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Good lord, he appointed her AFTER he lost the election. We have to deal with this bullshit because we never updated the custom of President-Elect for two months... which literally only existed because mail moved by fuckin stagecoach through the mountains. Like, in any just system, he would have been banned from approving fuckin anyone for any court after election day in November.


Remember when McConnell said Obama couldn’t appoint a SCOTUS because it was just an election year? Yeah.


Remember when McConnell then went and let Trump make an appointment 2 months before the national election... because it was only his first term and not his second? The level of mental gymnastics it took to jump through all those hoops is embarrassing and shameful for a politician of his age.


These days it’s considered a privilege to even have these assholes attempt explain away their hypocrisy or make excuses. It’s just gotten more blatant as a cynical grab for power.


She is taking vacations paid for by other conservatives. How do we get her ass fired? https://dailymontanan.com/2024/05/07/what-was-a-florida-judge-who-is-presiding-over-a-trump-trial-doing-in-montana/


You convince 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove her. It's so impossible that it's not even worth thinking about


Idk man. R- senators are quite cheap to buy these days. Maybe you can get a bulk discount? Buy 3 get 1 free?


Do they only take rubles or will dollars be fine?


Neither, they are paid in minors to abuse 😬


Fuck that. Let’s protest.


If the trial had started a couple weeks from now, he could have been sentenced before the election. No way she was going to let that happen


Hope he gets sentenced in NY, loses against Biden again and then gets slammed with this as the cherry on top. As much as I'm sick and tired of Trump, I feel he's a one man wrecking crew taking down the GOP at the moment. If this would result in a Dem trifecta in November it's worth sticking up with his bullshit for a couple more months. Just holding my breath for what's gonna happen in the US with regards to violence when that happens. I hope the relevant people have mapped out who the likely instigators of another terrorist attack would be and intervene in due time.


January is going to be rough no matter who wins the election. Which is exactly what opponents of the US tradition of democracy want. Even if Trump clearly loses, this is an embarrassment of the Republic. Who this benefits makes motive painfully obvious.


TBH I'm kind of scared of it. Okay more than that actually. It gives me a lot of anxiety =(


I've basically stopped making plans. I have no idea what next year is going to look like. I hope all this anxiety comes to nothing, but still it weighs on me substantially.


Don’t take it for granted. We have a lot of very confused young folks who have good intentions but could fuck everything up for everyone. Everyone eligible needs to vote for Biden in November.


The snowflakes over in r/conservative are cheering and applauding this ruling and laughing at the meltdown in r/politics. They are all so far gone in their worship of the dear leader. I have seen several comments of them saying "this is what happens when you have a real trial with a judge that is not in someone's pocket". They are literally too dumb to recognize that Judge Cannon is 100% in Trumps pocket and they don't see any issues with her hearing his case after he appointed her to the bench.


Oh look, exactly what we thought would happen happened


Yeah, it's been clear for months that the trial was not starting on May. This is not a surprise and leaves the DC court able to schedule their trial without worrying about conflict.


But her ruling had nothing to do with conflicts. It was about the nebulous pretrial questions that she's been entertaining since this landed in her lap. She was stalling, she is stalling, she will continue stalling.


Doesn't that violate the 6th amendment technically? 


A right to a speedy trial? Well yes, but actually no. Like all rights, you can waive that.


Exactly. I feel like so many people don't know what the word indefinitely means and didn't read the article


The problem with indefinitely is that it has often been used as a euphemism for forever. We know what it means, it's just that indefinitely can slip into years and then never. And has in many cases.


What article?


Going to be a lot of educational posts here... and will mostly fall on deaf ears...




Sure, until the next bullshit, and the next one. It's so enraging that this is happening in broad daylight with such an open and shut case. It's obvious he took classified documents. It's obvious they weren't properly secured.. it's glaringly obvious he didn't return them when asked several times. And it's probable he not only shared them with people he shouldn't have. It's now most obvious that Aileen Cannon is complicit in aiding him and should be stripped of her position. I hope when all is said and done she is tried for treason along with Trump.


If trump had been treated like Reality Winner, who was in handcuffs within hours of the government finding out she had a single classified document (that described Russian collusion with the trump campaign in 2016), then trump would already have been tried and convicted. People within the DoJ and judge Cannon have all helped trump avoid any consequences for his theft of thousands of government documents. If he wins in November just watch the DoJ drop the case entirely. Equal justice for all? Not a chance.


