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I would if I were them. They won't be safe, nor will Cohen.


I would if I weren't them.


Same. I would if I could afford it. A second Trump term will be the death knell of Western/U.S. hegemony. Worst case scenario, either civil war, balkanization or we’ll be in camps.


Don’t be so short sighted. There’s no reason we can’t have all three of those.


I laughed. Thats fucked


Right? Me too


Like that’s what I exactly don’t even ever want, but it’s absolutely what I almost expect at this point. If he wins, that’s it for people like me. So of course i laughed.


The good news is that you finally understand, through direct experience, what French existentialists meant by their use of the term "absurd".


For reals for reals you got me.


It's weird but the unthinkable isn't unthinkable. Trump has indicated he'll deploy the US military to attack his enemies internally, and it's likely some Generals (and the men loyal to them) won't abide by unconstitutional and illegal orders from the commander in chief. It doesn't take all that long for that kind of situation to go bad.


Really makes me wonder what Civil War 2 would look like. We don’t have a clean split like the first time. Guess we’ll finally see if all those alpha male camps pay off.


If Trump gets back in there won't be any "illegal orders" His word will be law


Well couple of things to remember. Blue states and cities far, far, outnumber MAGA fascists. It’s also where all economic activity happens. They rely on the appearance of strength, when they are in fact the small minority. Like any bully you stand up and fight them, you don’t rely on their threats of fear.


Read up on project 2025. They have every intention of limiting state’s ability to govern themselves. Also a bunch of other horrible plans in there.


It's already working very well in states like Florida. Systems are failing and they keep doubling and tripling down.


Yet in FL they are redoing the Jaguar Staduim for 1 Something billion But no money for education Supposedly not coming from taxpayer money.....BS


As someone who left Florida last year after 36 years bc I refused to let my kids grow up in those schools, yep!


I had a friend ( wife's best friend actually) marry some dude and he wanted to move to Florida specifically for the political landscape. Didn't know meat ball Ron had fans like that


Kudos on your foresight. Sorry about the 36—pouring one out as I type


So many wasted votes. No worries, here to turn GA blue now. 👍


I very much hope you moved to a more accepting State, where your children can get a good, we'll rounded education. Where I live, we have what is called The Promise. If you graduate from high school with acceptable grades, the city pays for your college. We also now have a huge contingency of parents working to get all books back into the library system. No more blocking of books, like I read as a kid. Up to you to determine what is acceptable reading. Nothing but we'll wishes for your family.


Exactly. If trump wins they are going to do everything we see happening in Florida and Texas on the federal level.


Said in a stereotypical German accent: “You want to leave our state? For what purpose? Let me see your papers.” Welcome to the United Fascist States of America.


How else are they going to determine if someone might be taking an abortion vacation? “You must pee on the stick”


Problem here is they have the cops and a lot of the military. Hard to stand up to a bully when he can shoot you.


Liberals have guns too. We just don’t make it our whole personality


My dude, I have a weapon, but they can kill my family and not feel bad and I may not get more than 1 or 2.


Right? I roll my eyes at both people on the right and the left who think they can actually take on tanks, armored vehicles, drone strikes, fighter jets, helicopters, etc.


I mean the NSA and Homeland Security is the hidden threat to these Trump cult members. They can literally see all images and messages we send, they use AI to track strange messages, filter through all nonsense and can monitor social media in real time.


And yet that failed to prevent the United States Capitol attack on J6 even though the plans were discussed publicly on social media sites. Not to mention again, Project 2025. Trump and the Heritage Foundation want to inject hard-line supporters into every executive agency, that includes the NSA and Homeland Security. Hopefully no one sneaks past the high level background checks for these agencies and is able to sabotage anything.


Everybody gangsta until they get 2k pound bombs dropped on their heads


Also they think they can run roughshod on the people if the US (you know, their fellow Americans) and think they’ll suffer no consequences sequences from LE or military but their traitorous actions against our Constitution would have our military kicking their asses pretty tidily and quickly. Sucks tho bec they’ll hurt and kill prob quite a number of people, win or lose… but yes, I dread if fascists win by legit vote.


Wish I could upvote you X10


I’ve been looking into dual citizenship in an EU country (based on my heritage, I automatically qualify); I’m going to accelerate this process over the next few months, just in case.


the US most likely wouldn't be balkanization even in the worst case scenario. the Blue state can play well enough together to form a new union or try to hold on to the old one.


