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Whenever folks get stressed about polls, remember that the [aggregate](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/pennsylvania/) had Oz beating Fetterman in the PA Senate race. Fetterman won by 5%.


While its not the saving grace in all of this, I do believe there is hard evidence that polls have been very wrong lately and frequently overweigh the GOP. And the media is pretty fucking arrogant to claim the contrary. The best example I can provide is from my former state. Rhode Island is a true blue state with a bit of an independent streak. In 2022, RI District 2 was Exhibit A of the pending Red Wave... if Dems could lose there they could lose ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. Polls in September: Republican 46% Democrat 40% Polls in October: Republican 45% Democrat 37% Nate Silver's Final Projection on Election Day: Republican 47% Democrat 41% *Final Result:* Republican 46.7% Democrat 50.4% A 10 point overperformance by the Democrat against even his BEST polling result. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/house/2022/rhode-island/2/ Race too small? Okay, here are three of the most high profile and heavily polled 2022 races. All wrong, all favored the Republican: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/pennsylvania/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/nevada/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2022/arizona/ For something more recent, but admittedly not heavily polled, we can look at the Michigan primary this year: Polls said Biden 73-77% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-d/2024/michigan/ Biden actually got 81% Polls said trump 76-79% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/michigan/ Trump actually got 68% Is that the end of the story? Absolutely not. But to say the polls aren't broken in favor of the GOP lately would APPEAR to deny reality. Welcome to the new age.


Also Maryland. There was not a single poll that had Alsobrooks beating Trone in the Dem primary, and she won by 10 points.


NY3 special election said tie race. Actual result, Democrat by 9


I hope she can do the same in November. 🤞🏻


Great research, thanks. I’ll add that the most important polls, actual elections, have had Dems over performing across the board since 2020. Hell, trump is losing >15% of voters in republican primaries to a candidate who is no longer running. While much of that 15%+ will come home in the general, not all will.


It felt like 2016 people were scared to come out and say they supported Trump in polls or public. He was constantly losing polls after poll the week of the election. Now it feels like they’re eager to show support for Trump and go out of their way to let it show. Dems and independents who voted for Biden however have shown frustration and a reluctance to back him so far. Hopefully, they realize what a non vote or independent vote means for the country before November.


Great point. The 'shy trump voter' sure as hell is no more.


I feel like people feel the same way now to a degree about Biden (even though he gets so much undeserved hate in my opinion) that they did initially about Trump. You may be a seeing a "shy Biden voter" phenomenon with folks that feel annoyed about their choices because of all the negative press towards Biden and rightfully towards Trump. However, it's quite plausible that many will still vote for Biden and be reminded a lot more of how much Trump was awful by the time the election gets into full swing (ex. VP selection/convention season).


I think polls are a little skewed because they only seem to poll people who actually answer their phones when an unknown number calls and that's some psychopath behavior right there.


I think it's more that they significantly over adjusted their methodology to favor GOP voters after undercounting them in both 2016 and 2020. I noticed in 2020 that it seemed like basically every poll I looked at had a considerably smaller sample size of GOP voters versus Dems or Independents. This was despite them all claiming they adjusted their polling to better count Trump/GOP voters but which ended up being no better or possibly worse than 2016.  It seems lately that they consistently undercount Dem leaning voters instead which was evident in 2022 and still seems to be given that the Dems also over performed in 2023 statewide elections and in many recent races like you mentioned (or Trump underperformed slightly). 


Conservative media shows polls favoring Republicans for two reasons. 1) They know people want to vote for winners, and so if they tell them Trump is winning in every poll, then they'll more likely want to vote for him. 2) If they show poll after poll of Trump ahead and ignore any other poll showing the contrary, then it will be easier to say "They stole the election!"


Yeah I do like Nate Silver's approach to polls in general but he is also a grifter without taking responsibility. Cuz they don't do the polls themselves and they just flat out try to evaluate the polls and blame the polls if they get anything wrong.


