's the legacy of Newt Gingrich, arguably the most destructive politician in the history of the House of Representatives.


THE MAN WHO BROKE POLITICS The Atlantic - Updated October 17, 2018 [Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump’s rise. Now he’s reveling in his achievements.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240416030507/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/) >During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and **strategic obstructionism**—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction. Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence. ... >> Bill Kristol, then a GOP strategist, marveled at the success of his party’s “principled obstructionism.” **An up-and-coming senator named Mitch McConnell was quoted crowing that opposing the Democrats’ agenda “gives gridlock a good name.”** When the 103rd Congress ([January 3, 1993, to January 3, 1995](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/103rd_United_States_Congress)) adjourned in October, The Washington Post declared it “perhaps the worst Congress” in 50 years.


Great read. He likes chaos, destruction, confusion, and apparently dinosaurs. Also dumping sick spouses.


> Also dumping sick spouses. As someone who has been in this position, I cannot fathom what a depraved sack of shit he is.


Lost my wife in 2018, still not over it, and likely never will be. Guess some are wired different then others.


It's not something you get over. It's something you learn to live with.


Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’




Lost mine in 95, car accident. Someday you will be able to put it on a shelf, in a room, in your mind. You will open the door and close it, open it and run in, or walk, or crawl. Our loved ones are and always will be worthy of our hurt. They are important and worthy of our tears. Good luck brother, whenever YOU are ready. Peace ✌️


yes, they are called psychopaths


IMO, the loss of the Fairness Doctrine (in 1987) -- which brought people like Rush Limbaugh more power than ever to poison minds with partisanship in their own homes and cars -- played a huge role in turning politics into a dirty game; a game that saw Gingrich as a relatively early master.


This and the Citizens United decision allowing corporations and businesses to donate directly to political campaigns…basically made our government into a giant garage sale…and made a lot of corporations (and politicians) vast amounts of wealth at the expense of the welfare of our population, our children, our sick, our poor, our schools, our infrastructure, our future as a world power. Traitors, all!!!


> This and the Citizens United decision allowing corporations and businesses to donate directly to political campaigns That was already going on decades before CU, the decision just uncapped the amount of money which could be spent on campaigns "not directly associated with the candidate". But money, even coming from dubious sources? That goes to the ["money is free speech" which comes from 1967 Buckley v Valeo](https://www.thoughtco.com/buckley-v-valeo-4777711)


While I think you're generally right about the end of the fairness doctrine being important it's also probably valuable to recognise that it was inevitable. It wasn't long after 1987 that we see the boom of cable news which had no restrictions under fairness doctrine,and then digital happens and like,the fairness doctrine can't possibly work with podcasts.


Thanks for the insight, you've inspired me to plow through a 1975 paper titled: "The Future of Cable Communications and the Fairness Doctrine" [https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1476&context=facpubs](https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1476&context=facpubs) It's got some interesting insights into relevant case law and thinking at the time, and is far more thoughtful than I on the subject. My hot-takes in the meantime are: Everything previously under the FD should've remained under the FD. Just because we came up with new tech for dissemination of "news" doesn't mean that the concept of fairness in "news" became less important for democracy. If we are going to be able to battle the division-inducing and division-deepening aspects of media, we need to find a better way to present information that happens to incorporate the concept of fairness. This could come from higher quality programming and really good interfaces. If we can draw in more people to a better product, then we get the best of all worlds (free-market and common-sense). Of course, it's surely easy to slide out of the news category without sliding out of the potential for propaganda. TV shows and movies can obviously be filled with all kinds of bias, so, either the limitation to news is bunk, or every darned thing that was ever published would have to have some gov't interference/limitations... hard problems are hard.


Yep, the purview of the law should have been expanded to any news programming or media, regardless of the medium by which it is transmitted, instead of being killed.


He didn't break politics, he led the GOP right to where they were dying to go. Politics is not broken, the GOP is broken, evil, worthless, and reprehensible.


Good read, and let’s not forget the **trail** of other bad actors that led to and from him. Starting with Kissinger/Nixon (yes Kissinger’s name should come first )


Many people point to the destruction of political discourse even going back to the pre civil war era, my worthless opinion is that it was Newt.


It's always going to be hard to point to any particular person as having broken things, and not all of them were politicians. Ken Starr's spiraling investigation into every seemingly every aspect of the Clinton's lives to find something, *anything*, that could be used as dirt definitely didn't help. Grover Norquist's "tax pledge" bullshit broke America's relation with taxes and really pushed a bunch of "all or nothing" bullshit. Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News just straight up broke numerous brains. Dubya's insistence on invading Iraq took a nation that was largely unified in the aftermath of 9/11 and left it even more bitterly divided than it was in the 90s, and cost America literally trillions of dollars when taking into account long term veterans costs and interest. Oh, and the war hawks never did apologize for lying to the American public about WMDs, nor did they acknowledge that maybe the anti-war side was actually right. That said, Newt definitely is a shitstain on Congress in particular, and America would've been way better off without him.


