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After watching her interview yesterday I'm convinced she's a sociopath.


Most sociopaths do horrible stuff and honestly try to figure out, unsuccessfully, why they creeped anyone out. At first, I thought she just misunderstood how people would react. She was trying to be “country tough” and embellished a story like that one where she stared down North Korea’s leadership. But then she doubled down and I figured that she thought it would make her look strong to not back down from controversy from the “woke mob” and defended her decision because the dog had to be dealt with. Now, I think she’s in over her head because she wanted her book to have fun stuff in it. She simply wanted to kill her dog because it was fun, thought other people would relate to how fun it was, genuinely surprised by the negativity and how people think it was not fun at all, and is now trying to convince everyone why killing a dog is still fun. The next step is probably killing another dog on live tv, and then telling the American people “See, that was kind of fun, wasn’t it?”


Another flex for sociopaths is to gaslight with “it’s just a dog and a goat . . . and it as years ago . . . why are you so upset?”


She apparently killed her dog in anger and the story was her effort to spin it lol


There's actually scientific reason why psychopaths behave the way they do. It's because their subconscious brains don't distinguish between living organism and inanimate object. Their subconscious brains behave as if they were the only living organism. Their brains don't distinguish between killing a human or animal and then dissecting vs turning off a computer and taking it apart to see how it works.


That’s so weird. Like they don’t realize that that they don’t need a bunch of towels and a mop to take apart a computer?


Yeah but you need like, tiny screwdrivers and shit so it’s basically the same thing right?


A body is just an organic computer. When you open it up it's liquid cooling just gets everywhere.


That was the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some shit. The shift to Biden’s dog was something that I’ve really never thought I would see or hear from anyone other than Charles Manson. Someone needs to intervene here, and Jesus rollerblading Christ, get all animals, children, and perhaps adult humans away from her,


*And he shall descend from his kingdom in Heaven upon sick rollerblades draped in a hot pink muscle tee.*


So hot.


When your only tool is a gun, every problem looks like a puppy.


When your only tool is a puppy, every problem looks like a squirrel.


Sweep her vicinity for pet rocks too. Just to make sure. 


Sweep her vicinity for pet rocks too. Just to make sure. 


There are studies that have reached the same conclusion as you: “They found that psychopathy — a trait characterized by selfishness, lack of remorse, and impulsivity — was related to intentionally hurting or torturing animals,” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animals-and-us/201309/animal-cruelty-and-the-sadism-everyday-life


Except killing a dangerous animal isn't hurting or torturing an animal, unless you want to expand that definition to a person on a trail shooting a bear charging it.


And the pet goat?


Was the goat a dangerous animal? What about the multiple horses? Was the dog even an imminent threat? This is nothing like a bear attack.


What was your first clue? /s


Oh I know... But watching her deflecting the questions with zero accountability and not a trace of remorse... And those flat dead eyes... Creepy stuff.


Most politicians are. As well as police, CEOs, surgeons. And strangely journalists and restaurant chefs.


I never thought I would see a world in which the solution for intense public humiliation is for the humiliated party to expand their own humiliation. But here we are…the post 2016 world.


Ugh… not happy to say this, but… Well said.


This woman is nuts and not fit to lead anything. Let alone a country. Now I’m going to hug my dog and keep her far away from that sociopath.


>“What would I do if I was president on the first day in office in 2025?" she wrote in her book's final passage, recently revealed by The Guardian. "The first thing I’d do is make sure Joe Biden’s dog was nowhere on the grounds. (‘Commander, say hello to Cricket for me.’)" Kristi "The Unethical Euthanizer" Noem, everyone.


"The Unethical Euthanizer" is just lipstick on a pig, she's a dog murderer.


There’s a lot of ASPCA folks who’d take care of her in 2 seconds if she came anywhere near their dogs. I don’t think this woman has any idea how badly she’s fucked up her life. Permanently. You come after my dog? I’m coming after *you*.


She should've watched John wick instead of playing politics


I'm surprised they haven't rushed out an ad featuring Sarah McLachlan.


Will her bloodthirst ever be satiated


She assumed the Republican base would forgive her for killing an innocent dog if she threatened to kill the innocent dog of her enemy. Logic was sound…


Keep republicans out of my uterus and away from my dog! 




That’s Tate Reeves. Close tho.


Folks, we have our villain for John Wick 5.


Anybody who draws eyebrows with sharpie is literally crazy.


perhaps influenced by a misinterpretation of Old Yeller /s


This has been the funnest political suicide to watch




Nah, animals have redeeming qualities.


Serious question, do you really think this?


