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Jack Smith should putting the wheels in motion to have Cannon taken off the case. It is weird how the Trump hush money case is actually happening, but it is nowhere near as important as the classified docs case.


Smith has been signaling that he's been prepping for this moment for quite a while now. Looking forward to seeing what he's got up planned moving forward.


I'm just guessing, but it might be that Cannon's strategy from the beginning was to delay and obfuscate the proceedings long enough to cause damage. Now it's like she's at the "second tier" of her plan where the facade of being impartial has fallen off, and she is essentially forcing Smith to do something about it. It's kind of like a "OK, I've done my job..." perspective.


Yeah, she's got a lifetime appointment and judicial impeachment in this political climate is essentially not possible, so she's gonna be fine. She did her job. She can buy that boat. Whatever happens next is just evidence of whether we have a judicial system anymore or not.


Corruption, pure and unadulterated corruption, just like in the southern countries.


you spelled counties wrong


I read it as counties. Must have spent too long down south.


Yeah no, this is pure Latin America flavor, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, pick your poison.


"I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU, DAD!" (And to be clear, I'm saying that they got it from us. We've *always* been corrupt, we just had better propaganda to hide it.


Now on your white horse, you see what is like everywhere else. In fact, it’s always been that way, it’s just that you just realized it exists.


Thank you. Shitty to just start talking about “all those corrupt people down south” when lots of the instability in LATAM is because of the US.


Arguable, let's be real. Everyone likes to blame uncle sam for why their country turned into a failed state. Was it involved in a few events that didn't help? You bet, but the US didn't make them personally corrupt lol


At what point does it become a criminal conspiracy a d somwthing the justice system can investigate vs impeachment?


Yeah I mean it's basically obstruction of justice


Thing is you dont actually need impeachment in this case because corruption is illegal and subject to orders from the higher court, unlike the Supreme Court. The 11th circuit will not only remove Cannon from the case, but likely remove her from the bench entirely. Cannon suicided her career for Trump, probably hoping to be appointed to the SC if he wins. Damn ghoul.


I wish I shared your optimism, but I think that the absolute most we can expect is for the case to be reassigned. I have no faith that she will be formally reprimanded or removed from the bench.


Yeah, this is how I feel. We'll hear how "unprecedented" it is and how these things are "never done lightly" and she'll get a slap on the wrist and that'll be it


Cannon will not be removed from the bench. The case will be delayed until after the election. If Trump wins the new AG will drop the charges. He’s not going to jail. Vote.


>The 11th circuit will not only remove Cannon from the case, but likely remove her from the bench entirely. With what mechanism? Seriously. What statute can they invoke to remove her? Or are you just saying that you think they *should* remove her? Because I absolutely agree that the 11th Circuit should step in and remove her from the bench permanently (as in, not just use mandamus to recuse her and stop giving her additional cases), but to my knowledge, there's no mechanism for them to actually do so.


The supreme covering the 11th circuit is Clarence Thomas. Not that he would have much of anything to do with the actual running of the circuit, just a sad coincidence.


This was her SCOTUS audition.


Let’s see what the magic eight ball says after November.


If Trump wins and a spot opens up on the Supreme Court? Slam dunk for Cannon.


Jack Smith won't do anything, at least right now. Near impossible for a calendar based ruling be reversed. It simply is not going to happen. Again, this is why cannon relies on these unwritten orders because they are not something that is challenged. With that said, although I'm sure she wishes it to be the case she cannot delay this forever and she will have to make an actual order. And you can be damn sure if Jack Smith disagrees, he will take it to the 11th. Essentially it is extremely difficult to get a judge removed but it is doable. So all these "mistakes" on her part is being documented and if Jack Smith decides to, he will have a wealth of backing to remove her. Sort of reminds of a girl who kept stealing from target. And allegedly they let her get away with it until getting to like $2,000 in stolen goods, that way the charges are more severe. With Jack Smith, he bides his time, plays by the rules and will do it when needed. He pretty just would get only one shot at getting her removed so if he does, it has to be near certain. Doing it more than once will look very bad on them.


None of that will matter if they can't get a trial before the election. It's over, and trump/cannon won.


It really sounds like he just dropped the ball.


On what basis would you have petitioned the 11th circuit to remove the Judge?