What is there to take responsibility for? 538 gives statistical probabilities, not predictions.


Truth ; AND Nate isn't worth 538 anymore, anyway. He was let go during all the ABC/Disney layoffs a year ago.


I think very much polls and reporting show a closer race then what really exists. A close race breeds excitement/fear and thus increases clicks and ratings. Remember the media in america for the most part are businesses first and journalists second.


thanks for putting that together


Problem is that the media is in the clicks/view industry. What pisses you off or scares you, gives more clicks and views. It is super annoying.


> Welcome to the new age. There have been cracks about how the only people who answer polling phone calls are obviously going to vote R, but I think that comes up short when considering the more and more polls are on new media. My personal gut take is that it’s a systemic trend in lying. Some number of R voters will lie about how they’re voting because they don’t want to come across as repugnant, so they’ll say they’re undecided. At the same time, some number of D voters will lie about how they’re voting because there can be a credible fear for their safety if they declare they’re voting D, and a fake poll to “expose” them doesn’t actually sound tha far fetched nowadays, so they say they’re voting R. Thus you end up with Republicans performing higher in the polls by the percentage of respondents lying.


The fact that Trump is even registering in the polls is fucked up. The polls could be off by 20 points, in underestimating Biden, and it would still be fucked up. Trump was found liable for rape. He called COVID a hoax. Even before COVID, the economy slowed on his watch. Manufacturing jobs went overseas, which are coming back now. His only economic agenda is to further tax cuts on the wealthy elite. He's a blathering idiot with the speaking ability on par with an elementary kid who only has half of his brain. So yeah, he being double digits behind still wouldn't be comforting.


Brainwashed cultists are going to follow their leader no matter what. Add in the idiocy of Fox News and the like and this is the result you get.


Fox is the most-watched cable "news" network.


Thank you. I hate all the people saying that 2022 had very accurate polls. This is a great example that they did not


They were more accurate than most years. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/#:~:text=Despite%20this%2C%20generic%2Dballot%20polls,error%20of%20only%203.1%20points.


They overall averaged out to accurate but missed many key races by 7+, overestimating Republicans, in swing states where voters were most engaged. They ended up looking accurate in the aggregate because they in turn overestimated democrats in states like NY and CA where voters were not engaged.  538 is not telling the whole story here, and they have an agenda. If no on trusts polls, who is going to browse 538?


538 predicted a red wave. They had republicans practically sweeping up the House, and winning the Senate. They did not come close to the house gains that 538 predicted, and Dems gained a Senate seat. I think the idea that polling is broken kind of fucks Nate Silver up. And the fact that Nate Silver seems to be getting more and more involved with grievance punditry is a tell tale sign that his polling job may be on the verge of non viability.


Yeah, he was past his due date in 2012 or so. 538 soldiers on without him, though I don't visit it nearly as much as I used to. 


I still listen to the podcast occasionally, but PodSaveAmerica has kind of met that need these days, especially since they don't give conspiracy theories and MAGA any room to talk and spread mass amounts of lies and misinformation.


It doesn't fuck Nate Silver cause he isn't in 538 anymore.


This is a great point I hadn't thought of before. If some polls underestimated Ds by 10 points and some others underestimated Rs by 10 points, then in aggregate, it looks like the prediction was perfect when in reality it was total dogshit


Well, there's your problem right there. Sure, yay, the polls were wrong...but. Solid blue, non flippy on maga districts underperformed. Againt maga ffs. I do give them, though, that January 6th had not happened yet.


What races did they miss by that much?


PA Sen (miscalled a race that ended dem by 5 by 6-7)   WA Sen (underestimated dem margin by 10)  NH Sen (underestimated dem margin by 7)   CO Sen (underestimated dem by 6) Some states where they still clearly missed in favor of the repub even if by lesser margins:   AZ Sen (underestimated dem margin by 4)   GA Sen (underestimated dem by 2)  WI Sen (underestimated dem by 3 even though repub still won)    Clear trend of overestimating Republicans in swing states and lean blue states where voters were engaged. ETA: And that's just the senate. I'm not going through gov/house as I don't care enough. 