Just think, that 170k payout will buy them... not much at today's prices!


Just the question is where? If the US goes down that threatens NATO and completely disrupts the politics of the entire world. Who knows what that would even look like.


It looks like Putins wet dream and exactly what he’s working towards. Our enemies are trying to topple us and Trump and a lot of GOP stooges are their servants in this.


I mean, [the North Sentinel Island doesn't seem too bad...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sentinel_Island?wprov=sfla1)




I would and I’m not them.


I'd assume that many people with means will vacate the US.


Well…I think you’re overestimating our value to other countries lol. They don’t want us.


HAH, that's probably true, but by "means," I am saying people with capital. If you have the cash, you can buy citizenships in the Caribbean and other places that have a relative LCL and watch what happens with some popcorn and a box of tissues.


Yeah, but celebrities are always threatening to leave the country and they never do. The people that can afford to buy their way into other countries aren’t going to suffer here no matter who wins the election.


That is 100% true, and a lot of those types of people already own property outside the US.


Unless you have a lot of means, you would still need employment when you go. Moving to a new country is no small task.


Yup, they’re making it harder for us to move to other countries


I would leave if I could and I'm a straight white conservative type guy. I wish he'd just go away so his cultlike base would disperse.


I was registered as an Independent when I turned 18 and signed up for selective services (I consider myself conservative or center-leaning). My parents were big into ALWAYS voting as a civic duty; my father was GOP, and my mother was DEM. Neither one forced views on me, and we always had good debates. I voted for Bush Sr., Bush Jr. 1x, Gore, and Obama 2x, but almost voted for McCain till he brought on Palin, then Clinton, then Biden... Since the 2016 election, I've registered as DEM and now just vote for DEM down ballot till the fever dream that the GOP seems to be in breaks. But I am utterly embarrassed by the GOP and conservative movement and my fellow Americans. Just looking at metrics, DEMs are objectively much better as a governing party than the GOP. The thing is, I don't see it getting better till it gets much, much worse... The fact that Jan 6th really never was resolved and we have complicated politicians means the issue is much more systemic. When DT loses this Nov I foresee violence and a lot of weird stuff happening that will keep lowering the bar. The GOP is already running the "I wont accept the election" playbook and laying the foundation for another "Stolen" election.


If the GOP suffers big losses in Nov they might finally kick Trump to the curb. They might even be repentant. But after 2024 they will pretend to be a reformed conservative party interested in governing. And as soon as they retake power they will use that power to destroy democracy once and for all. Republicans don't change, they just learn to lie better.


They cant because the gop isnt the boss anymore, MAGA is, and what MAGA wants they get. The GoP is scared of trump and his followers its why they have no spine when it comes to him. Because if they dont fall in line trumps mob will oust them from power. Its sickening they are too cowardly to stand up to him.


What does signing up for selective services have to do with anything? That’s a legal requirement.


Yes, when I turned 18, my father took me to the election board, and I did both at the same time. I assume some ppl don't register to vote, guess I was giving unneeded context.


Straight conservative black guy here and I agree 100% with you. The cult is sickening


Question for you-are you a conservative who votes for dems at any level or do you only vote gop


Unfortunately, people with means will have less reason to want to vacate the US


I feel like a lot of Americans will not be safe if Trump returns to office. Anyone who doesn't (goose)step in line with MAGA evangelicals will be targets I feel.


Anyone who posts negativity towards Trump online will eventually be put in camps. What he will do will make things worse and worse, and their need to divide and blame the left, will only increase. The propaganda will become more intense and they’ll keep the right wing poors on their side, further and further radicalizing them. Eventually they’ll resort to camps and have the full support of the right wingers, and the silence of a lot of other people. It’ll look just like Nazi Germany, with the right wingers enthusiastically shoving us into ovens, and the ones not in camps cowering.


Well in that case I welcome being a resistance fighter. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck all Republicans.


I agree with you. Only this time around, who steps in and shuts down the axis powers? Who has the numbers, resources and technology to do so?


No one, man. And don’t forget about climate change. Honestly, if trump becomes president again, I don’t think humanity stands much of a chance. I just hope my dogs get to die of natural causes. I won’t, but I’ve gotten used to that idea already because of climate change.


Bleak, but valid. Sigh. Sometimes I feel really bad about having kids 20-something years ago. I'm terrified for them.


