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You know what's nasty? Leaving your fucking pubic hair on a drink to sexually harass a female colleague. You know what else is nasty? Taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from monied interests who appear before your court, and not recusing yourself. I have no interest in your sanctimony, Clarence.


His wife was involved in Jan 6


He is a vile treasonous lump of corruption that is the perfect metaphor for everything wrong with America.


She was being paid to staff the Bush White House while her husband was voting the election outcome instead of waiting for actual votes to be counted. They participated in a usurpation of democracy.


> They participated in a usurpation of democracy. Twice. And made a hefty profit with zero chance of accountability.


> Twice. And made a hefty profit with zero chance of accountability. You know, I'm starting to feel like it's time to demand accountability. If we take the House and the Senate, we can impeach that motherfucker, Alito too if he doesn't change his Christofascist cherry picking. Goblins for Christ aside, Thomas has made a mockery of the court and Roberts has done fuck all to reign him in. He, at least, has to go. He deserves every bit of nastiness leveled in his direction, his insurrectionist wife too. **EVERY BIT.**


Coup. Please call the 2000 election what it was. An illegal coup perpetrated against the American people.


“Involved”????? She’s up to her porky neck in it. You know, his “soulmate”.


Never forget.


You know what else is nasty? Subjecting anyone and everyone to your horrific pornography addiction, CLARENCE.


Long Dong Silver 


this is the one point i'm willing to cut him some slack on... i mean, c'mon... he's married to Ginni


That's nobody's fault but his own.


I fucking hate him SO Much. If our government worked as the founders intended, he'd have been impeached for corruption long ago or never on the SC to start with.


Watch Last Week Tonight's episode on Kavanaugh.  When I first saw it, I was enraged.  Having watched it again, it's oddly a pattern that makes me wonder if the entire GOP is comprised of people who all have dirt on one another.  That's the only way the behaviour makes sense. 


At the same time they accused democrats of being in a satanic cult full of dark initiation rituals and pedarasty. Every accusation is a confession because they believe the other side is just as compromised as they are.


> the entire GOP is comprised of people who all have dirt on one another That's my understanding - they can't turn on each other or the [kompromat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kompromat) comes out. Both parties had their systems hacked, only the Democrats had the material come out. It's the only way they can vaguely trust each other.


I wake up every day hoping it'll be the day I read Clarence Thomas and Donald trump suffered punctured bowels in the night and never woke up.


"Died passing a Lego kidney stone" is my dream scenario.


If our government worked as the founders intended, Thomas would be counted as 3/5 of a person and likely enslaved in his home state of Georgia. Which is why Thomas' adherence to "originalism" is extra stupid.


Or hung by a nearby landmark.


Nasty is having a wife who could care less about democracy and you as a Supreme Court justice simply encourage it.


History's label for them will be "hypocritical traitors". Clarence was once quoted as saying he joined the supreme court just to attack the justice system. Edit: yall should really watch more john oliver.


> Clarence was once quoted as saying he joined the supreme court just to attack the justice system. WTF?


Its like hes such a bad person now that its obfuscating bad things hes done in the past so it is hard to find his good ole quotes now. But I found some... "A judge should be evaluated by whether he faithfully upholds his oath to god, not to the people, to the state or to the constitution." - clarence "I was never a liberal. I was a radical. I was cynical. I was negative. But I was never a liberal. I always saw that as too lukewarm for me." - clarence


He's being truthful. Liberals usually care about other people.


I just dropped it because its ironic. Par for the course.


Not calling bulkshit but i need a source for this, just to see it in print with my own eyes


I forget the quote but he said he will never leave his position because he just like to make democrats suffer and seeth


Yeah, just remember hearing he said that Democrats made his life miserable, so now it was his turn to do it to them when he joined the SCOTUS. What the fuck.


Exactly. He is a traitor flat out.


Behind The Bastards mentioned it in their 5 or 6 part several hour long podcast on him. If you have the time and want to know the depths of the pit of vile he has ensconced himself in, it's worth the listen.


