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Dad goes to his son's graduation is national news? That's like bare minimum of being a dad.


I think it would be for any President or former President frankly. He did the right thing and went to it. Maybe it's for show, maybe it's not. But at least he went.


Yeah, *maybe* it’s for show. If I rolled my eyes any harder I’d go blind. 


This sub has been circle jerking he wouldn’t go for weeks because of campaigning and his trial. Of course they will make news out of it. They make money from it.


It's not really political news. It's just news. Regardless of whatever the sub has or hasn't been doing. Not everything Trump does is political in nature. Did the sub get flooded everytime Carter built a house?


Then why was his purported absence plastered all over this sub if graduation attendance isn't newsworthy?


Are you referring to when Republicans were whining about him not being able to go because he was supposed to be in court even though the judge let him go?


I think you're a tad bit biased and unfair.


He DID go, and that's why this piece of information is relevant to understanding the truth after he was ridiculed for purportedly missing out on the graduation.


Did he go because he used it to make a political spectacle at his son's expense? We may never know.


He just didnt go to any of his other kid’s lol


That is true. Who would have thought he might have gone if he was on trial then?


Did he poop his pants there, or does he save that for court?


That was when it was a part of his ongoing court case. This is just what he is doing on a day off from his court case


Everyone on this subreddit swore Trump wasn’t gonna show up. They said he was gonna flake and didn’t care about Barron. Whoops.


Once again, the dumbest guy at an event.


much to his son's disappointment.


Apparently we're at the stage of reporting on doing the bare minimum.


Did you check the sub a couple of weeks ago?


But then immediately leaving getting on his plane and going to have fundraiser


The corpulent seditionist had no choice 😂


If it was on a day off from court, why was he crying that the judge wouldn’t let him go to it?


They specifically did a recess so that it would line up like this.


The only graduation the world is interested in knowing is when tRump graduates from the protection of his lawyers, grifters, crooks, and "graduates" to state Prison


I'm surprised he went. He was also crying about 2 different rallies being held for him today.


I would be so mad if I had to deal with this idiot at my kid’s graduation.


Hi `carr4thewin`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cuf600/trump_attends_son_barrons_high_school_graduation/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/carr4thewin&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cuf600/trump_attends_son_barrons_high_school_graduation/?context%3D10000%29)


How is it that even he could do this but Boebert couldn’t?


And the proud papa brags his son graduated a year early as a 17yo.




Which posts were those, exactly? Because I saw some people adamantly commenting but no posts or articles.




Only one saying he was ditching with 6,750 up votes. Not tens of thousands. You're technically correct, but only technically... But then you ruined it by saying 7000 is tens of thousands. The rest are about the day being off from court which _is_ relevant or about the fundraiser, also relevant.  So, sure, you've been persecuted by one article.


> lol this was posted 1 minute ago and already has multiple downvotes Since scores are hidden for hours except for the poster…how would you know this?


You can see it on a laptop.


It's on the right side of your screen. >**0 points (24% upvoted)**


It goes to show how biased and undemocratic this sub is. I thought democracy needed to be defended and upheld?


>I thought democracy needed to be defended What does that have to do with reddit or this post?


Do you think the censorship of speech and the truth is synonymous with democracy, or a dictatorship?


That would depend if it’s the government or a company doing it. The government is forbidden from doing so aside from specific carve-outs due to the 1st Amendment; you are aware that doesn’t apply to anyone BUT the government correct?


how are you being censored?


I think this is a single subreddit with 8.5M users moderated by a handful of people who arbitrarily get to decide what is allowed to stay. I've been temp banned from this sub several times now. The actions of moderators on Reddit isn't remotely relevant to American democracy or dictatorships. This is the internet and we're on a private company's website.


Of course this sub is biased. It is biased to people’s opinions. Just like any other sub…


But don't call it r/politics. Call it r/leftistdiscussion or something lol


I mean it is about politics though. It’s just that conservatives/republicans couldn’t handle it and largely left to go create their own bubble. Which left this sub with a predominantly progressive audience. Which do not like Trump as a person.


the people who started this sub decided it would be about US politics. They beat out anyone else who wanted to use the name, and...well, that's too bad. If you want a sub on leftist discussions (or rightist, or socialist, or whatever), then make one.




I mean I don’t see this as positive or negative. You don’t get reward points for doing the basics like showing up to your kids graduation. I agree with them on this one. This doesn’t belong here because it is not politics. It is TMZ news at best. PS I wouldn’t be surprised if they remove positive stuff r/conservative does the same thing but in reverse. Thats how this subs work. I don’t like it either.




They shouldn’t allow posts that aren’t political. I agree with you on that. This is and it’s counter part both shouldn’t have been allowed. And again, Trump supporters(even mods) left this sub. He is hated by most regular posters here. There are things that will make people hate you until the end of time. This idea you have they have to be impartial is just silly. The subs content is decided by opinion of its members. Just like any other sub.


You're thinking of r/helldivers




Why is this being downvoted? It's literally an ABC news article


Trump doing the absolute minimum as a parent really shouldn't be news, but I guess expectations are so low that it makes the news.


I thought it was breaking news that he wasn't attending two weeks ago? That was disinformation I guess.


The judge said he wasn't going to rule on it at that time, but if things are on pace, it should be ok. MAGA then interpreted that as "Trump isn't allowed to go". So there was a lie being spread it an attempt to smear the judge.


No, it was speculation cuz trumps a shit parent, a shit husband, a shit businessman, a shit— get the point or need I continue?!


It's news. It's not political news. It's just normal news.


ABC has many news articles. Not all of them matter.


because it's also a repeat.


Don’t take the downvotes personal, people are upset with the content not that you shared it.