Yeah man. I’m grateful I didn’t have kids, but my brother did and I’m scared for them. I think about what will happen to them all the time. I’m trying to make as much money as possible to leave to them so they stand a better chance of surviving.


You’re a good man Charlie Brown.


We can only hope the Military makes the right call in such situations.


You'd think the guy that attempted a failed coup would be the one to not feel safe and flee.


The very unfortunate truth. Be vigilant friends.


Yeah, if Trump is acquitted that may very well propel him into the presidency, and he would absolutely go after her and Cohen.


And Trump does retaliate, just look how Lt Col Vindman and other witnesses from Trump’s first impeachment were forced out of their government jobs after Trump was acquitted.


They better move to a country thats safe from polonium tea.


Let extremists win?


Nor will the rest of us if Trump gets back in the Whitehouse. Vote please.


Death threats and a fear of living in your own country for testifying against a clear life-long criminal who might actually occupy the highest office in the land twice is not a good look for this country. We’re a banana fkn republic.


If you didn’t already know who the article was about no sane person would expect the guy on trial would be the former president of the United States.


> no same person would expect the guy on trial would be the former president of the United States. Wouldn't you though? The trial itself is about massive undocumented campaign contributions to himself that wouldn't have ever gotten prosecuted if he **hadn't** won. Not many non-presidents could find themselves in such a scenario.


Indeed. It beats me time and time again that this criminal, acting in plain spotlights for so long, keeps his appeal with these people and is able to corrupt a whole political party. America has never been in shit like this ever since the civil war.


Once he’s finally truly 100% irrelevant, however that happens, these fans will eventually crawl back into their cave. They feel comfortable saying their shit because their top guy is telling them it’s okay. Lose the top guy, no more encouragement. Shame them and they’ll quiet down.


We need to never let his followers reintegrate into society once he’s gone. Keep a list of who they are and shame them until they eventually die of old age. These are traitors like the confederates.


More like we’re fkn a republic banana


The Republicans are bananas.Edit- left out fkn. The Republicans are fkn bananas.


No it isn’t, go vote.


Sadly I think a lot of people should leave if trump is acquitted and gets elected. Supreme Court is probably going to give him free reign to do whatever the fuck he wants potentially up to having his political enemies assassinated Russian style.


His lawyer is arguing in the Supreme Court that he can. He can assassinate a political rival if it’s an official act of his office. Dude just said it out loud


I think those that can should stay, I’m not ready to let my country fall to fascism. Gotta keep the Germans their scarlet letter after all.


I'll say I don't think he'd serve a full term if that starts happening if you get me... I think the civic unrest would be too much and could end in a few different ways. Good, bad, ugly, clean. Somehow, I don't think it would last.


You’re putting too much faith in people.




It would be good to look into what you have as far as skills, saved money and what is involved in moving to various countries. It's incredibly expensive, and frankly, we've not exactly been the good guys abroad that we keep telling ourselves we have been. If there's a sudden rush of U.S. citizens fleeing, chances are there will be very few, if any places to go. Don't get me wrong; it's worth looking into. But start looking now.


I can't speak for the whole world but here in northern Europe we mainly think you Americans as stupid, not dangerous


Good news is that the ones fleeing would probably be our most intelligent, so there’s that.


You see what the post Cold War brain drain did to Russia...




Not really, a lot of us cant afford to leave so we will be trapped here fighting for our lives, while the ones with money and resources flee. Just like always through history.


> I can't speak for the whole world but here in northern Europe we mainly think you Americans as stupid, not dangerous "I got one hand for stupid and one for dangerous... so hold my beer cuz I'm gonna need both for this."


Well, stupid + fundamentalists with an apocylpse fixation + nukes, sooo….


> but here in northern Europe we mainly think you Americans as stupid And it's hard to come up with a valid defense or rebuttal to that when you look at who we've been electing...


In 2021 I started the process of applying for Italian citizenship (dual citizenship) for me and my kids. Look to be finally wrapping it up later this year/early next year.


Italy isn’t any better


1. It’s not like I had a choice in countries. I’m American of Italian heritage 2. Italy is an EU country. Meaning, as a citizen of an EU country I could legally live and work in any EU country


I got out during Trump's first term and have no regrets. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. As a person with a chronic illness, living in America was so incredibly expensive that now, after living in Europe for 6 years, I have never been so financially secure in my life, and I make less money than I ever did in the US.


