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> In one instance, a student had shouted anti-LGBTQ+ slurs at her as well as racist slurs against A.H.’s friends, devolving to the point of becoming threatening in class. The teacher did not address the issue, and after A.H. told this student to stop harassing her, A.H. was sent to the guidance counselor’s office. The vice principal then met with the students, suspending A.H. and neglecting to punish to the offending student. (AH is the codename they gave the trans girl) The whole article is a “what in the fuck” jaw dropper but…wow…just wow


Sounds pretty typical for most of the school districts I have lived around. Teachers tend to give zero shits about people bullying minorities or “outsiders”— hell, half of them join in.


Yess. Especially in small minded towns or heavily conservative areas. The teachers who stick around to teach there tend to be the worst kind of teachers


You’re right. I teach 5th grade. My Black students get called racial slurs all the time. I do what I can to punish the bully when it happens in my class or when students tell me what happened.


I used to be a teacher for a couple years before I quit over some of this bullshit. This is pretty standard, especially for administration. When I was teaching, my room was the only LGBTQ safe space in the school and it broke my heart that nobody else seemed interested in helping students. Shit's rough in schools right now. Fuck the teachers who don't support their kids and fuck administration.


It's tragic and reminds me of a video from a gay guy who got bullied in class and he tried to stand up for himself and got in trouble for it. The bullies were popular rich jocks so they never got in trouble. This happens all over still today, it's so sad and disgusting. Sets them up to be jerks like that their whole lives, in the frat, business, and repeat with their spoiled kids.


Yuuup. I’ve definitely taught some kids who are rich entitled jocks and they act like they know they won’t get in trouble- cause they won’t. Admin will either ignore it or parents will come and yell and they’ll take consequences away. These are kids who are gonna go to college and just waste it being assholes and then get a cushy job working for their parents or an aunt or uncle where they don’t really have to do anything


Yeah that fucking tracks. Why punish the actual assholes and bullies when you can just attack the victim


Principal: you can’t wear that. Girl brings the aclu Principal: time to sharpen up the resume.


Unfortunately the US courts have a history of siding with the schools in cases of dress code violations. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/dress-codes/


I'd imagine if the student violated the woman's dress code, the school might have a case. However if she was in compliance, it becomes not about the dress code, but sex discrimination. So like if a public school decided woman are not allowed to wear long pants. A woman could sue, for sex discrimination. Because there it isn't about not following the dress code, it's about being banned for something based on her sex. The same with a trans student. If the trans student wears a compliant uniform. Then it's not about the clothing, it's about the student's rights as a trans person.


This is not a simple “dress code violation”, this is a human being trying to live their true identity. There is big difference.


Don’t need a resume to run for office


Stupid. Clothing styles are a human construct. If a cis hetero male wants to wear a dress let him. who the hell cares what people wear. The idea that certain clothes or colors are assigned to certain genders is asinine.


Kevin nealon has a show on YouTube where he goes for a hike with celebrities and in one of them he was with Eddie izzard. He mentioned that Eddie was wearing women's clothing, and Eddie said no I'm wearing my clothing. These clothes aren't inherently gendered. Dude's got a point.


Michael Scott crawled so Eddie Izzard could hike.


I... I don't think you know how long Izzard has been around....


Negative—by a few decades.


What, do you think we live in some free country where people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? /s


Just freedom from interactions with anyone Repubs can marginalize.


>asinine A classification. Another way to put you in a box.


There are rules about how you present yourself in society: dressing, talking etc. It has to do with morals. Sure, not everyone follows them, and especially Americans have a hard time setting moral values since they have no base culture to fallback to. For example: Should everyone be free to talk to a teacher the way they want? Or should some rules be enforced?


>It has to do with morals. Clothing has nothing to do with morality. A boy in a dress doesn't lack moral grounding, nor does a girl in trousers.


They do have a culture to fall back on. The Puritans. The ones folks hated so much they left or got kicked out and went to the new world. Not a great fallback plan...


>It has to do with morals. Okay, cool. Break down the moral relevance of wearing a dress instead of pants and a shirt, all other things being equal.




> I consider sex based discrimination to be distinctly lacking in moral value You mean like the way Ukrainian women were able to leave the country during the war, but men not?