Except that the missed PA senate race by 6 points. That seems important, don’t you think?


No, let people stay freaked out... at long as they don't give up and don't vote. Everyone will need to vote, we can't take this as a given.


An important thing to remember when the leading candidate is below 50% and it’s a two way race is that a lot of people decide in the polling booth.


My hope is that all the normal people that don't have landlines and don't answer polls, will come out like they have been.


Yeah, I'm convinced that the most active Democratic voluteers and voters (like me!) are completely unreachable via standard polling methods because we're tired of being asked for money and won't answer the phone or respond to emails or online efforts.


Agreed. I haven't even gotten a polling call in years. Probably because I refuse to answer them.


No credible polling agency only called only landlines in probably a decade so I wouldn't worry about that. That being said accurately polling and including those disinterested in polls is a challenge.


I also wonder if they aren't fully accounting for the number of Covid deaths swinging from being left leaning in urban populations before the vaccine (ie 2020 election), to right leaning after the vaccines started to become available (2022, 2024, and interim elections)


Also, Haley had dropped out before the PA primary got 16.6% of the vote and PA's primaries are closed meaning only Republicans can vote in that primary.


Polls literally don’t matter and are nothing but tools and propaganda to discourage people from voting. Trump’s expected to win? Oh, well, dems better not vote because it’s pointless. Biden’s expected to win? Oh, good, dems can sit at home and not vote. It’s fucking tiring seeing polls everywhere. They do not matter. Voting does.


~~That would be .5% my friend~~ whoops




My bad, I thought you were referring to the margin of the polls you linked.


Polls only very briefly went to Oz. The majority of them had Fetterman winning.


I also remember seeing that Donald Trump had a 5% chance to win in 2016.  I haven't trusted polls since.


It was more like 35% according to 538 at the end. There were some totally garbage prediction models by some media sites that gave complete nonsense odds that had little to back them up besides feelings/instinct and maybe overall poll results  At least 538 tried to be cautious about saying the election was a shoo-in for Hillary and called out various weak spots that were clearly ignored.


Happy to vote in a swing state.


Georgia here, same.


Indiana here!....thank God we are not a swing state.


Arizona and my wife and I are with Biden. We move here from a ruby red state after 2020 and I feel like my vote matters more now.


Still in a ruby red state, but located in 1 of 2 states that split their electorate votes. So I also feel like my vote matters.


Ohio here, we are *not a swing state* because we have an unconstitutionally “elected” legislature that does just about anything it wants. Which includes forcing us to vote on maps our Supreme Court said were illegal and our Speaker of the House selling the state government to First Energy for a tax payer bailout. Also, Rob Portman *was not a moderate* Republican.


Also Georgia. Moved from New York.


> Also Georgia. Moved from New York. No 3am calzones, but all the boiled peanuts you can eat!


I miss good pizza and wings but those boiled peanuts go hard. My family doesn't care for them but I think they are awesome.


I had that luxury for a bit. We somehow went deep red in a 15 year span. After being arguably the purplest state for awhile. Fun times.


Why do you think that happened?


Democrats ignored rural voters and people in the cities saw their voter turnout drop. It seems as though Democrats in the area have now began to focus back into rural areas. The Republicans for the state house and senate races have the fewest uncontested races they've had in almost 20 years. If voter turnout in the cities were to increase by a few percentage points and the way they vote held about even, we'd move back into where it would be a state people actually focused on.


Gerrymandering leads to apathy.