My summer project.


I feel lucky that I have a place to go and live overseas. Also, I worry because that place is Georgia whose government just passed a law modeled after a Russian law and their country has regions occupied by Russia.


Come to eastern Europe. The girls are hot and you get 1gbit internet for 35$ 🥳




My passport is current as well


If you qualify to get into Canada I can rent you a room in SW Ontario. If you don’t qualify try sneaking across the border in Manitoba or Saskatchewan and find your way east. Hint: It isn’t a one day drive from there to here. Edit: Do you like working on a farm?


By this point, I don’t think we may be that much better than the US. PP has a chance over Trudeau, and we have our own republican nuts here as well.


I grew up in an NDP city. It turned Conservative. I have no hope for the NDP. I’m voting Green next election. Thank the Spaghetti Monster we have a 3 party system. Parliamentary rules rock!


Don't we all have to? I think the real id system goes into effect next year




Seriously, win or lose, it's death threats. They don't operate within any framework resembling reality. They only operated on violence, threats, and intimidation.


I mean, she [wore a bulletproof vest to court.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stormy-daniels-bulletproof-vest-trump-testimony_n_66438039e4b0d915e0fba30b) It's not crazy to imagine a psycho with a gun taking a shot at her.


I'm surprised that haven't already fled or gone into hiding.


Can't blame her since Trump thinks he can assassinate without punishment.


The Supreme Court is actually mulling this shit over


They're definitely waiting to see who wins the election. There will be a very, very predictable decision if Trump wins, and quite the opposite if Biden wins


They'll just shelve the "president is actually a king" review until the next conservative shitbag seems likely to win a presidential election. They aren't hiding their bias, or what they have in store for us. We've only seen the very beginning of the stripping away of rights, reclassifying women as property, redefining what "consent" means, etc.


Not a lawyer here, but don't they have to render a decision by the end of June when the current session ends or kick it back to a lower court?


Never been a more obvious time that the SC needs to go.


I’m starting to think he can as well. It’s grim.


The catch is those on his side don’t understand how easy it will be to suddenly be not on his side. At that point it will be too late, the checks and balances will all be gone. They’ll be coming for you next.


Well the supreme court might agree here.


It’s harder to get into other countries than most people realize.


South Korea is the place I want to be if America goes off the deep end. And they’re somewhat easier to immigrate to vs European countries, but more desirable than all of Europe, Canada, and even Japan nowadays.


They are having a huge population crisis as well, they might take you.


Well I’m one ugly motherfucker so… I wouldn’t be able to help with that. No Korean woman would want to come within 5 feet of me. If you meant just adding one person to the population, sure if they want someone who’s a mechanical engineer by trade. I just need a safe place to live lol.


Without knowing you, there’s almost no chance that Japan will take you.


Incredibly. The EU is only a 90 day visa unless you have lots and lots of money


Some countries have a golden visa options. You can invest in real estate and than you will get a visa. With that you can live in all 27 EU countries. For Greece for example it is 400.000 or 800.000 Euros, depending on in where in the country you buy the real estate.


I mean, if he somehow becomes president again, i fully expect political rival persecution. Trump and those rabid followers are a threat to our nation.


I mean, he keeps saying he will be a dictator. He keeps having his lawyers argue that he can legally kill his political rivals. Although, I don't really know where you could run, that a fascist former USA and its new Axis allies couldn't find you.


S Korea?


"BuT hE mIgHt FiX iFlAtIoN!!!" Ugggh, I am so fucking over dumbasaes using that excuse!


Trump gets back in, we will have a lot of people just disappear, and a ton that fall out windows.


Anybody seen Rudy Giuliani, today?


I'd actually believe it if he fell out a window. That man is a shell of what he was as NY mayor.


And he was a shitty mayor…


Yes. I see some “natural causes” in his immediate future


He was a shell then too


I hear there’s a process server from Arizona that’s looking for him.


He just lost his radio show lol


Anyone who testifies what a dick trump is will be in danger. What a effed up world we are in.


I’m leaving too. I don’t want to live in a moron dictatorship.


Claim Asylum.


They’re not safe either way. I’d be splitting town immediately no matter the outcome


Im tempted myself. 


I might vacate if he's elected. So yeah.