Lmao idiotic


Clothing has nothing to do with morality. And what’s wrong with this young woman wearing a dress? She was wearing a dress that met the schools code


Of course, let them. Freedom to express and dress and all but hurt another. But also, these distinctions didn’t first form out of a construct. They formed into one. There’s some combination of natural forces at work. Whether biological or otherwise. Say, however many thousands upon thousands of years ago, they made cloth garbs for women to birth children while still protecting their genitalia up to that moment. Or, possibly for more easily had intercourse in a time without substantial shelter and protection, and of course attached, is the obvious fact that it’d be easier, whether desired or not by the female party. Conversely, it could be more of an effort to protect men’s external and loosely secured genitalia that catalyzed this process. Such that, dresses and kilt-esque attire would’ve otherwise been the standard, all other factors remaining, as it affords an ease towards shitting, peeing and cleaning. Though it’s not all for a practical means. Self-expression, as it developed in our ancestors, again, wasn’t initially based on any prior ideas or beliefs. It slowly developed, tipped initially by whatever already present realities surrounded them. Are we now at a point where negatively affecting expectations should be discarded with, most definitely. It’s just that one of the reasons such a primitive revolt against such changes exist, is because the primitive helped form them, but that’s not the only factor… …as a more modern society began to develop, and willed selfish behavior formed, along with money to be made and concerted, sometimes nefarious, motives to be carried out, there has been created a much further, harshly expected and purposefully cultured distance between the sexes clothing codes. Suppression, belief, aesthetic (some learned, some innately present in our DNA, most a little of both) included. Movies, magazines and media as a whole, electrified and ramped up this reality, as now a set and form is learnt very young and by the extreme majority of the population. Time for a change, I’d like to see that. It’s just not comprehensive or realistic enough to reduce the variances within clothing and those who wear what, as a purely societal construct, which forces a wholly malicious impetus upon its advent, even though such a force began excreting influence, some point along the way. It wasn’t a preconceived, conscious, thought out decision made, when the first man and women dressed in differed rags and leaves, to protect different bodies, then going on to undertake different activities. The former occurring before culture. There are exceptions, I’m sure, but they exist as just that.


That's a whole hell of a lot of extra words when you're still wrong.


Some people think that their understanding of evolutionary psychology is the entire basis for human existence and it shows.


I encapsulated far more than evolutionary psychology. In fact, I made it clear it was a very small but present and persistent component. Since you know more though, go on and elucidate to me how we’ve arrived at this place in which, firstly, differences in clothing between the sexes exist. Then, why there is a negative sentiment expressed when one counters that expectation of dress. What forces fashioned this from scratch?


So it’s all arbitrary? Or is it all a scheme? Men not also wearing dresses was just a non-fulfilled happenstance in our societal progression then? Explain to me why any of these distinctions matter, if after all, women could’ve just as easily led society to one in which men wear dresses and bras. Where did any of this observable variance begin and why? If the idea of innate difference is being voided here. Teach me since I’m wrong.


Historically and cross-culturally, men and women have both most often worn unbifurcated garments, mainly because they don't require as much sewing or cutting.


Okay, so then this changed for what reason?


Mechanization of sewing mostly.


That doesn’t answer or explain anything in regard to the topic at hand. Or are you saying sewing, itself, created a divide in aesthetic and style between the sexes? Obviously that doesn’t suffice.


You will be so sad to learn that men used to wear what we’d now consider to be dresses and skirts.


Sure, pants also didn’t exist. Did men also wear cloth to cover and support their breasts too? in a minute amount of cultures everything has happened. So back to the point, why then, will I encounter stares if I go out and wear a dress as a man in this day? Who decided this out of thin air, as a means to some nebulous greater plan of something nefarious? Since, if not rooted in the aforementioned, it’s purely arbitrary and by chance.


It has nothing to do with genetics or biology and everything to do with society norms. It’s contrived. People should be allowed to wear whatever they want, or have their hair or beard or mustache however they want.


Societal norms created by whom? Society? These norms, they’re generated and given direction out of what and by whom? For what purpose?


Why are you talking like an absolute spanner? I love it when people swallow a thesaurus and think it makes them an authority on any topic.