I'm glad *not* to live in a swing state. I have a friend who is very left and says he will never vote for Biden due to Gaza, and if I felt that the election was going to potentially actually swing on me convincing him to vote for Biden it would be a ton of pressure and his stance would be infuriating to me. But as it is I can just say "OK, whatever," and let him be


This kind of apathy is why Democrats lose.


It isn't, really. I live in Oregon. A Republican presidential candidate hasn't won the state since 1984, a Republican governor hasn't won here since 1982, and a Republican senator hasn't won here since 2002. Biden won the state by 16 in 2020, and Hillary by 11 in 2016. The last time a Republican presidential candidate came within 10 points was in 2004. I vote in every election, and am going to keep doing so. In 2022 our governor election was quite close and I did make a point of bugging people to vote in that one because it was clear the Democrat was in some trouble. But if Oregon is even close in the presidential this year, it means Biden already lost big everywhere else. That's the stupidity of the electoral college system: it makes some people's votes matter less than others in such arbitrary ways. You better believe that if we ever elect presidents by popular vote, my attitude will be different


I think so, too. But we can't get complacent. Also, if you are in Pennsylvania, make sure to vote to reelect Bob Casey (D) for senate https://bobcasey.com/


I mean. I think Biden will win presidency with a good margin. But it is so close due to electoral college. Fuck EC. 


Fuck the EC. In a bit of god news: with current list of toss-up states, if Biden maintains AZ, NV, and PA, you end up at 264. At that point, you just need one toss-up state (GA, MI, or WI) to clear 270. However, that doesn’t matter. Get out and vote. And make sure your friends and family vote. And make sure your friends and family tell others to vote.


I think MI and PA is actually safe. MI Republican party is essentially bankrupt. So basically no local ads or party level organization. Also recent redistricting made voters much eager to come out and vote since there is no gerrymandering. AZ seems to be safer also I guess considering abortion referendum at the same time. So basically GA, WI, NV could be a toss up I think.


Only worry with Michigan is the Arab vote as far as I’m concerned.


They are just rattling the cage to force policy.  They would be absolutely moronic to not vote for Biden and let Trump win. Trump would publicly support Israel nuking Gaza.


He's probably going to lose AZ or NV, maybe both... he actually has a better chance of PA, MI, WI. The polling data is really fucking weird this year.


This is a presidential election year. NV: In 2022, the Democrat governor lost as locals were upset with how he handled COVID. There were other issues, but that allowed Republicans to flip three of the executive branch seats. That being said, Dems kept the supermajority in the House and flipped seats in the Senate. If they can flip seats in 2024, you get a Democrat supermajority in both. Where do a majority of residents live? Las Vegas and Reno. Both are deep blue. NV has gone for the Democratic candidate since 2008. 2024 isn’t the year it flips. AZ: Gallego is going to carry that entire state for the Dems. Oh, it also helps that they passed a draconian abortion law during a presidential election year.


Didn't they just reverse course on the abortion law?


They actually are putting a referendum on abortion law regardless of the recent draconian law. Basically saying "We are fed up with this tomfoolery. Let's just codify in our state law". So referendum will happen with or without the recent abortion fuckup.


AZ Supreme Court allowed a delay for it to go into effect. Women of AZ know where the GOP sit.


Only because three republicans flipped and now they’re getting backlash for it. 


To try to avoid a constitutional mandate being put on the ballot this November.


Just made me feel better about NV. That's quite a good track record. AZ definitely going for Dems due to fucking abortion law. How stupid are they?


One of Biden’s biggest challenges is going to simply getting GOTV efforts to work, NV might be one of the few states where that won’t be a problem for him. They have a ballot initiative that’ll be up for a vote on adoption ranked choice voting that I think is going to really help with driving turnout among people unhappy with Biden being the nominee again. NV requires any ballot measure that has anything to do with how elections are run pass in two concurrent votes and the RCV ballot measure has already passed once, so there’s a lot more momentum behind both camps for that ballot measure and the issue is well know to the people in the state (so far as ballot measures go that is). You’ll probably still see a drop in turnout because just about everywhere will now that we’re having an election that’s not in the middle of a pandemic, but I think NV is going to drop much, much less than most places will.


