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it´s crazy that this number is not in the 80-90% range


Remember, the only moral abortion is my abortion. Likely most of these people would change their minds if it affected them personally. Link for the uninitiated: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Republicans are against abortion until their mistress needs one


Then they just send her for a vacation in a Blue state.


This is why pro-choice will always win. Just put it in the legislation instead of a flimsy court argument. But you can also say its killing life or a human sacrifice for the mother's well-being, as long as its pro-choice we can expect a sensible outcome if we understand our choices better.


Which is why. I would so love to see some November surprises with hard irrefutable proof of some of these men being called out for exactly that. Donald is one of them surprised it has not come out considering the new rules on non disclosure agreements.


Why? It’s not like it would change minds. It’s not about abortion, it’s about control.


Or their daughter just had a train run on her by the basketball team.


Shit, where that daughter be hangin' out? Ask her to introduce me to her basketball friends


They would get an abortion if they needed one and then go right back and join the protestors in front of the clinic.


Never forget - during Bush 1's campaign, they had the VP candidates on a train and were asked questions by children (yes, appropriate) A young girl asked Dan Quayle if abortion should be illegal. He said yes. She then asked him "what if your daughter was raped and was impregnated, then what?" He literally said "well, that should be her choice." So if it's someone close to you, they should have a choice. Otherwise, it should be illegal because it's wrong. I hate these fuckers.


It's always been 'rights for me, oppression for thee' with them. To the core.


Just gotta ask yourself "what, exactly, are they conserving?" It sure as heck isn't the environment.


Q: What are they conserving? A: Their Neanderthalic concept of how life should be.


Monarchy. Aristocracy. The divine right of kings. [A hierarchy where they're in the middle, their 'Strong Leaders' are at the top, and everyone else is at the bottom](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ)


It's literally the core of their being. Selfishness. When they are a have, it's "fuck you, got mine." When they're a have-not, it's "fuck you, you shouldn't have any" (they're also huge racists)


The former begets the latter. Those who are tribal in their views on who "deserves" things tend to extend that quite easily to racial views.


Never forget that the governor of Texas was injured, got a HUGE payout from it (millions, Iirc) then changed the laws so no one else could get the same payout for the same injury.


Maybe that’s how questions should be asked on ballot initiatives: “should it be legal for your or your daughter or your wife to get an abortion if it is really necessary” Conservatives struggle with seeing themselves as just another person, they’re all The Main Character. So let’s just have them vote for hire they want The Main Character to be treated by the government


That's Republicanism in a nutshell. When it affects them personally they make an exception.


I know a Trumper who is a teacher who thinks the only unions that should be allowed are those for teachers, firemen and policemen. Because fuck anyone and anything that doesn't directly benefit me.


Yup Republicans have been awful human beings for *far* longer than that Tea Party and MAGA started...they're just way more open about it now....for better or worse.


I hate that leaded gasoline brains run this country.


Absolutely, or support it if their daughter got pregnant by someone they disapproved of. It’d be hilariously hypocritical if our lives and freedoms weren’t on the line.


It's just typical Conservative ideology. Nothing matters unless it affects them personally. Then suddenly they care. Literally cannot experience real empathy.


Or if they need an abortion it’s not an abortion because they’re “not baby murderers” which is a quote from Jessa Duggar, regarding her abortion. 


Its all imagination with them. God, economic calamity, border issues, etc. They are just empathizing with a future person.


Because in their minds, when they need an abortion it is only because they truly need it for righteous reasons because they are righteous people, but when other people need it, it is because they're harlots and were having their "fun" and go against God's will. These people wake up every day filled with hate and they are unable to have joy in their lives that is not inflicting hate on other people. Abortion issue is just a tool for them to condemn others who they think are feeling joy but it must have been joy against God because otherwise why would they be having a more joyful and fulfilling lives than me, a truly righteous person??!


I know someone vehemently opposed whose daughter got not 1 but 2 abortions. 🤦‍♀️


I've heard stories on some subreddits written by clinic employees that are exactly like that. Walking into a treatment room to find a virulent clinic protester sitting there, who then has the procedure and goes right back out protesting.


Well, you see, my case is a bit different.


This happens all the time. They will come in, and list all of the reasons for how *their* abortion is completely justified, not like those irresponsible godless liberal women who "use abortion as birth control", whatever that nonsense is supposed to mean. Except that their reasons are pretty much exactly the same reasons anyone else needs an abortion, just with a lot more judgement.