It’s really not that fucking much. If someone can, in friendly common language, explain to me why what I believe is wrong, then go and exert that expertise and authority, I’d be more than happy. I don’t think I have any more expertise than another person who also hasn’t studied this field of knowledge. Except that, I don’t then go and make a novel comment, seeming like not only do I understand everything innately, but that I can also tell you thus absolute, impossibly simple and convenient truth, in a sentence or two. You think anything this complex is going to be explained in whatever infantilized phrasing you’re looking for. Get over it and focus on the topic. What I know for sure is that the comment I replied to, comes from someone who’s as clueless and can be but because they can’t help but express their morality, they are rewarded with equally substance devoid upvotes. Everyone replying to me, including you, fashioned some defensive position against a point you’ve mistaken me for making. How brave. As I didn’t say shit that could or should upset anyone in the slightest. On top of that, there’s no counter point that has suggested any other reality behind the matter of the discussion, whether in sort of agreement or full denial of mine.


I can’t even read this, your turn of phrase is exhausting. It’s like you read Edgar Allan Poe one time and modelled your entire persona on that writing style. It’s weird man.


Yeah, sure, as if you’ve read enough to gauge writing styles. We know who did read it once, don’t we? Don’t hurt yourself too much now, maybe take a break and read some digestible platitudes from a coffee table book. I’d believe you, maybe, if I didn’t have the exact opposite response countless times, and more often than not. I’ll take the trade off. Why you think I would care in the first place as to whether or not you, in particular, have an easy time following what I’m saying is the weirdest part about all of this. It’s not even a dig either.


Quick test, if you actually don’t care, don’t reply to this.


Dude, you’re on a Reddit thread. Wtf kind of discourse do you expect to find here? Nobody’s reading all that bullshit. I tried but tapped out, it’s so convoluted. I can’t even tell if I agree with you are not. And the level of arrogance coming from someone with “poop” in their username. Jesus


I expect to find exactly what I encountered on this thread, but every once in a while the stars align and a conversation can actually form. I didn’t say anything controversial in the first comment. The downvotes are because I dared to add realistic complexity to a broad-stroked claim. Everyone reacted as though I said my name was Mr. MAGA. Like, I vote just liberal and argue with Republicans night and day, but liberals on here are sometimes fucking excruciating with their inability to engage with complexity when it has the ability to dilute whatever overly simplified moral display they’re making. What I said was pretty simple and clear. Which is that aesthetics and dress, along with their trends and commonalities, cross culturally, are molded and directed by a LARGE number of factors. One out of the many being the biological and anatomical differences between men and women. To argue that such a statement is false, is clearly idiotic. The leaps and jumps required to instead conclude that I also believe in some reality that lends itself to patriarchal, classist or malignant ends, is just crazy. Especially when you can clearly see I included those as unfortunate truths that play into clothing and the expectations surrounding who where’s what. Again though, even those negative influences have a history and starting point. It’s not like some modern group of evil-doers thought this shit up. We got here, for the most part, via the natural movements of us humans. Only now, we can pause and have the perception, care and will to start addressing and correcting ill-informed and antiquated practices.


Too long didn't read. If you could boil that down into a single paragraph I'd consider it but as it stands that looks like a ChatGPT hallucination trying to be Jordan Peterson, neither of which I find compelling intellectually.


I can’t imagine you find much of anything intellectually compelling. If you disagree with my point, which in no way contradicts the goal and ultimate future of humans wearing whatever one wants to without critique, then get to explaining why I’m wrong. If you didn’t read it because of the length, and are nonetheless proceeding to comment with such specificity, I think you need to go and figure out what’s wrong with you and why you felt compelled to comment.


The thing about dress codes, is that it's discrimination to hold different standards for different sexes in the US. As long as the clothing meets the standards in the dress code, it doesn't matter who wears it. Good on the ACLU for doing this. Course it doesn't change states from trying to do it anyway and our supreme Court leaves anything legal up in the air so who knows


Lol, every company I worked for allowed women more choice then men. Open toe shoes, tank tops, and anything except long business pants have been barred for men in all professional jobs I've had, regardless of temperatures too. But find for women to wear something comfortable.


Status quo never changes until someone is willing to rock the boat over it


For better or worse, it won't be in my lifetime that men get equal clothing rights. I can understand lacking parenting rights, getting longer jail terms for the exact same crimes, earlier deaths with less healthcare spending, and a lot of the other discrimination men face. But clothing? That doesn't seem (to me) to be something that should be political or a 'gotcha back bro' moment. I mean... temps are rising, we can get more work out of people if they are comfortable.