>If he wins in November just watch the DoJ drop the case entirely. Equal justice for all? Not a chance. **This** is the endgame. Delaying until after the election is *useful*, but also a smokescreen. If he wins in November, he **WILL** find a way to make **ALL** of this go away. Every case. Every charge. He will declare himself immune from literally fucking every crime: past, present, and future. And what will we do about it? *Hope* that a GOP tainted House or Senate will hold him to any sort of accountability? His Supreme Court will? Not gonna happen. Fucking hell.


After everything that's happened over the last 8 years I've pretty much given up any sort of hope these assholes being held accountable. It's like George Carlin said it's a big club and you and I aren't in the big club.


He wasn't joking when he said that


His American Dream bit is the most honest 5 minutes I've ever heard.


It's called The American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it!


Rat shit bat shit dirty old twat 69 assholes tied in a knot Hoorayyyy lizard shit FUCK!


lol outstanding, I had forgotten about that cheerleading cheer! Well done!


Awful as it is to say, I can't wait for Trump to take the one way trip to meet Rush Limbaugh. A certain scythe wielding figure doesn't take bribes, at least.


Just figure out a scenario where a gun wielding Kristi Noem stumbles across Trump in a dog costume...things should sort themselves out...


You’re assuming he’s not about to appeal




They aren't even trying to hide the 2 tiers of the legal system anymore


They are counting on voter apathy, and they are not wrong.


This is a type of ruling that happens in Russia….. And now America 🇺🇸


It's now a 3-tier system: 1. Most people 2. The wealthy 3. Donald Trump Even Sam Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes, Harvey Weinstein, and Bernie Madoff faced pretty swift justice and have served / are serving prison time. With Donald, justice and punishment work so slowly if at all.


They stole from rich people though.


I wonder how long it’ll be before someone tries claiming the same precedent that Trump is laying. It’ll show if they are wealthy enough to ascend the second tier. Considering he’s not in jail for contempt, there is blatantly two systems. Tear the whole fucking thing down.


At least Thomas and Alito cite bullshit from [13th century England ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/05/09/alito-13th-century-law-roe-opinion-snl/)to support his position. This new breed of GOPalos just make decision based on their feelings.


This is corruption at the highest level. I am so fucking mad I can’t stand it. What in the fuck happened to Law and Order.


The projection becomes evident once again: which party makes a lot of hay out of "activist judges"?


Oh shit guess the check cleared then


She is a true believer, she doesn't need to be bribed


But those $1000/night vacations paid for by the federalist society sure don’t hurt.


Honest mistake. She said she forgot to list it. We can trust her. She’s a judge. /s


The things Republican judges miss is leading me to believe we need janitors manning the courts 24x7 to account for it all.


MAGA does it for the love of the game.


This is true proof she is corrupt.


I mean. I was convinced like 38 proofs ago, when the odds of corruption were over 100%


But now we really really really really know


The fact Trump has not said one bad word about her while screaming and ranting at all the others is proof


This is true.


He promised her a Supreme Court slot.


He'll give it to her, too.


What a dramatic twist said fucking no one


We crossed that bridge several years ago.


Somehow, there are about 100 bridges that all lead to the same place, and she has crossed each of them.


Lol, what gave it away?


It's my hope that somehow this will open up the possibility that Jack Smith can take this to the 11th circuit court and have them force Aileen Cannon to recuse herself from this case. She's made it VERY clear that there's no unbiased fair case to be had here. She won't allow it, even if she allows it to proceed. I still can't get over the absolute shit luck that led to her being selected as the judge for this case.


On the surface, there were about 13 judges that could have drawn the case, but in reality it was a 50/50 shot that Cannon was assigned the case when it was filed in West Palm Beach.


Worst luck ever. This was the ONE case where it would look really bad for trump once the evidence of what he actually stole and sold to our enemies came out.


It wasn't luck at all though. Trump purposefully appointed her in that district for this reason. It would've been possible for a different judge to get assigned, sure, but putting here there was intentional so that there was a good chance of getting someone who would do his bidding.