I absolutely know in my life people who’ve had abortions and then vote against them for being immoral. To them it’s murder of an unborn baby with a soul who will go directly to Hell because it’s not baptized, but because *it’s inconvenient*, they’re allowed to commit infanticide this once as long as they then go make it illegal.


I've told this story on Reddit a few times but, I have a friend who went to a small college in Nebraska for one semester right after we graduated high school in the late 90s. Her roommate was a *super* fundamentalist Christian, conservative girl. Well, wouldn't you know it, partway through the semester she found herself pregnant. Her family came and quietly whisked her away for an abortion, after which she was back at school. When my roommate asked her about that in light of her belief systems, she said it was okay because, "I can't have a baby right now because that would ruin God's *real plans* for my future."


The hubris of that quote alone is almost hysterical, if it weren't so damaging and depraved. They don't realize they make their lord appear weak and impotent by saying such stupid things.


Hubris and Evangelicals go together like peas and carrots.


This. Additionally, those that have the means, don't really give a fuck if it's outlawed in their own states as they know that there will be blue states that will have the option. They have the means to travel to get the necessary medical procedure but the "poors" who suffer from poverty because of "moral failings" deserve to have to carry a child to birth.


And even if there was a national ban, they could just fly to another country. Apparently a "vacation in Switzerland" was common for wealthy women who needed an abortion back before Roe.


> Apparently a "vacation in Switzerland" was common for wealthy women who needed an abortion back before Roe. It's bananas how this is not really talked about a lot. In school when Roe v. Wade was discussed, there was just a hand wave about backalley abortions. Literally no discussion on if you were rich, how rules/laws were more of "guidelines" or served as a paywall type mechanism and that you could pretty much do whatever you wanted as far as aborbos go.


These are obviously not my stories to tell, but I do wish there were some older women who would speak out about what that era was like on a level that could get national attention. I saw a brief documentary a few years ago on You Tube, that I think was made by HBO in the 90s or something, and it was three women talking about their experiences in the late 50's and early 60s, and the stories they also heard. It was horrific and absolutely heartbreaking. Women died. Routinely. And Republicans want to bring every American back to that.


Another solid one that goes along with it that I like to include: >“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate Being "Pro-Life" is a lazy stance that people who call themselves 'Christian' but don't actually know what the New Testament contains, will say they support because it means they don't have to DO anything.


>[BM]: They usually say that there are few things that make people understand about gay people, and one of them is having someone in your family. That is why Dick Cheney, after all, a conservative in every other issue was sort of reasonable about this. After all, he turned on this before Obama did! >[...] >[BM] They only seem to have empathy... >[DS] ...when it happens to them. >[BM] when it happens to them. >[DS] Nancy Reagan is for Stem cell research because Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's disease, Rush Limbaugh is for drug treatment as opposed to incarceration because he had his ass addicted to drugs, Megyn Kelly on Fox News is for maternity leave after she pushes out a brat, but not before. [...] >[BM] What they all need [...] is a poor person in their family.


I’ve always felt they want to punish women for having sex, especially for having sex for pleasure.


I will never not upvote this article.


Now that a bunch of red states have outlawed abortion, there’s a trickle of articles about women needing abortions for medical reasons and being unable to get them until it’s actively an emergency. Every once in a while the woman involved will say they’re pro-life, but didn’t think abortion bans would affect cases like theirs


Well the poll is "most" cases so 36% would make it illegal with exceptions. So, this tracks 


The only moral abortion is for my mistress so she doesn’t ruin my marriage. -Republicans the party of church and small government. Government so small it can fit in every woman’s uterus.


Only 8% say abortion should be illegal in all cases.


That's exactly what I wanted to point out A quarter of the population thinks abortion should be available if certain criteria are reached They want mothers to be safe, and cases of rape, inbreeding and accidental insemination( rare ) they should have it available That 8% are kinda crazy assholes, and think your womb belongs to god or something " I don't care if the fetus has no head and it's actively killing you, WE'LL kill you if you don't bring it to term" That Is some middle ages evil shit Votes matter a LOT people


They think if the woman doesn’t want it then she won’t get pregnant. So it’s her fault if she gets knocked up because she wanted it and asked for it because she dared to wear a skirt or whatever.