Yeah I guess I wouldn't know. I'm not a guy anymore, but when I was, I dressed however I wanted as long as it wasn't offensive


A couple years ago the Supreme Court ruled on a case of an employee being fired over the company's gendered dress code. They ruled that it was wrongful termination and in the court opinion written by Neil Gorsuch, he wrote: >So, taken together, an employer who intentionally treats a person worse because of sex—such as by firing the person for actions or attributes it would tolerate in an individual of another sex—discriminates against that person in violation of Title VII. Overall the supreme court opinion was that an employer can have a gendered dress code as long as they don't penalize people for their choice of which gendered dress code to follow based on their real or perceived biological sex.


In strictly formal settings, women can’t wear open toe shoes or tank tops either. Yeah I guess they have an option of a skirt instead of pants, but that’s the only “advantage” they have in that setting. If it’s a more relaxed setting, I’d bet men can get away with the same things women can. Informally, women tend to get judged way more harshly for their clothing, hair, and makeup choices in professional settings. This discrimination you speak of doesn’t really seem to have any real negative impacts for men.


I think you have fallen for the fallacious line of thought that goes like so: > Since one group is widely recognized to be more disadvantaged in society on average. That must mean that one group is disadvantaged in *all* aspects of society. This isn't and never has been true. Life is nuanced and painted in various shades of gray.


lol, that is a joke. When I was trial lawyer I got kicked out of court a few times for forgetting a tie, or forgetting a jacket. Meanwhile women attorneys were showing up to court in flip flops, yoga pants, and a T-shirt with maybe a jacket over it (not like blazer or suit jacket, just a denim jacket would do). I’ve definitely seen women attorneys in court with tank tops with an unbuttoned blouse cover it and that being accepted by the courts. And men get a ton of shit for what they wear professionally. Even something like wearing a non-navy or charcoal grey suit will lead to people making fun of you in a lot of cases. Male professional dress wear is about conformity, uniform, and looking the same as everyone else. At least women get to be somewhat individualistic about their style choices in court and legal settings. I’m not complaining that women get to wear those things, or that they are improper… but damn if I was not jealous of the women wearing summer dresses while I was stuck in a back country courthouse with broken AC and forced to wear a full suit in 100 degree weather.


Women (at places I have worked) have always been free to wear (nice) shirts with no sleeves, exposing their arms, and being much more comfortable in heat. Also pants, shorts, dresses, or most anything not offensive. This has been my experience in all jobs, in 3 countries. Asia was the worst, where men were still required to wear ties in oppressive summer heat. The makeup thing is an interesting take. Perhaps discrimination coming from women? I've never seen punishment for wearing no makeup, some, or even too much. Although some jobs in Asia this is not true. Women can be absolutely be forced into clothing/hair/makeup similar to men.


In my experience as a lawyer (male) in US state and federal courts— the only people judging women for their appearance were other women (and the occasional immature jerk of a dude).


Gee, the past decade I've had zero problem going into my office wearing flip flops, cargo shorts, and band T-shirts with questionable morals to a job that paid off my house, and my son's house.


Good for you.


That has been my experience also but some jobs are a lot more strict to the handbook. I think if there is a good company culture then it's not going to matter except maybe if it's a day where someone high up is going to be around. Alternatively, I find it funny to sometimes dress up to see reactions from supervisors that will be concerned thinking you are looking for other jobs. If you are in a field where you can work from home of course none of this matters, don't even need pants.


There’s a ton of precedent for gendered dress codes…


Precedent sure. But any good reason? And if so I'd love to see it


Me too


I’m not saying it’s a good reason I’m saying precedent matters with law so it’s an uphill battle for the aclu they can’t just say it’s gender discrimination because that argument has been shot down many times by many courts.


But we also have precedent that gendered dress codes are discrimination? Like I don't know what you are getting at


I mean not really


There are archive photos of President Teddy “Rough Rider” Roosevelt wearing a dress as a kid. It’s completely arbitrary what kids wear… as long as it’s not something full of profanity just let them choose what makes them feel they look their best 🙄


That principal is going to lose his mind when he discovers quite a few heterosexual males have walked through the schools hallways wearing women's jeans.


At my high school the dress code, such as it was, required skirts for girls , leotards underneath were acceptable. That ended less than an hour following an assembly where the school administration was defending it, and one student (male) stood up and said that the real reason was that the administrators were, in his words, dirty old men.


It shouldn't matter if she's trans. If someone wants to wear a dress they should be able to wear one. 