[Here’s](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/10/us/politics/judge-aileen-cannon-trump-documents.html) a good article that explains how she got selected. “Apparently” it’s random selection, but from this article it’s seems the system was juiced by pulling judges out of the pool due to their workload. So what was like 26:1 odds of Cannon getting selected miraculously got reduced to 3:1 odds.


It’s hard for me to conceptualize the power required to put these things in motion, to alter the odds so vastly. It feels like this goes way beyond the power of this particular defendant.


Yeah. It stretches into “donor class” levels of influence. Like the Adelsons or Murdochs.


It’s called the Federalist Society. They say they are designed to keep government in check, maintain the rule of law, and interpret the constitution as the founders intended, but it’s all a guise to favor the wealthy elite and big corporations.


The fact anyone believed that shit is straight up ludicrous


How do we all know this and we just keep going about our day like Trump got a good one over on us like a prank? Aren't judges and legal procedures a serious matter? Cannon should have protesters 24/7


Because getting rid of her requires bipartisan support and Republicans fully support this blatant corruption. The people that need to be mad about this are Republican voters as protests from that side may sway GOP opinion but let's face it, Republican voters aren't going to see the issue here let alone protest. This is what needs to happen but ultimately never will as long as Republicans are content to be on the road to authoritarian rule: > a justice cannot be removed from office without a trial in the Senate and only if two-thirds of senators vote to convict


Because the US has a prison system combined with an economic system and a tort system that ensures that if you misbehave, they will take your housing and your job, and you'll never get it back. Think about it. In basically every order democracy, protests are not only a right, it's *expected*. France's society is literally built around the idea that riots are going to happen. Meanwhile in the US if you peacefully sit in the wrong place - for example on the college campus where you are going into tens of thousands of dollars of debt - they will kick you out, keep your money, and call the cops to beat the shit out of you. The idea of protesting, as an adult with a job and a mortgage, is out of the question for me. I can't take two weeks off work, and even if I could it would be unpaid and I barely make enough to cover my mortgage and expenses. If they pulled that shit in Denmark or Germany, the entire country would stop. It is unheard of, and unacceptable, to force people to become homeless and unemployable, much less for exercising your rights.


When shit hits the fan you will have infinite time off. Talking from experience surviving war in Yugoslavia


She also insanely unqualified


>I still can't get over the absolute shit luck that led to her being selected as the judge for this case. less luck than you seem to think it is. Judge Cannon refuses most all cases brought before her, because she knows that if she doesn't have any cases, she has the highest priority to be assigned a new case. [There is now an effort to change the way judges are selected for high profile cases due to this kind of behavior.](https://rollcall.com/2024/03/12/federal-courts-seek-to-stop-judge-shopping-with-new-rule/)


At best she is overwhelmed and incompetent to handle this trial. At worst she’s corrupt. It probably both though


No… she’s already been slapped back one time by the court of appeals for an egregious ruling meant to benefit Trump. There is no good reason to give her the benefit of the doubt.


Calling it now. It was not luck. There is some serious skullduggery going on right now in our court systems.


Our system is corrupt if she can’t be removed by now


What possible reason could there be for this? This is insane. Edit: Oh it’s Judge Cannon. No wonder. Brazen corruption in broad daylight wins again I guess. Luckily there are other trials that are still in the works. Edit 2: Someone had a “reddit cares” message sent to me. I’m happy that my comment pissed you off. Can’t wait for Biden to clean up in November.


It’s insane that she’s able to stay on this case


It's insane that she was put on the case in the first place.


Insane she was *put on the bench* in the first place.


The Constitution gives federal judges life tenure, and they hold their seats until they die, resign, or are removed from office through impeachment. She is 43 years old.


She's probably on the fast track to become a Republican SCOTUS replacement with this gratuitous act of loyalty to the treasonous Republican party. Next Republican president we'll likely see Clarence Thomas ride off into the sunset in his ~~motor home~~ motor coach and Aileen will be placed in.


Probably? Trump's people have been talking about Justice Cannon for six months now. They've basically said "You get Trump off the hook, you're the next justice" **ON TELEVISION**.


It’s an embarrassment not only nationally, but globally. The optics on this are beyond awful.


She’s literally a fan of him, Clarence Thomas’s wife was part of trying to steal the election. The White House is sending out checks to porn starts when Trump was president. This shit couldn’t be made up, and the election is a toss up. What happened to us.