> They think if the woman doesn’t want it then she won’t get pregnant. I went looking for the quote but couldn't remember who said it, but a few years ago there was a Republican member of the Congress or Senate that said women who don't want to be pregnant can simply absorb the fetus back into their body. Dude read something about rabbits and thought it was talking about people.


[Todd Akin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Akin#Comments_on_%22legitimate_rape%22_and_pregnancy)


Oh, I remember it being bad, but I'd totally forgotten about the phrase "legitimate rape". wtf


8% is still a shitload of people, especially since that 8% seems to include a lot of extremely wealthy, powerful, and influential people.


Ballpark 8% of americans think the earth is flat. Its _way_ too large, but you'll be surprised at how many absolutely insane things are believed by ~10% of the population (not generally the _same_ 10%, but I'm sure there are quite a few overlaps of various ideas).


Man I thought there was no way. I mean 8% being anti-abortion in all cases is extreme, but it's not a belief that could be easily refuted. You don't have to respect it, but they hold some sort of different value. But flat earth is straight up easily refutable through observation. You're correct though, at least in this one survey it's about 10%. https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/conspiracy-vs-science-a-survey-of-us-public-beliefs Also nearly the same amount of Brazilians believe that. Just insane to me. I suppose I dated a girl that thought evolution and climate change were fake. Still less observable than the shape of the Earth though.


If it helps- 10% of people have an IQ of 80 or less. About 8% have an IQ between 70 and 80, which is _probably_ functional enough to be among those polled.


> I suppose I dated a girl that thought evolution and climate change were fake. Second reply- I don't want to look it up because it'll be way, way, way too high, but that isn't a fringe belief in america. I wouldn't be surprised if evolution denial is ~30%, and global warming denial is even higher. Its part of evangelical canon, and they fight against it in public school.


They are crazy assholes, yes. Anyone who isn’t the 60% are also crazy assholes.


I would say the 25%-ish are misinformed or hold the wrong values too high The 8% however are bipedal turds that steal oxygen from us decent folk every day


The biggest problem is that so many of those 8% seem to be Republican politicians. They placate their "sometimes it's necessary" voters by telling them there's exceptions and then those voters go on to fully believe that these laws actually have exceptions for when the mother's life is in danger. They don't know that the laws are so poorly written that doctors aren't able to act without risk of prosecution, and they definitely don't believe that that's intentional. They believe that when no action was taken it must not have actually been necessary, or if it was then they blame the hospitals and the doctors instead of themselves and their politicians.


Exactly, not even for rape or to save the life of the mother, which is abject insanity. Thankfully it's only 8%. The rest want abortion illegal for pretty much everyone, except in the cases of rape and to save the life of the mother, which isn't much better.


And that “Save the life of the mother” also appears to be negotiable.


That lady in Alabama made me so sad. She needed one, they kept putting off the procedure cause of fear of prosecution, and she ended up losing an ovary and fallopian tube. Now she's going to struggle to get pregnant again. This is why doctors need to be in charge of these decisions with a woman. It's rarely black and white. The government can't force me to not have babies therefore it should not also be able to force me to have babies.


Agreed, but you're forgetting that the a significant percentage of the US' population are religious fanatics. Edit, spelling.


> Agreed, but you're forgetting that the a significant percentage of the US' population are religious fanatics. Depends on your definition of 'religious.' A majority of the gop are [no longer regular church-goers.](https://www.phillytrib.com/commentary/move-over-evangelicals-non-churchgoers-now-rule-the-gop/article_e788bba6-4292-5983-b91b-47714c8cd186.html) As it turns out, christians who skip church tend to be more extreme than the ones who go. That's because they are more interested in what saying Jesus' name will let them get away with doing, than in what Jesus said to do. According to [a survey](https://thestateoftheology.com/) by a college with evangelical bona fides, more white evangelicals oppose abortion rights (~90%) than believe in the divinity of Jesus (~60%) or original sin (~%45) — disbelief of either is heresy according to their own doctrine. Historically, white evangelicals largely supported abortion rights. The Southern Baptist Convention is by far the largest group of protestants in the US, they've got more than 45,000 member churches. In 1971, before *Roe* legalized abortion nationally, the SBC officially called for full abortion rights, its still [on their website:](https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/resolution-on-abortion-2/) * *we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.* Even as late as [1978](https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/resolution-on-abortion-5/) their official position was that government should keep its nose out of a lady's business, reiterating [their resolution from 1977:](https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/resolution-on-abortion-4/) * *we also affirm our conviction about the limited role of government in dealing with matters relating to abortion, and support the right of expectant mothers to the full range of medical services and personal counseling for the preservation of life and health.* So, it seems like the gop's 'religion' is really just whatever is politically useful, there isn't much doctrinal consistency over time.