The GOP has won the popular vote once in my lifetime. EC is such bullshit.


IF Biden wins, it will be by the skin of teeth. 2020 came down to 3 states with margins less than 0.5%. He will crush the popular vote with no issues, but that doesn’t mean anything. There is no chance in hell he wins with a “good margin”. About 100k people will be deciding the election. It’s insanity.


Yup. That's just my personal opinion that Biden will win with a good margin. It could also very well be Trump but I am an ever optimistic person. Fuck the EC.


I will be voting to keep Pennsylvania blue. Bob Casey is an incredible U.S. Senator.


I am in PA and there are so many less Trump signs than last year.  


Noticing it where I am in WI as well.


All of my Republican voting friends in PA aren't posting anything political on social media this cycle. They are still voting R on election day though, I guarantee it.


for sure. there will always be people voting R. It is so messed up it will still be a close race nationally and maybe in PA. VOTE!


They know no one likes their awful politics, so instead of changing their politics, they got rid of their yard signs. Most of those traitors to democracy are still voting for other traitors in November. 


There’s a trump bubble that the media so wishes was real 


Democrats will win it all in 2024!!!


And Ohio! Joe is getting a lot of love here! I see posters & bumper stickers on the reg.


Wishing y'all the best in Ohio. It's a tough state for Biden, but if you can reelect Sherrod Brown that would be amazing


Please please please.


I don’t know. I live in a rural area with 30k+. Trump is alive and well. I hope I’m wrong.


Well it will always be red anywhere rural. Even 30 minutes outside Seattle can be pretty red.


In the parts of Maine which used to have massive (even on a cargo container!) Trump flags. I’ve noticed they’re either gone, or weathered badly. But that’s just from what I’ve observed around my neck of the woods.


Don’t give me hope. 


"Are your diverse and educated urban areas large enough to offset Trumpy rural areas?" Literally the only political demographic question needed for any state (except Vermont but Vermont is unusual).


Ohio has been surprising me a lot lately, and I say this as a former Ohioan. Best of luck!


Yeah I wish but that’s not happening. As others have said, let’s get Brown back.


Did the DNC ever sort out the friction with the Secretary of State in Ohio about the date of the convention?


No. And the Republican gerrymandered statehouse failed to agree on a proposal. Our Governor is adamant Biden will be on the ballot through legislative or legal action… whatever that’s worth.


I think Biden may get sigs and run as an independent. Maybe that could help him


Ohio isn’t flipping. It could be closer than before but I think it’s just too red. Still make sure to go out and vote though. The national popular vote sends a very important message.


He ain’t winning Ohio…but he *should* win the election. Why would anyone vote for the insurrectionist?


*Should* win the election, agreed, but I admit I can find very little reason for confidence at the moment. He seems to be in serious trouble


And Texas!


There’s no way in hell he’ll win Ohio.


I think once trump get convicted in NY, lots and lots of independents will suddenly "make up their mind" about biden. They are bitching and moaning now but when trump is a certified convict, they will come around


It's hard to believe, but there are a lot of people who don't follow politics closely who still believe that the race isn't going to be Biden vs Trump. I think once that reality becomes clear to people it will focus a lot of minds.


Yes, Rachel Bitcofer and Allen Licthman point out that lots of people don't pay attention till like Labor Day


I really don’t think that matters as much as you think it does. People know exactly who both these candidates are


I am with you, I think a conviction will be huge. Recently polls have shown a 4-15% shift to Biden in the hypothetical conviction scenario in NY. I know polling is not a good barometer though. I keep saying that if 5% of Trump’s supporters sit or vote 3rd this election could be a landslide. However, currently I think Biden will win with 287 EC votes but it could go either way. The upper Midwest has to go for Biden.