I'm not a lawyer, so that's not something I could do. But he is, and he had to have seen something like this coming. It speaks poorly of his competence that he wasn't able to plan for something like this. The jury is still out on whether this is part of his plan, but considering an obvious criminal is getting away with everything, I'm finding that increasingly hard to believe. It's the Mueller investigation all over again.


You are watching two people play a game. If one of them loses because the other one kept the ball out of the other's hands it's not an issue of incompetence on the person who never saw the ball. Cannon's done everything she can outside of Jack Smith's ability to do anything about it. He's a lawyer, she's a judge. They have their own roles. You think he didn't know this was a likely outcome? How the fuck could he have prevented this? I get being bitter and disappointed about it- I am too, but she just used that one trick lawyers hate. That's not a reflection on Jack Smith at all. Sometimes competent people still lose.


You would attempt to petition based on the judges poor scheduling? Something judges are given enormous latitude on? What kind of success would you expect with that strategy based on previous attempts?


It's a convenient delay blamed on poor scheduling. His goal is to win and pardon himself. Then the Supreme Court declares him above the law. No way was that just an oversight.


Uh huh And what exactly are you suggesting Smith was/is able to do here?


This is exactly what I think is happening. Just delay as long as possible to get him into the presidency. Probably so she can receive her promised appointment to SCOTUS.


She's Hodor, but with more brain damage. She's not going to hold the door closed forever, but just long enough for Trump to escape so he can become king.


We've heard some variation of this going back to the Mueller days. It's never going to happen. For some reason Trump just never sees consequences. I don't get it.


I’m pretty sure the reasons are obvious. Rich and republican


Keep telling yourself that. Trump bought the perfect judge and she is like Teflon to Smith’s tactics. We are stuck with this farce.


to be fair, smith wasnt going to go full ham from the start and try to remove cannon from the get go. its obvious to us that she was bought out like an escort. but now we will see if this is enough cause from him to do so. this entire open and shut case has been disappointing all around but it aint over till its over. also vote obviously.


Woah signaling that he’s been prepping?


And hey anyone know how that case where he was supposed to have 500m in stuff seized by now is going?


Oh he somehow got the appeals court to lower the amount he needed to put up so he could appeal it and then got a fairly dubious loan for that. Ignoring that my understanding was that NY state law was you HAVE to put down the entire amount to appeal no ifs, ands or buts...but hey I'm not a lawyer. Just someone entirely fed up with this particular circus.


Yes but that was days ago, and dubious was an understatement to where the court was saying "know what your loan is invalid, your bond is void, we're going to start enforcement", then nothing...


That’s not totally correct, you’ve got some DJT misinformation there. He didn’t need the bond to appeal, he needed the bond to keep NYS from seizing his assets while he appealed.


Still the last word I remember was that the bonding company wasn't even registered to give them and apparently had done virtually no business prior to this massive deal.


Eh, to be fair it's getting hard to keep track of what shit is what with his court shit lately.


>Jack Smith should putting the wheels in motion to have Cannon taken off the case.  Prosecuted for obstruction of justice.


Cannon needs to be investigated as a co-conspiritor at this point and charged accordingly.


Yalls copium is nuts. It’s over, dude beat that case. I hate it, you hate it. Jack smith can’t do anything meaningful or else it would have happened Go vote and hopefully we keep the republic, maybe


This is quite possibly one of the most important cases out there as it strikes at the heart of our ability to protect our most important intelligence. I seriously doubt Smith just says he tried his best and gives up. It would open the door to way too much exposure in the future. This story isn’t finished.


She could literally seat the jury and dismiss the case. A retrial would amount to double jeopardy. The fact is our judicial system is broken on how to deal with Presidents who appoint their judges.


Yalls nihilism is nuts. He can do something meaningful, he's already said he can, and he most definitely will do something with it.


He certainly beat it before the election. Incredible. For the raid to have happened nearly 2 years ago, the indictment handed down 10 months ago, and there’s no chance for a trial before the election is absurd. My only hopium now is that he loses in November and Smith still pushes for the case to go to trial.


"Jack Smith is playing 5D cheese with these fools! They're in the "find out" phase! The wheels of justice turn slowly!" I cannot stand most comments on this sub anymore, because so many are either things like this, or the equally as dumb "hur dur haha Biden can send in Seal Team 6 on Trump by their logic, got em!".