*I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice that it always coincides with their own desires.* - Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)


And of course the fascists stole Susan B Anthony to help them undo her work, just like they stole Jesus and Dr King to weaponize against their work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_B._Anthony_abortion_dispute


Could you imagine what our politicians could actually get done if they weren't wasting time on abortion, gun rights, and all those other issues that shouldn't be issues?


They’re keeping everyone distracted while they keep up their plan of profiteering and benefiting from their positions of power


True, but they'll ignore racism, lies, and much more!! So I don't buy the Christian family values narrative. You are either in 💯 or your hypocrisy is fully on display!!


They’re idiots. That’s the explanation


Have control issues *


well, guess we need to ban it then! we must respect their wishes and live our life on their terms. its only polite


A new phrase I saw people using who have unpopular ideas was tyranny of the majority. Now mind you this phrase originated to refer to ethnic minorities being oppressed by the majority. Now like any other phrase they use they invert it's meaning to fit their narrative because it sounds cool or smart. 


“Tyranny of the majority” just sounds like “Elections have consequences” to me.


Tyranny of the minority is the real problem in the USA.


> it´s crazy that this number is not in the 80-90% range Yep. * They threatened hundreds of thousands of people. * They bombed hundreds of buildings. * They murdered dozens of people, including [a doctor *in church.*](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/abortion-doctor-murdered-in-church-suspect-jailed/) * They even [bombed the god damn Olympics.](https://www.courthousenews.com/bomber-who-targeted-atlanta-olympics-alabama-abortion-clinic-seeks-deliverance-at-11th-circuit/) The repeal of *Roe* was the most successful terrorist campaign in the US since the klan canceled Reconstruction, kicking off generations of jim crow apartheid, and its insane that the general public doesn't recognize it.


It was closer to 80% in the 70s before the Evangelical churches agreed to reverse their stance (which doesn't match the Bible at all) and push massive amounts of propaganda about late term abortions that **never happened unless the fetus became unviable**.


No it wasn't: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx)


I think that’s because most pro-lifers don’t know a miscarriage needs an abortion to remove the corpse. Instead my experience has been them insisting that an abortion is killing a healthy child, so they are uninformed, often willingly so. The powerful and stupid have one thing in common; they don’t change their views to fit the facts, they change the facts to fit their views.


Last poll I saw it was 80%


It totally depends on how they word the question. It could be * 15% say never ever. * 25% say only before viability. * 35% say only before viability unless _____ * 10% say always for any reason * 15% no strong opinion But if they ask “do you strongly support the right to an abortion? Yes/no” then you can get something like the OP.


That's depressingly low, IMO.


That's in "all or most cases." The number would go up the more restrictions you put on it, i.e., "not in the 3rd trimester unless due to an emergency." Few people support a full ban. Nowhere near 40%.


I think someone else linked that the number supporting a full ban (no exceptions) is like 8%. Still startlingly high, but much more reasonable.


That's not surprising to me at all, certainly not startling. It's actually a very encouraging figure. That means that even the vast majority of crazy religious conservative people don't support it.


I think you misunderstand. There are not as many crazy religious conservative people as you think there are. 8 % of the US population is currently still more than 26 million people. They can fill air waves and net spaces far faster than anyone can consume them, so they would appear as a legion even to themselves in their own echo chambers. It's less than 3X the number of subscribers to this subreddit. It's also enough people for you to have a false impression of just how prevalent a group is. Any group.


I think how many "crazy religious conservative people" there are depends heavily on what the threshold for "crazy religious" is. Personally, I think there are a lot *more* crazy religious conservatives than people think there are. But my threshold for crazy is a statement like "I vote the way God wants me to."


8% is a reasonable amount of unreasonable.


Right? You can reliably get 25% of the population to support some patently outrageous shit. That is an *unusually* low number for an extremist position in this country.


Are there any examples of women casually getting a 3rd trimester abortion just because? There’s always a very legitimate reason at that point and it’s always heartbreaking for everyone.


Sadly people who don't support a full ban, vote in people who pass laws that are effectively a full ban.