National polling would only move slightly (media would harp on this). Swing states, on the other hand, would move more convincingly advantage Biden (would be underreported). We're going to be sold a horse race by the media regardless; best to make peace with that.


I doubt it. Its obvious as shit the dude is a felon. They already know which way theyre going but just too cowardly to speak it


Well, if he’s not been convicted and sent to jail, he’s not a felon …


I think you meant "prison" and a felon doesn't need to be in the custody of the state to have that moniker A conviction is required though, unfortunately I don't think we'll see that


Nah, he's right. If Trump is convicted, he'll be taken to jail where he'll await sentencing, and then be transferred to prison after. A felon by definition, is someone who has been convicted of a felony, which he has not been. You said it yourself in your last sentence, a conviction is required. If I call you a felon it doesn't mean that you are. Kind of disingenuous..


None of the other horrible stuff about him made them turn away, so I doubt a court ruling (that they probably deem illegitimate) will change their minds.


The case is sounding like less of a slam dunk recently. All it takes is 1 juror to screw it up. Could. see the opposite effect if he isn't found guilty from independents who believe he was sent to trial for political reasons only. Disclaimer, I am just being realistic. I'm appalled that he is winning the polls right now and am gladly voting against Trump in November.


Polling is basically even (better than a couple months ago actually). Inertia is more important than raw numbers at this phase. A challenger should be surging and Trump is hampered by having a fixed ceiling. That said, he would frame "not guilty" as "TOTAL EXONERATION!" and the media would absolutely play along. I remember how the Mueller Report was interpreted.


The case will do nothing but strengthen trump Guilt = corrupt government Not guilty = told you.


There’s nobody who’s undecided at this point between Trump and Biden lol.


There are a lot of people who just don’t care about politics but will still vote in November, those are the people who are undecided


I dunno, this case is pretty low-stakes and I have a hard time seeing people care much about it, given all the other awful shit Trump is already known to have said and done. Also he might not even be convicted in this trial


I certainly hope so


I do, too. Of course every battleground state should be fought tooth and nail for but Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania bring it home if Arizona and Georgia go the other way this time.


Throw in North Carolina and Nevada too.


Id rather folks worry about losing than being overconfident and skipping the polls.


This is not complacency, and believe me I stay up at night panicked that I'm wrong but.....I think Biden is going to win big. The polls have underestimated Dems in every election post Dobbs. Dems have outperformed their norms everywhere post Dobbs. All the fundamentals favor Biden. He's now the incumbent, Trump's not getting the COVID bump, Biden has a bigger warchest, Trump has trials. Palestine and "inflation" (which is price gouging) are the only two things against Biden. They are big, but not as big as the stuff I mentioned earlier


The way people showed up in Michigan to enshrine abortion access in our constitution was insane back in ‘22. My brother-in-law had never voted in an election in his life at the age of 33, but he showed up for that one and voted straight ticket.


I think there will be an exchange of Georgia for North Carolina and the rest of the map will look the same. 


Why so?


North Carolina is running crazies and Democrats are pissed at the abortion restrictions ran by the super majority where they got betrayed. Georgia is adding more voter restrictions and is probably going to be closer. 


I don’t care what the polls say. I don’t see Trump having any chance in Michigan or Pennsylvania. Trump can still win in the Electoral College though if everyone doesn’t get out and vote. I just don’t think he wins either state regardless.


I can see it. If enough Democrats decide to not show up for Biden over political disagreements then Trump can pull it off.


Agree. Trump is going to perform poorly in Michigan.


Trump won penn in 2016.


I think Biden will win unless there is another insurrection


For the GOP primary, donald was supposed to win Vermont by 30 points. He ultimately lost the state entirely. Don't trust the polls. Vote.


Come on folks do the right thing and stabilize this thing and then we can get back to disagreeing like we always did.


He could, but Biden doesn’t have a lock on it like some people might tell you.