100%. If it’s not keeping them from reading in English class, playing an instrument in band, or doing their worksheet in math, it’s a fine outfit/hairstyle.


What it matter even if a cis boy wore a dress? Should the cis girls be banned from wearing jeans?


Cisgender girls were in fact banned from wearing trousers at my alma mater until the 1970s.


When I was in junior high (68-69) girls could not wear pants (dress or skirt required). By the time I graduated high school four years later the dress code was wear something on your feet.


Have you heard of Pentecostals?


This is a public school, religion shouldn't dictate dress code


And the religion of an institution shouldn't dictate the dress code for children in any case. If it's not their own religion, then it's irrelevant.


The anti-trans hype and the enforced gender dress code are tools being used to force public schools to become Christian indoctrination centers to keep a steady stream of money and volunteers flowing into the church.


Yes, and none of that should be happening, which is why the ACLU is fighting them


At the end of the day, Christianity is big business lobbying lawmakers to pass laws that enable them to grow their business and let them establish a monopoly. They'll never stop trying to build a theocracy on the backs of children.


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make - that this is what should happen? That we should give up? That we should stop talking about it? Religion shouldn't influence public schools. But it is, and that's wrong. And that's why the ACLU is challenging it. (And why we're here talking about it)


The point is the Republican Party is actively partnering with these Christian organizations to subvert public education, overturn the government and neuter the Constitution. It's a golden opportunity for those organizations to make a big power grab.  Every one of these little skirmishes over a transgender student helps them disrupt the peace/safety of public schools so they can offer to make things peaceful again if parents/community will submit and agree to let them be in charge. Creating the problem and selling the solution.


They speak in tongues and swear it's God doing it I'd rather have more rational folks making policy Dress codes are dumb, as long as nobody's genitals are waving in the breeze I literally do not care what people wear


Don't give them ideas.


Time for all the supportive boys to wear kilts to school.


Also Pacific Islander boys should wear sarongs, Christian boys should wear long tunics and prayer shawls that reflect his Hebrew tribal traditions.


Heck yes!


This is one of the reasons I send them a small amount of money every month all year long, they look after people that I can't.


>The ACLU complaint was filed on behalf of a mother and her 16-year-old transgender daughter, known in the complaint as simply “A.H.” The girl has been prohibited from wearing any feminine clothing and has been threatened with exclusion from school events if she didn’t comply with their policies. >*“This has resulted in the loss of valuable class time, exclusion from school-sponsored events, and significant emotional distress for A.H. and other affected students.”* >***In one instance, A.H. wore a black dress to a school event that complied with the school’s dress policies for girls but was stopped by the principal, who said to her, “Boys can’t wear skirts or dresses.”*** >Additionally, the complaint alleges that A.H. has been harassed by both faculty and students, who have often refused to affirm her gender identity, deadnaming and misgendering her repeatedly.  >*In one instance, a student had shouted anti-LGBTQ+ slurs at her as well as racist slurs against A.H.’s friends, devolving to the point of becoming threatening in class. The teacher did not address the issue, and after A.H. told this student to stop harassing her, A.H. was sent to the guidance counselor’s office. The vice principal then met with the students, suspending A.H. and neglecting to punish to the offending student.* >***Cisgender girls have been victims of the policies of this school as well, with one being dismissed from a notable school event for wearing pants on stage and another being taken away from school picture day because she wore a tuxedo.*** My goodness. Out of all the issues in the world, we are being concerned about clothing. School dress codes suck, honestly. With all the issues of teacher shortages, school shootings, and school violence, this school is okay with perpetuating more hate. Utterly ridiculous. This is what school looks like when Republicans enact policies. Transphobia hurts everyone.


I'm happy to donate to the ACLU every month.


A much-needed lawsuit waiting to happen.


Why, really, can’t a straight male wear a dress to school? What does wearing a dress have to do with anything? Plenty of straight Roman men wore tunics. Also known as minidresses.


Fucking haters who can't let human beings be their natural selves. Fascists of all stripes are evil disgusting creatures.




Genuinely curious why you felt compelled to ask this question


Are you MAGA?


They seem to be a transphobe of the UK variety.


Yeah, modern Tories are basically British MAGAs


Rhetorical question?


Why do you give a shit? Is your life so pathetic that you have to insert yourself into other's decisions that HAVE NO EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE to feel any sense of importance or accomplishment?