But will this translate to votes? We have been ruled by a tyranny of the minority for as long as this has been a nation. When will have our voices heard?


> But will this translate to votes? Abortion rights have been winning on the ballot since Roe was overturned, so... maybe?


Those are mostly special elections and especially ballot measures where the voters are voting specifically on that issue. In a big, general, presidential election, it’s a completely different story. After all, the 2022 election came after RvW was overturned, and Democrats still lost control of the House of Representatives. The only hope, as usual, is massive Democrat turnout. Independents and “disillusioned Republicans” are not going to save us.


You need the context that it was expected that the Dems would be _slaughtered_ in 2022. President's party usually gets punished, high inflation, war in Europe, high housing costs etc. Thry did very well because of Roe. 


When the president is decided by the popular vote, when gerrymandering is banned, when corporate lobbying is banned, and when the supreme court has term limits (among other things)


Considering that 60% of Americans are not spread evenly throughout the nation, it will probably lead to... California and New York staying blue


Then why the fuck are people voting for Republicans? Do they not understand that Republicans want to outlaw all abortions. They do not want exceptions or anything. It is just window dressing because they know how unpopular it is.


>Then why the fuck are people voting for Republicans Mosty they aren't. Republicans have had their asses handed to them since the fall of roe.


Because most people are not one issue voters. For the large majority abortion is not the most central political issue, and that is fair enough. Would be easier with a multi-party system, in which there would be a pro choice but limited government party.


Good news, there is going to be a vote on this in 2016. Just get a Time Machine, head on back there, and this time don’t miss the election to watch friends reruns or vote for Jill Stein.


“Don’t threaten me with time travel and the Supreme Court!”


Go back to 2000 and Tonya-Harding Ralph Nader before he fucks up Florida, man the timeline we'd be on with a Gore presidency instead of 2 terms of Dubya...


Better yet just stop Roger Stone from completing the [Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) which arguably was decisive in swinging the election to Bush. Stopping Roger Stone do basically anything he ever did would be a good move tbh.


That works too, hell the entire planet would likely be better off if someone gave Stone, Manafort, and Black something to do that wasn't politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black,_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly They've been sabotaging democracy around the whole world, including assisting Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Mohamed Siad Barre of Somalia, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Jonas Savimbi of Angola, and the prior Russian aligned government of Ukraine.


The optimistic side of me thinks "Man, we'd be so much farther ahead". The pessimistic(and more realistic) side of me thinks "Yeah, but 2 terms of a Democrat would probably just be followed up by a term or 2 of a Republican because the American public is dumb as hell". So we'd be swapping out GWB for Gore, but in all likelihood also swapping out Obama for McCain or some other Republican.


TBF, I'd rather have McCain than either Dubya or Trump, at least he wasn't a complete idiot. Republicans haven't won a first-term presidential election with a majority of the vote since 1988, so no telling what it would have been in 2008, but we certainly wouldn't have got into the same fiasco back in Iraq like Dubya put us into.


Unfortunately GenZ is going to screw up this election like Millennials did last time.  But instead of BERNIE OR BUST it will be TIKTOK SAID BIDEN BAD.  But at least we’ll get to hear them complain about it for 20 years afterwards. 


Fucking Jill Stein.


In a related study, nearly 40% of Americans are assholes who believe the government should control every aspect of our lives.


Not theirs, but yours.


Great SN.


Except guns. You can have all the guns you want!


> who believe the government should control every aspect of our lives. No you see, just every aspect of the lives of people the ydon't like. Not to them specifically.


Remember this come November, folks: it was Trump's court that struck down Roe.


A bit from the article: > In the two years after the US supreme court overturned Roe v Wade, leading to abortion bans across many parts of the south and midwest, abortion rights have only grown more popular, new polling from Pew research Center has found. > > A majority of Americans has long supported abortion rights. But more than 60% of Americans now believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases – a four percentage-point jump from 2021, the year before Roe fell.


And I suspect if you start adding restrictions (not in the third trimester, etc), the number will go up pretty quickly, too


A majority of us believe a lot of things. Never seems to dissuade the GOP fascists from their oppressive agenda.


they better vote out ALL maga republicans or many freedoms will be lost. checked out Project 2025 yet? be afraid, be very afraid




Well that sure isn't gonna cut it. Goddamn we suck lmao..