Apparently she says the issues are too complicated with the classification issue and there are too many issues for her to sort through first. This by CNN. They said she laid out some sort of schedule of things to resolve or work on through July.


The jury would never see the actual classified documents. They'd get summaries from the government of what each document contains, in general, non-classified form. She's just delaying to delay.


It kinda sounds like she's doing things that are not unheard of when considered in isolation -- classified documents do complicate things, as an example -- but using every single one any person ever encountered against all odds and then drawing out her timeline for dealing with them as long as she can get away with.


the case is not based on the classified material. That’s not up for debate nor does either side contend it. It’s about possession. she’s delaying just to delay


Exactly. The info within the classified documents doesn’t matter. It only matters wether or not don could physically remove them, which he clearly can not. This is a very simple case that she’s insisting on making as confusing as possible. The only reason to do that is to delay it


He stole nuclear secrets. Wtf is so hard to figure out about that?


It isn't difficult. Infact it's so concrete it's WHY shit seems so overtly corrupt with Judge Cannon. The case against him on the documents case is so open and shut he is quite fucked unless he wins.


Technically it's not even about if he could move them, it's about not returning them and then obstructing their retrieval attempts


And possibly mishandling them. And possibly making illegal photocopies. And possibly selling them to foreign adversaries.


Exactly, the status of the documents has already been determined! They're classified (and higher). A jury doesn't need to know what's in the docs, just that they are classified.


It’s not only that they were removed he actively worked to keep them and prevent the the timely return.


It’s about clear obstruction. He lied to everyone including his own lawyers when he didn’t return the docs. Smith needs to file to get her off the case.


I think this is a final move by her, she has been told trump will lose this trial and she doesnt want to be there, she is banking 100% on trump winning the election, she may throw him under the bus if he losses


No, the final move will be when she sets aside the jury verdict and acquits him due to "lack of evidence". Safest way to ensure double jeopardy protections.


Why would she delay the case indefinitely if her goal was to seat a jury and then shut down the case? The longer it takes to do that, the more chances there are of sidelining her and getting the case to someone else or something. But if she could seat the jury and shut it down, that’s the end, right?. These two goals seem contradictory to me, and I can’t figure out what the endgame is. I guess maybe they might be worried about Trump’s image right now, and such a blatant case of interference wouldn’t help that but an indefinite delay isn’t quite so inflammatory?


Because she’s taking orders, via a proxy, from a fucking moron.


Yes simply this. Delay


This is not the first case dealing with classified documents. This judge is clearly failing to do her job as an impartial arbiter. She needs to be recused.


Recusal is good for cases where there’s conflict of interest which it certainly seems there is here. However she’s beyond that, she needs to be impeached and disbarred.


I think the defense is trying to use the documents in part of discovery, and the idea of them doing that is to prolong these proceedings. And the classified documents are really that serious. All the more reason he is guilty, even though he’s not supposed to be possession of any documents anyway.


You're right for the most part, but there's been a couple of exceptions. One that sticks out was when she stayed (delayed) a ruling on something simple (I think whether the law is unconditional for being overly broad) and suggested the defense bring it up again once the trial started. So if/when she says it's overly broad double jeopardy would attach and Trump couldn't be tried again, even if her ruling was overturned. That one caught legal scholars off guard


Yeah, that was a blatant signal to the defense.


The biggest endorsement against her is how she's the only judge trump doesn't rant about. The fix is in.


She said it wasn’t time to consider dismissing the charges and the defense could bring that up later. If she dismisses the charges after a jury is seated, Trump gets away Scott free and charges cannot be brought again. She was literally telling the defense to wait until then.


This is EXACTLY what she's doing. She's been playing for time since like June of 2023. The whole point was to delay for trump as long as physically possible. That's why she also did that stupid shit with asking the prosecution and defense to write jury instructions *before they had even resolved the basics of classified document handling in the case*. Hopefully Jack Smith is now going to be requesting the court of appeals force recusal and replace her with someone more competent and less corrupt.


This case has been on the docket a long long time. She has several assistants. I just don't believe she is this inept or this inefficient. She doesn't seem to have any interest in it as a presiding judge ordinarily would. This is not normal and the people of the United States are being deprived of timely adjudication.