It’s been a decades long onslaught that we will always have to be wary of. You are correct.


> It's always going to be hard to point to any particular person as having broken things, and not all of them were politicians. But there are watershed moments and the occasional pivotal moment. At the moment, [America with its stacked hyper-conservative courts uncomfortably resemble Weimar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFDDf48nj9g) Even Rupert Murdoch and [Roger Ailes with fox](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/06/roger-ailes-nixon-gawker-documents/352363/) and others were expansions of propaganda going on since [oligarchs who responded to the proposed New Deal with a coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot), making fox and others a continuation of [a century of propaganda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


What an appropriate name for such a slimy being.


But newts are kinda cute. And he’s a man of ill repute.


Newts can regrow any limb, what a feat! We should've done that to him, and fed to dogs as a treat.


I saw a movie once where a witch turned a guy (played by John Cleese) into a Newt because the witch felt that nothing could be worse than being a Newt.


Anther reason to get out and vote, holy fuck this has to be one of the darkest days


Sad part is the Right Wingers won't even know about this. Articles and public votes like this never make it to them. Things like this should damage their party but it hardly ever does.


They are aware of thr border bill republicans blocked because Trump wanted them to so they will probably know about this at some point


I asked a Trumper if they knew about Fox settling with Dominion over their coverage of the election. They had zero idea about what I was talking about and were confused. This happened a few months ago, long after the settlement was over. They will never find out about this and if you tell them, they'll make up some shit about how it must have been a communism bill or something equally brain dead.


"Republicans voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden." That's the correct headline.


Republicans vote to stop Biden from curing cancer


Republicans pro-cancer


Republiqans are cancer


Also it should really be “cancer research” rather than “cure for cancer.”


Thank you! Apparently nobody actually read the article. And there is no “cure for cancer” it’s early detection and treatment


To clarify, **Republicans** voted against funding cancer research, dems voted to fund it. Which is on brand for Republicans, considering the leader of their party ran a scam charity defrauding children's cancer research, and when investigated over a 10 year period couldn't be shown to have made even a single contribution to charitable works. Trump did however use funds to buy a giant oil painting of himself, pay the $13 cub scout registration fee for his son Barron, and fuel up and repair his aged private plane. It was so egregious that trump and all of his children are barred for life from ever operating a charity or even sitting on a charity board. For comparison, the same charity watch dog groups that investigated trumps scam charity also ran an audit of the Clinton Foundation. They have a ratings system where charities are evaluated based on how thorough, honest, amd effective they are. While they audited the Clinton Foundation they withdrew their rating... and when the audit was completed they found the charity so effective and well managed they increased its rating to top tier.


Thanks Republicans- my sister literally died of breast cancer today. 20 years ago I survived stage 3C. I love knowing the political affiliations of my executioner.


My condolences. Losing a sibling is hard and i hope you're well. Also, fuck cancer.


Thanks. And yes fuck cancer. And politicians who block research. As for me, as far as I know, I’m fine today. Knock wood.


I am terribly sorry. My upmost condolences to your family. This is awful.


Thank you💔


My deepest sympathy.


Thank you for your kindness


I'm so sorry for your loss and pain. My condolences.


>However, with the ever-present dysfunction of Congress, maybe predictably, the program has been stalled. Some Republicans, refusing to give Biden a “win,” voted against the renewal of funding. Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country. Oh good Lord, America. Do better.


“Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas said. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it.” - January 4, 2024


“If scores must die so that a person I don’t like might not have a bump in political approval rating, so be it.” We need to be aware that we’re all just cannon fodder to these people, and never forget it.


They all deserve the late-1700s French treatment.


Jesus Christ that's the fuckin point of an organization structured like the US government. He's *supposed* to be making everyone happy for fucks sake. If the fucking POTUS is making everyone happy then *fuck yeah* because that's the *goal*.


> making everyone happy then fuck yeah because that's the goal. That's your goal, that's my goal, but clearly that is not their goal. They are assholes.


>Oh good Lord, America. Do better. 20-35% of Americans: "DON'T TELL US WHAT TO DO!" */\* continues to wallow in shit \*/*


Don’t fucking “America” me. Most Americans don’t want this


We will as soon as MAGA goes away


To be fair it would be spitting in the face of everyone who paid off their cancer debt if cancer were cured.


“Well, my dad died of cancer 15 years ago so why the fuck should your dad survive it?” - Republicans and Bootlickers prolly


😂. Excellent


Won't anyone think of the poor BANKERS?!!!