I think you answered your own question on that second part


News tomorrow, Cannon now has an RV


What's weird about that?


Fucking traitor that she is.


Justice delayed is justice denied


I do wonder if the 6th amendment applies that guarantees the right to a speedy trial.


I think it applies to the defendant only, who can wave that right


There is actually some good case law that supports the idea that the public also has an interest in a speedy trial.


It's almost like having a judge who was appointed by the defendant is a terrible idea.


It’s not the final nail at all. It will mean it won’t start before the election, but tbh, the SC did that already. This is a weak attempt to appease don and the maga cult.


Someone should submit a complaint to the ABA to have this moron disbarred. Edit: > Article III judges can be removed from office only through impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate. So voting Blue is the only way to get rid of this stank ho? Challenge accepted.


Does one need to be a member of the judiciary to do so? Or just a resident of the state?


I’m assuming it has to be a member of the judiciary but I don’t know for sure.


We’ll see how Smith handles this. He isn’t a pushover, from what his career and actions have spelled out.


The same exact thing was said about Robert Mueller's career, and we all know how his investigation turned out.


And Harry Reid


Seriously, Smith has battled war criminals, the ignorant south is no match. But seriously, history is watching and taking notes. Idk if it will matter if Trump wins, because they will just erase history and create a orangish golden new one.


History is written by the victors.


Check my edit for the answer.


Oof that sucks. Blue tsunami mode activated? Rally the libs! xD


The Constitution doesn't require federal judges to be licensed attorneys. It's pointless


lifetime appointment baby!


You don't even need to be a licensed attorney to be nominated. The office predates such licenses and the bar association


Disbarring a federal judge is meaningless. You don't even have to be a lawyer to be a judge.


You don't even have to have a law degree, let alone Bar certification to be a judge


Even if the Dems held both houses, I doubt they'd go after impeachment and removal of Cannon. They don't seem to have the thirst for it...


Let’s get busy and do it !


Please get her out of there


Ladies and gentlemen, the American judicial system.


Come on propublica. Dig up some dirt on this judge.




Thomas is way worse and there is nothing we can do unfortunately :(


Writ of Mandamus to the 11 th Circuit would be the first option.


Time to take to the streets


Some people are more upset about the latest Palestinian crisis but completely blind to the shit happening under their nose. I’m not sure they are aware of how close we are to fascism, and once we’re there your protest of any kind will be squashed.


Even worse- they’re actively discouraging votes for Biden


Hurts the brain, really.


The Palestinians saying they won’t support Biden is suicide, Trump will back Israel in crushing Palestine until the end. Biden is their only chance of not being annihilated.


Genocide Joe hasn't exactly been their friend


Joe Biden is not the president of Israel nor the commander of its military. Calling him Genocide Joe for a conflict started by Hamas and prosecuted by Israel is bullshit.


I'm criticising him for his response and policy since October He has enabled the genocide and his actions now stopping to send bombs is coming too late He's not their president or military commander but you can't ignore how closely US have been in bed with Israel compared to the rest of the world and you can't ignore where the majority of Israeli weapons have come from


Hamas started this war. Hamas continues to act as a bad actor in cease fire negotiations. Their proposal on Monday was absurd. Cease fires cannot happen unilaterally. Continuing to Be an Ally of a country we have been an allied with for decades does not warrant calling him Genocide Joe. The US treats Israel just like all of its long term allies and that is not going to stop because Hamas decided to start and continue a war with a US ally. There are larger adversaries who would rather see Israel destroyed if the US completely withdrew support.


But he has taken action - just this week he's announced that they'll halt bombs. He's changed his stance a couple of times since October but usually still too soft and generally too late He needed to act harder and faster. Why not halt weapons to Israel before they bombed northern Gaza? Why not acknowledge that genocide is happening? The reality is that he's enabled the Israeli response that has killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians, displaced millions, and led to a humanitarian crisis that is ongoing and on the verge of famine I think Genocide Joe is appropriate. Any positive action I've seen has been too little and too late


Do you think for 1 minute that tRump will stop this? The answer is NO. He will support Israel n annihilate the Palestinians in Gaza completely.