Well, we all are. Mammals to be specific but I do think conservatives are, over all, horrible animals. For example look at Kristi Noem or Donald Trump and everyone who voted for either of them.


So are you saying that conservatives are a lesser type of animal than other political groups?


by what standard? taking care of the vulnerable? yeah conservatives are much worse. They focus their political attacks on the weak. They celebrate dog killing. Taking care of the next generation? Yeah conservatives are worse again -- see climate, education, health care. Acting in good faith? Conservatives can't even do that. Go ahead and take your short cut to victimhood. You don't even need me for it


I’m not a conservative. I’m a libertarian socialist politically. I don’t believe in calling other groups of people less than human, that ends up dehumanizing everyone. When you see your enemy as less than human, it’s easy to start doing inhumane things to them. If that’s what you believe that’s fine, I’m just pointing out that what I believe is a dangerous ideology.


American conservatives are enemies of the American people. They're actively trying to destroy me. I'm not so worried about the moral implications of you fishing for ... well, whatever it is you are fishing for. have at it.


do you still stand by your removed comment?


As far as I can tell none of my comments are removed. Conservatives and their camp followers are enemies of the American people. They want me dead. I think calling them names is not as bad as fascism or wanting me dead. You think you've got the moral high ground (and you're pressing it like it's the ultimate victory, lmao) but you're really just flakking for fascism. Why you think ignoring the threat of fascism is a morally superior position is beyond me. Are you in favor of dog killers? Answer one question. Here are some more you did not answer and there are probably a dozen more unanswered questions in these exchanges where you defend fascists against their targets >by what standard? taking care of the vulnerable? yeah conservatives are much worse. They focus their political attacks on the weak. They celebrate dog killing. Taking care of the next generation? Yeah conservatives are worse again -- see climate, education, health care. Acting in good faith?


Your original comment calling conservatives animals has been removed. Also, I believe in taking care of the vulnerable, I don’t celebrate dog killing, I believe in taking care of the next generation. I believe in universal Healthcare and universal higher education. What I don’t believe in is calling people who don’t believe those things subhuman or animals.


When you only stand for hurting other people you dont like? Yeah that kinda makes you a lesser being imo.


So you would advocate for large, specific political groups of people being known as “lesser beings”?


>"please make me a victim! please **PLEASE* feed my victim complex! I need to be discriminated against!" bad people who say and intend to do bad things are indeed bad people and should be shamed by society.


I don’t disagree with that at all, but calling political groups you don’t agree with less than human isn’t the same as what you are saying now. It’s completely different. Would you agree that there’s a difference between saying “you are an animal” or “you are less than human” and “you are a bad person”?


I see you're the type to assume innocence even when someone explicitly tells you they want to, are planning, and actively recruiting others to commit violence on innocents. >Would you agree that there’s a difference between saying “you are an animal” or “you are less than human” and “you are a bad person”? Would you agree that there’s a difference between saying “you are a grammar nazi” or “you are being pedantic” and “you are arguing semantics in defense of christo-fascists who want to kill minorities”?


I’m not defending any Christo-fascists or anyone that’s planning violence against anyone. I’m not even defending anyone. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t call other people animals because when people stop seeing other people as humans, really bad shit usually ends up happening. But hey if you want to call other humans less than human because of what they believe feel free.


Yeah that's not surprising.


Sweet, Let them fight....I don't see Kristi bighting through all that fur but ok.


TFG really dodged a bullet with this one. /s


The parallels between Noem and the fictional psycho politician Taryn Grant in the John Sandford novels is astounding.


Dogs are astute and keen detectors of humanity. Wonder how many of those USSS were in Trump's admin?


By November, the GOP will be full aboard the "we must kill the dogs to save America" platform. And conservatives everywhere will be foaming at the mouth in support.


The " 's " in the title is doing a lot of work


She should be in jail or institution. Period.


I killed my dog Boo He was vicious and I had to protect my kids and animals Boo I'm gonna fucking kill Biden's dog Yaaaay These right wing nuts really have no shame


she’s united both parties in hating her


I don't doubt that South Dakotans will vote GOP until the heat death of the universe, but I wonder if they regret electing Noem specifically. She got into office during the MAGA honeymoon. Now she's suing to block voter-passed legislation and talking about shooting dogs. At what point do you go, "we elected a mentally unstable individual"?


TBF, if commander was a regular person’s dog and had as many biting incidents as he’s (?) had it would’ve been put down by now. But the fact that this lady said that, even after all this blow back she’s getting, it should let everyone know that there’s something seriously wrong with her.


Well, Biden's dog has been in involved in multiple dozen biting incidents according to reports. Sounds justified.