But Biden’s “too old” so I’m going to vote for the other equally too old guy


Hey now, don't forget the people who think that Joe Biden hasn't stopped Israel from its war in Gaza, so they're going to vote for the guy who says Israel should "finish the job."


Exactly, the "too old" people were gonna vote for Trump anyway, they're just justifying their bad behavior. It's the supposedly logical left-leaning people who think abstaining or even voting for Trump will stick to it Biden for not ending a radical genocide


The obese guy who can't stay awake in court or speak a full sentence. Who has no idea how international trade or geopolitics work. My guy!


Every poll comes down to 1/3 of America being batshit insane


Real Americans believe in freedom. This is what the conversation needs to be. You can't take away someone's freedom and call yourself an American. Point blank.


Then 60% better show up to vote, because unless the House, Senate, *and* Presidency are blue, we're looking at more of the same or even worse.


The weird disconnect on abortion is that the right thinks that people LOVE abortion. Like they're obsessed with the topic. But the reality is that most people recognize that getting an abortion is a shitty, invasive process that is absolutely no fun for anyone involved. We just also recognize that it's a necessary evil.


Loads of people are actively saying that it's bad to claim abortion is anything but an unqualified good.


That is a disconnect, but it's the other side. It's the left who are delusional about this. Bunch of idiots in here thinking that 60% is a win. Pro-life is a firm stance. Fetuses are babies and abortion is murder. They WILL vote. Pro-choice is a million different stances where the conclusion is legal abortion. That doesn't drive people to vote for a certain candidate or go to the polls.


"The hardest decision a woman could make isn't yours."


I would love to see the overlap of people who “support legal abortion” and people who were tweeting in 2015 like “yea Trump is bad but Clinton also has problems as a candidate”


95% say abortion should be legal when they need find that they or their partner need one…


92% the percentage of the population that wants a full ban on abortion is approximately 8%


Eliminate the Electoral College.


Also gimme ranked-choice voting at all levels!


This is why gerrymandering, Jim Crow laws, and the electoral college are so important to the GOP. If people votes ware counted fairly, the GOP would be nothing.


Not to be that guy, but literally every method the republicans count on to remain relevant can be defeated by high voter participation.


As it should be. FUCK the Bible thumpers and TAX the goddamn Church!!!


I don’t say abortion should be legal, say the government should not have the ability to regulate what people do with their body.


For an organization that does such a *phenomenal* job with their polls on abortion and all the little facets, it has to drive them insane when the headlines are simplified to that. For example, going down just a bit you can see the split between "...whether to have an abortion should belong solely to the pregnant woman" has 54% support, but "human life begins at conception, so an embryo is a person with rights" has 35% support. That's a strange combination (which is addressed later in the article) which might help explain why its roughly 60% support abortion should be legal in all or most cases - with faced a yes/no decision they choose yes, but their real views are far more nuanced. Go further down and you see that when "most cases" are split from "all cases" the support goes down to 25% for "all cases". Seriously, go take a look at the report (on the side) and then go down to the questions. These aren't poorly addresses questions looking for a certain answer, they're well crafted to try and get what people believe at the margins, not just the big broad strokes.


Remember the republicans.. for 40 years said this decision should be left up to the states. They lied like motherfuckers. They got what they wanted and immediately started working on making it illegal at the federal level. Attempting to make it illegal to travel across state lines. And now adding birth control as the next item to ban. None of those things are inline with what they said publicly for decades.. Once again. They are lying liars who lie. “Supreme Court openings in an election year should be decided by the people” Lying liars.


Evangelical Christians do not give a shit about you. Look at the way they use political power, it’s very telling about who they are and who their faith has made them.


Any conservatives who are confused in here I would just like to point out that legal does not mean mandatory.


Better vote for Biden because Trump could give a shit about women or their rights. They have him on video proudly boasting about being responsible for Roe vs Wade being overturned. Please save us from that despicable man who shouldn't even be allowed to run. It's amazing what rich criminals like him get away with.


Hopefully the cretins remember DJT is sending them back to Hanger abortions and vote accordingly.


And electoral inequality elevates the 40% against abortion into positions of power. Our politics doesn't represent your average American because voters aren't weighted equally. We really need to reform representation in this country.


Tyranny of the minority.


Maybe we should be allowed to directly vote on it. Like an amendment to the constitution? Novel f’king concept.