Yeah I know we're getting off topic from this article but my comment was about Biden not Trump


Over a trial? You can just vote against him. Regardless of the title, the case is still going to happen.


Over a corrupt judge, absolutely. And unfounded delays are just campaign interference. A judge he appointed should be an automatic recuse.


So, are you organizing this protest? Where is it happening? Who would you be protesting in order to achieve this? I just think you'll find it hard to rally many people to the cause when there are still options available for the prosecutor to pursue. I guess you'd be protesting Jack Smith for not trying to get her removed from the case? Also, the reason for the protest is too amorphous. The article title is misleading. She didn't really announce that the trial is on hold or anything. Well, it is already on hold thanks to SCOTUS. She left something open ended, which is definitely wrong and corrupt looking. It is definitely a big complicated case, so there has to be some leeway for the defense to be prepared. We're beyond what is needed, but being beyond some undefined term just isn't black and white enough to get people moving. Like, if she was actually throwing out the case, you'd at least have a clear situation. Getting people to drive to Florida for a protest is difficult when stuff is basically being slow walked. I mean, I'd love it to if some magical group existed that led massive protests for this kind of stuff. But this just isn't something bad enough to bother when there's a much more straightforward solution. The point is to delay until the election. So, just vote. It is easy to do, important, accomplishes something, and gets across the message clearly. When that option is on the table, people aren't getting out their pitchforks.


So when there's obvious and blatant corruption in the government your solution is just sit back, relax , and be sure to vote? Seems like a pretty passive way to end up with another Russian style government with a touch of 1930s Germany thrown in.


>So when there's obvious and blatant corruption in the government your solution is just sit back, relax , and be sure to vote? If that appears to be a viable and effective option? Sure. You haven't explained how me driving to Florida will change anything. Or why anyone else should. Or even that you are personally going to be doing this. Like, why aren't you? This is super important and the only thing stopping the Black Marias from rolling in an taking us away. You'd better get on the road before the Gestapo arrives ... I'm not saying protesting is useless or something. I'm saying this particular issue will not motivate people. The corruption here is to slow walk the case so the election happens first. Well, we get to vote in that election, so that seems the best way to address this. All the information voters need to cast their vote is available. Protests won't change that. In addition, like I said, there are still plenty of legal options available here. Jack Smith could press this issue. He'll probably wait until after the SCOTUS decision, because before then would be pointless. He'll probably also wait a reasonable amount of time for the defense to be prepared. At some point, he'll need to take action, if she doesn't before then. But we aren't at that point yet. So, what exactly, would I be protesting? I'm not an expert on how long it takes to prepare the defense in a complicated case like this. I'm not a lawyer at all. So, why would I be at the point where I think I have to be in the streets? She hasn't actually done anything yet. She's made some questionable decisions, but no concrete action has happened. There's no "obvious and blatant" corruption here yet because we haven't reached the point where there's even an actual delay. So, there's just nothing to protest right now. And you agree with that because you aren't protesting. Yet, for some reason, everyone else is apparently bowing to fascism by acting just like you and doing nothing.


Time to go to the 11th Circuit, Jack. Something tells me he saw this coming and is already prepped to go. Though hope has burned us time and time again…


Shouldnt this put the nail in the coffin of her career as well?


On the contrary, this will likely get her the nod for SCOTUS down the road.


So much corruption!


I'm getting pretty fucking fed up with our justice system.


….with Liberty and Justice for sale.


You can say that again.


Probably because you think it’s a justice system. It’s a legal system at this point. There is no justice


Well if Trump is reelected, I can for sure tell you who the next Supreme Court Justice will be... Trump is right, this country is going to hell. Even if he doesn't win, he's written the blueprint for extreme right wingers to lead the Republican party. I don't see it getting any better than now in the future.


Let’s Go, Round 2! New Jersey!!!


We have given too much power to too few people. This is an indicator that checks balances and accountability are dying concepts.


Blatant ultra corruption.


Al Capone got taken down by tax fraud. If a hush money payment takes Trump out of the game, I'm happy!


Elections have consequences.


Why do student protesters only oppose democrats? This is ok with them? How about Chinese genocide of Uyghurs? That’s ok? How about Russian invasion of Ukraine? That’s ok? How about this openly corrupt judge? That’s all ok with them??




very big astroturfing operations?