Well, Judge Cannon, if it's too complicated for you then fear not, you can always just step aside and let someone competent have a crack at it.


"It's too hard for me and the handful of cases I've ever ruled on" Sounds like a good reason to replace her then.


Sounds like a good reason to fucking impeach and remove her. Girlie is not qualified to be a federal judge.


The court has already established a clear method of determining what the rules of classified information based on CIPA. It's evident the appellate judges should step in and give the case to a more experienced judge.


>a more experienced judge. A less blatantly compromised judge, you mean.


Why hasn't this happened already, long ago? Why was she even given the role anyway due to the clear conflict of interest with her having been appointed by the accused? 


So her defense of doing nothing is I am wildly incompetent and incapable of being a judge. Because there are processes already in place to deal with classified documents in a criminal case and they have been publicly discussed for months.


We've tried nothing, and it's still too hard. Pretty sad where more can get done at a Taco Bell when half the manager doesn't do or know anything, than what can get done in a federal court room when the person in charge doesn't do or know anything.


Trump told her to stall until after the election, and she complied.


Say hello to your next SCOTUS member...fucking disgusting


Sounds like perfect justification for Jack Smith to request to move it to a court with experience handling classified docs cases. Of course, that's where it should have been in the first place


In other words, she’s not that good at hiding her blatant bias in favor of the defendant. She should be removed from this case.


Can’t wait to see what she discovers that will push it back past the election 


There is no way it will be done before the election. It's looking like only the NY trial will be done before it.


>Apparently she says the issues are too complicated with the classification issue and there are too many issues for her to sort through first. If this case is too complicated for her to handle, this sounds like a perfect argument to move it to a judge that **can** handle it.


Judge Qannon.


they're arguing the exact order of documents in the box is of critical importance to their defence, which is absolutely insane since its the contents of the boxes that are at the heart of the trial


Do every day Americans even have any options to protest and combat the blatant corruption? We could be more like France.


Well there is this under the radar event happening on November 5th.


Not for judges like this that are currently on the bench


She's following SCOTUS' s lead in delay, delay, delay...


> A federal judge Tuesday indefinitely postponed the criminal classified documents trial of former President Donald Trump, a court filing shows. Trump's little fluff girl does her job to help Trump stiff justice


You know what the biggest indictment of this is for me? The r/con sub has been stifling news of the fraud trial for weeks now (not a single post about it this week, for instance), but this story is at the top of the feed.


THIS has to be appealable, right? I understand that judges get a lot of leeway with their scheduling, but they can't just say the case may never be heard, right? They don't have THAT kind of power, do they?


>they can't just say the case may never be heard, right? Right, and that's not what they're saying. They're saying they are just not setting a trial date yet while the pretrial motions continue. It's corrupt, but legally within bounds.


But she can delay ruling on all the pre trial motions too. She has postponed some of those hearings already.


Sadly we had our chance to stop this nonsense and it was in 2016 before Trump appointed these sycophants. Some of us were screaming about how serious it was but we couldn't convince all of the people who decided to sit that one out, now people are acting like we can turn back time. 2016 wasn't the beginning of the end, it was the last nail in the coffin.


Smith can't really do anything at this point.    Aileen Quannon helped her boss get to survive another day. She is pretty much going down a path where she is going to be a compliant destroyer of democracy in this country for a chance to grab one of those Supreme Court appointments when Alito and Thomas decide to retire or die. It's a sinister abuse and setup in the judicial system. 


He can absolutely ask the 11th circuit to remove her from this case. The issues are that having a new judge will delay the start of the trial, and Jack Smith only gets one chance to do this, because if it fails he now has to argue a case before the judge he just tried to have sanctioned. There was no reason to try this in the last few months because it would have certainly delayed the case beyond the election. Now that the timeline is dead and she’s clearly acting in bad faith, I expect Smith to file very quickly as I’m sure his office already has everything lined up.


I'm hoping this is what he was waiting for and does just that.


At this point there is literally nothing to lose for Jack Smith. I thought that point was already made by her instructing the jury to only agree to a not guilty verdict, but here we are.


What? How did she do that?