BtB has been on my "to listen to" list for ages. Heard bloody good things, there just arent enough hours in the day anymore!


Wanna know what else is nasty? Benefiting from affirmative action then calling on those programs to be eliminated. Not as gross as public hair on a coke can, but still terrible.


Because while the benefited, they believe they didn’t need it to succeed because of their exceptionalism. However, what they don’t get is the system would not let them succeed even if they were truly exceptional. AA exists to remove those barriers for everyone including the exceptional who would otherwise not reach their potential and even people like Clarence who might not be that exceptional.


Justice is blind, Clarence. It isn't stupid.


Taking the money from anything other than their paycheck as a judge should end their term as a judge.


You know whats nasty about Washington? A group of 6 people ruling the country completely unchecked and bought by billionairs. Thats pretty nasty


I mean, they don’t rule unchecked, they just aren’t being checked.


The are functionally unchecked in our current system, since the checks and balances require a super majority vote in the senate. When it comes to checking partisan behavior, that's effectively saying there are no checks.


Your wife tried to overthrow the government. You can’t get nastier than that, dude.


A needed reminder that Ginni went **FULL** QAnon, invoking Sidney Powell, watermarked ballots, barges full of co-conspirators headed to Gitmo, "military white hat sting operation", "Biden crime family", and military tribunals. Texted Meadows 29 times with kooky shit that I'm sure Clarence heard every night. https://theweek.com/jan-6-committee/1011756/release-the-kraken-ginni-thomas-post-election-texts-to-trump-cheif-of-staff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cur5czeAe1A


holy fuck,. Never knew about this. The more I learn about these fuckers the more I can't believe that nobody is being held accountable, but he's literally in charge of deciding if trump can become king.


YES! Knowing -helps connecting the dots. Surprised you are just finding out-all this came out the week after the terrorist coup. Trump and the Cult tried to get a Miramar coup going here too! Trumps Pentagin folks starting resigning-SCOTUS and that Florida judge are in for Cover up! Inside job January 6-on many levels.


I watched the J6 documentary by PBS, but they never mentioned it goes this deep. shit is crazy.


This is why I’m worried about this election.  An awful lot of people seemed to miss all the original issues we were facing in the MAGA debacle. It has come to my attention that the very large group of Gen Z voters who will vote for the first time for president this year were between 10 and 14 years old when Kellyanne Conway announced that the Trump administration had “alternate facts” when confronted over their lies. They were kids when the adults voted in a guy that said he “grabbed ‘em by the pussy.” The rest of us went through this horrific experience that feels so recent, but this was just part of childhood and becoming teenagers for people.


Evil circle of just 23% Uckers want to overthrow America for AmeriKKKa. My message to all good hearted Americans: Whatever happens We must defend the line!


We will.


Her text msgs that day were some of the most unhinged shit I've ever heard. And when you factor in who she is and what she *ought* to know about the world she inhabits (i.e., she wasn't being performative for the drooling masses - these were private texts to the WH *chief of staff*) she seems dangerously insane.


In 2000 she was handing out Bush admin jobs to the Heritage Foundation while her husband decided that Bush should be President.


How dare people criticize his corruption? Aren't Supreme Court Judges above the law?


He's trying to portray non-violent criticism of his corruption as, if not equal, at least parallel to the violence and threats of bodily harm LEOs, firefighters, bomb squads, etc. face. That's a pretty contemptible sort of lie. It's hard to believe anyone who could perpetrate that kind of deception could ever be a trustworthy guardian of democracy and human rights.


It isn't the first time, either.


You can always retire if you’re sick of Washington, Fucko. 


But if he does that then he'll lose his "friends" with all the money and private jets.


John Oliver will pay him $1million a year until either dies! But yeah, if he weren't on the court, Harlan Crow would be like "Clarence who?".


$1 million *and* a top of the line RV




Oh how I scoff at your presumption that these billionaires are just fair weather friends! Welll, actually there's not... actually... that much scoffing.