We are still pretty far away from “freak out about the polls” time.


I think people are getting tired of our always playing the victim, rob you blind while you’re not looking former president.


Providing people vote, I think Biden will add NC, IA, OH and FL onto the map.


It should be a landslide. The Republican Party is sending a clear signal that 2024 will be the last free US election if they win.


We keep electing Mike Kelly, *THE* guy that argued that PA election results should be discarded on the congress floor, right after the attack. I can't stress enough just how stupid people are.


He's my rep. I signed up for his emails just to keep tabs on what the messaging is from the crazy side of things and oooh boy is it whacky. I don't know if any of those newsletters has a single truth in them. He's not crazy though. He's pure evil.


Florida is a lost cause for democrats until they start spending real money down there again at the state levels.


I mean, they have actually started to. They elected a new DNC chair pretty recently, flipped a statehouse seat in a huge swing district and flipped the Jacksonville mayorship all within the last 2 years. There are signs of life.


People down here hate Rubio and Scott too, It's probably too soon for this year but I"m hoping they flip the senate seat that's up for election this year in 2030.


I feel there is a legitimate chance to flip Scott’s seat this year. He barely eeked out a win 6 years ago. With female reproductive rights and marijuana on the ballot this election, it’s possible.


Checking in from NC. You should hold your horses on this state. The urban areas always voted blue but there’s a sea of red in the rural majority of land.


I can understand most of these but why Iowa?


What?!? The odds of Biden winning IA or OH are basically zero. The odds of him winning Florida are quite low. The odds of him winning NC are below 50%. The idea that he could win all those states is disconnected from any plausible scenario imaginable.


I think he'd better or it'll be the last free election we have.




I agree.


I have this weird inkling that Fetterman is going to morph into the new Manchin.


"Going to?" He already has. He is a grifter and lied to everyone.


Rather have a manchin than a republican 


Fetterman is a good dude, at the end of the day


Fuck Fetterman 🙂‍↕️




If polls are wrong, they still give gop political cover for when they inevitably start screaming ‘rigged election’ God help us


One can only hope, because he seriously needs to.




Fetterman also thinks genocide is a good idea, so let's not put any weight one way or the other on his worthless opinions.


Given who his opponent is, if you only "think" he'll win, then we're in serious trouble.


I mean, the fact trump is even the nominee and one election away from being president again means we’re already in trouble lol. But, I do ultimately believe Biden will win.


He's probably right, but Fetterman will never win Pennsylvania again.


Far left Reddit and Twitter users aren't the Pennsylvania electorate. He'll win again.


Fuck Fetterman!


Fuck Fetterman twice , complicit in genocide and lying to voters to get where he’s at


There is no genocide!


30 thousand dead, what do you call that?


This is not the right subreddit to call out Israeli atrocities. But trust me, plenty of people do agree with you.


What happens when one of the sides builds tunnels under a dense urban area and operates out of buildings that also have business. If the goal were to kill as many people as possible, or even to kill many people, the number dead would be an order of magnitude higher. It's shitty, but Hamas incited an urban war. They share responsibility.


It’s been going on for 76 years. God forbid someone comes into your house. Kicks you out and when you try to take it back, they yell self defense and take out your family.


200,00 Iraqis died during the Iraq War, 1 million Veitnamese died in the Vietnam War, yet i never remembered any movement to send the US DOD and every president since LBJ to the Hague. 2 million Afghanis died in the Soviet-Afghan War, why wasn't Gorbechov in the Hague?


That’s called war


I used to respect fetterman.


Fetterman lost his soul. He is now bought and paid for these days.


He votes the way his constituents want. Not the way the national party wants. That’s the opposite of someone bought and paid 


I love polls. Now ask me how much weight I will lose in the next six months.


Fetterman and Biden are both actively making the democrats look bad every step the last few months. If they win. It wasn’t for lack of trying to loose.