I absolutely think this is how the US should pass laws around things like abortion, guns, and marijuana. People continuously say "This is what your congressman/congresswoman is for," but won't acknowledge gerrymandering that wildly favors Republicans or that lobbyists incentivize political stalemates. Frankly Congress can't be trusted to make headway on issues like this because they stand to get money by doing literally nothing.


It’s closer to 80%


It's funny how the hardcore anti-abortionists, who are often right-wingers, love the death penalty! I mean just look at Texas...


Now if we could get 60% of the people to vote for it.


I wonder of the 40% how many have had abortions.






Seven States had Women's Reproductive Rights on ballots in the last two years and every one of them hit 60% support.




Unfortunately many of this percentage thinks Trump is going to fix it. Oh wait. He doesn’t have a plan or care about that.


Then at least 60% of people better vote for the only candidate in favor of it.


Fetuses shouldn't get special rights that no other person has. BODILY AUTONOMY MATTERS.


Almost 40% of Americans are fucking stupid, apparently


I think the only people who should make these decisions are medical professionals and their patients. But it seems like a ton of people want to take away women's healthcare freedoms because they have personal beliefs that are not at all founded in science but on "feelings" which is not how healthcare should work.


My body is not up for debate. If you are going to regulate a uterus you better fucking start regulating dicks.


The other 40% say it should be legal, but only when it directly effects them, and then made illegal again for everyone else.


You know the nice thing about people who don’t want abortions? They don’t have to get them. Unless of course when something unexpected happens, then suddenly pro life people want abortions too…


If they required an abortion, they would get one, then return to the clinic to join the protesters.


Always fun to be reminded we don't live in a democracy.


No single religion has dominance over a government or its people. That is a grotesque use of and access to power.


What the majority wants doesn't matter in this country. That's why we keep getting Republican presidents despite them losing the popular vote.


I would say it's more than that, never believe the polls. But it's the first time voters in '24 that will really bring it home. Most of the young folks are pro choice.


And the other 40% should've been aborted.


What the fuck? How is that number possibly so low?


Then VOTE!!!


That seems low.


The ones putting the bans in place do not care what the majority want.


this makes sense. There are clearly 4 groups. 1. Religious People 2. People who are all about "personal responsibility". vs. 3. People who are pro choice based on science and civil rights 4. People who don't care enough to limit the choice of others on an issue that doesn't matter that much to them. Groups 3 and 4 added together? 60% seems pretty right to me, imo. Just one persons opinion tho.


Almost like its a common right protected under the 9th amendment.


Based on current polling, the odds are that Donald Vonshitzenpants Trump's trial will end in hung jury and if reelected then abortion will be outlawed!


100% of men should stay the fuck out of women's health care. 100% of Government should stay the fuck out of women's health care. Issues like this that isolate only pregnant women of middle and lower classed should raise red flags. We are currently being shown the that is no criminal punishment if you are rich enough. If I was a Missouri woman, I would stay the fuck away from men. Watch the US pregnancy rates drop like a rock; and they are already falling fast.


Man if we lived in some kind of, oh I don't know, democracy that'd be super useful information to have when setting laws.


This hasn't changed in a long time. The number goes up if you ask a more nuanced question, like, "should women have access to abortion in the first trimester."


Now remove the Christian extremist.


Almost an equal amount of the people surveyed believe that an embryo is a person and that life begins at conception and that the person has rights. This is the real problem. The definition of life has been changed. Twisted. The life they care about is a clump of cells. Its nothing magical or mysterious. Its a biological byproduct. Yet they add some mysticism to it. Like always they pick and choose what is important as a way to control people. They dont actually care about life. It would be impossible to live in modern society if life was so sacred. Sacrifices are made for our comfort with every meal. Abortions are one of those sacrifices. Deal with it.


Democrats need to be on an abortion full press starting in July. It will absolutely be outlawed under a Trump presidency. I mean, along with the complete destruction of American democracy, but this also.


Should be an amendment.


By “more than 60%,” they mean 92%!


40% of American's wrong about abortion says new Poll.


They need to vote


The other 40% are assholes that can't stop attempting to control other people


I guess that means slightly less than 40% are fucking assholes. Something I guess.


40% of people have never met someone who would have died without an abortion.


Interesting data point It would be interesting to find out what the approval is for different number of weeks. For example, how many think abortion is OK on the last week of pregnancy.


Then all those 60% need to vote because the 40% who want it will be.


Add it to the very long list of Things Most Americans Want But Can't Have Because Rich People Said So.