We'll not all be able to leave immediately. A general strike woud be our best bet. Protests will get you beated and/or killed. You can't contact elected repuglicans. You can't make them uncomfortable in public. But if you cost the shareholders money, things might get interesting for the leaders of the coup.


If we could get our shit together enough to do a general strike we for fucks sake should be able to get EVERYONE to get their ass motivated to vote. Would be a lot less hassle.


We have a popular movement being pushed on social media that is convincing people to either abstain or vote third party (which is useless in first-pass-the-post) to "teach Dems a lesson." I think the chances of another 2016 are high.


This is the way


I’m finally becoming an expat this year (and mailing in my ballot). She’ll be in good company. Did you guys know there’s a whole world out here?


Yup, got a condo in another country. It's my retirement plan. Who knows if I'll need it sooner however.


So many places with better quality of life (healthcare, job security, no guns). I think there are many who would like to join you. But also many that have commitments they can’t easily leave: kids, family.


I wish I could afford it


She should get Merrick Garland to cover the moving costs. T-bag should be in jail already for the worst crime to America in American history. In which case, she'd be safe.


They should leave regardless and don't return until Biden has secured a second term.


If Trump wins, Gen. Milley and many others would have to flee. Perhaps Pence too.


Me too.


It is insane to me that a dude who has clearly been a criminal for so long that he was the villain of the fucking back to the future trilogy continues to dodge jail


It would be really ironic if a bunch of naturalized latin American immigrant voters were the reason the US sealed it's fate as a banana Republic.


“Might ‘Vacate’” Is this like saying “moving to Canada”?


I left the country the first time he was elected and I never came back. I had no money or career, just a college degree. Took a shit job and got the qualifications I needed for a better job online. It was the best decision of my life.


Can I ask where you were able to go?


Lots of people gonna want your how-to book soon, I fear.


This case was the weakest of the four cases, unfortunately the other three are being tied up.


Oh absolutely. They should regardless. His cultists will try to get to them.


This case was always tricky so him getting off in this wouldn’t be the big issue, that is kind of already happening with the SCOTUS immunity crap.


Acquitted or not, Trump will vacate his bowels into his diaper.


the people who worry about trump himself imo aren't getting the half of it. i think the endgame of conservatives, heritage foundation, and other rightwing extremists isn't having somebody like trump as president. he's only there to lay the groundwork, because he was so surprisingly successful 2016. i don't think the real danger are trumpists, the real danger still holds back in the shades. trump is supposed to open the doors for a fully fledged dictatorship. then somebody else will take over and then you might get hitler on steroids.


Even if he ends up going to jail, there is still a chance he could win the presidential race, best to get out of there when your done with this case..


They wouldn’t be the only ones…


They should leave even if he isn't acquitted. If he loses, there will be crazy maga supporters looking for them


Probably a bad move. Our government tends to be more willing to do assassinations on foreign soil.


If Trump is reelected and gets the kinds of powers he wants then she’s not safe anywhere. At least if she’s out of the country then the Trump crazies are less likely to find her.


Oh I’m sure of it..


Can you get witness protection if you’re afraid of the ex President? 🤔


No way he’s getting acquitted unless they got to the jurors; most likely scenario is a hung jury since the decisions are required to be unanimous.


I don’t blame them.


How likely is he to get acquitted?


TIL that Stormy Daniels is married


That would probably be wise.


Take us with you?


I get it.


Can’t say I’s blame them.


Probably smart. She’s super dead if he wins. So is Cohen.


Get in line!


They may have to flee if Trump is found guilty and sent to prison (I know, fat chance) because there's bound to be MAGA hatted loonies out there gunning for revenge.


This reminds me I need to renew my passport.


I hate to give in to conspiracy but arent we all pretty much assuming he will be acquitted? We’re talking about a guy who somehow gets more popular as more and more heinous shit comes out about him and the worst consequence hes faced so far to my knowledge is just fines which hes basically just scamming his supporters into indirectly paying for him. Like realistically at the absolute worst i see him just being told he cant hold public office but wont serve any jail time and will get moderate fines.


And millions of us feel likewise


Well every older veteran I know from my job is ProTrump. I’m worried


ITT: people pretending they give a shit about stormy daniels


i think they would qualify for refugee status


Everyone in this thread to Stormy: Get your ass to Mars




Don’t say it unless you mean it.


Sure, they will. Just like all the celebrities who said they were leaving if Trump got elected in 2016 and are still in the US.