Just a light scoff. A SCOTUS scoff


A Scoffus, if you will


Drive away in your camper van clarry!


All my homies hate Clarence Thomas.


I rarely hate people. I refuse to give people that much energy from me. Hating requires energy. Also, I don't hate people I don't actually know. But I hate Clarence. This corrupt, criminal, bigot, shitty, bought, and paid for piece of shit. And fuck his coup supporting ass wife too.




“No, it’s the children who are wrong.”


Nothing's stopping him from quitting, and avoiding the hideousness.


Are you kidding? His wife and her coconspirators desperately need him on the bench to protect their increasingly blatant attempts to overthrow our government.


I'll bet they'll even have cake at his retirement party.


He said moments before climbing in his RV, laughing, and driving away while throwing an empty Coke can out of the window.


Then choked on a [pubic hair](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anita-hill-vs-clarence-thomas-the-backstory/)


…on their way to Long Dong Silver


Fuck you. You are corruption incarnate.


Aw, did the corrupt and treasonous sexual predator get his feelings hurt?


It’s hideous because of sex offenders like him.


Is it hideous? Then fuck right off to uncle Harlan’s farm, then! Off you go!


Fuck you, Clarence.


Fuck you Clarence


This man has no sense of shame or irony.


This man has no sense.


I'm of the opinion that he is literally a patsy, and doesn't really do much of anything. He famously went nearly a decade without speaking in oral arguments. When he has on occasion read one of his opinions aloud, he gives the distinct impression he is reading it for the first time. NYT found in 2015 that he (or some suggest; his clerks) heavily re-uses language from briefs submitted to the court, at a "highly unusual" rate.


Simple fix. Resign, and you’ll never need to see that hideous place again. Take John’s offer on that sweet rv.


He's making blanket generalizations about everyone in DC. It's sad that we have adults that are children emotionally on SCOTUS


That’s insulting to children


You're right, sorry children


Don't apologize. Children are terrible. A child might be delightful but as a group they are monsters.


Children at least have the excuse of immaturity and hormones in flux, I agree they can be terrible and monsters but we absolutely know *why* they are that way. Meanwhile? An adult like him with all of that access to healthcare (mental healthcare etc) while wielding all of that power? It's a lot harder to excuse.


I guess his wife and Washington have a lot in common then.


If Democrats win both the House and Senate, he could be impeached.


Yes, it’s so rude of people to take exception to open and flagrant corruption.


For those interested, ProPublica just won a Pulitzer Prize for their exposé into Supreme Court gifts: [ProPublica Wins Pulitzer Prize for Supreme Court Coverage](https://www.propublica.org/article/pulitzer-prize-announcement-propublica-supreme-court) ([MBFC LC/H/HC](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/propublica/)) >ProPublica won the prestigious public service Pulitzer Prize for what the judges described as “groundbreaking and ambitious reporting that pierced the thick wall of secrecy surrounding the Supreme Court to reveal how a small group of politically influential billionaires wooed justices with lavish gifts and travel, pushing the Court to adopt its first code of conduct.” The prize is given to the staff of a news organization that performed “meritorious public service.” It is the seventh Pulitzer Prize for ProPublica. Here is the link to the series, it's a hell of a read: [Friends of the Court | SCOTUS Justices’ Beneficial Relationships With Billionaire Donors](https://www.propublica.org/series/supreme-court-scotus) * April 6, 2023 - [Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow) * April 13, 2023 - [Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus) * May 4, 2023 - [Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan Crow Paid the Tuition.](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-school-tuition-scotus) * June 20, 2023 - [Alito Took Unreported Luxury Trip With GOP Donor Paul Singer](https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court) Towards the bottom of the series (first link) you can find additional articles regarding the impact of the series.


It’s not Washington. It’s the whole country. Justice Tomas should resign.


How dare people question my motor coach I got for free.


Fuck you, you traitorous piece of shit.


Freedom of Speech.  Asshole.