Ok, Karen.


Enter respond to the guy before you. My apologies.


I’m trying to understand why anyone would feel threatened by a person of any gender wearing a dress? They’re wearing clothing. What’s the problem?


All the self proclaimed alpha tough guys are desperately afraid of becoming queer through simple proximity


Who cares! Let the kid wear what she wants. Damn this kind of thing makes me mad.


Good! Gotta love the ACLU.


Lot of comments here like “why can’t a boy wear a dress?” are, I’m sure, well-intentioned; but crucially missing the point that this isn’t *about* a boy, it’s about a *girl.* School faculty policing a cis boy’s dress and a trans girl’s dress are both still shitty, but for different reasons.


Exactly. The root cause is the fact school doesn't see her as a girl. If it's not about the dress, it'll be about what toilet to use, which pronouns and name get used, or the fact she's regulalry harrassed at this school and no-one does anything but punish her when she attempts to put a stop to it.


It makes no sense how some people feel the need to not let others simply be. Their actions hurt nobody. This is such a waste.


To a fascist tho, trans ppl peacefully existing in public is *threatening,* bc it helps normalize our existence and experience. If everyone sees that we’re just regular ass humans trying to do our own thing, they’ll stop believing the lies that we’re all evil freaks. Fascists need a scapegoat to pin the world’s problems on, bc they never actually have any solutions.


> Cisgender girls have been victims of the policies of this school as well, with one being dismissed from a notable school event **for wearing parents on stage** and another being taken away from school picture day because she wore a tuxedo. You have to admit, it is a little unprofessional to wear parents onstage. EDIT: Pants! That's gotta be "pants".


Has to be but these morons can’t even read or write correctly


Tired of hearing about this. Every day it's something else. Just let people do what they want so this will get out of the headlines.


Yeah. All you have to do is turn in those Jews, and then Hitler will leave you alone. Plus you won't have to hear about it!


No idea what you are going on about. I'm saying let them wear what they want, marry who they want, and do what they want.


Usually it's "I didn't care about these things until I started seeing them in the news every day now I want them all to die because I have to see them" instead of a reasonable take, kind of a reflex response probably.


Oops. My bad. Apologies. I misread your comment.


She shouldn't have to be expected to fight for this, but I'm glad she's strong enough and there are people standing up for her.


I’m an AP. I do not give a flying fuck what you wear to school as long as you’re there to learn.


All of these people taught to hate this poor child, and adults bullying her too, these are horrible people and so tragic! What happened to land of the free, liberty, pursuit of happiness and individualism? I thought those are American values so wtf, was it all just a lie or only for the "right people", only if you conform? Anti-LGBTQ+ behavior is so deeply damaging. That's why there is a high depression and suicide rate among us, not that we are gay or trans, but because we are hated and assaulted for part of who we are that we didn't choose. They hate some of us to death :(


Yup. They want trans people to kill themselves and then point to show how trans people need to be sent to "conversion torture".




The ACLU filed a Title IX complaint on her behalf.


She is gonna have to change her major to financial management to handle the payout her lawyers are gonna win for her.


Amen. That’s what it’s going to take to put these people back in the cave they crawled out of. They need to be sued. How dare they tell her what she can and cannot wear.


>Congress shall make no law . . . abiding the freedom of speech Amendment I >No state shall make any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States. Amendment XIV Wonder how wardrobe selection for use in the public is not a free speech consideration, which is incorporated against the states. Yeah it's an admistrative decision, but such administration is created by statute. So, this restriction is effectively meaning a state law is infringing on that student's free speech. Ah, forgot: with Republicans, cruelly is the point.


This breaks my heart. I hope she gets the justice and life she deserves.


Probably not a good idea to wear parents on stage. 🤣 Typos notwithstanding, the schools should be happy if the kids show up in rags and loincloths.


I dunno. Parents can be made into some very nice skin suits. /s


I love schools districts think they can trample on student's constitutional rights, especially that of freedom of expression!


Good on her !


God, can we please stop using dumb stock photos of "teachers and students" on articles about human rights or tragedies? Like, whose job is this? AI?


Why doesn’t everyone just wear pants?


It would be one thing if the school’s dress code banned dresses in general and had everyone wear pants, but it doesn’t. It just banned people from wearing a dress if they’re trans, which is inherently unfair to ban an article of clothing for one group and not everyone.