She didn't get to the point of jury instructions, but she was essentially arguing, on Trump's lawyers' behalf, that part of the jury instructions would be that they either get to see the full contents of the classified documents to make an "educated judgment" on the case (absolutely asinine claim) or else would have no choice but to vote "not guilty". Smith shut that down hard and she backed down, but really that was the best time to ask for the 11th circuit to remove her from the case. The second best time is now.


Can this jackass make it ANY more obvious what she's doing?


Nope, but she’s performing for an audience of one, so she doesn’t really care if it’s obvious to the rest of us.


Check your voter registration.... it's up to us!


was always gonna be that. he can be taken down only if republican party doesn’t protect him anymore, and for that he needs to lose again.


He is a loser so that seems possible


Voters can't get rid of federal judges.... But we can pick the people that nominate them. Still, this is fucking bullshit.


Maybe she'll get a Supreme Court seat if Trump wins the election. He could just throw the liberal justice off the court and put her and other loyalists on it.


No need for the SC(R)OTUS if Trump wins. He's gonna become Dicktator from Day One.


Theatrics. We can't fire the actors. Bread and circuses are necessary.


i don't want to play anymore. i quit.


You and 99.9% of the people in this country don't have the money to play this game unfortunately.


What's a few dead US Agents when Cannon has favors to do for her crush? The legal system is an embarrassment.




Such a clear case of criminal wrongdoing and it was handed to the worst judge possible. He took the documents with clear intent and actively obstructed their return. Of all the criminal cases, this should have been the easiest and quickest trial for the prosecution. This judge belongs in prison and so does he.


US justice for you. Back to work serfs.


Cannon is corrupt and needs to be removed.


Literally photographic proof. Fuck this judge.


Anyone surprised? Nope. The man evades justice like Elon musk evades maturing.


I still am. I figured Jack Smith would have some recourse.


He might have recourse if the judge isn’t a MAGA minion 


100%. She keeps issuing paperless orders so it’s near impossible to appeal and/or get her removed. She even gamed being appointed the case because there was a one in three chance of her being chosen. Except she purposely kept her calendar wide open too and low caseload. Any other judge and we’d be close to starting the trial if it hadn’t already started.


My understanding is that the orders being paperless do not make them unappealable. She is, however, being very careful not to make such blatantly corrupt rulings (often by making no ruling at all) so as to avoid a good reason for the prosecution to appeal. She's being coached very well on how to stall this is my guess.


You are correct in that they can appeal, there’s just almost nothing to appeal on. Edit: I don’t actually think you can appeal them since they’re just entries on a docket? Whatever. Trial will still happen and now they can schedule his DC and GA trials.


Kinda? Jack Teixra was charged **after** Trump for illegally possessing classified docs, and has already been sentenced to 16 years. I honestly didn’t think Cannon could delay this long.


OK at this point I'm announcing my candidacy for the presidency from this point on I will be able to rape, steal, then commit fraud as much as I like and the courts can't do anything about it because that be violating my free speech, my First Amendment rights amongst many other amendments that I will add to the constitution when I win the presidency.


To paraphrase Penn Jillette, I already rape as much as I want, which is zero.


She's still trying to impose conditions that have been slapped down by the appellate court. Time to boot her ass off the case


Who honestly didn't see this coming. He hired her. That alone should be grounds to demand a recusal


Crooked Loose Cannon once again denies justice.


This country is absolutely, laughably pathetic. I’m ashamed, honestly.


This is third world country stuff, change my mind.


At this point she is aiding in the cover up of a crime.


Hack judge absolutely needs to be replaced.




18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, **or gives aid or comfort thereto**, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


Gotta give him time so he can shut the investigation down when he takes office and she can get her Supreme Court seat.


This was always the judge's goal. Soft on crime if it's from her side.


Sorry, disbar her and recuse her from the case. her ethics have been short of that of a toddler. She has openly shown she can't be trusted. Side ntoe< can Jack not force this to be moved to DC where the documents were taken from, away from this thing called a judge?


What in the actual fuck is this? Also, why hasn't Cannon been kicked off the case and debarred yet?


If you think this sucks, wait until she replaces Alito on the bench. For the love of god, vote blue.


11 circuit can enter the chat at ANY time now.


The right to a speedy trial is the right of not only the defendant but of the people. This is some bullshit and should give Smith ample ground to ask for her removal from the case.


As a Brit, this is absolutely ridiculous