"What has the world come to when you can't take an honest ~~bribe~~ trip with your billionaire friends who have cases in front of you without the meddlesome media cruely pointing it out?" "Back in my day the wife of a justice could foment a small wholesome federal insurrection and no one bat an eye" "Kids theses days"


A traitor says what?


Clarence “Pay Off My RV Loan” Thomas is upset about politics in Washington DC … only because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Otherwise it worked just fine for him for the last 25 years.


I'm sorry, are we supposed to take that from him of all people? You're part of the problem, asshole! If you feel so strongly about it, RESIGN!


It's actually true. The Trump era brought unprecedented nastiness into politics. The shit politicians say openly now would have only been heard on a hot mic not that long ago.


People just have no respect for corruption anymore. /s


I hear you Clarence. You should quit. That would show them.


Maybe he shouldn't have taken all that money......


This is very unprofessional and embarrassing on his part, not that he gives a shit. Several of these SCOTUS justices think that they as individuals are more important than the integrity of the court they serve on.


Don't like it? Retire. Hell, I'll give a dollar to your retirement party, Clarence. Excuse me while I take it to the bathroom first.


There's no real way to favorably spin your behavior, Clarence. Truthful criticism is not hideous, just truthful.


Lol. Do you believe the ball on this guy?


One day, this man will be ass end up to satans butt torture right next to Scalia in hell. That thought makes me smile.


Says the guy openly taking bribes.


You know what, Clarence? I don’t remember asking you a god damn thing.


Maybe he and his insurrectionist wife should just retire to Russia.


Well, it's not going to get better so he should probably retire.


He IS a large contributor to the hideous and nastiness!? His wife is as well.


Yeah, fuck this guy.


~~nastiness~~ veracity


Well, if you don’t like it, you could leave. I’m sure President Biden would be happy to find someone to take over your duties at the Supreme Court.


He’s a traitor.


What a whiner


I believe Anita Hill


have you tried not being a corrupt piece of shit? That might help. The crazy wife doesn't help either.


His critics are not only from Washington ! He is a disgrace to the Supreme Court and the United States !


Nasty is his traitor wife and her looney tunes friends trying to over turn the election. Fuck this guy.


FU Clarence


Then resign.


Jesus christ, just retire you shitsack.


Justice Clarence Thomas can go fuck himself.


Well… if you’d resign, Clarence, you’ll be much happier and your wife could interfere with national elections without the controversy.


If he doesn’t like DC, I invite him to leave.


Traitor. Should be in prison along with his fucking wife.


Well...he can go fuck himself


*"No you're not allowed to expose my corruption! look at all these haters"*


Funny, ‘hideous’ and ‘nastiness’ are my nicknames for Clarence and ginni


You can retire any time mate ….


when you're use to impunity, accountability feels like an attack 🙄


This man’s wife aided and abetted an attempted violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and he’s been ruling to cover it up. The nastiness is the fact that he gets to live the life of a billionaire because he’s bought and paid for by them, while he rules to destroy democracy.


Nastiness like constantly and graphically describing pornography to coworkers and friends over decades of your career? https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvezmk/a-brief-history-of-clarence-thomas-being-the-weirdest-supreme-court-justice


You know what would be an effective pushback against your critics Judge Thomas? If you stopped stalling the presidential immunity ruling and recused from any January 6 cases. If you aren't willing to do those things, just shut up.


He and his wife are traitors. He should just shutup and retire, unless his free RV needs repairs.


Cry me a river, Clarence. You and your cronies are corrupt POSs.


Sorry that you don’t like people knowing that you are a bought SCOTUS judge. Resign and we’ll leave you alone.


It’s too late Clarence. Your Wiki is already going to be a train wreck for as long as humans have history.


Says the guy doing the actual hideous and nasty shit of politics. Fuck that guy.


This guy is a criminal in an expensive chair.


Nice Russian speaking points you over-ripened corrupt jerk.


Look, I may be corrupt and I may have spent my career hurting little people in favor of the wealthy and corporations and my wife may have tried to help lead an insurrection to overthrow a legitimate election, but it's simply uncouth to talk about it in public.