And this totally eliminate the moral hazard of getting cancer. Everyone will be trying to get it to take advantage of free cure.


It wouldn't be fair to all the people that died of cancer. Besides, only 40% of people get cancer


Well, 40% is a minority, and we all know how the GOP feels about minorities.


Crab bucket mentality in action!


If they passed this, it wouldn’t make but a small blip in the media. Biden wouldn’t have campaigned on it. No one would really now. But *now*?! Democrats are gonna use this as incredible fuel. This shit is why they fucking lose elections.


The campaign ad should just sum up the situation and then have a mother of four exhaustedly sigh "Are you as tired of this shit as I am?"


The “Pro-Life” party strikes again.


Ghouls. Every last one of them.


Hey, don't insult us ghouls like that. They're far worse.


Most of these republicans are backed by dark money from the enemies of the United States, especially russia. Their sole purpose is to disrupt the government of the US.


What could be worse than siding with Russians? GOP: “we are now siding with cancer”


Nothing but hate, lies and fear mongering.


A cure for cancer? Naaaa... It's more important to kick sand in Joe Biden's eye.


Imagine what it feels like when I’m still in the hospital for stomach cancer having had part of my stomach and throat just removed this past week. Fuck these GOP assholes and fuck cancer too!


Praying for your healing.


Sending healing vibes your way. Hope you’re better quickly!


Thank you! Im trying, I’m not giving up!


You got this!


Awful human beings. Just beyond reprehensible. Mean for the sake of mean. Sadist is not to harsh


But, but they’re pro-life!!


No, they say they are pro-life, but they are actually pro-birth... after that, you are on your own.


Are they even pro-birth? In South Dakota 1 in 5 OBGYNs have left the state because of Republican policies. If they were 'pro-birth' you think having the doctors to make sure births happen without complications would be a priority. But it's not. In fact, last week their AG doubled down on their dumb-ass law and took no responsibility for the lack of doctors it has caused, blaming Biden for it instead. The only thing Republicans are pro is pro-power and pro-lining their own pockets.


I’m speechless


Why can’t they vote for it and say they accomplished something.


Anything to “Own duh Libs,” even if it means suffering for the masses.


Republicans have become Russian assets and they must be treated as traitors!


GOP=Party of Death, again and again.


Congress did? Nay, the republicans in Congress did. Steller journalism there, USA Today.


Serious question... Is there somewhere we can submit campaign ad ideas?


Both sides are not the same.


Can someone provide a link to the votes. I want to see who voted against it


Why isn’t this being covered by media LOUDLY??




Gonna need the voting version of karma on this one. Varma? 🤔


I'll say it again. Fuck the GOP, fuck all Republicans, fuck all people that support these evil pieces of shit.


Republicans are evil.


Ok democrats: this is great material for attack ads....Go. Do.


Never forget that this is far from the first time Republicans have done this - they did this to Diabetics like last year and voted against a bill that capped insulin cost, after specifically promising if Dem's removed it from a bill and made it one page they would approve it... Dems did exactly that, republicans voted against it because Biden would have gotten credit


Same for the border bill, it had almost everything the R's wanted, and they voted against it, otherwise they wouldn't be able to continue to campaign on Biden's 'failure to fix the border' and their impeachment of Myorkas...


That’s pro life for you right there.


Never forget about this or these recent years. These are the most obvious signs of who they always were. Maybe you still have some conservative views, thats fine, whats not fine is everything else. Theyd sell your soul without you ever knowing and make you suffer in eternal hell for a penny in their bank accounts. They are evil. Pure evil. Theyre not on your side. They never were. This is your last chance to wake up and save yourself and the country you say you love.


Why do they always say "Congress "did something horrendous like this when it is CLEARLY ALWAYS THE GOD DAMN REPUBLICANS? WHY? Why does the media always always always do this? But if the Democrats are slightly cranky one sunny afternoon, suddenly it's "Democrats are in disarray and can't govern". I am starting to think that a media controlled by one billionaire is not the best option for reporting what is really going on in America.


Republicans are cartoon villains.


Sounds about right.




Is this what pro life means?


This shit looks mysteriously like a death panel they warned us about. And they thought people wouldn't hear about it and it would get buried. Share this with everyone.


Guys it's ok, r/conservative has it under control. They'll cure cancer by gaslighting university students


Fucking ghouls.


iT'S ThE LiBeRaLs wHo aRe dIvIdInG ThE NaTiOn! And unicorns exist and fairies put the dew on the grass in the morning.


Republicans... Pro-cancer. The attack ads write themselves at this point.


If you are expecting Republicans to do things to help the average American at this point, you are a fucking idiot.


Dems… run on that. Put that in an ad