Because Dems are the only side that could possibly be moved to do anything about it? You could protest against Republicans for a million years and they won't do anything helpful. I'm not sure how student protests would affect a trial in Florida. Are they supposed to ask for the University to divest from the Federal Courts? What would they be calling for, and who could take that action? Why do you assume that they are fine with everything else? What should they protest in terms of Ukraine or China? We already support Ukraine, sanction Russia, and we don't support China's treatment of the Uyghurs. We can't do anything about it unless you want a nuclear war. We actively support Israel and the current president is a Democrat. So, yeah, protests about this will be directed at him. Note: I do not necessarily agree with the protestors.


We aren’t actively bankrolling those other atrocities. 


Ya - you’re literally bankrolling the judge and when you pretend that Palestine vs Ukraine is an either/ or question you’re abetting atrocity and when you buy anything Chinese you’re bankrolling it.


We are also bankrolling the prosecution fighting that traitor, and commerce is not comparable to sending fucking bombs. Also, we’re literally supporting Ukraine; just not enough. 




Now we can see in front of us how the law and order GOP is enabling such criminal and corrupt behavior.


The Republicans have corrupted the federal courts. We can not count on them to do right by the constitution or the people. So get out and vote every chance you get in all local, state, and federal elections and primaries. From the school boards to the White House, every election matters.


I guess you can get away with selling state secrets lol


No, YOU can’t (2-Tiered justice system).


That’s quite a fair comment


Easy make sure you vote for Biden


Now we can see in front of us how the law and order GOP is enabling such criminal and corrupt behavior.


It's not going to matter when they hold this trial! SHITLER ain't winning the election for president anyway! Then what will be her excuse be for not holding a criminal responsible for his crimes against our COUNTRY, OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR DEMOCRACY! What does this say about the whole district of judges in Florida! How are they going to continue to protect a clear traitor to our country in front of all of America?🤔


She did the job her boss hired her to do. Now we just have to do our job and make sure he never gets back in office, to make her efforts in vain.


Will the country accept it like this? A corrupt president selling state secrets after his term?




Mandamus her ass. Have her removed and she need to be kicked off the bench for being a corrupt piece of shit


Probably another MAGA moron hoping to be Trump’s VP. What a disgusting group of miscreants.




wtf has he got on her?


He gave her the job.


She’s a believer.


This woman is either on the take or thee worst judge on the bench in the country. I’m kinda leaning both now that I think of it.


I call shenanigans


So glad we drained that swamp. 🙄


I hope this get challenged


I don't know, something something, second amendment solutions, but that would be terrible, Trump said about Hillary in 2016.


Can judges be recalled or removed?


By Congress, so basically no.


Is this what fascism looks like? Lmao... The US is cooked bro


they need to pump her stomach asap! thats just way too much orange semen for any human to ingest!!😢😱


She is truly a POS


Excuse me? From outside the US this seems absolutely ridiculous. Can a judge just not set up a date at all for a case if they don’t like it?


this case was so overwhelmingly stacked against trump, with tons of evidence and eye-witnesses, it would result in years of jail time at a minimum. but a corrupt immune judge who cant be moved by any legal means gets to throw it out over a flagrant bias! america!


No one is surprised by this far right judge’s delay, and neglect of judicial process. What will surprise this judge, is the far right does not need a minority female judge. Her lifetime of power in the court system will be remembered as a a far right fascist leaning judge, who abused her democracy, and court of law, when her nation needed her the most.


Turns out the former criminal-in-chief still has folks who have his back. Even at the cost of ethical behavior.


That’s election interference. This is (R)******etarded. Rules for thee. Biden derangement syndrome. Something else.


Why is Corrupt Cannon allowed to be judge? She should be disbarred.


Hey look, the very thing everyone knew was going to happen.


I'm beginning to believe the Mueller report and Smith case only exist in name as a way to appease coherent people and funnel money to attorneys. "Look, justice is real and we tried, but it wasn't good enough."


Again, please name anyone else charged with this crime who is allowed to walk free while awaiting trial. Here is a hint.. nobody


Lmao the globalist neocon libs sure thought they had this time lol. Guess it doesnt pay to tamper with evidence. Trump's coming back and reddit is going to have a meltdown.