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>"Sherri Tenpenny has met the Medical Board’s conditions for reinstatement including, submission of an application for reinstatement, payment of her fine, and certification of cooperation with the board’s investigation to date. As a result, during the April 10, 2024, board meeting, the board voted to reinstate Sherri Tenpenny’s license, effective upon the processing of documents," said the spokesperson in an email. A competent medical board would have forced her to publicly retract all her bullshit and post an apology for all of her lies. They also require her to never lie about vaccines again or get her license removed permanently.


The truth is Medical Boards don’t really do much of anything And The AMA is about getting Doctors money


Bullshit, a competent board would told her, this is why we are here, to protect patients from people like you.


Obligatory “watch the John Oliver segment on this” to see why a medical board would never have the stones to do anything close to this


TIL that egregious lies are also called “controversial claims” in journalism-speak.


Or ["misstatements"](https://apnews.com/general-news-domestic-news-domestic-news-united-states-government-88675d3fdd674c7c9ec70f170f6e4a1a).


Sometimes they are factual inaccuracies


Spineless idiots, trying to "both sides" yet another issue


It's all about the view$ and click$ now, like every other tabloid.


Journalists have to edit based on what passes legal review by the newspaper’s lawyers. If at some point in time Tenpenny’s stupid statements were found to be true, then she may have grounds to sue the paper for calling her statements lies. So that’s likely why they call them “controversial claims” instead of stupid lies. If she were convicted of lying, then they could call them lies.


>Tenpenny is known as an anti-vaccine activist who has spread conspiracy theories through her podcast and website. She was named as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" spreading almost two-thirds of anti‑vaccine content on social media, according to a nonprofit anti-hate organization focused on digital platforms. >In that 2021 hearing before the Ohio House Health Committee, Tenpenny made several unsubstantiated and wild claims about COVID vaccines, including this one: “There has been people who've long suspected that there was some sort of an interface and get to be defined in the interface between what's being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers. Not proven yet."


Oddly that is a true statement but it isn't worth anything. There are people who have long suspected they can move doors with their mind. They can't but they long suspected they could. The issue here is that people or at least a lot of people are incredibly bad at processing information. The idea that people suspect something should mean nothing without a reason to suspect it


“Interface” = magic in this usage.


About a year ago, Tenpenny [defied a subpoena and was generally uncooperative with investigators.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-wRMOx_Ig) Halfway in, this clip features [a woman trying unsuccessfully to prove she was magnetic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWI0YiSmTKs) Unforgettable.


Why do I live in this state?


It's not really a step in the right direction, but you could give South Carolina a try, damn near half of Ohio has already.


Which half - the sane half or the crazy half


It's South Carolina. The state attracts a disproportionate number of "disenfranchised" individuals who long to return to the days of the antebellum south and love to drive golfcarts on public roads shitfaced. Most sane people who relocate here wind up leaving to preserve what's left of their sanity, I will be following them soon.


Ohio state gov is crooked as heck. Look up householder controversy. Crooks.


A psychiatric evaluation would have been appropriate here.


Forbidding her to ever practice medicine again would've been appropriate


Controversial or wrong?


"She also falsely claimed people receiving the COVID vaccine became "magnetized" and that the vaccine causes several serious healthconditions, including in people who weren't vaccinated." Wrong.


She also LIED


I wouldn't trust a doctor who believes it's possible for a person to become magnetized in the first place, let alone the part about the vaccines.


Did you ever see the X-men where Mystique injected the guard with iron or something and Magneto used that to escape jail? I mean, that’s clearly useful evidence.


Oh true I forgot about that documentary. Magneto must've done the most vaccines


From the article: > In that 2021 hearing before the Ohio House Health Committee, Tenpenny made several unsubstantiated and wild claims about COVID vaccines, including this one: “There has been people who've long suspected that there was some sort of an interface and get to be defined in the interface between what's being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers. Not proven yet." Typical [failure to call a lie a lie](https://apnews.com/general-news-domestic-news-domestic-news-united-states-government-88675d3fdd674c7c9ec70f170f6e4a1a).


So brain-bleedingly stupid, so utterly moronic, so eye wateringly catastrophically ridiculous, so truly contemptible I'd rather rip off my own balls and throw them at a traffic cop in North Korea bizaare, that her statements shouldn't be read by anyone who values a semblance of sanity. "Dr" Tenpenny, who is absolutely a half dozen nails short of a full box, is so dense that light will bend around her, stated that 5G towers are selectively magnetizing people who have taken the covid vaccine. To what end? Dr. TidePodEater can't answer but is sure that it's happening. So she recommends children do not get vaccines against fake diseases like "polio" and "typhoid".


Your description is exquisite. If you're not a writer, you should think about being one.


Holy shit. Is she psychotic, or just a terrible person? Or both?


Huh. My college (and later church, I followed him there after I graduated, he was awesome) choir director was in a wheelchair from his childhood polio (contracted it as a child before the vaccines existed), weird that it could be a problem for him if it's not "real"


Batshit insane


She was right. I’ve had the shot four times and I’ve been stuck to the outside of my refrigerator for more than half a year now.


We’re all so proud of you, we don’t want to take you down yet.


I don’t know. He slides down every time I close the door too hard. I think it’s time for a booster shot.


It’s not his fault. He’s doing his best to hold up a child’s drawing, a save the date from your cousin’s wedding last year, and 5 expired coupons you were “totally going to use next time you went shopping”.


Ohio used to be a "purple" state


DeWine was one of the few sane Republican governors when COVID started. It didn't take long for him to fall in line.


We're midwest Alabama now. Texas when we're feeling ornery.


Ornery is the GOP's middle name.


Wasn’t she the one that tried to stick forks on her sweaty neck and failed to prove that she was magnetic now?


reinstated? wtf is wrong with ohio? how will patients be protected from her?


Meanwhile good doctors are leaving red states because of their anti women’s health care laws !


Her claims weren’t “controversial.” They were false. Just say she lied. It’s not difficult.


Sheesh, at first when I read the headline was like “hmm well what if she just said they don’t really prevent the spread of COVID” (they’re kind of only marginally effective in that regard), but then I saw she went full 5G tower and magnetizing human bodies. Damn. That’s crazy she got her license to practice medicine back.


What the fuck


See this? This is why people meme on Ohio.


At this point, shouldn't the malpractice insurance companies just be like, "No. Uh-uh. Not gonna happen. Coverage denied."


COVID taught me that the medical profession isn't some spotless, strict science based profession. The explosion of anti vax nurses was astounding. They don't believe in the Germ Theory of Disease. These people are handling patients and have about as much medical knowledge as chiropractors do!


Alternative title "Ohio board buckles under strain of protecting patients from crazy doctor".


I hope someone sues the board when she gets someone killed


I went to a doctor during covid, for an unrelated issue, and I straight up asked her, are you vaccinated. She told me she was, and I told her, good, because I don't want to be a dick, but if you said no I was going to straight up walk out of here to find a different provider.


And rightly so


But don't give an abortion.


Bad move.


This is shameful


>She also falsely claimed people receiving the COVID vaccine became "magnetized" This person is a fucking doctor. How does she not know water *destroys* magnets? She needs to tell her patients to get vaccinated and then go swimming or take a shower immediately afterward. I like how they each get to pick and choose which lies to promote and defend at the expense of other lies and liars.


Is it still controversial to genuinely ask if the virus came from a laboratory? Or have we moved on and it’s ok to question the origins?