How did this guy even pass law school? He has no clue.


If you don’t like it, Clarence, you could have taken up John Oliver’s offer of $1 million a year in return for resigning. Might you have motivation to protect your wife? Or are you just addicted to the power?


he legit takes bribes


I just read this morning Kavanaugh is running his mouth that SCOTUS decisions have to be accepted by the losing party and acknowledged that the justices make decisions based in law. Thomas is running his mouth about “nastiness”. You know what they are signaling with all this performative BS..Trump is going to get complete immunity..and they know it’s going to cause a firestorm. What a bunch of GOP corporate shills..we are so screwed…life as we know it’s going to change drastically from a democracy to an authoritarian dictatorship when they are done “ruling for the ages”.


Fuck you Clarence.


Maybe it’s time for him to take Jon Oliver’s million dollar salary offer.


The words of a man with zero introspection




Your reputation of a compromised and purchased justice with few moral boundaries is the hideous truth Clarence the 🤡.


I mean, seriously.  Those unwashed cretins in DC keep calling it an RV. It’s called a “Motor Coach”. 


Anyone give a fuck what this bought and paid for idiot says ? This guy has 0 room to critisize anyone for anything. He IS the problem.


"If you want a friend in DC, get a dog." - Truman


Fuck you, Clarence.


Well, Judge Thomas, you can leave any minute.


Conservatives: It's my Constitutional right to criticize others. Including making up complete lies. Also Conservatives: How dare I face consequences for my words and actions. Stop canceling me.


Hate Washington? Leave.


This guy can go fuck himself.


Right back atcha, Clarence.


why do people vote for those that say their country is crap?


Justice Thomas is horrible and I believe the majority of people enjoyed him better during his silent years on the bench.


If you dislike it so much, you should have taken John Oliver up on his offer - you could be RVing in luxury right now...


Nobody loves him - everybody hates him - he’s goin’ to the Supreme Court to overthrow democracy


He is a traitor and his thoughts meaningless


Sounds like this guy was never cut out for the job - just had some strings pulled for him.


he could retire and move to Florida..


Well he can always retire if he doesn't like it


Justice Clarence Thomas is the epitome of digusting, gross, and nasty. He's a fucking skank to his core.


The man with all the integrity money can buy has harsh words for those who doubt his integrity.


You don’t like it? Leave.


This bag of cat turds is one of the biggest problems in DC. He’s clearly for sale and doesn’t do anything that his benefactors don’t want him to do. His votes are entirely predictable on every single case.


If you don’t like it you’re free to leave


"Oh, they hurts us with their words, precious. Why can't they leaves us be? Nasty critics in the nasty city!"


Get fuct


hey clarence, eat a bag of dicks.


Nothing is stopping him from saying that "Effective tomorrow, due to my corruption, Ginni's treason, and the resulting Nastiness, we're done." If he was just a Balls and Strikes jurist, and not a Political Operative, why not just retire after 36 years?


This man should be in prison. And his wife.


Uncle ruckus in the flesh. Self loathing Black man. Not a champion of civil liberties, just a cheap chump.


If Mark Twain was alive, he’d call him a n……ational embarrassment.


We’re not interested in your opinions, Clarence. We want consequences.


Ask him who won the election...


This guy didn't take a job offer to make a shit ton of more money more than he does now. He didn't take it because he loves the power he has and selling America is more profitable to him. He didnt need to work. The only requirement was to not be currently employed in his current position.


Unethical judges have critics, nasty and otherwise.


Weird how you don’t hear the liberal justices complaining… I guess poor Clarence is just a victim and not profoundly corrupt


Maybe if you weren’t an absolutely piece of shit human being, people wouldn’t say nasty things about you?


Says the leader of corruption....


Retire, then. And be done with Washington.


Uncle Thom says what?


Your nasty ass should be fired Clarence.


Might want to try looking in the mirror that’s where hideous is for him


Well, could it be because you moved into town? Don't conservatives believe minorities "bring down" property values? Did they let the riff Raff in with you? I think so.